t4 4 Of -the child is an event in tilt mother' life. How proud .he feel when the attempt to walk U begun to early aa to evidence childish courage and fturdy trength. Such pride should be enjoyed by every mother. But it often happens that tlie child la timid, weak and deficient in vitality, and cling to the tnothcr'a araia with no desire to walk or play. Mother ahoulif laarn that to have strong chil dren they must them selves be strong, for the child's strength la the gift of the mother. The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription by expectant mothers gives them health and strength to riv th.ir 1lt1 uren. It nour ishes the nerves. strengthens the body and gives gicat muscular strength and elasticity, so that the baby's advent is practically painless. "I hive hrrn uBfnr Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, suit enn My il it in! what uu artvrr tiae it to tic, and cap cheer 'ullj recommend It." writes Mrs. Victor J. Hatha, of Lfooardvitle. Filey Co., Kansas. "1 tirirsll taking 11 just two Enuntha before baby came and wu greatly barn filrl bv iu use. The doctor who attends Said I did shout as well ss any one he hsd sera (at 1 wae sick only stiout thrae hours), snd also that your Favorite Prescription 1 wss ' ths una patent medicine' which hs did have faith in. Ws sow hjee a ilarllna bauy boy, slroug an4 healthy, who weighed nlue pounds when bora (July Hth). During- this month hs has gained ttirec snd one-half oouuda "Favorite i'reacription makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which Works wonders for weak women. , The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing luoB pagea, is given away. Send 31 one-cent stamp lor expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound In cloth. Audi Or, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. B003IHVG TIIE TOWN KANSAS CITY'S LIVE AND ENTHU SIASTIC ORGANIZATION. How the Comruerelal Club, Coanpoa ed of Klstlit Hundred nuslnaaa Meat, Is Working; For Tsws BaltermoM. Alma of the Aaaoelaflun. Towns that wliili to progrin and gmw rapidly should orgmilzo a club like Kalians City (ins. Tlio Commercial club la tlio Incorporated title of It. It la not among the now bustling clo inenl of KniiHiia City. It lins lived long enough to have Inspired and start ed, trcngthoned, developed and round ed out good things multitudinous for tlio town. From tlio very start It ac complished thing, nnd ago Indicts net- tlipr languor nor liunciifss. Fifteen ycurs ago It started upon Ita campaign of Kaunas City upbuilding, it had public approval from Ita lieglnnlng; now It commands public enthUHliiHin Mora than WW Ka turns City bundles men are on Its Mils, and not one lag gard Is In tlio lint. It Is not on the Kcnilocenalonnl plan, pnnmodlcnlly, that tlio Kaunas City Commercial club acta, says the Now York Tlni. Every week bus Its meet lug, every meeting Ita mission, every meeting and every iiilmloii keyed to the local slogan, "Make Kansas City a good town to live In!" In regard to the work of the club ita aecretury recently aald: "We have nccompllHhed a good deal. We expect to accomplish vastly more. We are Just getting our gait. We have only one purpose, we Just stand for jvatisiia city. Ally lllllMirutlll tjllfaiioil nfTcctliig Kansas City's welfare com ma mis our attention, and the progress ive side can depend upon our earnest championship. We work for Kansas City precisely as the winning htiHlnea man works In his own pcraonul Inter est We are not handicapped by any tinge of factionalism, (letting togeth er, dtscuHHlng the good of our city on broad lines, It Is never difficult for us to agree as a unit upon what la munic ipally advisable, and then we act. "There Isn't a half hearted mail In all our HCXl. Our business men are Joined In this campaign for Kansas City's ben efit on a bawls wholly superior to tiny that can be Inspired by the pontiles of neluuhneHa. They ore ready roittliiunlly to glvo of their time, their cnunael 11 ml their moiiey. Of couran results follow, rerun ps If we were leas untied, If ele ments of personal seltlxbnem were op erating, It might bo different, but this Is guesswork merely, for what we know about mid all we know about Is Just one strong pull altogether for Kan ua City." It la not merely In the bringing of new manufactories to employ labor, utilize raw material and distribute pity mils; It Is not merely In the develop ment of plans for expanding mercantile connections that tills organization Is Industrious. Along thorn' lines It does work wonders, but Its Held