Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 14, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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444 444444444444444
Cnpvrlvht, tint, hu llrrhrrt fi. .Stone
44444444444444 -
Chapter 1 (ironfall Lorry, a
wealth J Amcriivm globe trotter,
stumbles into acquaintance with h
charming foreign girl on tin- train
from Denver to Washington, 'i he
pair are left behind when the flier
Hinps for rc)iairs in West Virginia.
Chapter 11 Lorry wire ahead to
lni'rt Hid train, lie nnil the unknown
girl ride twenty miles at a tearing
paca in a iiiouutaiii roach. Tin re in
no lovemuking, hut a near approach
to it ai the rolling stiign tumbles the
iiusscngcrs ahout.
Chapter lit Lorry dim-H wilh tin'
forniD party, consisting of MihH Gug
goiisliKkur, Uncle Ciist and Aunt
Yvonne. They am mil ivcs of Grans
turk, a couutiy Lorry initl never hcar'l
(if before.
T1IKY were culled by the porter
curly the next morning. Tim
train wan pulling Into Wash
ington Ave hours lute. (lictiAill
wondered us ho dressed whether for
tune would permit hlin to luiieh of
her during her lirlef day In the enpltul.
After the (ruin hiid route to a stnnd
till he could hear the rustle of her gar
ment! 111 the next eonipiirlinenl. Then
he henrd her sweep Into the passage,
greet lier untie unci mint, tiller n Tew
command! to the inn Id, mill, while lie
Vfntt adjusting his eollnr and nei ktle,
pass from thu car. No mini over made
quicker time In dressing than did I .or
"She'll pet nwny, and thnt 'II I the
end of It," lie growled, seizing IiIh traps
mid rushing from the train two min
ute lifter her departure. The porter
attempted to relieve liliu nf hit lines
Oil the platform, hut lie brushed him
aside nud was (iff townrd the Hltitloti.
"Nice time for you to cull a mini, oii
Idiot," won IiIh parting Khnt for the por
ter, forgetting of course! that the for
eigners had been culled at the same
lime. Willi eyes Intent on the crowd
ahead, lie plunged along, seeing nobody
III ilia dlmippoliited flight. "I'll never
forgive myself If I iuInk Iter," he watt
walling to himself. She nun not to lie
ocn In tlin waiting rooms, no he rushed
to the sidewalk.
"Ilnggiigo transferred?"
"Ciih, ilr."
"llo to Hie devil yen, here! Take
these traps and check n and rush my
Ktuir to W avenue. Trunk Just
lu on II. nnil O.," ho cried, tossing IiIh
burden to a trniiHfer lunii 11 ml. giving
hlin the cheek no quickly Hint the fob
low' sleepy eye o.ied wider than
they bud been for n mouth, ltclleved
of Ills Impedimenta, h returned to I lie
"Good nioMdng, Mr. Lorry. Are yon
lo too much of a hurry to nee your
friends?" cried a clear, mimical voice
and he ttopped n If "hot. The iiiixlnii'
frown Hew from hi brow and wan sin?
cocded Ihstiiiiluiicniisly by 11 glnd snillo
lie wheeled mid beheld her, with Auul
Yvonne, standing nenr the iiinln en
trance to thetntlou. "Why, good niorn
IllH," he exclaimed, extending III hunt'!
Kindly. To hi iiiunzcuiciit she drew
her ite If up haughtily mid Ignored tlx
proffered hiinil. Only n brief Heeond 1 1
thin strango und uncalled for hatilein
obliiln. A bright Kinllc Hwept over ln'l
face, nud her repentant tlnueiH nought
Id timidly, even nwkwaidly. Sune
thlliB told liliu that "he wax not lie
ruatouiiil to liiiiidxhaklni,'; Ihat Maine
ninethlni; ImiH'lleil hlin to bend low
und touch the gloved tliiKi'lx with bin
lip. He Htralhleiied. with fneo
lluxhed. half ffiu fill lext IiIh net h i. I
Ihnmi oliMcrvcd by curloux loiinei-x, and
lie had taken n liberty In a public flint?
Which could not be condoned. Hut xlie
xnilled xclenclv, iiiiov1iikIv. There
wnx not the fiilntent hIuii of i mlnimix.
uietit or confiixlon In the Imclv fucn.
; other tflrl hi the world, he H.ciiL'ht,
Soiuld have Jerkwl her hiinil nwnj m,
l ,,-tcd furliiuxly. Aunt Yoiue lo
lined her liend xllnhtly, but did not;
proffer lier baud. He windy refrained1
fiimi extendliii! hi own. "I thought;
Toil hud left the Minion." he .., 1,1.
"W are w-iiIIIuk for I ncle raxpnr.
who I KlvlliK llclrlck Instruction. I
Iledrh k. you know . I to l-o mi to . u i
York Willi our hose. He will hnve;
them iibourd shin when
there. All that w hiive w ith us Is j
bund lUKguj.c. Vo leave Wichinnioii 1
"1 had liop,sl you might stny over for ;
J few diiyn." i
"It I nrcetit business that compels
ti to leave m. hastily, Mr. l orry. 1 if
til the cltle In the world, 1 hav.- mox
tleslnsl to see the lapltal of y.,tu coun
try. I'erhnp 1 may return smiic day.
Hut do not let us detain joii If ton are
lu a hurry."
lie Htartisl. h,,ked guilty, stammered
Mlllietlilug tll.ollt .a;;i:agc, said be
Would return i.i n moment, und
Imiensly u way, Ins cat li ry.
"I'm nil kinds of a r,,,:' ,,. ,,..
tertsl as be rucsl nrnind tie. biu.-age
nsun mul then hack in xt hci
left the Iwti Isiiii s. Mr liu.c
bild Jollied them, and they wci
lug to ilepait. Mi-s i,i-.g0.,
he In
.!,. I.,
prep i
v... I,i-i
I ice i , . ,j,.,,,. at - I
"i e lll.-IU.Itt J , w null! In i er I-
, to ,. it ef toil j .K-." she ii i, 1
He I' -id I"'. II g JIIM (.,
I . X by the, h. I I , ,,, k,.H,
reeled bun t ,u i , , 1 1 , an, I I ,., , ,
them to hat l..-n I ! ,-t w etc g
till belli,? lilt, .I'm, , tli.,1 t, v ,t;,
tn S end the ,:a, lit I !. -!,,n
C lee; ,-, I,, a. . . -Il, .., n I,. ;,,, .s
. ! e Intel,,!. .1 ,, I,. , ,
...... u r Hutu a r,.,sh a (.:. . e in
on ..1,1c it u as hi n t -a -II ,
the three. 11. t .pin hi., ei.,ii..;: . I. ,
lo hit k.-eu, w ,u- I t , ,
., .1
I. ,1
' ie nl -i t k!ii,s- the h. . in,.. e with tin in. lu
W ill) his car, lo eat, It -wi
might satisfy lu n In, asiire
'a. it
Ills hill
cm . -ity. hat w as the l.i. inn
glance' It hall an., red l.n.i
In it he thought he , nin.l ,i,,o..
