Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 07, 1904, Image 4

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CoplrtuM, lr'l, !- Jlrrhert H. Stnne
S- :
writer," he .-ill, "no I liuve not made a
Chapter 1 OrenfiiU Lorry, ft
wealthy American globi trotter,
stumbles into acquaintance with a
charming foreign girl 011 the. tmiu
from Denver to Washington. Tim
pair are left bcliiu tl when the, (Her
Hiopn for rejiairs in Went Virginia.
Cliapter II Lorry wirei uheail to
hold tin) train. lie and llio unknown
girl ride twenty miles at'a tearing
pace in a mountain coach. Them is
no lovcmaliii.g, but a near ajiironeh
to it a tlie rolling tinge tumbles tho
passengers uhout.
"We arc to bo honored, nlr," mild tho
old gentleman, hut In such n way tlnit
(Ironfall had a distinct feeling Hint It
was hu who wn3 to ho honored. Aui.t
Yvonne sniilis graciously, and he took
his departure. While Iledrlck wal
dressing tho Jagged lltllo cut tln nfnll
complacently survcyd llio patient la
tho mirror oppose and wild to himself
a hundred times: "You lucky dog! It
was worth fcrty gashes like thin. I'.y
, Jove, she's divine!"
In a fever of eager haste ho bathed
and attired himself for dinner, the Im
perturbable Hcdrlok assisting. One
tiery filled tho American's mind, "I
wonder If I am to Hit beside her." And
then: "I have sat beside) her! Thero
can never again be mien delight!"
It wiii 7 o'clock before bin rather un
usual toilet wan completed. "See if
they havo koiio t" the diner, Iledrlck,"
be "11 lil to tho inanxcrvnnt, who de
parted ceremoniously,
"I don't know why he Bhotild he no
Tory polite," observed Jjirry, gazing
wonderlngly iirtcr li 1 tu. "I'm not a
king. That reminds mo. I must inlro
duco myself. Mio doesn't know me
from Ailain."
Iledrlck returned and iiiiuoiiuced that
tbey bad Just gone to the dining ear
and were awaiting him there. lie hur
ried to the diner and miide I. Is way to
thejr table. I'uclo f'aspnr and bla niece
were facing hlin an he enme up be
tween the tables, and he saw, with no
little regret, that ho wan to Hit beside
the auut-dlrectly opposite the girl,
however. Hho ainllitl up at him as lie
Ktood before them, bowing. Ho saw
the expression of Impilry In those deep,
liquid eyes of violet ill thi'lr gaze wan
dered over his hair.
"Your heud? I nee no bandage," the
aid reproachfully.
"Thero Is a small plaster, and that Is
all. Only heroes may have dangerous
wounds," he mild laughingly.
"Is heroism In America nieiiHured by
the number of studies or the size of
the plaster?" she asked pointedly. "Ill
my country It Is a Joy mid not a ca
lamity. Wounds are the misfortune of
valor, l'ray la seated, Mr. Lorry - Is It
Hot?" she said, pronouncing It ipialutly.
. lie sat down ml her suddenly on In n r
llig her utter bis name. How hud she
learned It? Not a soul on tho train
knew It, bo was sure.
"I am Caspar (iuggetiHlocker. Permit
Hie, Mr. Lorry, to present my wife mid
my lileco, Miss (luggenslm ker," said
the uncle more gracefully than he Im.l
ever heard such a thing uttered before.
Ill a dale, stunned by the nnine
GllggenslocUcr- mystified liver their
aciiuiilntnneo with bis own when ho
bud been foiled at every fair attempt
to learn theirs, Lorry could only mum
ble bis m kuowlcilguictit. In all his
life bo had never lost column ml of lilni
elf as at this moment, (iuggeusloeker!
. , (jw 1
V "1'ou lu. l.y i"i."'
sstujil f'-el Hie dunk sweat of illiap.
(HMnY-aiuUi,!. ii in bn.w. A.
j 'WHw-r., 'juat., ,i cobbler a
'4.iiinl'.o ,'Htonyiui, if ou.;,""-
slocret-v. v. luig '4uai't'.tref"rBlll ,
to glance uncoiii'ei nivtV", . k4 S fe
took up his mipkln, but his rjW
ered helplessly. She was looking so
rouely nt hlin, yet he f uncled he -,
shadow of mockery hi her blue t yn.
"If you were a novel writer, Mr Lor
ry, whnt manner of heroine w ould on
fhoose ?" she nuked, with a Minle so
tni.ti.llr.lng thnt be umlersi I In
atlnctlvi-lv why f,t. h:w revhim: a
topic on-4 nbniidened. 11in cocin-ioM
as Inereiind. Her tin le mid mint
were regarding him calmly evpecian'
l,V, h Imiiglnrd.
"I-l have no ambition to be a novel
'InsIJe each pounil ruckate ii
Lion Coffee
will lo found a FREE came.
60 different catnes. All new.
At Your Grocer'.
tudy of heroines."
"lint you would have an Ideal," iti
"I'm sure I I don't that is, slie
would not iiocvHsnrily be a heroine. Un
less, tf course, it would require hero
Ism to iuw as an Ideal for such a
pro-uile fe llow ns I."
"To begin with, you would call her
Clarals I Montrose or something equal
ly n impossible. Volt know the name
of a heroine In a novel must he eu
phonious. That Is nil exacting rule." It
was mi open tnunt. and be could wo
that she was enjoying his jllseoinflturo.
It ii roused his Indignation uinl his wits.
"I would Urst give my hero a distill-i-ui.-hed
nnine. No matter what tho
herolue'K name might be, pretty or oth
erwise, I could easily change It to hll
In llio last chnphT." hhe flushed In
nentli Ids now bright, kii-n eyej and
the ready though unoxectisl retort
t'ncle Caspar placed bis napkin to his
Hps mid coughed. Aunt Yvonne sludl
oiifcly Inspected her bill of fnre. "No
inn tier what you call a rose, it Is al
ways sweet," lie iiihhst meaningly.
