Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 14, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
: ' California Expert Examines Prop
I erlles in Tht Sle.te.
Subscription Rates':
Une Year, infdvaDce,
ix Muulus, -'i
fcres Months, . -Mngle
Copies, ,
.tf .
After having Inspected niiniiiK con
ditions in Southern tJri'K"". C. F.
Ditlmar, a resident of Redding, Cul. ,
land an experienced minor, has rtacli
iod Portland, nml says tliu future of
furnished on application al the ollice, or Oregon aa a mining state lm never
ny uiaih lyi t been tiuthfnlly orlraycd. (,'nni-
Obituaries .and if iUn i oin- California will, Oregon aa ro-
I gards mining, lie Miid recently :
i "It is my opini'iu that Honthcrti
Advertising Rate
of con
dolence will I charged lor ul (x: per line;
card ot thanks doc.
Knlred at the pout ollice at lirants 1
Oregon, aa tecouu-clask mail matter.
THURSDAY, Ji.u. 11. 1(.
Jolm Alexander Dowio, the famous
"Elijth," has rcturno from a trip of
inspection along llin Texas coast nml
announce! Hint he will locate, a new
"Zion," city and farm, in that statu.
Fqlin or am found for every creed
uilder the sun und probably thn now
"Zinu" will have hulliciiul inhabi
tants. Affairs in lli Russia-Japan (Uiirrcl
seem to be inuring crisis at lust,
and ntilcsa something unforeseen oc
curs iuiir.ediutoly, war "w ill bu declar
ed. Russia fa now . concentrating
for-tes oil tliu Ynlu river and ia milk
ing all possible, precautions to fore
stall a ptvailbln rush on l'ort Arlliur
by tliH Japanese. The Drcibiini!, tlio
trio of nations of viliiim Germany ia
tli- chief, has dcelnreilJVir neulriility
In view of tliu Inutilities which Heem
about to begin.
Lust wuok General Longntifit pass
ed awuy, and this Week ia reeoided
the death of Lleiienil John II. Gordon,
the vry liiat of tl.o famous con
federate generals. He entered the
service as a captain of infantry und
roao to tlio high rank of lieutenant
general. Hliico tliu wur lie lias twice
nerved aa presidential elector, wax
govermir of Georgia Inr four yearh
and served 13 year in tlio United
Htittes aenntii. Ilia death occurred m
January ll, mid the immediate cuusc
waa atomacli trouble, llo was 71
years of ago.
Oeueral Hafael Keyea, tliu Colom
bian siooliil envoy now in Washing
ton, lias despaired Of persuading the
United States government to take
any backward stops In the I'anuuia
affair and is now ready to leave
Wasliiutgon. Ueueral Keyes says that
tlio feeling in Colombia ia iuite In
, touso and that It will bu dillieult to
restrain tho people when the failure
of his iniaalnn is aminuneed. It set ins
to bu the iiiterniitioual feeling that
tliu Panama matter is too Imporlant
to bu controlled by a foolish llltle
nation llkn Colombia.
Efforts am being mtido to unseat
Senator Heed Hmoot of Utah, who ia
a Mormon, llrighnm II. Roberts, re
Jin seutativu from that Blute, was tiu
seated, but Roberta was a polygiiinlst
and tliu cusos differ. rimtiot is accused
of polygamy but denlea It strenuously.
Tliu ineru fact of being a Mornum is
not sufficient to illicit Hmoot unless
U can bo shown that lie ia tllmpaitlillcd
by bis church oath anil thia ia denied
by liiin. In tho crusade against
Roberts, the plea waa often repeated
that the movement was luuaed by the
fact that ho waa a polygamixt and not
becaUHo bu waa a Mormon. Tliu cam
paign aguiiiat Hmoot aeeina to be
wholly on account of his being a Met
Inon and will doulitleaa fail.
Hecretary llitelicock baa carried liia
point in tliu 1m (Iraiiilo ieceivernhii
case and Ana 1), Tlioiunon will not be
reinstated. This la in rpHiaitloii to
tho wishes of Heiiatora Mitchell and
Fulton but they have yielded in the
matter and will select a new name to
bo submitted for the appointment.
In tho cane of tlio )tochuig receiver
alilp, it a known thai the secretary i
opHiaed to 1 loot It, while the senator
are flnu in their hlmnl that lie Omuld
remain. The mutter li.ii not yet
reached Ihe teatiug point mid lSoulli
will bold the position al least until a
succosHor ia appoinieil. '1 ho Kena
(ora, therefore, will TiibabIv let llie
in liter remain iinet until it is torci d
by the secretary, wleu they will
doubt less vigorously oppose any
motion to r i luce llooth 'l ie ii
yielding to the secretary in the l a
Uraiide matter will very likely giM'
them morii levertigii on ilu Koschiirg
offlco. Thu secretary 'a opposit ion to
llooth la en account of'hfa being a
st'K'khobler in a lumber company.
