Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 24, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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    kG6iR rivUr couRiR, grafts rAss Oktjoos, iEckvii,k h, tdoj.
People They Come end Go
Two Southern Oregon Boys on
Brief Notes evnd Items of Interest
e,nd Importance.
From Day lo Dny
AII-Amerlcan Team.
I "JO)
paltfe CtasnplKil f Vfl
want to
..y .
behind that name, ik
, Who dares in Europe-- heic
health laws ore so BtrineiU ic p
make enameled ware unless ab- 3
Bolutely pure? That's where j
Steel Ware
comes from. No fear of tainting
the food cooked in St ran sky Steel
Ware-it's all imported. But all I
imported ware isn t 14 Stransky."
When enameled ware is offered
as ' imported "'v; j the time i
to look at the land.
If it reads " Stransky Steel!
Ware" you're safe, and it's
The Ware that Wears."
We sell a complete variety !
at favorable prices.
Is King
Wo'havo accepted the agency for tho Host Sewing
Machine on Kurt h. Is your oKl machine ri v i ri lT
perfect satisfaction? Why net cxclian-:t it for a
White? Call and sec the modern While at our
store, or drop us a card and ur representatise
will call at yonr lmiue with a machine and .'ie
yon an exhibition of its wend, rful woi kin- quali
ties. Our terms are very rcasona! le.
HAni ui)i)Li: iiAHDvani: e.
Grants l'ass,
..WiNToi IIATS..
We have a large assortment ' iirct'
ty, graceful and styli-li hats in the
latest patterns ati.l materials, which
we are sellitij; at greatly rti!uce!
While we are closing att our entire
stock of poods at co-a we inteml to
keep our Millinery the best and latest
until everything is soi l.
We will be pleased to have every
one call and see our stotk.
Mrs. J.
Soutli Sixth treet, Grants Pass, Ore
Agent for
New Idea Patterns, 10c
When scut bv mail I ic.
All holiday fri t 'l.o Natirual ;
Drag Mor.- oiut I" di..s.-.J of and
will lBr.M rpmll, of ro.,t. If Ton
wont bargain uuiv uuw.
(of fee
It ry - v j
A whnt
looks like
drop in
look over
the new
Odd Fellows' lilock.
A. RehKopf
1'.. n. inl r Jo I'h Mom l.a the larir-
. -r li-t of r. :il Willi tl." Ui
t.ri.- H h,;i 1--t I.Tlnn. Ct'li l- ou E
.street, West of Sixth stre t
ft!? V "f
ft Vi W
Ilarry Lewis was in from Ualiei'
this wof k.
Mrs. J. K. Harvey wont to the
muio Suuday.
Ed White rtturued lionm
week to Bpcud the holidays.
Miss Minnie Ireland returned Men-
day from her summer visit t Port
Key. J. L. Eeatty came over from
Klamath to spend Christmas with his
Jlis.s t-osio Iiiuiiiard will spend
Lhristuin.s with her Mstrr, Miss Mar
ijaret ut Eugene.
A .1. Walters canio in from the
Gnmiiu Hill miuo last wk to 8K-nd
Christmas: at home.
Mis. C. Keill of Ashland and Miss
Jf aney Hurd of Woodville arc visiting
Mrs. u. U Presley.
Mrs. Carlon returih'd from
Cortland Wednesday where die lias
been for the past' three weeks.
GeorRB Calhoun and family will
Siend Christmas iu Ashland. Mrs.
Calhoun aud son will remain a week
or more.
Miss Adah McDonald has retnurucd
from the Oregon ARrieultural Collide
at Corvallis to spend Christmas vaca
tion with her jiarents.
M. A. Wertz is moving his saw mill
to Limpy creek aliout two mi lea from
the preseut location and ahout lialf a
uiilo from Hrjiue rivir.
D. V. Gunning mid wifo of Van
couver, Wash., after a visit of a week
with J. R. GuniiiiiK aim family, left
Wednesday for Stockton.
Mrs. O. L. MePhersoii and child, re
turned to Medford last Thursday after
spending several -weeks with her
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. M. T. ft ley.
Miss Agnes George eamo up from
Ashland Friday to attend the play
"Under Two Flags" and to spend u
few hours with her sinter, Miss I.ucy.
