Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 26, 1903, Image 2

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You Can Save Money on
1 and Fork for
S iraddock s B
Fishing Tackle, Ingcrcoll Watches
Electric Pocket Lights
We Repair anything from an Umbrella to an Auto
mobile. Do lathe work. All kinds of grinding and
sharpening, gum saws, and guarantee not to change
the temper.
Grants Pass, Oreg'on . 1
The Photo Supply House
Has too large a stock and it must be reduced
This will be done first by
Closing Out All Second-Hand Cameras
At Startling Figures.
These Cameras are all in good condition and are warranted to take good pictures.
$1 00 Brownies for 7."c
2 00 Rrownies for 1 HO
5 00 Flexo Cameras for 4 25
G 00 Seroco for 3 75
8 00 Bullseyo for 7 00
10 00 Bullet for S 00
10 00 for 1 75'
14 00 Century for 11 00
20 00 Kastman Mate for lii 00
12 00 Imperial for 8 00
I have an immense stock of Mounts that must be reduced at 10 per cent discount
by the 100. Fifteen styles of 4x5 .Mounts, all of them good stock. Alliums in great va
riety, also Mounting Paper and Uonrds for 5c to 25c.
Have you seen the Film Pack Adapter that enables you to load your plate-holder
in daylight with one dozen films in 4 seconds?
Twenty five Photo Books on various subjects for 10c to $1.50.
Rims and Photo Paper Fresh Each WeeK
A. E. Voorhies
(Josephine l,odge, Mo. 112, A. O. V. W.
r""" ... ....... i.. & il I! i' I. ..ii 1.: i
uivc.n ill n. V. li. , . linil, i;AUI UUUU-
ing every Monday evening.
K. W. Himiiikrtii, M. W.
11. A. Stahaku, Hecordur.
i Wit t';
Judge J. o. Ittioth
Commissioners L iou." w,e""
H . F. l.ovelare
Clerk It. L. Hartlett
Deputy Clerk T. P. Judson
Sherill Geo. W' I.ewi
IMputy Sheritt Ernest 1. later
Treasurer J. T. Tylor
fchool Supt Lincoln ravage
Assessor y. ji. rallin
Surveyor ; ...H. C.Perkins
Coroner W. K. Kreiuer
Myor J. F. Kashor
auuilorand I'olieeJudge J. J. Jennings
Treasurer Col. W. luhnw.n
City Attorney M. M. Kumiuell
Marshal John Ixxahardt
Mreel Supt. Henry Knuiseu
louni'iiinen tieo. H. limns
J. 1.. Calvert, J. A. liehkopf, Will C.
Smith, Herbert Smith, II. C. Perkins,
Granta Pass I .edge A. F. A A. M., No. 84.
regular coiuiiiunioation lirst and third
Saturdays. Visiliug brothers etmlially
invite.1. It. W. Uuius W. il.
A. J. Pike, See'y.
Uoyal Ari'h Musoiui -liesmes Chapter No.
at meets second and fourth Wednesday
Masonic hall. II. C. Hobzhk,
J. E. Pariasoii, Secy. 11. P.
Eastern tStar Josephine Chapter. No. 'Hi
meets lirst and third Wednc.-day
evenings of each month in Masonic
hall. Mrs. A. 11. Corn kll, W. M.
.Mas H. Zqllkb, Sec'y.
I. O. 0. ., Uolden Rule Uxlga No. 78,
meeus every eatunlny night at I. O. O.
lHll. A. If. I.KWU,
T. . Diah, Secy. N. O.
Visiting brothers invited.
Paran Encampment I. O. O. F. No.
meets second and fourtli Thursday at
I. (. t. F. hall, Fhku Si imiiiT,
T. Y. UKAK.fcec'y. C. P.
Uelwkahs Etna Kelwknh, No. 4tl, meets
second and lourtn Monday, 1. U. O. F.
hall. Kuui Ukskn. N. O.
M. Jinkie Dams, Sey.
I'nited Artisans (Jrnnls Pass Assembly
io. meets alternate ruesuavs in
A.O. II. W. nail. Mas. K. A.Ukikhtii,
Frhi Mksm h, Master Artisan,
WoiHlmen of the World Rogue Kiver
i amp r.o. M, meets second and lourlh
Fridays at Woodman Hall.