Expressions of sal if e t h ii aic heail
on every hand at the i. .mm i in whiili
.Mayor titlkey mul ! n vv ouiicit
mo taking hold ot Ihe uvtk tl
Htlnighteniug up the ItiHii. Since the
inauguration last Tlniih.l.iy eeuin
thu gaiiiblicg has be. u shut oil' closely
and a iimnbi r of the ,;'Unll. i il. -ltiriug
of any "loosening u,." m the
near future, bin e left the town. The
shutting elf of c.inl ptayiuK' in tl.t
cigar stoles is looked upon ! son..' a-
Ull luly SeVeie. They IllU-t leimllilrl.
liowev-r, that the euoor ilul not tiialo
this ot liii.ue e an i 'I it I. c.ihl not,
if lie wtiihl, totitiii'U I'tit.t.c a
Mrl ion ot it an i 1 't ...i. 1 j 1 1 u e
reinalll lliepeial .e. M.; l..ilMi Ii-,
also, la ilcs, r ills; ot , . uoi. n.i.o . n
for the l llietive liu.itte t 11 wlil. Ii be
is carrying out the iiomu i i.n.s (,t t!:
lunyor. The ni:til .il i-. a w i.l.--uwal.e
man and, a h- i i ,ut et
the ways in which . i,s ,1 ih,
law might ! tallied ill, l.e lslict
Ulie to be tasily hco.'.U tlil.ed. lit
S'oplo who are siipsiting Mai or
tiilkev iii Ills otT.-rts for a eh ,.u i,m
must Ielilililber that the i I'j. -I
vjuiivs a constant etVtt Mi l ii;
ami they should not m gleet to a-.ii',
the laiiyoi that lie is k ing h.i k. ,i
iii. It ia fart. our to in.u.ui:.!. i
foriua than it is t,i tarty ilo ni mt
and utst hlstoiy makes it hk ly thai
the supreiinst olwiat le in t!ie n,.tci s
luttliw ill bu tin ilidilft telle. i i f bis
jmople. If the public si ni inn nt in
favor of his efforts will rout itiun m
make itself felt, bis voi will
roiiiairalively i-asy.
l.i per rent discount on nil 11, aim,'
Ptovea at ('rattier Uroa.
Oregon will gnuio d.iy be . ne of the
best of Western mining disiricta. 1
am, js rliapg entitled to un opinion,
although I have spent but 10 or 12
weeks ill Investigating the mineral re
sources ( f that part of th" state.
"From my limited obs rvntion, I
am led to lielb vu that the territory
lying west of the t'.mc.'iilea and north
of iiie On goii'California line for it
dislmice of PKI miles ia every hit an
promising for copper and quart, gold
as the corrcsioudiug area on the Cali
fornia side, which fact is surely not
to the discredit of .Southern Oregon.
"I don't speak of the district on
the Upper L'uijsua and north, com
prising Iloheniia ami IIIuo liivi r, for
I bavu never been there, and, there
fore, am personally ignorant of the
conditions; but I incline to tliu be
lief that Jtorihein California, from
Teliaiiia County north, and (Southern
Oregon, from I,auo County sooth,
comprise one and the same mineral
.one, holli ill respect to geological
origin and variety of niinenit pro
ducts. The absence, of placer in iocs
in thu iloiiemia and llluu ' Hiver dis
tricts la probably accounted for
largely by thu topography of the
country. On the other lutiiil, there
are also si reams in Josephine county
Mint lack placer mines, und yet are
not. especially precipitous. Khelley
Creek, Diamond Creek aud cret ks
heading on Preston I'eak are eases in
point. Here the absence of suriferons
gravel finds its explanation in the
fact that thn qaartz ore bodies con
'tinuo base to the very grass roots,
thu weathering processes of nature
having, lor one reason or another,
never commenced to act.
"The placer mines, of course, lire
still the mainstay of extreme Southern
Oregon, tho output probably exceed
ing II.OOH.OOO annually. On tho other
hand, a single (juarlz mine, the
(irceuback, is said to produce as much
aa one-third of that amount alone,
aud since there are many embryo
Cireenbucka, it ia to this lalii r class
ol mining, aud not placer, the dis
trict can look with Its greatest hoe.
Thu development of this brauth of
the industry is indeed accurately de
scribed aa being in the first slag"s of
infancy. Actually, there nr.: hun
dreds of pronjnets awaiting exploita
tion. There ia cryiiu need for
genuine mining tin: kind that com
bines capital aud trained mining
brains. Too much of the otlu r kiml
has already been done. "
Mr. Llittmar baa still four or six
weeks to sjs nd in Sotuhern Oregon
hi fore bis work there will be com
plete. Telegram.
Cosgrove Concert Co.
Tiiu Cosgrove concert orchestra
which has liecu receiving lavish praiae
from tliu preas and public, will appear
nt the os ru house .Saturday evening
under the auspices of the Woman's
club. Thia company ia one of the
very beat travuling couiiianiea nud it
ia seldom that the people of I! ran Is
I'aas aru privileged to hear a company
of artists like tho Cosgrove com i amy.
The tickets bavu been placed at CO
cents to aiiy part of thu house.
i'holo Supplies at the Courier of
flco. A U. Bannn.rd-UndertB.krr.
Wo don't intend to curry over ono dollur'a
worth of the following winter gnntls if tho power of
1'i'ico eliding will get rid of them:
Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats and Jaek-
Ladies Opera Shawls, Square Shawls, Scarfs.
Ladies' and Children's Oolf (Moves.
Ladies'. Flannelletto (Jowns.
Ladies' Dressing Sacks.
Ladies' Furs.
In fact all small and broken lots will ho closed
out at a great reduction.
Nothing but Strictly High Grade floods. No
old, shelf-worn und out-of-style goods at our store.
We simply don't want the goods rather have
ours for good goods at popular prices.
Hooks uro Optm From Jtvnunry
At lo May I lh
KctfiKlniiion I U h wcro opi'itrd at
1 1 in nuintijf i Ink 'm ntlicf .l,inu;try Itli,
fur tlujMirjioho nf rt'Kh!'i "K vuliTd
dcHito to cant C he i r lutlliit in lln1
t.ilr rli'i tioii ia .lui hi unit tln r i
(K tital rUrtion in Novemlirr.
