Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 03, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates i
One Year, in sdvsoce,
tiit Months, ...
Three Months,
tolngle Copies,
..." Advertising Fates
Furnlnhed on spplicstion t the office, or
by mail.
ri.ii,i.-l. mrA resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line;
card of tbanki 50c.
Entered at the pout office at Grant Fs-s,
Oregon, ae aecond-clase mail matter.
THURSDAY, Deo. J. 1803.
The Oold Hill New "Rain
changed hands, R. A. Carter selling to
A. T. Fetter. The Cottage Grove
Nngget also lias a iiflw owner. How
ard & Hrown selling out to A. P. But
tcrswortb, formerly of the Harrisbnrg
The Stnto Land Foard Fatnrday ap
proved applications for loans to the
auionnt of fi;9,8lfi. Earlier In the
montii nppliontlons wore approved to
the amount of J)0,000. malting total
of about 1100,000 put out in loans
during Iioveniher.
The state senatorial district, com
prising Crook, Grant, Klamath and
Lake counties, has deicded not to
hold a special election to choose a
successor to Senator now Congress
man Williamson, for tho special ses
sion of the legislature, it being im
practicable to mako nominations and
accomplish tho oleetiou within the
short time allowed in tho governor's
Assistant Postmaster General Ilris
tow's report has been made public. It
gives the details of the high handed
robberies of tho government , by
fraudulent transactions lu the post
Ofllca department which have been
aired beforo the publio for the past
several months. Mucli'n and Beavers,
siuee deposed from high positions in
the postal department for conniving
With contractors to swindle the
government, aro fearfully scored.
The report recites the fact that the
lnvettigation Into the charges of fraud
resulted lu forty-four indictments
against various persons.
The efforts of Alfred Dreyfus to
secure a judicial examination of his
case have at last been crowned with
cess. After examining tho dossier
In tho case submitted to him by
General Andro, the minister of war,
Minister of Justine Vallo has trans
mitted that document, together with
the petition of M. Dreyfus fur a
rovision of his sentence, to Mr. Dur
snil, the president of a commission
instituted by the ministry of justice.
This commission will pronounce upon
the admissibility of the request for
a rovision of sentence Tho decision
of Minister of Justice Vallo to re
fer the question of a revision of the
Dreyfus sentence to a commission, it
is otliuially stated, is lutsed uion an
artiolo of tho criminal code which
provides that in case where, after a
condemnation, new facts develop, or
where previously unknown proof of
a uaturo which would tend to estab
lish innocence, is presented, the con
demned person has a right to ask for a
revision of sentence.
Grants Pass Man Claims They
Bent California.
If you do not get Shoes to
suit you, try the Red Star
Shoes that wear sold at
Moderate Prices.
Red Star Store.
In the Event of His Election as
At G. P. W
U. & P. Co .' Power
"What is tho ma ter of the lights"
is tho nuestlou that has been asked
most of any for tho post two nights.
It has beeii answered In many ways
but usually unsatisfactorily. The
electrio light company has just
installed a new dynamo, and for a
few nights until the machine has been
thoroughly tested and the geeriug
adjusted the lights will bo more or
less unastisafctory. W heu every
thing is again in working order m
moro trouble will be experienced.
On Monday night at 12 o'clock tlie
lights woro turned off and the work
of installing the dynamo was com
menced and by the middle of the
afternoon the power was truned on.
Tho new machine lias over twice
tho cajneity of tho old oiy which has
beon overloaded by the addition of
many lights. Now the company will
bo able to supply lights for an ordi
nary city of 10,000 population.
To improve the appetite and
strengthen the digestion, try a few
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Uver Tablets. Mr. J. II. He It,, of
Detroit, Mich,, says, "They restored
my appetite when impaired, relieved
me of a bloated feeling and caused a
pleasant and satisfactory movement of
the bowels." For sale by all drug
gists. Every box warranted.
Tablet and box jnper at cost at tho
Courier ofllco to clone out. Wo have
up-to-date styles.
North Bound Train Delayed
Several Hours.
