Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 28, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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JK's N't'
Cany a Cook
- r .-j
Call for some Fresh Split Peas, a small dose of Noodles, some
Maccaroni or Vermacelirin bulk (cheaper than in packages),
to this add a pound or so of Sago or Tapioca don't mix, but
store it in the pantry and use when the fire and the inclination
ere right. To the above you might add Rex Extract of Beef,
50c jar for 40c and obtain one of those fine Bouillon Spoons
no family ought to be without it.
Oh, my! We almost forgot to call your attention to our
Clam Chowder aud Minced Sea Clams, Baked Beans, Dry
Beans, White Beans, Red Beans, Lima Beans, and even Seed
Beans; Soup Peas 5c per pound.
Why, we could almost swamp the average cook if they
would only give up half a chance.
Better prepare your gardens early. Onion sets and all
kinds of garden seeds on display at our store.
1 Remember the place,
The White House Grocery.
in tho prices we are making on Airtight , .
. Heaters. In order to reduce our stock
before Spring wo are making a
on all our Heating Stoves. They are new
: goods and wc have a good assortment.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block.
aier, 11
roui Bn:
,IIW ana
m King
at tuit ..- t
jved, 1,,
own. v ;
We have accepted the agency for tho I'est Sewing
Machine on Earth. Is your old machine giving
perfect satisfaction? Why not exchange it for a
Whitu? Call and sco the modern White at o'ur
store, or drop us a card and ur representative
will call tit your home with a machine and give
you an exhibition of its wonderful working quali
ties. Our terms arc very reasonable.
Grants Pass,
Scottish Hypnotist and
.v toi I !?rj'o":
irMondav, February 1 19041
Tickets on sale at Horning & Depuy's Monday and week.
Noors open at 7:30; curtain 8 :00; Change of program nightly.
' , ' PRICES
. General admission '2'dc,
3 :
V" " t
Children 10c.
i 'i vFor lariduess, F.tys tho Del Norte
i scord, the reiiort of the liie here
it vwk in tlie S:,ii Frrineisro naiier.
f kej tlie cake. The scene was tra'is-
rred to Grants Pass. John Lie-amara-
was ferinusiy injured- and
V.e balance of the euests of the Del
1V. Ski nine r frr.T.1 frt d.mtli stll th.
Vtieeti. in tho saut attire tlitr wn
Vila lo mile in, from the rain
re. Madge Yates lost her saloon
ppeued. We can forgive all hot
I flta, fact that we arc charged with be
ig territory of Oregon. The Warned
ty editors who "lirow boquets at
te simplicity of the country folks
on Id take a course of study on the
- graDliical position r.f the cow
QEStXaotiei in California.
s Crip jf f
"O A Ladv Wants a Tailor
MaJe !ait t a
u iVfiTlleduced t rice
nr 25cTrT ''
u The Bod Star Store.
is Up a Stump
Well, that seems easy Here is our
recipe: Go to tho
- Oregon.
Reserved Seats 30,
H'nSAKi) At Wolf Creek, Tuesday,
January 11, 1!ki, to Mr. and Mrs. A.
llowar.l. a daughter.
M VERS At Grants Pass, Thursdiy,
January 51, l'J4, to Mr. aud Mrs. J.
L. Myers, sou.
Grants I'ass,
'.M, the 1-year
Tnewl.iy, Jauuarv W,
old daughter of Mr. and Jim. . I
Montgomery. Litcrnicut at L O. (J.
F. cemetery.
McFAKLAND At Grants Pass, San
dy, January 24, IVrt. of dipthena,
Kt'ie Mi 1'arland. aged 13 years. In
terment at Granito Hill cemetery.
Quite av Chunk of Gold.
A (10 nugget was brought in Satur
day from the Jewell Hayes placer on
Oscar creek. This mine is one of the
ar.t noted producers of b-vy pieces
in the entire mineral district and Os-i
car crek, only a small stream, has be
come widely famous for the nuggets
taken from it.
