T t ROGUE RIVER ' COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 3, 1903. ) : i CORRESPONDENCE. . '' Lel&nd Slftlnfs. We hear of a rich quart strike on Coyote creek. W. H. Hampton i eogngod in sur- frying quartz ledges on Mount Ren ; ben. lie it doing quite eiteusive work on that inouutain. ; Mr. Rutherford from Lower Grave creek, came np from the Gray mine whoro he is engaged for the winter, lie says I hat mine is Uxcd np in good shape -with good prospects,, also a good channel that bids fair to be a good paring mine. We are having fine weather with an occasional shower. Stock is doing well on the range; Die miners have' plenty of water; farmers are plowing; grass is growing nicely, and with plenty of work, with good prices, we are a busy, contented and . happy people. Goo. Strong and Walter Ray have wood contract of the Railroad Co. of patting wood on the Tunnel ( spur, There is "pleuty of wood in this vicinity yet; so times will bo good in Leland next year; as we have two largo stores to furnish supplies for evorybody, tlieie will be no need of shipping supplies to Leland. The Vulcan miners are erecting a mill on their quartz property. They are late in getting it, as the roads are very had. The company engaged, as they thought, teams enough to haul the mill to l'lacer, but changed their minds aud kept employing moro teams until 13 horses wore hitched to tho heavy load, and they were two days on the road out at last account. Tho expense will be largo in deliver ing the plant We always find it ad visablo to make hay wliilo tho sun shines, or in other words, do our heavy hauling when tho roads are dry. Mr. Cloco from Minnesota has come to Tunnel 9 to live with his sou, who is engaged in retimbering (lie tuunol. People aro leaving the cold coutitrlit as fast as circumstances will permit. Wide Awake. East Provolt llama. Ed Lewnuin was at ilridg" Point Thursday. Amos Shrimp was at Missouri Flat ' Thursday. Alex Watts was at Grunts l'nss Thursday. Amos Cook of Applegate was at I'rovolt Friday. C. Lewis of Williams was at Med ford Saturday. Herb Sundries of Gold Hill was at Provolt Saturday. Oscar Knox wus at Iiridgo Point, Applegate. Monday. Will McsHiugcr of New Hope was at Provolt Monday. Fred Benedict of iiridgo Point was at I'rovolt Thursday. Willie Farrls of Appleagtu is at O. W. Meeks tills week. Zeb Hyde of Laurel Urovu was at Bridge Point Saturday. Clareuco Ham Carter of Murphy was at Williams the iast week. Iua Lavrich of Provolt wus a visit or to Grants I'asn Tuesday. Mars llalilwlu of Prnvolt was at Grunts Puss Wednesday on business. George Fields of Provolt was lit Grants Piisi this week visititig re la . tivef. John liailey and wife of William,. . were visiting relativos at Provolt Friday. Frank Kulglit of Provolt is visiting ' relatives at llltdge Point, Applegate this week. j Otis Hull of Provolt, who has becu In Cal., the past year returned Monduv last. Wm. H011N011 and wife of Provolt , were at Grants Pass last week with a load of chickens. Wm. Jones of Provolt was on Hum bug Wednesday gathiriug a load of apples for home use. J. T. La ton was at Williams this week on busiress and looking after milling property also. J. Ynrisiiii of WiUiaun is making good roads. He has had men at work for two mouths hauling gravel. Fred Knox of Uiurol tirovu was on Thompson creek Monday looking after cattle they have up there feed ing this winter for Sweet laud. West I'rovolt Item. The dance given at the public hall Thursday night was a grand success and supKr was well served. There will he a Christmas tree at the South Methodist church at Itnltlunire Christinas eve. All are invited to come. The hop men of this locality are chining their yards and making ready for their work as usual, while the weather vn,. They discover ed iii.it hr.'i want to ho worked earlv in the spring, it u not good to cut the vines too laic on account of bleed . ing, which makes the vim s rot. It tliry don't rot they w all bo sickly and won't produce like the ones cut early. A number of the farmers of this section of Oregon have es.riniehle,l ill vegetable latsing and found that pout-toes am the surest crop licit can lw nm.d 011 Appleagti.. aud Williams Creek. 