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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1903)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 19, 93- 2 ROGUE kiVER COURIER! GRANTS lMt-S, OKKfiON. WW W V Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates: One Yenr, In i-dvance, Hix Months, Tbre Months. 8inglet!oiics, ll.SO .40 .W Advertising Races Kurnlctied on a. plication at the offic e, or by mail. Ohituaries and rcoltiti J ' " dolence will be liurnttl for ul 3c per line; card of thank .'jOe. A. E. VOOnntKS, I'KOI'K. & MNOlt Entered at the poet ollit-e at firants !'", Oregon, an niall matter. TIIUUSDAY. Nov. IU. I'.m. The sc-lal hcmiou problem iH jet ondocidcd. Governor Chamberlain sulll probably unuoiiiieo bin plan sliortly. representative WilliatiiW'ti on Mon day Introduced tlio Lewis 'and Clark Exixwitiiin bill in tin- house in dupli cate of tlm Mitehcll Kcnale bill. Hnmitor Quarlen, 'f Wiw-oimin, lias roinlrodticeil bin bill to repeal tbo timber and Htone, desert land and lintiK'Htcad eoniniulntioii lawn. Thih bill, wliii-h wan favorably reported lo tbo senate hint, m-kmou, pp.viil. h no Hulmtitules for tbo existing lawn. Jf yoa aro not Ka'.inlied with t In city government and ollieinlf, it I your duty to be lU tbo ward conven tions nnd iixHixt in ltoniinaHiiK I he men you wnnt to iill tlm oMrcs. If yon ncglnct your duly dout' kick be cuuhu tbo other fellow was there anil bad thing bin own way. Tlm waul convent inns will bo held 'Inula , November 21, mid the city noiniimlioii convention on Friday, Nnveinl or 2?. The lnngexMtcd trade treaty between tbo United Slates and China, which was licgot iated in .Sliunrhiii by tho American ( Uiinini-sioneiH tinil the ChincHt repreM-nlaliviv, has jiisl reached Win-hington, and is now under examination by tho htato department ofllclalf. It is tbo Intention to submit tbo new treaty for rat illent ion to the senate lit tlm earliest possible niouicul. In brief, tho ir n J ri an t ruvisions nro llioseo iciiiiik io iiaue uir , nue-re ports of Mukden and one in Jlanchu rlu. . Tbo Port land Hcbool board has stirred up a ItnrnclH next by fining 70 teachers ." each for not alii tiding the annual tenohi-m' insliliilo. This amount wan deducted fioui the month ly Juiy of the teachers li nil the fair school ma'ams did consideralde spnt toring about tlm "horrid old whool hoard. " ('bninnan Wittenberg of tbo board of education coutcmU thai It is u cuse of tbo district treasuries suffering or tlm treasuries of teachers, anil sinco thu teachers who failed to attend lleccssilali d tbo loss of several hundred dollars in thu county ap portionment of school funds, bo be lioves that these same teachers should make good the deliclt. Kcihinti grand jury has returned true bills against I'niled Slalen Senator Charles II. Dietrich and i'oslmastei Jiioob Fisher, of Hustings, Noli., charging them Willi conspiracy mid bribery in connection with the up. pointim-nt of Fisher to t lit- position of 1'ostmiiHter. The indictment against Hcnalor llielrich ehaig. s that ho in cepted money and property in con sideriitiou of bis recomim tiding Fisher for uppnini uc nt as 1'osimanler at Hastings. That against I'oi.l matticr FUlicr charge him with ntnl.iiig a-i argocincnt w ith Senator I lu-t rich by which the former was to jiay in prop erty and money ii:;oo for securing Fisher the ul'pointiueid. Tho (-(donihiau uullim it i. r. hiive rallied to London a long protest against the I'liiicl St lit V action towaril l'auaiu.i, in which 1 1 n - o 1 1. k-' tho "main i. spoiisiln In y lor lite secession of r.iuauia In.-- unit the I'uited St.iti 8 l,'oeiniui ni. 