At this she laughed good iinlurcdly.
He marveled at her white teeth and
red llpH. A rose, after all. tiuggeii
locker, rose; rose, not (luggenslookor.
No, no! A rose only! He fain lid he
ciui;.'ht a sly look of triumph In her
Um le's swift glance toward her. Ililt
Uncle Caspar was not a rose. Ho was
(luggensloc ker. Iluggensloeker -butcher!
Sllll he did not look the part; no,
ind 1. That extraordinary man n
butcher, a gardener, a -and Aunt
Yvonne? Yet they were tiuggenslock-
"Here is the waller," the girl ol
acrved to his relief. "I am famished
lifter my pleasant drive. It was so
hnielng, was It not, Mr. (ironfall Lor
ry?" "Che uio n mountain ride always us
an," be said obligingly, and
ao euilcil the Jest about a Inline.
The orders for the dinner were given,
mid the quartet sat hack In their chairs
to await the coming of the soup. Greu
fall was still wondering how she had
learned his mime, and was on the
point of asking several times during
tho conventional discussion of the
weather, the train mid tho mountains.
He considerately refrained, however,
unwilling to embarrass her.
"Aunt Yvonne tolls me nlie never ex
pected to see uio alive after the statlou
agent telegraphed thnt we were coin
ing overland in thnt awful old carriage.
The agent at 1" says It Is a danger
ous road, at the very edge of tho moun
tain. Ho also Increased the composure
of my uncle and aunt by telling tlieiu
tliut a wagon rolled off yesterday, kill
ing a mini, two women and two horses.
Hear Aunt Yvonne, how troubled )'uU
must have Invn!"
"I'll confess there were times wlieu I
thought wu were rolling down tho
mountain." said 1irry, with a relieved
luike of the bead.
"Sometimes I thought we were sour
ing through space, whether upward or
downward 1 could not tell. We never
fulled to como te earth, though, did
we?" she laughingly asked.
"ICuiphallcally! Larth and u lltllo
grief," bo said, pulling bis hand to his
"Hoes It pnlll you?" she asked ipilck-
"Not In the least. I was merely feel
liq; to sie If tin- cut were still there.
Mr.-Mr. (luggeiiloeker, did the cou
illictor object to holding tho train?" ho
asked, remembering what the conduc
tor bad told him of the old gentleman's
"At Hist, but I soon convinced hlin
that It should he hold," said the other
"My husband Hpoke very harshly to
the poor man," added Aunt Yvonne.
"Hut I am afraid, Caspar, he did not
UuitcrMiiud a word you said. You were
U'ly much excited." '1 he sweet old
lady's iittcinpix nt Lngllsh were much
more laborious than her husbiind's.
"If he did not understand my Luif
llsh he was very good ut guessing,"
said her husband grimly.
"He told me you had threatened to
call him out." ventured the young man.
"Cull I 1 1 l out'.' Ach, a railroad con
ductor!" la lini'il I'ncle Caspar In
line scorn.
"Caspar, I heard you say that you
Would mil bUii nut," Interposed Ids
wife, with reproving eyes.
"Ach, Cod! 1 have made a mistake!
1 see it nil! It wns tliu other word f
on nut down, not out! 1 Intended to
call I it in dow ii. us you Americans say. I
hope he will not think I challenged
1 1 1 1 1 1 . " He was very much perturbed.
'I think he was nfiald veil would."
- ! Hitjnid have no feur. 1 could not
met H.4nilroad conductor. Will you
fl:.i Nil hlin 1 could not so coudi'-
HVian Jtc-ddc, dueling is murder lu
jour coun'ry, 1 inn told "
"it usually Is. sir. Much mote to than
In T:uioi. " The others hs.kcd at Mm
Inqulilugly. "I menu that In Ameiicu
when two men pull theli revolvers mm
go to sboetlll ill each other Holla ouo
U Uill.-d frequently belli. Ill Kill-one,
iis I iiudoi-tand (, seratih with a
Ml old ends the t ouibal "
"Von have I ii misinformed." rj.
lialmed I nele i'nyr, Ids evebrows
" I y. I iule c.ispni- lias fought moi
i" - il in lie can ivuiit." cried the gtrl
"An,! I. is p.,. slain Ids man every
tin . '. ' a--k. I ; r. n r.i 1 1 kiidbligly. glanc-
hur Hem oi . to th,. ni her. Aunt Y ei
shot a i-em.o 'ii:; iool, ;i the girl. iiI.m
I Mb d ltismnt:. her ey goliy
:: !' in al l tilt to the f ,.f hi r
'I !" Lei I I hcllld ti e old g.-tlt ie
men inriu r. n,. as looking nt le.s bill
of I'll, but Ids cms wile livni and
a'ai-i.g the c.u I "as ciiimplillg be
til i ell lli long, t...,y tin,,, :s Th
Aii . iii an n ,il'e.l Cat n furliiiMcu
tonic bad bn ii leached lljinli.
"He has fought and lie has slain," he
tllieu' I as iili k lis II llusli. "He is ti
A "riv;hunJ Pori.
!! like mid down t'le street,
1 :ni ln ihe , , eno '.nt.. or a Imiiuled
t1:. r nci til ins, sie cvi ' is'cur-
: " lilli'S. ll liecocaes MTV bedy to
Curd Pirsljm, t. Ii ibie salve h'ulidy ' nn.i
W. S. lUiloy, 1'. I'. True, Teaxs. '. ' ''' "em as g,v,sl Luel.len'ii
writes: "My w :fe h id Is e i MiuVriug A'm I'l'ic l'nriis, i uts, -er- s, etc,
livi f eai with paial i . i i Ie r .u -' ; i,. : '. !v i:e 1. r lt eth'i k !
vbc'i I was p'MV.uc d to n-e r .'air : i IT, t ee at'onil H'et- .,
and h.-r I ,,nl i;,,,,, i'k. Vb:.rm,-r.
nt, W 1,1. Ii i
II. e woik. '
. ug l u.
lutcher, no gardener, do cobbler. That't
Tell us, Tnele Caspar, what yon
aid to the conductor," cried the young
lady nervously.
