Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 07, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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: 1
Published Every Tharaday.
Subscription Rates i
On Year, in sdvance,
nix Months,
'i'bree Month,
hingle Copies,
Advertising Races
furnished on application si the cilice, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence w ill be charged for ut 6c per line;
card of thanks ooc.
A. E. VOORHIES, i'KOl'R. & Mnur
Entered at the pusl oilite at (iraiits !'",
Oregon, as second-class niail mailer.
Sensations come nml sensations go ami
there is never any lark of them but
the Russlan-Jupaii sensation seems to
go on former. Tho world's attention
way 1j momentarily distracted by
excitement In some "H"r quarter bat
wheu tho guzo rolirus, tho malcon
tents aro still n be found in their
old place. At i resent it seem likely
that war will ri ally occur, und
speculation as to I liu rcsuit in a favor
Hi tufiic of discussion. It is difficult,
however, to mi anything but a hnpo
los strugg 6 f"r Japan unuHslstod.
On Kjual Icrins, thn .I:ijm aro probably
tho best fighters. Tiny aro quicker,
far nioro wide uwaku nml alert rgid
equally as bravo. I!ut Russia baa too
much weight mid jxiwur and has all
thn advantage of position.
Gcnerul JiimeH LongHtncI, the
famous ex-confederate, died of jiien
tuoula on Saturday, at Gaiiu svilln,
Gu. , aftor an i linens of only two days.
Ho was H3 years of ago anil was
among the last of thn famous generals
of tliu Civil war. llo was a graduate
of Wot Point and distinguished hiiii
self by ga'lnnt services in tho Moxi
cau and Indian wars. In thn Civil
war ho quickly rose to bu considered
ono of tho most brllliitut of tho able
generals of which this war produced
such a remarkable number. In the
two battles of Hull Hun, ut Gcttys-
burKi Chickamnuga, in t'no campaigns
of tliu l'eiiinsultt ami of tho Wildor
uess, Longstroet was a roiniiient
figure. After the war lie became a
loyal citizen ami has since bold a
lluA1(,r mt very rcsnonsilila uovern-
mout. f&i ion's.'
' ji
'"Tho probabilfy of war with Colom
bia is not seriously taken by tho jmio
plo of the United States. There is
considerable talk, it is true, but it
must not Im) forKotteu that talk is
Colombia's stock in trade, her groat
cit resource, and she will probably
not resort to any measures until she
has thoroughly exhausted Its Jsissibl
lilin. Meanwhile, our country
should not be too imlltrereiit to the
matter, but should seek to plaeato, if
possible, honorably tho irate little re
public War is sometimes necessary,
but It is always worth considerable
saorlUco to avoid it. While Iho issue
is not doubtful, it (h certain that the
Colombians would be uhle to iiiiuoy
an invading army very seriously, as
tuo osiratinus would simiii degenerate
Jnto a iiuerrlllu warfare slinll
that udurcd su Jong In the Philip
To Appear at Grant 1' Salxir
day, Jan. loth
Tliu Grants Pass Wouiaus' Club has
made arrangements for the apH aniiicc
iu this city of the Cosgrove Concert
Orchestra, which is one of the best
oouoert orchestras touring the west.
Tliu or 'liestia is coiiiimisi d of II) ho
plo tiieh one an artist, uiel will in
troduce the largest, tluest and most
wou'lerful Instruments, hells mid
musical novelties In the world. Alu
minum chimes quartette, swissbrl
quartette, musical rattles quartettes,
sonnerlipnnii, umrimlmphouc, nliiuil
miui liarji, xylophono and iiilherihil
chimes, duetts and solos, standard und
descriptive overatures, etc.
Iu sH'iiklug of Mins Torgeisen,
tho Musical Courier says: "To pre
dict that Miss Torgersi ii is to Income-
one of the world's greatest viulim.-u
is most uatiiral to thos.t who have
iiuard her. "
The tuQsiu lovers of this city should
not fall lo avail thom.i lv,- of Hun
oi'portuiilty w ujr f truly excel 1. nl
uinsieal ocniiiy.
IN CONVICT" STRIPES" Pass Opera Mouse Thtirs
devy, ,(nr. 7th.
"In Convict Stripes" the starClug
lucKidraina of heart inten st wlllb,.
the attraction at the o era house en
Thursday, evening, .luiumry 7. The
play is one of the season's s ' ioual
suivesses and well don it il, im-
m il a rich rewanl. This is ono lieu
'like luiuie iu the In etiht (if
li Uniiem in .
i ellls
it of
Willi II
blood. It
human cuioti
J to b,i.
aud cleverly h.1H
erk. The wli.u
pl-Wil Iu (lie f.,r
much opperiuniiv f
quaint ,-lm- ., ,
clinuiiis are thu'i,
cue iu the il,, ,
working, of a s..iuh
are shown, in lm ,
-nd. The iiro.lueti
o Hie Hl.i
' ' '. no i i:i i
" I'" il color an, I
i. -lung I'l,,.