'n-ilv, by foin- tiling the m atal i-t spu ;t. it Wllilll there Keen,, o .,. , lietice ; st eoiitly, Iv l.;i-.tily u. Lnnu lodging the j II 1 1. nil In , of tin rovolleil iroince; and, tnillv, I iv pn- cut ilie, tile ( olnlnl .an (m n, in from using pi, .per lie an to t. picss the lebellmn ft. - cn to say that l'r. i .I' ll t Man. on ,'i I ir. i il ergctienlly ptote-li-il ;e ih. I oiled Mutes, mid wiln s tlial i: pi t l should he 1. 11" W i, 1 1 I ,-l '., i; I tie' e I I lieil world. '1 he pi 1,1 i rill. Ill , that tho l'iulc.1 St it. s I. a-, llllrill- i! article ".'.of tin- ol'l-.i'-. w', bo asserts, unpins II..' ilnt u l i. part of tin- ( 'oil i .1 Slai s to li, 'p t'olomhi.l .11 nianit. lining i miv erclgnty on .- tin. ir.tbii.u, nu t add that the "I'oluutl'i. tn govei itiin iii h Jllldilltes tie a -lllli pi 1 . .11 1 1. il t. have bal !' d I .- Ma lo c.iil-.iiu' enl the canal. ' ' li' on the i i 1 1 1 1 1 r' ot . ii lieceinhr r i u i.ii I t ' i linvu dilli, nil iii I. ,n ; i 1 ot tin1 stor. - :n 1 , n , , ii,. once of the del I.-, -in . . i , tho conclusion il.ii t!i ,i: joying Hie , !i ii I., ii p,i' .;,,r; being served in I ' !.l 1 ' ball Lv the Lade . . f i l'rc.byterian chui. h iie.l v is" von w ill follow 1 In DID THEY WEAR? 1 4 If you do not get Shoes to suit you, try the Red Star Store. Shoes that wear sold at Moderate Prices. Red Star Store. OLD FASHIONED DINNER At Union Reamuranl Thanka- giving Nov. 26. Mini IUMHTS Turkey willi cranberry sauco. ;blcken with dressing Turk with applo sauce. Moiled Tongue and bam. :e, Alile, I'lllllpkill, OanlH-rry. Dinner and Midnight snptx-r. Oysters any stylo. A City Directory. Miss Carrie Uniphb tt has been In terviewing the Grunts l'ass business men tn Interest them In the publica tion of a city and county directory. It is proposed to compile a list of all i bo residents of Grants l'ass and .losepliiue county, also all the busi ness bouses, professions nod trades, and also a mining director.- giving locality, di-luneu from (iranls l'ass, nunylii r of men employ, d, owner and superintendent of ail the mines. A gnat itiiioiiut of other information will bo contained in tbo book. The rtaking has been heartily sanc tioned by tbo prominent business men of Grants l'ass. It is tho Intention of tbo compilers to miikn it nil accurate and useful niciliiini of informal ion for srtaugers who aro daily coming into our section of Oregon. Tablet and box Courier olllcii to up to-dato stylos. paper at cost at. the close out. Wo have NOMINATINGCONVENTIONS Will be Held Next Tuesday and Friday. The ward conventions for tho nomi nation of candidates for tbo city council will ho bold in tbo various wards next Tuesday, November 24, and will be bold at tho following places : Ward No. 1, brick school bouse. Ward No. 2, Bohool bouse. Ward No. !i, court bouse. Ward No. 1, city hall. The city nominating convention for tbo nomination of city oHlcers will bo bold at the court bouse, Fri day, November 27. Little Chester lliinua, the 4-yoar old son of Mr. and Mrs. Halpb Hanna a of Portland bad tho misfortune to stick scissor blade in bis right eye, resulting in a very dangerous wound. The little fellow was a nusing him self ripping cloth with a little pair of scissors, and in bis efforts to bruik an obstinate seam, the scissors slipped and tho point entered the eye ball. There is hope of saving the child's eyesight. It, is said of John Wesley that he onco said to Mistreiis Wesley: "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once tolling is not enough." It is for this same reason that you un told again and again that Chamls r Iain's cough remedy cures coblfl and grip, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. A. E. Voorhies l'hoto Supplies. Keep Dry and Perserve Health It is very important that all who aro olili'Ptl to In; out in tho weather should keep ilry ami warm. This is impossililo without tin- 1'ost quality of rainy weather iootln. Wo have a full assortment of Mackintoshes for men nml women. Storm Coats ami Slickers, Uuhber Hoots for men, Women ami ChiMron. Ladies, Misses ami ('liihlrens rubbers and a full lino of miners' boots. A l ull lino of I'inbrcilas Prices are ri'dit E. C. DIXON, Pry (iixkls Clolliiiii; Men's l'urnihin;s I'arUcr Slatota Concert. j '1 he eon. '. it given by the Tinker Sis (. !