"Tell them, Caspar, how alarmed wo
were," adib-d soft voiced Aunt Yvonne.
Gronfall was a silent. Interested ipec
tntor. He somehow felt a If a wen
from some tragedy had been repro
duced In thut brlefi-st of momenta.
Calmly and composedly, a half luille
now lu his face, the soldierly Caspar
narrated the tory of the train's run
from one station to the other.
"We did not miss you until we had
almost reached the other station. Then
your Aunt Yvonne asked me where you
bad gone. I told her I hail not Been
you, but went Into the conch ahead to
goiirob. You were not there. Then I
Went on to the dining car. Ach, you
were not there. In alarm I returned to
our car. Y'otir aunt and I looked every
where. You were not anywhere. 1
Kent Iledrlck ahead to summon the
conductor, hut he luid hardly left lis
when the engine sharply ami
the train began to slow up 111 a Jerky
fashion. I rushed to the platform,
meeting Iledrlck, who was as much
iil.'irmed us I. He said the train bad
been flagged and thnt there must be
something wrong. Your aunt came out
and told me that she had made a
atrange discovery."
(ironfall observed thnt be was ad
dressing himself exclusively to the
young Italy.
"She had found that the gentleman
In the next section was also missing.
While we w ere standing thero In doubt
and perplexity the train came to a
standstill, and soon there was shouting
on the outside. I climbed down from
the car and saw that we were ut a lit
tle station. The conductor came run
ning toward mo excitedly.
" 'Is the young lady In tho car? he
" 'No. For heaven's sake, what have
you heard 7' I crlisl.
"Then she bus been left at 0 ,'
be exclaimed, and nsisl Homo very ex
traordinary American words.
"I then Informed him that ho should
run hack for you, first learning that
you were alive and well. He said he
would he d d If he would pardon
the woid, ladles. He was very angry
and said lie would give orders to go
abend, but I told hlin I would denisnd
restitution of his government. Ho
liiiighisl In my face, and then I Iwcnme
Hlinini'linsly angry. I siild to him:
" 'Sir, I shall call you dow n' not out,
ns you have said -'and I shall run you
through tho mill.'
"That was good American talk, sir,
wns It not. Mr. Lorry? I wanted him
to understand lue, so I tried to use your
very best language. Home gentlemen
who are traveling on this train and
some very excellent Indies also Joined
In the demand that the train be held.
Ills dispatch from O said that you,
Mr. Lorry, Insisted on having It held
for twenty minutes. The conductor In
sulted you, sir, by saying that you had
more uh, what Is It? gall than liny
Idiot he had ever sismi. When hu laid
that, iilllmugli I did not fully under
stand that It was u rellectlon on you,
o Ignorant urn I of your language, I
took orennlon to (ell I i I iii that you wero
a gentleman m il a friend of mine, lie
asked me your I'.niiie. but ns I did not
know It I could only tell 1dm that he
would Irani It soon enough. Then ho
said something w hich has pur.hsl me
ever since. He told mo to close my face.
What did he mean by that, Sir. Lor
ry?" "Well, Mr. (iuggenslocker, that
means la refined American 'stop talk
ing,'" said Lorry, controlling n desire
to shout.
"Ach, that accounts for his surprise
when I talked louder and faster than
ever. I did hot know what he meant.
Ho said podllvely lie would not wait,
but Just then a Hcenud message came
from the other statlou. 1 did not know
what It wns then, bill u gentleman told
mo that It Instructed him to hold the
train If he wanted to hold his Job. Job
Is situation, Is It not? Well, when he
rend that message he said lie would
wuit Just twenty minutes. I asked lilln
to tell me how you were coining to us,
but he refused to answer. Your aunt
aud 1 went at once to the teiegrnph
man and Implored li 1 in to tell us the
truth, and he said you were coming hi
a carriage over n very dangerous road.
Imagine our feelings when he snld
some people had been killed yesterday
ou that very road.
"When your aunt and I returned to
the train we saw the conductor holding
his watch. He said to me, 'In Just three
minutes we pull out. If they are not
here by that time they can get on the
hint they know how. I've done all 1
en ll.' 1 did not say a word, but w ent b
my seetioii mid hud Iledrlck get out
my pistols. If the train left before you
arrived It would be without its con
ductor. "Then cntiie the sound of cnrrlnge
w lus Is and galloping horses. Almost
before we knew It you were with ns. I
mil so happy that you were not a min
ute later."
There -,ias something so cool and
grim in the quiet voice, something so
ileieriulned III those brilliant eyes, that
lirenfall felt like looking up tho con
ductor to congratulate hlin. The din
ner was soiled, and wlille it was living
I'.UcusMd his fair companion of the
I'rlvo graphhnlly described the expeii
niie of twenty strmige minutes In n
IhnekledoiMi mountain ioaeh.
Somehow the real tlnvor of romance
was sttleken from the ride by her can
JJd .'idiulsiions. hat he hud consld-i-ied
a romantic treasure wns being
nlmly robluil of Its glitter, leaving
for Ids ineiuorv the blur of nn oilvcn
On e In w bli h he had played the part of
I gallant gentleman and she a grateful
lu'.y. lie was beginning to feel
isbanad of the conceit that had misled
htm. I low n pi libi heart he was say ing.
'I iiN.d'.t have known It. I did know It.
::o is not like other women." The
,iewYcl ivnl'al, nee that dwelt lu tin
rapt faces of the' others' forced Lito his
wondering mind the Impression that
this girl could do no wrong. j
"Aud, Aunt Yvonne," she laid. In con-,
elusion, "the luck which you say Is
mine as birthright asserted Itaelf. I es-;
caped unhurt, while Mr. Lorry alone
po.ssesiu-s the pain and unpleasantness
f our ride."
"I posse! neither," he objected. The
fain that you refer to Is a pleasure."
