ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS TASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 10, 1903. ROGUE RIVER COURIER - GRANTS PASS, OREGOX. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates t One Year, In advance, riix Months, Three Months, -Hingis, Copies, - fl.60 .76 .40 .Ui Advertising Races furnished on application at the office, or by mail. Obituaries and resolutions of con dolence will be charged for at Ac per line; card of thanks 60c. A. E. VOOR.HIES, FROPR. & Mnor Entered at the pout office at Urants l's-a, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. RELICS OF EARLY DAYS Exhumed From Indian on Rojue River. Grave THURSDAY. Deo. 10, 1903. Strikes are expensive to both sides. The recent Chlcauo railway strike cost the Company 2fl,000 in receipts and the striker! lost tSO.f.OO in mages. The expense to the general pohlic lias not yet been figured a p. A difference o( opinion regarding wages between the members of the Restjtnrant Keener Association of San Francisco, and the waiter and cooks, is respoiiHlble for a hungry feeling that is prevalent with res tanrant patrons. An oarly adjust ment of wage is looked for. "(Jut oot your booze or get your time," is the way the railroad men translate the new order which is re ported to havo been Issued from the ofllre of the president of the Northern Pacific. No copy of the proclamation has yot been received, but official notice. 1 -expected shortly, January 1, l'JOl, Is the dato set for this new condition to become general. Not only is liquid refreshment of an in toxicating natur3 barred from Northern Paclflo employes during working hours, but even the "social glafl" when off duty l denied. Hocretary of War Root makes his annual report a follows: "On December 1, 1IX)3, the Army of the United States, according to the latent reports which had been received from the military departments, con sisted of 3586 oilicers and 0(1,003 en listed men, a total of (SO, 6811. In ad dition there wore in the servlco 8598 men of the Hospital corps, excluded by the act of March 1, 1887, from classifleation as part of the enlisted force of the Army. There were also in the service 183 volunteer medical officers, 100 ollllcers and 4M79 enlisted men of the Philippine, scouts, and 2tt officers and 40 eulistod men of the Porto Hloo regiment." FIFTY SHIVERING HOBOS Edgar and Warren H albert, sons of A. N. Hnlbert of Sams Valley, some time ago located an old Indian grove on the bank of Rogue river, near the mouth of the valley and last week they went on a tonr of investigation. The sp t was soon found and they went to work. At a depth of five feet they came upon the bones of a human skeltou more digging and the shovel struck against a hard, metallic substance. This proved to bo an old D11UI1 oven, large and heavy, covered with a heavy copper lid. Removing the lid. the bove came upon the earthly treasure! of a Redskiu. who, years before had gone to the happy hunting ground. There was a display of bead that must have made its former possessor the envy of his tribe Twenty-four big. silvei dollars each with a hole punched through the center and all strung on a buckskin thong, were discovered. These were Mexican, Peruvian, and Spanish coins, dating from 1820 to 1840. They were tarnished and dis colored from their long years of burial. There was a quantity of Wampum or Indian shell money, copptr omamouts of Indian make, two pestles of stone, oiih with an or namontal handle, a hirgo cleaver and big disk, both rusty with nge. and an iron hook or sinch, from a ic saddle. A most groesome find was a mat of auburn hair a Renin Inr-b takon, perhaps, from the owner of the Dutch oven and the pack saddle a hardy pioneer who came west in the early days and was never heard of more tlio only clue to an unwritten tragedy. The spot where the grave wiih located is