iiiiiioyaiice, nppr. !iei,i,.u, ,i.m.,m
H .inethlng- e.;iiaily th-.i.cil. g It. i.,.
lie filial Mlllrli Ills I, .tig ti-an.e and
ill tn lee ill, I,, a. ,1 i e,a
torn II. at lien to his inin.l the y..lln
Iudy ihspclhsl nil ia!n und d.spk'.i.ure,
ending hliu Into rii. lures l.j siting;
How g.ssl of Jell! Vo Hhall be SI
lellglilfU lo hate put bivnklasl wilh
u, .Mr. Urry, If It is (snuenieut for
ou. You can talk to us or your won
derful city. I inn sure xve cannot tr,u
ble you much lunger."
lie eipuHiuhticd gulhiut!- and do
'ghii dly ami then burn. si forth to cull
tub. At h o'clock he breuklasled Willi
them, hi IlifaliiHtlon irrowlinr il.,,w.p
iiu.iroug.-r ni tin wit tor the huur lo-
4? -!- lf !
6 66
- 'i
Ijculh tliu spell of those eyes, tin: glort-
ou fine, thu aweet. Imperial air thut
wn a part of her, HlruiiK" mid uinif
focti"!. A they were leavlui; the dltt
llij room hu axked If "he would not
drive with hliti.
Ill ardent Kiilhmtry met with a xur
prlsliig rebuke. Her voice, u moment
njiii Fwect mid iiffable, iliunp'd It
tone liistii lit ly to one no proud und nr
nvnut thut he could carcely believe
hlx eiir,
"1 xhiill be enin.'cd durliiK the cntiru
day, .Mr. Ijirry," alio, mild slowly, look
InK him fulily in the eye with crud
pusitlveueii ;. Tor u moment he dared
not xpcuk.
"1 lime r.uxon to feel thankful that
you are to be ciikukciI," hu xuld at luut
culiuly, wlthiitil luklnif hi eye fnno
her. "I .mi forced to believe, much lo
my regret, thnt 1 have offended when
I Intended to jileaxe. You w III pardon
my temerity."
There wax no tiilxtnkliiK the resent
ment lu IiIh voice or the Klltlcr lu hi
eyes, liiipulxlvely her llUJe hand wa
Klrctched forth, fnllliiK upon hi linn,
while Into In r eyex mine UK" In the noft
glow und lo her lip the most puthi llc,
appenlliiK nolle, the forerunner of it
pretty pica for forglvencx. The change
Htarlled and puzzled hlin more than
ever, lu one moment xhe wax unrca
Kounbly rude und liuperloux, In the
next i;nieloux und Imploring.
"l-'orglvo me," xhe cried, the blue
eye butlllug bruvely uttaluxt the Mteel
lu the gray one above. "I wax no
uncivil! rerhnp I ciiuuot make you
understand w hy I xpoke u I did, but.
let me xny, I richly deserved the re
buke I'my forgive me and forget t lint
I have been lll.tllltri'i'lllilo. Ilo hot lisk
me to tell you w hy 1 wa so rude to
you Just now, but overlook my unkind
lii it 1 1 1 H-1 1 1 of your Invitation, l'leuxe,
Mr. Lorry, I beg of you - 1 beg for Hie
Mist lime in my life. You have been
no good to inc. he goixl to me Htill."
His wrath moiled iiwny like kiiow be
fore the fniiishlne. How could he resist
Much an appeal? "I heg for the first
time III my life," whirled In hlx bralu
What did he inean by that?
"I absolve the penitent," he xald
"I llianlt you. Y'oii ore still my Ideal
American -courteous, bold mid gentle.
I do not wonder that Amerlcanx can be
masterful men. And now I thank you
for your Invitation mid nsk you to let
me withdraw my Implied refusal. If
you will bike me for the llrlvo I shall
be delighted mid more (linn grateful."
"You make me happy ngiilu." he said
Hoftly, ax they drew near the elder
tnemheiH of the party, who hud putiscri
tn wall for Ihcin. ' I sliall nsk your un
cle mid aunt to accompany us."
"I'ncle Caspar will be busy all day,
but I am sure my aunt will be charmed.
Aunt Yvonne, Mr. Lorry ha axked u
to drive with hlin over the city, mid I
luivo accepted for you. When are w
to Hlart. Mr. Lorry?"
Mr. mid .Mrs. I iuireusloi ker xtured
In it H'wlldered sort of manner at their
niece. Then Aunt Yvonne turned ipio
tinning eyes townrd her btishtind, who
promptly bowed low before the tali
American mid xnld:
"Your Kind ulllce shall never be for
gotten, xir. When are the Indies to n
ICtiudy ?"
Lorry wa welching lu hi mind thr
aflvlKiiblllty of linking them to dine tu
the evening with his mother, !mt two
objection preseutisl themselve nnfl
lly- llrxt, he wit nfrahl of till per
verse iniild; second, he hud not wen Id
hiolhor. lu fact, be did not know that
hc vt tlx In tow u.
"At 2 o'clock, I fancy. That will glr
II the ufleruooii. You leave lit 0 to
nllit, do yon not T'
" Yes. And will you dine with u this
rveiilni;?" Her Imitation wn ho tin
expected lu view of nlUtluit bad lin
pi lied that he hsiked lisknuce. "Aeli.
you must not treat my invitation us I
Ad yours:" she cried merrily, ultliough
he could detect the blush that return
llh the recollection of a reprimand.
"You should prolit by what I have
l.cen taught." The ulrl tibruptlv threw
"n" "'"'"I
her mint mul cried n
In the dlns-llon of her
At -. then, mid at dinner tin
I bid j mi gmsl uiornliig, Mr.
'' '"' """K delight,
""" "f "rtnlrs. but dNiniiy
I with th
d by what
',1 a siiiniuaty tllMiitv:il, bowed
lie walled until the strange trio
.I the clct aim- und then sunn-
I. Ml .
ti led .low iist.ilrs, his hamls in his
pockets, hi, heart as light as air.
lu an hour he wax ut home und re
lilng to his mother the siory of lil
waiiih i nius. ii.vlecrtint for reasons hest
known to bin. -ell the event which oe
clirred nf, er licuter had been left be
I In. I. i xivpt for a cunuiiI nllit-loii to "n
I .,1't.v
I r.oi .
lunl In
f lolelgners." At I o'clock.
It altllo.l, he ileseclahsl to tlie
in. toiling Mrs I.oiry that he
-'iiie Mtiaiigors to see the
e w at .low utow n he re
i:?t he w as hi business
e s am I (hat it vt oiil.l he
In an. I lot his mi. Ie know
''it) i Ml s, nl thought.