I th" .,;,(
" " I" HI the
III , vim, I , ,.,,
I'm' to Im I--nielli.
I :i i- i Inn.,
mm gem i oe. ,,,i , i
"' ''"!ll'.IIIV
v i it
t-llte. .),
II Pi,
"".''"'"'"Vn.rir ami !-,.,'
r11 '"'""M-ii. viM,
iinue i-aureiif,
I'e.irl. Alien
lls. lUbr M
W''U. r 111,-ton.
Archie K Christie. J,
Reynolds, J. Artia.r
A. YWvi,
, W.
U Holme,. II
ei llirniii i',,ri,.,M
Cullne. W. Ult,,,. , , ,'fH
Llbr&ry Mestlng.
The semiannual meeting of the
library atant'iiitioa will t held t
ty ou Tuc,,- ,,rei,i,,u .!,.
l"liTTlf . 7:,S0 vi.s-lr M i..... ' '
reqaostta to be in ut t, tt.l.,,,. .
Jennie II. Juilsuu, Sn 'y.
-I' luii, i, nro
P&lronlxln Every Fake
Comes Along.
An artist iu the fake line apisared
at the comer of Front aud Sixth
streets last Thursday and by a series
of jokes and fool nonsense gathered a
((liable crowd around hiui and pro
ceeded to give his views of advertis
ing iu which bo stated that it was
only necessary to make people talk
about you to advertisa your buisuess
aud tint newspaper advertising did
him no good. Judging from the
newspaper comment all bIouk the
lino regarding this fellow, nF ; aper
advertising would not help hint. He
produced what purported to bo an
electric licit, with wonderful powers,
and told of Its healing qaulities. It
was the same old story of hoping to
get something' for nothing, and wind
ing up with getting nothing for some
thing. He did a brisk business hand
ing out belts and taking iu dollars
ai d now belts aru cheap, iuoso who
were gulled, probably sworo off the
uext day.
Another fakir tried to work the
crowd but with small success.
This incident reminds us of the way
soma of our business men will iiurt
with their coin when they are ap
proached by un out-of-town ad ma'i
with any kind of an advertising
Hate In Livestock Convention
Account Convention, National Live
stock Association, National Wool
(rowers Association and Northwest
Fruit (.rowers Association to be held
at Portland, a rate of one and one-1
third faro will he made for the rouud I January 9. A full attendance is de
trlp. Tickets will lio on sale January ' gjred. A. II. Lewis, N. G.
Huh and llth, limited to January
17th. W. E. Coman,
General Passenger Agent.
k wmm NOTICE
Wo don't intend to curry over ono dollar's
worth of tho following winter goodn if tho power of
jirieo cutting will ,'et rid of them:
L(idien', MiHues and Children's Coats and Jack
ets, Ladies' Oneni Shawls, Square Shawls, Scarfs.
Ladies' and Children's Golf Glovos.
Iiiitli(s' Fhinnolletto Gowns.
Liitli(s' Dressing Sacks.
Ladies' Furs.
In fact nil small and broken lots will bo closed
out at a great reduction.
Nothing but Strictly High Grado Goods. No
old, shelf-worn and out-of-slylo goods at our store.
Wo simply don't want the rntlior havo
tho money, ....
Yours for good goods at popular prices.
Mrs. A. Adams Declare She Wa
Hold Vp
Mrs. A. Adiiius of Waldo is the vic
tim of a pi'i'iillm cxs-rlcnco which
hiiplHiiifd iie d:iy lust week as she
was returning on liorsehuik from a
trip to Keibv. She I. ft Kerly about
half puxt one nml, le'cording to the
statements of her Mciimiutiiuccs,
seeiin d to be pi i fei t ly well at that
t line.
John (ieorge, who lives ulioiit two
miles from Kerby, was working iu
his Held when ho W lis til, tl unit lv Hie
seieams of a woiniiu. lie luteiied to
hii house, thinking soiiiething iliviel
ful was liii'Hiiing there, hut Miss
I. mill (leolge, also he.lling the
scn-unis, ran i-ut to locate the sound
and found Mrs Adams iu a fiiiiiting
condition, almost in siht of the
hoiiKC. Mr. (ieoige at ouee hurried
to Kelliy for help, while Miss (ieorge
and her inother did what could In
dium to relieve the sulicruigx of the
injured woman. Her hip was holly
lislociited, apparent ly by the f.ill
from the Iioimi, but otherwise no
bruises or cu!s appeared. She roucd
once or twice and said, Nunc one
hit me." After Is'ing taken to Kerhv I
mid atleuiled by lrs. Klopper ninl
r loyil, Mrs. A-hims atlirmed that a
iu:i-k -it mini held lit r up and ilemuinl
I her mom v und watch. Miei. found
by Missiicoige slie h.ol a tnlil w ill h
iinl chum, another told waten mid ;
gold pin belougiiig lo Mrs. Meeker
f W.tldo, aud a very eonsi.leiat'le
-lllll of tllnllev.
tin-re Is a pussibiliiv ihui
trighi. m
Id up and the us.iiUni
I'll' genet
eNLv r si realus, it i
uil.v, esiseiallv inVuilhe loiuuiii-
uiui nmie of tin valiiabl.-rVJ.1 " '" I
" ' - 'bat she was si-Ued , n,
ins' tu ninl had i rr.,. i....