Just after train No. 12, which ar
rived in Ashland Tuesday morning,
had been carried , sufel across the
straits between 1'ort Costa und
Beuicla by the Solano, Monday even
ing, the big vessel began to settle and
then sink. The bout was in the slip
at the tlnio having not yet backed out
after unloading train No. 12. While
not completely submerged, tho vessel
has sunk so deep that even the hy
draulic jacks cannot innke ferry
aprons meet the bout. Until the
Solano is ruised, ull trains will be
compelled to go uround by way of
Stockton, so northbound trains into
Ashland will be about three hours
loto umtl tho damngn is repaired.
H iving been asked by many voters
of too town as to my sttitude touch
ing several questions of policy of ad
ministration of the city's affais in the
event of my election to the office of
mayor, I desire to go on record so that
there may be no misuuderstanaing or
If elected I shall do my best to give
the city a clean and buisuess-like ad
ministration, permitting no grafts nor
granting any special favors; doing my
best to s-e that the ordinances are en
forced in an impartial and n fail
manner. Should the library question
ever come op again, which seems
very doubtful, I would, uiidir the
circumstances be iu favor of resub
mitting the questions to tho tax
payers of the town with the privilege
of voting cu the amount of tax levy,
if uny, should bo made for its sup
port amk when that expression
taken, to carry out the wishes with
no unnecessary delay and consider
rho matter finutly settled. .
An Impression seems to prevail
that there will lie an attempt to
aliolish tho saloons,. We do not so
understand the issue, but what is de
manded is that the saloons as well as
other places of business observe the
laws of the town, nothing further.
Ah to the report that we would
favor any particular cnrioration when
it comes to grunting franchises for
water or lights or any other purpose
there is absolutely no foundation for
In conclusion, I am in favor ot a
gcmrul cleaning up of the town both
morally and materially and confining
ourselves to such improvements us are
tbsolutely necessary to health and
omfort of our people.
, Revolution Imminent.
A sure sign of approaching revolt
and serious trouble in your system is
nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach
upsets. Electrio Bitters will quickly
dismember the troublesome causes.
It never fails to tone the" stomach,
regulat) tho Kidneys and llowels.
sitmuluta tho Liver, and clarify the
blood. Ilnn down systems benefit
particularly and all the usoal utlend
ing aches vanish under its searching
and thorough effectiveness. Electric
Hitters is only GOo, and this is return-
od if It don't give perfect satisfaction
Uuarantned by Nutioiml Drug Store
and Grants l'ass l'harniucy.
Blue and Gold new dinner ware
beautiful goods at Thomas'.
O. II. Sainpsou has discovered that
California gra)ics, notwithstanding all
that is claimed for them by the CU
furuians, are not as juicy as Oregon
grilles or at least as Southern Oregon
grapes. The yield of juice for grapes
in Califnrua according to statistics
runs from 1-0 to 160 gallons l r too,
this giving at the most l-'oo iwutds
of juice and biK) pounds of pumice.
From 124 jmuuds of grajies Mr. Sump
sou secured 10 pounds of juice which
Would glvo about HUH) Hiuuds of juice
per tou for the Oregoii grains as
against 1200 pounds for the California
grapes. Mr. Sampson has about two
acres of grains.
Fire Insurance.
Experience iu all business is essen
tial. I have 12 years' exHrieiice in
tiro underwriting. I have 12 picked
coiiiaiiios as good us tho best Busy
doing business at the old stand on
Sixth street, south of the Western
Hotel, and kngw euough about Insur
ance to to cover the risk when writ
ten, guarding your interest as well
as the Couiiuuy's. Strict attention
to business. 1 also write Life and
Accident Liaurauee.
J. K. l'KTEKSON, Agent.
A frightened Hunt.
Running like mini down the street,
dumping the occupant, or a hunrded
other accidents, are everyday occur
rences. It becomes everv hodv to
have a reliable salve hnndv und
thcir'tt none as good as lUn Men's
Arnica salve. Hums, tuts, sons, etc,
disappear quickly under itssoothyig
effect. ' 'Jho at National Drug Store
and Grants l'ass I'harnmrv.
Keep Dry
and Perserve Health
It is very important that ull who are obliged to
bo out in tho weather should keep dry and warm.
Thin is impoHsiblo without tho best quality of rainy
weather goods. Wo havo a full assortment of
Mackintonlies for men and women.
Storm Coats and Slickers, Rubber Hoots for men,
Women and Children. Ladies, Misses and Childrens
rubbers and n full lino of miners' boots.
