Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 05, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Evry Thursday.
Subscription Rata:
On Year. In hItmm,
HU Months.
Tbre Month!,
Single Copies,
Advertising Racss
Furnished on application at lh office, or
by inaH,
Obituaries and resolution of con
, doJsnra will b charged for 5c per line;
1 sard of thanks 90c.
A. K. VOOBHIES, Propb. 4 Mnor
Entered at the pout office at OranU P-s,
Oregon, as aecvnd-cla mail matter.
i TJIUKSDAY, Nov, fitli. 1903.
f The official badge for tho comiuR ir
rlgation meeting , iu Pondluton has
boon happily chosen. The bead of
ripMMKl wheat, the sprig of alfalfa
and the wiip of aagfl brosli, tied with
a string of wool That littlo symbol
tolls the story of tlio Wont IU opto
lug chapter, M road In the sprig of
age brush, foils of the owourinercd
wildorneM.' as the Western pionoer
found It The frints of their toil and
heroism are socn In the emblems of
civilization, tlx head of wheat and
the sprig of alfalfa, with the product
of the great lireirt'ck Industry, the
woolen oord holding thorn in close
enibraoc mmmmmmmm
The legislature of 1U03 panned an
act changing the time of mailing the
annual tax levy from January to July
and it was provided that the nw act
shall go Into effect on January 1,
1904. An assessment bas been made
in every comity in the state in con
templation of a levy in Jaunary.
The supremo court holds that when
the sato board of apportionment and
the oonnty courts hold tholr meetings
in January they will bo without
any authority to make a tai levy at
that timo, for the new law Inn entire
ly swopt away the old. A special
session of tlx legislature will
probably bo callod for tho purpose of
authorizing a levy in Jimunry, for
otherwise state, county, city and
school district warrants must bo en
dorsed tor waut of funds and tlx in
terest they will draw will amount to
many tlmos the cost of a special ss
ion. j
' '
.Join . Johnson e.nd Cla.rka not
- In It In Ohio.
."Elections were held Tuesday iu scv
eraf 'of tlx Eastern states. The most
interest was taken in tlx contest in
$w York city and Ohio. San Fran
cisco liuld a city election.
In Now York city Tammany made a
clean sweep. MuOlellan having a
majority of over 60,0(10. Tin tiger
also lias a working majority of 87 in
tlx board of aldermen.
The republicans carry Ohio, Manna
chnaett,Nebraska, New Jersey, Penn
sylvania,' Iowa and Colorado, llanna
Will have a big majority in tho legis
lature over Chirk.
Tlx democrats carry Kentucky and
Bait Lake city.
111 Sun Francisco, Bchniirit, labor,
lias 3u,o26 votes for mayor, Crocker,
rep., 111,728, and Latiu, dui., 12,1!S.
Tlx democrats elect a majority of the
supervisors, tlx assessor, recorder,
shroiff, puhlicaduilnlstrntor and nor
. uir. jfcy, . .
rifly Cents for Snavee.
' 4 Fred Welch returned lust week
frcm Alaska aud will speud the
Winter in Hontheru Oregon. Mr.
Welch lias a barber shop and confect
ionery store at Dominion Creek, 60
miles from Dawson. Tlx regular
price for' a shave iu his towu U M
ocnts''; aud $1.00 for a haircut In
coming out.' lit. Welch traveled from
Dawson to Wlilto Horse by steamer, a
distance of uerly 400 miles and the
fare was (.10; then came a U'O mile
railway ride for '.'017 cents a mile.
Navigation closed a few days after
he took the trip aud seven boats were
caught In tlx lee, leaving several
. hundred people to go by stage. Mr.
. Welch closes out the store stock ami
locks up the barbel shop during the
Merlin Item.
jyBert Oorluuu of Winona was wen
ou our streets Huudiiy.
- Win. Jorduu who lias been ijuito sit k
with malaria fever is slowly Improv
ing. Mr. llethen prciirlicd'au Interesting
sermon at tlx Methodist church Sun
day. Misa Josephine Crow commenced
school iu the Hussy district No. 17 on
Mr. lioseiihaum, (he S. 1. ugent,
baa boeu sulTerlug from axtlima, but
Is much better.
- I). W. Mitchell bad the mlfnrfum
to injure his right hand quite severely
ou a uail last week.
Miss Mury Massie went to Ashland
Katurdny to enter the .Southern tire
State uormal as a student.
.11 rn. r.uiiii rrakc hih! Intuit sun
rroiu I'timlletou, lire. , sro visiting
Mrs. Frakes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.