Is broader. Not less conspicuous In Its calendar la the cuiupalgn waged constantly for municipal cIciiiiIIiicmh. Through It have started plana tor a public park system great In acreage and greater still In Its developing beaullllcatloii, close to fit, (XKI.ixiu having already been Invested in It, with IJ.iHKi.uKJ more speedily to be available fair record thin for a western river town 'whose asset and whose, credit were texts fur Jocularity a dermic and lots' ago. What such work accomplishes Is alg nllled In the Imitation. Kansas City finds Itself In this one particular 11 pio neer whose example liiiliieiuvs business sentiment throughout the entire south west. Kven stiiuik'er and richer, St. l.''il w heels finally Into line and 111 measurable ways accepts tills phase of Kansas City leadership, while every town and hamlet of conseipienee In the southwest hits hastened, and that en thti'lnstlcnlly, to establish home cham pionship organizations of this same tyi'. In twenty alert towns of westi-ru and northern Missouri, of Kansas and Oklahoma nnd Texas and even In the quondam iiulotiulu of Arkansas this Commercial club Idea Is not merely ae ecptciL but ba.i cuino to be controlling. Thus Kansas City la actually stenciled the whole southwest over. t'luweri For III tiara Yard. The flower to lie foil ml In the unpre tenll His but pretty gardens of new comer from Germany are In a general Way those best adapted to buck yard adornment In all parts of the country, ay the Woman's llomu Companion. Morning glory vine and woodbine etui be depended upon to cover fence or low buildings In a reasonably brief space of time and If encouraged will run riotously over trellises or arbor. The common crimson variety of pctu nlaa wlil flourish with very little at tentlon and present a most plcuslng appearance. Scarlet geraniums and vivid hucd petunlus are favorites, as Is also the yellow coreopsis. ltoae of the common Variety of course have pluiv aud so likew ise do lady' slipper, eel audlne aud iliinia. Blue Print Paper by the yard or roll at the Courlor offloe. OF' BENEFIT TO " ALL' SENATOR DANIEL ON THE VALUE OF GOOD ROAOS. wiyTey Are Eeomoaaleal and What TkeF Save gboald Be Ball! 10 Laat. ' la object Lcaaoa la virariawsi Coaatr. In an address at Virginia good road convention V nlted Btate Sena tor Daniel poke on the economy and benefit of good highways a follows: "A good road 1 universal public benefaction. There I not a single mem ber of the community who doe not re ceive advantage and pleasure from It It 1 the most domestic of all public Institutions. A courthouse Is for liti gants, an asylum Is for the lnrtrm, a Jull for criminals, a theater for enter talnmcnt, a park for recreation, a school for Instruction, a church for worshiper, a hotel for wayfarers, but a good road I foreverybody-suintand sinner, man, woman and child, iniiid and matron, young and old, rich and poor, healthy and lck, the lume, the halt and the blind all get a tthuro of benefit from a good Mad. "A good road Is a murk of the prog ress of the community In which It Is located. Show me a good road and I will confidently nay of the peoplo of the community, 'They are up and do ing; they are going forward.' A good road Is no transient and fickle satis faction. It 1 a stayer. Night and day, winter or summer, autumn or spring. It Is the general public servant, 'a friend that atlcketh closer than a broth er.' The antlpode of Interest on a debt, which run agulnst you all ths time, a good road 1 for you and does duty to you all the time. "A good road I a generator and a radiator of benefit to ull who live upon It or who move upon It. A man like to locate In a land of good road. They are the lightning roils to attract Intelli gent ettlers. A good road I a faith ful friend and a cheerful companion. It Is tlio best Investment and tho best of advertisement. It Is a poster that liolsxly want to deface and that you can't pull down. "This Is a country In which you have got to build roads after the old Itomnn fashion or after the fashion of the good Muds train build them to tuy built. In a country of this kind there Is no economy In building what you you might call a 'tolerable road' unless you are on the top of a fair plateau whero nature ha given you a good grade. In Prlnco Edward county the enterprising peoplo of I'nruivlllo nnd vicinity have built a good road accord lug to modern Ideas from Fnriuvllle out to old Hampden Sidney college. At any time you go there you can find the farmer, with their four horse ami lx liorso team currying their tobacco