A Full lino of Umbrellas
, Trices are riiiht
Dry Goods Clothing
Men's Furnishings
During th
la Busy.
Season He
A. H. Cursou, in the cicily of in
spector of nursery supplies shipped
Into Southern Oregon from other
stales, innde a trip to Ulcndalo and
other points last week to inspect tree
shipments. His territory embraces
seven counties and It is his uuty to
(terminally examine all trees and
shrubs hipHl Into Oregon, condemn
and destroy all that are infected with
any disease. During the shipping
scsnou he is kept quite busy.
Sloe. I a Bicycle &nil Try to Sell
It to Owner.
NEATLY l'KINri n i U
Engraved falling funis
make Neat Christ mm l'res
ents. You cad gel them uV
BftUr Thtn s Flsittr.
A piece of tluunel dampened with
f haiiilHirlaiii's Tain Balm and IhuiiuI
on the MtTcctcd Jwrts. is better than
a piaster for a lame lack and for
ins In the side or chest, l'aiu Balm
has no superior as a liniment for
the relief of deep seated, muscular
and rheumatic (win, r'or sale by all
"I was much attllcted w ith sciati
ca,'' WilU'S Ed f. Nud, lowavllle,
Seilgewick Co., Kan., "going almut
on crutches and suffering a deal of
pnlu. I was induced to try Ballard's
Snow Liniment, which relieved me
I used three .Vie Nit ties. I now walk
without oruU'hes, able to perform a
great deal of light labor ou the farm '
Hoc, Sue, tl.uo at Hoteriiiuud's ami
Slover Drug Co.
A. K Voorhies I'hoto Supplies.
Set Fire to e.nd Are Unable
to Escape.
Sunday the marshal of Bonanza, n
little towu 20 miles from Klamath
Kails, locked up two Indian youths
for being drank. Three hours Inter
the jail and county buildings were in
ashes and the charred corpses of the
two Indians were pulled from among
the debris.
The con flag rat i no was evidently
started by tho. attempts of the Indians
to barn their way through the walls
to freedom. The insido of tho jail
was a furnace by tho time people ar
rived at tho scene, and the absence
if any noise w ithin told of the awful
fate that had befallen the youths of
tho Yainax Indian school.
An early messenger arrived at
Yainax, conveying the news of the
trngedy, and Monday morning a no oi
lier of Indians had arrived at Bonanza.
I'he town board held a meting and or
dered every business house iu towu
closed. The people of the community
fear that no loss the persons who pro
vided tho youths with whiskey are
punished to the full extent of the
law, harm of some kind will come to
tho towu from the infuriated Indiuus,
whoso reservation is near by.
Tho coroner sod deputy district at
torney are at lioininza making inves
tigate un. Frequently drunken Ind
ians are jailed there, and from else
where in tho county comes complaint
of their bad conduct becauso of drink.
The building adjoining the jail, oc
cupied by the county recorder and
justice of the peace, was also burned,
and valuable papers destroyed.
Merlin Items.
Mis. Win. Jordan is quite sick at
I'M T. Terry of Oalico Consolidated
Mines Company is in Merlin on busi
Powers and song Roy and
returned from l!luo river last
Two small bovs, aged 13 and
being imbued with the get-rich qnic
idea, stole a bicycle Saturday whi
had Ihm'U standing for some time iu
front of llarlh & Son's store. Various
attempts were made to sell the whee
at ttie second hand store but without
success, so the ttovs tried to tind
customer on the street They finally
offered the wheel for to the man
from whom they had stolen it. He of
course was not slow iu taking charge
of the wheel ami the boys were land
ed iu the jull. After a night K'hind
the liars the lsvs wen' severely repri
manded and sent home.
Order falling Cards for Christina
Oiftsearlv from tlie Courier
John Deveny sold his place on
Louse Crees lately to John Williams
of Applegate.
Milt Mason has ncvii quite sick
with pneumonia siuco Thanksigving,
but was better at last, reports.
Mr. Pierce of California, lately
purchased and moved onto the old
llrockiiian ranch on Yew Creek.
Preparations are being made for a
I'nion Christmas tree to be held at
the Itaptist church Christmas eve.
Interesting services wen' held at
the church Thanksgiving
evening, sermon hy Dr. I'slie of
Urauts Pass.