W. Mitchell.
Tlx colored evangelist pnss.'J
through our comrnmiitv first of the
week and will hold services iu lln
llaptist church of Jh'rlui.
The S. P. Co. has becu "minciug"
matters consiilerntilv with Merlin and
vicinity, having run ever and killed a
pig, a chicken aud a cat, in the Km
Another Fire t Aberdeen.
AlMrdoen wasjngaln visited by a de
atructlvo fire which started at 1 :.'10
o'clock last Tuesdav tuorniiig. The
Comuirccial block aud jioMolrlce were
totally destroy!. Ouo buihitng was
occupied by eight stores, aud a iium
ber of families who lost their hornet
in the recent big fire hero had lodging
rooms above. Tlx people of the towu
were almost panic stricken, fearing a
-repetition uf tlx reoeut big contlugru
tlon. Tlx loss aggrt'Katiis
Pendleton rtlankut ai-.d Indian
"Q"cs at Tliomas'.
If you do not get Shoes to
suit you, try the Red Star
Shoes that wear sold at
Moderate Prices.
Mills Compelled to Shut !own
(or Laxk of Cars.
There is a freight car famine on all
tlx linos of tlx Southern Paciflo sys
tem and this shortago of cars has been
a sorious handicap to tlx lumber
industries of Southern Oregon for
most o( the mills havo been compelled
to shut down and the others to run but
part of the time by reason of being I
unablo to ship their lumber. The
Iowa Lumber Company of Jacksonville
has been nnablo to secure cars In
sufllcieut numbers to ship thoir lum
ber as fast as it comes from their
planing mill nud tlx first of this
week they had to shut down both
mill and planer for a conplo of days
by reason of a lumlier blockade.
Tho big saw mill at Springfield,
owned by the Booth-Kolley Lumber
Co., has closed dowu on account of
tlx scarcity of logs in the pond.
With tlx Weiidllng mill also closed
down, several hundred men aro idle.
It Is not kuown how long these mills
will bo closed. A scarcity of cars for
shipping lumber Is one cause for sus
lieiiding operations.
A Lovt Lctttr
Would not interest you if you'ro
lookiuir for a Kuarantoed salvo for
sores, unriis or plies, utto ijoihi
writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore
for a your, but a box of Iluck len's
Arnica salve cured mo. Its the best
snlve on earth. 2Iio at Natiounl Drug
Greatest Values We
Have Ever Offered
Once more we cflcr you the very best and
most desirable merchandise nt extremely popu
lar prices.
We have doubled our efforts in your behalf and
re now prepared to show you the stronger line of
Fall and Winter Merchandise
that we have ever shown.
We submit nn excellent variety of Ladies',
Misses' and Children's Cloaks and Jackets llox
Back and Louis XIV Coats ure the leading styles in
Ladies' Jackets for the coming season. fee our
styles nnd get our prices before you buy.
New Walking Skirts Vou must see these to ap
preciate them. The styles and materials are new.
New Waists, Dressing Sacipies, Mercerized Sat
teen Petticoats, Handmade Shawls, Fur Collars and
Also a beautiful nnd Complete line of Diess
Goods in the newest styles and weaves.
Mooting Is Called for
Secretary Oilkey has sent out circu
lar letters to firmer ineiulHTs of the
Grunts l'aMi Choral I'nion, culling a
meeting to ho held ill the parlors of
Itethiiny Presbyterian church Monday
evening at 8 o'clock to decide h it
line nt work, if any, shall be taken
up this w inter.
It is linHirtaut that there shall bo a
full attendance of the members and
friends who are interested in inns c
.mil thut there shall Ih a flee expans
ion as to the pnicr course to pursue,
ami to this cud all music lovers ale
urgidtobe present at the meeting.
Tho meetings of the choral union in
years jiunt have been a source of great
pleasure and pretlt to those attending,
slid it is hoH'd tl io work will Ih
taken up nuaiu tills year. Last sea
sou there were no nieetius held.
Star Store.
Clendale Lodge No. 172 Thirteen
Thirty two Odd Fellows from
Grants Pass and vicinity, SO from
Gold Hill and many from Koseburg
and other points gathered at Glendulo
Saturday and organized Glendulo
lodge I. O. O. F. with a good charter
membership. Thirteen candidates
were initiated, the work being done
by the Roseburg team.
Atfer the initiation tables were
spread iu tiie hall and an elaborate
banquet wus enjoyed bv the visitors.