F. K. Corok, C. C.
C. E. Maybi, Clerk.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
1SV, meets tirst and third Mondays at
Woodmen hall.
(Ilk.n Patrick, U. N.
V. E. Dkak, Clerk.
Modern Woodmen of America (1 rants Pass
t amp No. mm; meets 2nd ami 4 1 It Wednes
day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7 :'M.
IkeM. Havis, V. C.
W. T. Collider, Clerk.
Foresters ol America Court Josephine
in i-...i i V
.-, uiui'u, rm ii niuesiinv eAcepi
the lirst, at A. (). LI. W. hall.
U. N. Hoit, F.S. J. P. Ham, 0. R.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, 1. of 11.. A. O.
u. v meeta every alternate luesday
evening in A. O. I'. W. hall, Dimn
building. Mas. A. .McCartuy, Col II,
jMrhM.yuia Han, Recorder.
Knights of the Maccabees (Irants Puss
lent, No. IJ meets first and third
Thursdays at Woodmen hall,
Win. Allred, It. P. Chrsiiiiik,
Record Keeper. Commander.
III Title to Swamp Lands In Res
The statu of Ormron lost ira eontest;
over iwamii lauds on tliu Klaath In-
diiui rcsorvatiou Unit 1ms bocn allotted
to Indians, the acting comuiiasioucr
of tlio laud oflioe. in a decision rend
ered ou tlio liUli, havlug held that
tlio tit.o of the Iudiaus is prior and
uirior to that of the state.
The ouVt't of the commissioner's
decisiou is to iuvalidate tlio state's
title to about 5.".000 acre of swauin
lauds williiii tlio reservation that have
horutoforo boon allotted.
Ladies of the Maccabees (irants Pass,
liife No l holds regular "Reviews"
lirst and third Tharsdays at A. . I'.
W. hall. Visiting sisters cordially
invited. Jennie Cheshire,
Mary Simmons, Lady Commander.
Record Kecier.
Knights of Pythias Thermopylae No. ,
iiufta n.i li Tim.,.!,.., ..i..l. T -'III VI' ll
W. II all. . M. T. t llev, C. C.
Tor Williars, K. of It, ami S.
Urand Army of the Republic (leu. Logan
rosi no. ,ki, meets nrst e.lnesdav at
A.O. U. W. hail. U. S, Evans.
J. E. PsritRsoM, Adjt. Com
Woman's Relief Corps- -General Logan No
mc-is aii miu i, ii nuiiiroitys ai it
in at A. O. C. W. hall.
Mrs. Rose Weidnian, Pres.
Mrs. T. II. Cornell, Secy.
American Order of Steam Hngineers, Ore
gon council r.o. i, meets lirst and
third Saturdays, at A.O. II. W. hall.
IttBJ. F. Mykii K, ( hlel Engineer
. iuresoiiuii)g engineer.
Order of Pernio White Rock Council No.
Ion. meets in Woodmen Hall Saturday
C. E, Mayiik, Secretary.
J. L. lh'Miso, Counselor.
I'niied Rrotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners of America t nion No. lltn
cm Ii mouth at A.O. V. W. Hall,
noreis Hecoiul and fourth Iriiiays of
A. J. Pikis, pies,
I). A. FiT.orHAi.ii, Sec'y,
Rojnl Nei hlHirs of Aincru a - Kii;Ii C,
Slipe ( amp o. :l(l cts M and ,'lrd
Fridays at A. O. C. W. hall
M.Jennie I'avis, Oracle.
Henrietta oiler, Recorder.
ahd Union pacific
Tliroiifh Pullman standard and
Tourist ehcpliii' ear daily txi OmuLii.
hie-ago, SiHikane; tourist slci pinj; cars
iluily tj Kiiiisuh City; through l'ullman
touril hlciipiiig cars (iiersonallv con
ilu:tsj weekly to Chicago, Kuiishm
City, rcclliiiiiK chair uim s Im-uU fn-ei
to the Kait daily.
roil I'rom 1'ortlaiifl , ruim
fliJeaao .iiTt'LaktC Iti-nvfr. Ft
ortland Worth, Omaha, i i. in.