'The pain that a man enduma or D
woman should always be a utea,sure,'
laid I'ncle Caspar smilingly, f 't ;
"Hut It could not be a pleasan t blpi
unless the woman conslcxad Itja
pain," reasoned Mlsi Gufiiliekr.
"He could not feel happy It sileUlf! Jbot
respect the pain." (" f.;
"And encourage It," pYinetited
Lorry dryly. "If you do oat rcrjafl me
occasionally thnt I am hjrt, M fi JUR'
genslcekcr. I am llablo'to forget IL"
To himself he added, "PII neve learn
how to ay It In one brmtU," Jtrf
"If I were not so ssa ,to part from
you, I should be youf physlcu, and,
ilk nil physicians, Prolong Jour ail
ment Interminably." th ahJ'prettlly.
"To my di-cpest saHsftii Most," he said
warmly, not llghtlj. Tbeas, waa noth
ing fu.ther from hli mliid . ban servile
flntt"'-y. us his rojohiiler might Imply.
"Ales." he weiitfu."W no sooner
meet than we pas.ijilnj& I ask when
you u re to sail?" ''
"on Thursday," replied Mr. Guggen
'.ocker. "I Ml the Kaiser Wllhelui der Grosse,"
added his niece, a faraway look com
ing Into her eyes.
"We are to stop off one day, to
morrow, lu Washington," laid Aunt
Yvonne, aud the Jump that Lorry's
heart gave was so mighty that he wai
afraid they could see It in his face.
"My uncle has some business to
transact In your city, Mr. Lorry. We
are to spend tomorrow there and
Wednesday In New York. Then we
nil. Ach, how I long for Thursday!"
His heart sank like lead to the depths
from which It had sprung. It required
no effort on his part to see that he was
alone In his Infatuation. Thursday
was more to her than his existence.
She could forget hlin and think of
Thursday, and when she thought of
Thursday, the future, ho was but a
thing of the past, not even of the pres
ent. "Have you always lived In Washing
ton, .Mr. Iirry?" asked Mrs. Guggeii
sloeker. "All my life," ho replied, wishing at
that moment that he was homeless and
free to choose for himself.
"You Americans live lu one city mid
then In another." she said. "Now, Id
our country generation after genera
tion lives and dies In one town. We
are not migratory."
"Mr. Ijorry has offended us by not
knowing where Grnustark Is located
on the map," cried the young lady, aud
lie could see tho flash of resentment Id
ber eyes.
"Why, my dear sir, Grnustark Is lu"
began I'ncle Caspar, but she checked
hlin Instantly.
"I'uclo Caspar, you are not to tell
him. I have recommended thut br
study geography and discover for hlui
aelf. He should be ashamed of his lg
He wits not ashamed, but he menial
Iy vowed that lieforo ho wns n day old
er he would find Graustnrk on the mnp
and would stock his negligent brain
with till that history and the encyclo
pediu had to say of the unknown laud
Her uncle laughed, and, to Iirry's dis
appointment, obeyed the young lady'i
"Shall I study the map of Europe
Asia or Africa?" naked be, and they
"Study the mnp of the world." snld
Miss Guggeiislocker proudly.
"Kdelweiss Is the capital?"
"Yes, our home city, the queen of the
crags," cried she. "You should set
Kdelweiss, Mr. Lorry. It Is of tin
nioui tain, the plain and the sky. Then
are homes lu the valley, homes on tin
mountain side and bonus lu tin
"A: J yours? From what you say P
must lie above tho clouds In heaven."
"We are farthest from the clouds, foi
wo live In the green valley, shaded bj
the white topped mountains. We niny
In Kdelweiss, hnve what climate we
will. Hoetors do not send us ou Unig
Journeys for our health. They tell m
to move up or down the mountain.
have balmy spring, glorious summer
refreshing autumn and chilly winter
Just as we like."
"Ideal! I think you must tie pretty
well toward the south. You could not
have July In January If you were far
"True; yet we have January in July.
Study your map. We are discernible to
the naked eye," she snld, half Ironlc
ully. "I cure not If there are but three III
habitants of Grnustark, all told. It Is
certainly worthy of n iKisltlou on an)
map," Hiild I.ony gallantly, and tils lis
tuners applauded with patriotic appro
elation, "lty tho way, Mr. Gug-l!ug
gcnsloekcr, yon any the conductor
asked you for my name, and you did
not know It. May I ask hew you
learned It later on?" His curiosity got
the better of him, and Ills courage was
lncrensiHl by the champagne the olu
gentleman had ordered.
"I did not know your name until in
niece told It to me after your nriivnl
In the carriage," said I'ncle Caspar
"I don't remember giving It to Miss
Guggcnslocker at any time." ssid l.or
"You were not my Informant." sn
aid demurely.
"Surely you did not guess It."
"till, no, indeed. I nm no mind rent
"My own miine was (lie last t;,.n.
you could have read in my inlnd lu thm
event, for 1 hnve not thought of It Ii
tbri-e days."
She was sitting with her ellsnvs
the table, her Wiin lu her hniitls, o
dreamy look lu her blue eyes.
v- - -i nA' !
k mm'-
.. cx:-i .. . . j.
l.-h itit .1.-.-T,-
AtiT.Mni wriilVig
qui.-ftiv ftjfvrtin .-ur rttci ;i
(nvn(iin iwi )(. i iMii'i t' l.
lint; iriiMl f"(itVttiitl. tint .m
WVH fruss. H,iii Bfcr., t f. r
rttt ttltMt llir.'imrt ...
tx-i'i.u n-sfh ti, 'th mt if'-w t.
Scientific Jir.:
A hi,1s.niWT U!utrf i-l w
rulCi-tt x f n ,!,. -.n
Urtm'ti OA..-, ili y' m .
"Ydo say you oVforHed "that cotu
Jom the porter on the Denver train T
"Within two hours after I got
"Well,' that coin purchased your
same for me," she said calmly, candid
ly. He gasped.
"You you don't mean that you" be
"Y'ou see, Mr. Lorry, I wanted to
know the name of a man who came
nearest my ideal cf what an American
should be. As soon as I saw you I
knew that you were the American as
I had grown to know him through the
books-big. strong, lxdd and comely.
