1 VOL. XIX. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 36, 1903. No. 35. EXTRA SESSION CALLEdIsAVED TRAIN FROM WRECK' DEMANDED EVERYWHERE 2Tf32S The R AND CONFECTIONERY PARLORS I MISS ETHEL JOHNSON, Propr. Brown Bread and Boston Baked Beans I every Saturday. jj j Ham and Egns. Oysters in any .style. j J Delicious Coffee at all Hours. 1 Ice Cream every day; orders promptly de a livtred. 2 Tot Tomales. New Caiviies, Candy Boxes, jj I LUNCHES SERVED AT ALL HOURS r 6th St. next to Coc. i osing Out Sale.. OF Children's, Boys', Having determined to go out of trade in these lines. I am offering my entire stock of Children's, Boys' aud Youths Suits at cost, and shall continue this special sale until these lines are closed out. At the same time I will close out all MEN'S and BOYS' MACKINTOSHES utcost This is your chance to get a good Rain Coat Cheap. F. FETSCH. 1 gs The Massachusetts J Mutual Life Insurance Co, I Springfield, Mass. Incorporated 1831. Pays Auuual Dividends, Guarantees Loans. Cash and Paid up values, and writes policies more in the interest of policy holders than any other company. See our agent if seeking insurance. PACIFIC COAST DEPARTMENT II. (1. COLTOX. Man.uskb W. F. HORX. Aijknt. 310 311 Chamber of Commerce, Grants l'ass, Portland Oregon AT BON TON Fon BREAD FOUR DOORS WEST PALACE HOTEL Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co! lAII I P CAIMTAI, STOCK TranartH General liiuikiiiK ItiiMntv. Receives deposit;" .sul.jet t to chccL or on ileuianl certilirates. Our rustiuneis are a-.irr1 of murttMni-s treatment and every rmMrattun con sistent with Niiund iiankin; pnni'iiue-i. bafetjr deposit tvoxM fur rent. J. KKANK WATSON, Pres. I!. A. ltoOTU, Vice -Pres. L. L. JKWKIX, Cashier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN ORKGON. CAI'ITA!, STOCK, - - SBO.OOOOO Iteceive deposits subject to dieikornn ecrtilicate j avalilc on demand. r-dl sight ural'ls on New York Hn Kranci-co. ana Port. and. Telegraphic transfers sold on all points in the I'nited .laie. Special Attention turn to Collections and general bu-inr uf our riltnmers. Collections made throughout .Southern Oregon, and on ail ac, -e.iiiiile points. 1!. A. l'.'xiTII. Pres. J.i'. CAM I'KKI.I.. Vice. Pres. It. I.. (itl.KKY. i'j.birr MA RULE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. I'API'OCK, I'Hor-a. I am prenrred to furnish anything in the line ol Cemetery work in any kind of MARBLE or GRANITE. Nearly thirty yars of experience in the Marble business warrant my laying that "l can till your orders in the very bent manner. Can furnish work in Scutch, Swede or American Granite or any kind of J. B. PADDOCK, Front Dtrrei, Neit to Greene's Gor.shop. L, R WEfJSTER, I'ksmi.k.nt. The Southern Oregon Title Guaranty & Abstract Company GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 693 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE CERTIFICATES OF TITLE XI t lex KxiiiiiIimmI, Iti-U'I, Ounranlci-d. A. S. HAMMOND, Arroaxcv. asebud Bakery Youths Suits THE W. 15. HAMMOND, te sitaky. FOR 4 AND AT AND SEE Grants Pass, Mil Legislature W.ll Convene Decern ber 21. A special session of the Oregon Lcglainre will convene in Salem at 10 Ylook A. M. Monday, December 21. TI10 session vas railed in a piOcliimulion issued by Governor Chamberlain Saturday u.orniug. The purjHisi! of the sessiou Id to correct tho defect in the tax law arising from the amendments made by tit 0 jwssage of tho Pheliw bill lust winter.- Tho law as it stands now, does not author ize a tar levy in January, and with out a change in tho law the state, mosl all of tho counties, and all the cities and school districts, would be without funds and would be paying interest on warrants for several years to come. The interest expenses" from this cause would bo from 100,000 to f 050,000. Tho rost of a special ses sion if brief will uot bo more than $20,000 and will probably bo much less. Governor Chamberlain also ordered a spool il election in tho Nineteenth Senatorial District composed of Clat sop county to fill the vacancy caused by tho election of C. W. Fulton to the United States Senate, and in tho Ninth Senatorial District, composed of (.'rook, Grant, Klamath aud Lake counties, to fill tho vacancy caused by the election of J. N. Williamson, to Congress. ' The spoeinl elections will he held on December lit. NATION WAS THROWN OUT White House Officials Ho.ve en Exciting