Miss Laura Ucrt-udn Thomas will
give a reading at lirownsville Satur
day, returning to Grants Pass to play'
the hading part in the drama "Be
cause I Love You. '
Miss Lucy George w ill spi nd the
holidays with her parents nt Kerhy.
On account of school closing so late
she will ho obliged to sisnd all
Christmas day riding on the stage.
Miss Laura Parker left for Portland
Krii ay morning to spend the winter
in studying music. She will be under
the instruction of Prod ssor Nash, one
of the best piano instructors in the
Tom Fry returned last we ek from
Portland, where ho is attending a
business college, and Will Fry came
Monday from the Oregon Agricultural
college, at Corvallis. The boys will
spend the holidays with their parents.
G. N. Bolt, for a number of years
book keeper for J. Wolko and tho
Grants Pas Hardware Co. has resign-
d his ositiou aud has li ft for the
north, where ho has two positions
offered him. Mrs. Bolt w ill join him
Victor P. Moses of Corvallis 16
visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
I). Fry this week. Mr. Moses is
county clerk of Benton county and
came down for a rest from his work.
He was here two years ago and finds
many changes in Grants Pass.
A private letter from D. C.
Iirownell, former resident of Grants
Pass, states that they are now living
in Vmatilla and are enjoying good
health. Their second son, Llewellyn,
who was but a lad wheu they loft
here, was married November Hi to
Miss .Sarah E. Grit'ith of I'matilla, a
very estimable young ladv and well
liked by all. Mr. Iirownell is engag-
d iu the real estate and colh ctinn
Little Cathrine Clemens nit with
in accident r-aturday w hich was an
exceedingly panitdl one, Mm was
standing in front of In r father's drug
store, holding In r umhn 11a . and i"
somit manner she slipped and fi II, one
rib of tho umbrella striking heron
the forehead and tearing a great g:ili
which neci'ssitated sevi ral stitches
being taken. It is exceedingly for
tunate that leT eyes exrapej ilu
lints of thu umbrella ribs.
CI ins. H. K. Hogg of Mel Sue, fill..
was ill town last week. Having wen
a oo y of the Ccuiier containing W.
I:. Slierni. in s ad regarding timber,
came to inwMiguto Willi the ri suit
that te hsatid a limber claim ami
also a In niestrad. Mr. Kellogg is a
I imbi r Hum, having livid for years
ill the heavy tiniln r bells of Wwon
sin, and atfer a cb se eiuie he found
that the cl.iluis run iu timber more
than the amiunt Mai. il in the
Courier, viz, a, o,uo. Mr. Kel
logg returned to Culifouiia Tuenidy
feeling that he had h cured a pri.e.
Tablet and box p iper at cost at the
Courier office to ( lose out. We have
up-to-date styles.
Stole & We, tcii
Tube House of Medford in company
with another fellow and tun girls at
rived in town Sunday night. Dm Hie
train House had met a Mrs. B. A. Par
ker iththe renultthat Mri P.irki-r w .is
minus a watch. She did not discover
the loss until she joined thin pU(
aud then tch-graphtd to Marshal Sti v
e!. The quartet soon broko up, the
girls having for home and Koum
drunk and asleep ovi r one of the
saloons. He was locat" d an 1 finisher'
his nap in ti n city jail aft r being re
lieved of tho watch which Wat found
in his pocket.
Mrs. Parker did not apiar to iro
cute so House was reh asid Monday
uoon and he immediately hit thu road
'or home. On Wednesday Mrs. Par
ker sent for the watch. Ih-r home is
iu follwood.
Hert Flutttring.
Undigested fd and gas in the
ftoiuach, located ju.t below the
heart, presses againt It, and cauwn
heart palpitation. When your In art
troubles y o iu that ay take Herbine
for a few days. Y'oa w ill mmhi be all
right 50 c uts at Slover Drug Co.
ilio ?-unilay Urcgnuiau eoutaius a
ha f tono cut of Martiu Hesfou, with
the follow iug text :
Martiu Hostou, of Grants Pass,
Oregon, recently elected captain of
the Michigan football eleven, is to
have the honor of being the first West
em man ever included by Walter
Camp in his All-American team. At
a dinner at the Chicago Press Club,
the great American football critic
expressed himself as follows:
"I l ave often been asked why I had
not included any Western men in my
All-American lini up. Will you be
satisfied this year if I uame Heston
us one of the halves':"
Heston is a stocky man, staudiug
live feet nine, au I weighing ISO
pounds. As half-back ho has become
the best known football palycr in the
West. At line-plunging aud ojid-runs
he is equally profii-iont aud his defen
sive work li is be.en too much for any
team he has ever played against.
