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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1903)
ggHo Won't Dio Of consumption" is a remark often made trf a fleshy man. The remark expresses the popular recognition of the fact that the sign of consumption ii emaciation, son 01 nesn. vn the other hand, a gain in flesh u a sure sign that wast-, Ins; disease are be lt)); cured. Emaciated peo ple with obstinate coughs, bleeding lungs, night-sweat and weakness, have been perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The several step Of the care were re corded in ounce and pound of in creasing weight. When there is gain in flesh tht wasting disease is being surely cured. Mr Will H WMtmlre, af Arklun. Kncking- haia Co., Va. , wnlt. 0r oo contracted a D colli atioul Ihe 6r of July. ! hd Wrribla tough W. called a doctor aod nc pro. aounrcd it irritattua of lh bronchial lubes, with atbraatlc trouble and ha inorraed me that my sua waa liable to die at aor time. He Had me that If we could keep the bronchial tubee opetr ke might cun him; but after treating bimaeeerml areekaaod my eon arowln wurai all the time. 1 concluded to ttv fir. Fiercer (iolden Medical IMarovery and ' lleaiant Pellete.' I had aeea aevernl almoat mtmculoua eurea brought about bv the nee ol three mediclnee, and of courae I had wonderful failb In them. He ueed three bottlea of Ool.len Helical Waroverjr at home and one Tlal of the ' Pellete,' and wal then well enough to go to Weal Virginia, taking a auppljr with him. I am juel la receipt of a letter from him from which I nii'Jte : 7lwl are and gihng vtry fluh.' " . The Common Sense Medical Adviser, lor large pas'es is sent frr i on receipt of stamps to pay exjiense of mailing only. 6enl Jt one-cent stamp for the cloth bound volume or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covers. Address Dr. IU V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. SHERIFFS' BALE FOR DELIN QUENT TAXES. I)y virtue of a warrant duly issued by the County Clerk of the County ot Josophiuo, and State of Oicgou, in the nnmu of the stato of Oregon, and un der the ral of the County Court of aid Josephine County, dated the 24 day of February, 1903, command iug mil, tlio SliurifT of mid Josephine county, to levy upon the pond and chattel of the delinquent tax tnycrs named in the said tax roll, and if no rood or chattels be found, thu to levy upon the real property of uch dolimiuenta as set forth in said tax list, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amonnt of . taxes charged in said tax roll, with aostB and exnensos of stile. Notion is therefore hereby given that I did. on the 19tli day of Nov ember. A. D. 11KIU, being anahlo to find any personal property out of which to make the said delinquent tans, levy upon the following rtos oribod parcels of reiki prowrty, situ ated In said Josephine county, ties- oribed in siild lint as the projierty of aid delinquent tax payers, so named lu said lint, and herein set opiKmite the said description or said property, and will on 8ATURAY, DECEMBER IV, 1903 between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon of said day to-wit : at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at tint front door of the county court house, iu Grants I'aHn, in said county Mid stato, soil the property or ro much thereof as may ho necessary to satisfy (ho taxes so charged and costs, at pub lic auction to the highest tiidder for cash, to pay the tines so charged in aid list and herein set opixwito the description of tho proiirty so charged and do to be sold, together will) the Costa aud epxetisv of sale thereof, to-wit: Aden, John Ditch and water right from Lirawy creek aud ditch aud water right from Shan creek t Alfred, W. II. -Lot 1 iu blink 1) in the Boundary Line adi'itlon to the town of - (iron's Pas BUilock, K. E. Lot 3 iu block o in the town of I'lacer.. 8 78 1 US 1 61 Boalloli ami Alleu-N W t4' o' the S W i4 of suction 2, township Utl S, H o W or W M 8 01 Bolt and Knbll The undivid ed interest ill S K of Hi E of section 84, town ship M S, R ft W and the H W i of S W i4 of sec tinil Hb township 38 S, R 6 West 11 00 Bennett, O. Lots 1 and 2, in block 111), in the rail road addition to Urauts Pass 1 8T Uoynton, 11. L. Begin M clinius E of SIC corner of SW V4 of NVI4 run W 7. II l.i chains, N fi. 7fl chains, K U. 745 chains, S 23 de greed, W H.8J chains, lens li'y acres to J. R. 1 lulu, all iu aectlnn 18 township !itl S, R fi W or W. M. .loiitaiuing 3 ucres more or lees 3 S3 Brewer, Grant S of NK'4 section 1, mwnsliip 30 S, It 6 W, of V M . . . ft SI Burkhalter, Chas. lnt 4 in block 8, in Jiotirno's tlrht addition to Grants Pass . 