I'uilurt' lo n tirr will rniuiic tlio
iwi'iu'iiiK in !nnvH wliirli is liutli
Imt Ihth'Hh iohl uusat it'aclory.
Tin' tviiNi rat ii'ii 1 onki will lo n
from .lamiaiy I ti l.iy !". VoUth
may n;itt r ly ai pcarinn in rn.m
! fotv (lie ( tMiiity eh ik r )iy making
tin iH'O'hN.iy alhttivitn lnfoii a no
tary pul'lu', on MaiikN iunil,tMl tr
tin louiity t lirli.
Votrr.4 ntuuili. know liffot't' aj'i'lyiiiK
fui I'mMiat ion that it is nceonr-ary
iut aM'niit ht s in an int'r vtratt'il
town, to it (lif lot ami Muck mini
lirr, nml tMuMish luiicUiMvrly his
n-Hiili-nri' ; or ii" l- l'oaiU at a i-iili
ili ln li'1 or t'oaitlin; Ikhim- ln mut
al-o the tutuiUT ot ttu-roon
1 !io.- 1 1 v inn " out lav i n; tll-ti i. ts
mn -t friu' their Hi I'lion an-l town-lnp
uninht'i'i 'tti-'ii f.'niit loin.
liohhi; l;, it ura 1 1 ion ';ims 1 1 mill
i n I tln iu -o as to iof t'tmn Ji h'
ri! ! ti-liip.
No ir-iv.Mtii i- ih..h t'
tor cp( ilillj; tin- t . itst ul it'll I i n .
tl l-'f In' Mat i i I.'t t t.m anl l" f i
I ! l i'M,l, nt i ll i i i i.'it, 'O tin
I'. ; --f i ion i i.t tn M iv I i will
t'f .1, in tit i : tot U tl o Mlt 1 "' 1
i i. n i I tin- volt i s in No i nil i r
!.o t)U.i 1 1 :h ; t itH ol' t-Im 1 of vl l
ions Ivn- t!io initi.ti;.' in 1 iM" i(it n
it i in- i uuiiii i h lion will Ih lt it r
niii'ol in tho MM iiiM.ui.v ly tin
iVilialit"i Knks ot 1;' -.. I'll it i
to r.iy, if t it ion v , Xi , j.,,.
i-ar.'.l, a-ki i th u i-, it.;n ; i..;. ,1
iaw h or nui-'iu.'.h ti.t itiuomln i niM k
-nl initli' i to a o(f ,tf tl,,. , ul
thf .1 mi.' t !,vt i. -u, ) t i ' i ii ii, uiiiM
to Miiiiiitti.'.i to Hi - t'.imi i ;,ik, Ki
:h" i tuiniu tin w !.-.'li ll, . Mk!l,'is w
hookH ami bhitilis on llin in Imh otfli-p,
"for tint prn-odiiiK p'lHTitl election."
Siurci ly nmro than ono month now
rcniftins in hioli to prrpuro i'titioim
fttr initial ivo m.'itsnns to 1m- suhmit.
ti il lo tho )colo in Juno.
Strikes Monti AtfB.lnst SKnrp Door
Kilil'i Mmlcui, wliti llveil with lier
lutrenls en Ihe uller ihiee iteruss the
river, ilinl Siitiinlitv niulit the result
t'f mi iiecitli lit ihitt iHeurteil in he
fun linen. 'I he ulrl, who wits nliout
1 J Vi urn i.hl, wits I'ltivinu hiile iiiiil
sc'k wilh ndier t iiiii:iiii,iii al lier
liiuiie, mul nt die lime wits running
tl, thu ivrch siejia ,i, i t,
Ill her h.lMe .she ktlilnlilcl itiul Ml
heiiill,,ii;, iril,iii(; I', r teniile iininsl
ll"1 shilip iltiiHcil.siiiK. She w:ts
klliH kt ,1 M II hi ' less mul (,., M.x,.ri,l
heuis hit, r it limit r, i;.iiiiinj ecu
m 1 leu Me ss.
'Ihe (un w;ts h,'hl Suiiihiy uf:, r
COMIU i.vf.Nrs
!e IS,, I
I ! "'1' te
A s It! 1 1 ; ,1 ; e - i , ' i
I 1' , ' I i;;irv C, J. i.i ii, I,
' ' 1 t I'll . :l ... ,1
WIHI i'l ll.-t he I'l .1, I ie iK, l.i u. e ,
'' r (.f.r.ti-;i us a h ,.r e,.:
i'ris.iii, .. n tli,.ti!i i; !. ,.inii.
leil the u , ( i- .isti,,i ,,.ii. 1 :
Set ft 1-Jtt.i. Mi.iklli e'h el.l,. ; th,
ti:tllM an, I l, f, i, ,:,, ,! , , ,
.lvt.Vs. m s , ti, ;; ;l, ,) ,. , l( Bll?
ill l It'll HIIV Mleh , un.,,, .., V 1,.
ihll. ii !l.l'.l i .etl; .!,' ll,,. m,, .
if tut' f'.ft leu Mri,ln the Klin, Wllh
'.htii ii,;,iiiiii, tm the r, i:r.ui,ui
j Ian. I.;, Siiuir,!,,,- Cesrete t'eiiei rt,
j OlcliotM, I'l-el.l hiui-e
I 1,'h. M n,l;n v, ,', tjv. ,v
; I t Kin' I'f III, lief at Mli-le I,.,:;.
j '.'I. S.-ii ti r.I.iy "S.tinlv Hi :t,i:u"
I al i' i I'.i he,i.-e
Knhheis Knosl KnlJrtl
1', T selie' t line tl.,. I, f,
, ' "' I'.fl a ! , f ' i, ! ' is ti.i" "r
j i IMiC III the him r . ,e,. , f I, !,.,(
j ' ri tl..y w i.:,l i : 1:1 ,.. ,
iiiinu ti. v , :ll
,i'..',- ,. . . , . . ;
--l- ! ' I. th. . tlMll I
I wlnle a ,1 .. n i r i,, re . ' !.. ... , . r, 1
I f 'I .! '' -'eiiil', r I , r r 1 1 !
llll'lllti s the ,,l, , . ' ,,, ,
i ,; 1 ' u,t
i i '! ;i, . ,.: i ;, , ., !