anil other products to this road. A soon as they strike this good rond they take out all but two borne and go merrily Jogging on to town, Rending tho rest of the horse buck to the plantation. Tliero 1 an object lesson for you anil one which Illustrate the economy of good rout!. "What will a road save? First, It will save time. That 1 the most Im portant thing In your life that you ought to save, because a little slice of time Is nil that the Creator has allow ed any of us here out of the great eternity. Whoever enn save time pro longs III life on earth to Hint eitent. In the next place, you cull save ma terial by having a good rond. Till I a department of the mutter which the statistician has never thoroughly In vestigated nor the historian recounted. Hut your experience tells you this: A stretch of muddy road means the breakage of harness, the straining of vehicles, ruined paint and varnish on your buggies and many other petty losses w hich amount to a great ileal In the aggregate. Then tliero Is u great saving of iinlmnl life resulting from good roads. It ruin a good horse to work li I its haul 011 a bud rond. Issk lit the horses that are strained. Think of the Increased nillulsT of horses you have to use on a bud road. Then think of the difference between bud and good roads to Hutu himself. If he starts with Ida produce to town, ten. tirteeu or twenty miles away over a bad road, be cannot get there and sell It before breakfast. Hut oil a good road ho can bring his produce with the dew of the morning upon It ten or even fifteen mile to town nnd get It to market w hile It Is most valuable. "Think for a moment of the effect upon the mini himself. Let him have a rickety wagon nnd a bad liorso and twenty miles to go to town through such mud as we have up In this coun try, and bo will bu ready by tho time he gets tbcro to appreclute the legend written 011 a dial In Spain with refer ence to the Hying moments, "Knell one wounds, the last kills." Hut If be is Journeying upon a good road pleasant thoughts come to hliu. lie has oppor tunity to think. Ho litis opportunity to tuko In w hatever Is pleasant around 111 111. Ho will enjoy conversation with hi companions, and when he get to town bo Is a rational, contented man, ready to face the next duty In life, whatever It may be. "Hut It Is not only In saving that good roads uro economical. See what they produce- Increasing Hipulutioii, better society, Is-tler school nnd In creased value of property. Just as s.s.11 us you get n good rond In your lielghborhtHsl the vuliio of your la ml upon each side of it w ill more than pay for Its building. There la not a single thing that you enn suggest In the way of public eiileipi-ise which offers more Immediate and more certain re turn for your Investment than good Minis." Katlooal Aid Foe duud Hoada. It look now ns If national aid was bound to come In the near future. Al ready many state legislature have put themselves 011 record lu It favor. ! to ( Iran Stereta. Every town should and could hvt clean and well kept streets. With a lit tle more enre In the detail of construc tion and more systematic aud thorough method of keeping them free from sticks, stones mid other accumulations of rubbish the thoroughritice of a town Would be a credit and a pride Instead of lu some cases an eyesore and cause for iiinrtlllciittoii. As lu the larger cities ordinance IKIng penalties for dumping nhcs and other household refuse to the strict should be enforced, as well as forbidding the loading of wagons with dirt, coal, wood, etc.. In uch a manner that a part of the con U'Ut will be distributed along the route of their passage. MiaiMimumss.snaia LADIES, ATTENTION! Original and only genuine Kksmch Tisy Vt Arras for rale by leading druggista, fU I erlsn. Safe antf reliable. Accept a substitute. mimhiiihiihiihiiihiisisiiiiii Q ATA R R H I s.,T fCbr?S0 Z (YORK.! ELY'S CREAM BALM Thla Remedy la a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction, civia aiLHF AT ONCI. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drive away a Cold In the Head quickly. Restored the Sense of Taste and Bmeci. Easy to use. Contain no lujnriuos drugs. ADiilied iuto the nostrils and absorbed. Iauge Size, 50 cent at Druggist or by mail) Trial Size, 10 cent by mail. a ELY BROTHERS, 66 Wirr.n St., Ntw York. Do Good -It Pays A Chicago man has observed that, " Good deeds are better than reul es tate deed some of tlio latter are worthies. Act kindly unci gently, show sympathy aud lend a hcpliug hand Yon cannot possibly lone by it. " Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help. There are persons iu this com munity who might truthfully say: My good friend, cheer up. A few dose of Clinmberlaiu'a Congh Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there ia no danger whatever from pneumo nia when you use that medicine. It always cures. I know It, for it lias helped mo out many a time. ' Sold by all drngglst. Austin' Keport Cards for school use for sale at tlio Courier ofilce 7fjc per hundred. Mrs. Fred Unra-th, Frealileut f'onnlrr 4'lnb, llenlon Harbor, Mich. "Alter my first baby w born I did not sum to regain my strength although the doctor gave me tonic which he consid ered very superior, but instead 0 getting better I grsw weaker every day. My hus band Insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for wet k and see what It would do for me. I did take the medicine snd was very grateful to lind my strength snd health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out ( bed and in month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very enthusi astic la its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces (lie organs of generation for the onlenl of preg nancy aud childbirth. It prevents luis rnrriag. No woman w ho takes Wine of Cardui need fenr the coming of her child. If Mrs. I'nrath hail taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came be would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid nvovery should commend this great remedy to every exsvtuut mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. VIHEorCARDUS "II Goes Right to the Spot." Wlicu jsiiu or irritation exists on any rt of tlio body the application of Hiillitrd's Snow Liniment will give prompt relief. "It goes right to the ssit," said an old mini who was rub bing it iu to euro Ills rheumatism. ('. II. Smith, l'ropr. Smith 1 louse, Tcimlin, Texas, writes: "I have used Dullard' Snow Liniment in my family for several years and have found it to lie tine remedy for all aches and p iins and I recommend it for iviins iu the throat ntid clu st. " 2,"e' ,MV and $1.0(1 at Shiver Irng Co. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tile county of Josephine. Ill the matter of the Labile ) of Agnes K. Sawyer, tie- t ceased. 1 To John Kicker, Mary Kemmick, Lydm June Hammond, Kuib Kim ball, Agues Hilton, A Ion .o Kicker, Stunner Kicker, Lemuel ltootlihy, lliami II. Libby, John Hooibhy, Nel lie McKcnnt, Mary Itoothbv, John Kicker, 1 hiv id Kicker and K. W. Saw yer, In irs at law ot deceased ; and r. W. Snwycr, Agues Smith, Clateiice U. Sawyer, Vrccling K. I Sawyer, Altledit M. Smith Clmuccv Mcssiger, Kami 10 Kaker Wonldridgo, d'Visecs of deceased, and all heirs and devisees unknown, if unv there be, UKKKTINU: IN THK N A M K oK TIIK ST A I K OK OKKliON. Von are hereby oiled nil 1 icipilr.d to iipettr In 1 he count v court of the Suite of On g. n, for the county of Josephine, at the court room thereof, at Oiauts l'uss lu the county of .K s. phitic on Friday the llth day of lVccuilcr, HUM, at 10 o'chs-k, 111 tin forenoon of dial tlay, then anil there to thow cause, if uny theie he, why an older xl-onld not be untile (or (Ik t.ilc c' II c w 'tv, tine, half of Lots I and J 111 Hliu k K of Houn.e's First Addition to the city of Grants Vnss in Josephine county, Oregon, nnd particularly described and Isiunded as cotituim d in the 'ti tiou for the sale thereof, as pr.iytvL. (or lu tin' Administrator's s(itiou therefor. Wiiuesa, t ie HON. J. IV HOOT!!, Judge of tho comity court of the state of Oregon for tin county of Josephine w ith the seal of said court altUcit tins lib dav ol November A. I). 11K U tSF.ALl Attest: K. 1. H VHTLK IT, Clerk. NOT H 'K OF FINAL SKTTLK MF.N'T. Notice is hereby give that the un dersigned, nilitiiiirstrntor of the Kstate of William lVulcy, deceased, ha tiled iu the County court ot Josephine County, State of Oregon, bis, final account na such admiutstrntor of said F.state, and that Wednesday, the day of lleeeinlior, IlkAl, at the hour of i o'clock p. m. bus been tilled by said court as the time for hearing of objH tiotis 10 sai l ri port, and the settlement thereof. Fl !.II KY, Administrator of the Kstate of W ill lam lilcv, dectased JNO M Kl MMLIL. Attorucv. DIRECTORY JOSEPHINE J udge Commissioner. . clerk Deputy Clerk sheriit Iiepuly Mierill. . I'rrHsurer chool hupt A ssessor surveyor Joroner COISTV OFKICKKS. J. O. Booth I John Wells it'. F l-ovelare it L. Itarlletl T. I' .1 orison Ceo. W" Lewis . . . . trnest t.isiei J. T. Tylor Lincoln Savoy VV. II. Fallin H r. ferkint- W. K. Kremer CITY OKFICK1W. Mayor J. K. Bashor Auditor and Police Judge .. J. J. Jenning Treasurer Col. w. Johnson 'ity Attorney .. . M. M. biimmell Marshal John Lockhardt hired Mipt Henry Mu.su Couiiciimcii tiro II.' Pitms J. I.. Caivert, J. A. Ilehkopf, Will C. I-inith. Herbert Mniih, II. C. Perkins. HtATKI'.NAI. (SOCIETIES. Orants Pa-slxalge . K. A A. M., .No W. re,-uiur coiiifiiunicat ou iir.