Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 14, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    rogue1 river Courier,. 6iLxt& pass. ofc&B'k, iAiiuAftV 14. ii
Ill I
1 1.
A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. I'aul Railway, known all
over the Union an the (treat Hallway
running the "Pioneer l.irniieil" train
every day am! ninht between Hi. Paul
anil liimn, ami Oi.ialia ami Chnauo.
Tin only perfect trains in the aorld
I'ltih'rHtnrid : Connections are made
with All TruiiHcontincntal Linen, a.aur
intf to 1 A'gn. rs the bent H'rvicc k.'.own.
I.i: x 11 ruiim coa hca, electric li,lil, steam
heat, nfa verity eiUnlled I y 1,0 other
1 1 :i.
that vonr ticket reads via "The
.lil aiikee" whi n iioinL' luaiiv mint in
tin- United KtmiH or Canada, y ll tick
l Htf('llK ltll llit'lll
lor rii"t iiinihli-ii or older infoi
niutn-ii. addicM-,
J. W. fAC.KV. V. i. Kimv,
Trav. I'aHH. Ayt. (icneriil Airent.
Skaitis. Willi. f'llHTMMl. (in
- r 1 I . J aw I r-W n rEUIli.llk rVI I I rl M i n n II ll ' X I I M T P (1 K M I 1 1 I I'
COURT DOCKEl irUMvrw....-. numnnauiDu iLnnuuui
Hoi oa at HornbrooU
Tho Horusrooa correRjiondent of the
Ureginian aays: Not satisfied with
burning up two toua of coal nod of
four convoy vtood every 24 hours, a
horde of Ir.inp bad to smash the
window on train No. 11 Thursday
morning pawing (hi re at 3 :20 o'clock,
and held up a wet inn man nt OiliO a.
in. , but got nothing.
At 7 o clock Thurwlay c fi ning n
hobo went to Thoinna Jnnea' house
and demanded something to cut.
Fulling to get it, ho inadn an attempt
to catch Mm. Jones by the throat.
When help came he dinnppcari'd in the
(lurk mm. Citizens ro searching
for ihe murderous timnp.
George Day has rounded op all the
hobo and Ktnrted them out of town.
A. K. Voorhica i'hoto Kupplics.
Judire J. O. Booth
Clerk H. I., iiartlett
Deputy Clerk T. P. Judson
Mieriil Geo. W lewia
Deputy Sherill Krnest I.iater
JreaMirer J. 1. laylor
ricliool Mipt I.incohi Havana
AswKnir vt. 11. rallin
Hnrveyor 1L. ('. Perkins
Coroner W. Y. Kremer
Blue Front Shop
South Sixth Street..
1 1 1
General IHiicksinithiri"
I .', u ;(-''';,
Scientific Horseshoers
CITY ofuceks.
Mayor H. I., (ill key
Auditor and Police Judge 0. K. Mayljee
' rewiiriT col. W. Jolnmon
ity AHorney
Manlial Jan. Stevena
Mreel hnpt Henry Knutaeu
t'ouiicilinen ,V. M. Mair. II. J. llalier
J. !.. Calvert, T. W Williaina, W. C.
Himlb, J. A. Kehkopr, II. C. Per
kins. Jamea Trimble.
(Jrann Paiw l-odce A. K. & A. M., No. M,
ri'Kiiiar coiiimiinii ation limt and tbird
hatunlayn. Vinilmg brothers cordially
A, J. Piaa, Kec'y.
Term of Court.
Special School Meeting.
' A apecial school meeting waa held
on Monday for the purpose of leryiug CaiBeu to b Brought up a.t Thi
a tax for school purpoaei for the com
ing year. The meeting waa attended
by the school officers and some half
dozen citizens, the limited'attendance
being an emphatic commentary 00 the
confidence on the part of the public
which is enjoyed by the member! of
the board.
To provide for the funda'necessary
to carry on the school, a 10 mill tax
was voted. On the property valuation
for the district of $577,935, this will granted.
Actions at Law.