,'i.irih 11 Mill ll,.,;, it 1 .. : , V ,1..,; j
(! Ml' ll 111! .Ul ". t,. ' . ! ,., ,1 ., , j
I " w.,:f ( r.. ,
! s"'1 " ' 'V 1 e s 11 I, r I, :; I :',,;; I
; N ' 1 '' t! -tl.: t. tin;'..- I
I N i
! She. I. , . Auiinivla
I N Mis an, I s .:,itie,l .-! ,
j -ii ; , . ,1 on r in A -I :,, ; 1 !, .,.,!., v ,,
I d" I' .l seutl, f, r f,, ,( ,,
tuiiiiit.s. While tie-re it hirge ,,..
which was ,,.iv t;u.,hle, fr,,,,,
Ihe i !!,, i, , f the , ..',,1 w.itih. r. A
titip. hcen I also i..-eas .l fr.un
Ihe lie liaerie Kiel tint show ws
f.ircetl to cuimiiui. on it wnv with
mil it. l'liliti'iunu Klum has liok-s of
rtssit.tinii it to tho owners.
Grants Pen Has H&d a Cleaning
Promptly nm the iuaDRurutiou of
Mayor Gilkt-y and tlio new city
council, a new regime was ordered in
the conduct ot citj affairs aud a vry
favorable start was made toward car
rying out the sentiment!! to which tlie
lunyor aiineuneed liimself prior to life
election ; a general cleaning qji of tlie
town, (ine of the first acts (if the new
mayor was to instruct the marshal to
enforce a strict observance of the
ordinances regulating gauil'liu? and
the Sunday closing of saloons. Thurs
day evening, Marshal titevens made
the rounds and warned the gamblers
and tho proprietors of the places
where gambling was being carried on
that the end was at hand and to have
all evidence! of thu traflic out of sight
by morning. There was no attempt
at a raid or for any spectacular effect.
The gamblers were quietly given
stflicient notice to cease tliu tratlic
aud all complied readily and quietly
to tlio authority. All slot machines,
roulette wheels and gambling equip,
incuts of all kinds have disappeared
from the saloons and other places of
resort as if by magic. One cigar
store, lias its little slot machine at
rest on the highest shelf in the room,
draped iu mourning und bearing the
inncriptiou, "Died January 7, 1U04. "
Tlio ordinance regulating gambling
also by its terms places a ban on fte
playing of cards for checks or cigars,
a practice which thrived at several of
the cigar stores. The enforcement
of this provision was not received
with a welcome in all quarters unit
the solo players consider it excessively
severe, yet it met with no direct op
position und the new ordei has been
in all cases quietly accepted when it
was shown that it was really in ac
cordance with the city law.
Un. Sunday, the saloons were tightly
closed and no back door tr it flic was
carried on. One saloon proprietor
only, August Fetsch of tlio corner
saloon openly declared that lie would
keep his "sitting room" open, which
lie uid. On Monday morning early,
howevor, ho appeared- before the
mayor and listed that no charge be
made and promised to observe the
laws. He was told that this charge
would be brought up if ho waa again
guilty and a third otfenso would re
voke his license.
The Sunday closing of salooim
is an object which it has hith
erto been found dillieult to ac
complish for more than a few Sun
days nt a stretch. The methods of
the new mayor givo promise of a more
effective enforcement of the law.
Some, at least, of tho saloon men
themselves favor Sunday closing, as
it gives them, the lest from business
that is enjoyed by men in other li ties,
hut no one wants to close unless the
closing is general.
Marshal Stevens has been carrying
out the instructions of the mayor very
effectively und completely and is en
forcing the ordiimti 'es to tho letter
The mayor says he finds a disjKisi
tion to comply with the laws very
much in evidence and the now orders
have, been accepted readily and with
out much o'Misition.
The provisions nf the charter and
Ihe ordinances miiltO the saloon busi
ness very much at the disposition of
the city council. The ordinance
regulating saloons is iron clad ill its
terms and the siwer which is given
the council to revoke licenses on oc
casion is calculated to make saloon
men extremely wary of going con
trary to the will of authority,
At the resent time, if there is any
gambling being carried on, it is w ith
the utmost secrecy and behind lot k
ami key. There is probably no gam
bling whatever now nt tho saloons.
It is next to iiiip-ihle to cempli tely
pul n slop to all gambling, but all
public gambling c m be stopped and
has now ceased in Uriiuts 1'ass. The
tralllc which has tloiiirshcd luxuriant
ly for some time past is at an
end and the town now has an oppor
tunity to recover from the uneiivithle
reputation which it was acquiring as
a "wide tqien" town. There has hoi n
til the t few days quite an i xoilus
of gamblers and the town is im
measurably iH'iiettited by their depart
ure. Jt is not enlv the gamblers hut
it slill lower stratum of society,
thugs, thieves and human vermin of
.ill classes, that swarm to a "wide
open" town. What we lcc in
quantity, we gam in quality.