There will lie a local teachers' in
stitute held at Merlin school house
on lVeomlier U, An interesting pro
gram has been prepared.
Mr. Pethert preach d again Sunday
at tho M. K. church. The Methodists
of Menin and vicinity an (liinkinii
of pit it ion ing the prodding elder to
appoiut him as supply for this cir
cuit. VNlllievm Item.
J. T. Hartley started work on his
mine this week.
John Suilin nui.le a trip to Thomp
son creek Sumlay.
Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall,
November W, a girl.
Charlie Cowan made a trip to
tirants Pass last week.
Minnus Howell of tirants 1W
s(vut Sunday with his parents,
11. II. Siurliu and mm Prank made
a trip to tir nits Pass Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shearer of Steamboat,
were visiting on the crock last week.
Kd Smith of Cirauts Pus is out on
the creek tins week attending to his
lNrtAp Nm t to V"on Mrs. pollsis rit tia. romaiD.
M..M cc' ll.
220 Market St.. San Francisco, Cal ,
who ha: bora at
Ih for toio linn. '
MorfoiM Join.,
j woik nt (. i nil tit
h iv term1!, homo.
J Mt'wr. Ctlii. ami Johnson -f
, lVrtlaml atv on tin Civrk this wni
and nrv ii.ttmli:i to Urt work i n
: tlu' lout' i f lYmU'iuuu, mute iu ow
Blanch Ormonde tod ber chaperon, Mr.
Roma in, were travel ing down to
ioutliampton in order to apend the week
end on board Lord Mabon'e yacht Fairy,
.ywg off Ljee-.
Boon afier tne train bad paased Surbiton,
Blanche paper Ml on to her lap, and ber
tym became hied on vacancy.
"Thinking wiiica vi the three you will ae
sept, dear?" inquired Mr a. Kunuun, quietly.
A liftit tiuah tinurd the girl's delicate
xmipleiiun aa ahe replied: "How did you
"1 have been through the wood tnyaelf.
dear, and 1 know how perplexing it ia."
I'erplexint( ia no name for it," cried
Blanche. "1 wwb uu could help me."
"Hsivt-ii't you any preference? Don't you
care a little mure fur one than another?"
wked the old lady. "
"Not a bit. They are all aplendid fellows,
and equally eligible. In fact, I feel ume
Umea aa though I ehould like to be a fe
male kuKati, and marry them all."
"If you accept Sir Harry Kinnaird you will
obtain a title," ugtfcted Mrt. Ho mum,
'which ia evrtamly a consideration."
"Y , but he's to fearfully hfadatrong,
ou know."
"How about ('apt. Dilwyn, then? You
von'l lind a handbomvr man, nor a braver
joe, if you hunt all Knland through."
'Ye, Ihck a awfully good locking, isn't
te. ilut don t you think hv'a inclined to be
ealou? 1 couldn't stand a jcaloua huaband
it any price."
"Mr. Manby h an n't that fault, at any
ate, and I am aure he's very fond of you."
"I believe he ; but he'a to maaterlul,
titd fie alwaya aeenu to look upon me aa a
ittle child."
"It sterna to me," observed Mrs. Rimain,
'that if there was only one of them you
vouM take hi in and be thankful; but, aa it
a, you are suffering from em barms de
"IVrhae you're right," admitted
ilanclie. "tint I wish it could be settled one
vn or the other, for 1 can -aaaure you it'
cfting on my nerve."
"Y tu ttciy depend that you will have to
ctt!c t vvitrttlf," in id tfie old lady. And
lien, tvah a (-mile, nhe added: "You should
lrw its fit them."
"I'vi tried that," replied the girl, plain
iel "t'nl it was no use, for J had to do
I thite ti i t to be fair, and each tune it
anic a d'l.h.'itfiit one."
"Then, ically, I dnn't know what you are
O d'i, un!ef jou mhkc up your mind to ac
, ept the liit one who proposes."
"If I tliil I urn sure I should be orry after
r&n, w iicli ever one I had; hut 1 have a
rent iti'tnl to let them decide the matter
ieini ve "
do you mean, child?"
"Why, riipoe I was to fall overboard
ml hv'xv ui'h myitelf to choose the one
shu" " ' ive eiititigh to jump in alter me ;
ml pi; - n Lie?"