E B Pickle n JK Harvey; action
for money.
8 A Vance, ts The Monnain View
Copper Co. ; action for money.
C E Stevenson vs Southern Pacific
Company : '. motion for a new trial.
Verdict set aside and a new trial
produce 5779,
amount (f school
making the total
funds for the year,
lloyal Arch Maxons -Keameii Chapter No.
Z meela aeeond and fourth Wtdneitday
, , .inn. . 11. . JHJB.IK.
J. E. Paraanoa. Hecy. li. y.
All work li Mrictly lirnt-claii and
in:t'i,iN(i .t (ioui
AM) .
iMining Tool Workers.
I), (Ji-nntM 1'llNH, ,
JVEW styles
We have a larye assortment of pret
ty, graceful ami stylish hats in the
latest patterns and materials, which
we are Helling at greatly reduced
While we are closing out our entire
stock of goods at cost we intend to
keep our Millinery the best and latest
until everything is sold.
We will he pleased to have every
one call and see our stock.
Mrs. J. A. Rehhopf
South Sixth ( reel , (iinnln I'iuf, Vic
Agent for
New Idea Patterns, l()e.-
When sent bv mail i ic.
;iT .Vi'
11. r
- J i
ISiconica a labor of love if the
right mut of writing material be
used. Wo curry a linn of line fin
tloncry 11 unit the moit fahtiilinut
tiiNlca. High grade gumlx at IowinI
prlccH. lditi'Ht novcltiia in tiuled
pupcm that can't lie riiipliialcd for
III. 1 money ilHcwcrn. Illank hookx
very cheap.
National Drug Store.
r vir
Trreuijh Slt Lake Cltv. Ltadvlllc. I'uthlo, Crtlmado Sprlniji, and Unvr,
I jiiuiui K"iky Mountain Sitmry hy Uayliiht to all Puinti Cast
and the
3l:ASr 1KAIXS DAILY liliTWUliN OCHliN AM) I'l.WI.K 3
I or laUt, (ntdfrt and ollirr
liiloriiulnin, aililr,
V. I II1U l
ii4 TMLp t
i ;cn. Ay t
r.amern Mar-Jo.plnne Chanter, No. i
meem nrst and third Wjjdneitday
evemnga ul each month in Jianonic
Him II. Zoi.j.Ka. Beo'y.
I. O. O. K.,-Oolden itule lxnlge No. 7H,
V. , VV'J oaiuroay niglit at 1. u. (J.
r. ii. ncumiiT,
. hall.
T. Y. I)Aa. Km if
JViitlng brothera invited.
I'aran Kncanipiiient 1. O. o. K. No.
iiieeln accond and fourth Thuraday at
. '. K. hull.
T. Y. Dr.AH, hec'y.
tkr.u ricimiuT,
C. P.
Kelieknln Klna Kehckah, No. 411, meeta
second and fourth Monday, I. (), (). K.
hall. Klsib Uaias, N.O.
M. Juaaiit fiaviH, tiecy.
I'nited Artiiam-(lrants Pass Ansembly
No. -Ill meeta alternate Tnendaya in
A.(t. I,. W. null. JUa. K. A. Uairrmi,
Kmi Mknm ii, Alu.iter Artisan,
Woodmen o( the World liogua Itiver
Cump No. f inpetM necond and fourth
Kridajnat Woodman Hall.
K. it. Coaua, (J. (.'.
('. K. MAVHr.i, Clerk.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
12, meeta lirst anil third Mondays at
Woodmen ball.
Jlk Patau a, U. N.
W. K. Dkan, Clerk.
Every Bottle of Chamberlain's Coujh Remedy
We guarantee every bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and will re
fund the money to anyone wno is not
aatiHfied after using two-thirds of the
contents. This is the best remedy in
the world for la .'grippe, coughs and
colds. It prevents any tendency of
a cold to result in pneumonia. For
sale hy all draggiats
Masonic Temple, Rooms 2 & 4
Grants Pass,
'Phone 633
Practices in all State and Federal Courts
Ollice over First National Bank.
