Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 24, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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iX& 4t
TjJS iN 4 tfJ-S JS, rfi cr-.J.M r?j?.
Copvrfirfil, J50. fi lltrhtrt S. Slorui
1 ft R. CHENlrALI. LOURY board-
I B Denver with all the ulr of a
A martyr, lie hud traveled
pretty much nil over the world, nnd In
wus not without resources, but the
prospect of a 2.5(10 mile Journey alum
Ulled hlui with dismay. The country
he knew; tho wenery had long since
lost Its attractions for him. And ao II
not that be gloomily motioned the
porter to hl boxes und mounted the
Hteps with weariness.
As It hunpoueu, Mr. Orenfall Iorry
did Dot have a dull moment after tin
train startT'd. Ho stumbled on a figure
that leuned toward the window in the
dark passageway. With reluctant civil
ity he apologized. A lady stood up to let
him pass, and for an Instant In tho half
light their eyes met, and that Is why
- tho mlka rushed by with Incredible
Mr. Lorry had been dawdling away
tho mouths In Mexico nnd California.
For years bo had felt, together with
many other people, that a sea voyage
was the essential beginning of every
Journey. Ho had started round the
world soon after leaving Cambridge;
be had flhed through Norway and
bunted In India, and shot everything
from grouse ou tho Scottish moors to
the rapids above Assouan. Ho had
run In and out of countless towns aud
countries on the coust of Kouth Amer
ica. He had done ltussla and the
IChoue vulley and Ilrlttuny and Damas
cus. Ho bad seen them all, but not
until then did Itoccur to him that there
might be something of interest nearer
houie. Trueftie bad thought of Joining
some Englishmen on a hunting tour In
the Rockies, but that had fallen
through. When the Idea of Mexico
did occur to him, bo gave orders to
pack bis things, purchased Intermina
ble green tickets, dined unusually well
at his club and was off In no time to
tho unknown west.
There was a theory In bis family
that it would have been a decenter
thing for him to stop running about
and settle down to work. Uut his
thoughtful father had given hi in a
wealthy mother, and ns earning a liv
ing was not a necessity bo failed to
see why It was a duty. "Work Is be
coming to some men," bo once declared,
"like whiskers or red ties, but It does
not follow that nil meu can stand It."
After that the family found hlui "hope
less," and tho argument dropped.
Ho was Just under thirty years, as
good looklug as most men, with no one
dependent upon hlui nnd an Income
that bad withstood both the Mutant
Doree and a dahabeah on the Nile.
Ho never tired of seeing things and
peoples and places. "There's game to
be found anywhere," he said, "only It's
sometimes out of season. If I had my
way uud millions I should run a
newspaper. Then ull tho cxcltemenls
would comb to me. As It Is, I'm poor,
and ao I have to go all over the world
after them."
This agreeablo theory of lift! had
worked well. Ho was a littlo bored at
times, not becutme ho hod Been too
much, but because there were not more
things left to see. Ho had managed
somehow to keep bis enthusiasms
through everything, and they made
II fo worth living. Ho felt, too, a cer
tain elation, like a spirited horse, at
turning toward borne, hut Washington
bad not much to offer hlui, nnd tho
thrill did uot last. His big bag uud
his butbox, pasted over with foolish
IiiIh'Is from continental hotels, were
piled In the corner of his compartment,
and he settled back In his seat with a
pleasurable sense of expectancy. Tho
presence In thu next room of a very
smart appearing young woman was
prominent In bis consciousness. It guve
hlui au uneasiness which was the be
ginning of delight, lie hail seen her
for only a second In tho passageway,
but thut second had made hlui hold
himself a little stralghter. "Why Is
It," bo wouilered, "that some girls
make you stand like a footman the mo
ment you see theiuV" (ireufall had
been In lovo too many times to think of
marriage. His habit of 111 i ml was hi 1 II
general, and ho classlllcd women broad
ly. At the buuiu time he hud a feeling
that In this case generalities did out
apply well. There was something about
the girl thut mailo lilm hesitate at la
beling her "Class A or 11 or Z." What
It was bo did not know, but unaccount
ably sho Ulled hlui with tin affected
formality. He felt like bowing to her
with a grand air and much dignity.
And yet ho realized that his successes
bad come from coiitldcnce.
At luncheon be saw her In the din
ing car. Her eoiiiaiilous were elderly
ierous, presumably her parents. They
talked mostly In Trench, occasionally
Using a Herman word or phrase. Tho
old gentleman was stately and austere,
with an air of deference to the young
iwoman which tirenfall did uot under
stand. His uppcuruueo was very strik
ing, his face pale and heavily lined,
mustache aud Imperial gray, tlio eye
brows large nnd bushy nnd the Jaw
aud chili square and linn. Tin' white
balrcd lady curried her heml liliih with
Uumlstaknble gentility. They were ull
dressed In traveling suits which sug
gested sniuethliur forelirn. hut lint Vicu
Elys Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Olva Satisfaction.
It clnftiuM, rxitliwi, lieula, aud protin-t th
UiKiu-d mauibniui). It rurea Catarrh aud
ilnr.n away a Cold in tln Head quieklr.
Heatoraa ilia Betuun of Taate and HmrlL
tay to nx. CouUina no iujiirioui druax
Aplied Into th noatrila aud al.iorlj.HL
lauuK Kilo, f.i) ceuu at DrintKiata or by
, ha. in. a, iu irania oy mail,
ELY BROTHERS, 66 rr.o St.. Nt York.
jjf vl? ? f
r" 5, ?? J
na nor I'nrls; smart, but far from
American tastes.
Lorry watched the trio with great
Interest. Twlco during luncheon the
young woman glanced toward hlui
carelessly and left an uunoylng Impres
sion that she had not seen hlui. As
they left the table und passed into the
observation car be stared ut her with
gome defiance. Hut she wtis smiling,
and her dimples showed, and (ireufall
was ashamed. Tor Rome moments he
eat gazing from the car window, for
getting his luncheon, dreaming.