Time. Carrie Nation was forcibly ejected from the White Houso last Thursday, after endeavoring to forco her way in to the presence or the president. When she entered Secretary Loch's iiilico he explained that tho president was busy. She sat dowu for a half hour, giving n running comment to tho oilier visitors who entered. Finally she. walked into Loeb's ollleo and said she demanded to sen the president immediately. She wanted to ask him why he brought a dive in to Kansas when hu was on his west ern tour, referring to his train. Loeb after a vain attempt to pacifv her called two ollicers who deliber ately dragged the "smasher" out as she resisted to her utmost. She created a scene on the street a'ter ward by praying for the elect ion of a prohibition president who would rep resent the K:oplo and not tho brewers. She camo here from lialtimoro lust night, whero her troupe is playing "Ten Nights in a Barroom." The "smasher" also accused Koose velt of smoking a nasty cigarette on the capitol steps at TojH'ka. Carrio Nation was arrested for dis orderly conduct, while selling souve nirs in the senate gallery. She was taken to the sixth precinct station in the pal rol wagon. The Beit Remedy lor Croup. From the Atchison, Kan., Daily Globe This is tho season when the woman who knows the. best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighbor hood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to ha awakened ill the middle of (lie night bv a whoop from one of the children. Tho croup remo- lies are almost as sura to be lost, in ta-e of croup, as a revolver is sure to he lout in enso of burglars. There nsed to be, an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup and t'llu, but Nome modern mothers say that t'liabinerlaiu's Cough remedy is better ami diss not cost so much. It never fails ami is pleasant aud safe to take. For sale by'itll'druggist. Hie larne stock to select from, The quality of the Roods, The price asked for tlicm, make the Carpet Rooms ,r A.U.Bannard the bis I'urniturc and house I'urnishins store the most attractive department in the house. North side. GRANTS PASS, ORE. list mmmw Stops Englno on The Brink ol e. Washout. George W. Brown of San Francisco is the hero of tho greit storm. To him 800 grateful people owe their lives, and the railway company an $SO,000 oil-burning locomotive, carry- iug a passenger train valued at many thousands. Friday morning at 8:2,") o'clock train No. 31- frcni San Jose missed crashing to destruction ou Harrison street, near Twentieth. The train had beou delayed on account of the terriblo storm, floods aud washouts, aud was flyuig at topmost speed down tho grndo just below Twentieth street, when suddenly tho figure of n man standing betwoou tho tracks, franti cally waving his bauds was seen. Ou came tho iron monster carrying its hundreds of human freight. Tho man did not move until the engineer blew the whistle and throw back tho le veling throttle. Tho engine, camo to a standstill within two feet of the excavation. Two feet mora on the spread rails aud tho huge engine would have boeu hurled to destruction in tho great stream of water that flooded tracks and roadbed. Ooorgo W. Brown, a longslinremiiu, was tho man who risked his lifo to save seven coaches full of passengers from a terriblo death. He jumped to the side just in timo to escape the train ns it flew by under reversed brakes. The engine stopped vithin two feet of tho parting rails, in fact, tho ten der extended two feet over tho great chasm. DEER GATHERED GRAPES The Band Ale &n Act e of Muscat Gre.pes. J. W. Bonar, who 1ms a grapo vine yard ou Griltiu Creek on tho road between Phoenix and Jacksonville, and who makes regular tris to Ash land to (IInikim) of his products, was in this city Tuesday, and related while hero the unusual way in which he had lost his entire crop of muscat grapes. The nuueats had been left 011 the vines to attain their greatest lierfoctlon by thorough rljieiiing, and Mr. Bonar, prevented by tho storms of last week, had uot visited his vine yard, which Is soma distauco from his house, for- several days. Sunday he went to inspect tho condition of his choicest variety, but he was nearly paralyzed with ustonlshuut to dis cover that his entire crop ofjnuteats had disappeared. Hardly a bunch re mained 011 tho vines which covered in aero of ground. Mr. Honar was not long in solving the mystery, for