- at the opetil house last I'l idav I el. nil;.:, Was well llllended and is I p. , i.illy well enjoyed by the two ! Iiiiii iied or more people who faced j il, , ,torm and waded to the bull, i II,, in-t scli-clion was an eight bund 1'. lie up: Tho Civ r Mini The Soiitht rn To M i . . 1 1 ', in!.!,:, has dirv.'lly atfeeted r.i.. Imui, ,s ,,; Grants l'ass to a i oosnlei ilde ai leui.i The Sugar l'lio- , l.,iiaL. . r,, tlulde no easlel n shipment of linnl, t from Oi tob. r V to Noi. n !.. r I l ie have orders on tile ai.. Mould I ,. shipped about to i a i' liii.d.i if they could have s. m: , I'm . c .. The company has In en i. . u in.1 linn ber continuously, nicl as roue ha been slilp-d tiny li,ie a great amount piled in the If yea mint l r. a line ipi u o r see Hull of g..v. liiuii n! 1 ,i.d for 1 onie. stead, see W. It. Sh rmaii. l.i,nu Fa. Inch was well rendered and eiy iainialdv n eeivid. Then I to'.',, w.'l piano solos and dui-t-. vocal. J v.;,-. da. I-. tllo and ipiarlets. ' ,i e rele. llollr. Well' 111 1 re II. 1. I ed I II 1 j el i-uig manner and showiit llvc I i ;,l aPilitv el the family lo a I in. u i,e, I decree. j ; Ii i- sold. mi thai s ugle family ttlll develop a .piartet eapalde nf I n nd, ling Loth ae.l piilan music 1 i ..i acceptably lo a huge au.iieii. e. i Alt'.ntieli the young liulli s bale Is'CIl I.canl many tunes ill Grams l'ass. j tn ie i- always u cliuriu to lie- nui.-'i.-. I lie s nging if Miss lilis-le was a ur. .it raiii-piise lo nearly eM-ryoue i jpi.eiil, u 'li as her oici J -lleweii 11 1 1 uu 1 1 1 V lihleli Is unite I'V ! ..' iioiial in a peiMin of in r WOMAN'S CIA' II NKWS. Art Uepivrlmcnt. The Art department of the Womiins' (Muli will meet at the home of Mrs, W. I'. Male Friday, November '.'U All members aie nn u. .V I.IIciimv Department. The Literary levirtment of tlie Grunts 1'ur.s S Oman's I'luh will lin e! at the home of Mrs W. M. Hair, I'ri.l.y, Nov. JO. inoil. The following program will he given : Gems from liiowiiloes. Life ot Uroiuiing Mis. W. M Hair. Sonnets from tin- Toi tuguese - M i: Uoo.llll. Pkcussiou liiowuiogs itpM'iii tty a lVfect", led by Mrs. Porter. I'onii'rsatiiMi " Value i f l.itera tun1", led by Mrs. l.ueas. All nieiners wuliiug to join litis ,le (virt unlit will pliao be . resent at this meeting as a large membership i desired THE TIMBER CONDITIONS Wall I'm is--iuuia use lowest prices Tliooutk'. v,u it iv, DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN GET FIRST-CLASS BREAD B O N "t O N BAKERY l"?wastl A Seen by W. B. Sherman the Timber Man. Ton Oregonians and poojilo of the coast fail to comprebend the value of their occasional heavy belts of timber having always seen these big, tall trees standing here, they expect that they will so remain and laugb at the idea of Eastern people coming here aud taking timber claims, figuring that it will be ages before getting returns. But those knowing tbe vast export trade from tbe United States to Southern China and other foreign countries, that has developed daring the ist few months, and considering the consumption of timber in the prairie and other states, and knowing that tbe supply in tbo once heavily timbered status of New England, Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Eastern Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Michigan, and Wisconsin, withllieei- oeption of Minnesota, is exhausted, aud that the timber of the Pacific, coast must meet thosj demands; consequent ly, figuring stuini age cut in the past IS yours in those states it is easily seen, without considering any increase in tbo consumption of lumber, (though statistics show an alarming increase) that from 8 to 13 years hence, there will b, practically speaking, no tim ber left on the coast. Eastern people have wrong ideas aa to the acreage of timber on the coast. Over one half of the coast acreage is barren wasto, aud one half the tim ber acroago is in forest reserve aud probably will remain so during a life time, l or DO miles on each Bide the railroads tho railroad company owns 'ilternate sections, and none of their timber land is for sale. This short age, together with soino onsnrvoyed lauds, leaves loss than an eighth open for timber locations of which the majority bus already been taken. Now, it is very-evident that a syndi at. i is trying to get a corner on the timber of the coast, aud it is suggested that they have not only interested the newspas rs in their behalf bat that they are soliciting tbe services of high government olllcials to work in con junction with them. For instance. nowspa r articles have appeared to the elfect that citizens having taken timber claims, would not receive their patents from the government Now, the careful thinker sees nothing (xinsisteiif, reasonable, or just, in the government allowing her to lib-, make proofs aud pay for their claims, in accordance with the act passed hy congress iu June 3, 187H, (which act has not been repealed, and since which time patents have been (lontlniiously issued) and then defraud thorn of the same as the press sug gests, l'eople aro still continuing to file anil miiko proof on claims notwith standing the syndicates bluff. The conservative thinker don't consider it pnssiblu that the Kiliticians of tbe re publican parly are so short sighted as to allow their future to be so jeoiiard- izeil; neither would wo believe that our statesmen could he iutlueuced to contribute such food for tho anarchists, ir risk swelling the present numbers if the anarchistic army. The timlH-r on thu const is cedar. both red ami w hite, yellow pine, sugar pine and fir. The yellow piun trees have a similar apticaruuco, outward ly, to the eastern Norway pino but in u-1 1 l'ncr quality and better finish iug limber. Thu sugar pine lias tbe out w ard ppcarauce of the white pine nf the east but makes far superior lumber being, lighter and stronger, Uikes finish much better, aud is great ly sought after for many purposes. The Mr is a similar tree in outward, apiH-arauce to the Kastern hemlock, but lias more strength and takes as good a finish as the Kastern pines. It Is known in the Kust as the Oregon pine. The use of fir is being rapidly learned, it being indiss. usable in the construc tion of ships, dis ks, bridge building, ami all places w here strength and dura bility are required. The price of Ur lias ilouhled in tbe last V) months and no louht will soon be as valuable, or more valuable, than the pines. No limber on the coast is shaky it makes ulear lumber from the ground up. The price of these lumbers on the cur is as follows : Fir 18 00 to 34 00 Yellow Tint! 17 (M to 40 00 Sugar I'ine Si is.) to AO 00 The forerunner of systematic) lum bering is just beginning. Small mills re being put in through out the roun try and aro very paying propitious. Lumber is hauled by trains of four horse teams, anil also by road engines draw iug trains of wagons loaded w ith from jo.ixvi to ,',0.000 feet of lumber per en gine, which is drawn from one to 40 miltM to the railroad. Theso small mills cut from lO.iKHl to 30,0iXI fei per day. Cutting trees into logs, hauling, them to the nulls and cutting them Into lumber, is done at ail exvmo ol f.'