In another article tho Oregoniau
says :
Two Oregon men are give1! places
by Walter Camp nn the All-American
football team this year Richard S.
Smith, captain of Columbia Univer
sity, of New- York, and Martin lies
ton, Michigan's half. The honor is
unusual, as no Western men have made
the A 11-American In live years.
Smith and Heston are Loth Southern
Oregon men. Smith was Known as a
great football player when he played
on the C'uivesity of Oregon eleven
several years ago, though ho never
attained any such honor in thoso days
as has been recently conferred ujxiu
luiu. Heston mailo his fame at Michi
gan, w here ho has just bottu elected
captain of next j ear's team.
When Walter Camp gives a uinn a
place on the All-American football
team, it means that ho has no equal
on the American gridiron iu his par-
licular iositiou. It is tho highest
honor that can' bo conferred by the
acknowledged dean (if football critics.
I hat Oregon lias two from tho limited
number of its sous who play where
Camp can sen them, placed on the
All-American is a distinction. There
are very few Oregon boys playing on
Eastern teams, hardly more, than half
i dneu, and two of theso are consid
ered iverless.
The complete eleven
End Henry, Princeton.
Tin kle Hogan, Yale.
Guard Do Witt, Princeton.
Tackle Kuowltoii, Harvard.
End ltafferty, Yale.
IJuarter Johnson, Carlisle.
Half Heston, Michigan.
Half Kafir, Princeton.
Full Smith, Columbia.
Iu commeutMig on his selection, Mr.
Ca:p speaku of Heston, Do Witt and
llogau as men of exceptional brillian
cy. Ilcsion ho marvels at. Most
great football players are less wonder
ful iu one thing than another, but
Heston is equally brilliant ou tho
offensive and defensive, lino-plunging
aud running the ends and blocking
opponent.)' plays with address and cer
Trees and Intoreitlng Programs
for tho Sunday School
The Christinas season brings joy to
the heal Is of all, mora esiawi ally to
the young mi l this year, as in years
past, tho day will be colebruted by
the various Sunday schools.
Tho Newman M. E. Sunday school
will have a tree aud gifts for the
scholars. This year they will give
gifts to tho -poor, the same as last
year, b dievlug that it is morn blessed
to give than to receive. Tho xer
eises will li held Thursday evening.
Bethany Presbtyerian church will
give gifts of clothing and groceries,
inch class making their gifts to a
particular family. On Friday even
ing at J o'elo I;, the "Birds Christ
mas Carol" will bo rendered. This
will consist of a reading, tableaux
and singing. A Christmas treo will
be loaded with gifts for the children.
Christmas exercises at the Chiit
iau church will bo held Cnrlstmas
eve and will coiinist of a pleasing en
tertainment. A surprise is ill store
fur all iu the way Santa Clans shall
appear to treat the children.
The M. E. Church, south, will
have their Christmas tree on Thurs
day evening at H o'clock. An cuter
tain. ug program of recitations, dia
logues, singing aud tabaleiix will be
rendered by the school.
Mass will ba celebrated at the
Catholic chiireh Christmas morning
at S and o'clock and at high mass
at III o'clock the Gr' gi nan mass will
lie sung. Father Dal iu will also sing
"Ave Maria" by Goiriu'l.
The Baptist, Sunday school have a
Christmas trio and a Jacobs' ladder on
Thura lay night. Gitts w ill be d:s
trihuted to the mernls rs of the school,
They have invited tho Advent school
to join with them on that evening.
The Salvation Army will have two
trees and a Chimney and a gisul pro
gram on Friday night. (rifts will be
given tu the siir.
Freight W rick .Near Tunnel 9.