Grants Pahs, Oaaoo.
Modem Woodmen of America (iranta 1'aaa
amp No. mm; meeta 2nd ainMih Wednes
day Kvenings at Wood i ball at 7 ;.
Ilie M. lMvia. V.C.
W. T. Ooulder, Clerk.
-Court Josephine
Korencr of A men
No. 2H, meets each Wednesday except
Ilia llrt at A Ik IT ll' .il 1
(I. N. il.ii.T, V. H. J. V. Hals, C. R.
losepblne l.iHlge, No. 112, A. (. U. W.-
meels In A. O. I,. W.hall, Uiaoll build
ing every Monday evening.
. W. Hi .iiiaani, M. V.
II A. Htaabii, Itecorder.
Ilawlhoriie Lodge, No. 21, I), of H., A. O.
. -meets every allernale Tuesday
eveniiiK in A. () I'. W. ball, lliion
liinlilina. Man. A. McCarthy, C. of H.
lias, i.viiia neiN, Kecnrcler.
Miighla or the Maccabees (Jrants Pass
lent, Mi. l.i meets lirst and third
i nursiiays al Woodmen hall,
W in. Allred, P. A. Moweas,
iiecorii Keeper. Cjii inder.
.adles of the Miuialiees-ttranls Pass.
Hive No III holds regular "Keviews"
lirstand third Thuradiiya at A. 0. U.
W. hull. Visiting sulers cordially
mvitid. Jennie Cheshire,
Mary Simmons, l.miy Coininunder.
Itccurd Keeper.
Kiiighlsol Pithias Theriuonvlae No. 60.
nueu each Tuesdav niglii 7:;ii) W. O.
W. Hall. M." T. I Uev, C. C.
Ion Wii.LUHa, K. of It. and S.
llrand Army of the Kepiiblie (ien. I.ogan
lost no, ,i:i, meets lirst w ediiesdav at
A.O. V, W. hall. Julia Patkiik
J. K. I'urKiisos, Adjl. loin
Wonmii's Ki'licf Cnrin -ticncrnl boeiin No.
2.i, meets 2d ami Hli Saliirduys ul 2 p.
in ul A. () I'. W. hull.
Mrs. Komi Weidinan, Pres.
Mrs. 1 II. I .irnell, Secy.
Amen, un Order of Steam Kngineers, Ore
gon ( oiim il No. 1, nieetfl iirl ami
third .-ulurdnys, nt A. o. I'. W. hall.
Wa. II. Kismcv,
Hksj. V. Mvhick, Chief Kngineer
t iirrespuiidiiig Kngineer.
Inler of Pi
l"i, me
in Kli t-,
V. I.. C
ndn -While llock Council No.
i'is in Wiiodnien Hall Sulurdnv
C. K, .Maviik, Secretary.
ians, Counselor.
niled HmilierliiHid of Carpenters and
Joiners ol America I lium No. Ills
each nioiilh al A. (I. I'. . Hall,
meels tteiuiid and (uurlli Krntnys of
A. J. 1'ikk, Pres.
P. A. Pi rA .r.HAi ii, .sec'y,
ijhI Neitliiuirs nf Amen, a K, lull C.
Mipe i amp No. '.sum, meels ls and llrd
I ll.lays i, .. U. I . W. hall
liose Oravlin, Oracle,
llcnrielta Zoller, Kworder.
Kodaks and Cameras
From SOc to 100.00
ULyooiiiies -:- Photo Dealer
cm uiru oimci:.
, ST. PAU L.
I-or a bad tatse in the mouth take a
few doses of t'liiiiuWrlain'a Stomach
ami I.iver t tablet Price 2.) cent
Warranted to cure. For Kale bv all
a uv aWitt.'