scattered all over tho vineyard in the soft ground were innumerable prints of tiny deer feet. The deer having been driven from tho upper levuls of the surrounding mountains by the heavy fall of snow, hud come below in their search for food, and Mr. Bonar's Muscat grapes seemed to be the very thing to tickle their palates, and they made a good job of gather ing tho crop, for nothing was left. The loss to Mr. Bonar will bo keenly felt. AshlainrTidings. VALUED AT FIFTY DOLLARS Old Man Stood Ready to pe.y Hint Sum. I-awyers were not popular with I'enlleld Flowers, the old hotel proprietor, or as he tireferred to call it "tavern keeper," at Delhi, up the Slate, "l'eut" was once indicted for selling liquor without a license, the liquor being his own homo madii IcirJ cider. The Judge had stayed at Mh hole! 11 lid all the memlmrs of the b,ir were "I'iiiIV" friends, so It was generally understood that I ho old tuveiii keeper was to plead guilty us a matter ,f form and that tie- line would be remitted. "l'ent." received his instruction from his two attorneys, and when the timo came for him to plead, an nounced : "I sold cider. " "Then you plead guilty?" said the magistrate. "Guilty, nothing," replied the prisoner. "Isold cider; elder that I tnado myself from my own apples. " Tho judge hastened 'on with the ease to prevent the ('A man from sailing Ins own chances. "Well, Mr. Flowers," said he, "I understand that, though you admit the criino, you have since its com mission, seen the error of your wsv and am selling uo more cider. 80 in view" "Who told you that?" Interrupted "l'ent." "I sell rider sell it every day, and guess I'll keep on." "Fined $.7), " said tho judge, In de spair. Then thu old man vlaurcd around for his lawyers. "Hey Just as I thought skip'd, both of them ! Now what do you think of that?" turning to the crowd in the courtroom ; "me fined f.'A and they told um it was all fixed up with the Judge!" A mouth or o after a lawyer, who had Unn the old man's attorney in another suit, out his throat in an at tack of melancholia. His estat snid " l'ent " for fees, and obtain. si Judg ment for LVl The old man. in suite of tho protests of the court, dcjsxited the 00 bo lore the Judgo and made this announcement : 1 want to say right here that there's alwaya V) for any lawyer in the county that'll cut his throat" New lorn tribune. American Awakening to Value of Good R-oeids. Ttio awakening of America to the value of good roads Is ono of the most remarHable things of tho hist decade. For perhaps twenty-live years the voice of the prophet has boon hoard here and there In the 1'nlted States, ns In Mussn cuuactts and New Jersey and perhaps elsewhere, but practically theso -were tho voices uf lueti crying out in the wilderness. Foreign travel baa brought acqnnast. ince with foreign good roads, and men have come back determined to do their utmost to transform the I'nlled States from a land of highways so bad that language falls to do justice to tho sub ject Into highways so iittructlvo that everywhere there is ease of transporta tion und of. commuiileiillon and tlto Joy of llvin ; In the country without feeling absolutely cut olT from ucoess to the city.. Nowhere Is this movement for good ronds more remarkable, according to tho Manufacturers' Itecoid, than In tho south country. This begins In tbo re gion south of the rotomnc with tho projection and const mci ton of lntertir bau trolley Hues. The trolley lines, now nmouiitliiK to thousands of miles In tho total, are followed by the deter mination to make the roads suitable for travel nt all seasons of the year. . Nothing call be told old soldiers of the nature of Virginia roads In winter. They simply are more famous or Infa mous, 11s the case may be, than other roads because so much more of history has been acted over them. Hut every where throughout tho south, ns tho Itoeord shows, there are a gouerni nwnk enlng und a universal demnnd for In tenirban railways and with that n like demnnd for tho highways with tho hard surface In other Words, for tho good road that Is always ready for business and Is Invaluable for every country that builds It. ROAD REPAIRING. How to Keep a IHaliwajr In Uooil Condition. lu a paper read recently before n farmers' Institute Charles Williams of Contieisvllle, Ind., gave tho following Interesting isilnts 011 road repairing: "Now, some points on how to keep ronds In good