-i au.1 titi'tl fcjlurduys. Vi-iiing In olio r cordially iuviled. II. . 1:100s W. M. A J. I'iKS, Sec'y. itoyal Arch Masons -Ueuuirs l l.aplerNn. in meets second and fourth Wednesday Masonic bud. II. O. IIouiks, J. K. ranasujf. Secy. 11. I . Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 2tl meets first and Ibird Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic hall. Mas. A. 1). (JoaaaLL, W. M. iiaa II. Zoi.i.i u. fcec'y. . O. 0. F.,Oolden Kule Lodge No. 78. meets every Saturday night at I. U. 0. F. ball. A. if. Uwis, T. Y. 1)a, Secy. N. (J. Visiting brothers invited. t'aran Encampment 1. (). O. K. No. meets second and fourth Thursday at - I. O. (. K. hall, Fate Ht iistiirr. T. Y. Uka ,Sec'y. C. Y. Kebekahs Etna Kebekah, No. 41), meets second and fourth Monday. 1. O. O. V. hull. K.lsik Okie. N.U. M. Jessie Davis, rjecy. United Artisans Orants Pass Assembly No. 4ti, meets alternate Tuesdays in A.O. li.W.nali. Mas. K.A.liairriTH. Fuau Mkhscii, Master Artisan, necy. . Woodmen of the World Kogue Kiver camp o. tK, meets second and fourth Fridays at Woodman Hall. F. It. Coaoa. C. C. C. E. Mavuki, Clerk. Woiueii o( Woodcraft Azalea Circle. No, is--', meets tirst and third Mondays al noooiueii uau. fins 1'atiick, U. N W. E. Dkaii, Clerk. .wooi-rn vvooiimen 01 America (irants I'vit ( amp No. nisi? meets and and 4th Wednes day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7:30. Ike M. Davis, V. C. W. T. Ootilder, Clerk. Foresters of America Court Josephine rio. zn, iiieeis eacti wecinesoay except the lirst, ul A. U. U. W. hall. (I. N. Holt, F. S. J. P. Hal, O.K. losephine lalge, No. II'.'. A. ). It. W meets in A. ). C. W.liall, Dixon build ing every .Monday evening. F. W. Hi oukutii, M. W U A. bTARAiiu, Kecortler. Hawthorne Lodge, No. 21, II. ot 11.. A. O. 1), W. -meeU every alternate Tuesday evening iu A. (I It. W. hall, Dixon liilllilluir, .Mrs. a. McCaSTH v, C. ol 11 Alas. l.vniA DiAitJtecorder. Kni(!hls of I lie Maccabees (irants Pa.s lent, o. l.i meets tirsl and third 1 nursduys ut Woodmen hall. Win. Allred, It. 1'. Chkshibs, Itecord Keeper. ' Commander, Ladles o( the Muccabees Urania 1'ass Hive No la holds reitular "Reviews' tirsl and third Thursdays at A. U. U. w 1. ..11 v...o . uhii. ia,,, iih eisieia cuniiauy invited. Jennie Cheshire. Mary Mutinous, Lady Commander. itecoru ivet'iier. K a ii: his o( I'yihias Theriuouylae No. M meets each Tuesday night 7:W) W. O. n. nun. ai. 1. i liey, C. u. Tom Williahs, K. of K. and 8. tiraud Army o( the Kepuhlic den. Logan Post Mo. tti, meets lirst VVednesday at yv.vi. ti. iv . nan. u. . i-.vass. J. K. 1'KTKIOtON, Adjt. Cotu. Woman's ltelief Corps -(jeneral Logan No, M, mi-els M ami III) haturdays at t u in at A. II I . W, hall. Mrs. Itue WeiJiuan, l'res. Mrs. T. II. Cornell, Seey. American Orller o( Steaiti 1-iiL'ineers. lire. gou Council No. 1, luc-i-is ti re-. and third ftaiuiduys, al A. t). V, W. hall. vt at. II. Ksnnsv. Hbm. K. Mviiii k, Chiel Engineer lurrespoimmg n,ngllioer. I Ir.lur ,.f l'...l.. UI.ilu O....L i il k? ... . .-,ic inn k v fiuilt ll nu ll!, meets ill Woodmen Hall Salurdtiy mollis, C. E, Maviis, Secretary J. I.. IIi'NTikii, Counselor. I'nitt-d brotherhood of Curieiittrs and Joiners ot America liiion No. Ilt each itioiiih al A. I). I'. W. Hail, meets second and fourth Fridays of A. J. 1'ikk, Pres. D. A. Firr.oKHAi.ii, See'y, Itojal Ncinhlsirs of America Kililh C, Mipe t amp No. '.Hon, niecls 1st and 3rd rtiduys ul A. U. V. W. hall M. Jennie Davis, Oracle. Henrietta oiler, Kecorder. Heauliful Complexions Are siHiiled by using any kind of proiutrat ions that tills the pore of the skin. Tlio best way to secure a clear ."omplcxinn, free from sallow ness, pimples, blotches, etc., into keep the liver In good order. Au oe easlomil dose of llerbine w ill cleanse the Isnvels, regulate the liver, nnd so establish a clear healthy complexion. .MV at Slover Drug Co. To Cure Colli In a Day. Take Laxative ltrouio tjiniime Tablets All drilKHisIs refund the luonev i( it fails to cure. E. W. tiru'e's signature 19 on each box L'ac. MOTHERS snd DAUGHTERS l tiv H 1'XICOXA Thr Mt'tlrni lirmt'ti fr Woiuimi J KrKVN l urnl m in -of OVARIAN AND UURiNE DISORDERS We emr iniarantee a t i po-llive-lire lor 1 .OIICQri' I1O0H THE RhXICONA CO. J l.aeY Aoeats VTrul J 'iid tor HHn.