Thnt la why I bought your name of the
porter. I shall always say that I know
the name of an Ideal American Gren
fall Lorry."
Her frank statement staggered him
almost beyond the power of recovery.
"I I am honored," he at last man
aged to say, bis eyes gleaming with
embarrassment. "I trust you have not
&MTttL fJ
"Well, that coin yiurchriKd V""r numl
Jor inc."
found your first judgment a faulty
one." He felt very foolish after this flat
"1 have remembered your name," she
said graciously. His heart swelled.
"There are a great many better Amer
icans than I." he snld. "You forget our
president and our statesmen."
"I thought they were mere politi
cians." (ironfall Lorry, idealized, retired to
bis lierlh Unit night, his head whirling
with tlie emotions inspired by this
strange, beautiful woman. How lovely,
how charming, how naive, how queen
ly, how Indifferent, bow warm, how
cold -how everything that puzzled him
was she. His lust waking thought was:
"(iuggenslocker! An angel with a
inline !i LL.:""
( 'ii br rmiiinu l )
T.y some sudd vi sound she drops the
van- upon t':'- ii. .She is nervous and
may isj tol Jl hat iit'rvon-,mss is a luxury
which only a
rich woni.ii: i .m , X )
.7..,,l 1.. i,..l,l,. . V
Rnontlrv Board
Notice is hereby given that the
District Ernn-Iary Board of Josephine
Countv, Oregon, will meet In the
court imnse in tlie afternoou on Janu
ary ?, 11)04 lo net on a petition now
on file to cheapo the bouudary lines
ot school dh-tr;ct No. 2 and
so ns to include the following de
scribed territory in school district
No. 7, of Josephine County :
ffC.nimencing at tho point where tlie
cfuter line of SS.-C. HI, Township 3
Mouth, Range 5 West of Vollam t,e
Meridian, touches Kogue Kiver
iheiice running south ou said nue to
the corner in the center of 6"ctig
:t0 of same township and rani
i hence cast oil" mile to tho centos M
Sec. 2D, thence North on tlie line In
the -center of sections 21) and if) to
Rogue Kiver, thence westerly town
the bauk of said river to the pjjioe (.
tKU,ni"g- LINCOLN SAVJhftlC i
-I Crx'i- asi.1 Ssflf'f iii Ulfkli.
Ajumy cup v ' j r r
Vow at Unwits rasn, un y
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, henls, aud protect the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly,
liestorts tho Reuses of Taste and BnielL
Ksy to ue. (,'itai:n no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils nnd absorbed.
Luge Size, Tel cents lit Druggists or by
mail; Trial Sue, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. tS V i St., New York.
:7ord to imlch;,. iAi
a. Xervous.ivss . v"
i.ii cost m;my a "
ellllail h r ik- V. '. L
vswm ii wen- (t y-r?'-',1
the pii.-e ef r " - fW1
.ui!i-s.i is V ''',
iitilation. a I '
;er lost or per- w 11
yf i mm l
rrr r- ! k it" i it. it, I
it'C --g V J ' I I'lISi LICU VlllOLlll.
vn run
fry the u
it i ut i I
linger l(st(r j
haps the whole
hand cru'-.ifti.
Nrrvnufic in
women is co;u
niunlv t a
symptom of
uonunlvtiiv i'...
It in usrless in
S.Kh C.IK' S t )
"liixtor " for the
nerves alo-.L.
(,'ure ttu'di.iMM'S
which attack the
dclicatt' woman
ly orxuusm iiiul
ntTvousiies will
be cured also.
Dr. iVrre's
Favorite 1 re-
sotitim m;ikx-! wenk v. omen strong,
su'V. wn:ien well, it r-itaMishes renU:r
ity, tlrus weal.enim: tlr.iii:-., heals iiillam
nution and ulceratiiMi, and cures female
weakness. It traiKinIiLs tlie nerves and
itidu'rs re'reshinjc; Ueep.
"In llu- .. r.,; I ..s trciiMri) with tirr.
(hH.k'sj. he;. 1.. hr li- it t iT.niMt atiil Intmle
w-HknK-" w Ut--. Mi- l,i,ni. h M Hiiccv. of
Mlit iiiwrtjiii'n, N' V "i..f( fciiriuiifr I vrmie
V u nti-t ynn .nivi,. tl mr ,, liX v,,r p,,vttite
Vtvm npo-.ti' mm.1 t;..Mcii M.-.!u.-,l Iwovrrv '
1 d .l i mni I Ui-n.t-x tu ni.).!mo rpi.llv cirj
(iini. ,1 i.iLinj ill.- inr (Kin,-, iiAif it Wzcn pn. h (
I'.tvi.nir 1'it- . ripinii mil lii I. tt-n
UiKiirry l.n tin- .up ot live moiHli ml hi
It M riit it unrM my inrincr tiralth "
Vr. Pierce's IMeasatit Pellets clear the
inutUlv Complexion.
IWtter Than a Plajler.
A piet'e of thiHii'd'M'd with
t han;hi i l.iiirs Pain Palm ami IkiuihI
'Mi Hi-- ntl'it'trtl parts, is hi tter than
i )-i,U r for a lame Imt k and for
pains in the hide t r cin i. Pain Halm
lias no Mipeno!' :is a liniment for
In rein f of d.-ep nt. d, iiiiincular
m t rli u...jf h' ;:ii i Kor nh hy all's
A Timely Sugscstion.
This is the soaKon of tho year wlltn
tho prodeiit and careful hounewifn
replrnishefl lur supply of Clunnher
lain'H Conh Renn ly. It is ct rtum
to ho needed bt'fnro the winltTH if
over, nnrt rotiults nro ninoh nn t
jirompt Hiid Halihfuotory when it in kepi
at hand and tveti an soon us tli col. I
is cnutrarti'd and before it has,be (uin
settled in tin system. Thero in no
danger it Kiviu it to children, for ii
contains no harmful tuibstaiice. It i
pleasant to take both udulfs hu)
children lik it. It always cun'S.