"J!u; ;.n U how net it would make you,
nil i. v uiil le sure to tnke your fringe out
f i n 1 1 . lt -i(le.. you miht f e drow ned."
"Oi' t -iinuld nuke that all right with a
ff I.L'it uinlerueatli. anil I am not a bad I
- i'm lift , ei'.lier, I think I'll do it." I
"M dear UlancSe," appealed Mrs. Uo
wine, "pray conquer--"
"Yes, that will remove the responsibility
mm my shoulders," decided Hlanche.
Ami, of fuurse, dear Mrs. Hoiiutin, 1 shall
ely ut)ii your honor not to betray me in
ny way."
Mrs. Komnin had chaperoned Hlanche Or
innde ever since the death of her lt ur-
ivn g piir tit three years pitviouhiy, niul
he km v that when once tfe yonrg l;nly
ad ta kt it tlie lot between het teelh in that
miiner rerncii'tranie was iieelis, and so,
'i:h a gt'iitle hut pathetic fig!i, he resigned
crM'lf to the intvitahle. In due course
'ley arrived nt Southampton and took the
oat tt Cower, where they found the yacht's
ig aw.ii'.mg for them.
It had 1 tee n proposed to weigS anchor the
oIlnM ing ir.n: hit: ifT h ltd pioct ed f-r a fail
mjii'l the u'f.i, hui I he aiui.-tt i!u;il -aim
hat -rc(iiMi precluded tlint !an Items,
.ollout-O1. M (t of I -t gi.etn u'Uil on shore,
ml lllanci.e pleaded tie riet-ity of writ
ig Mime important ieKers, and un coining
n deck when she had finished her cntre
pondeme, she found only tier three admir
ri, who were evidently awaiting pleas
re, ami Mrs. Koinnit'.. who was pietending
o riad, ii'nier the w -
T:na as ner o, pe tiiinty. A l;utli ;ttv
hat had lost i'.s va ,Al rdtd her nn imusc
or approaching tt.e open gangway. .A sud
len stretch, an etl.ul at recovery, a faint
cream, and Hlanche waa flouting u the
ihh tide.
Without a moment's hesitation, or stop
iing to mnt've any article of clothing, Kin
taird mimtdiately ji.niped after her, and
wing at the best of times an indifferent
(wunmt r, was oon vainly struggling to
aeep humwlf a hove water.
( apt. Dilwyu quickly took off his coat,
licked off his shoes, and then dived over
the side in a manner that showed he was
ijuitv at home in the treacherous element.
A few powerful stroke brought him
alongside his rival, and in an instant he per
ceived that it was all up with him unless he
was tendered immediate ftrmstanre.
A mnful ptieitmn to l-e placed in, with
the girl lie loved in tl'c one balance and his
old school friend in ti e otiier.
Heaven only knows how it would have
been settled, but jul4nen Kinnnrd decided
the matter hiuuclf by seizing the ctpUin
with the desperation and tenacity of gnp
that is only known to a man who has been
jown once and is on the point of sinking
lu the meantime Manby quietly descend
ed the accommodation ladder, rteped into
the dingy wtnch wa alongside, and caUng
off tlie p.tiu;cr, commtncd ft uthrg alter
the rapi.'.ly ditappeanng yourg lady.
Hav'..g asifcttd her m over the jiiern. he
was ftl'U to turn his attention to the others,
and a just in time to prevent them al
lowing more salt aater than auuld have
tteen altogether bene tic lal for thair conoti
Utioiva. "t)h. my dear!" eiclaimed Mrs. Komain,
when the ladies were once more safe in the
seclusion of their cabin, "how magiuticentl)
his lordship plunged in after you! Wasn't
it nohle of him? lf course, you will dvddc
upn him now ?"
"tf our"-e I shall not," replied Hlanche.
' Do you li.iuk I in going to marry a nun
who ha i.ot ninne enough to look tforc he
"Then I ni Tou wdl acixpt the cai-
tain? H it had not Uen
"So, indeed!" mterupted the young lady
"I daresav it wui very na:ural and all that,
but still, hr preferred his friend to me.aiid,
besides er to teil you ttie truth - er--Ufk
avked m w .en l c waa helping me into the
boat, and I pi . min-d to marry hun. Ally
Sloper s Half Hobday.