. to '. per thousand; hunting the limit. r from the mills to the railroad from $1 to ! per thousand, aivordlng to dtstuth e. This gives yon an idea of the etior mens prolit that can be made on a quar tor section of llu-se timber lands, that will cut from 1,(100.000, to (l.imO.OOO (e. t of such Umber. A man with i) of less than '.iHl call take a tiiulwr claim, and prove up on it ."nine men scrip quarter sections, get a nulling couinv to cut and haul their logs and lumber, and make the alwiv ;rollt tlieinselve Often timber claims and boiiKteaiU can be found lying adjacent, us soil and conditions change in short distances. Some tunes a mull cm fake a timber claim aim nuiucsieau joining, and if so fortunate as to have a wife, she too in iv take an adjoining timber claim thus having a good home surrounded by iit'UUiiuuce of valuable timber. At present good claims taken last spring and winter are valu.-d at from f.ii to .,uii and upward per claim and as mvui as systematic lumbering on the coast is fully established claims will bo us valuable on logging stream us an the railroad. This section of t!ie civi-t w ill i urn, as other state hav.' h unied. that loggiug and thinu s furnish che r transportation for luiiils riug than the railroad. In consideration of the fact that we ore now approaching a presidential elec tion year, which always causes a de pression in all line of busiuess, it U oar opinion that the highest value of timber lands will not be reached till the winter and spring of 1U05. If those who wisli to take advantage of this last chance of a lifetime of taking a timber claim were here now on tbe ground, and learned conditions for themselves as tliev are they would certainly loso no time in taking their claims. History is sure to repeat itself here on the coast as it hag again and again in other lumbering localities. Since there will be such an enormous amount of lumber cut during the next 10 years. there is bound a healthy boom in all brandies of business property and business will increase in value from 10 to 20 per cent yearly. I am pleased to say that this locality, with tbe products from its rich gold, silver and copper mine, together with its vast stock and fruit industries will continue to stimulate aud sustain busin.-9 in its prosperous march, after Die timber is exhausted. Now is the time to get a foothold here. During the leisure week of last spring aud whiter, so many Eastern people availed themselves of these privileges that it then- appeared to as that within a few weeks there would bj no more vacant timber tuft. How ever, when spring aud summer work opined up that has apparently ab sorbed all of their attention, conse quently timber busiuess stands much aa it did last Bpring, aud as so few Eastern people have come out to the coast during the summer there is still good vacant land available. W. B. SHERMAN. ANTAGONIZE FOREIGN GOODS. Urltlah I'eopl Lfiallr Turn froni American or German Warti to Thwse of Hum I'ruuucstioa. Frederic Emory, chief of the bu reau of foreign commerce, the other lay math! pulilic the following inter SHling extract from "Commercial Kc alioiig for luol:" Most noticeable x-ihupK of all prevailing trade conili dons in Knghind, says Consul S. I. MeKnrlaiel, of Nottingham, is the nn mgonism against foreign goods which las sprung up among the ilritish people. 