The stand taken by the mayor is !
tiewed with a gr,itt ileal of sati.-fact
ion bv a majority of tin eiti. ns and I
the pros pi cts are bright for tiiants
1'ass to he a i lean, r, h. to r and more
healthfully pros iei.s town I! an it j
lias yet liven in its lut-i tv j
A an .
' k., cveui
A Large Amount of Business to
Attend to
Ihe Passing Pioneers.
Janus M I'avue, who ill, , U, ,-, m. i
l',r :il-t, nt Kerby. aged ;,; I
'i is resided in South, in thegmi -in e ,
the tarty "o pctiod has In,,) l
t.ttiti neir heihy Mi.,-,. Is;;, u,, 1(,
-u'tivnl .v feur suns and two
liughlet-, I1 I', .. S . l T. and
l i.ti.s Tayn. , Mrs. J, K. Hodgson and
t . . i, , ,
- " t inn an, an in w honi re
siV K, rhy, , in , i a. S. I'avue of
W .1 I'ly ui.t!, , ,,g, ,1 .'.,; v. .us, ,ii,., j
it his h. iiie in .he l-envi;!,' Sun, lav
nght , r ti. unieni a. nf!, r two, lavs'!
,! "i -s Mi i'lytiKiht t-rcsM 1 t. I
i un. in 1- .'. and ha I In, ,1 , i,
ml iii J.ui,i.:ivi!lt cn-r sin, v. At!
'Ie tun i'f his ,, .ul, he was ilKtlee j
' the ; It of .la, k-'iivti:,.. II,. i j
' n te w .j.i; . r , ,,rr. .join!, nt ,, ral
r' !. m I h I, I rut, ll l,i.l,,r,,l '
!. f..r m.ig.t.nt . The fun, ral
"" '" lo-Id at the I .tin i ly ti si
ll ti I'.,. i,,v :t j n m i K,x
' 'A M'.vl. r. , f th,. M K. church
' " ' " l( t in r I o.lge, No. ;M
4 " I vv . had charge of the ,er
' i- at J.n k-onville cemetery, A
Itrg" family survive him.
Wofitkttul Nrv.
Is displayed t,y many a mail during
pains of ait lih nlnl cuts, wounds
linns.,, burns. ld, -ti Jtm
there's no llei.l for it. llileklen's
Arnica Suite, will kill il, jhiii and
cure the trouble. It's the best salv
on nirth tor.v piles, tov v.k- al
N.iinuml rVug Store aud Orann lass
Cjnuty Court tor Josephine county
couveued on Veduesdy, January 6,
and the following piocecdiugs were
had :
Iu the matter of drawing a jury list
for the year liKH, the court proceeds
to draw a list of 2X) names, tax
payers from the tax roll for tho year
11)03, which list is hereby ordered
filed by the clerk of this court.
Iu the matter of the tax roll for
I ho rear laoJt. die court l uds no
cause for alteration or correction and
the same is approved and or len d
placed in the hands of the county
In the matter of the tax levy for
tho year 1'JO.l, it is ordered by the
court that it be as follows, to-wit:
general purposes, 1'J8 mills; state
tax. flW mills: school taxes, 8 1-4
mills; road purposes, 2 mills. The
above levy to include tho indigent
soldiers levy of 1-15 of a mill and one
mill for public high school. Total
!4 mills.
In tho matter of the appointment of
judges and clerks of election it is
hereby ordered by the court that the
following named pcrsniit be and they
are hereby appointed judges and
clerks of election for their respective
precincts for tho ensuing two years:
North Grants Pass Judges, J. C.
Campbell, N. II. Meade, J. P. Uii
Iociht; clerks, G. A. Savage, J. A.
Slover, J. M. Booth.
Soulh Grants Puss Judges, Stephen
Jewell, H. Zoller, Geo. Furmati;
clerks, T. Y. Deun, Walter Smith, II.
A. Williams.
West Grants Pass Judges, I L.
Jennings, lieiij. Dimmick, .1. Christie ;
clerks, N. Reynolds, J. E. Peterson,
K. I'. Cheshire.
Wolf Creek Judges, Henry Gross,
I). V. Mntiiews, Win. Whitlier;
clerks, E. K. IJnnhar, M. C. Davis,
Hubert Medley.
Mt. Heuben Judges, G. Karg,
Geo. Archer, (.'has Uerglniid ; clerks,
W. A. Klutu, W. II. Dana, W. H.
Galiee Creek Judges. Tom Emory,
Harry Lewis, J. C. Matt isou ; clerks,
Ed Friday, James Hartley, Sam Call.
Lelantl Judges, T. J. Maokin,
A. A. Porter, Jake Stciner; clerks,
II. I, Wilson, Henry Walters, C. D.
Merlin Judges, Joseph McCasliii,
James Xeely, 1J. W. Mitchell ; clerks,
1. P. McConnell, 0. A. Guild, Chas
I.ncky Queen Judges, II. M.
Gorhain, Jacob '.Ieyer, W. C. Long;
die kit, C. I). Crane, Henry Pollock,
J. I). Corbet!.
Murphy Judges, J. E. Swinden,
0. V. Gentiit-r, Sill; clerks, Ed
Jt ckerline, L. W. Carson, A. D. Cus-tar.
Williams Judg.
J. N. Gnu her, 11.
.1. M. John, ISlaki
Slate Crick Judges, Orr
James lloxie, u. W. Lewis
R V. S to veil so 'i
Slier nun Jess.