-? I'n'. il It w as loo near
ant lit n l.iiMues-i,
h i not know that he w as
i,,t i
111 t.
l:o .
I H e next , nud then to
,t ext..
it l
I nits he leveled In .,.r
g '. -:de lu r lii that loom) ,
nnl Y tonne ,.,K.slte, ,'X '
r ii-
tlie li.iuiy
v ' . but en
ii g illi iilll
II :,t he t
phu , s of In-
note plia-e
Mote t!.:ili
" I I.: ...I II :.t lie ,:ls :,l.ont 1,1
t.' ti-i.1 ti'.. .-ik t i.'..ii I , .ln.--.-s l., i(.
:' -'I'' .!" Lid 'e..-l, nl,.,l..lsly.
I ... m , a ,.,.,,.,0 , t ,l,.i.r, s
" ' '' 11 ' I I'm. All belli in most
' : I . it t..' ':'.l I. i,e uh lier.
' i. , .1, an liStttl V, till Us
" '" '"-'i'- Us l'..rit.i. He
" -i .1 to I. I:, 'll (lie ,vs ,,f
I" ''' 1 '.' ; '.' d t' el-...t,,,i: r
.11 'I I! .' lol! . f . ir m l.,-tv ii,,, ,.
1 ''' '" -: " Hi" ll.?e?:C..'ll I.I lie
1 o t!t. i:, to tl.e s' iilon was cv
,1 us tt . w, .. t, ,. ): t.;i. i',;,,
' ll.el 1 .'.111 lo s.iv t ,tt.j ,,, ,,m
en l.e Intel i ll.e., s, ;r .unselouslli Ul
t';e , i,s liun-icd. and dis
t. I'.i fr.'in l;:s hi:
1 l. t me no lo (!,e Million
1 s:..ii!l ,.r ,,vni it n picns-
Mie ra m .! I.
l! inked him ii
id. r It an l...;
ai d bis l ean ,
ll . iv v. as In
r j'ebruns ulUbily, but
i d h.i ul Nlie wouM con
' 'i His face iircw hot
.. .1 " th the fiiuej that
tilcaiu which
;.l.. "1 pit ,ou. i,r tellow.'
.VolM lllisliilidlllii III Stmiliril llllselv.
ln: and Iiie fuel ttmt Ul priJu JmJ gu
tulned rpiltu u pens-ptible sshock, be
drove with them to the hUUIoii. Tbey
went to the sleeping car a few minute
before the time not for the train' de
pnrture and xt'xxl ut the bottom of the
Htcpg, uttering the gos!by, the god
Kpeed nud the Hinc?re hojie that tln-y
might iins-t again. Then came vthe
Kharii activity of the trainmen, the hur
ry of belated passenger. He glanced
soberly at hi watch.
"It i U o'clock. I'orhnp you would
bctler get ubourd," lie Kald. und pro
rctsjisl to assist Aunt Y'vonne up the
Itcps. Mhe turned and prcss.-d ills bund
gently before pusilng Into the car.
"Adlru, good friend. You have made
It no very plonxniit for 11," ho wild
The tail, soldierly old gentleuiati wni
waiting to assist hi niece Into the
"(Jo first. Uncle, ("uxpnr," the girl
oiude Lorry linppy by saying. "I can
easily come up unaided."
"Or I enn assist her." Lorry hastened
to ndd, giving her a grateful look
".ii iit T A niercoH.'"
which she could tint misunderstand.
The uncle si k hands w in inly with
the toiiiig mini and pass. I up the
top. Khe wa following when Lorry
erled : ,
"Will you not allow me?"
Mhe laughingly turii'd to him from
the steps nnil Ntretched forth herhntid.
"And now it lx g I by forever. 1 mu
no Horry Unit I luite not seen more of
you," she m.i hi. lie took her hand unci
bcld It lightly for u moment.
"I sliull never forget the piot f-w
days," he said, n tlirlll In his voice,
"i'nu have put Honietlilng Into Dty life
Unit en ii never be taken away. You will
forget me before you are out of Wash
ington but I - I Hhall always see you a
you are now."
She drew her hand away gently, but
did not take her eyes from hi up
turned fnce.
"You are mistaken. Why should I
forget you ever? Are you not the Ideal
American whose mime 1 bought? I
sliall nhvuys remember you n I xuw
you ut I louver."
"Not ns I have been since ?" he cried.
"Have yo.i cluing, ii since llrxt I hiiw
foil'.'" she nsl.i d quaintly.
"I have, indeed, for you xntv me be
fore 1 sutv you. 1 urn glnd I huve not
changed for the worse in your eye,"
"As I first knew you with my eye I
will hi i y that they me trustworthy,"
she Held lillltnlizlugly.
"I tin not mean that ) have changed
"In any other case my eye would not
Icrve." she cried, with mock disap
pointment. "Still." Hhe added Htveep
Ingly. you are toy Ideal American,
(bin. Hit! The man hux culled 'all
aboard:' "
"I io.iilht !" he cried, sw liiglng up on
the narrow xt. p beside her. Again he
clasped her hunit us she drew buck In
sin u ho "You nre going out of my
ll. nl, but not out of my mind. If you
w tsh your eyes to see the change tn me,
y on hate only to look nl them In n mir
ror. They nre the change they thelil
Helves: ilooilby: 1 hope that I may see
Jolt again."
She hesitate.! nil Instant, her eye
wavering i-uc.ith his. The trnin wu
moving slow ly now.
"1 pray that we may meet," she Hald
softly at last so softly Unit he barely
heard the Had Hhe uttered no
Hound he could hate been sure of her
rc-poii-ic, for it was lu her telltale eyes.
His blood leaped mildly. "You will be
hurt If yoti wait till the train Is run
lllng at full spis'd:" she cried, suddenly
returning to the abandoned merry
niood. She pushed liliu gently In her
excitement, 'iion't you see hotv rapid
ly we arc moving'? I'leuse gol" There
was a terror In her eye that pleased
"ilooilhy, then!" be said.
"Adieu, my Ainei hun.'" she cried
As lie swung out ready to drop lo the
ground she said, her eje sparkling
with something Unit suggested mis
chief, her face more hew Itching than
ctcr under the Dicker of the great are
"Y,.it must conic to IMclttciss to sis'
me. I shall evpe.-t you!" lie thought
there was u challenge lu the tones. lr
w as It nioi keiy ?
T will, by heaven, 1 will!" he ex
chiiiiusl. A startled expression tiasbtsl across
her face, and her hps parted ns If lu
plot, -.lailoti As i.'ae l.-a I forward,
I ..Mini; stonily t the handrail, there no Muile on her countenance.