'lhdSeil set ins to i a pontic producer V.i have the largest crop this year that has been prHlmcdror a long tune. The com crop very good considering cvei vlhing Jolly Joke. ! Wlldervllle Notes. Hen Pull is around naiii iih. i a few days i I hi. . K. V. Stevenson and family havi moved Into tle ir new house. Miss hilcl liobiiisi.il oll ,. nek list the lust of the wick. Mick Lindsay n( faniilv are -ni-proving alter several weeks of , k In sit j Supnrlutoiident Lincoln Savage Tisitud at Wlldervllle tho lirst of the Woes, Marrlcd-At the home of tho bride'. rcut, Mr. and Mrs. J,. Hocking, ""r Wildervill... N,,v .t Lipoid Kau.s and Miss ' Martha Hocking. The bride and groom have a host of friends who wish them joy. J as. Hocking, Jr. has returned home from bis visit to Forest Grove, Ore., where he spent the past two weeks. ' Williams Items. Born November 27, to Mr. and Mrs. O. Hoxie, a son. Carl Marvin of the Pass took in the Thanksgiving ball. Mr. aud Mrs Fields have moved into their new home on the creek. Johnny Hurriolt of Applegate was on the creek Sunday visiting his brother. Mrs. R. E Pierce peiit Thanks giving with her mother, Mrs. R. Bigelow. . Miss L. Bolt who has been working at Mr. Cockerline's, leturncd boli e last week. Miss Lizzie Lewman, who was visit ing at Mrs. Davidson's returned home last Monday. The Roue of Contention will soou b ' running again, after being closed down for one yeur. , The Thanksgiving ball was a grand success. A large crowd was out, and a very enjoyable time was had by all present. Thero is going to be a turkey shooting mutch oll the creek during tho holidays. Anyone wishing to contest for one of these gobblers bet ter be practicing some, for there is nothing slow about our young men. TO IMPROVE CRATER LAKE Supl Ara.nl Makes a Number of Recommends, lions W. V. Araut, superintendent of Crater I dike National Park, in his annual report has made several recom mendations to the secretary of the in terior us to improvements that ought to ho mado in the Park during the Hsoul year ending Juno 110, 11)01, as follows: 1st. To put tho road from the south line of the mrk to Anna Creek, a distance of eight miles, in good con dition. 2d. To construct a bridge over White Horse Creek and make other necessary improvements in the road. lid. To mnko a change in tho road from about 8,V miles west of tho sum mit of the mountain in tho park to Anna ('reek bridge, which would eliminate from the road n high hill, which is on either' side, 0110 of the stocH't and hardest hills on any road in Southern Oregon. 4th. To complete tho road from Anna Creek bridgo to tho rim of the crater, two miles of which has been constructed. Mil. To improve the trail leading from the summit of the crater to the water's edge and nlso to stretch a cable along tho trail to aid lHirsons in making the trip and to lesseu the danger. lltli. To place a strong, iron railing along tho outer edge of Victor rock to proviilo agaiust accident, as nearly every vislUir goes here for a good view of tho lake and surrounding ooimtry. Till. To cngago two patrolmen for the jmrk from June 15 to October 15, each year. Kth. To proviilo a small, strong house on the rim uf the crater aud pro vide with register and other sup plies necessary for tho registration of vistiors to tho park. Uth. Also for a register ami a watnr proof metal case to bo placed on Wizard Island. 