:lssuinpl:ou his further Weiirht
tloni the
111 lalh. r
'I he I.
' I Hut .she had lately been
' l"'or lualth.
"tse r aldeii by Mi, Adams
r.v hi ,i truii v iiiiiti.-.i i.
as u v
w.iy.yu.,l ,.,,. 1,,. .li.,.,,,,.,, frm
w '7S..V'" fell. She mvs it
V,iy the hlgliwaMiian
t'Ci'.Vai SkM-itivelv atlir....
ill ik siiN w s . '
. s i
pe !. (jr.,, iO)
Hie s.-t ml l HMtii
we unui'uiii
(1 last week VJv 1
'Iocs not I
I .iiiuary II
r until iiet "Wis, i
It is very imikiriaiit ieVd
K'MM re r, se,,(:,f,oof p.o.tty ow
is pres. ut ,,, ,, ,.,, .r ,,, T,,11(.
lcial tax will bo considered.
More Lodge Election Have Been
The following lodges reported their
elections too late to appear in list
weeks issue under tho lodge electious:
Foresters of America.
Dep Gr Chief Ranger, W T Ciburn.
Jr I'ost Chief Ranger, J P Hale.
Chief Ranger, Frank fetscli.
Sub Chief Ranger, James O Gibson.
Treas, J 11 Ah If.
Fin Sec, Dr. F D Strieker.
Ileo Sec, Louis Geutucr.
Sr Woowdard, Fred Bcbaliborn.
Jr Woodward, Ira S Tompkins.
Sr lieudle, John Sour.
Jr lleadlo, Henry Schmidt.
Trustees, W T Coburu, Clans
Schmidt aud C E Fielding.
1' L Coin, Cclia Corliss.
L Com, Delia Halu.
L It K, Mary Simmons.
L F K, Minnie Everton.
L C, Luella Wilson.
L C, Mattie Mitchell.
L M at A, Lillie Lewman.
L S, Josephine Mowers.
L S, Minnie Schallhorii.
L p, Elizabeth Pardon.
D. of II.
P C of II, M A Cornell.
C of II, Mary Dean.
L of H, Hulda Huggerth.
Fin, Mary Simmons.
K, Lydia Dean.
C of O, Lnetla Wilson.
K, Anna Moon.
flie installation of tho L O. O. F.
will flM ou Saturday night,
T. Y. Dean, Sec.
gee Voorbies about Kodaks and Bupplies
Six Hundred People Perish
Few Minute.
About IV.Yi isnplo were killed iu
ten minutes Peceinher ,'K), during a
lire at the Iroquls Theatre, the newest,
largest, and, as far as human isiwcr
could make it, the safi st theatre
in Chicago. Few of these pimple
were burned to death by the lire.
many being suffocated by the Kus,
and scores were trampled to death In
the panic that followed the mad
plunge of the frightetied audience for
the exits. There are bodies lying by
the iIiiciih in the undertaking rooms,
the isilice stations and iu the hos
pitals, from which nearly everything
that could uveal the Identity to
those who knew them best, is gone.
Clothing torn to rags or burned to
cinders and faces have liecu lila.-hi il
into uiircccgnUnhlo pulp by the
heels of the crowd that trampled
them down as they (led for safety.
The tire broke out during the second
act of the ph,y "Mr. Uluebcaril, " the
tiist production iu the theatre since
its erect ion The conijiany, which
was very large, escaped to the street
in safety, marly all, however, were
ooniiell,d to the into the snowv
strct ts w it li no clothing but the light
slap' costumes, and a few nieuilers
of the coniiuiny sustained minor In
juries, hut none were seriouslv hurt.
i The thea'er was completed 1. -j
than Inn m, mil,
ago, at a coat of
half a in 1 11 inn dollars, and was the
thiol playhouse iu Chicago. It was
ovncd t-, t,,, public on tu, night of
November '.':t. The style of the
structure, architectural , is Trench
Keii.iissiinee, which h.vs a strorg sug
gestion if the classic. It has a total
sealing eapai'itr of 1 ;.M chairs, with
plenty ef goid stiindiug nvm on each
The balcony had s.atings
City lTtkTs,IIK- 1!,e records of the
the theater vHiT"''"1''11' t1'''
iletail and Hist ivV,'',''', ,,T"rT
i roof, re,,in-u,ntn!,,,,1-v fir'"
liavlng Ken couiplhal w ith.