0 R4 Carr, lleo. St ration creek ditch and water right 1 05 tTiossinoro, A. H. ESJ of SKV seetlnn 4, towuship 3d S, H ft W ot W M ft 75 Clark, T. J. Vpju'r tl it eh and water right from licubcn crock, l.ower ditch and water right from llcnhcu creek U 39 Connor aud Smith Ditch nml water right from Red log creok, i j ., giants, etc. II H Cox. ViUiaiii-NK4' of NV'4 of sect ion 21, tiiwimliii) 34 S, R 11 V of W M 2 7 Orltser. J. V. NK4 of lKl. if miction 3, town ship 3U S, R 5 W of W M 3 78 Croxlon, Mrs. N I.. - Uegiu litl feet E and S:I.7'J roils S of NW corner of NK1, of NK '4 of i;, run K H:t. i3 nniK, S 4.71 roils, V 33.73 rodit, N 1.74 riHls section 17 townMiip 3il S, R ( W ot V M 1 04 Dark is, Wui, lUt. W of N E 4 and K ' tif N W l4 of Hi't'tlCII H.'i.lowiisliip 111 H, IU W of W M . 7 17 Duvlot. Eva K-V. of SK ' 'S W i of S Ki4 and SK'4 of SVl4, seetiou Jo, town ship Utl S, R W of W M S ill Downer, lliuiiiiinton- Lot .'. in block HS, iu the Driiiin al townsitn of Ci ranis l'hs 1 II Durhuin and l'rnniaii SK', of SVS l4, sictioti i:i, niol . V' of Ni,, NK', of NW 4 and ' mile lluuie oction ti, all in towiiKlilp ;ih S. U ft W of W M 17 4 Dyke. (5. J..-KL SV'4 of section 'A township 3il S, , K u W or W M U 44 Eager John II. SE'4 of N KW of a.'Ctloo 34 ainl Wi, of NWV4 and NW4 of SV. Sect lull 3A town- hip 4U ti It 8 W of V M 8 ftt) Evans, tl. 8. Lot A in block 6J, in the Urik-inul town- ite of Urauts l'aiut t 22 v Every, Jame0.-NXo' NWJf or section Sfl, township 85 8. R W or W M 8 87 Fallin.W. H. , administrator- Lot 7, block 4 In the Original townsite of Ursula Paaa 1 89 Farmer, J. E.-N of SEW and SWJi NEj4, section 80, town Jilp 83 8, R 6 W 8 Farmer, J. E. Wolf Cre k ditch aud water right 4 S3 Ferren, Lucy EJf of SE'4' of Bil1-,, BW Jior iv t'-4 aim NE'4 of NE'i, soction 2, towiuhip 87 8, R 7 W WM 1 Geyer, Fred-W of X ot section lv, Kiwnsnip a 8, K 6 W of W M 10 18 Giant Powder Co. Begin at a point 20 chains N and 10?4 chains K of corner between sections II), 20, 2S, 30, ron 8 1(a) feet, K 00 foet, N 100 rect, W to feet, aection 20 township 86 8, R ft W of W M 4 16 Gilmore, J. H. Chas. Begin at intersection or r. lino of county road with Hol land creek, thence 8 paral lel with road 2011 feet, E 418 feet, N 209 feet, W to beginning, section V town ship 3D S, R 8 W of W M 1 49 Grant Pas Banking A Trust Co. Begin 84 rods h of NW corner of N E,'i or SK', section 13, run 8 40 rods, E 7. 2 rods, N 40 rods, W 7.2 rods in section 13, tp 86 8, R 6 W of W M . . 8 40 Green, Anna, Est N of NWJ of section 2, town ship 80 S, R - W of W M 4 15 Greeno, Geo. W.-NW14 of section 14, township 1IH 8, RSWofWM 11811 Hachalo, Fred NEW of NWJ4', H4 of NEt and SW4 of NE'4, section 1, towuship 8 8, ft bW of W M, also SEj of aection 2, township 88 8, R 8 W of W M 20 74 Holcouib, II. and W. Lot in block 75 In the Original townsite of Grant Pass. . 8 88 Howell, Mrs. M. E.-E'.tf of N E J-4 , les 8 acre on W side section 33, township 88 8, R ft IV of WM.... 60 Howell, Joseph Lots 2, 8, 4, in bh'k A in the Rail road addition to Grant Pas 8 68 Johnston, W. A. Lot II in block 62 iu the Original townsite of Grant Pas 13 04 Jordan, Emma Undivided 1-8 third Intercut in Lota 1 and 8, in block F in llourne's first addition to Grant Pass 8 06 Jppitcr Gold Mining Co. Sam Sissul ditch and water right and Tacoma and Slsklyoa Co. ditch and water rlitht. also piifis, giants, aud flume 4 68 Kless, Frank-Begin at N W corner of N W 4 ol 8 W' of section E 20H',j(i 8 208 lt,Wl8ft,N2081i feet to place of beginning, S' Ctlou 18, townsnip 811 S, R ft W ol w m 1 10 Knox, Oscar M. 8 E of nw 4 atiaVaw -i of sw'4of sto tion llTtowiishin 87 S. R 6 w of wm 8 78 Lamar, Mary aud K. J. Lot 8 and 4 in block 17 in the Rnilrnnd addition to Grants PaHs 17 11) Louniger, I. D. 8 rods n and by 20 rods n and w on n end Esther Williams fi acres, section 18. townshiii 3il , r 6 w of w m 1 81) Lennlgor, Jacob '4 of w 1-4, section 30 mill e Si of n w 1-4 of seel ion 81, township 40 , r 8 w of w in 16 81 Light, Geo. Lot 2 in Mock 1 iu the town ol l'laovr. ... i ( Long, F. Lots 1 and 2, ace- trjn 1, township 38 s, r 6 w of w m 1 81) Long, Mary Itcgluii lug 608.4 leet w or 1-4 suction cor ner between section 11) and 20, run 670 leet, e 65 rout, II 670 feet, w 66 feet, section IU, township 86 s. r 6 w of w m 76 McAllister, Carrie and L W west of southwest i4aim southeast 1-4 of southwest 1-4 section 28, towuship 87 south. ramie A west of Wil lamette meridian 3 78 McMains, W. II. North of north 'g of southeast 1-4 of north east 1-4 and north or south ' or north of south east 1-4 of soction 4 of seetiou ll.townsliip 36 south, range 6 west Will amette meridian 2 18 Maliell Mining Co. Lot 1) in Mock i In llourne's II rat addition to town of Grants Pass 6 4 Martin, Evallne Southwest 14 of souhtwest 14 of section 2S, towuhip 31 south, range 6 west of Willamette meridian 10 83 Matthews, E. M - Lot I in bliH-k 4 iu the towu of Placer 1 13 Mee, Frank Iai( 3 iu blink Dl In the KtveiHiile addition to Grants Pass 1 11 Miller, W. II. and R. F. Cook Kant v of south east 1-4 of section 24, towuxhip 37 south, rimge ft west of Willamette meridian ft 66 Miller and Carson E'' ofW' wctiou 4 and went of northwest l4, northwest 14 of southwest 1-4 of section II), township 36 south, range 6 west .. ... 