When bo got back to bis comport
ment, lie rang vigorously for the por
ter. A coin was carelessly displayed
in bis fingers. "Ho you suppose you
could llnd out who has the next com
partment, porter'"
"I don't know their name, sub, but
they's golu' to New York Jls us fas' us
tliev en 11 L'lt thtlll. I ulll' OX Ulll 110 I
questions, 'cause thuh's soiuethln" 'bout
uiu makes me feel 'a If I ulu' got no
right to look nt um even."
The porter thought a moment.
"I don' believe It 'II do yub any good,
siih, to try to shine up to thu' young
lady. Hhe uln' the sawt, I ran tell
jul) that. I done see too ninny guhls
In ma time"
"What are you talking about? Tin
not trying to shine up to her. I only
want to know who sho Is Just out of
curiosity." Grenfull'sf ace wus a trifle
"ileg pnhdoii, sub; but I kind o'
thought you was like oth' geut'men
when they see a han'some woman;
alius wants to flu' out somethln' 'bout
bull, suh, yub know. 'Hcusn me fob
mlHjedglu' yuh, suh. Tb" ludy In ques
tion is a fob'ner she Uvea ucross tb'
ocean, 'a fub us I can fin' out. They's
In a hurry to git homo fob some rea
son, 'ciiiiso they uln' golu' to stop this
side o' New York "cept to change cabs."
"Where do they change cars'"
"Ht. I-otils golu' by way of Clucln
tiatl an' Washin'ton."
(ironfall's ticket carried blm by way
of Chicago. Ho caught himself won
dering If he could exebunge bis ticket
In Ht. Louis.
"Traveling with bcr father uud moth
er, I suppose."
"No, suh; they's bub undo an' aunt.
I beab huh call 'em uncle an' aunt.
Tb' olo gent'mun la Undo Cuspar. I
don't know what they talk 'bout. Ifs
mostly some foh'en luuguugu. Tb'
young lady ullus speaks Ainchlcnn to
me, but th' old folks culn't talk It ver
well. They all been to Frisco, an tho
hired lie'p they's got with 'em Buy they
been to Mexico too. Tb' young lady's
got good Amehlcan dullahs, don' care
whu' she's been. 8 he alius smiles
when sho nsk me to do anythlu', an' I
woiildn' cure If sho uevnh tipped me,
'a long ns she smiles thntuwny."
"Hervuuts with them, you snyT
"l'as, suh; mail an' woman, uex' sec
tion t'other side th' ole folks. Caln't
any mor'n fifteen words In Aniehlcaii.
There um it prcdu look o cur In nor
Til' woman Is huh maid an' the man
he's th' geu'ral hustler fer th' bull
"And you don't know bcr niuueV" 1
"No, suh, an' 1 caln't ver" well tin'
"In what part of Lurope docs sho
live J"
"Australia, I think, sub." '
"You mean Austria."
"l'o IV 'Sense uia Ig'nance. I was
Jls' gucsslu' at it anyhow; one place's
us good us 'nether ovah thuh, 1 reck
on." "Have you one of those dollars she
gave you'"
"Yes, sub. lleh's u colli thut alii'
Amehlcan, but she says It's wtith TO
cents In our money . It's a fnh'eu piece.
Pho tell me to keep It till I went ovah
to huh country, then 1 could have a
high time with It that's what she
says, 'a high time'- an' smiled kind o'
know In' like"
"Let me sec that coin," said Lorry,
eagerly taking the silver piece from the
porter's hand. "I never saw one like
It liefore. Crock, It looks to inc. but 1
can't make a thing out of theso letters.
She gave It to yon'"
"Yes, suh. las' cvculn'. A high time
en 70 cents! That's rocdlciil.ins, alu'l
UV demanded the porter s.-ornfully.
t'omliltieil kuti'e Mini l-'ork for out
srnieil mail at rttild-k'H Hlejelrl) n
A Timely Suggestion.
Tliis l the Kcasou of (ho year when
the prudent and careful housewife
rcplcnishcN In r updy of Chiiiliher
Iain's I'mnjli Keuicdy. It is certain
to he needed Ih fore the winters is
over, and results are much more
prompt ami sat isfaetory when it is kept
at I it i i.l and c, l veil ns mhiii a tlm cold
is conducted and before tt has become
settled Iu the system. There ia no
danger in giving il to children, for it
eontaius no harmful suhstance. It is
ph 'iiKint to tale laitli adults and
children like it. It ahuiys cures.
For sale by all di iiettists.
Your friend woultl like one of tlioae
MaherAi liroali k nl n - V. A, rd
doek, Auenl.
M tusia wnint All I.M lll Q
U Baal i yik ptup. Tw u.4 Caa ffl !
"Ml give yoii a dollar for tt. You
tan have a higher time on that."
Tbe odd little coin changed owners
Immediately, und the new possessor
dropped It Into his xxket with the In
ward conviction that be was the sil
liest fool in existence. After the por
ter's departure ho took the coin from
his pocket, and, with his back to the
door, his face to the window, studied
Its lettering.
At one little sLation a group of In
dian bear hunters created considerable
Interest among the passengers, (iron
fall wus down at the station platform
at once, looking over a great stuck of
game. As he left the cur he met I'nclc
Caspar, who Was hurrying toward his
niece's section. A few moments later
she came down the steps, followed by
the dlgullled old gentleman. Crenfall
tingled with a strange delight u she
moved quite close to bis side In her
desire to see. Unco be glanced at her
face. There was a pretty look of fear
In her eyes ns she surveyed the mis
sive bears und the stark, si ill ante
lopes. Hut she laughed us sho turned
away with her uncle.
(ironfall was smoking his cigarette
und vigorously Jingling the coins In bis
pocket when the train pulled out. Then
he swung on the car steps uud found
himself at her feet. She was standing
ut tho top, when; she had lingered u
moment. There wus an expression of
anxiety In her eyes ns be looked up
Into them, followed Instantly by one of
relief. Then she passed Into the car.