within sight of the historic Tahlo Hock and the scene of fierce battle between tho rcdskirs and the whites. For hack accommodations from Merlin to Oalico and other points. call on J. R. MeCialliard. who will meet trains No. 13 and 15 if notified by wire or mall beforehand. City Council Doing. The City council met on Thursday evening, December 3, at city hah, with all present except Councilman Binus, and transacted the following business : In regard to (lie street in block !!3 railroad addition, C. V. Welters proposition to exchange lands to make the street 40 feet wide and to open the alley through the block was ac cepted. A street light as ordered placed at the corner of Maine and Oak streets and tho light ou O street between Seventh and Eighth was ordered ro move I to the comer of U and Seventh streets. The resignation of John, as marshal, was tendered and accepted aid J. ). Stevens was appointed and confirmed as narshal to Till the vacaucy. Thu following hills were allowed:: D. E. Dntsoir, copies of tai- i ayers, $ 0 00 R. L. Coo A Co., wallpaper.. 10 Rehkopf & Kauch, I) lack nil it li- iug 2!) 00 K. A. Kilgar, rnt of wagon.. 8 U H. O. McCulloch, surveys 8I tm Cramer ISros., sewer pipe, etc., fil 80 Or gon Mining Journal, printing 25 00 riuiiM't Telephone Co., tele phone rent 1 .",0 The City surveyor was authorize d to make, a survey -if Sixtli street to establish location of monument on L stn ct. A deed to the Salvation Army for lot 7, block 47 in the original Town- site, was ordered made, pursuant to a resolution of the Council passed in 1U00. Saloon bonds of C. E. Smith ap proved. An ordinance grunting franchise to J. O. Ilonth for gas works whs amended, read the third time and (MiNsed. The council held a special meeting Friday evening to consider tho propo sition of renting the hull over the hoho room to the American Athletic club, who had made application for tho room. After some deliberation It was decided to rent thu hall for (2.00 per month. Tho hall be nsed for a gymnasium. Councilman Racher was appointed to have charge of the matter. Arrived In Town Tuesday 30 Leave on Same Train. and The annal southward migration of the break beam tourist is now at it height Tuesday there were about 80 in town, but they pulled out on the night freight. This samo freight, however brought in about 50 half frozen mortals, who had come from Rosebnrg. The liosoburg authorities lined thorn up, marched them to tho depot, and told them to pile on Iho out go ing freight. This they aid anil rode on tho outside to this place. They wero soon thawed out and a good as ever oxcept that they wero hungry. The marshal refused to purchase pro visions for them and they subsisted on "hand outs." The majority of them left on the night freight south. These men are not all professionals some are willing to work, but havo been unable to find it. COMING EVENIS. Deo. 13, Saturday "The Little Out cast" at opera house. Doe. 15, Tuesday "Old Jed Prouty," ora house. Deo. lit, Saturday Delinquent tax sale at Court house. Deo. 21, Monday Special Session of Oregon Legislature. Dec. 21. Thursday Mask bull at UreunUack. Deo. HI Thursday "The Head Wait- er"oira house. Jan. 7 Thursday Meeting of His trlct Boundary Hoard at Court house. Committee Assignments. The Oregon members of tho House of Representatives huve been given thu following committee assignments by Scakur Cannon : Hermann Indian Affairs, Election of President, Yicol'reMdciit and Representatives. Williamson Mine and Mining, Irrigation. Representative. Hermann, on the Indian committee, will be able to t!o a great deal in Mmlf ol legislation affecting Indian' schools and reserva tion in Oregon. He says he is well satistled with his assignment on tins account. A Mr. Williamson lauded on tho two V, junlttees which lie ski d for, he expresses gratification t his assignment. "A Young