The residents hud arranged to hnve
tlx banquet at tlx restaurant, but
owing to tho firo v. liicli occurred the
night before they were obliged to
hold it in tho hall which is ou the
second floor of a new brick, just built
by II. U. Soiiiiemiinn.
Among the visitors from Grunts
Puss were tlx following:
lirotliers Lewis, Dean, J. W. Will
i'lius, Schmidt, Grove, Ii. A. Will
iams, Colby, Wooldridge, Fields,
Davis, Hall, Koberls, Wells, Kuhli,
York, Cook, Lang, and Warner.
Me Learned a Great Truth.
It is said of John Wesley thut he
oiico an id to MistroHS Wesley: "Why
do you toll that child the sumo thing
over and over again?" "John Wesley,
because once telling is not enough."
It is for this same reason that you are
told nguiu and ngniu that Chuiuber
luln's cough remedy cures nobis und
grip, and that it is pleasant and wife
to lake. For sale by all druggists.
Number of Names 71 Loss Ih&n
Last Year.
The city registration books
Saturday night with a total
names enrolled. This wus
of iliS.I
,i less
than last veur.when there should hav
been at least one third mure names.
Very little interest was tukeu by
voters, The registering by wards is a
f.illows :
First ward l'i
Second v.;.l l.'s
Third ward '";
Fourth ward
The registration last ywr was as
follows :
First wurd 1'"'
Second ward 1
Third ward V
Fourth ward
Total .
e Voorbies shout Kodaks snd Supplier
Woman's Club will Try
Have Streets Cleaned.
A special meeting of the Grants
Pass Woman's Club was called at
Woodman hall on Saturday, Oct. 81st,
as there wus much business to be
attended to, and tho regualr meeting
day is not till tlx first Saturday iu
the mo'ith. A committee was appoint
ed to confer with the City Council as
to tlx matter of ' improving the city,
such as cleaning alleys, clearing rub
bish heaps, providing a common
dumping ground, etc.
The needle work department risked
for uu impropriation of !0 from the
Club to bo used iu payment for Ussoos
iu embroidery and luce work. The
needle work department is tuking les
sons of M.'S. Ilule, who30 wrrk is ei-
cellerit. The department is deriving
great benefit from the lessons, 'i'lern
being "'i iu the class.
The literary department, through Goodin, stated that they would
give nu entertainment in the near
future, and they desired Prof. Howe,
of the State University, to give a
lecture at that dute. They asked to
have his exj) paid. Tho request
was granted.
The urt department asked for an ap
propriation of $7 fur muterials for thut
dcjiartmoiit. Th.s was allowed ai d
soon tho art department will begin
aotivo work.
The musical department asked for
10 for nse in Hint, department. The
sum was appropriated.
That part of the constitution pio-
viding thut associate membership may
hi; obtained by an additional payment
oft&fiO annually was stricken out.
It wus decided that tho admission
of locul visitors to the regular club
meetings bo increased from 10 cents
to 2. cents, and tho section covering
that part, of the constitution was so
Mrs. D. H. Stovnll, reporter.
Committee Fells to Settle Mon
tana Copper Fight
The committee of meditation, act
ing at the request of the Chamber of
Commerce of Great Fall' and with
tho consent of the representatives of
the United Copper Com (.any nnd the
Amalgamated Copier Company, nfter
a session lasting two days came to a
conclusion Saturday afternorn thut it
could not find any solution of the
ISutte shnt down situation, gave out
a brief statement to tho public and ad
journed sine die. The statement is
sued and signed by tho memers of the
commit'oo it given herewith:
"Hutte, Mont., Oct. 81, 1 00S Her
tu-rt Strain, President Great Falls
Husiness Men's Association: Sir We;
the undersigned members of tho medi
tatlon committee entered uponthodis-
eharge of our duties, realizing the
magnitude und dillieulty of our tusk.
Nevertheless, we have labored assidu
ously to accomplish tho purjose of our
"We have failed to obtaiu a stipula
tion from the parties litigunt which
will insuro a resumption of work by
the Amalgamated Copper Company
and have been unable to devise uny
plan looking to that cud which did
not involve the mutual coiihcnt of the
parties interested.
"We rerget fhis exceedingly nnd
hoie some common ground muy yet lie
found 1 iy the parties themselves nou
tvhich they cun stand.
."J. J. HILL,
W illiams Items,
Mrs J. T. Hartley wcut to Grunts
Pass last week.