'Hie llritish people are noth ing if not loyal. There is a disincli nation to purebnse American or tier man wares, mid many lines of goods re now sold without comment which ane or two years ago were advertised is of American make or "Ainericnc ityle." The Diamond Match company parades its goods under the old Eng I i nli name of llryant & Mny; th American tobacco trust calls itself the Kiigliah Tobacco company anil ud icrtises its goods as -made in Eng laud by llrilish workmen; the pro. prietnry medicines which were first introduced an Aiitericun discoveriei now hint from their adiertiseinr-nti everything which might identify them lis importations from the I'nit ed States. Hut de-.pite all prejudii cs continues the consul, nnd solely be cause of merit and cheapness, Amei-i can trade in every line continues tc develop. BIRDS NEST IN MONUMENTS. Ttft Grant nnd Linn fttntnea In Lln uln Park, I'lilman, lllllsad In nn Odd Mnuncr. Ilirds have taken advantage of shel tered positions in two Lincoln park iii.iiiuuiei.ts ut Chicago and built lusts. Three families of the foBtli ered tribe have taken up their ale d in the Hen. I, unit uioiiuini-nt, anil r the I.inne monument in the north end of the park birds have built theii nests. In the (Irani monument the birdi elected the stirrups and the cupliUi nook formed hy the figure in hohlii (, a field glass in its hand. In theii ehosen position tbe bird are saft from rain and wind tonus, hut oc casinu.'illy a small boy climbs tin structure and destroys the nests However, the ambitious sparrows ar seldom discouraged. Their hninur enemy lias no homier finished tiit pluntlei-ii g than tbe birds set about to rebuild their homes. At I, nine monument the palm ol the grrul nntunilisl'u hum!, hanging at the side of the bronze figure, sltel ters a pair of sparrows. I lie nest ii snugly situated in the cup formed by the curve of the hand. rreslili-nt IjiiiiIs I hlcnnn lrnjrrt. Mr. Martha It. turn-, founder ol the proposed Women's temple, ill I hi cngo. lias received the following let ter from President lioosev-lt: "I havt been deeply interested to learn of tl.t work your association has tiu.lertal en ill erecting the magniti. cut Wonim", temple iii Chicago as a n.eiuorial ti Miss Willard. It gries me genuine pleasure to sen.) to urn ami the incite hers of the hoard of t rust er Ilea rt e - coiiirt-ai ulat ions upon the progress al ready untile and best wishes for tht enrl nnd complete success of the un dertaking." oinrtliliiH Sj,.tv fnr Spencer. Herbert M inteer is shiK-ked at what hi- calls t! c "rebnrbnri atioti" of tl-i world. s;. s tin- M IwnuKec Sentitul He bus evidently been stlltlling till newspaper aecoiinu u college but iugi. HIPS WANTED FOK.k'HOUl, HON PS Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned up to four o'clock p. in. of PecemlMi- lath, lifcM. for the sale of 10,1100 of boudi of School District XuiiiImt i rt Josephine County, Ore gon. 1'nrpose of issue to pay for brick school building Kate of interest live per cent payable semi annually. May I, ami November I. Hoods dated November I, 11M3, ami due November, I. IH'.'S, directors reserving the right to ly ut any tune after 10 years from date, rriticipal ami interest (ratable ut the office of the county treasurer at lirants l'ass, Oregon, or in New York city per agreement with purchaser. louil hon led liidelrileilnevi including this issue JO,000 ; ascscd valuation lihij, fCAOtVi, present assessment T.ti, 000 ; actual valuatiou l.MXl.OiS). 