Mivn's Difficulties" A sermon on the above suhjt w ill be delivered by Rev. V U. Council at tho llotlmuv Presbyterian church on Sabbath evening. Fire Insurance. KxpcrioUi-e in all husuies is essen tial. 1 havo 12 years experience in fire underwriting 1 lme 13 picked Coinpanioa s good us the liest ltusy doing business at tint old stand on Sixth street, south of the Western Hotel, and know enough alsiut insur ance to to cover the risk when writ ten, guarding your interest as well s the Couiiwuy's. Strict attention to business. I also riu Life itml Accident Insurance. J. K. PETERSON, Agent. Watorruau'a Ideal Fountain Pens. Christinas stock, just received at Cramer Proa CHRISTMAS Will Soon Be Here While you aro making your Christmas selec tions, romcmlicr that wo havo a great many lines from which you can select a nico and appropriate present. Ladies' Fancy Trimmed Dross Skirts in Silk and Broadcloth. Ladies' Underskirts in Silk and Mercerized Sateen. Ladies' Hand Made Opera Shawls, largo Bijuaro Shawls and Scarfs. Ladies' Fir Trimmed Felt Slippers. Ladies' Fur and Chiflbn lioas. Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas, 1'arasols, ami Gloves. Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Mulllers, Fancy Hosiery, Etc. An elegiintline of Hlack Dress Goods in the latest Weaves Trimmings to match. Yours for good goods at popular prices. E. C. DIXON, Dry Goods Clothing Men's Furnishinus WOMAN'S CLUB NEWS. A regular meeting of the Grunts Pas Woman' Club was held in the parlors of the Presbyterian church, last Saturday afternoon. Much busi ihsi of importance was considered by the ladies. The following bills were allowed, and a motion made that an order be drawn on the treasurer for the ret-pec tive amount : Literary dejiartment, expense of the Howe lecture, $11. Art department, (7. Musical dejiartment. $10. Needle work department, $10. Mr Robt. Booth, $5 for tho prize window box. The mutter of Miss Klliel Palmer giving a piuuo recital, under the auspices of the club was considered It was tho voice of the club that the recital be given, and a committee of arrangements was appointed by the president. It was decided that all receipts, above expenses, bo given Miss Palmer. A proposition considered some time ago was brought op fur finul settlement, and it was agreed that tho words "religion, jiolitics and temperance" bo stricken from the constitution, leaving the club free to consider matter. The Indie of the club will keep "ojs-n house" to their husbands and gentlemen friends on New Years' day from 2 till 9 p. in. Tho arrange ments for the reception wera letf with a committee. Vuncies in the two departments, Homo and Household Economics, and Physical Culture, for tne posi tions of superintendent, were filled. Mrs. 11 i hin t h was appointed o the former, and Mrs. Ilcmcuway to the latter. Mrs. Robert Booth gave an interest ing report of the work being done by tho Philanthropic departments of other state clubs, and desires that the Grants Pass club tuko up similar work. Mrs. D. II. Stovall, Reporter. Music Department. The mtiBic department of tho Wom an's club will nieot at tho home of Mrs. II. (1. Kinney, Friday, December 11, subject "Christmas Music. " All members are requested to be present promptly at 8:80 o'clock. Literary Department. Thu literary department of the Woman's club will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. M. Hair ou Friday, December 18, 1!M).'I at 3:45 p. m. Tne following is the program to be given: Roll Noted women writers. Life mid character of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Mrs. Y'oung. Critical Study of Selected Sonnets Miss Buniiard. Talk Mrs. Browning' Influence UKin Itnlian Literature Mrs. Dur ham. Conversation Literaturo as mi art (a) I lie fundamental principles Mrs. ('lark, (b) Yariety of concep tionMrs. Thomas. Harriet