The manic department of the Wom
an ? ClQD Will IfltrCl M lllU nuuio w
Mrs. fL (1. KiiiDcy. Friday, DwmH
11, subject "Chrihtui.'W Maaio." All
merabors are rwiorftt'd to be present
promptly at 3 :30 o'clock.
llio needlework (Vptutmeiit of the
woman's club will iu.'ft at the resi
dence of D.Fry ou December 7.
at 2 o'clock P. M. A full attend
ance in dtifaired.
Mra. J. D. Fry, Sup' t.
Tlio rrgulsr niiwtinK of the Worn-
. . -11 t. I.. .1.1
su 6 ijluu ol urauts rass win do "
iu the juirlorg of tho I'rtsbyteriau
cliurch bt 2 :80 o'clotk p. irj. of De
cember 5, i'Mi.
A meeting of thu executive board is
called for 2 o'clock of the sime date.
Jennie H. Deniaon, Soeretary.
Literavry Department.
The Literary DepnrtmPUt of the
Woman's Club will (file their nnuinr
annual program ou the evening of
December 4, l'.K):i, ot the Woodman
hall. The following l.rognuu will le
Prixe Fight at Jacksonville.
In the boxing contest at Jackson
Friday night, Ja.k Gaunou knocked
ville oot Jack Bennett in one and
three-quarter minutes.
The affair is described as a lively
bout between the men, while it last
ed. Gannon knocked .Bennett own
three times, the last and knockout
blow being in the neck.
The preliminary contest between
Otis King, of Ashland, and Kid
Murt.hy, of Grauts Pass, was a spirit
ed affair and excited the admiration
,.f ti, dvnte of the pugilistic art
in Hm fourth round. It
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United b tales Land Uflire,
ltageburg, Oregon, Nov. 2.S, 1903.'
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the set of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
set (or tho ssli of timber lands in I In)
States of California, Oregnn, Nevada,
snd Washington Territorv," as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4. 1RH2,
of Jackson county. State ol Oregon, snd
a resident of the lon of Gnhl httl, of
said state, hss ibis day filed in this
office his sworn sttemnt No 5WI6. for
the purchase of the Sls N WtNJi SWi,4"
of Section No. 30 in Township No. i5
South, range No. 44 V ., W. M., snd will
. .Mrs. Roy Wilson
Mrs. Heiiieuway
Miss Parker
Prof. II. S. Howe
given :
Piano Solo. .
Vocal Solo .
Members of tho Womau's Club will
not be admitted free unless they present
their membership cards at the door,
hose not belonging to the club will be
admitted by paying the admission
fee of 2.) cents.
This leetnro is not to bo entirely for
the benefit of club members, but it is
desired that every one Bhould attend,
Harriet M. Silsby, Sec'y.
gave It up, the Ashland boy being
too much for him. ,
A Timely Suggtion.
This is the season of the year when
the prudent and careful liousewne
replenishes her supply of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. Jt is cenain
to bo needed befnre the winters is
over, and results ore much more
prompt and satisfactory when it is kept
at hatid and given as soon as the: cold
contracted and before it has become
settled iu the system, there is no
lunger iu giving it to children, for it
contains no hurmrul snnspuice. n i
pleasant to take both adults and
hildreii like it. It always cures.
For sale by all druegists. Settle.
The Fair Store accounts of D. Fred
erick have been placed in tho hands
of B. A. Williams for colli ction. All
persons owing liim are requested to
call and settle.
Wall Papers immense
lowest prices Thomas'.
Pmr Rfumly. "Pittsburg is laboring
undrr hravy tire inurnn ri(Mir in t lie
downtown diftrirt." remarked Mr. Iu
kan. "Now u lomrlhihtf." added Mr.
liwwell, "to v!tii-h the Mater eure b.iould
b applied."-- I'nuburi t'tmmiclv-Trle-
j rronr ova melectlonl to everr tab-
Kribr. Ootjr Su cents a jnar.
aar sf a w i't
rfc . kjrwi4 Sintt, Saivuk, ate Sub- 5i
tvtib Ut. or, ornal Jf lor lairst copy. &
.'f (ct-rui.D Pspcr Pattcrmt.
gpav BAZAR.
$ tN MsifisahWtm.)