26 43 Milton, F. ('.Begin at north west corner ol northwoH I 4of sect mil S, run easter ly tHHI feet, south westerly liKH) feet, westerly 850 feet, northwesterly Kill feet, sec IS, township ;tl south. range 6 wet 2 3(i Moore, J. J. Est lxits 111 and 20 in block 31) hi the Origi nal towusitcnf Grants Pass 14 43 Myrick, II F. southiv of north west 1 4, north east I I of northwest 14, northwest I I of inn theast 1-1, section 21, township :U1 south, range ti nest 4 ,18 Nash, J. T.C. West lvof north east 1-1, east ty of north west I 4 and Poor Man's cn'ek, ditch nod water right, section S3, Aiwiiship 33 south, range , vtst . .. 18 6V Nipjier, Nellie (1. Miller and Co s addition, ti.gin at northeast corner of lot 3, run west .') feet, south 115 feet, east till tivt, north 115 feet to iH'ginnitig, iu 1. it 3 iu block 2 or Mill, r and Co addition to Grants Pas 1 66 Nipper. W. K. -Begin 54 links e&st of southeast corner of southwest 14 northwest 14 of sec. Ion is, run west lt.t's1, chains for a start ing point, uorth.V 7fi chains, east 4 .14 4 chains, south 6.76 chains, west 4..141., chains, section is, town shin 36 south, range ft west 5 14 ROGUE CATARRH aw" JB Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy I a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. CIVII RILieC AT ONCI. It cleanses, soothes, heals, aud protect th diseased membrane. It cures Cntarrh and drives awny a Cold in the Head ipiickly, Itostores the Senses of Taste and SmelL Easy to use. OYmbun no injurious drugs. Applied iuto the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, fit) cent at Druggist or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, SS Warren St., Nw York. Noblo, Chas. If. West of southomt 1-4 section 8, west ,!, of northeast 1-4 also Blackboard creek, ditch section 10, all in township 3D south, range 6 west... 28 38 Noland, Delia Bourne's first addition, begin 100 feet south of northeast corner, Lot 12, run west parallel with L street l.'il) feet, aonth 64 feet, westerly 138 feet, north 50 feet to beginning block K 2 50 Oak Flat Placer Mining Co. Soldier creek ditch and water right, improvements 52 40 Ogle, J. M. Begin northeast corner of southeast 1-4 of northwest 1-4, section 15, run west 60 rods, south 80 rods, east 60 rods, north Ho rods, section 15, township 36 south, range 6 west 8 80 Olinghousc, Isabella Lot 1 in hlook in the town or Placer II) & O. R. R. Co. North west 1-4 of northwest 1-4 section 27, township 33 south, range 7 west 1 41) O. & 0. R. R. Co. South west 1-4 of section 35, township 87 south, rango 7 west 4 89 ). & C. R. R. Northeast 1-4 of southeast 1-4, section 1, township 36 south, range. 8 wost 2 27 Pulethorp, Adelia East ) of northwest 1-4, cast J$ of southwest 1-4 of section 6, towuship 36 south, range. 6 west 10 38 Parker, II. N. East of south v of northeast 1-4 of south east 1-4, section 10, town ship 86 south, range 5 west 6 42 Potter, Eliza 10 feet olT west, side of lot 2 and 3 in block' 2. Railroad ndditiou to the town of Grants Pass 1 111) Ranznu, J. P. Southeast 1-4 of northwest1., SW.'4lcss2u rods olT west side section 17, township 86 Kitith, rangi) 6 west 48 71 Reynolds, Horace Est. South 3 of southeast 1-4 less railroad right of way, sec tion 20, township 83 south, range 6 west 4 1)5 Roobcr, L. C Ixits 15, 16, 17 block 41, lots 7 and 8 block HS iu the Original townsite of Grants Pass. . 8 60 Robert-on, F. M. South of M. Paisley's 1). C. lis, section 86, township 3.1 south, rango 7 west 15 4S Roe 1st, Otto Lot 2, block 43, Original townsite of Grants Pas 1 95 Ronrke, T. F. Rum Gulch ditch and water right, liiiH'S.eto 18 N Rowe, Helen K. Northeast 1-4 of northeast 1-4 ot sec tion lll.towtiship 34 south, range 6 west 2 76 Rowley, Thus. Lot 8 in block 65 Railroad addition to Grants Pass, Oregon 71 Scare, H. P. LotM It) and 11, block 71 in the Original townsite of Grunts Pass . 2 7) Smith, W. C Southeast 1-4 of Northeast I I, section 16, township 33 south, range 6 w est 2 21 Thomas Smith Lot 1, block 6, Railroad addition to Grants Pass Ml Soniers, S, K. Lot I, block 41 ill Railroad udditiou to Grants Pass 1 11 Stauffer, Isaac East ' of northeast 1-4, Southwest . 1-4 of northeast 1-1, north cast I I of southeast I I section IS, township ;K south, range 6 west .... 23 01 Staver, A. J. Southeast 1-4 of northeast 1-4, section 86, tp ill south, r tl West 3 4S Strong, W. and J. Southeast 1-4 of Northeast II, northeast 14 of southeast 1-4, and west of south east 1-4, setclou 3, town ship 41 south, range S west 2S 32 Taylor, Minnie Lots 7 nml 8, block 6 in the Railroad addition to (trams Pass A .'Is Taylor, torn. J. Lots 1 nml 2. iu block 9, Miller and Cd's addition to Grunt Pass I 2 22 Taylor and Crow Chief tain creek ditch and water right, ariiHtie, ele 3 7H Thoiiiason, J. W. Pijhi and gtiiut atiuine above Brow u ing's 4 01 Thompson, ,1 R. C. Lot II in Mock 29 iu Ihe Origi nal (owusite ot Grunts Pass ... 