condition and how to re pair them. A road must bavo constant attention If It Is to bo of tiny uso or value. "Whenever a rut forms It should be repaired at once. The road should lie graded In the spring und graveled In UNIUI'HOVKU 1IOAU. thu full. The road will then bo hard and smooth and the gravel will bo packed down, but not worn out, beforu bad weather sets In. It depends oil What shape the crow n of the road Is III what the comlllloii of tho road will bo for travel HumiKh the winter. If tho crown Is In pi'"! shape It will shed the water to the side lt In-1, nud If they aro In good shape tho roud will remain dry ami solid, "Now, I will tell a few ways to spoil a gooil roud: "Tho surest way Is to use the road gruder and pile all the mud, sod ami Weeds from I lie 1 1 Id and ditches into thu ( 'liter of the 1 1. This makes the roud soft anil muddy, and It will be luipoNNlble for tho next coat of gravel to unite w Ith the old roadbed. The re sult Is thu road will hu spongy. The best plan Is to scrape It up Into piles and haul It to some gully, of which nil ruuds have a few, aud dump It there. "Tim roud grader Is a g'd road builder lu thu hands of n man that knows how to iixi! It, but otherwise be Will (hi a great deal of damage, "Another way to spoil u road Is to lunko the crown hu steep that all the travel will taku the center. Thu result Is (ho roud Is worn out In the center and no use has been made of thu re mainder of tin. road. Tho center Is cut up by three gulleys, w lib ti hold water and cause the mud to be soft and mud. Uy when It would otherwise ho lu good shape." The I'rraltlcnt on tioot Ititndn. Ill his iidlii'ss before the national good roads convent Ion President l;oose Telt made some gotsl points. Among other things he said: "It Is the habit of road building that gives to a p"oph permanent greatness. 'Tho development of tho Iron road has been nil that one could wish, but It Is men- presumption to mushier g'ssl railways as sub-dilutes fur gisxl high way. "We want to s.-e cities built up, but not at the expense of the country dls Irlets. "If the winter menus to the average fsruier a long line of liquid moras.es through whh h he must painfully fores Ills team If bent on hu-lie-s and through which he mnst wnde or swim If bent on pleasure. If mi ordinary rain Sturm means that the fanner's boy and flrl can led use tlo-lr bicycles, you have got to expei-t that I hone who live In the rural districts will uot liud farm life attractive. "We should nil encourage, liny check to the unhealthy flow from the cuuutry to the city." Doesn't fripect Old Age. It's shameful when youth fails to uliow projs r respect for old ago, but just the contrary in thu earn, of Dr. King's New l.ifu pills. Dyspsia, Jaundice, fever, coiiHtistlioii allyih d titliM (K-ifect pill. 2.,c at National Drug store and Grunts !'as I'harni i-T- Llue and Gold new dinner warn beautiful gools at Thomas'. iXmaS' I Galore FURNITURE CARPETS BUFFETS SIDEBOARDS COUCHES R6CKING CHAIRS CHILDREN'S CHAIRS FINE CHINA. HAVILAND CHINA PICTURES CUT GLASS THREE CARLOADS To go at Reduced Prices SEE OUR BIG AD. THOMAS The next regular meeting of the W. O. T. IT. will be held at tho home of Mrs. Leo Calvert, Friday, Decem ber 4, 1IHUI at 3:110 p. m. From Out of the Long Ago. On the blank leaf of an old English Bible, which lias been transmitted from siro to sou through many sue ensssivu generations, and appears ns the propurty of Hubert Bolton, B. D., and preacher of God s Word at llrotighlon, near Kettering, North niuptonshire, is inscribed thn follow ing pledge: "From this dayo for wardo to tho endo of my life I will never pledge auy healtho uor drink a whole carouse, in a glass cup, bowlo or other drinking instrument, where soever it be, from whomsoever It come, except tho necessity doo require it, not to my own most gracious Kiuge, uor auy tho greatest monarch or tyrant upon earth, uor my dearest friend, nor all ;tho goudlo in tho world, shall over cufoioe me. Not angel from hiaveu (who I know will not attempt it) shall persuade, uot Satan, with all his ouldo subtleties, nor all the isjwors of h"ll Itself, shall hulray mo. By this vury slnnn (for sinnn it Is, and not a Utile one) I doe plainly find that I have more offended anil dishonored my glorioia Uukor aed most merciful Saviour, than by all other sill no that I am subject mi toe, and for this ury slnne, it is my God lint li