Jan. II, Mondar-Sixi'ial
inn. cnv Imli
hiHil meet-
Jan (t, Wvditosdtr County
meets. '
i, Thursilav
Meeting of the Citv
4 - ' MW-dav Mivtin
of Hi,.
at Coun
r - i fsi, . -
V f
- fA.J. I. .
' or,.!'. 'Vomvrt,
-'" I nl Vtf,
Nearly Resvdy lo Receive the Ma
chinery. The gold dredge being built by
r'l .!(.. M. pn th.mnntli ef Wu , I .
. , ,' , . i .i (people and "purty gals" came.
creek is nearly ready to launch, andl1 ' ' '
when launched the work of installing
the machinery will be commenced.
It is expected that the work will be
completed and' the dredger rlrdy for
operation about March 1.
The firm of Champliu & Co.
posed of F. L. Champlin,
Christian and M. M. Mc
formerly of Chicago, but for the past
seven or eight j'ears they have boon
actively engaged in dredger mining
at Rnnnock, Montana, operating two
dredgets, one of 2000 yards capacity
operated by electricity and the other
a 2300 yard machine operated by
These pentlemen became interested
in Foots creek last spring aud bought
the Lance property, paying IM.IKK)
for 1 00 acres. They have also purchas
ed about 600 acres besides, which
makes them the exclusive owners of
proiicrty along both sides of Foots
creek from its mouth to the Ruble
Thorough prospect work was done
and 30 or more prospects holes sank
hy a keyhole drilling machine aiross
the old channel which is 1000 feet
wide. This is virgin soil as far as
mining operations are concerned as
heretofore only ground sluicing lias
been done and no bed reck has been
Tho company commenced its opera
tions by tho bnilding of a dam across
the lower end of the natural basin.
This dam is 20x800 feet and is intend
ed to form a reservoir to float the
dredge when It is completed.
The dredge itself is 1 12,' feet long
and feet wide aud will be equipped
with two boilers each weighing 12
tons, engines and other necessary
machinery. The -jlovator will be
equipped with 40 buckets each bucket
and link weighing one ton and with
a capacity of eight cubic fuel. Willi
this elevator they will be able to dig
to a depth of 80 feet although the es
timated depth necessary to go is DO
feet. The engines will be powerful
enough to dig up the bedrock itself,
which is a blue porphyry.
At present, there aro 60 men work
ing, a large number being engaged in
cutting wood. Already 1500 coids of
wood have been cut When the
dredge is in opcratiou, it will require
from 13 to 15 cords of wood every 24
It is estimated that th company
has enough ground to keep the dredge
in oixratiou from 10 to 15 years.
The machinery is being shipped
from Chicago aud already two car
loads have arrived. There will be iu
all about 12 carloads of machinery.
M. A. Wertz has been engaged to
huirl the machinery from Gold Hill to
tho mine and left Mouday with three
four horse teams. SKicial trucks with
12-ilich tire ! 4 inch steel aalrs are
provided for hauling the heavy pieces.
The regular meeting of the Grunts
Pass Wouiaus' Club was held in the
parlors of Hetbany Presbyterian
church, last Saturday afternoon.
Tho matter of taking the Cosgrove
Orchestra Company, of Chicago, was
considered. The proposition made by
thli noted company of musicians to
the club, was to take the first $75 and
50 per cent of tin door receipts. The
club must iay the rent for tho oisra
house. The club decided to accept
the proimsition and the orchestra will
give a concert here at a date to be
fixed later. Adiiiisison will he, re
served seats, 75 cents, general admis
sion, 50 cents.
The follow ing committooB were up.
Decoration Mrs. Denny, chairman;
Advertising Miss Lucas, chairman;
Tickets Mrs. Ifenienway, cliuir
man. A very interesting program was
rendered at the conclusion of the busi
ness meeting of tho club. Mrs. Walk
er, who n.-ver fails to please, sang a
very pretty solo, "Afterwards Love."
Following this was a most euterain
lug as well as instructive lecture,
entitled, "Kgyptinn Art," by Attor
ney A. ('. llongh. Mr. Hough has a
grasp of bis subject that does not
Is'long ti many, and his address was
replete with good things. Ii was
made doubly interesting by a ilisp ay
of his rara collection of colored plates,
IHirlraying the niatchlesi art i f the
mausoleum" of the Ancient and inure
modern Kgyptiaiis. Mr. Hough's ml-
dress was well received and highly
appriH'iated by the club.
Mrs. IV H. Stovall, Heporter.
Grant Pas,
Following is a summary weather ob
servation at liiants Pass during the
mouth of IV eeuihef, l'.KI I, as reported 'nr
I. It. TailJock, local voluntary observer
lor the Oregon s-tsie Weather Service.
Mean Pree
Win. incli
li'lll . lelu.
1 -
.vj ;0
3 .pi , .!!