10th. To establish a houso or statiou in tho iark, also a small stable and tool house. llth. Forthe salury of the su(ier ntendciit and for tho keeping of mi additional horse for nse in the park. Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will crsist ill closing their crtis against the continual recoinmenil.it ion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Coiisiiinptltn, will have a long mid hitter flghr with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Head what T. H. Ilcall, Miss, has to say: "Ijist fall my wife had every symptom of consump tion. She took Dr. King's New DIk- uovcry after everything else had fail ed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her." Guaranteed by National Drug Store and Grants Pass Pharmacy. Price We, and tl.lHl. Trial bottle free. Curtd Pirilyiii. W. S. Bailey, P. O. True, Toms, writes: "My wife had been sutTerim: live years w ith jutialvNls in her arm, w hen I was persuaded to use Ballard's Snow Liniment, which cured her all right. It does the work. " 2.o, ,MV, I. is.) at Kotcrmund's and Stover Drug Co. bids wantkp for school bonds. Sealed bids will lie r.....i ,-.,.1 I... i... lltcli-rsiciied no to four ,i',o,..L ..' ... of December .i p.inx f,,r ,..,' ...i' f M.UM t liomls Of SlllO.ll 11, Or,.., Number ? of Josephine County, Ore gon. I'lirimsn of issue totiavfor bri.-k hoot bin lilin,. Kate of niter.. .i live per cent payable neini -nniiuullv. Ylav I. and Novinilur I ll .n.U ,i..,...i November I, I is a an, I ,hie '.,..,i.... I'.I.'M. ilil'ectoi-s l-i si-rvin.. ,1... .'. I my at any tune nfier In veals from li ne I rmcip'il ami interest puMiblc at the oltlce of the couiitv In usurer at Grunts Pass, Oregon, or in N. York eiiv per ngn fiucui w ith purchaser. I'lll.ll tlOII I, ll illlll'llll, .111., .j .. this issue f.M.000; u-, ss, d va nation III.'.', HeO.OO.l, present as,esi.t i'.ini,i)0; actual vaiiiBiiou $I,.ui,um I'opulutioii of ill-tint nboiit ;,,n Miinlior of eholu ni district to::;. Bonds unthcrlv, ,v v,,t f , ( , ,', -Hialitb-d elector, . f ,,,i,-.t , Ol election h Id S. I, iek r -J IKI ind approvi il I -v linn y (- attorney. Issued ue-d-r ui.tbc.i ny i c' i7 eof Oregon, approved rcluutrv 1.', I.si:i. A llclsu.it i f live o. i- .1... hoods must aivoiupuuv i. I,..! Ik r,,r II V111 IS I'll N I .'(. . .-u,.l to sppiy as part or purchaso i icoepted or retum, ., lo bolder . raiiit'iiiii price it if his inn im rejci'ieil The right nerved to reject am and all bids. T -e i v , . . . , T. . " .' "I JOSCIl l II., Couiitv, Oregon. PROTECT THEIR ROADS. KlroptsS Coonlrlrs Know the Vln of Wide Tlrea. EurcrH-an countries have long dls enrded narrow tires In order to pre- aerve end buj'd their highway.. d 0 of mo(t ,n also bemuse It Is nn economy In the tht rlj dey, of our c(Untry WM use of ti e vehicle and the weight tlmt Ultt ia wli(.h ngurwl nun. John H. a horse U able to druw. s.iys the Good Smith, formerly of England, end Miss Bonds Magazine. Wide tires lire not Pocahontas, the charming and vira only lighter In their draft than narrow- eious daughter of Col. Powhatan, or ones under nearly ull conditions, but writes W. D. Nblt, in the Baltimore they roll the roads smooth Instead of ( American. cutting them to pieces. A four inch This happened along in theflrstpart tire on n wagon currylns a heavy load , ot the evntnth century, before ths Is a road builder. j i"rt car btfBn running to Pow- In France every freight and market I h't,n' ... , . wn'on Is n rondiiiiik"r. rJ'he ti'S nre from three to ten Inches In width, mi:- ' ' iyj . . - : 1 ,T ' A NAIIIIOW TlltK HO AD. ally from four to six Inches. Most loads nru carried on two wheeled carts with a single horse, the loads weighing over two tons. With the new four wheeled vehicles used ill France the tires ure rarely less than six Inches In width mid the rear uxle about fourteen Inches longer than the foro axle, ho that the rear or hind