A wh te I, n., I tluttereil before hi
ryes, ui..l he w is gone. He stood, hut
In ban. I, tti, idling the two rod lights at
lost III till
i he train until ihcy xvere
rii wi m
hi 11 1.1 VI 11 I.Xill.xsiiF,
T 1 ' 1 sh-pt that night, he w
" l i'w,,ro of It Ml i.ight long
Li ' "' "' '" '' 1! ' H'T finv w
tilled hi
'Inside each pound j'.ickate of
Lion Coffee
will K- found a FREE same.
60 ililU rent tames. All new.
At Vour Orocrr',
i.e lit.'.
I l..l,'.s
'1 1:1 i.e a
Mi uiacb
'1 ivnip.
e ly all
W in .
t it
ear with Inuslc nex'ef iaslng, bill It
wa not the lulling music that Invite
diwine. He heard the clock strike
the hour from 1 to 8, when he arose,
thoroughly disgusted with himself. lie
worhlicd Id inotlier, but lu several
Instates- that morning he caught hiui
w lf Just In time to prevent Uie utter
nnee of ouie sharp rejoinder to her
nlenxnnt, uiotberly )uerle. Twice she
wn compelled to repeat quentlou, hi
tnlnd being so fur away that he beard
nothing ave word that another wom
Mi liad uttered, sny, twenty-four hour
iH-fore. Ill eye were red, and there
was a hen.y dnxip to the lid. Ill
tone were drawling and hi voice
itrangely without warmth. Ills face
wn white and tired.
"You are not well, Crenfall," hi
mother mkl, peering auxlously Into hi
eye. "The trip hu done you up. Now,
you must take a good, long rest and re
cover from your vocation."
He Binllisl grimly.
"A mini never need a rest no mudi
a be doe at the end of hi vacation,
eli, mother? Well, work will be rest
ful. I sliall go to the olllee this morn
ing m:d do three days' work before
night. Thnt will prove to you that I
inn perfectly well."
True to hi Intention, he went to the
ulllce early, virtuously Inclined to work.
HI uncle grectis! hlin warmly mid a
long conference over buslne n (fairs
followed. To Iirry' annoyance and
dixcomtlture he found himself frequent
ly Inattentive. Several Important cases
were pending, and III a day or two they
were lo go Into court with a damage
suit of more than ordinary conse
quence. l.orry wnlor could not re-pn-x
hi gratification over the return
of Ills clever, active nephew ut such nn
opportune time. He had felt himself
uuuhlu tn handle the case alone. The en
durance of a young and vigorous mind
was required for the coming battle in
They lunched together, the elder ea
ger and confldentlul, the other respect
ful iiiid-i.hselitiiiliiileil. In the after
noon the Junior went over the ense und
renewed search for authorities mid
opinion, fully determliieil to he con
stunt In spite of hi inclination to be
llckle. Lulu In the dny he petulantly
threw nxlde the book, curtly Informed
hi nHlnnlshcd uncle that he was not
fooling well, and left the otllce. Until
dinner time he pluyisl billiards atro
ciously at hi club; at dinner hi moth
er Hhnrply reproved hlin for fbigraiit
Inattentions; after dinner he smokisl
uud wonderiHl despondently. Tomor
row Hhe was to Mull! If he could hut
fee her once more!
At 7 .'In hi mother found him In the
MiniE! serening diygeuUy through
the volume of the cncyclopi-dia that
contained the ('. When she asked
what lie wa looking for, he laughed
Idiotically and In confusion Informed
her thnt he wn trying to find the name
of the uioHt Important city In Indiana.
She "as glancing at the book lu the
ense when she wn stnrtlcd by hearing
bin. utter uu exclamation uud then
h up to hi feet.
"Half past 7! I cn uke it!"
"What lx the mutter, liren, dear?"
"lib!" he ejaculated, bringing himself
up with a start, "I forgot erye,
mother, I'll Just have tlnio to catch the
train, you know. Will you kindly huve
Mary clean up this inns of hook nhd
So forth? I'm off, you nee, to New
York for u day only, mother back
tomorrow! Important buxltieH Just
remembered It, you know ahem! (loisl-,
by, mother! Goodby!" lie hud kissed
her und wn in the hull before she fair
ly understoisl what he wns talking
about. Then she run after liltn, gain
lug the hullwny In time to ee hlin pas
through the stns-t door, 111 bat on Uie
side of hi head, hlx overcont Muttering
furiously as he shoved hi arms Into
tlie sleeve. The door slaunneil, und
he was off to New Y'ork.
Tl: ' trnin wn re.- dy to pull out when
he reached the station, and it was ou'y
by u hard run thut he caught the last
1 di 1 1 1 ,riii, panting, but happy. Just
twenty four hour before she hud left
Washington, nud It wns right here that
Hhe hud smiled nnil salil Hhe would
expect ti t ii i to come to Kdeltvelss. He
bud hud no time to secure a berth lu
the sleeper, but was fortunately able
to get one after taking the train, (iron
fall went to sleep feeling both disap
pointed uud disgusted disappointed
because of hi submission to sentiment,
disgusted btvnuse of the mull who oc
cupied the next section. - A man w ho
Is In love nud lu doubt has no i., ,
with the prosaic wretch who can sleep
ho audibly.
After n busty breakfast lu New York
be telepliotusl to the steamship com
pany' pier und nsked the time of sail
ing for the Kaiser Wilhelm. do being
Informed thnt the ship tvux to cast off
lit her usual hour, he straightway call
ed a cub uud wux noon bowling uloiig
toward the busy waterway. I'ln-ctly
he sat bolt upright, rigid mid startle.!
to llnd himself more awakened to the
realization of his uhsnrd action. Again
It entered Ids Infatuated bend Unit he
was performing the veriest schoolboy
It'll k lu rushing to n steamship pier in
tlie hope of catching a Una and at best
unsatisfactory glimpse of a young wo
mnu who had appealed to his sensitive
admiration. A lovesh k boy could be
excused for such u display of Imbecil
ity, but a li i (t it a man of the world!
"The idea of chasing down to the
water's edge to see thnt girl Is enough
to make you nshuincd of yourself tor
life, (ironfall l orry," lie upostrophl'cd.
"It worse 1 1 ut ii nny lotesick fool
ever drcutucd of doing. 1 n in blush
ing, I'll ts' hound The Idiis-y. tlie
rank Idiocy of the thing! And siipp,-
she should see uie staring nt her cut
there on the p!or? What would si.e
think of me? I'll not go unolher loot!
I won't ho a fool!"