Beer has Iki ii the cause of many a
man's downfall, but it remained for
Southern Orego u to produeo an ex.
ample of beer wrecking a train. I.ati
Tuesday night ail extra went bound
freight carrying through cars, was
wrecked alsmt two miles tuis side of
Tunnel i ami two car loads of liar
rel' ,1 H.mier Beer jumjs d thn trai k,
one car standing on end and leaning
against a trestle and the other tipcd
over an embankment, utrewing barrels
and barrios of beer in Garrett Crock
ett' orchard.
Wrecking t rews from Ashland and
Kosehurg were sent to clear Him tnu k
and this was done with a delay to the
passenger trafr:e of alsiut four hours.
This Week we pres. ut to our resders
tho oning chapter of Grauatark,
one of tho ablest serial stories of the
year. The ueoediug chapters will
a;.".ir regularly from week to week,
and if you enjoy a good story don t
fail to riad Grauutark.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist,
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Daisy Air Rirles for 1.00 at Cratuor
Bargains iu ribbons and Lace at
Choi x Pictures aud Leather goods
at Clemens.
Eugravlng free on all goods bought
from Iaitcher.
Fn-sh vegetables aud Fruits at
Trefreu & Lee's.
A splendid line of Koyal Charter Uak
Ranges at Corou's.
Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal
fi.50 to lit. 00 at Cramer Bros.
Hot coffee, oysters or lunches served
at Miss Johnson's next to Coo.
Jtarf a Talking Maekine Fnlrt taimnenl
JWiiuot KiU rtnt murai'nrjamf rtcortit,
Booss must ha sold and will bo sold
cheap at the Natioxial Drug Store.
Leave ortlers for fir, oak and pine
wood nt Ike Davis' secoud hand store.
Meu's Furnishing Goods to bo closed
out regardless of cost at Wade's.
C C. Daniels, real estate and rent
al agent, Cor. Eighth and M streets.
Fresh Clysters and Fish at Trefrnn
& Lee's.
Beautiful Piano seaifs at ti 75
and 3.00 at Tho Demareo Music
Call at the National Drug Store for
bargains in books and holiday uov
elities. Underwear for Ladies and Children
at WiuIu'b at right prices. New goods
Japanese burnt leather money purses
the latest thing out, at The Dema
reo Musio House.
Don't forget useful presents. You
will have no trouble iu making your
seiectiou at Cramer Bros.
New lot of Violins, Mandolins,
Guitar and Zon-o-phones juBt received
ut tlia Demaree Musio house.
Rov. W. O. Council will preach iu
the Bethany Presbtyerian church on
Sabbath evetiing on "What Hast Thou
Remember I guarantee a perfect lit
of all lenses sold by me. Eyes tested!
Needles, repairs aud supplies for
all makes of sewing much inns nt the
White sewing machine agency Hair
It i dil lo Hardware Co.
A flue assortment of goods and MO
styles to select from at the Grants
Pass Tailoring Co. Nobby suits at
reasonable rates. Steam cleaning.
Tho Golden Drift company has'
moved its ottice to the Brower brick
and urn now pleasantly located.
John Minor Booth has moved hisotlice
to room II, Masouio Temple.
Services will bo held at the Christ
ian church at the usual hours. Pastor
Sanderson will preach iu the morning
on "Thu Great Gift" and in the
owning on tho subject "The Hall has
Not Been iold.
The now Crater & Duflleld building
at Gold Hill will be dedio.ited C hrist -mas
Evo by a grand ball. Dcmaree'B
oichestnt has been engaged to furnish
music. This orchestra will also play
at Central Point Friday night.
It seems to bo a general idea among
the iH'Oph) that thu valuable govern
ment tinilH-red hinds are all taken.
Suidi is not tho case, as I can show
you some very heavily timbered
quarter sections' close to town and
eh so to thu railioaj. Good roads
leaning to iiiem. . ji. Miorman.
Dolls anil Games at Clemens.
Pocket knives for the boys and men
at Cramer Bros.
Isiave your order for poult iv at
Treiren i Lee's.
A nice Hue of Diamond goods on
hand at Letcher's.
Sen thu new lino of photo buttons at
Ni( hols gallery, opposite court house.