People iv s They Come end Go
From Day to Day
J. O. Booth went to Portland Satur
day. -
11. L. Troax visited Fo:tla':d last
J. H. Baglior sjX'Ut the fore part of
last week iu Jarkson couuty.
T. K. Anderson came np from Galice
Monday, returning home Tuesday.
Bert Carvel "of Greenback was in
town Friday on a brief business
J. E. Patrick, wife aud baby wont
to San Francisco Friday for a few
weeks vacation.
Goo. G. Feikert, who is quitn ill,
went to bis mother's home in Ash
laud last Thursday.
G. M. Uleniout, S. P. fireman, has
been transferred to Dunsmuir and left
for that place Friday.
Mrs. A. E. Voorhics and son ro
turned Monday night from a visit
at Portland aud Salem.
George Green, the veteran quartz
miner of Galice, has been spending
several davs in Grants Pass this
T. F. Tobey, superintendent of th
Oregon Childrons' Home society
visited Grants Pass last week, iu the
interest of that society.
. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pool came to
Grants Pass lust Thursday on account
of the illness of Mr. Pool's mother.
Roy returned to Ashland Friday
James Wertz spent a few days in
town this week from Gold Hill
where he is assisting his father, M.
A. Wertz iu moving ti e machinery
for the big dredge on Foots creek.
Messrs. Sutherland mid South, of
the Greenback mine, returned on
Thursday frcm the Applegate district
where they had been spending some
tiuio in the investigation of mining
A. H. Gmincll left Tuesday night
for New York to niuko annual report
to tho homo office of the New York &
Western Mines Co. Mr. Gnnncll will
go by the southern route aud will visit
Now Orleans, St. Louis aud other
points before rotuming.
Miss Belva Moore left Saturday for
her home in Chicago, after spending
a few mouths here iu tho employ of
tho Golden Drift Mining Co. as assist
ant book keeper. She will visit in
California for a few days and will be
joined by John D. Cavoll, Mrs.
Ament's father, who left for his Chi
cago homo Monday.
Imperfect Digestion
Means less nutrition and iu conse
quence, less vitality. When the liver
fails to secrete bilo, the blood bo-
comes loaded with bilious properties,
the digestion becomes impaired and
tho bowels constipated. Herbiue will
rectify this; it Rives tono to the
stomach, liver and kidneys, strengthen
the appetite, clears aud improves the
complexion. AO cents a bottlo at
Slover Drug Co.
Ed Harriott, the Williams stago
driver, had a narrow escape on Thurs
day from serious injury by a vicious
horse. The animal is one which is
driveu in his team, and he entered
tho stall ignoring, for tho moment
the animal's peculiarities. The horse
began kicking at Harriott in tho nar
row stall. He was struck on the arm,
the blow bruising the member
severely mid all but breaking the
bono. A particularly vicious kick
caught the leg of Ills trousers, tear
ing the garment iu a ruinous man
nor. Harriott finally escaped by
crawling under the manger and a lit
tle later untied tho animal and gave
it a few lessons on the advisability of
more orderly deportment.
Clothesline Robbed.
The clothes line robbers are again
heard from. This time they helped
themselves to tho clothes on Mrs. O.
V. Clement's lino Saturday night,
taking everything on the linn as far
they went and stopping only when be
ing frightened away, which event
onlv, is responsible for having sated
Mrs. Clement a portion of her washing.
Not loi.g ago, mens' apparel was
taken from the P. II. Hurth clothes
line which was probably the work of
tramps, but this was not the work nf
hobos as there was no sorting dono.
Tho perpetrators were tracked quite a
distance aud it has been reported that
their identity was discovered. Mrs.
Clement says she has no desire to pros
ecute, but sho wants her clothes and
expects to havo them returned to her.
That Grants Pass, is the great mill
ing center of Southern Oregon, has
been recently corroborated by tho ex
ecutive committee of the Oregon state
Miners' Association, deciding to hold
a convention at Grants Pass next fall.