Silshy, Sec'y. Sero'.'iif beautiful new arrivals Thomas'. City Election. Monday was election day in Grants Pass, but it would not have been evi dent to an outsider that there was any thing unusual hapiieniug. The day passed quietly, but there was earnest work iloue in bringing voters to the poll. The principal intercut centering in the election of mayor. There wen1 470 vot cast. Mr. Uilkev receiving !!07, giving him s majority The vote atnnds a follows: WARD Bur(la.rv Wednesday Night. Some one with an uueoutrolable desire for a g'ui, broke a pane of glass in the front i f C. H. Parker' second baud store on S.ith street, Wednesday night and stolo big Colts revolver that had been displayed in the win dow. The tlass was broken with a big oak stick which was of 144. i sidewalk. No other articles were missing and (hero is no clue to the thief. 1 ! 2 For Mayor W. H. Flanagan. H. h. Oilkey For Treasurer Col. W. Johnson C'onncilmen Wm. Hair .1. L. Myers .... J. P. Galeener. . . T. W. Willaims Will Smith Clark Nickersou. U V. Ross . . James Trimble . . 34 :io.' LM'ialm; ,100:113 run I K Stand Tables, 5 cents to $10 at I Thomas'. Sewer Ye. No.. Proposition M ,:wi 114 21; ji. 65 18 II1 21 i 7 2S! Combined Knife ana Fork fur one armed man al Paddock lllcjclcllen Wall Paora, line ones, low at Thomas'. i.ilurj Ikul art nrttty to W ., a, ,,' m ImI at nl VW.wi'i. Nlcklo plated copperware Dis counted at Thomas'. Feu cm rril a 7'uttmu Maehint ens' 7,Vr- sr.a o iur rhoier at I'mljuck't. Clo-carts at the discount sile Thomas'. Four Jloti U'anti an Ingrrml Watrh ,.r A lien lit J'atltloti'i l!i,l,le J)rn. Pocket knives prices cut to pieces Thomas'. Call at the National Drug Store for bargains in IkkiUs ami holiday liov elities. Medicine Cabinet Thomas'. We Want Your Trade And Our Prices arc Correct to (Jet it. We have a large stock (absolutely new) of goods suitable for Christmas Gifts for old or young. Kenwmber, We ILn c Xo Old Stock -bring in MARRIED. CARtt CROW-At the M. E. jvir sonagn, Wednesday, Dervuiher V, luo4, U. L. Carr and Miss Laura ('row, both of Josliliie count v, Rev. J. W. MclXiugall onViatiny. GII.MORE REXFORD At Murhpv, Monday, Dooemher 7. Arthur Giunora and Miss Herlba Rextord, Rev. Mr. Badgur of Ashland otliciat- We nte selling Christmas Goods at Portland uk your catalogues and compare e are selling lixpress Wagons, Wluel lt.itrows. Veloci ldes mid Curtsat San 1-iancisco wholesale juices. Catalogues on our counter to prove it. We can candidly boast of the lll'ST YAI.I KS IN T11K CITY for Hanks, Toys, Toilet Articles, Leather Goods, Station ery, etc. AT ROTERMUND'S Masonic Temple liKI. TALKING MACHINE ; f.r Until you havo scon ours. Now maoliinos $,1.50 to $55. Uooonls '2'tC mill up. Soo oiul luuiil niaoliitios at your own prioo at the .BICYCLE DEN. Lele.nd Sifting. Stuck on the range is doing well. Our market is good for all kinds of farm product. Cl Wright from Merlin made our burg a call last week. Mr. Philips of tho Lelaud is making some improvements in cou llectiou with his hotel. Tho recent frosts have Injured the blackberries, which wero in all stages snmn in bloom, others green and still others nearly ripe. Our town keeps ou hand for its customers, anything that is required, We liavu a good blacksmith who I always ready to servo his customers. our people are moving at out sc fast Unit it is useless to try to keep track of them. Farmers aro taking advantage of the dry weather In do iug their farming. I Ins vicinity has afforded two butchers, who have done a good business, using tho beef that has been produced here. A person who has anything to sell can lind ready mar ket. lUiKinoss is good hero. The stores are doing a good business. Miss Pall is called upon to help in the Yirtue X Xlakiu store, when husiuo'S is rush itig, and she is very ellicent and al ways ready to wait on tho many cus turners. Sho