Doubtless she would have been as see
llcltous hud he boon the porter or the
lirakeiiinu, he reasoned, but that she
bad noticed blm at all pleased hlui. j
At Abilene be bought the Kansas
City newspapers. After breakfast ho
found a seat III the observation car aud
settled himself to read. Presently
some one took a sent behind him. Ho
did not look back, but unconcernedly '
cast his eyes upon tho broud mirror
In the opposite car wall. Instantly he
forgot Ills paper. She was sitting with- j
ill five feet of hlui, a hook In her lap,
her gaze bent hrlelly on the Hitting
buildings outside. He studied the re-;
flection furtively until she took up the
book uud began to read.
The first page of his paper was fairly .
nllve with fresh nnd important dis
patches, chiefly foreign. At length, aft- j
er allowing himself to become really
Interested In a Paris dispatch of some i
international conseipieiice, he tiirucii,'
bis eyes again to the mirror. She was j
leaning slightly forward, holding tin? j
open Isiok In her lap, hut reading, with
straining eyes, an article In the pusr I
be held.
He calmly turnisl to the next page
und looked leisurely over It. Another
glance, quickly taken, showed to blm
a disappointed frown ou the pretty face
and a reluctant resumption of novel
rending. A few moments Inter he
turned hack to the Ikst puge, holding
tho paper In such n position thut she
could not see ami, full of curiosity,
read every line of the foreign news,
wondering what had Interested her.
Under ordinary circumstances Lorry
would huo offered bcr the puper and
thought not 1 1 1 Iii4 more of It. With her,
however, there was an air thut luailu
him hesitate. He felt strangely awk
ward and Inexperienced beside her.
Precedents did not seem to count. He
arose, tossed the paper over the buck
of the chnlr, as If casting It aside for
ever, and strolled to the opposite win
dow and looked out for a few moments,
Jingling his coins carelessly. The Jin
gle of the piece suggested something
else to lit in. Ills paper still hung In
vitingly up-thlc down, us ho had left it,
on the chair, ami the I nly wus poring
over her novel. As he passed her be
drew his right hand from his puckct,
and n piece of money dropped to the
llisir at her feet. Then L. mm an em
barrassed search fur the coin In the
wrong direction, of course. He knew
precisely where It hail rolled, hut pur
posely looked under the seats on the
other side- of the car. She drew her
skirts aside and assisted in the search.
Tour different times he saw the little
piece of money, but did not pick It lip.
Finally, laughing awkwardly, he began
to search on her side of (he cur, where
upon she rose und guve hlui more room.
She became lulereslisl In the search
mid bent over to hciiii the dark corners
with eager eyes. Their bends were
very close together more than once.
At Inst she uncivil au exclamation, and
her hand went to the floor In triumph.
'I'hcy arose together. Hushed and smil
ing. She bud the coin In her hand.
"1 have It!" she said guyly, II dell
clous foreign tinge to the words.
"I thank you" he began, holding
out his hand as If In a drcuui of ecsta
sy, hut her eyes hud fallen momentari
ly on the object of their search.
"till!" she exclaimed, the prettiest
surprise In the world coming into her
face. It was u coin from her faraway
homeland, and she was betrayed into
the luvoluulnry exclamation. Instant
ly, however, she tcguincd her compo
sure and dropped the piece Into his
outstretched hand, a proud Hush mount
lug to her cheek, a look of cold reserve
to her eyes. He had hoped she would
offer some comment on what she must
have consldensl a strange coincidence,
but he was disappointed, lie wondered
If she even heard him say:
"I Ulll sorry to have troubled you."
She hud resumed her scut, and to
him there seemed a thousand miles be
tween them. Tooling decidedly uncom
fortable and not a little abashed, be
left her and strode to the door Again
n mirror gave him a thrill. This time
It was the glass in the car's end. lie
bad taken but a half ilocu steps when
the brown head wus turned slyly and
a pair of Interested cms looked after
hlui. She did uot know that be could
sec her. so he hud the satisfaction of
observing that pretty, puzzled face
plainly until be passed through the
Crcnfutl had formed many chance
aeituaiutamvs during his travels, some
times taking risks and liberties that
Were refreshingly hold. He had sel
W mm
dom Leon repulsed, strange, to Ray, and
as be went to Ills section dizzily he
thought of tbe good fortune that bad
been bis In other attempts and asked
himself why It hud not occurred to blru
to make the same advances In the pres
ent Instance. Koviehow she was dif
ferent. There wus that strange digni
ty, that pure beauty, that imperial
manner, ull combining to forbid tbe
faintest thought of familiarity. !
He took out the coin and leaned back
in his chair, wondering where It came
from. "In any case," he thought, "II
'II make a good pockctpleee, and some
day I'll llnd some Idiot who know
more about geography thun I do." Mr.
Irony's own Ideas of geography were
Jumbled and vague, us if ho had gut
them by studying the labels ou bli
hatbox. He knew the places he had
been to, and he recognized a new coun
try by the annoyances of the customs
bouse, hut beyond this bis Ignorance
was complete. The coin, so fur us be
knew, might have come from any one
of a hundred small principalities scat
tered about the continent.
Ih foro tho train reached Ht. Louis
bo in: le up his mind to change cars
there aud go to Washington. It ulso
occurred to blur that he might go on
to New York If the spell lasted. Dur
ing the day he telegraphed ahead for
ncciiiuiufiduthxis, and when the tiler ar
rived in St. Louis that evening he hur
riedly attended to the transferring nnd
reeliei klt.g of his baggage, bought n
new ticket and dined. At 8 he wus ill
the station, und ut 8:15 he passed her
III the aisle. She was standing in her
stateroom door, directing her maid.
He saw a look of surprise flit across
her face as be passed. He slept sound
ly that night and dreamed that be was
crossing the ocean with bcr.
At breakfast bo saw her, but If she
saw him It was when be was not look
ing ut her. Once be caught Undo Cas
par staring nt him through his mono
cle, which dropped Instantly from bis
eye In the manner that Is always self
explanatory. Ills spirits took a furi
ous hound with the realization that she
had deigned to honor him by recogni
tion. If only to call attention to biin
because he poHscssisl a certain coin.