Seven Million
To Cure a Cold in One Dav
ciScN IIm.. 4-..i;
laai v u a uiiiu VJUinine Tablets. vO ry r.
kc, , sold tn past 1 3 months. This signature, v& SjCfrrv
Cure Crip
la Two Day.
or. ivery
DOX. 25C
Full assortment of Watches, CIoek., Sil
verware and Jewelry. A Good
Assortment of Hraceleta and
Heart Bangles,
Clemens' Drug Store.
I'llONS 21
Furniture and Piano
The popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
bath room in connection
Notice of Stockholders Mealing
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
The Sugar 1'iue IJoor & Lumber Cora
luiny will be held at the ollice of the
Hiiiil conimny at Grants I'bhh, Oregon,
on Wednesday January 13, J'.HH at 3
o'clock p. in. The nmotiiig is for tho
pnrKise of electing a board of seven
Directors to servo for the eosuing
year and tho triiusoctiou of such
other ImsincsH as may come before it.
It. (i. HIMNKY, pres.
J. II. HOOTH sec'y.
Oraiita Push, Oregon, December 15, 11KKJ.
Buggies! Buggies!
of every dcicriptlon at
Rchkopf it Neas Shop.
We keep constantly on baud a
Rood variety, both Eastern and our
own ninke, with prices lower than
the lowest, quality considered.
Remember we guarantee all the
vehicles we sell, both our own and
factory make. We have also quite
a miuibcr ot second-hand lobs
which are selling at most any price.
Special attention Is given to
I IllfHO flioolinf
Miliers, Mill Work and all sorts of
Muggy and Wagon Repairing.
Retnemtcr the place, corner 6th
and I streets.
rr i o ic i :rr ?s
2THAIs 1.VII.V -j
PANTTlHi: .td
1)L.Co,'h ,,'' and T.mrtat
Hleepera, IMnlnK anil lluffet
Wnioklnaj Library Cars.
Iayllglu irlj, u.rough the Caacatle
and H01-S.7 Mountains.
For full particular, ratw, folder., etc ,
oall on or addrm ' '
' H. PICKSOX, c. T. a.
J. W. PHALO.N.t. r. a.
I'J'J Third fttrcrt, Portland.
A. B. C. 1KSMST.N, U. W. P. A.
IS First Avtuue SeatUs, Wah.
Grants Pass Banking and Trust Co.
vs I W Holmes ; action for money.
Phillip Wolf & Co. ts Albert Johu
son; action for money. Dismissed.
Mary Ramsey ts John Lockhardt
and E M Brooks; action for damages.
E A Dunham by E H Dunham,
guardian ad litem ts Southern
Pacifio Company; action for damages.
Q A Hyde and J R Hyde, partners
ts Consino Bros., partners; action for
FH Schmidt ts O.H Llbby; action
for money. Dismissed.
W C Hale ts Wm Bailey et al;
action for money.
Suits in Eqnity.
S W Smith ts Nellie Smith ;divorce.
W I Seetlwand ts Grants Pass New
Water Light & Power Co. ; objections
to cost bill.
F Fetsch ts Lncy Ferrou ct al;
Ellen St Louis ts Henry Booth, et
al ; eqnity.
Elizabeth Grovo ts F F Grove;
O S Goodnow vs W H Emerson, et
al; foreclosure of mechanics lien.
Elvira D Hay ts W J Hay; diTorce.
Beoj Rush et al vs II M Gorham ;
H H McCluug et al vs Pagie Turner,
et al; partition suit,
Maggie Ranzau ts E C DeArmond ;
injunction. Dismissed.
S N Ayers, et al ts O O Lnnd ;"snit
to qnict title. v
John T Layton ts T L Duvore, et
al; injunction. Dismissed.
A J Waite ts Wm H Emorson, etal;
foreclosure of mechanics lien. Dis
missed. James O'B Gnnn vs A W Fox, ct al ;
partition suit.
U E Emerson vs Jans II Aden, in
saue and C C Taylor, guardian;
J E Wisecarver vs Jacob Klippell;
suit to quiet title.