wheels run about one Inch outside of the level rolled by the front wheels. III Germany the law proscribes that nil the wngoiis drawing heavy loads, such ns coal, brick, earth, stone, etc., must have tires nt least four Inches wide. It is worse than useless) to cre ate expensive mid valuable highway to have them only cut to pieces by the use of narrow tires ns now used for the hauling of heavy loads In this coun try. When an pxH'iislve highway has been created It must be taken care of, ami methods heretofore permitted must be climigMl In order to help main tain It. Wide tires nre of the greatest value in preserving ordinary dirt roads. FOR GOOD ROADS. The Atlvniitns;ea of Hlnte Aid In Hallway Improvement. When Mr. Bmwnlow of Tennessee Introduced a hill In congress appropri ating J'Jil.issi.tsK) ns n fund for national aid to road improvement in the United Hlutcs u gisnl many people were star tled lit the size of the llgures. The amount, however, seems very small compared with the sum that n single state now proposes to raise nml spend. The New York legislature hns adopted a constitutional ameiidiiieiit proposing to rulsc and spend If.'i.ooo.oon annually for ten years, or lfrii,(ssi,(iiK) In all. This miieiidiiicnt must pass the legisla ture again In 1'.ki.'i, 11 ml then It will go before the people for ratlticiitloli or re jection. It can reasonably be expected that the measure will meet with popu lar favor. The people of New York have given the principle of slate 11 id a thorough trial, and tho results have boon highly satisfactory. One of the objections most loudly urged against both state ami national uld Is that it will cncoiiriiKC local com munities to neglect the improvement of their roads and depend 011 the state n nil the federal government to do the work for them. I tut this objection has proved to be purely Imaginary. In no place where state aid lias been tried has any such result appeared. On the contrary, aid from the state treasury only stimulates local self help, it arouses warm competition among the counties mid townships to secure a share of the state aid funds. Instead of sitting down and folding their hands. lis predicted, the local communities arc raising a great deal more money under the stimulus of state aid than they did before. ' fiiittu Itoail In Maine. It Is stated that Maine for the first time leads the l ulled Slates ns 11 granite producing state. The greatest Increase for the year P.HIl oxer that of Hum was ill limestone. One of the chief factors of the Industry during the year was the Increased value of crushed stone, which covers granite, limestone nml sandstone. This Is at trlbiilcil luruely to the Increase In liulldiuu better roads. Rural Delivery Notes Ailli'iints for the position of rural carriers are suhjocti d to an eaiuimi tlun in tvMvt to their iiia1il)eatliitis for the Nf r lee and the esteem lit w llielt they are held !' the InhahitniiU iiloin: the routes. Seventeen to lll'ty lhe Is the ngi limit eeed 111 tin1 raso of war veterans who are physically competent to do the work. A ineuilier of congress, speaking of tho rural free delivery not long ago. s.ild that weii the service 11 dead loss niianclall.v to the jmst otllce depart ment lie would ho In favor of meeting tTlie loss out of the puhllc treasury be cause of the educational leiiell:s al ready show n. liiirnl ftee delUety Is liecomlu u po tent factor In the i-oustructlun of good roads and their proper niiiinteiKiiu e. A c.ihhI rural service menus hikhI roads, nnd as tlm pisiple Insist upon the ( liier they must CM iitually oMalil the hitter. 