2 5c Tucker, J. S Soldier creoL ditch and water rihht, pilvs, giants, etc 7 Sli Turner, Win. Joe lliatt ditch and waicr right from Swede crick 4 3; t'hlig, Oscar- Lots tl ami 7 in block lettered (' ill Bourne's tirsi addition to Grants Pass also all of block lettered II in Lin coln I'm It addition to Grants Pass 19 97 Yea ii', Marion Galice creek il.toh and water right, 1 i res, giniits, etc 6 60 Wetlierill, Alex Begin tl'i.09 chains south and 10 1 6 chains west from 14 corner oil east line section 1, run north 40 chains, west 40 chums, south 40 chains, cast 40 chains, si ct loll 1, township 40 south, iwnge 8 west 61 54 Wilcox. J. 1. Strattou crock ditch and water right. mining iwlnncry II 33 Wilson, A Lot 3, section 29. township 83 south, range 5 west 2 64 RIVER COURIER. GRANTS Waruaok, Levi East )4 of northeast 1-4 of section 24, towuship 37 south, range fi west 8 6S Vi'oodworth. Snsati Southeast 1-4 of section 4, township 35 south, range 6 west.... 13 97 Yellow Horn Mining Co. Southwest 1-4 of scoth wi st l-4's"Ction 20, town ship 8i south, range 6 west 2 2C Levied upon the 19th day cf Novem ber, Kio:',, and will he sold for de linquent taxes for the year 1902, together with nil and singular the appnrteuai.ces thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining. GEORGE LEWIS Sheriff aud Tax Collector for Jose phine County, Oregon. Dated at Grants Puss, this 19th day of November, 1903. DIRECTORY JOSEPHINE COI N'ry 0KFK KK8. Jlldlte Commissioners. J. (). booth ( John Wells ' ' )(;. r Lovelace It. I.. Hartlett T. 1. judson rierk ; Driiuty Clerk Sheriil Geo. W' Lewis fcrnest Lister J. T. Taylor Lincoln .SuvuKt Deputy Mieriil. Treasurer school Supt Assessor Surveyor W. II. Kallin II C. IVrkih W. F. K renter Coroner CITY OFHCEK8. Mayor J. K. lisnhor Aiulitor and Police Judge . . J. J. Jennings Treasurer Col. W. lolinson I'ity Attorney M. M. Uuiuiuell .tiarajiai John Locklisnlt Street t-upt Henry Knutsen uuuiiciiiiien ueo. it. itnms J. I.. Calvert, J. A. Kehkopf, Will f. hmitli, Herbert hinllli, 11.1.:. Perkins, FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. Grants Pass Lodge A. F. & A. M.. No. M regular communication first and third natiinluys. V isiimg brothers cordially invito. ii. vt . moos w . ot A J. I'iKC, Kec'y. Royal Arcli Masons -Keauie Chanter No. 2K meets second and fourth Wciinesilay Masonic hall. II. u. Uoszir.s, J. E. 1'KTaiuoa. Secy. 11. P. Eastern blur Josephine Chapter, No. 20 meets lirst and thud Wednesday evenings of each mouth in Masuuiu hull. Mrs. T. 11. Conn ell, W. M. .Mks II. Zollisr. riec'y. I. O. O. F.,--(iolden Rule Lodge No. 78, meets every riulurdav nigh,at I. O. O. F. hall. A. ll. Lawis, T. Y. Ian, Secy. N. ti. Visiting hrothers invited. i'aran Eucuiuimieut I. O. (). F. No. ineels second and fourth Thursday I.O. (. F. hull, Fmkd bi liMiuT. T. Y. Dicaw, Mec'y. C. Reliekuhs Etna Relieksli, No. 49, meets second and fourth Monday, 1. O. 0. F. hall. Kijoi (Ikhew. N. (I. M. Jennii Davis, Secy, United Artisans Orants Pass Assetnhly No. 49. meets alternate Tuesdavs iu A.O. IT. W. null. Mas. E. A.UKir'riTii, F Hr.n Mknscii, Master Artisan, Secy . Woodmen of the World Rogue River Camp No. 5i, meets second and fourth Fridays at Woodman Hall. F. R. ( oao.t, C. C. C. K. Maviik, Clerk, Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No. Is2, meets lirst and third Mondays ai Woodmen hall. Glim I'atbiok, o. N W. E. Hkas. Clerk. Modern Woodmen of A ineriea Grants Pass t amp No. ineeis2nd and till Wwlnes thiv Eveningi ut Wooduien lisll at 7SI0. Ike M. Davis. V. C. W. T. Goulder, Clerk. FyrcMers of America Court Josephine No. 2S, meets each Wt'dnesday excl-pl the tir-t, ill A. (). U. Vi. hall, ti. N. lloi.T, F. S. J. P. 1 1. m.i, C. R. losephino Lodge, No. 112, A. O. V. W. meets iu A. I). I . W.hull, Dixon huild lug every Mondsv evening. F. : Hiookrtii, M. W. II A. Ktamahii, Lecorder. Iluwthorne Ledge, No. 21, D. of II., A. U. I'. W. meets every alternate I'lnisday evening in A. o C. W. hall, Dixoh liuilding. Mss. A. McCahthy, Col II. Mas. I.yiha Dkas, Recorder. Km. Iitrf of the Mttccaltees liranis I'k f Ii-iiI, No, LI meets lirst and ttiiro 'i .itiri-ihiys at Woodmen hull, in. Alt'red, R. I'. CH:-. utHt:, Lccord Keeper. ( 'junuuiider. Ladies of the Mu. culiees- Grams Pass. Hive No Is htil. is regular "i.tvievvs' tirsi and third Tiiur.vluys at A. tl. C W. hull. sisiers cordially invited. Jennie Cheshire, .Mury Amnion, l.udy l.'oliilnauder. liet'ord Kieier. Knights of Pythias- Iheruiopylae No. 50. mi-els eat li '1 ue duv night 7:10 W. O. W. Hull. M. T. I'lley, ('. V. Tom VYii.i.iAiks, K. ol R. and S. liiaml Army of the Itepuhlic Gen. l.o:an I'osl No! :i!, me.