-i . j San Jose, Cat. .AaVaVAaV&AAaVaVA aX1 fl'4.i4 B0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tnaoc Mtnna Anvrin tvn11nf ahMcti ami tr-KTUtt i ami fuU-tt kkWUIlt OUT itptrttiUl tTV9 httiT atO lint-til Wl lJ rnhMT IVtltMltstM 1 lift ttiu il.n tli-uatiinctty t-s'na.hentiaU. IUn1lit4i m fvltuiv nl trv imii iwtncf fur ieAii ii t itaii I'Ma't't i?titn inri.ti i.tiij hunii Alt., rvxvT Scientific American. A hi-iilftviiijT MinMrntsHs wtiii. I jnrrM r.r. oilili'n of nt .HitiO-- tniii ,tl. TVuu. S a tf , f-'r ni.'tfci, fl. Nild i.f .'l Alrn. jeiBrd.:,.K;rt Yn;;, kraura 1I. -0 r St.. Wwh ,- I' c. has stood the test 25 vears. Averam Annual io ... ... . poiues. ixes tiais record Ijv-loaal taratai auam , 7 ODAKS- All Kinds $1.00 to A.E.Voorhies -:- COURIER MAUIiLE AND GRANITE WORKS J. B. PADPOCK, I'koi'k. I am preneretl to furnish anything In the line of Cemetery work in anv kind of MARBLE or GEAMTE. Nearly IllirtV veara of inoriun,.a in tl, that I can till VOIir nln in Urn ..arU hi., ' Can furnish work in 8coU:h, Swede Front Street, Next to Greene' Oisnahop, h. II WliBfiTKP, I'KIHIUKNT. The Southern Oregon Title Guaranty & Abstract Company GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 693 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE CERTIFICATES OF TITLE TIHih 1 :xiiinlii'l, lerro-tMl, iiiai-uiitMMl. A B. HAMMOND, Attoksev. QOLUMBI A Q GRAND Fftia PARIS, I9O0 Columbia Disc Graphophones $15, $20, $30 COLUMBIA DI5C ORAPH0PH0NE The Graphophone reproduce II kinds of music Not necessary to learn to play any Instrument for sal r aaaler IZhz.: Catalog. 17 Columbia Phonograph Company, PIOKUIJ AW lUDtHS IN THE TALKINC MACHINt ART Via kav oar wa toro I over tweatr-tiv cltiaa hs la taita State a a (roo 125 Geary Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL For Sale in Grants Pass by W. A. Paddock. Riff THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Uadvillc. Ptublo, Colorado Spring,, and Denver, and the famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all Points East. 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY IMiTWUHX (WIDKX AXD DI-XVKr'3 MODERN EQUIPMENT. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR ISTS LEEPlNG CARS ANO SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE. STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, f olden and other i formation, addmt FRANKLIN - Slamlanl TV: E 1 IUTER VisiMe Writing, Simple Mochanistn, Speed, Excellent Manifolding. I'erinaiH'iit True Aligtimcnt and Durability at a Fair Trice. A Strictly Ili.uh-Class Machine Sold for $75.00 oiTrrrri:ij-'rwi:it cx. E. F. Bumpus, Marager, - - Lcs Angeles. Californie iMlKMl) Wilson Illixk eor. S-r:ng ami First Slrrrl. Grove's Tasteless Chill " . .wwvm vi.e tuns u SIOU ITiUllun of merit anneal to von 7 Un fanatic U . T V. . X mmt pacaayai m VTOV from the Brownie to F. P. R $75.00. Photo Oealei OIFICH. VfurKl. knoixAu . - , n r,, .. i ,,,, or American Granite or any kind of t. 11 iArsT.nrK. W. 15. HAMMOSIV, t-KtncT.iHV. RAPH0PH0NES 1ST TA1MNC MACHlNtS MADC Columbia Cylinder Graphophones $3 to $100 Columbia Records Fit any make of talking machine Neoast Popalar Maaic, Fuaay Stories, U. DI5CS Seven Inch 50 cents each; $5 per dozen Tan Inch $1 each; $10 per dozen CYLINDERS Reduced to 25c each These are the best wax records ever made Black Supcr-liardened Doat pay twice aa anach for aa iafcrior articl vvaryMaara aa tar tts W.C M. IIHIDi : ;,ms. Au;t la taxi at PORTLAND, ORE. "The CHICAGO" 1 vpcwr.tcr $35 Guiir.iiiii-ctl to rqtial any ' if Iimi machine. The Chicago Typewriter Co 51514 Market St. San Francisco Tonic " w ''w 3 OUCal ILOOC UV rtUS. NOTCE TO CKEITORS Notice nereuj nndersignod lias bn apiioiuted by tlio County Court ot Coniity, administrator ot the estate of Henry York, deceased. All person ...:.. ..loi.na Biminst such estate are ueT.ed to preVnt them with the Pro,..r vonehers annexed to me 1 1 e untlersiKneu, ui - attorney at Grants Pass, Oregon, witliin six montlis from this date. Sc 2" 1908. ALBERT S. YORK, ' Aftmlniutrator. NOTICE FOK I'L'BLICATION. l'nit-il States Lantl Oflif. p,, i)n,in. O.i. 0. 