W I Sweotland va Grants Pass New
Water Light & Power Co. ; injunct
ion. Blanche Rice ts Edwiu Rice: di-
Fideliia A Browning ts L N
Browning ;;diTorce. Dismissed
Clara Childors Ts'James II Chililers;
Estate of W F Kremer, iusolTcnt,
J O Booth Assignee.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Com
pany ts S L Wakefield ; foreclosure.
W E Stacy ts Tctnesse, Stacy ; diTorce.
F H Osgood vs W P and W G
Wright; eqnity.
Abraham L McGiunis vs Phyuettie
McGinnis; diTorce.
Alice J Higgins ts Lonis Higgins;
S L Wakefield ts W A Paddock ;
foreclosure. Dismissed.
J O Booth ts Walter deVarilla,
et al ; equity.
Motlie E Belding ts WP fielding;
diTorce. Default.
Laura Fields ts Sherman Fioldu-
Itb M MeCallistcr
Callister; divorce.
ts OliTor A Mc-
A Very Clou Call.
"I stuck to my engine, although
eTery joint ached and every uerTe
was racked with pain," writes C. W.
Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of
Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak and
pale, without any appetite and all
run down. As I was about lo giTe
op, I got a bottle of Electric Bitters,
and after taking it, I felt as well as I
eTcr did in my life." Try them.
SatUfaction guaranteed by National
Drug Store aud Grants Pass Phar
macy. The so-called blue leads of Cali
fornia are ancient riTers, usually
oontainiug gold in the gravois. These
streams in many cases have been up
lifted by geological disturbances,
above the level of the recent gulches,
though in some instances they are
below them. Theso ancient streams
are rarely below the main canyous of
the vicinity when they ar found.
Some of the channels of the Forest
Hill divide are lm fwt bclow the
summitt of the ridgo under which
they occur, having been buried to
that depth beneath the volcanio mud
and debris, but these channels are
everal hundred feet aboTe the forks
of the American rWer. The channels,
which arj red, were bluish or gTay in
depth, the red color being due to oxi
dation of the iron of the gravel
Saved From Terrible Death.
ineiamilyor Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt
of Bargertoo.Tenn., saw her dving
and were powerless to save her. The
most skillful physicians and every
temeuT uaca uned, while consnmp
:.. ainuy tasing her
life. In this terrible hour Dr. Kiug's
ow i-iacoTery ror Consumption turn
ed despair into joy. The first bottle
brought immediate relief and its on
tiuued use completely cured her.
Ouranteed bottles tOc and 1.00.
Trial bottles free at National Drugs
store and Grants Pass Pharmacy.
Air Tight Heaters-15 per cent dis
count at Cramer Bros.
Eat Provolt.
V.A Obisan of of Medford was at
Provolt Tuesday.
James Coffee of Powcls creek was
at ProTolt Monday.
John Lewman of ProTolt was at
Grants Pass Wednesday on business.
C. M. Rexford, the Applegat? berry
raiser, was at our nurg iuesuar uu
David John passed through Provolt
Thursday on his way to Grants Pass
where he will spend the week.
Died-Infant son of of Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Lathwe'L The funeral
took place at the Williams cemetery,
January 2, 11)04,
KellT Fields and wifo of ProTolt
left Monday for Eugene where they
will make a fonr weeks' visit with
their daughter, Mrs. Ed Spears.
Mr. Walker, a mining expert of
Northern California, was at Provolt
this weok looking at the quartz mines
of this locality, but none seomed to
suit him.
Geo. Harriot, a young farmer of
Bridge Point, Applegato was at Pro
Tolt Wednosdny. He reports the
farmers of that section are all busy
plowing and sowing grain.
The weather in the Applegate val
ley is like that of spring, and the
farmers are yery busy plowing and
sowing grain, but the minors have to
sit around aud wait for rains.
The big Applegate Ditch Co. at
ProTolt will commence digging ditch
the first day of February. The ditch
will be used for irrigating purposes
and also for the power house that
will be built when the ditch is com
West Provolt
Elmer Throhniartin was at Provolt
Mr. Charles Fields, was at Grants
Pass Tuesday.