K-'rby Judges,
Hans hi, Krunk
tieo. Wells, J. V
Selina Juilget,
H. Winter, Jacob
Ed Hathaway, M.
I Halt.
AlthtiLse Judg 's,
Ed Mi-Caun, Joseph
W. A. Leonard,
Mark Gales.
Waldo Judges, J
llervey, W. K. Whipple; clerks, W.
I. Wtnier, H P. George, Chas. Ep
perly. In the matter of granting a liquor
Ii se to C D. Hurtiett and Henry o' l.ehiud Messrs. lluriiettiunil having complied with all the re
quirement of law to the best infor
iinilioii of the court, it is'hereby
ordered that the clerk of this court
issue a liquor license to Messrs. llur
nod and Lee nt- Lelantl, for a ncriod
if six months, Iroui the t'llh day of
January, l'.iol, to the hh day of July,
I'.H'I, to sell spirituous, malt and
vinous liquors in less quantities than
me gallon, in Lehiud, Josephine
county, Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of Win,
I'unlap, de 'eased, it is hereby ortlered
by the court that all funds in the
hands of the county treasurer belong,
ing to mid estate lie tllrtutl over to
lames 11. Colby, the only appoiuted,
in ilili. d and acting administrator of
the said estate of Wm Dtinlap, de-
Ill the matter of the vacation of a
''ri.iia pie f county road, cotu-
n 'iieii.g at or near the southeast cor
,ier of northwest I I (,f section 11,
township ;;s south, rang" s west, and
tunning iu a northwesterly course
to toe intersect ion of the main county
.' .1 lo K, thy near southwest come:
f irithwost I I of settiou ll in said
.oAiishi,', it i hmhy ordered that
sai l road he Titrated.
Ke-igiiation of Lee Sill, ro ul snjier
visor, dis:rict No. 10, ncct tetl.
Kesignatitm of C. E. Maylieo, jus
tice of the in'.ict. for lirants Pass ills
t'i.'t. nee, j ;, ,.
1. ny license granted to W. A.
M.issie to run a ferry across Kogue
river iu section t, tow tiship y,", outh,
t tnge T wnt, in Josephine county,
I'rt g..u. for a period of one year from
the ltd day of January, liml, uiitm the
p...tin,iit if tlie ma, 0f lo
i'iiuiii v trt asurer.
Marcus ltohhtns appniiitetl justice
of the lea. e for Grants Pass district
to . rve the unexpired terra of O. E.
May In e.
In the matter of the petition for
rigid to lay tracks of the California
and Oregon Coast Hail road Co. and to
oiutruet a railroad ou lloltou street
in die ton of Kerby, it pi.ariug to
the court from the petition presented
that U of the pron-rty ownera aud
rt"sideuU of the town of Kerby hare
pvtiticned th court aud are desirous
nf an ortier granting a right of way
n Holtnn itreet, aud it further ap
ls'triug to thn court that it will be
for tlie best interests of MiiJ town
and of Josephine ctiuuty to allow the
iimstructioa of said road on Holloa
i-.-i. it is nereuy ortured ttiat a
is, C. O. Higelow,
It. StiTin ; clerks,
i W. llaldwin, J. T.
J. C. K. McCann,
E 1 Tyivr. Pet or
Dcssinger ; clerks,
Stith, Etl Diiiiev.
T. G. Harmon, D.
Hansel h; clerks.
1''. Crooks, J. G.
W. L. Hahcock,
Sey forth ; clerks,
Wm. Trcfatheu
T. Logan, Ahe
. . .11r
right of way bo grantea J
to said company throughout the
length and breadth of Helton street
In the town tf Kerby for the purpose
of constructing ud rnaiiitaiDinK
line of railroad on said street.
Iu the matter of the appointment ot
o id supervisors to fill the unexpired
portion of tho year 190-1, it is hereby
ordered that the following named
persons be appoiuted for their respec
tive road districts, to assume oflice on
July 1st, 1904:
1 North Grants Pass A. Morris.
2 South Grant Pass-J. W. Hamlin.
8 West Grants Pass W. L. Jones.
4 Wolf Creen Henry Gross.
5 Mt Reuben-G. Karg.
7 Lelau'd Sam Aldcrsoti.
8 Merlin Milt Reynolds.
9 Lucky Queen C. D. Crane.
10 Murphy W. S. Bailey.
11 Williams James Kennedy.
12 Slate Creek J. J. Brown.
13 Kerby W. S. Schleigh.
15 Althouse Mark Gates.
14 Selma Jarres Dailey.
1 Waldo R. P. George.
Iu the matter of the delinquent tax
roll and tax sale for the year 19011,
tho report of Bame presented by Geo.
W. Lewis, sheriff and tax collector,
is at this time examined and all
things pertaining thereto found to be
cornet, it is hereby ordered that the
county clerk credit the said sheriff's
account with said delinquent tax and
amounts remitted by him as per his
report and statement.
Court adjourned until February 1,
at 9 o'clock, a. m.
In his
. linrell. ici,
Bethany Presnyieri""
ff. G. Conuell forcibly expo .the
fallacy that nou-p."---
wrong noii.toti
the case' an
npprel ded
his defto in
lie bad 'ver
. .. ,,a
to be au lioueai
vif'""" . . ,,.t
. i vUi iinpriiti "
of goodness excuses
nave as au example
idler and vagrant
for theft, entering as
onnrt tlie plea that
to be a" none"
to t, liberated o1'
ground. The theme oi me u..
was "Practice aud Profession. Ihe
Sunday evening services are daued
to be especially attractive taieu.