1? I r S-d ILLUSTRATORS QS? ETWRAVERS :ja ; M5IGhlER5) Courier and Oregonian $2 a year ROMANCE OF 17th CENTURY. I w Llk ob tk llorr of Horn. Jostm I lallk mmi His lUrrillt to Mias PmiiiMh. - m a,-i. au ocfmiBica miiraci- j nomas was me urn iare mat was I aver collected on that line, but yon I know bow it is about distance lending enchantment to the view, and maybe Pocahontas was not so fair after all. It happened that Mr. Smith was out doing a few deeds that would serve to enliven the pages of the ten-cent nov els when some of Col. Powhatah's braves gathered him in. I He wni. taken before Col. Powhatan, . who coldly asked him what be was do ' ing over in that ward, j Smith came back with some sauey I retort or other, and ths upshot was ; that he was confined in the calaboose. I Powhatan merrily said to him that it was well that his captors were not j cannibals or they would make Indian ' meal of him. I However, that is mere airy psrsi flnge, to t-o speak, and has no place in a rral-for-sure historical novel. It so ebanced that while Smith was confined in prison Miss Pocahontas same around one day to see if there were any murderers or horse thieves to whom she might carry flowers or jelly. Unfortunately, they were jutt out of murderer- and horse thieves that morning, and she had to content her- elf with listening to the long, tsd story of Smith's past life. For hours he held her spellbound with hit stir ring recital of things he hod teen and done. Lit tie Pocahontas began to think he was fllitioat as interesting as a mur derer could well he, and naturally she was rather perturbed when a greeit big Indian came in and said that Smith was wanted at the captain's office. He went on to sny that it was the inten tion ' of Powhatan to have Smith turned over to ther ministrations of the court executioner. In those days there was no fun In be ing executed. The papers did not send two or three reverters around to find out what the condemned man had eaten for hrcakfnst and to write sad and thrilling tilings about his last words. Nor were there any extras issued to tell the waiting public about the exe cuMon. No, indeed. They simply took ths permit, who formed the center of at traction for the time being to a con venient spot, and the court execution er applied a club to his head until his thought had all leaked nut and his iinnginnt Ion collided with hit appetite. Then the executioner cashed his voucher and the festivities were at end. Consequently little Pocahontas was tremiihina with suppressed excitement when they put Mr. Smith on the block and pnrted hit hair in the middle to ijive the executioner a fair tight nt his tliink-center. Col. Powhatan was stnndlnt" in a good spot to view the preceeiliiu't. Had l oilakt been invent ed he would have l ad hit hand In-ide his cent, but nt It was, he "imply let his h.nid bn'ig at the end of tilf arret. ,1 10 t n t be excel t loner was about to drive Smith's eyebrows Into his vest pockets I'ocihontns made a wild rush frniii the puripiet li sts and threw her elf r.cre-. the tim-ily form of Smith. Pi'calioiiluK vn n cornfed bud of o ciet; to. 1. and would have made a pec: -in the-slot weighing nmehlne look :ut a whirligig. The feelings of Smi'h may readily be imagined. She ruiii-1 the curl of his hair and sm.T-heil Itis ruflled collar beyond re demotion. Smith tried to speak tie wanted to nri'e her to shift s little, for ! ,1,,. Knt i-rin.lintr 1 If collar button into j the ticklish spot nt the top of ths 1 hn 1st hone, hut 'ie exclnimed: ' "Say not a word, my hero!" I llnGng no breath left with which to ! tnv the word, Smith refrained from speech. Turning to her stern old father, Pocahontas begged him to spare the p or man. Powhatan nodded attent snd the ex ecutioner went sadly away. Smith ro,e to his feet and took Pocahontas by the hand, advancing to the center of tlu stage to ropond to the curtain call. There are many other stories told of Mr Smith. He told most of them him self. But we should drsw the great moral Isnim from this one thst goo goo eves are sometimes as useful in