(Mice tlie old gentleman asked hlui
the time of day and set bis watch ac
cording to the reply. In Uhlo the man
servant scowled ut blm Is'cuuse he In
voluntarily stared after his mistress as
she paced the platform while the train'
waited at a station. Again, In Uhlo,
they met In the vestibule, and he wus
compelled to step aside to allow her to '
pass. He did uot fed particularly Jil-
bllunt over this meeting. She did not :
even c hi nee at hlui.
Lorrv realized that his opportunities
wcre fast disappearing and that he did
not sis'iu to be uiiy nearer meeting her
Ulan when they started. He had hoped
to get Tiicle Caspar Into n conversa
tion and then use blm, but Uncle Cas
par was as distant as au Iceberg. "If
there should be a wreck," Crenfull
taught himself thinking, "then my
chance would come, but I don't see
bow Providence Is going to help me In
any other way."
Near the dose of the day, after they
left Cincinnati, the train began to wind
through the foothills of the Alio-
glianies. Itcllalro, Crnfton and other j
towns were left behind, and they were i
soon whirling up the steep mountain,
higher and higher, through tunnel aft
er tunnel, nearer and nearer to Wash
ington every minute. As they were
pulling out of n Utile mining town !
built on the mountain side a sudden
Jur stopped the train. There was some
little excitement and a scramble for
Information. Same part of the engine
was disabled, nnd it would be neees
sury to replace It before the "run"
could prociM'd.
Lorry strolled up the crowd of pas
sengers who were watching the engi
neer and Hroiiuin at work. A clear
luti-dcal voice, aim ist In his ear, star
tled him, for he knew to whom It be
loi! " I. She addressed the conductor,
who. 'inpatient and annoyed, stood lm
lueili itely behind hlui.
"How long niv wo to be delayed?"
she linked. Just two minutes before
this same conductor bad responded
most ungraciously to a simple question
Lorry had asked nnd bad gone so far
as to instruct another Inquisitive trav
eler to go to a w anner climate because
he persisted In asking for information
w hich could not be given except by a
clairvoyant. Hut now he auswerisl In
most utl'uhlc tones:
"We'll be here for thirty minutes at
leas', miss-perhaps longer."
She walked away after thanking
him. and Crenfull lisikod nt his watch.
(HT the main street of the town ran
little lanes lending to the mines be
low. They nil ended at the edge of a
stoop declivity. There was n drop of
utmost Its) feet straight Into the valley
below. Along the sides of this valley
were the eutriinces to the mines. Aliovc.
on the ledge, was the machinery for
lifting the ore to the high ground ou
which stood the town and railroad
1 low n one of these streets w alked the
young ludy, curiously Interested In nil
iibout her. She seemed glad to escape
from tho train and Its people, and she
hurried along, the fresh spring wind
blow ing her hair from beneath her cap.
the cuds of her long coat fluttering.
Lorry stood ou the platform watch
lug her: then be lighted a cigarette uud
followed. He hud a vague feeling that
she ought not to be alone with all the
workmen. She started to come back
before he reached her. however, nnd he
turned imalti toward the station. Then
be heard a sudden whistle, and a min
ute later from the end of the street he
saw the train pulling out. Lorry hud
rulhor distinguished himself In college
us n runner, and Instinctively he dash
ed up the street, reaching the tracks
Just In time to catch the railing of the
last coach. I'ott there he stopp.-d uud
itood witli thumping heart while tha
coa. hi's !'d smoothly up tbe track,
leaving blm behind, lie remembered
ac was uot the only one left, and he
: v'
Ocsiots .
Anront tn.Hnif M li'M-'h n.t i!"i'f' '
Qllli htT .vrlU, (MIT niMIII.'M frvtf Wtu ll'. ,
iitintli't IU ir bt-I l'lt'' t I'T.i ern'tl .'tifl.t.Mitial lUiiiU-' ' ..r
via tr. tH.I.l i,fiifT tVr ui .i ' t -
Kttonta lki'ii iSnmrh Minm .1 V n'u
nv.-ktj fv(k th m - ,
Scientific mxli
rnUtii'ii of it n ii' '
nr nn"nn, f i. " -
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to yon ?
mow. wna rvwir
panted and smiled. It occurred to htm
when It was too bite that be might
have got on tbe train and pulled the
rope or called the conductor, but that
was out of the question now. After
(II, It might not be such a merry game
to stay in that lllthy little town. It did
not follow that she would prove friend
ly. A few moments latT she appeared,
wholly unconscious of what bad hap
pened. A glance down the track, and
her face was the picture of despair.
Then she saw blm coming toward
her with long strides, iliishisl and ex
cited. Regardless of appearances, con
ditions or consequences, she hurried to
meet him.
"Where. Is the train?" she gasped ns
the distance between them grew short,
her blue eyes seeking bis beseechingly,
her hands clasped.
"It has gone."
"Cone? And we we are left?"
He nodded, delighted by the word
"The conductor said thirty minutes.
It has been but twenty!" she cried half
tearfully, half angrily, looking nt her
watch. "Uh. what shall I do?" she
went on distractedly. He bad enjoyed
She mw him romlny toward her villx
lumj ttrldcs.
the sweet, despairing tones, but this
last wall called for lunuly und Instant
"Cun we catch the train? We must!
I will give 1.110(1. I must cutdi it."
Jibe hud placed her gloved baud against
n telegraph pole to steady her trem-
bliug, but her face was resolute, iin-
perloits. coinninnillng. She was order-
lug him to obey us she would have
commanded a slave. In her voice there
was authority. In her eye there was
fear. She could control the one, but
not the other.
"We cannot catch the filer. I want
to catch it us much us you, and" here
be straightened himself "I would add
a thousand to yours." lie hesitated a
moment, thinking. "There Is but one
way, uud no time to lose."
With this be turned and run rapidly
toward the littlo depot uud telegraph
( To be continued. I
Tiie Price c! Pleasure
It is hard for a lovely woman to forepa
the pleasures of the life which she waa
created to enjoy und adorn. She may
have to la busy all d.iv in office or in
tore, yet she cannot ilrny herself the
locial pleasures which are offered her.