The sermons nre logical, forciblaud
mil of profit to thinking listeuc
For Sale Cheap
Tdsinc house and restnurai do
ing a gcod business
inquire of Mrs. A.
For pricetc.
Prisoner Liberated Some
Cases Dismissed.
Circuit court was convened on Mon
day, with Judgo Hauna on the bench.
Little has yet been done beyond the
overhauling of riie docket and the
dismissal of a number of cases.
The three men, Zimmer, Chester
and McTavish, who have been occu
pants of the county jail since Octobtr,
charged with lurceny of articles from
Mrs. Brown's store, wero released on
Wi duesday.
Tho caso of E. A. Dunham, et al,
vs. the Souther'i Paciflo Comjiany is
set for Thursday and will be a jury
trial Duuhnin was a railroad em
ploye who suffered the loss of a leg
while working iu the Grants Pass
yards. The claim is made that the
accident was caused by tho insecure
fastening of a tod which Dunham
grasped while attempting to board the
Tho enterprise and lasting wfnre
of a city is duo to the stannclnsi
nefs firm which live nuii el in
vour city. A reiiuniH ousmc m
ronr city is a benefit, but tlieimp
and whirl of a traveling coi-rn,
coming in for a few days like tlr
cus to take your money and ca: it
away, and leave you plenty of ne
to regret your nasty punamsu
men who are merely woriiinfor
lomo nig nrm somweuere, wniu-
here toduy and there toniorw.
These traveling men never he! to
build up tho best interests of or
home town, aud good pianos ntia
necessary to make tho home pleant
as any other necessity of life. Hob
cost money aud it Is better to y
them ut homo of a man who wile
with you for years to come and 'o
caiuot afford to sell you sometlg
that will not give you good satir
tiou. II. M. Cos8, proprietor of a
Coss Piano houses of Ashland d
Metlford will soon put in a iierumat
music store iu Grants Pass where'e
of the best musicians of the town v.1
have steady employment and wilt
every piano Bold will bo sold by
M. Cosa himself, aud where. eve)
thing in the music lino can bo had
tho lowest possible price. It v
pay tho citizens of Grants Pass a
vicinity to see this coming ftock I
foro buying. The Coss Piano Hoo
has been in business in Southern Ol
goti for nearly four years and wo oi
Local Teacheia' Institute to be
Held Saturday Jtvn. 30.
A teachers' local institute will be
held by Superintendent Lincoln
Savage iu the school house at Wilder
villi) on Saturday, January SO, 1904.
The following program has beeii ar
ranged :
10 :!)0.
0iening song
Reading " First Four Yours in
School" P. M. Corum
"The Plure for History in Our
Schools' J. II. Robinson
"Tho Value of Writing and of
Written Work"....W. H. Devoe
1 :30.
Opening song
Recitation from pupils
"Our Schools of Yesterday tnd
Our Schools of Today"
R. M. Robiusou
Condensed Ideas rrom Ex
perience" Ed F. Hathawar
"Nature Work" J. H. Austin
"Elements of Success"
J. C. K. McCaun
"Resnonsibility of the Teacher"
Lincoln Savage
A cordial invitation, is extended to
all to utteud.
K. of P. Installation.
The Installation of Thermopylae
lodge No. "ill, Knights of Pythias, and
( olatilho Temple Nc. 2, Rathhone
Sisters, occurred Tuesday night at K.
of P. hall and was witnessed br both
lodges and a few invited guests.
After tho installation services,
which were beautiful and impressive,
the company sat dnwu to a sumptuous
supier which was servetl;in the btu-
qnet room. The officers installed are
as follows :
Rathbnue Sisters.
P C, Josephine Thornton.
M K C, Delia A Hale.
E C of T, Ellin Harmon.
E J of T, Louise Williams.
M of R ami C, Nellie Utley.
M of F, Elizabeth Kendall.
M of T, Sarah 1) Newell.
P of T, M try B Clemo.
G of O T, Gwiuuie Flamm.
K. of P.
C C, C E Maybee.
V C, J A Myers.
P, John M Booth.
K of R and S, T W Williams.
M F, D M Depuy.
M E, Jos Moss.
M of A, Jos Chausse.
I G, W T Coburu.
OU, J P Hale.
Dank Elections,
The aunual electiou of officers fcr
the First National Bank of Southern
Oregon was held ou Taesdar of thn
week and tho following officers were
elected: President, R. A. Booth ; vice
president, J. C Campbell, cashier, H.
L Gil key ; directors, K. A. Booth J,
I). Fry, J. T. Tuffs, II. C. Kinney, P.
H. llurth, J. C. Campbell, H. L.GU
The Grants Pass Banking and
Trust Compaur held their annual
lection this week, putting ia the
aiue officers as last year, which are
it follows: Prrsideut, J. Flank
Watson; t ice-president, R. A. Booth
easbiei, L. L. Jewell; directors,
Herbert Smith, Ed Lister, Geo. R.
Riddle, J. T. Toffs.
Donwstic Trmiblss,
It is exceptional to And a familr
here them are no dooiestio rupture.
ixvasionsny, but these can be lessen
tl by having Dr. King's New Life
Pills aroaud. Much trouble thry
ve by their great work. S.e at
.Nutioual Drug Stor aud Grants Pass
"y ir. i H,UU) Young l,.Mirei,j.
followir.g telegrams t,- 't
concerts of the Coygrovo Or
which appears at the otor .Mi
nrday : ' v r
Montnoulh Or r
Mrs. Halite C. Touug, "
Grants Pass, Ore.,
Cosgrovn Concert very 'wt:rf
Our people dulighted. " ' ..