-is lirst Weiluesdav si A. (I. I'. W. hail. G. H. fcVAKs. J. E. I'urhaso.N, Adjt. Com Woman's Relief Coips- -Generul Logan No. 2.i, meels 2d anil till .Hulurduys ut 2 e. m ut4. l I . W. hull. Mrs. Ro-e Weiilman, Pres. Mrs. 1. II. Cornell, secy. Amerliun Order ot Stesui Kugllleers, (Ire guii Council No. 1, meets lint and (lord suiiirduys, at A. (I. ('. W. hall. u. 11. Ksssiv, IU.NJ. F. Mviuck, Clnel Eugllivel t'orrespouding Engineer. Order of Pernio-While Rook Council No loo, nieets iu Woodmen Hall .suiurdity inghls, C. E, M wiir, .Secretary. J. L. Hi ntiko, Counselor. I'nited llrolherhood of Curpenlers Slid .Ionics ot America I iticn No. Ills each mouth ill A.O. I'. W. Hull meets second and fourth Flidays ol A. J. Piks, Pres. D. A. Fn.iiKiiAii, Sec'y, Rojal Neihlsirs ol America -Edith C. .Niipe ( amp No. :H1t, meets 1st and ;ird Friduys at A. O. V. W hall M. Jennie Duvis, Oracle. Ilenriftta Zoller, Recorder. LADIES, ATTENTION! Original aiul only crnuinr K k v m 1 1 'I nn ?y V a v r kk f r s;ilr by U'a.linc iiriiLzists. t ht .mx. Saf. iiiuj rclutl'lr, Aacpt no tubstilutc. To Curf a Cold In a Pay. Tuk, luxntive Hroim iju.niiit Tklilft." All tit u-iHtjt rotiitul Ihe ntiMii-y ii tl to cure. K. drove's Mhnturc is on ra-'li o' ," BD YEARS EXPEHtENCa rffl' CoeyaiOMT .c. Aniin Nn.llnt a .kr--!! .tut ilwhtiiMS'.i tii.i qui. klT iw,vriin our I'l'itinni trv wtiili,r Invention 1. r. S.hU pnl,il.l'l C.nvir .i"t.n Hon. alrlctlv .Mnll.tciiOAl. lUiullill on I'.l.-it' H til frw. 111 Im.1 .k'lM'.'T fer ..-ulii rntt" I. I'.Iiiii. I.ktni llm.iitfh Nu,ni A lO.tW.'lT 4k, Bltll.iUt lIl.UQ, lUlhrt Scientific Hcricana A h It tttmftTittM wtv'. I r :rf r r rtiUf .im 'f if it"" t -I ,'1' 'i' 3IBe.. ,'2;v Yfjr' itri'h on..-, -cr r St.. Vic- av n ilVsraiilssl'l i A-.' 1 9 has stood the twt 25 years. Avcraso Annuil SoJcs ovr Ono mi a Hal Million bottles. Docs this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure. No Pav 50c lactam whh avery fcoula hiTi Cant. mc1lk. ol Oova't w k Lec Uv tliZ PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER B THE 0RIfiIKALgi!"w LIVER MEDICINES f A sallow complexion, dizxinesi f Liliounrieis and a ctiled toncue ' are coimuoii indications of liver I and IttJn.-y ctoinacli and j Lowel trouhlrj. severe at they are, tfive iuinKsliato warning hy psin, 1 hut liver and kidnev troubles. ! thoiifrh less painful at the start, are I much harder to cure. TliedfurJ's J Illack-Dritiivlit never fails to hene- i fitdid'im-d liver and weakened kid i neys. It stirs up the torrid liver f to throw oil the irermsot lever and i atrue. It is a certain preventive I of cholera end UrinhtV disease of Die knlnevs. With kidncvt re- ' inf,n.el V.y niedforils lllaik- Draught thousands of s-ronii have k dwelt iiiiniiiiie in the midst of yel- L low fever. Many families live in j perfi:t lieaHh and have no other ! doctor than Thcdfoid's Illack- I)niu;ht. It is always on hand for r u9 in an emergency and saves '. many expensive calls of a doctor. Mulllni. S. C, March 10. 1001. f I havt ud Thtdlord'i Black-Draught ' Urthrctytars andlhavc not hidtogo, ? to a doctor lincc I hive been taking it. t It U th bait medlcise (or me that Is an the market for liver and kidney 1 troubles and dvipeoiia and other J 1 complaints. Kv. A. 0. LEWIS, tj- .A . t visit DR. JORDAN'S oat.T? ntysEUM of JiriarcKY f mi iiust it, i:i rums' A W' TIM LsWf M AtkMMHlMl Mir, f V WMti U t.HM4M t Mr CI M aBT-Jp fiyrsjJ if t W fWJf'jl kialMiMMIMCMM Hat f f fl xjl no jrtnnmniCA"rat ni f C7 miiiuTiT.,i:iriiKisc,;iifc SMVRllltl is. .idMi a is r DR. JORDAN OlSEAStS OF MID Trains tft.raiklf tntouu i Im ,1U. VltSlMl ik. if MaaTtnaH-y. Attait ri M Ktirl Rataft ItJlCtl (Ml f tTlId. aT I B,,d lM BtaV4Xt. ilUtlM fr 4 Mririt fprirtf TrtMmM "t- br twtttjf A wwm tar Mr rv CM twdrmh.. Vnii fit . rHII.OlrlT ar MHaiAia. UltUS fill. (A lUUlsi Wk Htmtm.) (.all twain OH W0AH A 00.. 1061 MvVtt tt, t t- MOTHERS and DAUGHTERS tiy H EX I COXA Tht Modcru KtMwdy for Wnmcn ItsxiciiHA lias CurcI route of the wort ctei of OVARIAN AND UTERINE DISORDERS We guarantee a r lK.itiveciire lor LPIlCOriilOCa THE REXIC0NA CO. Send for ltooklet. f San iuse, Cat. IJH'lKH'hLfflagllC CUiitS WHUt All tibt Hits. 141 CUHtS i Lai Beat Vuiyh S;rup. Tapirs Uuud. TJaS I p. ,1 n tit firm??).!.. I" "iy I taw Ma Jaaaai Austin's Rcjiort I'urds for school uso for sale at the Courier ofllcu i.n per hnnilrod. XShe FRANKLIN Si and a rd TYPEWRITER mi MY m C04MI Visible Writing, Simplo Mccl;.ttiisni, Speed, Kxoclli nt ManifoKlhijj, rcrmaticnt irue Aliguiuctit A Slnctlv limh-Class o i v vr v 1 1 1 -r 1 E. F, Bumpus, Marager, - L'Oil-'J I ( Wilson lil'ick Thm Graphophon npmducmm mil hlnda 0 mumla Mot BMUiarv fa faaen to pajr auijr Inmlrumont olumbia Grnphophonci $3.50 to $100 COLUMBIA RECORDS fit anjr maAa cf Talking mmcl.hto MCUO fOK rttre CATL0CUV n comalnlno IM at reca uae. tattma, trloa. cutl. aatoa, and aaUdloxa tar band, orohaaira,, plocalo, aro. DlCCS Sovon Inch BO cou's each, $3 o t'ozen Ton Inch $1 each, SSO n tioxon bla ck super-:: xhened columbia koclbzd records 25 chit.! each. $3 a dozen Brmmd now procaaa. Mac mar durahla than ant athar oyUndar Columbia Phonograph Co. 123 Geary Street, 5 IRWCISC0, CU For Snlo in Grnnh ! Grove's Tasteless Chill Tcnic 3. 