4 ,s; :':!
ft i ,-,: i "j
M ; :'4
" U ;
S 4. -V
i' 41
U : :
ii -tu . ;n
12 4:t : 31
i.i is : :t-'
u , , rw ; ,a
la hi 4'i
i" s7 - a;
I 4 .
l' tit A'
2 4') I as
-1 -Ill , eti
4'.' 1
-Ill all
ja" ; 4: ;
'ai i ;!'
- :ia , :u
si , i
' ' ; - 3:
' M S1
1...... 44 so
.01 !
.01 ,
!i V IK) ;
Mean temivraiura :w
I """ eu,p,.raiure. &7; dte,
l"""""U'temn.rature,;51 dale.
. i at ..u.. ,
- K'nili- IUCIIi
i.LS. Total u..
an inches II. ,4V
partly cloudy, i, cloudy, it.'
" prevailing wind, s.
1 ciear, s,
Th. storni, ;
Kerby Item.
School closed for holidays.
Kerby lias been very lively during
holidays, for a mining village. One
woold wonder from where all the
Grandma Wetheibee lias been lying
dangerously ill at tier home near
Kerby. Her many friends aio auixous
for her recovery.
There was a New Year's ball
given at Holland in the opera house.
A large crowd dauccd oat the old, and
in the new year.
Bertha Bennett, who lias been at
tending the S. O. S. N. S. at Ashland,
is visiting her brother aud sisters at
Kerby. She will return to Ashland
to begin work again Monday.
Jas. Payne, formerly of Althouse,
died Thursday at the home of hie
youngest daughter, Mrs. F. 8. Dub
nan of Kerby. Mr. Payne has not
been well for a long time, so left his
Did home at Alihoao so as to be
nearer a physician. Pappy Payne, as
ho is to well known by this name,
was a dear, good old man, liked by
all who knew him, and will be missed
and mourned by bis many friends as
well as by his family. Chatterbox.
Lel&nd Sifting.
The weather at present is not very
favorable for placer miners.
Robert Westrap has moved into J.
GofT's house at Tunnel 9. Business
is quiet there.
vwiug iiramer made our town a
visit a short time ago. He is well
pleased w ith the outlook of his quartz
mi no.
1 Tho Vulcan Miulug Co., are run
niug their stamp mill to catch up
with the rock that has been accumu
lating ou tho, dump.
At the present writing we are hav
ing light showers, with ro wind.
.los s is doing nne as grass is grow
ing nicely. The weatl er is all that a
farmer cuu ask for.
We havo some strangers here who
have come from the east ; they are
astonished to fiud such warm sun
shiny weather at this time of the
year. Those who can do so, will send
for their families.
on law inai tue legislature re
cently passed, regarding the Celilo
Canal, we think Is an imposition on
the wed: half of Oregon, as we will
not receive any benefit from it but
are compolled to help pay a part of
the largo appropriation. With that
and other large appropriations, the
tax payer will have to hustle for the
uext few years.
We thluk the for the killing
pheasants and China pheasants is all
right, for the farmers feed the birds,
then the city people come out on the
farmers' land nnd kill the birds and
tramp down the farmers grain and
grass, so tho farmer if he wants to
hour, must go In the ll.l s oil long
limits tu nml a few birds', while if
let alone ha could find plenty on his
own land. We think the farmer
should be protected by some law-
prohibiting the people flora the cities
'rom huuting on his Inud, as many a
lire has been started by such hunters,
as they have overtiming to gain and
nothing to lore.
Business is very good here, no sick
ness to reMin, everhvodv is bnsv
We still have a few girls left who are
marriageable. They have rosy
cheeks, douf believe iu piinting
their fares, but look fresh and rosy as
nature intended. Wide Awake.
Wlldervlllo Item.
We are having fiuo weather
school is going on nicely after a
week of vacation.
( hristmas and New Years have come
and gone and wo welcome in the vear
After several
Krnest Lew is has
months absence.
returned to Wilder
Mrs. Lovelace
has returned from
San Francisco, ami
seems to bo got-
ting along nicely.
ivirmuan and Claudius Kobiuson
have gone to Kugeno to school after
spending vacation at home.
Mrs. Lewis and little daught
l - .. I I : I
.tonne nave returned from a two
months visit iu Washington.
Miss Addie and Estella Hobi-son
have gone to Grants Pass to school,
after spending va.-ation at home.
Mn. Halstead's father living mar
Wihlemlle, ou the old Goodman
ranch, was buried last week at the
Sh an grave yard.
Miss Bertha Coruni is visiting a
few days witii her brother. T. M.
(urniu, teacher of the Wilderville
Kxjbli Items.
Niw esr fights have opened for
HO I, and the result are painful.
Clyde Jeter of Grauts Pass is iu
vicinity visiting his nianv
fr ii lids.
J. L. Wooldrlilv-o
ex-asse, stir of
Jackson county, was
this week on business.
at Grants Pass
J Willard Gillmore, a prominent
,citieu of Murphy, is iu this vicinity
I looking after his farming interests.
Cbas. Burkhalter' of this localiir
who is erecting a uew dwelling at
Grants Puss, return -d homo Saturday.