real life as In tong. I Sitlali1i-nre nf Tesoo Oil Wslla. I'll has now ren."ed to flow aponta neoinlv from the wells of lleauniont, tint li e rerlners nre not thereby Insny .i disturbed. There it plenty of oil left in the Melds, hut It will not be mt-rstary to force il from the. ground. The ttsrtlinir How of oil which greeted the man who msde ths first strike ws flue primarily to the tnormous press ure of the gak confined in the tnme tub terraiienn rhamher with the oil. Sines the chamber was penetrated the gss began to cM iitie and the flow of oil to subside, liu.te.ol i f natural gni press ure it will now he necessary to ut arti ficial air pressure. Scientific Amer ican. Itraaklasl Svlnaeh. Spread finely chi pped, srn cd-over spinach on rounds of buttered toast, tessou to taste, drop a nice!,! pouched egg on each piece, aud ser e xery hot. A splendid breakfast dish in place of meat. Home Msgasina. Where Hindsight is as good jNE.V STYLES ..WIHTRS!ATS.. We have a lmge psortnienl of ptet ty, graceful an 1 styli-h bats in the latest patterns ami inatctiais, -which we are selling at greatly reduced price's. While we are closing out out entire stock of goods at cost we iute-nd to keep our Millinery the best at:d latest until everything is sold. We will lie ple-ascd to have every one call and see our stoik. Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf South Sixth Street, Grants Pass, Ore. Agent for NeAv Idea Patterns, 10c -, When sent by mail i ic. THE SOUTHERN OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BEGAN THIS YEAR'S A largo working library lias In i r n.h'i d ; tl.c 1 1. si at and chemical laboratory tins lieen fully ri;i:i;od; a low gymnasium building is being erected, and n Imge and haiulsoine m Iuh I building is Hearing completion. Tho school grounds nn; hi nut i ful and picturcfiiue. The health conditions are of the best , the. social environment is puio and stimulating ; the course of study lias boon strengthened and mado morn practical. The faculty has boon increased ill number and tlm school is now equipped to do work of the highest order. This school Ik longs to Southern Oregon,. Il desires and merits tho jiatroimge of the people of (his gnat sect inn. For catalogue, address I'.KNJAMIN l' MI I.KKV, President. Ashlai d, Oregon. C. It. Thomas, Secretary. odaxs and Cameras From 80c to 5100 A.LVoophies - : COURIER as Foresight is in our flflP itotottot A Do Vou Use A Fountain Pen? We have just received a new supply nnd can fit you out with any style point, from very line to a broad Blub. Trices ranpe from $1.00 to $").00. Every pen we sell is guar niitecd to give satisfaction. SLOVER DRUG COMPANY. Let us fill your prescriptions. Correspondence liecomes a lahor of love if the right sort of writing miitei inls he used. Wo carry a linu of line fla- tioneryt) tuit tin- no ht fastidious tastes. High gradu goods at lowest Jiriccs. I.;itet novelties in tinted 1'iipers that can't ho duplicated fo th.i money Hsewore. lilanli honU, very (lieiiii. National Drug Store- Worm SrTEr.ER 1G - Photo Dealer OFFICE. How to Prevent Croup, i, .-ill hfl rood news to the mothers of small children to learn that cronp cau be rrevcutid. The nrst sign 01 cronp is bcarfeucss. A dav or two be fore the attack the cliila becornef lirarsp. Give ChnmbcrUin's Cougli p....,..,ir freelv as soon as the child be- l.nr.n or f Veil after the rough cough altars, and it ill dispell all nyu pton.s of cronp. it m in uti, the only remedy that can always be depended npou aud tliat is pie?am and safe to take. For salo by all druggists. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the niftneeuhln heretofore existing betwec'D J. M. lloothand Jno. M. Rummoll is dissolved. J. M. Booth having pur chased all tho Interests ot Jno. 01. and F. M. Riimmcll. All money's due on insurance or other busin ss duo to the fl-m is payahlo to J. M. Booth who j ilt continue the business In his name. Jno. M. Rcmmkll. J. M. Booth. ..OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY December 12, 1003. THE "MILWAUKEE" A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukeeAHt. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the (ireat Kailws running the "1'ioneer Limited" trainf every day am! night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha ami Chicago. Tht only perfect trains in the world Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental Lines, as-ur-ingto passengirs the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam heat, of a verity equalled l y no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milvuukee" when going to any point in the United States nrlini.li jii.:,.i. et sgents sell them. ror rates, pamphlets or other inloi illation, address J. W. Casey, n j 1'i.nv Trav. Pass. Aft. (ieneral Anent Skattlk. Wash. I'oktianp, Oi t. '...t - ? -:- d r:f,'-. v.'- n ' 'i jj" A N N U A AT GREENBACK HALL To tic given by the La.Iy M.iccabtes, Placer Hive No 51, on Christmas Eve., Dec. 24 A FIRST CLASS CHICKEN SLTPER SERVED. Tickets, Including Supper, $2.00 Spectators: Adults, 25c ; Children 75c Come, Everybody, and have a Merry Christmas Time. First-class Music in Attendance. LINCOLN ELLIS, Floor Manager. BY '-" mmmmmmHmm'm ,mmm '"J III""" 1r-Jn--'i. IRELAND & MEADE'S ADDITION r M F. n a. n r. y . ' 1 3 3 j 1 u H J ta 17 t 19 LEE IT. ..-.ey1.,;. rpidenee Pr, as i For a, hort time onlv Ireland t Uad.i. ""r than tbw li,-v I D .ll pay vou.to inv.Mte ,-i, Tu "? V 'lf h S. V r irrtivi, in iwin Ufore buying elsewhere. Oregon j wine r m hi. Union Pacific AND f. THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard Tourist Bleeping cars duily to Omaht, Chicago, S)Hikune; tourist sleeping can daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally am. duetod) weekly to Chicago, Kansa City, reclining eliair cases (seats frfel ' to the East daily. DepaktI Time Schmiulks lAnsn-i fob j FromJ'orUaiid "pbo Chicago-iSult CaVe, Denver Fti li VI...... U i '. Portland Special 9:2(1 a. ni viallunt Kansas City, St. v a Louis. Chicago and Last. I r ington.l Atlautio Express 8:1" p. m viu Hunt ington. Kt. Paui Salt Luke, Denver- Ft. Worth, Oinuha.l Kansas City, St-luai'm. Louis, Chicago andEast. J Walk Walla, Lewis" - ton, Spokane. Wal lace. Pullman, Min Tklon. , neaiKilU, St. Paul.! Fast -Mail G p. in. viu Spokuno. n Duluth, Milwaukee,! I lilcugo and Last 70 HOURS P0KTLAND to CHICAGO No Cua.mie op C'ahs! Tickets east viu all rail, or boat and mil via Portland. Ocean and Kivcr SflTcdule FHOM l'OUTLAXL. All suiting dates suh-i I jeet to change. 1 p. m. For Sun Francisco jKail every the davs. 8 p. m. Thiilyox-I 1 Sunday COLUMBIA RIVER 4 p. m. ' 8 p. m. i Kxcept Saturdav To Astoria and Way Sunday ; HI p. in. I Landings. A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Pass Agent," Portland, On-goc ', ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VIA TO SPOKANE, ST PAUL, DULUTH. MINNCAFCLi! CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS EAST 2'rJAIl DAILY O FAKT T1J1H , a. NEW KOl'IPMKM THKOl GHOtT Iiy Caoheii, lalace and Timritf I flunking l.ltiiary Cars. Oayllglit trip ibroutth the ('st-csde and Itocky Mountains. For full pnrticulnrs, rates, fulilers, etc., call on or address II. DICKSON, c T. A. J. W. PHALON.i. r. A. 122 Third Street, Portland A. B. C. DENNISTON, tt. W. 1. A. 12 First Avenue 8eattl, Wah. The Weekly Oregonian ami the4, Comma both lor one year lor $2 in ORDER OF COMMITTEE. lo (Jrauls Tiiss, Orosron W--K S T 11 K E T 1 1 r r 1 -7 9 I 7 o s 7 1 " J ( " 1 r , I t2 3 u i I Is in tlm northern part of thi f one hlis'k north r-f th-J Pnblie Sihocd Hid Seventh aid x': eity, sl,ut ons new brick '! een Seventh f-lre't.. 9 t f .A I 1