Hut the fattgv.e ii
often too great for
V' bcr. aud she auf-
Vj-I fers from headache
V' 1 IP" iron. lit: ill lilt 113
v f J r.:iJ b'icfeuc.ic as a
j ' ,. .' Women who are
rV1 f tir-,1 ami worn out
will find a perfect
tonic nnd li.Tvine
in I t. Tierce's Vx-
voritc I'rescrmtioii.
It cures heatlaclie,
backache nnd tli
other nehes and
pains to which
women are suhject.
It cstitWishcd regu
larity, dries weak
euiti drains, hcala
iuttaiiimntioii and
ulceration, and
cures fmnnle weak
ness. Itinakesweak
women strong and
Bu k wnncn well.
I in no plenwl
"ifk wuli vi' ir litlrueti.tiH,
turtlly know
ihuttkN io Rive vow ttr
your kinj fnvors."
wiue Mm Milo Hiy
n tit. of Lma. Tiiotna
Co., " 1 Hillcint
o niin'h with trt-Pt
I tl:? luwrr i.tlt of my
ti .ti ! the lif.irt. I nul ;ii
I, ;n u CouM h ir-lly
!(n untK three
1-u ,-t Mt..n " iiii.l two vi.ii
it '.'.. it, I am 1 1 lie a new
ao', ten. t specially those sulferinu
lie. ei of lont; standing, nre in-
i vitedlooi
Dl. 1'ier. r, I'V letter. Jr, f.
All cnrte:ixin.u is lield u- strictly pri
vate aud s-u'ivillv AddrcM
Dr. K. V. l'lerce. Huff ilo, N. Y.
Vim run rent il Tolinnj M-'elutic i,t
of' l.inr eira rhoier til I 'iilit'tet ' A.
nt; -if!
ninA in in i .u' . .it
j hi .'u.i .r. ,
tuin'. ! enU i I
I i ii i iii li .-. -r...
In.lU .v -til- I
Thm Grmphophonm rcprociuc kind of mars.'a
Ht feoemmmry to lmrn to plmj mny Inutrummnt
Graphophosi ess
$3.50 to $1QO
Fit anjr mnaVa of Talking irachlnm
Sf HO rOR rnre CATALOGUE n containing llmt of vocal qua.
tottoa, trloa, o'trcls. moloa, and malectlona tor band,
orchoatra, cornet, piccolo, ate.
Sown Inch SO cents each, $3 a dozen
Ton Inch $1 each, $10 a dozen
Brand now aronu, Much mora durable than any otSar cylinder
Columbia Phonograph Co.
123 Geary Street, S IRWCISCO. CAl.
Fer Sule in Grants Pass
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
pu. searn uiti pacnage of uwi l
Notico is hereby given that the
District Ponndary Board of Josephine
(J nintv, Ore: or, will meet in the
e.nrt house i-i Ine uiteruisui ou Janu
:ir, 7, HUM t : ct (Hi n petition now
on tile to cln.i;; i the boundary lims
o' school di .tr.ct No. 23 aud No. .,
so a to iucludo the following (Jo-sirib-d
territory in school district
No. 7, of Jo.i-lliine County:
Commencing ai the point where the
ceuter Hue ot Sec. HI, Township 10
South, Range j West cf W ilium t.e
Mriilmn. touches Rogue River
thence running soutli ou said line to
the corner in tho center of section
:10 61 Mime township una range.
ihence cast nun milo to the collier oi
.Sec. ill, thence North on the line m
the tenter of sections 2'J and to
Rogue River, thence westerly down
the bank of said river to the place nt
County Sup't anJ Sec'y of Board.
Done ut Ciratits Puss, Oregon, Dec.
5, IDlO.
Mis3 Ida. M. Snyder,
Treasurer f Hip I ail r oil Art Clnh.
If women would e-v More attention to a
: meir nci . i we w :.::.,. nave more nac. v fi
fj wivci, mothers nd (Lighten, r.d if the v B
ti wouiJ o'uitrve result! liuv would find 9
g thit the doctors' prescriptions do not Ij
fj nerform tit miflU film Nr tflvtn 11
credit for.
" li consulting with my druggist lie ad- g
vised Mi F.Irec s Wine of Caruui and Thed- fl
ford's blatk-l'Vayght, tnd so I took it ar.d
li-v oi-rrv n :,tnn In lh.i-.k hn ft.r a new
u lile ei:e;,cj uj to me with restored health,
attn, ti
H ar.d it
riiytcuit three months to cure me.
'.Vino fif ('ar-'ni i regulator uf the
ni''ritr.i ;i f iuii tin ani h a nmt u &
i tt:::.-L :i,r; t-r wuneri. It ruiva B
sriiiuy. M!n-.HM, ton tri"UPiit, lrrvff
tiLran.t I'l.inf'.l tihmi ;tni;it i(;i. f.iliinff
ot th.'wtiiili, irvhitHH ami llnu'liuu:. It
M helpful when aniirna. hintr womun-
liouJ, tluriny tin i'-iawv, after child-
hirth and in tliauL'-' of lift' It fn-
. . i . . . i . u
Rfmcnuy priiii; a near hany 10 noims m
that havn rntn ham n for VKirs. All B
H drurts have ijl.OU botilrs of Wine A
N of fanhii. i
(hi one of thine. KttinH at retlurut pi-irei at
Dr. JORDAN'S aarvr?
Tfcf 1 tfn Ant'WiIml Mintum ll It 4
Wand Viikii(i.n x .ty r lurtcwd
4, .4 ... oairUer..l I , lie aldwi
-3 - . 1 ii.enii H hi I La Cum, kit J ytl'i. (
tfVl "Vrill l thntnuvMr 'dkf: J
V. V 9 at" wit.ltli n( Mrnrf
Ar-V-tJ,..1by.r H,;,,,. M-i
11 1 Ml car lot wit . aouk mrl Y
f ill. tl tura foi r t, 1 jk
ir Mt "iNsiarf, a qotcK ln
aViBiaiaa. t Or IfUao
.a It ft iftoai
anna m laitai A i . -
T'"'""' )
.1.1 ,.! f till V
Mti'l-r-akfK. Vina fM .uh Ir-IWI ?!