E. D. REsg
S'ate Normal
Corvaili )J
Mrs. Hattio Young,
Grants Pass Ore. i
Cosgrote Orchestra first j.
Everybody more than pl,..,
Albany J .u.lj j."
Wra. Hattio V. Young, " '
Grants Pass Ore.
Cosgrove Company (jrt
every respect.
i Mgr. W,
Library Notice
Those members owing
please call upon tho library
let it be known if their meiuie
ia to bo discontinued.
Jennie H. Judsou, g
KEY Large store key jo
Owner cau have sarte br ti
for this notice. "
Muu to cot
Apply E. L. Cum
WANTED A planm; and bu
shiuiuicr heads, not ltm t; ; ,
inch, single or double sorh l
belts complete, in good rif
order. Address Lotkliox2l.i
souville, Oregon. t"
WANTED By experienced if
wife, a mine hoarding linns-1
ply Courier Ollice.
WANTED A woman or girl f
general housework at tlie ret.
ol Mrs. w. . Hale. t
TRUSTWORTHY lady or gn
to maungo business in lliiii;
and adjeining terrilory lor;
of solid financial standing, r
siraiuht rath salarv and cr.
ttfer you to sn:'li men as P. II. Hart! PW each Monday direct ;
iietliii uitl lei s. xjAJs-iise Qieue
vanced; position iierniHuitit. ,
dress Manager, fill.") Motion I
H. L. Gilkey, A. B. Cornell nt)
James Patrick, for references us tin
have our pianos in their homes.
II. M. Coss.
ENGINE 2'a II. P. Lazier, p.
Engine. Brought from liuffi
Y. Never used, und is brunt
A bargain for cash or pat
nienlH. E. L. Ciiks. .
'OR SALE or rent ronuiiiig 1'.
best location in citv. Applji
Kreak Up a Cold
Modern Scientific Remedy
Colds and La Grippe.
'AW MILL A good Fan- mil.
to sell, capacity 13,000. Sitta
the heart of a good timbered,
near mouth of Powels (
Teams, logging outfit, boil;
$400 worth of lumber in jn:
for $H,000. Enquire at tnisof: -
fr 88 acres, ti It improved, 12 J
hard, 8 in hops, two houses an
irns, S miles from town. Wi.
tl or part. E. W. Turner,
Grants Pass, 0:
Your money back if you want it
Slover Drug. Co.
SPAN of good work litirstn,:
and gentle, and 10 yea-s o
weigh 1200 to liloo pounds, ir.
teed to be as represented, o
bought at a reasonable price,
double n nil singlu harness, ori'
one retv Stockton wagon, 3
tires, almost new, and farm
Apply at Courier oflice.
Solk Agents.
Assay Office
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, 1 each.
Gold and Silver, 1.
Bought and Refilled for Dental Trade.
Each and every ussay dono with the
idea that it may be checked.
In Tho County Court For Josephine
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate
of William Dun lap, Do-
ceased. j
Notice is hereby given that the nil-
tlersitrnerl. -Titmi.a II .,iI.f. 1 -
' " -.. vj,., iiiib ueen
apiHiinted aduiiiiistrator of the Estate
of William Dun tap, deceased, by the
County Court for Josephine County,
Oregou, and all ierons having claims
against saiti estate are untitled to pre
sent thn SltlllM ilnlv voi-itl,..! n ,1...
, .....j ,.(.,, u, U nn-
undersigned administrator at tho law
oiiiiu in ii. it. norton in lirants
Pass, Josephine Countv. Orenon. on
or before aix mouths from the date of
me nrst publication of this notice,
which first publication iifThursday
January J4, A. D., m.
JLL TOP DEhK and rtt
bail' for sale cheap Courier
j'l tons baled alfalfa liny. I
Ray, Tolo, Oregon.
A It M FOR BALK two miles fn
lih. imi ai-res -ahout Mi m res u .
lltini land, '.'," seres iu cultivation.
tise ami ham anil almul .in sfro
ice, halfttice of hind suitsl, It' fore"
pasture. For further partiialr
ts W. M. Crow, Merlin. tregon.
Al'HK ranch, gtssl prunt
amile orthard, small Ir
andante; water for initiation, s
ings oil everv 40 ucres; center of i .
rue country;' two ilwslling l'"
tm, every thing complete; well sis
fi frus'ts, goiHi tuiiiini; iiiarket.
b mile north til : Tunnel !', priw
Liire at this othee.
J acre fruit and stork rnm li. S'i
Innn tirants l'as. lim If""
eked' liiin Orehitid, fair buililinr
fr soil, plenty ol water aim tnii
thiest outside stock riinne in J"
t'titv. Price T nu per acre, part
Atess Mrt. A. 11. 1 hessuejre, Hr
Ot ,
Ti very desirable hous,
Jcely located, rnt
ply to E. L. Cass.
i'S for
TV- unfurnished rooms or for
bedroom let singly if
frms moderute. Apply to
IrriMin, Second street, Mrs. S
room 1
GbD table board and
I Louis House, Cor.
FtNllURE cTeimed aii.i re
Iholstering done, carpel J
l, cleiined and rel aid. M":
novated, household goods P
f shiiunent. Apply to )
f.-rlu Residence Sixth St.
Is King
" " '
We have accepted the agenr for tho fiest Sewing
Machine on Earth. Is yoa bid machine givin?
perfect satisfaction? Vhj-10t exchange it for a t
White? Call and see thiniodern White at our f
store, or drop us a card ai our representative
will call at your homo witlvi machine and give
you an exhibition of its widerful workin? quali-
ur terms are very rt.onable.
Grants Pass, J Oregon.