(Special i Kansas Cily, Kl.
i 'JPa. in., liui. ChicaLfn mid
via Hunt Kut.
. illK'"'1'! J
Atlantic Salt Ijike. IVnver-"
Kipre-H I t. Worth (luiaha
1:15 Ii. m.' Kansan City, hl-10;
via Hunt Ixuih. Chicauo
int-Vin.' and Kn-t. i
St. i'aul WalU WalliTTewoT '
l ast .Mail tun, Knokiiii". Wal
U p. ru, j lai e. l'ullniuii. Mm T.-'l.') a. in.
via I m-aisiils, St. I'aulJ
Spokane-. Iiiluth.Miluauki-i-j
I l hlcagf) and h.ast.
to nouns
No ('it or Caks !
Ticket east via all rail, or arid
rail via Portland.
Ocean and River ScliciJulo
All Hailinir date4 riuh
H p. ru )s:t to change. -4
ror Kan Kraiici-'-f- -'
Hail every tivo days.
p. m.
ria!fve 1
buudavCOLL MUIA RIVKIt 4 n m
H D. W. ! I.' t
Katurday To Astoria and Way Sunday
p. in. inarming. i
A. L. CIUIO, (en. I'saa Aut.
l'ortlaiid, (Jtvu'ia,
ftoetal Clab at Tale la WHleh All
liaibfn HuMt Hare Bin
Vadr Arrest.
The annunl hnuoncta of what is
known aa the Criminal club, of Vale
university, are to he revived this year,
after having lnpsed Into desuetude for
a considerable time. The announce
ment ha revealed to lnunv the cist-
ence of perhaps the most peculiar kO-
clal organi.ation in existence in the
eotlegiate world. According to the
New York Sun, membership has never
been based on the social or nunuciiil
status of the students taken, nor have
men been taken Into the fold beroute
of their prominence in the world of
athletics, literature or debating. The
one requirement haa been that tl e
proselyte shall have been arretted and
taken into the toils of the law, wheth
er guilty or Innocent of the, olTcnje
with which he stood charged. Ofien
to secure membership In this exclu
sive, yet thoroughly Aemnrrntlc club,
students have t dilated the Inw and
then calmly avtuitcd the coming of the
police, as usiinl nonpresent nt the time,
and permitted themselves to be tnkrn
Into custody. More often the inen have
been cought- red-handed, without be-
Injr able to escape the blueconts. From
year to year the club has Increased
In numerical at rcngth, this depending
wholly on the law-breaking procliv
ities of the undcrgraditnte in college at
the time. At present the club num
bers 100 members.
The annual banquets have long
held a prominent place In undergrad
uate life. Where and when these
feasts are held is never known to
the uninitiated until long afterward.
Usually, however, they are given In
the grillroom of some student cafe
In New Ilnven, or at a hotel at tome
of the nearby shore resorts. The
men ascrn blc liu'lx iilually, and never
in conspicuous throngs. Every ef
fort is made to nvohl publicity. The
dinners or banquets begin nt night,
and end in the "wee sum' " hours. The
men are ranged about the fcslhe
board in the order of their criminality
that is, they sit near or far from
the head of the table na the ci imcs f..r
which they were arrested were gn at
or small. I'sually. although the rule
is often violated, the man who hus
done the most during crime, given the
cops the greatest battle, or who has
Incurred the greatest punishment,
heads the table and acts as tostmas
(er. Toas'ta of the following kind arc
responded to: "Policemen 1 llae
Met," "How to Slenl Signs and Es
cape, by One Who Didn't. (Tie Re
ligious Aspect of Criminality," by V.
M. C. A. member; "How 1 Failed to
Distance a Cop In a Handicap," by a
niebmer of the truck team, and so on.
by representatives of the different
spheres of activity represented. The
menu is usually made out with a black
and white stripe effect, while hand
cuffs, dark lanterns and policemen's
clubs Intermingled adorn the top and
bottom of the menu card. I'sually a
selected nuinlwr of dirges are ren
dered by the university flee ami bnuo
club members, who, the oi her Criminal
club members say. de.erve honorary
membership for murdering music the
way they do, if for no other reason.