And that Grants Pass is the greit
dental center of Southern Oregon, is
corroborated by the fact that there
are more dentists in Grants Pass than
in any other city in Southern Ore
gon, and from the farther fact that
there are dentists in Grants Pass, of
supirior qualification, ingenuity,
skill and ex!K.rieucv, who are prepared
to do any kind of difficult cases of
dentistry or remedv any kind of
failures, of other dentists, that can be
accomplished in the largo cities.
Hence they draw work from quite a
distance. Within tho past week Dr.
Jennings has had two very difficult
cares of dental work, from parties
who reside much nearer Ashland,
Medford aud Jacksonville than Grants
Pass. They were parties who had
failures from other dentists. They
received work that gave them entire
satisfaction here.
Tho assessed valuatiou of taxable
property in Anhland School District
No. 5, which includes the City of
Ashland, is given by the Couty Clerk
as IVQ.00U, which is over (100,000 in.
crease over the last assessment The
school population it growing along
with the increase in proprety, aud
additional school facilities will ha to
to be made for another years' work
A special election bas been called for
February t, when the question of tot
ing (i'l.OiX) bonds for building a new
igh School bailding will be deter
mined by the electors.
O. Lund Making a Handsome
Ple.ce on Iowa Street.
O. O. Lund, who last year pur
chased the Cochran place on Iowa
street, is making it one of the hand
somest among, the homes near town.
The situation is a beautiful one, the
slope of the ground being very sym
metrical, and the building lite is one
of the handsomest of the vicinity.
Siuce acquiring this property, Mr.
Lund has remodeled the bouse and
made a number of additions to the
buildings. He has cleared the ground
of the stumps which marred the ap
pearance of the jfiace and has dug up
the poorer trees of the long neglected
orchard and trimmed aud pruned the
remaiuder into a far better appear
ance and prospeot of profitable fruit
crops. He is now preparing to en
close his place with a neat wire fence.
He will plant an avenue of rose
bushes between the house aud the
front gate and pround the about the
residence will be seeded for a lawn.
The most noteworthy of the im
provements which Mr. Lund has in
stituted on his place is the water
system. He baa a water plant that
will furnish an ample supply of
water for domestic use and for the
small amount of irrigatioa that the
ground needs to 'make it produce in
abundance. The water is pumped
from the well into a tank, the power
being furnished by a two horse power
gasoline engine. The tank has a
capacity of 106 barrels and is of suffi
cient height to cover the greator por
tion of the place. It is filled by a
double aotion force pump which
throws a continuous stream. Pipes
lead from the tank in different di
rections and about 000 feet of pipe
will be UBed.
This water system is one that could
be used with good effect on a great
many of the places of this valley. If
more of the residents would take the
pains to beautify their homos that
Mr. Lund is doing, the good effect
could not be computed. Nature has
done her part toward making, this the
most beautiful country in the world
and hor efforts should be supplement'
ed by those of the resideuts. This
ought to be made a country of beauti
ful homes.
Burglars Force Open Rear Door
of Poet-Office.
An attempt to burglarize the post
office was mado early Monday morn
ing. When the postmaster reached the
office he found that the back door had
been forced but u ono seems to have
entered aud it isthonght that the bur
glars got faint hearted in the moment
of success or were perhaps frightened
away by the approach of some ono.
1 lie back door is doublo aud was
locked by means of a bar reaching
across both doors. A crowbar had
been inserted in tho center crack and
the doors pried outward with tho effect
bending the bar by which they
were locked.
W. L Sweetland's dogs in tho rear
of his moat market which adjoins tho
post office were found that morning in
an apparently excited couditiou, with
their noses close to the corner toward
tho rear of tho post office, and it is
thought the attempt mnst have been
made shortly beforo opening iu tho
shop. There is to clow to the bur
glars. Tho crowbar with which the
door was forced is tho property of
John Nalowski and was taken by tho
burglars from among his tools.