93- CITATION. In the County Conrt of the State of Oregon for the county of Josephine. In th.' matter of the L'sMlo i of Agues K. S iwy. r, ue- ( ccast tL To John U i' '.cr. Marv Remniick, ll.iini..ond. Ruth Kim Diana K. Libby, John ll.Hithl.y, cl- nnv. .vlitrv iHiciiio.i, ii'" David Kicker and r. . Siaw- ver, liiiraat law oi umu, r. W. Sawver, Apnc muiiu, Clureuco G. Sawyer, l rielins r. U Sawver. Altlcda M. Mint It uaocej (.uii'. V.'illlliii Hiker Wooldridce. ileviwcs of deceased, and all heirs aud devisees unknown, if any there i:l!l.'m'l- he, 1NTHEXAMK OF THE STATE OK OREGON. You are hereby cited and riqnircd to npis'ur in ihe county court of tho State of Oregon, for the raiiutr of Josen Hue. at tno court room thereof, at Grunts ...imitv nf Jcs"lillint' on Puss ill Ihe Kridav the lltli dav of Dcceiuner, rao-i, m m o'clock, in tho forcmsm of I hat day, then and there to show cause, if any there be.whv an order should not be made for the sale o' the westerly one half of Lots 1 mid 2 in lUock E of Boun.e's First Addition to tho cily of Grants Pass iu Josephine county, Oregon, and particularly described and bounded as contained in tho peti tion for the sale thereof, as prayed for ill the Administrator's petition therefor. Witness, t in HoX. J. O. IIOOTII, Judgo of the county conrt of the state of Oregon for tho county of Josephine with the k: iiI of said conrt affixed this 4tli day ol Novemlx r A. D. l'JiW. (SEAL) Attest: K. h. HARTLETT. Clerk. NOTICE OF FINAL HKTTLK MKNT. Notice is hereby jti v. n that the un dersigned, iidininislriitor of the Estate of William Dnilt-y, deceased, has tiled in the County court ol Josephine County, Suite' of Orccon, his final account us such Administrator cf said Estate, and that Wednesday, the 2:1 day of December, l'.io:i, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. 111. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing of olij ctioiiN to sai I report, and the Set llelllcllt thelcof. El) DAII.EY, Administrator of the Estnto of Will iam 1'pilf-v, deci used. JNo Si Rl .MMELL, Allorney, j.tii:A-;ti!,s;i;';?;' 1 1 vj . ?;t' ,4ti Vi-i 1 'r 1 tiit CGorziAFI & aa a T- WT WW 7 BTJ I 4 V A AMU FACT o f z.n s . ST. PAD 3. a 'The CHICAGO' Tvpe writer $35 Gu- 'lilltcfi flO.l ;o ttjtii. ni.iclilnc. r.ny The Chicago Typcvvriler Co. 51:514 Market St. San I'r.incisco -" aB J. I. a) . and Iinraliility at a pair l'lice Machine Nild lor S'n.OO w 1 i ( :. - l.os Angeler. California cor. Spriim and I'irsl Street. iattiaiaTTrtaioa-0 1 $15, $20 $10 VsPix V 1 "V sK 1 , ft NOTCE TO CREITORS Notice is hereby gWen that the undersigned lias been apwiuted by the County Court of Josephine County, administrator ot the estate of Henry York, deceased. All persons having claims against such estate are to present them with the proper vouchers annexed, to me, the undersigned, or Robert O. bmith my attorney at Grants Pass, Oregon, within six months from tlii date. Oct an. I'M. ALBERT d. YORK, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Ro?eburg, Otegon, Oct. 6. 11)03. v ..i,,... ia herehv mven that the fol lowinn-named settler has 61ed notice ol his intention to make nuai proui in support of liis claim, and that said proof will be nisde before J. O. Itnnih. ( onntv junife.joeeiiiiine coiiiuy. at (irants Pats. OreKon on noveuiuer :5, litOM, viz: l!OHKUr It MORRIS .. .... DJ..C ( ,k iricrl' on lilt 11. r.. io. rvci, nir lot. :a 01. 4 Sec HI; NW NE.I4 Hec 21, Tap 35 . R 5 W. Id. nuiiies the following witnesses to nrnve his ccnliiinoiis residence upon and cultivation ot faiu lami, vn: Marcus M. Murray. Jamea H. Crox toe. O. Maurice Savage, JJavm itooeris II ul Uranis I'ass, uregon. J. T. Hkiiioks, Rgister NOTICE FOK. HJBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. United Slates Land Office, Koseburu', Oregon, Sept. 1, 1903. Notice is hereby ttiveu that in com pliauce with the nrovii-inns of the act ol Congress of JnneTT 1878, entitled "An act foi the sal ol Inn her lands in the Slutes ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wasbinitton Territory" as extended to all tin" l'uhlic Land States by act of August 4. 18U2, JOHN K. NIK l Gold Hill, County of Jackson, State of Oreiion has this day Hied in this olhce his sworn statement No. 6(i77, for the purchsse of the NK.y ol Section No. 30, in Township No. 35 South, Kange No. 4 W, ami will otler prool to snow that the land souuht is mote valuable for ite timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Chas. Nickell, I'. S. Commissioner, Medlotd, Oreiion, on Saturday, the 5lh day of December, 1003. tie names a witnesses. (ieo. L. M. Clellen, Wm. Childers an I W. 1". Chisholm, ol Gold Mill, Ore., and John Owens, of Wimer, Oregon Any and all persons claimiuir adverse ly the ubove-describi-d lands are te- quested lo lile their claims in this oflice on or before said 5th day of December 1003. J. 1. IlKllMIKB. Itegisler NOTK.'K FOU PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1M7H. Hosebtirir, Oregon, Auk. i!7, 1H03. Notice is hereby given thai in cctn pl in nee with the pruvisiiins of the act ol Congress ol June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Wafhinttton Territory," as extended to all the I'll hi 10 Land States by act of August 4, MU, JOHN MOLLIS ol Carson, County ol Skamania, State of Washingion, has this day filed iu this oliiee his sworn statement No. lor the piirchate cf the NK'i' of SKI and K'.., ol sVJ and SVV of SWJ ol Sec lion No. 2H in Township No. 37 South, ttunife no o tvesi, ami will oiler prool to snow tnai tn isnil sonuht