Inn M orient a frnm thm 1 alted ll0
Tak ( onrif Hi thm Kaallah
I'al v ratty,
Th tnw Ann ri( nut nr imwlo
b fmiml nt Oxford and ( ninlri1t Hrt
of two rlnMt'a, it4i) tliu Lii-hi Sn nk
r. Tlicrti fire ihv of i U h mm nt
fOtl hj A UH'IU or ll UK Arii(l fi'Tlli of
AiiKl'Thunln, wli are cftin more
Liih tlinn llis AnitTirnn timlt rrfi'ltmit
thumifh '1 In t I ir v iiori'!, for
llivy will not Mimt to ticij-ntf in
Mr. IthoiUV icIit iiiM. Ttiv nrronil rhtMi,
and It it a very nut. 11 mil , of
Hi 4 aoiit of KiiKHth Itoru jmri-nti kIio
hav irttl( In Amt'rirn, l.nt wiilt to
iiiatntriiik Knli-h trntliltnin. TIk
nnn thvnirttlvef, poikitiljr !o not, Imt
I liellf-r tlint rnmljr nil ti.v nvw irliol
nrhi)ii will nt ti Anit rlt hiiu thv trmli
liom ut w)i"i6 fftinilUi um Iniyvt)
I hnv nver lii-nrc) at a ur l.rc l
Amurkan who enm to Oxford orCuin
hd(!7 murtjly lriimj thought, or
hi pnriit4 thnulii, thitt K could yt-t
a hvtftr csitirntlon nt iuiii'ift)
tlfa thnn lie could t M .orn. And
I litlievi) that tlit- jjurr-l.itd Ainrrti nn
witli no Kritf li h n t o ( 1 -ind h ho would
coin t Ox ford for hi. i!in-, n ud
thrn it' lnrk to li in r- whit), will
l aa rnr wlirn Mr lih.,i!ti' tcl,tn.f
roinva into uV-t i hr m.w. Ilnl,
In any rue, the i Milt w ill It; ti.e ti u e,
for, whntwr tlirir f ft t h i iuiy !-.
Ainrrirjiu im t 1''' ati,-i,U hi'
aa Aiut-rican as an)li"dv, nil tin ) nrt
not likrlj to forrtjt their imllounlily
whtjn iht-y find thiuwli nt Ox
ford. You. will hu, thrn. In Oifi.rd, u
hundrtjfl yoimjr Ain-rl i . ittry tttu in
tlifir nntloimhtj, yryuf, thnt 1 in
tM-iiiff (in lib; th i.IIht )'Uiitf turn
who now, to lift; ll jdirnn-, owti thf
pine. Tlit j will lii i ii with tht in
i'f i-a a of whnt uiiivr-r-ii v life lioiilil t i
like, drawn from tludr knowlnV- f
what uniiitv I i f i in tht- I rhtil
Hiat-i. mil) I v wry yood tit.
but tn a il f,.,i ,r thf idt-aa of Ox
ford. V j i . - r t 'inn will form thriii
iKti Int n y n r 1 will try to
push thoif ii!i'iiK, niid tht) will not do
it very (iiift!v. for tlio ntv th w i
of jouiiir Au,-rifiTii 'Ih mi-n win.
own th p!u wlil rrgiit thi in. rry
taiiarii .i I nt flikt.nnd with linmfn
t-torn an'1 !l!ikf. And thvn will
prohnhU I a (irnl of troul.i,-.
which will hsii'l th iifwroii,,.it jtiu
mure clon-lv tojf..thi-r, I I.
licv thnt thr Ann-Mean i-!ra of what
a VhorouifV) npt"duir tinhtriitj
hoiild be I'l "ortally will mnka wrv,
and Oxford will to aom attcot b
County Traaaurer'a Notice.
Th r nn- funda iu tbo trt-KMary to
pay all wurmnta prott d to H pt.
Utt 1W. IiiUn-a: will coumi fioiu
tlit dad'. M. If.tb, lHj;t,
J, T. TAYLOil.
They Are in th Wexiersi of the
Lake, However.