HlhltllCC, UAiLfcD fttl. (X 'JuWa
bra-,) tHf"ua
0. JORDAN ft CO., 10$ I !irkt 91, t. 9,
. , Modern lieiucdy for innen
i i
Kkxh'un ha Cured miiieuf
the wirt cfi-i' ut
Miive ure for ' i m-i
Sent! tr liooklet
Sin Jose, Cat. J
ft. M A A A A A A A Ai
Hii'.'irn ih'il '''".V ttmhmv
nt -nt W('f-r.
Hiih nt Vil!
Yon Knt'W Wluit Von Are Tnlitic
Whe:i you tuk" liruve' Tatfle-s Chil
J i'l.i I fcnii-H ihc I", rimilrt i- i-ltuiilv print
mI -in every li'itlic h; i in x that it i- ini
jtly Irn'i and liirti'1 in n ta-te'e- fnnn
Nn Ci:r N . I'av. .Vr
A $3.00 Razor fcr75 cents
., lula llu.r'a mm
.. . ...
We Mae Ma Jo
tK, rlr n I nu
rl u ant
mi.-t, (... -1 - r. ir.. r..- If ... t o r. if... iMl.-.j rmum xii
.il for "HI Wr prTilj t-f ,..) H. fj Otkrf
IUir f ta.Md Muklitf, bill tMrt koarO, W ImU I'm faM.
N o A : rlill tit- 1 1 nt -i i.Ule t im
S Ainu Mnj -'e'J-l. f.r l"c additional,
V nte tor a:aio::iie 1.
I .- V Ni
i- M ill I r. l.-r lleu-el
iriuil A e. hii i rn-ii
I I';
$15, $20
A. Paddock.
over Ona and a Half Mfliion
No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
uucx loot, um m.
V viit
JST .vM . . in. wm ri
7" ia,4 ... I i. .i.l
N dice is hereby given that the un-
dersigued. Administrator or tiie r,s
tare of Agnes K. Sawyer, deceased.
will, on and after rriday. tne u uj
of Jaiinary, UH)4, sell at private aaie
the following descnoea real projj.j
belonging to the said estate, to-wit :
The wesri r y onii or lshs ur
two in Block E oi Bourne's First
Addition to tbe City of Orants rass
in Joscpiiiue coumy, ue-t, "
bounded is follows: Beginning t
the southwesterly corner of said Lot
unmliered one of said Block E, theuce
northerly along the easterly line of
Fonrtli Street two nnmirea uiiicij
feet io tbe northwesterly corner of
Lot two in said Block E, thence
easterly along the northerly Hue oi
said Lot two one hundred tiny ice1,
thence southerly and parallel with
Fourth Street two hundred ninety
feet to the southerly line of Lot num
bered one, thence westerly along the
southerly line of Baid Lot No. one aud
A Street to the place of beginning.
The said property will be sold to
the highest and best bidder for cash in
hand subject to confirmation by the
County Court for Josephine County,
Oregon. This notiro is ,nblished by
order of Hon. J. O. Bootu, Connty
Judge, made in the matter of the
Estate of Agno K. Sawyer ou the
11th day of December, li)03, and is
published in the Rogue River Courier
in pursuance of said order.
Administrator of the Estate of AgueB
K. Sawyer, deceased.
Timber Land, Ad .Iun-3, 1 7
Ulliied Mates Laud lltti'i-,
lb sehurg, Oregon, Nov. 2S, l'Ji)3
Notice is berehv iriven that in compli
arice wilh the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 187H, entitled "An
set for the sale of timber land- in the
vales of California, Oregon, Nevada
und' Washington Teniinrv," ss extend
viltoall ibe Pnlilic Land Slaie- h. act
of Augusl 4. 1M'2,
of Jackson counlv. State ol Oregon, and
s resilient of the town of Gold Hill, of
said stale, lias this day filed in thie
otliee his sworn HHteiiieiii No 5ftKi for
the onrchasoof lbs S'o NWW.NU SW i,4
of SicMi'ii No HO in Townhi No &
South, range No 4W.W M.,m!iI
, ,11. r proot shorn that the land sough
is more valuable for ilsjutnoer r sione
'thiin for agricultural purposes, and to
le-tahlish his claim to said land b. fore
I arles Nickell. U S CommisM'iiier
I ulio-d. Uifgon: on Ssmrilav. the Gtli
'day ol Kehnmrj , lfc'4. He names si
WllliesM'S :
George MeClellan, Fred. McC'lellsii
Wtiliaoi Cliihlers, John E. Nve, nil ol
Gold Mill, heon.
Any soil all pcrr-nns claiming dvers
l the Hleive-descnhcd lands are request
ed to hie tlieii claims in this olln eon m
before said (ilh dav of February, 11104.
.1. T. IlHtnoKs. ib-vister
I teoari iiit ii! of Hit- Iiren.i'.
I'lilteil S.ale- lnit OiTk'h.
KiiHenurif, (hedn, Nov 3).
A eurlieieiit ennieHl ttlllilnvii littVin
heel) (iieii in thin olliee In Jului .M
Kaijt-h, euiitfRtanl, uuiut hoint-sHil
enirv No 10,:i(l, liirt'ln 1'feeniher IJ
VMi), foi iNW .i4, NEl4SV'4 Si - t n
Towtielni iJ3 Shi ih, Kaiikt-C V. .-.i
h v.'hai-UH A. Hill, eoiimmee, in a hi t
it I- alleged lhat ChHile A. tl II lirt
uhaiiilonil tattt lutul lor mor hmiikix
UiniitliH lust. p.iBt, Kant purilUH are hei-hs
liutitied Io Hieur. reH(,MMid ami If -r r vi
mni-e louehiii Crinl al!e,aii(ni t li
(teloi k a. in. on I'etiriiart ;;, tie
lore H la. Hart t't1, omn tj 'k
I'rtfK, Orton, and tlnt till I
g Mill tie he il at 10t'eitek a. in.
on Fein
UiJ I'JOL before KeKlf
Ut and Uti-eiveral. th- tid ed MMtec
Ij u-il Dllii-e in Koehurtf, Oieuon.