0 ui.el llurlin, a proiuiueut farmer
of Bachelor creek, lias been very ill,
but the latest reixirts are that Iu. is
coutalesreiit, we are glad to say.
The farmers of this place- aru taking
advantage of the fiuo weather and are
uoiiig considerable plowing. Stocs
I on the range is b-okiug well Fsll
, grain is looking fine aud the prosects
j are that we will have an abundance
j uext year, which is uothiiig ounsual
, for Oregon.
I The good people of this vicinitv
I have been having n veral ses ia!s
1biu8 the holidavs. The eveuius
areeujoyeH at the neighbors houses
and the program osuallv cn.Ut.
iustrnmental an.l r.i . j . . ...
j . . n. .-,,- , uam-ing
imiuigeii in aud a general gcad
'"' i always the result.
K. J. Kahh, our merlumi luj llol,,.
9 " , V
-n,.,l like a boy
master Is stepping
with red top boots on, over -
rival of a bouuemg hoy ai
Mr. Kubli fays if the youug
could only vote at me -dential
election. Theodore Koosevelt
would be the uext president.
last yISTmarriages
Wedding Held in Jof
. . Ulna
County in 1903.
January. ,,r
J S Morgau-Canio Joliift
W E Ferguson Sadie I ra
Frank Fetsch-Mary Burn Nl
J E Bland Maude Jones
F F Stanley M AdaliueifV
Geo W Miller Ellen Bu .
G A Caswell Lillie C'ol-
9 Perry Laswell Laura Cc'.M !:
9 Heury A Pyle-Katie Be
21 W J Cleveland Annie t. J,
Harry A Cougle-Alice McGregor
Wm E Cox lila May Findley
H C Ball Maude M Anderson
Turl Levcricb Alice Bunch
T 8 Englesdcn Ilia Wood
Felix Kieuliu Louise Leulier
Thos F Floyd Matilda J Avers
Ashley H Feuu-Martha I Acock
George C Perry Temby Williams
Alec C Brown-Maude E Gilimm'
It M Gaston Lillian Fairs
Edwin.W Turner Lulu Chapman
William Findley W innie Smith
S J Waynieut Martha E Devore
Victor Egger Fannie Knighteu
Otto Heidrick Mattie Eusteud
R H Graham-Eaima Shattuck
J W Woolfolk-Birtha Butty .
G W A P Cramer-Jean Lougeueckcr
V W Walker Carrie Ellen White
J II Hasty Helen O St Louis
M M Murray Mary E Croxtou
A J Hussey Lillie Pence
C M Everton Floreuce M Marshall
Lyndon Baninster Mis Eva Brown
Fred Iloleton Marie Mattison
LO Adams Cynthia I DeAriuond
Gust Frauke Mary A Owens
Isaac, Cnstar Sarali Williams
Ernest H Lister Neita Good
Lonia E Schueler Ivanilla Purdin
W H Whisman Kitty Bunch
W Y Williams Aura L Baker
Gilbert Kirkeby Anna Bye
("has W Gray Katie K Johnson
A C Gocttsche Bertha A Patrick
Frank C Kiuney Viava Jones
Petei Evans Aduline Singley
Clyde J Bell Marguerite Sowell
R J Gibson Arel R Hathaway
C V Stewart Minnie L Maddux
Orley Fields Eva Summer
George Wells Elsie Howard
J E Triplet! Nellie Baron
Oriu F Demarest Rose Y Walker
Frank Dowuan Dee Yokain
T Mason Bessie E Duueauson
J E Sowell Catherine E Egger
J Breazeale Melseuia .Tips
J P Nichols Frances Howard
C F Ruler Vern A Hathaway
Wm E Gilmore Daisy Howard
C Prescott Aunio F Austin
E F Tycer Jennie Gibbs
Carl G Lind Florence L Thnss
Elba Wnodard Elsie E McCoIlutn
Geo W Porter Maude Vaughn
Charles At w ood Bessie Ilclhert
James D Houek Mary J Lowe
25 Leopold Sams Martha A Hocking
27 J W Willsie gees Murphy
G L Carr Lanra Crow
Samuel Chase Esther Y, Gritlin
II B McMiehael Sarali A Hall
Hugh T Tortious Ollie A Uke
Ashley L Fulk Iicssio K Briggs
A C Lake Maymie Turp n
Ludwig A Struelii r-Viola King
WJ Smith Elizabeth Wimer
A L Baker Nora Tievelliymer
Ur Lewis Kennon-Deceased.
Dr. Lewis Kenuou wis born iu
Augusta, Ga , January 21, si j-,i. ,.
was a graduate ot William and
Mary's colleg-. of Virginia and also
of the medical dcnariim-m f .i...
I'niversity of Pennsylvania. He
spent the greater pnrt of his life in
New Mexico.