1'opulation of district about 4,'iHO. Number of scholars in district 1087. Homls authorised by a vote, of the qualified elector of said district at an election held September 28, HHVI, ami approved by llou. W. C. Hale, attorney. Issued under authority sec. S:tM.i H. A C. code of On-gou, approved reorunry rj, lisia. A dciioait of five per cent of lite bonds must acconisiny each bid btfore It will te rousidered. said amount in apply as part of pan-base prce if accepted or returned to bidder if liu bid lie rejected The right reserved to reject anv and all bids. J. T. TAYLOR. Treasurer of Josephine Coantv. Oregou. Right at Home. Kuowiug how well Sonthren Ore gon is settlil and bow ofteu the cruisers an 1 prospectors nave traversed its many mountains aud . - i - r canyons, no doubt me people oi Grants Pass would be surprised to know that a quarter section of vacairtl government land, with from 40 to (SO acres which could be cultivated, plenty of water for irrigation, two miles from a good loggiug rying there million feel of valuable timber, iu a good neighborhood and other very favorablo surroundings and a good road running into it; can ride in your buggy to the well marked section corners, lies within six miles of town. A three-quarter section ten miles from town, carriyng 10,000,000 feet of timber, a road tunning into it. A section 14 miles from town car rying 11,000,000 feet. Fine location ; easy to get into and timber easy to get oat A half section six miles from Rogue river iu a go-)d neighborhood very accessible. Cruises ti.OOO.OOO feet of timber. " Three sections on a good logging stream, very favorablo location, cruis ing BO, 000, 000, a claim in heavy belt of timber, uud down grado to marked TIiobo, together with many other very favorably located quarter sec tions of timber claims and homesteads should induce the careful thinker to investigate these matters aud use their timber and homestead rights before the close of this s;cial session of congress, which it is expected will repeal the timber and stone act and radically change tho homestead laws. Cruisers who do their cruising about the depot aud curbstones will tell yoa that such government lands can not bo shown. I do MY' cruising in the TIM13ER and am in a position to show you theso claims as I here ri presnt them. Location fee, 12."). W. B. SI1EH.MAN, Ollicc, room 12, Masonic Temple. Grants Pass, Oregon. Grants Pass Real Estate..,. WUOIJ NOTICE. Scale ' bids will ho received by the School Heard of School District No 7, Josephine County, Oicgcn, uulil 7 o'clock P. M. December 1, lUOII, f..r 150 cords of wood to lie cut two fei t long and delivond at the school houses iu (iranls Pass not later than September 1, lili'4. Seventy -five cords are to be red fir nnd la cords black oak r laurel, all to be cut from sound green trees. Tho lioartl reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. C. E. MAYP.EE, Clerk. County Treasurer's Notice. Th ro are funds in tho tieusury to pay all warrants pioie-t.-d to Sept. 1st, IS',17. Inti res; will cease from this date. Oct. Hith, 1!0:. J. T. TAYLOR, Treasurer of Josephine Co., Ore. A. V. Bernard Undertaker. CLASSIFIED ADS, FOR R.ENT. nut FCKNISHKD bedroom for Mrs. G. V. Scott, 1) street. EIGHTY ACHE ranch one mile from city, -.0 acres under cultivation, 4 -room bouse, good barn. House would bo rented separate. Apply at this ollicc. TWO unfurnished rooms or furnish . d bedroom let singly if desired. Terms modi-rule. Apply lo Mrs. R. Harrison, S i ond str -ct, Mrs. Stuarts house FOR. SALE. 1'lWi UuRsES lumber wagon, double work harness, for sale. C. Caullieltl, Hot-cm much. KOI, I, 'POP DKjsK anil revolving chili, for sale rheap Courier ollice. New furniture in live room cottage, only f-.'OO. Cltoi -e lncaiion, with hub nnd toilet. Rent ?l.'i. C. A. Hancock, Myers barber shop. Kill Ions laled alfalfa hay. Dr. C. R. Hay, Tolo, Oregon. LAW I.IRRARY of over 1(H) volumes tor sale at ,'sl cents ou the dollar. Inquire at this ollicc. Restaurant, a gootl business for the money invested. Enquire at this office for particulars. I.'AKM KOI! S.M.K-lwu miles from Mer lin, bin tn-res .st out ,"SI Hi-res of good bottom hunt, 'J.'i iii rer. in cultivation, small house and barn and about .