is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor tt 'it'll Ii ursl purposes, and to eptnlilii-h bisclanu to i-ai.l land before J. O. Booth, ( (imitv J mine, at his olhce at (irants I'nhs, Oregon, on Monday, the 23d day ol .vivemtier, 1UUJ. lie names as wit-lierti-eb : Kdward Mollis, Csrson, Waohniiiton, ller'.ha Mollis, " " A. W. S.ljby, (Irants Pass, Oregon K. II . Hniitf?, " " Any and all persons clainiinit adverse' ly Ihe Khove-tlescribed lauds are re. i)ueled to lile their claims in this ollice on or belnra said 23d dav of November, i-'o.i. .i. i. riKiuuKS, Iteiiisier NOTlCK KOll PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3. IK7K. I'niterl Sta'ce nd Ollice, 1 Ko-elnirg, Oregon, Sept. I, l'JO:!. Notice is lierehy (tiveti Unit in com inii.uce w itn the provisions ol the act of (.oiiKieSBOt June. I, 188, eiilnled "An act lor the nale ol Umber lauds in the states ol California, Oicuon, Nevada mid Washington Territory," as ex icn.lnl to all the I'nbliu l.onil States by M Ol .IllglV 1, l.-lO., KUWAUI) MOLLIS ot (.hrsoti, County of Skamania M ite ol ashiugton, has this dav tiled iu l low ollice his sworn statement No. for the purchase ol the N' of NW ol N W ) and Ntt'J ul S( J ol Section No L'li. in TownhipNo.;i7South, Hange No Ii Kit, and will oiler proof to show ihut the Uii.l sonwht is more valuable mr iu tiinh r or .lone thau lor stri- -! Lilt ul pill p, sen, H li, o eslh;ih, ins ta in lo hmi I hunt belioe Arthur (.". iikiin. U S. Cnnnnifsioiu i, at his illii e at i irsnts I nV, (iremm, on . lav the J3d day ol Noveiulvr, lllO.I. lit liiuiee sh w ituei-sei, : I'.hu llolli., ol i;.of,,u, Wa-biimton, llirilu Mollis, ol Curson, Wasbiuitton, . V. Siisby, tirmita Pas', Oregon, r. M. Urik'KS. (iranu Pass. Oregon. Anv slid all persons claiming adverse ly Ihe above-ilescribe.l lands tire re i'iested to tile their claims in this office on or liefote said 23.1 day of November, 'Kl-'- J-T. Bhiimiki, Register, BRIGHT S DISEASE 1 be largest mm ever paid lor a (ire scription, changed hands inSaiirran I'lsco, Aug. 30, l'.Wl, The transfer in volved in coin and slock f I l,"i(Kl Oil and was paid by a party ul business men lor ippniliclor Hnght's Ihscase and Mia Is les, hitherto inciiiable diseases. They commenced the serious inweti. .'a'lon of the specific Nov. 15, l!H)0 Ihey interviewed scores of the cured iml Hied it out on lis metiis bv pulling Her three ilojen cases on the treatment ind wsii bmg them. Thev also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable cases tl.l administered It with the physician. ior judges. I'pto Aug. 25, 87 per cenl I the lest cases were either well oi r. -greasing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent oi iniiurea, ihe parties were satistled ami closed the trans iction. The proceeding, l the investigating committee and tin i lini.-al reports ol (he test cases wert pulM.-hed and ill be mailed Itee or ipplioaii.ui. Address Jns J. rri.T.iN omi asv,4JU Muntgoiuery St. San J ran . I'co, l al. " DR. TENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All dlisaasa of Ktdntyt, Blaadsr Urinary Orsana. CURE si-ht Hsyipiioaio 6raval 'ii- KtifiimatMra Bark VI Ullf , f I uaia Trouble.. Don t ti.roms dlsconrairad. Thar la i cure tor yoa I , ., ," . r, f J,,' I . I.... .p ..t a life Urns, rurlng lu.t aucB c.-..)ur. Ailcon.iiliaiu.u. yra. Jr r-r.iner'. Klilney a B-lhc 0up( w 11 M. i. COIii. Olive Furnace. O." Itr-ifsi.ta. v.- ti A.k f,.r'..k Ui-Tr ST.VITUS'DAKCEI'""'"' "7" unitgL trailer, Fmioaia X V For by W. T. Kremer and M. A Rol.rmund. I'bolo Supplica Bit. at the Courier tri APPLICATION FOR PATENT. In The United States Lami Office, Koscbarg, Oregon. In the matter of thennnli-1 cation lor patent for the Consolidated l.odo Min. ing Claims, in the ennutv I of Josephine, btato of Oregon. Notice for Patent, United State, Land Office, at Rosnhnm Ore, November 19, At D. , pjiw Notice is hereby given tlmt n.... Decker, whose postofflce add-B.. W aldo, Josephine oonntv siT ! Oregon, has as attorney in tart . Tlie amo bmclting and Comimny, a corporation. and existing ntider, aud hv virtn. ; tate of rvi. " and for and iu Its behalf. 1 plication for a United - mum for the Consolidated Lode 110,7 ' Claims, mineral survey imnibir toiK situate in Section 1. Towns,jD j ' south of rniiKe 8 west, illhV Meridian, (unsurveyed) m tlie conne, of Josephine, Stato of Orepoii prisiuK the quartz mining 'cuj' known and described as the Snm Piue, Fir. Cedar, Oak, p0JJ Chestnut, and Lnnrel, and more ,' ticulurly described as follows; , Sprnce. V BcgiuniuK at comer number 1 identical with the southwest comer section 8ft, township 40, south n't rango 8 west, Willamette Meridian thence south 17 min., west ir,iiO feet m corner number 2; thence south Ml deg 41) mill., east HOO feet to corner uuui. ber 2; thence north 17 miu., eagi 1500 feet to corner number 4 ; thence north 811 dog. 49 min.. west tl(x) feet to corner number 1, to the pluce of be ginning. Pine. Beginning at cornor number 1 Whence the southwest corner of sel tion 3(1, township 40, south ol ranoe ft west, Willamette