; 'I lie shiu eonlentunr having, in a prn
her aflittaMt, tileil N iVelllher :10, lirU.'t,
M-t ti ir r ti fai in uldtti hhow thai aher due
'111 'vrt-t.i-t pertinnal Heivu- oi ihin nnti.'e
r: ij i.ot he made, it. ih h rebv nrdert-d
ind )if i t'teil hai hiicIi no lee be yiven
hy tine mi nro r dil: a i m.
J II Huorii, U-i-eiver
I I lie larireHl min ever aul lor a pre
' eeri tion, ciisncd liari'ln in San bran
; risen. Auk. 30, 11)01. Tim transfer in
: vulved in coin and dock $112,500.00 and
i was .a.. ly a party ol l"iine men fur
I a f pecillc (or llriiiht's llineai-e and Dia-
ueien, mini i iu inenrainu niceaHeti.
Pney eoiiiuieneed iIih henniiH invrnti.
a:iuu ol Die spectlic Nov. 15, 1900
1 Ley interviewed Genres of tiie cured
and Hied it out on ltd ineiits liy punintt
over ihren dozen eaueii on llie Ireauneiit
and walclilnn llieui. I liev aleo L'ot ph
Mciaim lo naine chronic, inetualile i
ami adintiii-tered it witli t lit- ,.) niciani.
for judiieB. I'p to An. 2"), 87 per eeni
ilthe tept chm-h ere either well or
pr-'-ureyHinit fuvnrahly.
There tieinj; bin thirteen perienlol
fuiluies, the partim ere natiafied and
eloped the IraiiH.tetion. I'lie pro. .ciliin
ol the iiiveMik'atniii i .uiiiiiihc.. and tin
elim.-al renorts ol the lest cave ere
pniili'-lieil and ill lie mailed free nn
if ilu - ion. Add rnf John .1 H'lton
"Vl'.uv. IJ0 loiit.Mil.fiy f l. mii Krah-
ico, C'al
fiKIDNEY and
AM diseases of Kldneya,
siauuer. urinary urgans.
Al. Rheumatism, Back
ache. HtanDigaase. Gravel
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Ton't btcome discouraged. There li t
cure for you If nc. e-.ary rlte lr. 1 eimer
1 e lins n ,.t a life time rurltiu Just aucb
r.LM.ii-.joiiw. ah conaiiltuiiuus Free.
For years I had bai'karhe. si'vere pains
a.-nws kicineys nnd sraldini urine. 1 ceuld
iMt L-.'Hiut n( l ,l win,, ,ut help. Theusoof
llr. Kvnurr's Kiilnev nnii Daekarhe Lure re
iiored nie. O. WAUONER. K nolwvllle. l'a."
PriiKlar.SV. ft. A.kfnrCook Book-Free.
for tale by W. F. Krt-rner end H. A
1'hoto Supplies at the Courier of
fice. To Cure Cold In a ly.
Take Laxative Itronio gmnine Tahlet.
Ml dnu-i-ista refund the money if it fail-
... .lite. i-.. ... urovea
Mttnature is on
a'-h ho j;,c.
fsmiliar name for the Cliirago, M,i.
.ankeeASt. Paul Railw.v, knonal
ver the Union as the Great IU,!.,,
ni'uing the "Piorre-r Limited" train,
'very day and nicbl between Si. l'H
in I Chicago, and Ouaha and Chieago.
The only perfe. t trains in the moild
I'nderstand: Connections are ma.i.
with All Trans--ontinental Lines, ,.
ingto rsen. n the best eervice knoat,
Luxurioui con-he, eie, tr.c li,.bl ste.
line ""r ti"1 l ''"OtUei
Sethatyonr ticket i, ..Tn.
Milwaukee" when k. ,,, Mll) ,
thelnited f-tatee or Canada. .Ml tu k
et (Kent c them
For rates, pamphiv,. or other tnn..
matton. addreee,
J. W.C.jsr, C. J.F.i.DT.
Trav. Pasa. At. lienet.l Anent
In The United States Land Ofilcs at
lioseburg, Oregon.
In the mutter nf tiie Bpiili-1
cation lor ratcnt for tlio
Consolidated Lode Min
ing Claims, iu the couutr i
of Josephine, Statu of
Notice for Patent, United Slates
Land Officp, at Rv,neburg, On gnu
November 19, A. D., 1903.
Notice ic hereby given that Charles
Decker, whoso noatofflce arid.-esa is
V aldo, Josephine oonntv. State of
Oregon, liaa as attorney in fact of
The Waldo Smelting nnd Minim,
ompniiT, a corpor .lion, orgauiz u
ml existing ouder, aud bv virtne..f
the luwa rf tho State of Colorado
and for aud iu its behalf, lean. m.
plication for a United States rait m
for tlio Consolidated Lodo Miuing
Claims, mineral turvry ntn.hi r f :u
sifuate in Section 1, Townshiy 4i,
south of range 8 west. Willamette
Meridian, (uusurveyedi iu tlieci iii...
of Josephine, State of Oregon, l oni
prisiug the quartz mining claims
known aud described as the Siirnc,
Piue, Fir, Cedar, Oak. Innh.r
Chestui.t, and Laurel, anil uiore ii.
ticularly described as followe:
Beginning am corupr uuml , r ,
uh utical with tho southwest ci in 1
section 80. township 40. nouth ,,i
range 8 west, Willamette- Meridian
theuce south 17 mill., west lotlo f i t ui
corner number 2; theuce south Ml di
41) miu., east 000 feet to comer num
ber 2; theuce north 17 niin.. eat
1500 feet to i oruer number 4 : tin n, .
uorth 89 deg. 49 mill., west finu fn u
corner number 1, to the place of hi
Beginning at corner number 1 :
Whence the southwest corner of mc
tiou lid, township 40, south o ranui
west, Willamctie Meridian, bet
north 89 dig. 49 iniu., uesttiuulni
thence south 1 mill, nest, lulio u, ,
to corner number 2; thence soutli Stl
(leg. 49 niin., east 1100 feet to corner
number Sj thence north 17miu., tan
1300 feet to corner number 4 ; tin ne.
north 89 deg. 49 niin., west Owl f i n.
comer number 1, the place of l.v ;,i.