He wns excited und self conscious
and thoroughly ashamed of the trip
Into which lis Impetuous adoration
had driven hlin. Just as he wa tug
gtng ill the disir lu the effort to open it
that he might order the driver lo lake
A.". ej Vl,'.::s'
" COfYHIKf -
Q XI ! ft ) V jh rtiti'i cur nnin:, t;.:-
tuvntl -t it pr.'hA"T 'WiiC.t.!.'
lioi:iru-i: ittD,,.titJ II .:,.l! . t .
r l f r.s , t,. ,k.l,, i t, r m . i .:
A hti titt.'Ir iiTitiMt 1
ixlS StOOu the trst 2 vp.-.n
kL iw v:
'v'" w uus muni
l mm
X-K::.-, S; 'XI
him bncfc to the botel fl sly tempter
whlupcrwl something In hi ear. Ills
fancy wa caught, and he listened:
"Why not go down to the pier and
look over the passenger lixt Just to see
" hhe ha l(oeii booked syfely? That
Vuld ly M-rreotly proprh- uud sensl
o.', and. besides, it will be a satisfac
tion to know Unit she gets off all right
t'ertulniy! There's nothing foolish In
that. Espeeiully a I am right on
the way there. And a I have
come so far there no sense lu
going back without seeing whether
she hu secured passage. I can
find out In a minute nud then go home.
There won't lie anything wrong
in thnt. And then I muy get a glimpse
of her before the ship leaves tlie pier.
Khe must not see me, of count;?. Nev
er! Klie'd laugh ot me. How I'd hate
to see her laughing at me."' Then,
sinking back agnln with a smile of
Justification on his face, he muttered:
"We wou't turn buck; we'll go right
ahead. We'll lie a kind of a fool, but
not so foolish as to allow ber to see u
and recognize u as one."
Hefore long they arrived at the
wharf, and he hurried to the office
near by. The clerk permitted him to
look over the list. First he ran
through the first class passenger and
Wn surprised to find thnt there wn
no such name as Uuggenslocker In the
list Then he went over the second
class, hut still no Guggeuslocker.
"Hasn't Mr. Ouggenslocker taken
passage?" he demanded, unwilling to
believe III eye.
"Not on the Kaiser Wilhelm, sir."
"Then, by George, they'll miss the
bout!" Irry exclaimed. "Maybe they'll
be here in a few minutes."
"They can't get anything but Bteer
age now, sir. Kverythlng else I gone."
"Are you sure they haven't taken
passage?" asked the bewildered Isjrry
"Y'ou cull see for yourself," unswered
the young man curtly.
Lorry wn ngulu In n perspiration,
tills time the result of a vague, grow
ing suspicion that had forced Itself in
to his mind. Gradually he came to
the conclusion thut she hud fooled b i in.
bud lied to liliu. She did not intend
to sail on thu Wlllielm ut nil. It was
nil very clear to him now Unit strnnge
lies lu her manner, those odd occasion
al smile. What was Hhe an ail ven
tures? That sweet fucisl girl a little
ordinary coquette, a liar? He turned
cold with the thought.
The clanging of bell broke upon his
curs, and he knew thut the great ship
ixvus uhout to depart. Mechanically,
disconsolately, he walked out und paced
the broad, crowded wharf. All w:i
i to U t "iititiu t )
There was a cry in
the slret'U. IVc pie
rusluil from their
iIimjis and straiiieti
their eyes on the
st rivaling balloonist
1 XX tiui.tuiL' tor life.
syf Jj lCven the poor, pant-
y f inn sulftrer in the
mcIc room was for-KOtu-n
while the fam
ily Knul hit atlilrss tt this strange
YHtfi'tl v of the air. Then they went hack
to tin si k r'lotn lo tell of the terrible
fctrmu!e for W thev h;il just witnessed.
I H not ih i '..r tu t!:em thut under their
I vltv eyes a more te:n:le. more pathetic
I sinitfide was .a-tlaiiy.
I There can e i.othtnn more pitiful
j llian tlie st' .i;'' il.e consuinpuve
i l:i.ikes aj:.;ia-l .;i e u-e. T!i g:eatest
, l:elp in tin tniy-'ie is gained by the
use of Dr. 1 u:ce's (.'.cilden Metlical Dis
l tuvtry. It emu ol-stinate coughs, weak
1 nud tMiei-.i-' hinys, etnacialion, and
oilier : :1i::f..:.; -mikIi tf ntlected or
nnskilliidlv t.t:ited find a fatal teriiiina-
tlou Hi t on: -;ur iilioit.
" 111 I
0 tl.iittlitrr nufTrriniT on
ct't iili. hectic lt-vt-r nli
it.; :ciii. ut (iin-.iM'd Uliij; "
Ii l-'t -priin.ili. .it lUiui'n
N C "I iiniiutitly xave
1111)111(11 Mttlu jl Iiscivrry
ii 1 t , unit lir now riijovi
Tins 1 it-1 ii k true. 1 hcrcliy
1 -ii; UirUu Hit- '
Millie tor'UiuMen Med.
' There is nothing "just
i -.axi of the stomach,
lit I li:
nali i
Ac e I
I. al
i - ft -.j : "
It. Ii-
tiC 1- i '
-i -..lit I'rlletl USill.1 tin
. o ery."
Pleasant and Mutt Ff.'ective
I T. J. rimnili r, K I. Vindienlor,
j I.iPeriv, Texas, writes IVe. a:, : 1
j" Willi ploaMiro tind uiiMilieite.l by i
jyoti, I liear le-tiinonv in tlie curative ,
j pew. r of Hall, nil's 1 1 1 ir -hou ul Hyrup. I
I liave used it in my t.itnily tind ran'
eliei rfnlly iitlirni it is llie niont '
el'eetive nnil pie IMlllte.-l remedy f,T .
icoimiis and colds I liave ever used."
;.V. ,VV und jl no. l-'or sale liy '
1 Slovi r I rii; Co. !
I Taldi I and lie paper at cost at the
j ('.inner ot;iee to close out. Weliawi
I e o.o-date srvl s-.
Th Grmpliophona reproduces c'.l kind ot nuao
Hal neoeaaart? lo laawl to plmy mny Inurummnt
man.: -vrKnK'rrr b yest
$3.50 to $100
fll any makm of
sto roR rttrr catmlocic 17 00m. Mn ;., o voeal
"" lrl: dulm. aotoa. and a..crtona lor bam,
orohmalra, ooraor, piccolo, ao.
Seven Inch SO cents each. $5 a dozen
Ten Inch SI each, $tO a dozen
black suplr-::ardened
columbia moulded records
25 cents each, $3 a dozen
Brand row procaaa. Much moro durabla tham any olhmr tyUndor
Coteenhia Phonograph Co.
123 (kwy Strt?et, SW FRWCISCO, CAl.
For tS.ile in Grunts Puss by V. A. Paddock.
Grove's Tttc ChU
Arc-s- a..ic.i
' '. -"-ai 05a over wae cna a Half Million
oi men: Mr..i 1 a vau 7
" l-Sw vrovw a
14, i94-
.WJll'.u '
You are hereby notified that the i Dis
trict Jioondary Hoard of Jose bine
CountT. sitting in session Itus .th day
of January, IW4. aete i on "'' ""al,J'
moaslT allowed a petitiou tp change
the boundary line between -chool dis
tricts numbered 24 am! 3o, " a8 ' "
clude the Kouthwest 1-4 of the sootli
WCKt 1-4 o. Kcction 10 of towMjiip
south, of range fl west of Uillametbs
imridian from school district number
:to ami annex the said described terri
tory to and cause it to become a part
nf school district number 24 of Jose
phine County. Oregon.