-si seres under fi-ili e. bslauee of land suitable for on-hnnl nr pature. . For further particulars ad dress VY. M. Crotv, Merlin, Itreoll. 'X(U) sere fruit nnd Murk ranch, .'('j miles Irom lirants I'a-. Itiu leneed, all cleared' to in Orchaid. fair huiWhnv, good iruit soil, plenty ol w aler nml limber and Ihe l.esl outside Mock ramie in Josephine Cottiitv. Pru e $7 no per avc. purl cash. Address Mr-. A. II. ( he-suture, Medford, . ire ()() il'KK ranch, goed prune and tipple oichnrd, small fruits in ithunthiiife ; wnter lor irJik.'ation, besides sprinirs on every 40 acres : crnter of good rsttee country, two dusHm liuus?.., i, bnrn. every tliiinr ciniiplele ; well sheltered front fruMs. uml niimiii; markets, ime tialf mile north ol Tunnel price $eO0. Inquire al this oitice. REPAIRING FCUNI i l'KK cb-iined and repaired, upholstering done, carjs-ls tikin up, cleaned and rel-iid. Mattresses renovated, household goods packed for shipment. Apply to J. ii. Eh -rle Residence Sixth St. L. G. HICGIIiS Assav Office CHARGES: ;Goht, Silver, Copjvr, Lead, 1 each. Gold and Silver, 1. COLD DUST Bought and Refined for Deutal Trade, Each and every assay douo with the Idea that it may be clunked. Nowhere iu Oregou can an investment be made with greater safety' thau in Grants Pass real estate. Within the past year the town has increased one-third in population. Ail real estate values have increased, yet prices are still so low that those investing now are sure to realize handsome profits. The climate here is ideal. The mines are increasing in value and mining experts predict this is to be one of the great est mining districts in the world. For further information call upon or address JOSEPH MOSS, T3he Real Estate Agent, who has the largest list of property with" the best prices and terms. Property sold on the installment plan if desired. Office ou "E" street, west of Sixth street. rKV Unnf Coll lflfT I-i 1ifl Ari "GORDON KEITH" By Thomas Nelson Page "A CALL OF THE WILD" '. By Jack London "A DEAL IN WHEAT" By Frank Norris "THE ADVENTURES OF GERARD". .By A. Conan Doyle "THE MAIDS OF PARADISE".. By Robert W. Chambers "THE SHERRODS" By George Barr McCutcheon "BREWSTER'S MILLIONS" By Richard Greaves "THE METTLE OF THE PASTURE". . By Jas. L. Allen "THE UNDER DOG" Bv F. Hopkinson Smith "THE LONG NIGHT" By Stanley J. Weyman Hinty books for Boys 25c, large list of titles. November magazines now iu opp. Opera. House JJo You Use Fountain Pen ? We have just received a new supply find can fit you out with any stle point,' from very lino to a broad stub. , Trices ranpe from $1.00 to $:.oo. Every pen we sell is guar anteed to give satisfaction. SLOVER DRUG COMPANY. Let us fill your prescriptions. SEE THAT SCREW? It has a Lock Nut and can bo perfectly adjusted. QUEEN SHEARS aro tho very best that money can buy. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. We have the cheaper Steel Shears from 25c up. W. A. PADDOCK Correspondence Brroiiu-8 a labor of love if tlie right eort of writing materialx t ost-d. We carry a liue of lino n-tio:n-ry t) suit tlie most antiiliim tattt-8. Iligli grade goods at low t ft prices. Latent novelties in tititi-'l paptra tliat can't be duplicated fur tlie money elsewcro. Blank book Tery cheap. National Drag Store. Courier and Oregonian $2 a year To Cure a Cold in One Day . 1 '' A . . M toko iaxauve oromo munme Tablets. tvjfr Seven MUDon )xae told In post 13 months. ThiS Signature, SihjCyr Cm Crip la Two Days. or. every Tznrt00 box. 25c