Beginuing at corner r i .
Whence the southwest corner o. i- t:
tiou yo, towiishii. 40 Bouth of iniu ;
west, Willauielto Meridian, h. . ,
uor h 89 deg. 49 uiiu., wi st I2UU t. .
(Iiciico suuth 17 niin., west l,iu t
to comer number 2; thence s n. ct
deg. 49 mill., east 000 feet lo emm r
niiinber 8; theuce north 17 mm., i
1500 petto comer miuiber 4;il,
uorth 89 deg. 49 miu., wist n..
to corner number 1, ihe j i. i , .
Beginning at curncr numlai I,
wlienco the southnest corner of m i
tiou 811, township 40, south ot ran,, h
west, Wilhimette Meridian, h ..s
north 89 deg. 49 mill., west IH(.'
thence south 17 nun. west l.,o. l. .
lo corner number 2; thenci si uu, , .
deg. 49 miu. , east 000 feet lo coi u i
uuuiher 8; thence north 17 mil, , i. -15U0
feet to corner number 4; il... i
north 89 deg. 49 miu., wiMi.,, ,
to corner mini bcr J, the puui 1 1
Beginning ut coiner iiuinlni j,
whence the southwent culm I nl mi
tiou 80, township 40, south of range 8
west, Willamette Meridian, beats
north 89 Uig. 49 mm., i m sMuii ti i i ;
theuce soutli liunn. , west loM, 1 i
to cuner number 2; thence m.lii. m.
deg-. 49 mill., east Ot0 leet to itnin i
uuiuhei 2; I hence unith li Uiin., ii.-i
I5IW feet to corner uuiiihu4; tin ure
uorth 89 di g. 49 miu., west too hi t.
corner number 1, to piuce ut bi giiu'n
Beginning at corner nuinhei I,
whence the southwest emui r of Me
llon 80, township 40, soutn of ra..n- 8
west, Willaun lto Meridiuu, b. nrs
. ortli 89 di g. 49 niin., w est 300(1 lei I ;
theuce south 1? mill., wei-t 1500 feet
to corner number 2; thence south 89
do.. 49 niin., east 000 foct to comer 3; tlience uorth IV nun., east
1500 feet to comer number 4; .(hence
U0itll89deg. 49 mill., west 000 feet
to comer number 1, the .place of be
ginning. Chestnut.
Beginning at corner number 1,
whence the southwest comer ot sec
tion 30, towui-hip 40, south of rnuga
8 west, Willamette Meridian,
north 44 .eg. 40 mm., west 2119.6 feet;
theuce south 1, miu., west tioo
teet to corner number 2; theuce s. ulll
89 deg. 49 miu., ea-t 1500 feet to cor
ner numbers; theuce north 1. mm.,
east 000 feet to comer number 4;
theuce uorth 89 deg., 49 mill., west 1500
feet to corner number 1, thu place of
Beginning nt coruur number 1,
whence tho southwest comer of sec
tion 3(1, township 40, soutli of range 8
west, Willanietiu Meridian, hears
uorth 17 mm., eust 1500 feet; theuce
south 17 miu., west OuO feet lo corner
number 2; theme south 89 dig. 49
mill , east 15(H) teet to com- r num
ber 8 ; tin nc -a mil til 17 uiiu, east noil
feet lo coiner uumber 4; thence noiili
89 deg. 49 miu, west 1500 feet lo cor
ner uumber 1, the place of beginning.
The total net area of each ol ilm
said lodu uuuiug claims is us loilows:
Spruce, 20.0(11 acres.
Pine, 20.001 acres.
Fir, 20.001 acres.
Cedar, 2o.0til acres.
Ouli, 20.001 acres.
Poplur, 20.001 acres.
Chestnut iuclusive of conflict ana
with "Marion" lode mining claim,
survey number 522, 20.001 ucres.
Laurel exclusive of nrcu wiili
-uarioi: ami "Lyttle" lodt
u, mini:
claims, survey number
22, J1.I1..S
The nitices of location of snui
quartz mining cluinis are reeordm in
ihe olhce of the Clerk of .Wepl.uM
county, Oregon, iu the niifceeiiaueous
mining records ol said conutv, In li.u
volumes uud at the. pages as'lo.h . -,
to-w it :
spruce, in volume 13, p;1(t,. 4,,i
Piue, iu volume 13, page 402
tir, in volume 13, page 408.
Cedar, in volume 18, jage 404.
tltih, in volume 13, page 4ii5
Poplar, in volume 13, page 40..
Chestnut,, in volume 13, nig,
Laurel iu volume 13, page 405.
The neighboring or adjoining
claims are sections 30, tow n. nip 4o,
south of rauge 8 w st. Willaui. tie
Ueridtan, ou the north and adioi. mg
the. "Spruce", "Pine," "rir,'
ledar," "Oak." ...,,1 "P,.,n.r'
Oak." and "Pi.ilai'
and the '
Marion" lode minim; rlaiii ,
survey uumlar 522, ou the south ol
the Chestnut," aud the Marion'
and "Lyttle" lode mining claims,
survey number 522, ou the south, and
in coutlict with the "Laurel, " all if
which conflicting area and the said
Mttlc Lode Mimug Claims" are
owned by and iu possession iff the
said "The Waldo Smelting aud Min
ing Com pany. "
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the ruining ground, vieus,
lodes, premises or any portion there
o , ao described, surveyed, plaited
aud applied for. are
that uule their adverse claims are
duly filed according to law, and Ihe
regulations thereunder, within the
time preacrib.d by law. with the
Kegister of ,,e Cilted Slates Land
Othce at Res. burg, iu the County rf
por.glam s.tMe of Oregon, tln-v will
t haired in Tirtoe of the provisions
of said statute.
R. . t- . J- T- BRIDGES.
Rrig-Ur In, ted State! Laud Otoce.
Koseburg, Oregon.