Meridian. hei north 8'J dcg. 4J miu., west (100 feet- thence south 17 min. west, 1500 feet to corner number 2 ; thcuco south 8 deg. 40 min., east (100 feet to corner number.S; thence north 17 miu.. ent 1300 feet to corner number 4 tl.Mi, north HO difg. 40 min., west 000 fe,.t ,0 corner unuilicr 1, the place of begiu. ning. ir. Beginning at corner liumbtr 1- Whenco tho southwest corner 01 6f.o tion 30, township 40 south of range 8 west, Willainetto Meridian, bean uorih 8'J deg. 40 min., west 1200 feet; thenco south 17 min., west 1000 feet to corner number 2; thnnco suiith 89 dcg. 4!) mill., east 000 feet to corner iiuinber 3; thence north 17 miu., east l.jOO leet to corner number 4: then north 80 deg. 40 miu., west 600 feet to corner number 1, tho place of be. ginning. Cedar. Beginning at corner number 1. whence tho southwest corner of sec tion 3(1, township 40, south of range 8 west, Willamette Meridian, beam nortli 89 deg. 49 miu., west 1H00 leet; tlicuce soutli 17 nun. west 1S00 feet to corner number 2; theuce south 811 deg. 49 min., east (100 feet to corner number 3; thence north 17 miu.. east 1500 feet to corner number 4: then' north 89 dcg. 49 min., west fiOO feet to comer number 1, the place of be ginning. Oak. Beginning at corner number 1, wheuco the southwest corner of sec tion 3(1, towuship 40, south of range 8 west, Willamette Meridian, bean north 89 deg. 49 mill., west 2100 feet; thence soutli 17 min., west 15(H) fuet to corner number 2; thence south 89 deg. 49 min., cant (100 feet to corner numbers; thence nortli 17 mill., east 1500 feet to corner number 4; thence north 89 deg. 49 miu., west tiOO feet to corner number l,to place of beginning. Poplar. Beginning at corner number 1, whence the southwest comer of sec tion 3(1, township 40, south of range 8 west, Willamette Meridian, bean north 89 deg. 40 miu., west 3000 feet; thence south 17 min., west 1500 feet to corner number 2; thence south M) do. 49 min., cast t'.CO f m t to corner number 3; thence north li mill., east 1500 feet to corner number 4; , thence 1101 th 89 deg. 49 nun., west tiuU fi et to comer number 1, the place of be ginning. Chestnut. Beginning at corner number 1, whence the southwest corner of sec tion 311, town.-hip 40, south of range 8 west, Willamette Meridian, heirs noitli 44 .icg. 4(1 111111., west liet; thence soulh 1. miu., west tiOO leet to comer number 8; thence siuth 9 deg. 49 min., ea-t 15(H) feet to cor ner numbers; thence north 1; miu., east ti(H) feet to corner number 4; thenco north 89 (leg., 40 mill., west 1500 leet to corner number 1, the place of beginning. Laurel. Beginning nt corner number 1, whence tliu snutliwcst corner of sec tion :I0, township 4(1, south of range 8 west, S ill.iim. ue .Meridian, bears mirth 17 nun., eust 15(H) feet ; theuce south 17 min., West (lot) feet to corner number 2; thence south 89 deg. 49 miu., cast 15ikJ teet to corner num ber 3 ; thence nortli 17 miu, east U) teet to corner number 4; thence north 89 deg. 49 miu, west 1500 feet to cor ner tiumber 1, the plain of beginning. The total net area of each of the said lode mining claims is as follows: Spruce, 2i).(i('il acres. Pine, ilu.iiCl acres. Kir, iO.Ot'.l acres. Ceuar, 2o.iiii acres. Oak, 20.1'K'il acres. Poplar, au. tit. 1 acres. Chestnut inclusive of conflict area with "Marion" lode luiniug claim, survey number 522, 20.001 acres. Laurel exclusive of area with "Marion" and "Lyttlo" lode mining claims, survey number 522, 17.958 acres. The inticcs of location of siiid quartz mining claims are recorded m (he ollice of the Clerk of Josephine county, Oregon, iu the miscellaneous mining records ol said couuty, iu toe volumes and at the jiages as follows, Spruce, iu volume 13, page 401. Pine, in volume 13, page 4(K. i'ir, iu volume 1.1, page 403. Cedar, in volume 13, jmge 404. jJ (itk. iu volume I.'), ,ge 405. Poplar, 111 volume 13, iage -ttstl. Chestnut, in volume 13, Jiage 4oi. Laurel in volume 13, jgo 4o.i. Ihe neighboring or adjoining claims nre tartioua 3(1, townsnip in, south of range 8 west, Willamette Meridian, on Ihe north and Brtjoiiing (be "Spruce", "Pine," "r'ir, " "Cedar," "Oak," and T Poplar" and thu "Marion" lode miuiug claim, lurtey number 522, on the south of ) "Chestnut," and tin? "Marion" tud "Lyttle" loilo mining claims, survey number 522, on the south, ami in conHict with the "Laurel, " all of which conflicting urea and the said "Lyttlo Lode Mining Claims" aro owned by aud iu posst-ssiou if the aiu"The aldo Smelting and" Min ing Company. " Any and all persons claiming ad versely tho mining ground, vims, lodes, pr mists or any portion there 01, so described., surveyed, plutt'd aud applied lor, an h. rebv noti:id that unless tlieir advene claims are duly filed according to law. and the regulations tberenuder, within th time ifcst liW bv law, with the Kegist.r of the United States Land "tliceat hoMborg. in the Conntv of Douglajt, Stale of Oregon, thev will ! batnd lu virtue cf the prov'i.uin if said statute. J. T. BRIDGES. Kolgstt r United States Land Omie, Ktavburg, Orcgou.