is a very affable and obliging young lady. At present tho nights are quite rrosty, attliougii the day are nice and warm, tropin aro plowing and putting in their grain. The frosty nights have a tendency to cut off the water supply for the miners, although some miners will havo plentv ol water that comes from Crave crei k i iintHT nuvers iroui Waslilngtiu arc here lo iking over our timber. What W" need most is desirable Inuuigra tion to settle our country. A good mull) desirable tracts of land are for sile in this vicinity. Tier is also lots of railroad laud that could lie nude into good homes of as our climate is second to none, and crops of ad kinds cau be raised without ir rigatlon, although with water, the crops are larger. In regard to health mis country cauiior tn eioolicd; no fever or ague, no iiipmiuIios, us a rule, hut little wind. Wo hare well established schools. People who contemplate moving to this location will have the Ik netit v! good school. The reads are in a bad condition on account of so much heavy hauling to the mini's. W ide Awake. -Mayor-tlect II. C. uilkey is a nitivo of Maine, but came to tie Const in 1872, when a bid of 7 years. For 22 years he lived in Western Washington, at one time being a usi detit of Heattls and later of.Montesa uo, where ne had an interest in the l ank of Mon lewi no and fi r six years lie was casiner or Hint bank. Nine years ago, Mr. tiilkey came to Orego.i, locating in Medford and engaging in the hardwnre business. The last three years of hi residence in Medtorn no tield the position of Cashier in the Rank of Jacksou coonty. Three years ago he came to (iriuits Pan to luce pi a similar osi tion in the First National Rank of Southern Oregon. Mr. Uilkey is a republican and while in Montesano, he served for three terms on the city council and at Medford served two terms us mayor. Politics are not considered in municipal elections in Urants Puss, Mr. Oilkey being nominated because of his business ability and firm stand on the question of strict ibsorranrtt of law bygill classes of business snloouist as well as mer chant. Bovjndry Bo&rd Notico is hereby given that the District lion Hilary Board of Josephine County, Oregon, will meet in the court house in tho afternoon on Janu ary 7, 1U04 to net on a petition now on file to chango the boundary Hues ot school district No. 2H and No. 7, so as to include tho following de scribed territory in school district No. 7, of Josephino County: Commencing at tho point where the center line of Sec. 11), Township !!('. South, Rnnge fi West of Willnm.tie Meridian, touches Rogue River thence running south on said line to the corner in the center of section ;ti I of same township and range. thence east one milo to the center of ec. 211, thence North on tho line in the center of sections 21) and 20 to Rogue River, thence westerly down the bank of said river to tho place of beginning. LINCOLN SAVAGE. County Sup't and Sec'y of Hoard. Done at Grants Pass, Oregon, Dec. ."), 11)01). Settle. The Fair Store i, (counts of D. Fred ei iek havo been placed in tho hands of R. A. Williams for collection. All IMTsnns owing him are requested to c 1 11 and settle. Order Calling Cards for Christmas Gifts early from the Courier DRY WOOD Dry 1 6 inch Healer and Cook Stove Wood or 4 foot wood, if desired, can tie had ... ON SHORT NOTICE.... by leaving orders at the Sugar Pine Store or the Demaree Music House or by addressing W. II. IIEATOX, Grants Tass. Ote. FOR. SALE. ROLL chaii TOP DIK for sale cheap- J( i( I acre fruit and nock ranch. If',' mile " Irnin (irillitt Vii-f. Hi lenccil. cleareit' lo in Orchard, fair noii fruit soil, plrnty of KHter and timber ntul the l,el (julMiie .-tnck ranite in .loepliine County. I'riee 7 on per a -re. part t n-li. Aililre.