Done ar Grants Pas. Oregon, Jaiiu-
ary 7, IlKH. , .,..rr
County Supr. and Sec'y. "f Board.
You are hereby notified that the Dis
trict Boundary Board of Josephine
county, sitting in sefsiou this 7th day
- T IUIL1 nctefl nil mid nuaui-
OI .JtllUjtl t, i ', - -
mously allowed a petition to change
the boundary line oeiweeu h iukji u.
..,lJ.p..rt 9i and ii. so a to ex
clude the northeast 1-4 of llie south
east 1-4 of section 5 of tow nship H5
south of Kiinge n west oi niiiuuiene
Meridian, from school district number
22 and annex tlie said describ"d terri
tory to ond to cause it to becoinn a
,,f nnl district number 24 of
Josephine Comity, Oregon.
Done nr uraius rass, urcgou, -uarv
7, l'.U
County Sujit. and Sec'y. of Board.
ZTrr, tP(n ttWi
Elvs Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Civo Satisfaction.
It elean-?", Bootlies, henli, and prote?-! (!.;.
di'HM-d inewliriie. It r tr. i L?iturr!i a '
drives atv;tv a (J.-M in th lie ul .yu k! '.
lte.itores tin? K.?:..-es of 'i'lt-'o iimi S:ui .1
Eiinytoue. (.' t-.ili- t o i j e"!..".s 'It'
Apj.lied into t!.o n 1- '. e.'i ! ' .
Lnrtju Hiz ., .r ( ce'.t-i i. i '. o
mail; Tri.ii S-'i f , 1 . . .; . ' y l .1.
ELY BnOTllCl'.S. ' " '- ' - . .
A $3.00 Razor for75cenf$;.s:
Uam- jvu will i pt-.u4uf Mk-lt ( Liu tui u4
atvkl ti -m lb l-ld.. riMlt ifxint teawrrd.
Mh4 MM p.ltthl 4iptrti It lib Uity
hltc lu htndl. Mkk.r'i um.
Me Have Made
th lrL- .n I
mT.1P&uS. S,u.?, i.'!,t.ATl;,0?,uJ
!!'"" V' wl11 " P'F'lj '.d.l H. Ha.r Ilih.. W liW Iulll7, bu M M, t Itau I'M l-.U.
No, ie A . . ii ... . , M'liidc Iiou e
'wiiil? strop, izel'x'.'l. for 10c uililiiioiiid
Write tor (.'u'ui,i.tie 11.
'lm Ii,vr .V t'o.
(I'aeilie Mail Order ll.iu-el
5 rnl Ave, ."an Krancinco.
I havt hid orcation to uh your I
Blick Drauiiht Slock arid Poulirv M.Hi I
cine and am p'.caird to lav (hit I '
used an thini lor itock that ?avt half sj
joou tatiiiaction. I heartily recom.
nvtnd it to all owntri of Hock
J. B. BELSIIER, St. Louii. Ma
Sick stole or poultry should not
eat clirap stix-k f.s.d any ninro than
si, k iH-r-ion. , - i .
,', , , ,, ' ' Ai"i m ue
e.ired hv f m mP u don i
J - -. - ...... ,,,,,1 t,x-K
i and ooii trv nrp .i, k irivn .1.. 1
I , ' , - ,iri. iiiru
U let,... I, ... I ui, AT , I ..
lesa -tuck foislj. I nload the bowels
ami st imp the ton. id liver and (I,-
ami:. wl w ill l n,red, if it be p,si
bli to cure it. Hi-k-riraucht. Stack
jind I'-.i 'try .' nnloruls tli
Low. ;, and sum ,, the torpid liver.
It cures every maladv of stock if
taken in time. Sw.ire'a 'Jo-c-nt can
of llhu-l',t St.H'k and Poultry
Medicine and it will pav for itself ten
timeanver. Il.ireiw,.,fc better.
cive more milk. Ue, pain flesh.
And hens lav inure chits. It solves the
problem of lnakiiina, much blood,
flesh and enercrv as possible out of
the smallest amount of food con
sumed. Huy acau from your dealer
T miking machhtm
. .
ft?, n
bmck aVOOC IJwr Pin.
Too are hereby notiticd that tlio Dis
trict Boundary Board ol Jaseptiiiie
County, sittiiiit in session this itli nay
of Jannarv, 11HM, acted on and unani
mously allowed a petition to Hmnpe
die boundary lines ot school disiricU
Sa in and No. 7 so os to iucludo in
sCliool district No. 7 of Grants Pass,
the following territory: Comuieucind
at tli-' poi'1' where the center line of
Sec. 1. Township Sd South, Ranno 6
wet of Willamette Meridian, touches
R .true river, thence miming sooth on
ssid line to the corner in the center of
'JO of i-ume township and range,
till' jast one mile to me ccnu-i o
Hi, theuce north on the line 111
center of sections 29 and 20 to
ruue river, tlieiiee westerly noo
bank of said river to the place 01
O ....... . . . - T -
L,tJM;uii tsimuni
County Supt. and Sec'y. of Board.
Done at Grants Pass, Oregon, Jan. 7,
1 4.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Administrator of the Es
tate of Agnes K. Sawyer, deceased,
will, on and after Friday, me zsa nay
of January, 1!HH, sell at private salo
the following described real property
belonging to the said estate, to-wlt:
The wesn r'y half of Lots one and
two in Block h of Bourne's First
Addition to tlio City of Grunts Pass
in Josephine Conuly, Oregon, und
bounded 1.8 follows: Beginning at
the southwesterly corner of snid Lot
numbered one of said Block E, thence
northerly along llie easterly line or
Fourth Street two hundred ninety
feet to the northwesterly comer of
Lot two in said Block E. . thence
easterly along tlie northerly line of
said Lot two one hundred tnty lee',
thencs southerly and parallel with
Fourth Street two hundred ninety
feet to tlio southerly lino of Lot num
bered one, thence westerly ulong the
southerly line of said Lot No. one and
A Street tn the place of beginning.
The said proiierty will be sold to
the highest and best bidder for cash in
hand subject to confirmation by the
County Court for Josephine County,
Oregon. This notice is published by
order of Hon. J. t). Booth, County
Judge, made in the matter of the
Estate of Agues K. Sawyer on the
lltli day of Due 111 ber, ISIH-'l. and is
published in the Rogue River Courier
111 pursuance ot said order.
Administrator of tlie Estate of Agues
K. sawyer, ceccused.
Timbei Land, Act .InneH, 1,78.
L'tiiied Males Lunl OHi.e,
K- seburii, Oregon, Nov. 2.S, l!10lt.