The lnko watura of Klamath teem
with countless numbers of small fish
locally considered of the chnb family,
and of tlicso tltero aro many, but tbere
aro also groat schools of tiny fish that
lack the coarse scales and numerous
bones of tho chub, au d they are said
to bn a species of tlio pilchard or
fresh water sardine. Ml niicw Srriug,
one of the I'umcroos springs along
Modoo l'oint, contains them at nearly
all times of tlio year, and it Is there
that tho Indians go for a delicacy in
fish diet. It is iu Kl aruuth that may
some time bu started au industry for
putting on the market a very good
quality of American sardines.
Beit Liniment on Earth.
Henry D. Baldwin. Sunt. Citv
Water Works, Sliullsburg. Wis..
writes: "I have tried mauy kinds of
iniment, but have nevor received
niucli benefit until I used Ballard's
Snow Liniment for rbonmatiKiu aim
Iaills. I tllillk it the, best, liniment
on earth." 2oc, 60e, $1.00. For salo
by Kotermnn d and Rlover Drug Co.
McGrew Hlght.
Last Snnday. Miss Rosa Itirbt nf
Smith Kiver and Mr. Jas. McGrew of
this city woro nuited iu marringe,
Kev. . u. Spanii officiating. The
Brido is a (laughter of Mrs. Jaa
Hight of Smith Kiver Valley, and
is n general favor itein that section.
Mr. MoUrow has been a resident of
this city durina the past thmo nun
and is favorably know hereabouts.
Tim young couplo left immediately
after tho ceremony, for Southern
Oregon, where they will spend the
oueymoon. Del Norte Record.
Health is impossible, if constipa
tion be present. Bach ft deDlorabla
condition is unnecessary. There ll
care for It. Herbine will speedily
remdy matters. 0. A. Lindsay, P.
M., Bronson, Fla., writes, Feb, 13,
1008': "Having tried Herbine, I find
i t a fino modicine for constinatinn.
50 cents bottlo. Sold by S lover Drna-
Co, and Rotermnnd.
Hentv Bool(s
For Boys
SO Cents
Also a large line of
other paper bound books
at low prices.
Col. W. Johnson,
Main st.
near Sugar Pine Factory.
The Weekly Oregonian and the
Cot'Kis-H both tor one year lor $2 in ad-
A familiar name for the Chicago. Mil.
raukeeA St. Paul Railwsv. knowa all
over the Union aa the Great Railway
running the "Pioneer Limited" trains
every day and night between 8t. Paul
and Chicaiio, and Omaha and Chicago.
The only perfect trains in the world.
Understand: Connections are made
with All Transcontinental Lines, assor
Ing to passengers the best service known.
Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam
heat, of a verity equalled by no other
Fee that your ticket reads Ia"The
Milwaukee" when going to any point in
the United Plates or Canada. All tick'
et agonts sell them.
For rates, psmphleti or other inloi
nation, address,
J.W.Caskt, O.J.Kdoy,
Trav. Pass. Agt. General Agent, .
Bkattli, Wash. Pobtland, Or i
to (faints l'ass, Oregon,
M F..A4Ul
" i ri i ji 1
9 ?
7 7
1 t0 ;
1 " j ,' f
,a - i ,
! 14 t ;
- 1 L
Is iu Die northern part of the
city, alaiut one blwk north of the
new brick I'ulilio School Illdg.,
i ."..-I oincnui aim ixinm
flt reeta.
1 he Iota in this addition nr.. e.pecially adapted lor ronidence purpo aa
they an. very large, union rolling ground and higher than the citynprouer.
h"u 1H ',',v y '"'" "Kin remarkably low prices,
11 will pay ou;to Investigate their proKitioii before buying elsewhere
SeoW. L. IKKMM) or II. V.MEADK for particular.
Ha U) GUY E. GANO, Manager.
i iitvv . " r. '
, i "
b a WIFE
v IV, w M
WW 1
Spticial Scenery, .
licautiful Costumes,
Funny Comedians,
New Songs and Dances
Mirth, Music and Trctty Girls
It is to Laugh
it ,
f-1 4-.''c. ia k
r t
" v" . . tS
Prices, 50c and 75c
Treasurer of Josephine Cn , Ore,