Such Is Thought to Be the
of A N. Dro-ke.
A. N. Drake, of West Fork, nine
miles north of Gleudale, Douglas
county, disappeared iu tho mountains
last Monday aud has not since been
seen. Leaving the house in the
morning with his riflo and hatchet,
ho told his wifo he would return
about noon. Being gone all day,
the neighbors were notified and a
search began. It was kept up all
night without result, and searching
parties since have found no clew.
The cocutry is very mountainous
and from ono to two feet of suow has
fallen there. It is believed the man
has certaiuly perished frcm accident
or exposure.
A very pleasant reception was given
on Wednesday oveuing in honor of
Dr. and Mrs. Snicker by the For
The ladies of tho Degree of Honor
entertained their brothers of the A.O.
U. W. on Monday evening by sur
prising them at their meeting with
their presence and numerous lunch
baskets. A vory pleasant social even
ing was spent
Miss Ethel Johnson entertained
nearly 25 of her friends at her homo
on C street Saturday evening. There
was muaio and recitations for enter
tainment Flinch, Pit and Panic
also added to tho enjoyment of the
evening. Dainty refreshments were
A danciug rty aud reception was
given on Thursday evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crawford, and
was attended by about 50 invited
guests. A delightful time was en
joyed by all in attendance. Dema
ree's orchestra furnished the music
for the occasion.
The United Artisans gave an infor
mal reception in the A. O. U. W.
hall Tues'lay evening in honor of
W. L. Ireland, at which lodge mom-
bers aud a number of iuvited friends
were present. A short program was
rendered and refreshments served.
Later in the evening those present in
dulged in games which were much
Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal
(2. 50 to (rt. 00 at Cramer Bros.
If yon know of anyone who has a
heavily timbered homestead who is
not in a position to hold it send them
to me aud I will furnish someone to
buy their improvements and their Tt-
linquishuient . W B. Sherman.
Brief Notes avnd Items of Interest
e.nd Importance.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Bargains in ribbons and Laoe at
I am in the timber business. W. B.
Sherman. My location foe is (136.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's
Leave orders for fir, oak and pine
wood at Ike Davis' second hand store.
Men's Furnishing Goods to be closed
out regardless of oost at Wade's.
C. C. Daniels, real estate and rent
al agent, Cor. Eighth and M streets.
A Bow and Arrow given away free
with every pair of child's shoes at
H. O. McCroskey's. See them in
the window.
If you intend filing on a timber
olaim, yon had better do It bofore tin
end of this term of congress. W. B.
Sherman. Rooms 10 and 13, Masonic
Having received one of the latest
improved New Century Engraving
machines we are prepared to do all
kinds of engraving; goods bought
from us engraved free. Curtis & Co.,
Odd Fellows' Bailding, Grants Pass,
My location foe is (12 W. B.
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
from (3.50 np at Cramer Bros.
I can now show parties three quar
tcrs in one section of very heavily
timbered government lands. W. B.
Mrs. Harrison, Associate of the
Royal College of Preceptotp and late
Member of Trinity College, London,
is prepared to receive a limited num
ber of pupils for lessons on the plana
Residonoe, the Stewart honse,2d St
Come and see me about some relin
quishments which I can show you suit
able lor nrst class timber claims or
homesteads. W. B. Sherman.
The meetings in the Newman M. E,
church are increasing in interest from
night to night The sermons preached
by Rev. Sauford Snyder are forceful.
eloquont aud practical All will be
made welcome to these services.
A combination of the best dental
work that skill and experience ean
produce, with moderate prioes at Dr.
Jennings' dental office. At the sign
of the big tooth. Opera house block,
Grants Pass.
The annual apportionment of the
five per cent laud sales fund has been
made. The total fund is (00,135.34
aud is dividod among the sevoral
counties according to the acreage of
each. Josephide county has l,OIHI,620
acres and receives the . sum of (1,
625.81. Jackson comity receives (3,.
BI3.17; Douglas, (1,825.87; Klamath,
("1,787.79; Lake (7,685.83.