NoMee is t.erehv given thai in coniple
1. ee with the provisions of the act ol
i'oi ure-H oi .lone 3, 1878, entitled "An
1.1 lot Hie tle o( timber Isnds in I In
S'stes ol Calilorfin, Oregon, Nevada
oid W'ftsiiinainii Ten iiorv," as extend-
-d 10 all the Public Lsnd StMies In net
f Miitnst 4. lS!ii,
of .luci-soti county. S'ate ot Oregon, and
1 resilient ol the Horn ol Gold llill.ol
aid Mute, ha- lln dy tiled in ibis
die. bis sworn slHteli.-ll No flSlid. for
r- p ecbase nl Hie S'.j NlV'-4'.N'g SVV
. ? fi 11 v ,,0 iii loAusinp o
I. aogc No 4 W . U'. M., und ii
tl 1 o.ii o show Hat he land sough
mine v ,i.i..o'e lor its I'lnni r r s'.n.e
tin. l..r Hgiii ullursl iui pons. an. I lo
--tablisn lit claim lo snid land Indue
lanes N.iketi, U S t'oiumisi-i uer i.
Hedlotd, Or.gon, on Saturday, the till
day o( Febriiitrv, I6ti4. lie names a
(ieorge MeClellan, Fled. McClellsn,
i'luin ( bilders, John E. Nye, n'.l ol
(mid Mill. Oienon,
An sinl all persons claiiiniiK Silvers.
Hie ah ive-described lainis hih requesi-
vn 10 n e men claims in Hits olheeon m
belore said tttli dav of February, 11104.
J. T. llmiiuKN, Kenistcr
Ileparlnieni of the Interior.
I'ntted S alc Land Olbee.
Kiisei.nri;, Oieuoi., Nov 3d, l!ln;t.
-inliC.eni. coniest altl.lavn Imvn.
hud 111 this ollice bv .lolin M.
r.Siies, cuntesianl, against huiiiis'ead
entry No lO.WI, made lieeemlier li
I'JtiO, for E, Ktt '4, NE'4'SW.'-4 Seetion
1(1 Ton lob .1, 33 South, limine G West.
Cbanes A. Hill, conteslee, in which
'i 1- Bileiteit inai 1 hatles A. Hill has
bo .l. n-d said land lor more llisnsu
.i.. iitlis last past, said parlies are herein
iioiiiiMii io appear, restsuul and olTer evi-
omee touching said allegation t 10
ocio. ks. m.. on rehruary 13, 1!i04. Isk
tore R L. Bartiett, County Clerk
'irants Pass, (Iregon, and thai tinal
nesnng ill lie held st lOo'cluck a. m.
mi Fein uarv 23, MIDI, belore t,e Kegis
' Hi.d l(.,eiv,.r at th" L'ni ed Mi.te,
1 00 I (III. e 111 Kosehiiri, (lieiou.
Ih sam cotiiestaiii havini!. 111 h nro
oer slliilaMt, filed November 30, l!io3.
-tt lorih lads Hbieb etiow that alter due
lil'gence peisonal fervice oi ibis notice
nn not be made, it is berebv ordered
ol dirtcted that ciicli noiice be given
- 0,1, hiio proir piiiiiienii'tn.
J II r.oolil. lieeiver
The largest sum ever paid lor a pre-
"uripuon, cnangeii Hands in Saurian
Cisco. Aug. 30, 11(01. Tin. transfer in
voiced in coin and stock II2.o0i) On am
as .snl hy a panv ot business men loi
specific lor Hrmht's Ibsease and Dia
betes, bllherlo lliellrlilu ilt-u.
Tbey commenced the serious mvesti
gallon ol the specilic Nov. 15, 1W00.
Thev lulervieueil h,..,rud ..r ,1 ,
nil Hied 11 out on its merits by pulling
...... ,o,,f uoien cases on llie treatmenl
and watching them. Ti... i.n ..1...
icians 10 name ch ronic, incurable cases,
. ...iioiiisiereii 11 nut, the physicians
j.... -,. 1 p i.) (,7 prr
' me iesi eases were either well
. ...,1.1,, .
S mi. ttlllteen IX t cel. I
ii"-.. lie patties ,re sal istied and
sen 11, e iran-.,eiion. l lie prcseeiling
r intesiu-aiiiig cum inn lee and I
' .1 reN.,'is ol the test cases
1 i.-l ami sill be mailed free
I Hit
' cm. IJiliess JU!( J (. , 1-Tj,.
owl any, 4i.o Montguiuery M. San Frau
i-co, t'al.
V"u Know What You Are Talng
Mien you take drove's Tasteless Chd
nic liecans (orinulais plainly prim
" every ooiue suowing thai it is situ
f lion and guinine in a tasteless form
( ur No, pv. 5Dc.
, ti y H 1: XI CON A
Ihe .Modern licuiedv for Women
Kriu nsi h l ureil -'omeof
Ihe or-l case, of
We vuarantre a T
lii.ivf -ure lor LOIlCOri'llOeil
f Lnr A..kts
tn-nd fur liooklet. i Saa Jose, Cal.
To Care a Cold In a Dai.
TakeUiun, Promo (Juinin Tl
u oruggisu refund the monev if ii
tocure. E. W. Orov.'s wgnaiore b
each box m.
! rnip TmM Tat
? ei"- . 'd h n-cr.w.
r.. n,. t, - ... "U
in 1110 inaia stlttL, L,
n vnfiiiu,
III the matter of H...... ..
cation for mtxni r...
C'onsolidalod Lcdu Hi!?
Illl? (. iallUS. 1U the enn.,.-
of Josephine, sitHtB -.
tor rutcnt. I- , :
Land Office, nt Rosel,,,-.. '
November in, A. D.. pim ' v
Notice is hereby give,, , , r
Decker, whose postotfic. ll.
ft aldo, Josephine c,uutv T'R'acafl
Oregon, has as attorney i .3
The Waldo Smelting ',? 'g ; F
ConiPttuy. a coronr...;.... "d Jfi .
and existiuu under. u...i "'VX I
the laws of the Kt,.t-
and for and in Its h..i.ii U1'H I
plication for a United Stan, f
for the Consolidated Lode .i
C aims, mineral survey .tS
situate m Section 1. W i rf " -south
of lumre 8 w..,l0E .