For sale by all druetf'h-K
Heart Fluttering.
Vii(liH);tcd food nnd cas in th
; Rtoinach, located ju-.t below tin
heart, presses against it ami CM usee
heart palpitation. When your heart
tronblf'Hyou in that way take Herbine
j for a few days. Yon will noon be. nil
ou ceuis at siover urujr Vo.
PreIiviit Country l litb, ltntn
llarbti, HU H.
"Alter my firit baby was born I did not
jctm to regain my strength although the
editor nave me a tonic hich he consid
crcd very superior, but instead o getting
bitter I crew weaker every day. My hus.
bind insisted tlut I take Wine of Cardui
for a week and tee what It would do for
me. I did t.Ac the medicine tnd was very
grateful tn fi.-.d my strength and health
iioJy returning. In two weeks) was out
vt l ed and in a month I was aMc to take
u; ii'.y usujI duties. I am very enthusl
tii'.c in :t praise."
AVineef t'ardui rnnfont the organs
tf f i"ti f' r the ordeal of prej;
ran y ::n i i.i iiiith. It prerpntsmis
c :ri ;. No woman who takes Wine
ot't jjiiui need the coming of her
cnild. If Mrs. I'nrath had taken
Wine i-f I'aidi.i before Iut buhycanie
she would not have been weakened as
she was. Her rapid recovery should
comtm-nd thin creat remedy to every
expeeturt ir.uther. W ine of Ckrdui
regulates the menstrual fluw.
Notice is lierel.y giveu jnu
dersipied, Admiuistnitor of tl
la.eol A8e. t ST, deM
will, on aud after Friday, the , J
tl,f..llo ii.K d. srribod real pi " J
belongiiiK to tlie said eate,
The wenfr'y lt m ot Lots o
tVo in Block E of Bonrue'srst
AddHioulothe City of Oran"
in JopJiine Coaiuy. OB0'1""
hmutW i fl'owa: hi flf"t
tit ifa4li westerly corner pf M
" a .ii Block E. uce
nortlio-ly along the easterly ol
lonnli street two iiBiiureu
ftefio the nortiwcsero
Lot two in said Block
overly along the northerly r ol
sid Lot two one hundred hit? .
thenco soutlierlv aim parauei"-
Foortli street two hnnuren "J
f et to the sontherly line of Lo'"-
oered one, thence westerly aiur
soutlierly line of said Lot No. ono
A Street to tlie pmce oi u--&r-
The said property will oe
the higliest aud best bidder for cin
hand subject to confirmation lie
Comity Conrt for Josephine Cj.
Oreou. mis nonce is yuvim'-j
order of Hon. J. O. Bootn, Oy
.TodKe, niade in tlie mutter he
Estate of Agile a., cawjer
11 tli day of December, 1UI3, '
published in the Kot;ne River fier
in pursuance of said order. J
v F. W. SAWfl.
Administrator of the Estate C'ues
K. sawyer, ceoeancrt.
Thm Crmrhcphane rvpron'uoca kind ef ntms
Hot nccasaaor "i ' p'ajr mnj Inmtrumuwt
$3.50 to $100
AV2-THj $30
nt mny tnmkm of T miking mmchhm
mcho roR -ffrr catalccub n iimt of . ,nr.
. , . -wn m. maiom. mna mmlmctlmmm lor bmn0,
wahmmirm, aornml, plocola. mio.
Soven Inch GO cents each, $3 m dozen
Ton Inch $1 each, SIO a dozen
c Yur.'DEns
black supl-r-:ardened
columbia moulded records
25 cents each, $3 a dozen
Brmnd now pracaa. KucA moro durmblm thmm mny othmr oyHndmr
Cotemisia Phonograph Co.
Godr street, si nmcisco, CAl.
See Vn,irliir:ut Kmlaks and Snppliesi
sr. paul. k
t ra r uoicic55 nuj i on e
Kjr"rX2iV Annual Sales over One end a Half Million
. No.Cure.No y. 50c
WsbbbbbbMSMjjjsbjmZIZ r --a- wiw mock .ooo uvtr Puis.
In The Unitrfl c,,
umu JiEate.
lloaibnri Oreonn
In ho matter of the apnii
catioii for patt -
Coiisnlidted Lode Mm
jog Claims lu the co
UreSJor,il,,UP" Stat X
Notice for Patent,
TV:. . f
Office, at Rn...KJ.",(aSi
November in. a ii ... K' b'.
i tlii .
n.. i.
K nhl.v . '
Oregon. )ms B, 8iv
llio Waldo SmeKi,, ' ;
oinpany, B corpentio,, d
nil existiuc niiUtr n.,j '. rr.
the laws rt , 2 .?d
unit tor aud
plication for
for the Consolidated
Olaims, mineial enrv. 1
Slluato lu Bectim, i J ..." "-""i
'i'aif. r.!
UUI erl u... V
- J
soatli ol raniro
Meriuiau, (nusurvejed i i ,"u(
of Josephine, Btllte ln the, I
limine the n... ' V' X
known and (liK, r,lvi ln!!'
Pi.. vs. the K R
UheHtur.t, and Lunrel, auiJ
t.culurly deHTibed as io?W.?' '
Spruce. 2
section 8(1,. tow-nal,,,, In'H
ra.,Ke 8 west, VillUU)tl "f
thence south 17 ujiu.,west iwtt.5
corner number 2; thence sniii , 't
her 2; thence, north 17 jP
1500 feet to .orner nun C4 ',3
north bi) deK. 4U mi,,.. r; 1
corner number ,. to the .i
Pine. i
BeBiiiiiiiiK n corm.r P
Whence the southwest cor,,?
tiou Wi, towuship 4(1, soutlir'
west, Willamette M..
north 8'J d,B. 4-J mil,., wVP
iiieuee soutn li mm. west nn. 3
to corner uumlwr 2; then
iiiK- 41) min., east lino f,.,.r .
uuinber a; thence north 17 mio fg,
loOO feet to corner niiinl,.., a. :wm
north U dec. 4!) min.. WHsi m-!
no ml-
Timber l.snd, Act Jun3,.