L. W. Smith, the ProTolt post
master was at Grants Pass this week,
Johnnie Harriatt of Bridge Point,
Applegate was at Provolt Saturday,
George Vaubuskirk, a young man of
Laurel Grove was at Provolt this
Tjie hop men of Provolt are making
preparations to start work tho first of
February In their yards. '
Wm. Sonson one of Provolts enter
prising farmers was at Grants Pass
this week with a load of potatoes.
The quartz mines of this vicinity
an starting up again, we hope to
see ProTolt one of the leading quartz
districts of Southern Oreogu in a
short time.
The sawmill industry will be one
of the leading industries at Williams
Creek next season. There will be
fonr new mills erected at tho foot of
Grayback to cut out the Tast belt cf
sugar pine aud fir.
We have had no snow and hardly
any rain to speak of. Of courso there
is plenty ot time yet for lots of snow,
but it cannot lay on the ground long
for the sun is getting high and the
atmosphere is much warmer.
Happy Hooligan.
G rents Pass Organization Re
ceives Many Compliments.
Lrla.nd Sittings.
News is scarce this week.
We have no sickness to report.
The health of tho people js good.
Stock is doiug well, butchers find
plenty of fat cattle on the range.
The Vulcan mine has shut down its
mill. Some of its machinery having
broken down.
Bob Virtue took a trip down Grave
Creek lsat week, presnmably looking
after his business interests.
One man while boarding at tho Lo
laud hotel, said he liked to board at
Leland because there were so many
pretty girls with rosy cheeks to wait
on the table.
Mr. Frank Fletcher was in our
town ono day week hepling to load
freight consigned to the north end of
Tunnel 8, consisting of an organ and
miscellaneous freight
A large amouut of freight is being
packed to Whiskey Creek by the Mo
Michael pack train. A largo amount
of the freight goes to the quartz
mines at Whiskey creek.
We are having a nice rain. It may
giTe the miners a short run. At
present the sun is shining warm ; if
we were back in the coid states with
such warm weather, it would liaTe
to come in the last of April.
TraTeling salesmen make our burg
visits quito often. Tho hotel is run
by Mr. Philips, and he looks after the
interests of his guests, so they have
all of the comforts that they wish for,
so when they go away, they tell
others to stop off at Leland and enjoy
the luxuries of life.
Wheu w read of the big-appropriation
made by the last legislators and
signed by the governor, we would ad
vise the people that are not full
handed, to begin to lay by a little
money, as they can, so wheu tax time
cornea they will have nioucy to pay
their tax-s, if not they will have
time to get their taxes paid, so a
word to the wise is sufficient.
Wide Awake.
The Portahid Journal has the fol
lowing to say in regard to the year
book just issued by the Grants Pass
Woman's Club:
The latest book to be received is
from the Woman's club, and in look
ing through it one can hardly think
it possible the club is not yet a year
old. In completeness of organization,
grasp of club work and systematic
construction the boos: iooes iiite the
product of a clubfrom a state much
older in club work than Oregon. The
method of conducting their meetings
is somewhat after the large depart
ment clubs of the East, notably Den
ver, where the departments arrange
their work a year ahead aud their
meetings are quite as much of the
year's program as that of the general
club day.
The Grants Pass club holds its
general m'.eting but once a month and
each of their four departments, liter,
aturo, music, art ajid parliamentary
law meet once a month, none of the
dates conflicting. Browning is the
subject of this year's work for the
literary class, and some very flue
programs liaTe oeen arraugea. ine
musical department takes up many
of the subjects from the most classical
to patriotio ballads and folk songs.
Tho art department will deal
principally with modorn art and
artists, while the parliamentary class
will study along lines usually laid
down by insrtuctors on the subject,
he topics for the genoral ulub
days keep closely in touch with de
partmental aud committee work.
The club has six standing commit
tees, viz: Litorary, entertainment,
beautifying 'cometery, Lewis aud
Clark, legiblatiTe and resolutions.