Perry Met lee made a flying trip to
Meilfoid last week.
Mr. Moss and family were out visit
ing nt I'. John's Sunday.
('has. McGce spent Sundav with
his limit, Mis. It. Iiigdow.
Have Vineynrd nud son made
business trip to Grunts Puss Friday
Lena Luytou of Applcgato bus been
visiting on the creek for a few days.
Lester Ijiyton and Geo. Siurliu are
going to leave for Althouse this
Miss Mat tie Met lee went to Med ford
Thursday, to learn the dressmaking
Miss Pearl Pavidson of Missouri
Flat is vsitiun friends on the creek
this week.
C. O. and Hert Iligclow have left
for tlis- mountains to get the rest of
their cattle.
Geo. lloxie and
family have left
for Golden, where
for the future.
thev will nsi'h
Jaiiier Lennnou's Utile bev who
has been quite sick w ith the fever h
getting along nicely now.
Mr. leGee left last week foi
Vancouver, P. C, where he exjs'cts
to make his futcre home.
Miss L. Davidson of Missouri Flat
who lias !ccn listing ut Williams foi
(he last tew davs has returned home.
Mr. Whitehead of Grants Pass lias
been out ou the creek presiding for
a few days but returued to towu to
day. The ball game played betiveeu
Missouri Flat and Provolt nines Sim
la v, resulted in Missouri Flat taking
liin bai k sent as usual.
The weather Ins been tine for the
last few days snd the oldest settlers
on tlm crH k say that October has been
the tun st fall month know n for years.
The box social that was held at tin
hall was a decided success, 40 boxe
being soli at .VI cents a box ; the pro
ceeds go for a Nil for the Paptist
Miss Heli u McCoy of Grunts Pass
s teaching our fall term of school,
and has made a host of friueds al
ready, and we hope that she w ill fall
iu love with our little city and teach
the spring term.
When looking for g old or gold filled
I watclns, you will make a mistake if
von don't eiumne my stock before
j purchasing. A. I etcher.
Leiand Sifting.
A big dance was given nt Virtue
Hall last week. A big crowd was in
attendance, everybody enjoyed themselves.
All kinds of business is moving
along nicely, no spurts, but busiuets
is solid. Our hotel is doiug a good
At present there is great activity in
the mines, peoplo who had taken but
little interest in mining have gone to
the bills hoping to find the precions
The Lewis company has been sur
vey iug a large tract of land for min
ing purposes. W. 'II. Hampton did
the surveying. More mines in this
district means more market for the
farmer also for the gardner.
With tho ledges that are developed
in the near future we can look for
soveral plants to be erected. S6me
parties have developed their ledges
aro now waiting to sell, that is one
reason why more ledges aro not work
ed more.
The weather is fine; all the farm
ers are busy doing their fall work.
Such weather as we are having and
will have, judging by the past, for
the next month or more would he call
ed Indian cummer back in the States,
but hore we have such a lor.g fall'ttiat
we don t appreciate it
We see by the Cottage Grove paper
a puff that editor gives that county
one would think that is the only
place iu Oregon for immigrants to
come too; we know when we have a
good rain here so people can plow,
there it will ruin continuously for
nearly a mouth ; we know whereof we
write as we have close correspondence
with that part of the country. In
this country we need more rain than
we very often get, for tho miners
Ween we look around us aud see so
many families that have no homes
and plenty of good laud bore that can
be converted into good homes, we
think these people need more puph
und energy for in a short time all
available lauds will be taken, then
these people will suy : "Yes, I could
have taken .or bought me home, but I
didn't, now it is too late so I must
content myself by working ont by
days work." Wide Awaku.
Provolt Items.
iUrs. mgelow ot Williams wus
visiting in this vicinity last week.
L. C. Basye and his mother texk
some fine licit to Jacksonville lust
Mrs. Nettio Thompson ntteuded the
teachers' institute at Jacksonville
lust week.
We are having flue weather but the
farmers are paticuty waiting fur rain,
so as to do their fall sowing.
On account of the touchers' insti
tute at Jacksonville lust week, there
was no school ufter Thursday.
Chi is Ulricli, Geo Lewis and P. II.
D.uloy of Jacksonville were at Glen-
dale Saturday, returning home Sun
J. L. Woohlridgo, one of our lead
iug farmers wns ut Grants Pass Satur
day on business, returning home Sun
Chus. Basyo, formerly of this local
ity, but now a citizen of Ja -ksonvilh
vas on Saturday evening's train en
rente to Glendulo.