- .Mri. A. 11. OievMiiore, Mcillortl, Ore REPAIRING. FURNIIX'RK cleaned and repaired, upholstering done, carpets t.ikeu up, cleaned and relaid. Mattresses renovated, household goods pucki d for shipment. Apply to J. H. Kh. rle Residence Sixth St. left on the ; J .! i i ' TIIK" Last Call to Christmas Bargains and revolving -Courier otlice. Books for Old nd Young.'Board Games Toys. The Choicest Tictures, Leather Goods.Toilet Cases, Fancy Box Tapers, Biggest assortment of Dolls, Etc. Remember, Our Prices are Right On Saturday (while they last) wo well give FREE with Holiday purchases ' amounting to $1 or more, a beautiful After Dinner Cup and Saucer This gift is worth 25c CLEMENS Sells Drugs Orange Front, Opp. Opera House. ...Make Your Selections... Before tho rush sets in at Santa Claus Headquarters. Your Christmas purchasing is easy ami simple this year. Wo are waiting to help you out with a splendid Hol iday stock. We have presents Our stock is Christmas gifts. All are invited to come the children to post their letter to Santa Claus low priced presents, medium priced presents, and costlv a fresh, new, novel, and well assorted lino of nlensimr Don't nns the opportunity,, and brine WnMm We wish to direct your attention to our magnificent display of imported Decorated China. Tho best line we havo ever shown and three times as large. Visit Santa Claus' headquarters something to suit all tastes and purses, at SMITH'S NEW YORK RACKET STORE hurl Music stand, Thotuits'. ciceptional values I. O. O. F. Notice. A special mel ting of Golden Rule Lodge No. 7S I. o. IV K is her. by i ailed on Tuesday, rWcnilwr l.'i at , no p m , for the purpose of meeting tlio Irrund Master. All meinoera aud visiting brothers aro nuotcd to be proiciit. A. II. Lewis, N. O., T. Y. lVan, See'v. Rue Rig ditvouut sale at Thcuiaa'. BIG DISCOUNT OF & C2 SALE I eeee I AQIES MISSES and Coats, Capes and. children: Jackets Our manager has turned the Price Cutting Fiend loose in our Big Cloak Department. Hundreds of people visited our Cloak Department during the past week, and tne constant stream of good sized packages leaving from the front and back door would seem to indicate that many of them found what they were looking for. Hundreds of fine garments sold at prices that simply can not be duplicated. Now Is the Time to Get a Handsome Xmas Present Cheap arc slum inn one of the Largest and most complete stock CLOTHING in Southern Oregon and only lricc, styles and material white oti will j;et the lxV k that vou le.ivc .it the cntii are your tnoi ev-iiw- t jut, es SUITS, il' ti's t .yon Suits at i nn X .') Suits at 11 80 Hi im Suits at S.tKJ 12. ,rn I Suits at 10.00 15.00 Suits at 12.00 3ft 00 Suits ,t lit. 00 1.00 Suits at .so 1 fiO Suits at 2.00 Suits at 2 '"1 Suits at !i.l Suits at S M Suin at Men M.'ii's Men's Men Men's Hoys' Roys' l: .ys' Toys' linys' Roys' I'oVs' 1.20 1. C.0 2.00 2 40 2. KQ I IX Suits at .'I 20 s of OVERCOATS. Men's 6.50 Overcoats at Men's 8.50 Overcoats at Men's 10.00 Ovtrcoats at Men's 12.50 Overcoats at Men's 15.00 Overcoats at Boys' 1.50 Overcoats at I'o.vs' 2.00 Overcoats at Roys 2.50 Overcoats at Roys' 3.00 Overcoats at Boys' 3. 50 Overcoats at Boys' 4.00 Overcoats at Boys' 5.00 Overe ats at f 5 20 fi.flO 8.00 10.00 12.00 1.20 1. G0 2.00 3.40 2. SO &20 LOO Ijtdlc (.'kdO eiola at (I if) Ijtlles 11. .Ml eonla at 5 V, s S..'s) cimta at r) kii ladles HI (Hi conta at H im ljidii'i l'i .V) nun al In hi ljk.liea I .Von iini. at li Ijt.ll. in .VI roata at 13 .' I 1 Aili. a .Hi ii ooata al II in I-aul. a !.Vl rla at Jm l Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits at Half Price l-oll. U.I i. Suits Sulfa Sull ;. m lo. nn riiildreus t'OO coats 1.0 Childrvns 2. 50 coats 2.00 Childrens 3.00 coats 2.40 ("liildrens 3.50 coats 2.80 Childnus 4.00 coats 120 Childrens 5.00 coats 4.00 Misses 6.50 coats 8.20 Misses 7. .50 coats 6.00 Misses 8.50 coats 6.80 Miss. i0.00coat 8.00 M isses i j. fio coats 10. 00 J lug.