We regret there is no club list for it
would certainly be gratifying to
know how many women it would take
to carry to success such beautifully
planned work, and it is a well known
fact that what the Grants Pass women
undertako thoy accomplish.
The club motto is: "The chief
waut in life is somebody who shall
make us do the best we can. Club
sisters throughout the state all think
they found the "somebody" wheu
thoy got Mrs. Young their most cap-
ablo aud accomplished presidout, to
take the helm.
A. B.
times aud
Cured Lumbajo.
Canman, Chicago, writes
4, liKW: "Ha.i.iff t.
with Lumbago at rlirT..r..,.i
tried one idirair-inn D
another; then different oiutments and
liniments, gave it np altogether. S.i
i tried onc more, and got a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment, which
gave me almost inataut relie'. I can
cheerfully recommend it, and will
add my name to your list of form.,.
sufferers. '
SIotm Drug Co.
;jc, 50c, and l,
Imperfect Digestion
Means less nutrition and in conso
qnenco less vitality. When the liver
fails to aecrote bile, the blood be
comes loaded with bilious properties,
t'ie digestion becomes impaired and
tno Dowels constipated, neruiue win
rectify this; it gives tone to the
stomach, liver aud kidneys, strengthen
the appetite, clears aud improves tho
complexion. 50 cents a bottle at
SloTer Drug Co.
It Wasn't Necessary.
In mentioning the lecture of Homer
Davenport, which is to be given here
on April IS, under the auspices of the
Woman's club, the Courier committed
the error of stating that the amount
necessary to secure the presence of the
famous cartoonist had been guaranteed
by two of the city's substantial citi
zens. The Womau s club requires no
masculine assistance of any sort what
over in the arrangement of their enter
tainments. The Grants Pais public
has every reason to be grateful to the
club for the effective efforts in socur-
ng so many high class entertainments
for this oity. To secure the best talent
always requires an effort and the
Woman's club is doing a work in that
line which should bo thoroughly ap
preciated. Board of Trade Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Grants
Pass Board of Trade is hereby called
to meet in the city hall next Tuesday,
January lUth, at 8 p. m., at which
nieetinu officers for tho ensuing year
are to be elected. It is earnestly do
sired that all members be present and
all citizens who are interested in
the progress of our rapidly growing
city aro most cordially invited to at
tend. There will be matters brought
to your attention that will convince
any enterprising citizen that a board
of trade is a necessity aud should bo
liberally supported.
R. THOMAS, President.
FRED MENSCH, Secretary.
R. D. Humo has commenced the
publication of a neatly printed 8-page
mouthly magazine, called the "Ra
dium," which it unique in that it
contaius no advertisements, is circu
lated generally throughout the-state,
and especially in the 2d Judicial Dis
trict free to all, and is filled from
first to last page with matter having a
direct bearing npou the personal
affairs of Mr. Hume, his business
affairs aud various lawsuits.
Rev. Carlitlc p. B. Martin, LLD.
Of Wavorly, Tex., writes: "Of a
Homing, when first arising, I often
find a troublesome collection of
phlegm, which produces a cough aud
is very hard'to dislodge; but a small
quantity of Ballard's Horehound
syrup will at once dislodge it, and
the trouble is OTer. I can most cor
dially recommend it to all persons
needing a medicine for throat or lung
trouble. " 2.V. 500 aud f 1.00 t SloTer
Drug Co.
n.-.Ti,i''uioert ?-d Plntet medi
cine I have used for indigestion and
constipation is Chamberlains Stomach
and LiTer tahhta, "aavs MelardF
Craig of Mid.llegrove. N. y. TtlT
work like a charm and do not gr TZ
ltllt4 It
ionv. (o ctmnnurt on tu v with-1 ''
. . L - i . . n nrili lor
out it. i u.urniHU Kt.-iu Iuh Iuiv of v .
lil , too.
huiU ol J.wH..ri comity to allow the I ruui rooua-
Much trouble titer
-ItlAllMCIDDLK lTlltmVAtttt
ouitt on nil il.'.it.h,' .if (ii
grat work. tic