He was iu the fnited States armv
service as assistant surgeon and s.-rv-ed
with General I
il-ad, and other well known otli.vrs .,f
the old army. He was also fainliar
with many of the old men of repute
in the then far west, such as Ki,
v arson nun olliers of n .ti.,,,,.1
He was a man of marked literarv
attainments and should have ,,m,t,.
place for himself had his line, ben,
cast iu more favored places. ltis
memory for eveuts as wonderful and
his familiarity with literature ureal
He leaves four children: Mrs Ilr
R. E. Smith of Grants Pass. Tir
Lewis Kenuou of Stockton. Cl Tun
L. Kenuou, Point Richmon I. i'i '
and W. C. Kenuou. Phoenix. Ari,,.,,.'
To Teach at Glendale.
Prof. J. p MeConuell. i,,il .lf
tbe Merlin schools for the past three
v.ars, ha, aix-i pted the i-ositiou of
pnnciial of the Glendale schools for
the term commencing o Moudav
F.broary 1st. Prof. Medium 11 wal
iu town Wednesday, and ei.,r,-s...i
himself as being sreatly pleased with
the neat aud substantial ,,,
, , , -I I' .sianee
T Gleudale generally, aud the W,i
ful new s,hoolhouse in particular
He l a g.aduate of the Ashland ..,.,
uormal and enjoys the di.ti,.,n..
of U-iug one of the most competent in the state. There am
vacancies in Gleudale for i
first ( lass school teachers, as we un
derstand that no teacher have yet
1-een engaged for the intermediate aud
priaiary aepartmeut of the schod for
the spring terra. I, i, rmfrrtunate
that school cannot bo resumed at once
m soch a long vacation;ts in the
children forgetting much tbat thev
learuel the fore part of the winter
."i.r ' a,n!'1 or ,wo rltch up
with their aiii. ua ...i .., . .'
jjfw uieuiiale
Strav Ho
The law in regard to estray animals
i,-n bv those who
n very inn" ' , .,
se animals or .Hose ' '""J
0p either, aud for the mfnrma t.on of
Jth sides we give
,l,e statutes as given in is-
Cottou's Code:
e,.e 4'1" A pcrsou flnuing any
of auy tuy ,.,,, nI1 view or iu-
foatX shal take up and confine
lormauou, . , v uotieo
' " 6ame f"rtl'I' 1, if known, and
not known, by notices de
cr b ng such animals therein, in at
"st free public pines within the
V-ieuct : and if Hie owner does not
f n tl. i diite of this notice, the sale
,,f the animals may be proceeded
with nuder the law relating to es-
Photo Supplies at the Courier of
Urcak Up a Cold
A Modern Scientific Remedy for
Colds and La Grippe.
Your money back if you want it.
Slover Drug. Co.
Sulk Agknts.
Assay Oflicc
Gold, Silver, Copper, Lend, each.
Gold and Silver, fl.
Bought aud Refined fur Dental Trade.
Each and every assay done with the
idea that it may be cheeked.
Notice to School Clerks.
To District School Clerks of Jose
pliiue County:
The rale of school tax for ItllU tlmi
llP eOlllllV .'nitrr U-ill llllt-.l tn li.nn I..
order to aggregate au amount which
shall lie at least fi ht capita for each
child of school age in the countv, as
per the uew school law, will be
about U'i. mills on the dollar. This
will give to each district iibout twico
as much from the county fund as
was given last year.
All districts needing a special tax
for certain purposes can make the
levy as usual in the mouth of January,
l ours truly,
l.iLcnln Savage, County snp't.
Notice of Stockholders Meeting
Notice is hereby givi n that tho an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
The Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Com
puny will be held at the ollico of the
sanl lompany at Grants Pass, Oregon,
on Weclnesd av .Tiiiiim rt 1-1 liml n n
o'clock p. m. The meeting is for tho
purpose of electing a board of seven
Directors to serve for tho ensuing
year und the transact ion of such
oth r business as mav eome hi fore it
II- r. KIXNKY. pres. '
J. H. llOOi'll sec'y.
Grants Pass, Oregon, December b'l.lUlilt. Settle.
The Fair Store accounts of D Fr. d-
'V'u '."v.-1':,'" 111 !''
of II. A. Williams f, r collection. H
lH-rsons owing ),j, ru requested to
call and settle.
DiN.",ii'i."uiH 1,l"r''1', v'n''u tl,a( tlle
I i-lriet Hnundary Hoard of Josephine
ounty uregnn, -,n ,,,, ,
tmirt House in the afternoon, ou
'uary , Iwu, to ,., viHon
" "" I'le to change ,. bonudarv!
Hue running b-twe.-u sehool district
niiiiibered Jl and ' so ... A" !
the ner.l I , . r . ' '
..,.-,.-1 i ! e, , n,, foUtllWl-t 1-J
of section i, town-Ion :n
'west of Willamette Meridian, from
school il.sinet ,l.r ,,, ,, ,0 a"!