Calendar I ads, Mounting paper.
passo a r ti in t binding, etc., at the
Courier nfllce.
Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens
make ideal Xmiis presents. You can
lie suited at Cramer Bros.
1 H 17 Rogers Bros Silverware is just
the thing for presents. You will Hud
a largo stuck at Cramer Bros.
There urn maiir bargains in 'inliday
uisids at the National Drug store.
All lines must lie cleared out.
For Holiday goods go to E. A.
Wade, Front street, four doors west
of Palace Hotel. Prices reusouahle.
Mnlita Commaedery, Knights Tem
plar will bild Christmas services at
the Bethany Presbyterian church Fri
day morning at 1(1 o'clock.
All sel 1 districts that, have not
lci-ivod copies of the P.lolt hcIiooI
laws, call get tho samo by calling for
I lit iu at my ofllco.
Lincoln Savage, County sup't.
If yon can get a,tKl,ist() feet n.ore
timber on a quarter seel ion hv
seeing urn licfnro liMiiting, your time
will-he well spent, as my fees ate
thu same asothers. W, It. Shcrnniu.
Burglars entered thn resideiicn ol
Dennis Sotvall last Thursday cvi mug
and look a gold watch, four rings nail
iu uinney from an upstair bed
room, while Mr. mid Mrs. Sloiall
Were in the house.
Weidinan's Big show Is playing a
week's engagement intlraiits Pass ami
is meeting with tin ir usual success.
1 le y are a good company and when
ever tiny aps ar in drain Pass ale
tlwas sure of crowded houses.
Call and see my stock of watches,
elnelts, jewelry and silverware don't
wait until the best goo. Is are goiiii but
come early and make a small ilnjiosit
to have the good you want put away
tor you at IK her's Jewelry store.
See that Hue lot of lotdies'. Gents'
ami Babn s gold rings? For a small
consideration St. Louis, tint jeweler,
would par: with one or two ol them
for he is making more of them and
might make you one just as you want
it, if you furnish thu gold dust.
Thursday was Oregon's day in the
senate, when John H. Mitchell mule
olio of thn ablest aild longest Speeches
of his life ill behalf of the la wis anil
Clark fair, while C. W. Fulton pre
sided over tint w nato during the ad
dress. A stronger plea could not have
been ma le than Mitchell pres. ins d
in his ad in ss lasting over two hours
and in which ho held thn rapt alien
ton of all tho senator present
Eugene Hegisier.
The lst week my cruisers have
Issiked six quarter sections of vacant
timls-red lands in two section.
'I heso sictions corner each other.
Each of these quarter section will cut
from tli ree tu five millions of valuable
timber aud are In a heavy licit of
timts r and in a g'id hs atiou for a
lunili. ring prosisit ion. In this same
ls lt of timber 1 bavo wvt ral other
heavy claims of government lands to
which I havr heretofore called the at
tention of tho nubile through these
columns. I could hs ate a party of ) ',
jM-opl clotM. together, and lo-ar the
railroad. W. B. Sherman.
A Coiily Mutakc.
Blunder are sometimes very e n
tlve. Occasionally lifn itself tin
prim of a mistake, hut you'll in n r
ls wrong if you take Dr. King's Life
Pills for Dypia, d'.ine, head
aehc. Liver or Bowt-1 troubles. I'-
I at National Drug htort) and Grants
I Pass Pharma y.
Them Christmas Bells They have been jingling with? ua for the
past two or three months, and now Santa claus has given us permission to jingle
them for you; and from now on we shall make them
Jingle Merrily
If some of the melody docs not get into your home it will be because,
like tho foolish virgins, you waited 'till tho eloventh hour. The choicest
things will go first, of course. No need to wait until others have bought
tho very things you wanted and it is too late to got more. Buy now.
Needn't have them delivered now. Wo'll store them for you and de
liver when you say. Hero aro n, few suggestions for suitable presents for
gentlemen our stock is now a its best and you havo time to make
selections leisurely:
A Pair of Silk Suspenders,'
A Pair of hand-embroidered Suspenders
A Pair of Street Gloves. A Box of Silk Socks.