Aak tW ttWfa - tai tm mivj mj
SsW IVM, M fJUul (rvss
J ISS-U IN ft Ulh St, iMVftit
Mill Reel, Superintendent of Indian
Schools, Tlilnka Red m en flhoold
T1U Their Own Ind.
Miss Ksctelle Keel, superintendent
of Indian schools, tuken tlie position
In her annual report that, uk tJie In
dlnn owns his own land, he should b
tauL'ht to do his own farming, in pref
erence to his old-time custom of rent
in to his industrious hi te iifighlior?,
and living jn id!eiu-s. 'i his idea in
stilled into the red man be a loi.if
step towarrl actual r.-forin. Attention
is called o the fart that the tirtt 'v
ernmont appripriai!in in Ihl'J wua but
$10,000, while tiuriiif; th !nt jar the
sum of $.';.2M,2.iO Man t;ieiided for In
diaii sehuoi.s, and the U at iminbtruf
pupils enrolled was n e :i r ! '(!(.
A pralifyin fratnii of IiitKnii edu
cation as indicated bv tlie rtprt, i;
the rapid growth if iiulustrial train
in nietliods in the Indian schools.
Practical indust rial traininp, with
elementary literary studies applica
ble to industrial work, fchnu'd make
the Indian a useful citizen, and this U
the aim of the Indian prhool service
under its present mana,( nient. Speak
in of agriculture. Miss Keel nys:
"No occupation will n soon dipf R
sss the Indian nf his nonia;:ic instincts
and fix upon him permanenry of habi
tation as agriculture. Tilling of the
soil will necessarily obliire him tore-
main in one spot, and the performin
of certain duties nt proper times r.f
the year will instill inui him the ne
cessity for systematic work and f
ffivinir attention to details. To make
any real process the fndian must have
a home wherein will renter all hi;
interests, hopes and ambitions, at :
a home on a farm will best fill tin f
requirements. As th-re is no fl M if
which he can so readily contribute t
his own support, he should not nn'v 1 :
enc(uratred. but urifed, to cense bn-
inp his al'otment. to cultivate mire
acres, raise better crops, and live the
thrifty imb p nile-t life that falls to
the lot of tillers of the soil."
? i Attti nrrwil in HIIOW IIIMI ' ll ISI1U PnilUht
was not a knockoat, Horpnj sim - . , ., , ilf;timber . r sun .
than for nrii utt ural purpwes. and to
eKialilisli li is c laim to said land before
Clisrlef ISlrkcil, U. 8. Coinniifi-ioiier a
Medfnrd. Urrgun, on Kstttrday, the tilti
day ot February, 1904. 11a names aa
witneni'eB :
tieotg McClellan, Fred. MrClelian,
William Cliililerc, John K. ail t
Gold Hill, Oicaoi),
Any snd all p"r.-ons clainiiniradversH
ly th ahove-di-fi-ribed lands are requeue
ed to file theii claims in this olhveon nr
before aid (Jits dav of Fehruaiy, HI04.
J. T.Bkiuukb, li-iBter.
A thtee and one-quarter (3)
Stttdehaker Wagon in splendid or
der for a good hack or light spring
Galice, Oregon.
Depsrttneiit of the Inierinr,
United S ales Land Udiee.
Koseharii, Oregon, Nov 3-), l!)ii3.
A biitficient conleat sffldavii havui((
been Sled in this ollice by John
Kadi'S, contestant, anainpt liouii stead
entry No 10.MI, made December 12,
I'M for E'i" NW'j, .NK.U'SW, Bei tion
3Townhlp 33 hiulli, Uaiise ttWeni
by Charles A. Hill, tonieatee, in whi h
it ia alleged that Cliurlea A. Hill ha
abandoned said laud for more than six
months lant past, said parlies are hereby
notified to appear, respond and oUVr evi
dence touching said alienation at 10
o'clock a. m., on February 13, 1904. be
fore K. L,. Bartlett, County Clerk
Uranta l'ass, UrK'i, snd that final
hearing will be be'il at 10 o'clock a. in.,
on February 'Si, 1IWI, bi-lore the Kt-uin
ter and Iteceiver at the Cuited (Mates
Lund Ollice in Koaehuru, Oieaou.
The saiu contextaiit having, 111 a pro
per alhdatit, filed November 30, 1W)3,
ret lilh lacta which fl.ow that afier due
diligence petsonal seivice oi this notire
csn not be made, ti ia h-rebi oidnrnl
.mil iliit fled that such noiicebe ttivtu
h one and prnpi r puhlii a ion.