'a,w.Ki;,'r r'1,,1 "rr""r-v "'-!
au it to become,, part of school
t1:;;, ,!reg:!;;:r 24 ot
n ,:: '- J"1 See'y of Uoa ,1.
D , at Grants Pass, (iIfM, Dec.
Christmas Is Over
You will now find time lo read the
CLEMENS, vSells Drugs
"isiige trout, Opposite Opera nouso.
Courier and Oregomdniayea
Uehkonf & v . t . r '
We keep
good variety
own make.
the lowest, quality"!
Kemember we gUa j
vehicles sell, botw l
factory make. Ve ljVt :
a number of -
which are selling
c :.i ... 1
op--'i attention Bgi It
IIUI-MO Sl...i '
Miners. Mill M'.,.i. .
' ""iatil;j
Buggy aud Wagon R.,
Remember the pW J1
M A sJ . t V. W L3
llinradav 11.
the Nswvll si,
and the banlr. V
to Miss Lijcie Gu
KEY Large storev
o"it cau nava ma
for this notice. ;:
W ANTED. . 1 t
WANTED A planer
Mummer heads, not
( m
I .
i i
inch, single or dooll,,
belts complete, in
ordor. Address Lock BotJ
WANTED By exrrbn:
""i ""ue uoaraing hi.
ply Courier Ollico.
WANTED A woman "oTj
Ki uerui iiouseworg at UiftK
of Mrs. W. S. Hale.
in iiiaiinge unfitness in (l;,;:
and adjtiniug territorv ti:i:
of solid financial staadiM I
straight cath salary and J''
id each Monday direct ?
lieudipjaiters. Exiieuse bu,
vauced; position iiermanr-Di I
dress Malinger, 005 Monot t
Chicago. X
FOR SALE or nut rooinini i
best location iu city. Apply ,
PIANO Nearly new pintio at
gain. Easy terms. Enqic,
this oflice. j
SAW MILL A good saw niiU
to sell, cajiacity la.OOtl. Situ,
tho heart of a good timbered-!
near mouth of Puweli d
Teams, logging outfit, bmj
H0O worth of lumber inrpABI AN
for f,000. Eiuiuiro at tiiis'ot. '
88 acres, all improved, lit
chard, 8 iu hops, two lioiiiesjiL?
barns, 6 miles from tows. Wc
all or part. E. W. Turner,
Grants Pasi, Or
A SPAN of good work liorsii,
and gentle, a and lOyeai K
woigh l-.'IK) to l.'ilitl pounds, pi
teed to be as represented, ti
bought at a reasonable pric. t
double and single harness, on
one now Stockton wneon, 1
tires, almost new, ami farm
Apply at Courier oflice.
ROLL TOP DESK nnd ret.
chaii- for sale cheap Courier
PiO tons baled alfalfa hay. h
R. Ray, Tolo, Oregon.
IM KM FOK BALK two miles froa
lin, liJO acres -alout .rsl serfs u;i
holtom land, 2o aeres tu ciiltivaiino. !
house and barn anil ul-oul Xl ito .
fence, balance of lam! suiislile for eri
r pasture. For furl her partii-ulip
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Own-
'200 ACRE ranch, gmsi pmm.,
'v' apple orcbard, small liu
abundance; water for ir-iii'Miun. ift
springs on every -111 aeres: center oli:;
range country; two dwelling hous-,
barn, every thing complete; wellski'
from frosts, good tiuiuiiir niarkel ;
half mile norlh ot 'funnel H, p tj
Inquire at this otlice. J
1H( acre fruit ami slin k ranch, 3S A I
ou"lroin Grants Pa-. I'M In I Ll-1
cleared' 111 in Oreliiml. fair l.iiiltiinm. V .
fruit soil, plenty of water anil liml'ib
tlie hesl outside stni k raiu'e in J:'
Countv. Price : ti per a.-.e, VnT
Address Mrs. A. II. I'lie-suiore, Ms;- y.
for R.pvr
TWO niifnrnished
rooms nr fnrtf
ed ladroom let singly
t.....u ,n,,nia ai.kIv In Mri
Harrison. Second street, Mrs. S''
" We ha
TCTS-JtflT : ty, grace
' . , wi i. --latest pa
ll IISIA iJKiaia'. BHttlll 11 -WW .
St. Louis House, Cor. Eis'l'i
vc are
; While
J street:.
FURNITURE cleaned and n'P'teep Oin
npholstering done, c.iri'i hin ev.
np, cleaned aim rerun- '" r
rleiined and rel lid. Jlsttr
r....n....f., l.miLinlinlfl eCOllSl"'
for Khiimient. Apply to J IHC C8ll
Ebjrlo Residence Sixth St.
Correspondence! J
Becomes a lnbor of love
right sort of writing matexil
ns.-d. We carry a line of Sue ,
tionery u suit tho most fastiib.
tastea High grade goods at lc
prictsi. -vLatest novelties in '
PM"" fiat can't be duplicate
in mouev eisewere.
very cheap.
Hatiqial Drug Stws