often been strange unto me, mil for that cause and una other re spect have I thus vowed, and I henrt- lly beg in) Good Father in Heaven of His gn at goodliest a id infinite mere lu Jesus Christ to assist me in the same, and bit so fuvoruahlu unto nie for what is past. Amen. (Signed) H. IIOLTON, llrotighton, loth April, ln:i7. Sparks From tho Wire The husband an incurable cousninp live, tho wife an habitual inebriate, one child a paralytic, two others in 'he v ire of the police, and tt '.' wee k old baby found lying in the street with its drunken mother. This is the biry of a family wrecked by liquor. In a quarrel over a g.me of ctnls in the rear room of a sahsiu at 201 1 t'lark street October ti Michael Cianba '.'II.' Armour avenue, was shot through the heart by an unidentified man. Her nan l ssow and wife became scparatcu beeau-o of his being a drunkard. September 24 he followed her into thu German Lutheran ch'nch anil then shot her and himself. Vhil ietoxleated Charles Thomas committed a dastardly ussault mi the little ilanghlor of William Williams and narrowly escajs'il lynching. While under the influence of liquor, John M.iczuiski, 20 years old attempt ed to kill his mother by shooting her at their home, IX Sobleski street, ut ft o'chs-k October 7. In a drunken row, George McAn- drow, bartender at- the Henry Martin saloon ou Second street, shot and al most Instantly killed Hoy Heard, a young colored man. fj. N. Bradley, a barber at lioso ville, yesterday October 8, sought to take his life by cutting his throat with a raior. Bradley had been drinking heavily. Freeman Foruia eudeJ a spree at Brasher Falls, near here, br hitehins a halter alsjut his neck and banging himself. F IU. C. Z. U. Column ' " 1 -----'---ffrirrtnj Goods ..THE HOUSEFURNISUER.. GRANTS PASS - OREGON THE YARDS AND LAWNS Some Timely Suggestions f.,r Im proving Your Property, Now Is tho time to make plans for neighborhood Improvement and to pro ceed to carry them off, says the Chi cago 1'ost. All rubbish that baa ac cumulated In tho yards and vacant lots should bo gathered in heaps. A garbage innti will curt the stud oft for a few cents or If It may bo burned the boys will Hud fun In a bonfire. l'ull up the weiil s and dead vines nloug the tlower beds, borders and next tho fences. Shrubbery that Is positive ly f roxen should be dug out and burned. I lend branches should always be burn ed, as by so doing pests aro destroyed and diseases killed. Ituko off tho lawns and put the grass In good shape. Meud up the fences yourself-a mill In time saves Dins, ltemeinber that a pot of paint will work miracles. Taint comes ready for uso In cans and costs but little. By learning to uso tho brush yourself you will set a good example to the neigh bors and keep your own promises look lag fresh. Spare the Treeat I'rolectlon of highway tree la need ed against the axes of anybody and evorybody who at present seems able to dispose of shade trees at bis own sweet will because not actually within tho fence lines of adjacent property, aud sometimes against the property owners themselves, who have an idea that they own to the middle of the road. Tie worst offenders, however, because systematic and lawless In their proceedings, are the telephone, steam and trolley lines, says the New York Times. These gentry should be brought up with a round turn, and where they destroy or mutilate public property they should be forced to pay damage. Women lleantlfjr av Tnwn. Club women of Lincoln, III., bare a department of town Improvement The ludle who mnko up this section of the club hnvo taken entire charge of the railroad station park and have expend ed $"n0 In grading and sodding snd planting trees. They have also looked after the school yards of the town, and their outline of work for 1U03 Includes the offering of a series of prices fur the best kept school yards and an actlrt cumpalgu In fuvor of clean streets. Tho Southern l'aeltlo Commny will sell tickets at one and one-third fare fur the round trip between all points on its Oregon Lines, account Thanks giving Day. Tickets will bo sold ou Novemls.r 2.'.tli aud 20th, and will be limited for return to the S7th. All who desire to take advantage of this reduction can secure tickots from uearest Southern I'aelflu agent on dates mentioned. W. K. COMAN, Qeuernl Passenger Ageut THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NQ SUBSTITUTE ffSl r