Chas. H. McCartnoy, the "missing
man" whose clothes and their effects
were found near Ashnnd about a yoar
ago, has been heard from. He is at
Dawson City, well aud rich. It is
now supposed that the bundle of
clothes had been stolon from him,
ransacked for gold and then hidden.
Their discovery produced quite a sen
sation and the affair remainod a mys
tery until lately.
Houry Hocking, while playliin ball
with other boys at the Wllderville
school house last Friday, fell; and
broke his collar bone aud is temporar
ily laid up.
m. l.
and those who would like to take advantage of tiie
Biggest Discount Sale ever made on
Ladies' and Children's
Gelt Your
On Feb.
0 Don't Forget we sell the famous
T. J Catterlin and G. W. Johnson
arrived from Portland Monday and
went to visit the mines on Williams
creek the noxt day.
Some exoelleut farms, both largo
and small on the Roguo, Applegate,
aud Illinois rivors in Josephine
Couuty, Oregon. Also all kiuds of
town property in Grants Pass, for
sale on easy terms by Atty. H. B.
Hendricks, Offino on Sixth street noar
Tho aunual business mooting of
Bethany Presbyterian church was
held on Thursday evening in tho
church parlors with a good atteiidanao.
i Prior to the mooting a delicious
suppor was served in tho parlor by the
ladies of tho church. The rc;orti
from the sevoral departments of the
church showed that a good record
has been mado for the year. The
church's financial condition shows a
verv marked improvement aud grati
fying progress in other ways is
Wc have a Few Choice Iligh-Priccd Garments
Left that we have placed on Sale at
: 50 per cent Discount :
w ill have only 10 days more in which to take ad
vantage of these prices. Kvery day you wait you
have fewer from which to make your selection.
Every garment marked in plain figures, and
Sold at Just
1. H. JiARTH a SON
1st you can try them
in tho Lochs
I sV W iW S A IM
High Grade Sewing Machines, Pi
anos aud Organs Hnir-Riddlo Hard
ware Uo.
Tho weather this week has been very
beautiful. The mornings are some
what frosty, but the afternoons are
clear, bright, mild and spring like.
Our weather seems all tho uioro pleas
ant to us when wo road of the terribly
oold wenthor which hasprvoailed dur
ing tho snmo time all over tho east.
District Attorney A. E. Reames hits
commeuoed snit to escheat the estato
of llio Into John Woods, pioneer
miner aud capitalist of Woodville, to
tho stato of Oregon. No known hoirs
have as yet put iu an appearance.
Mr. Woods, like tho latu Heury Am
mermau, died before making a will
which each ono had contemplated do
ing but death cut them otf beforo tho
arrangements wore made.
For Sale Cheap.
Lodging house and restaurant, do
lug a good business. For price, etc.,
inquire of Mrs. A. Mal lory
Half the Regular Price,
J. M. Trofrou, doalor In fruits and
vegotablos, poultry and eggs, fresh
fish and Eastern oysters. Front St
Noodles, repairs aud supplios for
all makes of sowing machiuos at tho
White sowing maohino agonoy Hair
Riddle Hardware Co.
A flue assortment of goods and 600
stylos to select from at the Grants
Pass Tailoring Co. Nobby salts at
reasonable rat el. Steam cleaning.
Insure yoar homo in the 0. F. B.
A. and by becoming a member, share
iu tho profits. (118,030 saved to its
members in 1903. Address, Seo'y O.
F. It. A. McMinvillo, Ore., or Ii. B.
Hendricks, Grouts Pass, Agent for
Josephlno Co.
Boo that Que lot of Ladies', Gouts'
aud Babies gold rings? For a small
consideration St Louis, the jeweler,
would part with ono or two of them
for he is making more of them and
might make you one just as yoa want
It, if yoa furnish the gold dust