Uniied State" Lunl 'fli
Roselmiv, Ureiion, Kiiv. 2i3.
Notice is lierehv iiiveii Hint ifipli-
snee Willi the provisions of t"t ol
CuncreM of June 3, 1878, entl"An
si t for (lie pule oi timlier lani I he
tjiates ol Cslilornia, ()reu"0, sda,
and Washimiion Teniinrv," Bend
ed lo all ihe Public l,n ml Slt act
(if Aunnl 4. IMiil,
ol JhcUpmp- uiiiiity. 'iue hi wrf i-en
it rei-lilelil pf (he 'nun ol (iiih Vuj
iiaiil cinle, liai Ibi" day Hied in I
olhee his sworn ptntun-ii' N 'Witl
M.l, Him ML. ' IV ..' ',
1 Ste;e n u, a) m lowustnt o uiuk.
Sr.nth. iaii(ie No. 4 W., W. M.,nnl
,.ir-r preoi show that Mie laid CeRiiiiiinK at corner
l- iimie v iiieiu mt miv in-. . niicure the SOuthwi
,,,,, ,.. ..., , "' nun Mi, KlWUa 111. 40 KOUllllft,
"-' '" ' ''"! '''west. Willauietio M, f i " ,
viedt.i.ii. n, s nnliii ' 1" i iience south 17 mill., west I
dav ol Kehmao . M. 11 names ,0 corner uuniher 2: tlw.nno .
v ! i. ' , nun. , east tiOO feet toe
V'ClelllllJlluer8.tll,.ll.e nurfll 7inin'
liotHJ eet to corner iinmlmr j. ,
iiirth bS) de. 4 min., west
;fu corner number 1. Uiu iila,
Ttiuii mi i (i ir ... - ,
"let " " "v l"lll IIU11.I'
ilienee the sunt li est p,iIni.r,
. vtvT vii-riiT 1011 ,owusHi' -10, sjrh ui r
(tMb.-r NUlllh ,,:at Willunii.tto Meriduu,
1) ,inriii.i-iii oi Hie ! n n. nrtti 80 de(r. 4" min. , went INKi
(lulled S aie l.siii! uihi-e. leiice Miiuili 17 mill, west liit-
It.ihei iirK, Oieiioe, .Nov .il. ) corner number 2; thence sot
A nutlicient eontist utniiavii tmviii'K. 4Umiu., east (100 feet to
rien tileii in this office hi John AniiiberS; thenco nortli 17 niiu..
Kadi's, cui'iis'iiii', iik'Hin.t li -iie s -a.UO feet to corner number 4' t:
..i lo.itil, Ilia l.iv,r, r.nin ou Ut'K. 40 nun.. url B
SE'.X SW '4 e. tin. corner iiuiuher 1, the j uuti
uiu. U.ii .e 0 k i-i. lining.
( Hi I. rnrre-i.i , m t,. I Onk.
I I liinli . I'll liapi; f w
e ..... ... in inuui!
...... u Bv'..i,, tuillll U,
iii3(, towushiii 40, so.ithofraL
wu nes-es :
dcum Mil'lellan, Fied
Wi liain ( iiililei-, Juiiii E
Uold Mill l)ie
A". i ni"l -ll i. r ii'.n .-in! .
. U,. b -i. ... .. ,1
I- I :. I. f I I.
I. r .. Hi
.1 Ki.r
. lillli OK
.q l
IUiK), lu
.10 lorn .
h (Jliarii-s
ii i- a : i c
ib.uil'ii-i suiit l.ti 1 lur inun
lunuMi last past, n.i hi pul"ie:' i
nuiineil lo Hppfar. rfimnil hih! i 11'
lene- iiiuciiiiitf stmi ailpfc'.iiiiiii ai
'i'cio ik a. in l.ti leliruari i.l, 1(101
mre K I., liiti , t
r eVI..
Nl.. W I I ULllllH TJk ill ,.r, il,,,,, P.
lnli 8U tUg. 4lJ min., we.Ht y400
'' 'IK'H Hnurit 17 min . uokt IMk '
C e'k (.IlP,1Jir il. ........
i f -JO min., .ust (100 te.ttoiii
.en.,K ,l ,e ) H...K . .ube, a l(,ucu 11(tll n
. re,.,,,.i, J, 1901, hvhir.. in. K.-SI-,, fl.,.t to C0I.nL.r nulIlb(.r4.
era.,, Ki.Hiver at the I ... e.l Male-.,,, 8U dlK, w mi west 1100 f
,u- Ko,buri'i lh"on- uer number l,to place of Uim
lliessiu eonteslani', in a pro- u i ' HlliilsMt, tiled Novenilier 30, lilii.l, Poplar,
et li.nli (ai ts uhich show ihai alter iliie;(,K'uning at corner nunibe
liHKenee peieonal service ot tills notice -nee tho southwest corner ol
-n not be made, it is herebi ordered I ''"' township 40, south of rt
. .1 iiii.cuil iIihi micI. in,: i,v lie mven r Willamette Meridian, (
mi. aini iriit- r I'Uiilu a i'i...
.1 11 Hiiotii, li eeiv
I he lriesi sum ever ,ihl lur a pre
scription, changed hands in San H run
oisco, Auu. 30, 1001. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock 1 12,500 Oil and
as paid by u party ol liil-iness men lor
i specitic lor "HriKhl's lln-eaxe and La-s-tes,
hlllii no incurable licensee.
l'liej coiiitiienced ihe t-eriuus investi.
ja'iou of the specific Snv. 15, 1000
they interviewed scores ol (he ctire.l
mi tried it out on its merits by puttinn
iver three dozen cases on the trea mem
mil WHichitiit them. 'I l.ev also uut ph)
iicians to name chronic, inciiriihle eases,
iu.1 administered it with li e iihysuiaiis
nr judges. I'ptn Auk. :'"i, S7 per cent
I die (eel cases were e.llier well oi
..r.'uressuig favorably.