J. II llooni, Kneivir
Is to many a disagreeable task after the Holiday trade
is fairly under way. The stores are then crowded, assort
ments hroken, and a satisfactory inspection of goods is im
possible. You want what you give to be acceptable, and you
like, also, to feel satisfied with what you buy.
Why not BEGIN NOW ? We have just received the
here, and the prices are very low.
Aik to see the latest in perfumes, DABROOKS LO
HDAHDKUS Man und wifo or two
ladies citn find good bottrd and
rooms, n: uew cottage North Fourth
strict. Mrs. (.'. (.'nullicld.
GDOMtahln hoard
St. I.oui-i House,
J St recti.
mid room for 4.
Cor. Kighlli and
TWO unfurnished rooms or furnish
ed bedroom let singly if desired.
Terms modcrnto. Apply to Mrs, K.
Harrison, Second street, Mrs. Stuarts
I - AT : M
and revolving
-Courier ollice.
chaic for sale cheap-
l.V) tons lulled alfalfa liny. Hr. C
It. Kay, Tolo, Oregon.
LAW MKKAKY of over 1(H) volumes
for sale at ot) cents 011 the doliar.
liiquire at this othce.
l.'AKM Ki'U f.M.K -two miles from Mer
lin, nn lu res at om n. res of piml
tiottoin I11111I, '.V acres in cultivation, small
house and harn and a'.oul . acres under
fe ice, halaiue ot laud suiiai-le lor orchnrd
or pa-.ture. Kor turilier .arti'iilars ad-iire--s
W. M. t'rvw. Merlin, (.iri'ifon.
They aro f;oin like hot cakes. Tho low prices
do tho work. Wo have a larc stock to select from,
but some of our lines arc already sold out.
li:) Acre fruit anl -tot k rHtich.iti, niile
t-U'Hreil' loin unhni!. lair buil'imtfi, xm,
fruit soil, plenty nf water und titular ntt '
the I t uiitMde tv-k rttne iu Jo-cjilniie
t 'utility. I'ru' $7 tju ter a ie, part rsh.
Atlares Mm. A. II . t 'hevitnure, Mttlturd,
At'HK ranch. j,-ihv! orune and
nllle oichard. small fruits In
ahumlunre; water for irjiiralion, Wside
oriiors on every 4il acres: center of a kh1
raii-e country;' two lUailiii). houses, tut
barn, every tiling coniplele, well shellercd
rout frusts, i:ihh1 iiiiniui; marWets. me
half mile north 01 Tunnel ii, price $i',.'ii. 1
Inquire at tins oitice.
Kl'KXIU'KK rlenneil and reimired. .
iq l.olsti ring done, cars ls t.ikeu
D, cli ancd and reliid. Mattresses
r. nov:iti d. houselu Id gianls lacked
for slii Hii'Mt. Aplv to J. B.
Kb rle Kcsidcncc Sith St.
TKl'STWOKTH Y lady or geutlemaTi
to manage business in this countv
and adjt iniog territory tor house
of solid financial sianding. t.MtiO
airaight ca.-li sjilary and ein nses
paid null Moinby dirvt fnm
lieadinartar. Kipiuse money ad
tauced: position rniaai nt. ' Ad
dre Manager, t'i.' Motion Pldg.,
Has the Fiuest Stock of
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Ever Brought to Grants Pass, Ore.
Wc have the finest line of Solid Gold, Haiti and Set Ring.
Diamond RinK$, Silver Novelties, Rotlgers' 1747 Plated Silver
ware; a fine selection of Gents' Chains, Ladles' New Style
Chains, Ladies' Lockets, Urooches and Bracelets.
Every one is cordially invited to call and see Goods and get
Prices, as Our Stock for the Holidays is fine nnd complete,
We also have on the road one of the New Era Engraving
Machines. This Machine will be here in a few days, and we
will be prepared to do all kinds of Engraving.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
. f T Aw
Tone iLXJUVC Dromo Uinine Tablets. J5 nJs
Seven Million boxes 10W In past 1 2 months. ThlS Siinalare. SfJYT
Ores Grip
h Two Day,
or. every
trmn box. 25c