11)03 vA,.... i. i.u.wliv pivcn that tlie lol- luwiiilt-iiame I fe'tlur has AM noticr ol His ii.teittKiri In make una ... i. w., ,.i l.id ilaiin. and prool thai iu jbuj'k" . ..r .i lu. muil hffiirn J. O. ntv. nam piuwi " --. Boolli, Lounijr juiiva. jiwHiiiir tuuir nb-r at tirants ra8, urnun uu ivnm '5. v i : HtjliK.R" K MOKRIS on hi II K. No. 818, for ttit- st'i Vclll; N'V i MC! H--c 21, tP S., h a W. He nsiiifs tlie follow isiiz witiiHsar to prove his rmtiiiuone reaiilente upon anil cnliivaliun of said land, vi: MarciioM. Murray, Janien II. Crox u 1 .,n,i,-a bavaie. Ilavid Uubertfl all ul Gran's Pans, OreR-on. J. 1. bKHMlKS, liaimfr NOTICE FOR I UBLICATI0N. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. United States Land Office, Roeeburu, Oregon. Sept. 1. 1903. Notice is tieivbv iriveu that in cm plianue with tbe provition of the act ol ilonureiie of June ?. 1878. entitled ' An act lot the sale ol timber lands in the States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory" aa extended to all the Public Land States by act ol August 4 18J2, JOHN E. NYE of Gold Hill, County of Jackson, Stale ol Oreiion has this day Hied in this office bis sworn itatement No. 6077, for the purchateol the NK'i ot Section No. 30, in Township No. 35 South, Ranite No. 4 VV. and will offer proof to chow that the land BOUtitit is more valuable for it timber or slone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to taid land before Ctias. Mcltell, L. S Couimieeiouer, .Medlonl, Oreuon, on SatuMay, tbe 5lh day ol December, 1U03 lie name as witnesses. Geo. L. M. Clellen, Win. Childer and W. P. tblKlii'lm, ol U ld Hill, Ore. and John Owens, of Winier, Oregon Any and all peieonr t-laiininii adverse ly tbe aliove-tlescriiMd lands are re questril to tl.e tbeir claluis III tins ollh-f on or before eaid 5tb day of Dc-eniliet 1U03 J. T. BKHifiKit U-Kislfr NOTIt'E KOIt PUKI.ICATIOX. Timber Land, Aci June 3. In78 KoSHtiiirit, Oieifon, Anit. -7, VMS Nuiit-e i. belt bv fftven thai in crin iili.m-e witb tbe provisions t,t ilieact. ol (JinmrpnH of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An iet lor Hie ta'e of limber lands in Hie Stalei of ('alift.rnia, Oreiion Nevada mil Wasliiniitiiii Territory," an extended hi all lite Public Laud Htatee by act of AUg-iicI 4, IH'.U, JOHN I10LLIS of Carson Couutv ol Skamania Slate of Washington, has tins day tiled in this ollii-e Ins swoin statement M lor tbe :iin llHi-e cf tbe N E'i of SEJ and h.;a ot s j and 4 ol WJ ol Hec i:on No. 2ti in Township No. 37 -Would Kmine No 0 West, and will otfer prom to show that tbe land souubt is mori valuable for it timber or stone than lot it(f i icilll u ra I purposes, and to establich tit claim to paid land before J, O. Booth Countv Judge, at his ollice at Granlr I ass, Oregon, on Monday, the 23d dat j( November, IWi, Ho names as wit nessts : Kilwatd llo'lis, Carson, Washington lit-r.lia llolli, " " . W. S.l-by, Grant Pass, Oregon V. II. Ilrigvs, " ' Any and all per-om claiminL' adverse ly the abi-ve-described lands are re que-ifil to tile their claim in thiB nttii e -ui ir before said zJd dav of November I'll).). J. 1. liitiixiKK, Kemster NOItCE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. United Sta er nd Ollice.l Kio-eburg, Oregon, Sept. 1, luu.'J Notice ia hereby given that in coin pliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congiess of June) 3, 1878, entitled "An act (or the eale of timber lauds in the Btate ol California, Oiegon, Nevada and Washington Territory." a ex tended tall the Public Lund Slates by aci 01 Allgll-l , 1WI2, EOWARU HOLLIS of (.arson. County of Kkamania -lute of Washington, has this dav Bled in t li in ollice t) is eworn ialenieni No. for the purchase of the N'f cl KW'i svu ofNWl and NWlol StM ol Wectioo No at iii Township No. 37 South, kange No tl Weal, and will oiler prool to show that the land sought ia more valuable lor its timber or alone than lor agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land befoie Arthur Conklin, U. 8. CummiFsioner, at his oince at Cirants l's, Oregon, on Mon day the 23d dav of November, 1J03. He names as wiiuetset, : John llnllis, of Carson. Wuhinirton Berth Mollis, of Carauii, Washington A. W. Siisby, Grants Pas, Oregon K. II. Bria-K". Grant Pass Oreuon Any and all persons claiming adveraa- ly the abnve.descrihel lands are re- (ini sieti to tile their claim in this office on or Uelore aald 23d day of November, 'W-l- J. 1. Uhiixiki, Register, BRIOHT'S "DISEASE The largest sum ever paid lor pre- n.i..tlnK 1 1 1- LI . . ei.iii'tiuH, iiaiiKru nanus m can r ran-fiai-o 4iil .in ioni Tt.a . I ....... uv, tiru,,v,iiD , i aiiFifr in volved in coin and Block $112,500.00 and was paici oy a parly ot liiisiness men lo a specific for Bright' Disease and Dia lietes. hitherto incnrHtilA Hiauaa.a They commenced the serious invest! nation of the specific Nov. 15. KX) fhev llilervieweit iifimi nt il,B ... 