There bring but thirteen per cent ol
ini.urcs, the parlies were satisfied and
lostd ihe transaction. ',e pro. eei i un
it ihe ii.vetikBtiiiir eiui.n, Hnd tlie
.'luii.'at reimris ol the test esses were
uii.lir-lied slid i!l lie mailed Iree on
tpplleatinn. Aildief? John J. tii.ruN
imi'axy,4'0 Montao.ner) St. San Fran-ci-co,
Yim Know What You Are Talon
W hen you take drove's Tasteless Cb.l
Conic, because the formula i print
ed on every bottle showing thut it is sim
ply Iron and (jiiiuine in s tasteless form
No Cure No, Pay. MX-.
tl y K 1- X 1 C I) N A
The .Modern Keiueilv l.r Women
Ktxn on ha'" Cured ueneof
the wurt ri,i., nr
We guarantee a t i
poi.ive-ure fr Lotieorrltoca
li 80 deK. 40 min., west liiM.i
:ee south 17 miu., wi I,' ;
orner number 2; thence sott.
40 niiu., cast 000 fort to c
her 3; thence north 1. niiu., I
feet to corner number 4; ,tli
h.b'.l (leg. 40 in in., west GUI
orner number 1, tlie place o!
ing. .
ginning nt corner uouibo '
uce the southwest corner ol .
31'., township 40, south of n
st, Wilhunette Meriilinn, It.
li 44 .icg. 4(1 mm., wet 21IU.51 .
co south 1. nun., west
to corner number 2; thence i,
g. 40 mill., cii-t loOOfeetto
number 3; thence nonlil.t
(100 feet to corner number
co north 80 (leg. ,40 miu., west 1
to corner number 1, the pile
ginning at corner number
dee tho southwest comer ot
t:ill, township 4(), sooth of rati
1 Willtimetio Meridian, t
tt 17 linn., rust l.iOO feet; tin ,
17 niiu. , west 0u0 feet to W 2; thenco south b'J def
u east 1,"00 feet to conerui
: thence noitli 17 miu, (;
fo corner number 4; thence u
40 unu. west liilKl feet tc
uiuiber 1, the place of begun:
total net area of rachol.
sido mining claims is as loll.
hep, 20.(i(il acres.
, 20.11(11 ucres. ;
3 20.(101 acres. .
,r, 20.0(11 ncres. 1
20.(1(11 acres., 20.0(11 acres. I
t.uut inclusive of conflict t
"'Mariun" lode milling Oi
sub nuuils r 522, 20. (Mil acres. ;
If Ai.ksii U'.sthu
, Send tor booklet. ( San Jose, Cal.
To Cure a Cold In a Pay.
Take I.aiaiive Kronio (Ju;nine Tahletf
VII druitistj refund the money if it fails
ocure K. W. Grove's signature is on
a"ll h-X i-l''.
A familiar name for the Chicigo, Mil-
alike A St. 1'aul Railw,T, know,, ,1
ver the L'nion as the tireat Rail.a'
mining the "Pioneer Limited" train
ivery day ami night beiaeen St. Pan
nd Chicago, ami Otaalia and Chtcag
Tin only' perleet trains in the orlc
understand: Coouerliona are ma.l.
itli All Transcontinental Lines, assn
ng to pass. rig. rs the best wrvirr know ,
l.nxnrioin coaches, electric lights te.
.eai.ofa ,ri.y eq,jairij i, ,-, olh,
ef (hat vour ticket via"Tl.
lilaukee" when if.nne in.. T ,,(, ,
the I'nilrd Sta es or I anada. ' A li tick
t agents sell them
For rates, paoiphle.s rr other into,
(nation, address,
r.W.CAsir, O.J.Enuv,
Trav. Pass Ait. deneral Aenl.
s,:TTLt. Wish. I'uRTi.axD. ()
Hi C
loiyh Drniiv TmimGulsA. Ci
1 exclusive of area i
u" nnd "Lyttlu" Iiule m'r,
1 survey number 5;"', h
mtices of locution of '
'1 f 'lining claims are recoriie
Uii'O of the Clerk of Jll
eo.titjirejro,,, ju tlie niiseeil"'
iunni,.or,ls oi buiu t'ouuty, i
vo.liin, ut tho pages as loll'
to- it i
Sjiruci,, volume 13, page 401.
Ijui j volume 13, page 40-'.
Hr, Lolunie 13, page 403.
(filar, volume 13, jge 404.
'-i 1 olume 13, mge 4o.'.
lplii volume 13, ige 4i
1 r' s' ill volume 13, tiP
1 fun Ii volume 13, lge (
1 " Hghboring or adjo
cla ns aigectious 80. town lnl
oui i of uge 8 wi st. Will8
Mci'iliiui,. (ie uortli and ailjoi;
:hel"Sp.eM "Piue."
'I'.iir, 'Oak," and "Pol
iu.l(i.B "l-iou" lode miniucci
iuri v uiUer 522, ou tlie soo!
tin 'Cliestt," aud the "Mat
nd "L.vtf lode milling "''
'Utv v uumr yoj, on tlie sooth,
in ( -inflict h the "Laurel."'
wh. . contting area and the
'Ltle L Mining t-'laiui
ow n il by t j,j iosscssiou "i
aii Tlie id0 buiclting ami
nig Vitnpati)'
y and p,rsons oln'mi1"
"Hiy the .iuing grouml. '
ii!' . primisi or any in.rt i-n r
desrri.d surveyi''. 1'
mil ij plied f., are h re by
that unless ti'jr adverse rial"
iulilise acouiing to U. "
BsgUitciocs tlreollder. wH"'
dWptrib by la
aLiter t f ik Vnited Sut"
: -Kos. rg. In the t'o
tfclM, frateV Oregon. ("
iiediri Tiine cftheirC
f.'f''f- , T.EBIPc
IS.fsfcr t nite-t States La'