A Box of Initial Handkerchiefs. A London Silk Muffler
A Victor Silk Umbrella the new handles
A Natural-bent Cane silvered top
A Dozen exclusive pattern Ties. A Choice Slumber Robe.
A Dress Shirt. A Smoking Jacket, etc.
"rtai'Miisiiiiwisii niiwjjsinii muim mMmFmm0mmmmmmm0U0HmmmmmmJ
Loft Omnia l'ass in April for
' message from Salt Luke under
date of Deo. IN, hits the following:
"Thu general offices of tho Oregon
Short Lino In this cltv have bee",
untitled of the (lulling at Yule, Idaho,
of thn remains of J D. Mock, an aged
resident of Grants Pass, Or., who has
been missing since last April.
Considerable mystery has surround
ed Mock's disap araiici) and the
Short Line olllt lals have iiiadii every
i Ifort to locate the missing man.
Co)lis of his ticket, which was
pun based at Grants Pass for Alhitia,
Iowa, were found up to Huntington,
I ir. , but beyond that point till trace
of Mis-k was lost.
It Is believed that be w indered
fioiu the trafn at Yale and died of ex
haustion and exposure. Money, papers
and tint unused p .rtiou of the ticket
weru fouiiud on the body."
John Mock left (Irani Pass for
Yale to take charge of the remains.
A fine lino of Music rolls and hags,
fioin ?.'i cents to i. .V) ut The Demaree
Music House.
S e Voorhh. st out Kodaks and Supplies
All the above
A big Hud of Men's Golf Shirts' Men's Hats,
Neckwear Dry timid. Furnishing Goods mid
Sine for tho Holiday Trade.
Toko Laxative Bromo Q,anme roSu.fvA
CVCU riuiuun wave was, siw
ml You
ii t.-.
Woman's Club Year Book.
Tho Woman's (Tub has issued a neat
Year Book of li pages and cover,
printed ou Dceklo ctlgn bund made
paper and tied with white cord. Thu
book contains a list of the odlcors,
committees, departments, superin
tendents and tho program of work
napped nut for the year. Tho book
Is one that compares favorably with
thoso issued by uny of the clubs of
the statu.
Iu the past week there have been
two parties couii) to mo who took
homesteads two years ago, and any
that owing to llnaiielul and other cou
dl t Ions, the) aro unablo to llvu ou
their homesteads and maku Improve
ments according to law and they wish
to sell their improvements ami relin
quish their right to thu government.
These two quarters are In one section
and are very heavily timlsToil, in a
good neighborhood, not far from a
logging stream, not far from town.
I can take you from town after din
ner, show you the land and return
the same day and it is not a labor ios
trip. 'I In so two quarter sections
would inn ho two tiiiu timber claiflis.
11. W. Sherman.
. licit hiiml Shear at I'atlilock'a fti
i:j cln Ken.
Ladies', Mists' and Children's Coats, Walking
Skirts, Ulaek Mereeri.ed Petticoats, Fleeced
Lined Wrappers, Pillow Tops and Fancy Work
at a
for (he month
R. 0.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
w... w SB ay w
Duo. SS Christmas Day.
Deo. W, Tnesday-"Becane I Love
You, " opera house.
Deo, 80 Wednesday "The Rea4 WU-
ers"otH)ra house.
Jan. 1, Friday Woman's Olnh m.
Jan fl, Wednesday Oonnty Court
Jan II, Monday Circuit Court meets.
Jan. 7 i nuriKlay Meeting of Dis
trict Boundary Board at Court
Hot Drinks.
The Rosebud parlors are now pre
wired to servo hot drinks and there
you can find Asprox, Vlgoral, and
('lam, Chicken or Tomato Bullion
piping hot.
Havi your hand read by Lady
Celesta the Psych lo Palmist who has
just arrived at the Western Hotel,
aud Ond out what there is in store
for you the coming year. If you
want to better your oondlilon, suc
ceed in your undertakings and know
liest what to do in all matters of
tore, marrlago, divorce, sales, mining
or travels do Dot fall to oall and see
tho noted palmist, and have her read
your pust, present and future, as it
Is reduced prices for Christmas week
only. Full Lira Readings only 60
cents aud 11.00.
of December.
Cares Crip
fa Two Day,
TtOs box. 25c