1 ' . " Hiiro cm! tried it out on its nieins hy putting iver tnree uoien cafes on the treatment mil watt binu lln in Tiiur .,..i .,i.. lit-tans to name chronic tmiirMi,in..A. mil ailniiiii.it-n ti it with the ih)siciatir iirjiiug-s. c p lil AUg. ZO, 87 per I I- dthe test tses were either Weil iruressiiig favorably. There being but thirteen per rent allures, tne narliea were aat .1 loseii the lranJction. I he proieedina- f the inveatiiratina' rnmtiiitte and u.. .hni.-al reiKirls of the test rases were published and will be mailed Iree on apphcaiion. Address JoiIn J. fiLTnii cimeAsy.-t.-u Montgomery St.SanKi cisco, Cal. DR. FEiNNER'S KIDNEY and Backache ill dtseaaes ef Kldnara, Sw i w-v w-a ,1f?lUr,v0rlnT Oriaaa. f I 1111 Al-i Rhsumauam, Back I I i VI scfca H?artDliaa.a6raTal. il I Do' beoto dlarenra(d. Thar Is I , , I'ywMjr rtia sir. senaer m .... iiiui. runns iu I caaeaaayuura. All cooaullalkuiia rr. . - " viin ma Curalltonrv hulMu. . I (U F a dmiff aMt nu.b,MkA . aier the paat year wbom tbe dortora had ji.rnup. if. a. Et 11.1. as tl woodland, la." tmlta.50e,ll. A,k torCkmk Book'-rr. CT VlTiicmunca ; Jure Car circular IU viIIIUO UMil wL l-eaaer. Kredoiulvv For ul by VV. F. Kremtr and H. A RotrrmuaML Photo Supplied a the Oourler of L .alaaaaaaaa. a 11 si 7D iaj C.60TZ1AH&CC.S MANCFACTOR2.R3. STaEAUL. vi.it DR. JORDAN'S taT musEua gf inimi mi nun it., mi riucisn, iu. Tk. LarMt Aafttanleal Sana ta Ow WlNlO. W Mkn.t.M m Uif Ci. 11,(4 altB paJtl..ty nnJ lj Ui. .Iom felMMialiM oa taa Caa aataljMn. DR. JORDAN OHEAJEI OF MEN) Trasia-ia laarnfU. naSkat Simb trMua vttBMtl taa u .fat..,MWT- Ti." u.a ay aa Bapaa. Blaat. aa.1 Sm BlaiB4M. a aafcaaaa ndlMl cm far B-llaa. lan. a.a STtatMia a Dr. jafoaaa laaual r i law BMHlMa Caaaaltaaaa Ira. aa aaaHi laluta. Twiaaaalaat. M auiii ar ar lm. A Om uvtr caM f aajcrukaa. wma tar awiea. raiia.aiaorBl V f BiaKBlsatSSE. UAILa Paaa. (A raiaawa haa Sw a.a 1 Call ar araa DH JortDSN CO.. 111 starM tt, , p. v OREGON SS!OjTLlNE and Union Pacific THREE TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullimin standurd and Tourist sleeping etir-i daily to Omaha, Cliii'iiKt), Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally con ducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclining chair cases (Beats free) to the Ka-t daily. DkpaktI Time Sen koules les I Akkive fob Krom Portland nd I prom r.Ftl Chicago- Salt Lake, llenve Portland Worth, Kansas Omaha, 4:.KJ p.m. Special City, St. :20 a. in. Louis, Chicago and via llunt- East in t'ti in. Atlantic -Salt Lake, IJenveff Kxniess Ft. Worth. Oinaha 8:15 p. tu. Kiinsas City, Slv 10::i0a.ru. via Hunt Louis, Ciiicagd IngUin. St. Paul nntl Kiist. Valla Wtillu,T7ewis Past Mail ton. SiMikune, Wal 0 p. m. via lace. Pullman. M iti-7 :.'!." a. ui. iif!iMlis. St. I'aul, , Dtiluth. Milwaukee, Cliii iigti and Kast.l Spokane 70 HOURS PORTLAND jo CHICAGO XoCiiANtiKop Cars! Tickets east via all rail, or boat and rail via Portland. Ocean and Kiver Schedule FROM POUTI.AXL). All sailing dates sub ! 8 p. in. j ject to change. 4 p. 111. For San Francisco I Sail every tivo days. Daily ex ! Sunday COLUMWA RIVER i p. hi. 8 p. in. ! I Except Saturday To Astoria und Way Sunday in p. in. I Uintlings. A. L. CRAICi, (ien. Pass Agent. Portland, Oregon, ASK THE AGENT FOR TICKETS VIA Tn corikAWF ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINMIAFCHS CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS EAST 2THA1NS lAIIaA" O PANT Till I- NEW Kyl lPMKNT THHOlGHOtT IMy Coaclie. Palace and Tnurli-l meeprra, inninK and HuB.-l Kmokins; Lilbrarj Car. Daylight trip tlirouuh the faacatlc iiiivii lounlalna. For full Dnrtietihiea i-ui f..i.i. ..... call on or addrcM .' ' ' II. DICKSON, c T. A J. W. PHALON.t. p. a 123 Third tatrere, Portland A. B. C. DENNISTON. ti. W. P A mvt Avenm Seattln, Wa-h. THE "MILWAUKEE" A familiar name lor the Chicaeo. Mil aaukeeASt. Paul Railway, kno.n .11 ver the Union as the Great Railaay running the "Pione..r Limited" trains every day and night hetert St. Paul and Chicago, and Ouah and Chicago. Tht only perfect traina in the world Understand: Connection, are made ith All Transcontinental Line, assur ing to pMsenr the bestaerviceknoan. Lujurioua cowhe. electric liKht...te.iD line! Te"'r en"' -T no other tth.ty00, ticket reads via "The th.rI! J" " (ro,n.'' 'ny in .7.. . i . "rcanau. All tick et agent Mil them. m..v; T .' Pl,,Ph," or other infos tnation, tddreaa, ''t-.C p"t . c- Ennr. PM. Agt. tSen, ADt. Wah. Potli.d. Or . H ft EU SMi rU-Z V. i.4 rv mi L X N HZ nc.