Meridian, (nnsnrveve.i , "
Josephino, Slute of ii..... .
uriBiiiir the oiiilvit .:. """'
f " , ' " UJlIllltD, .,
known and described as th s 1
Pino. Fir. f,i. ,,.'"ei
inesiunt. and Laurel, aud
I. Pniur V rliiunr, l.o.l . ..
j ...,..ucu B lonowj;
ideuUcal w",ll.
tiou 3. towiiNl,,,, 1,,
range 8 west, Willamette' m!! S
tneuce south 17 iuiu.,west 16Uj ft3
corner number 2 ; theuce suuib I -
J.II mi.i m.1 IIAll . ,U(V
....... , , icei to corner 51
r 2: tlipiirn north is ' IA
loOO feet to i iirner .,, 1... . .'' 7
norlh 811 dctr. 4!) min ,lt -
corner tinmber 1, to thepiac'x
,Piue. M
BeiinniiiL? nt e,,r,.... . IT
Whence the southwest coraeTtlwE
tiou 30, towushiD 40. k,i,h. , . 2
west, Willnmetie Aleriill,,., m .
uorth 81) dcg. 4 uiin.. u., L
thence south 17 min. west o.
corner number 2? ,1,,
..., ,,, . . ......
iic'H. tu mill., east ISH) feet In,
number JJ; thence north 17 niil)
loOO feet to cni iw.p ,,.,...1.. - .
""'"uer 4
norm 8'J ucg. 411 mm., west ujf.
e.iiuei uuinncr 1, tliu liluce nf
111 wM-i I1QDJI
xjt'uiiiiiiiii nr. nnriixti . ,
iifuro rim Knuriiuff
tiou 30, township 40 south of r
, -" u wiiirr
wui, vtiimiuettu ileridiau
nor. 11 'j dtg. 4'J nun., wist I2(n
incuce souin 1 min
, , 4 j,
ro corner number 2; thinco s
dcg. 41) 111111., east (100 feet in,
iiuinucr ineiice uorth 17 aim
loisj icet to corner nuinher 4
1101 in o ueg. 4U mm., west k'
to corner number 1, tlie nine.
XCUinillllLP nr e,,r,.,.r
" n . iiuuin
WIIL'IICO tllU BOIlt l H ost
IIOII Jti, tUWUshlp -111, HOLtll 01 ta
wesr, wuiumutur Meridian
imrlli 81) dcg. 41) uiiin, west IN(
incuce south 17 mu,. ,.,,
10 corner number 2: tin tn- u,.
eit. 4U niiu.. ttaat nixi f... . ....
uuiuucr 3: tbeuce north I? ......
IIIOU ICIIE in Corilep t.nn. I. .
noun bu dcg. 41) nun., wistc
to comer number 1. the mai,.
L. V
llcgiiuiing ut corner nuuil
whence tlio nnniliu-..Lt .,r,...
tiou 3ti, township 40, south of n. '
west. WillanimtM M..ri,ii.. l
iiorlli 89 dcg. 4!) mill., west 2400
uicucu sootii 1 i 111 111. , west 1,'iU
to corner number 2; lluuce sot:,
dcg. 40 min., east tiOO feet to it
uumbei-2; theiicu iionh 17 una.,- .
I11OO feet to corner nuinher 4; ll
north 81) dcir.' 4!l tiii 11 . U...I 11.1 r...
corner number l,to place of bigim.
Bcgiuuihg nt corner uunik- -whence
tlio southwest cotuer oi-
tiou 30, township 40, south of ra I
west, Willamette Meridian, !c J
north 89 deg. 4!) min., west 3000!
thence south 17 mill., west low
lo corner nuinher 2: then, e u.t
du.. 41) min.. east 1100 fe, 1 too.
number 3 ; thence north 1, min.,
loot) feet to corner uumber 4; ,tlr
111), til K'.) dec. 40 min rtn
to corner number 1, the place 0!
Cl'gillllilic! at corner iinnuV:
whence tlio southwest corner ol '
tiou 30. towushin 40. sniilh nf r,
8 west, WilliimcttH Meridian. t
north 44 .icg. 40 nun., west 21lU.5(t
thence south 1, min., west .
leet to corner number 2; thence 1
fll dcg. 40 mill., eu?t 1.100 feet to
tier number 3; thence
east tiOO feet to corner nuiulw
theuce north 81) (leg.,4U mill., aval
icer io corner uumber 1, thu piac
Beginning ut corner uumbi:
whence tlio southwest corner of.
tiou 30, township 40, soutli of rati:
west, Willamette Meridian, b
uorth 17 nun., east loOO feet ; th
south 17 mill., west (ioO feet to cu???
number 2; thence soutli 81) ile.
min., east 1.100 feet to cone ru
ber H ; tlieiiee north 17 niiu, caul
feet lo corner number 4; thence &
SI) (leg. 4!) mill, west 1.100 fei t tot i
uer uumber 1, the place of b. giutf jj
The total net urea of cacliol- j
said lode mining claims is as luhVatl
Spruce, 20.(101 acres.
' c
fine, 20.001 acres.
Fir, 20.001 acres.
Cedar, 20.001 acres.
Uuk, 20.001 acres.
Poplar, 20.001 acres.
Chesruut inclusive
of coll diet 1
with "Muriou" Imb.
mining cli
survey uumber 522, 20.601 acres.
Iaiuri l exclusivo of ar, a '
"Marion" uud "Lyttlc"nd
?iims, Burvcy uiimbei .1;.', 1.
Tlie nitices of locution of
iiuartx miuing claims nre re. i nlii
(be olllco of tK, (',.rk
(.ircgon, in the mis. eliaur
mining records ol said couutv, 111"
volumes and ut the tinges as'fclU'
to. wit: 1
Spruce, in volume 13, page ml.
Pine, iu volume 13, wg E.
ir, in volume 13, iage 403.
Cedar, in volume 13, ige 4o4.
Oak, iu volume 13, liuge 40.1.
Poplar, in volume 13, page 4ml. -Chestnut,
in volume 13, ge
Luurel iu volume 13, page
Hie neighboring -or adjoin J
claims are secljnus 30, town nil"
xiuth of rnngu 8 w. st, Willauie
Aleridmii, 011 the north and adjoin
the "Spruce", "Pine," "in
"Cedar, " "Oak," and "PorH
ud the "Marion" hale miniui? cU
surey number 522, oil the soutli
tho "C'liestnut," aurl the "Mario '.
and "Lyitlc" lode mining claa-jj
-j uuuioer uij, 00 tlie soul 11, -i
111 conflict with the "Laurel." 1
which conflicting ana aud tin
"Lyttle Lode Miuiug Claims"
owued hr nnH (.. ,1
i 1 The Waldo Smelting aud M
Any and all persons claiming
vtrsely the mining ground, vr
odes, premises or but rs.rtion th
. so described, surveved. p! 1
ud applied for. are u rebv mm '
(bat lluleSIM -.'I.,,-,-
duly filed according to law, and
.......,.,.., uiereuncir, wiliiin
time prvscrib'd bv law. with
Keuster f ,he iuitt.d s,ri
' ai Koseburg.m the I'onui:
onn i-ia s, ... t jm ...
, ' v. VJffgOU. III? '
be Dir-d m virtue cf the provisN1
of said ftatcte.
Koigsttr rnit. d States Laud Olf
Kost borg, Oregon.