Some sneaking scoundrel entered
a vacant house ou the Kuhli farm a:icl
broke dowu all of tho doors and wiu
dows. There will bo a reward offer
ed for tho party who did this work,
md there will be no trouble in locut
ing tho right party.
A large number of tho iiicuiIhts of
the Goldeu Rule Lodge, I. O. O. F
attended the organizing of a new
lodge at Glendulo Saturday evening.
I he good people or Glcmlale gave
the boys nu excellent supper uud re
ports are that all had n good time.
V e following are those who ntteuded
from this locality: L. C. Il.i.-vi, Hit
Vincent, J. T. Cook, K. J. Kuhli
V. Ijmg and E. F. Lutyon
Wlldervlllo Notes.
We ure
having nice weathe
Miss Ethel liobiu-ou i (around again
after a few weeks illness.
rramliua liurrougli visited a lew
lays with her daughtei, Mrs. W. S.
. Mrs. George Lewis nud daught
Goldio are now visiting witli Mrs
Lew is' daughter, in Washington.
Miss Chloo Holiiuson is nt home
Nio has been attending school at
Grants Pass but on account of ill
health was obliged to take a rest.
unr school is again in progi'iss
ifrer three days vacation ou account
of the teachers' institute at Grunt
Saturday night was si
if you tl d your wagon turned ovi
T pictures on your burn, just ss ii
by as a practical joko, for the boy
will have their fnu. Zanoui.
Broke Into His tloutc.
?.w iiiiiui ot Laveiuliali, t., wu
robNd of his customary health by iu
Fusion of chrouic constipation.
A lien Dr. King s New Life Pills brokf
into his Iu ut his troublo was arrest
ed uud now he s entirely cured. Thej
ire guurautced to cure. 2,'ic at National
Drug Store and Grants Pass Phut
I have a uubmer cf soooud baud
Cameras and Kodaks which will N
sold nt a great reduction if taken now.
A f 10 Cyclone, -lx. for U TS; a f'.t
Kodak at $13, and other bargains.
Notice is hereby given that the on
lersigued. siliuiuistrutor of the Estate
M William l'uiley, deceased, has tiled
in the Couiitr court of Josephine
Iwuiitv, Mate of Oregon, his final
wvouut as such administrator of said
hstnte, and that Wi'duesdav, the 23
lay of lVcemN-r, pjoa, at the hour
ef o clock p. in. has bwn fixed bv
ld court as the t ime for hearing ii
oojeouous io snid report, aud the
settlement thereof.
Administrator of the Eststo of Will
law lii-i ev, iiiiii
JXO it RUMMELL, Attorney.
George E. Floyd.
Geo. E. Floyd, dejarted this life at
Kerbv, Jew Vine County, Oregou,
October 2Sth, 11)03, agei i2 years,
a months and 29 davs, leaving a
father, Ex-Judg iT. F. Floyd, a wife,
one daughter and ilireo tons, with a
hodtof relatives aud friends, touionro
his call from earth. G. E. Floyd wns
a native sou, having been born, at
Ktrby, Ore., iu Wi, snd icceived a
public school education und grew up
to be an industrious man aud good
loyal citizen. Ho took for his wife
Miss Hattio Hurt, who bore to him
four children, ouo daughter, now Mrs.
Wale, and three sons, Thomas, Hurry
and Heuuette all of whom survive
him. A few yeers ago Mr. Flojd
gave np farming on the Illinois river
and went into the hotel business st
Medford, and not Hading it protita'e
there, ho returued to Kerby and reuted
the old Pioneer Hotel and at the time
of his demise ho wag the proprietor of
of tho Pioneer uud the Union Hotels.
For several years past George Floyd
suffered severely with rheumathm
aud other forms of disease made them
selves kuown aud his sickness N'
carue very much complicated and
heart disease with dropsy developed
themselves from which cause after
a painful und protracted illness he
died. BoparatioiiB are at 'all times
sad oveuts for tho living to bear hut
under God's graco we feel that God's
call at this time it best for He giveth
the stricken body rest from pain and
anguish such as few can live and tell
of. Yes, God kuoweth test and
douth all things well. To the strick
en wife and orphaned children of our
deceased friend aud r.cighbor we ex
tend our heartfelt sympathy iu this
sad hour of their bereavement nud
pray that the Father of all in heaven
above will soothe their niiL'uisli and
comfort their hear with tho thought
thut they may meet again in that
great beyond where flcness and
patting aro unknown.
S. W. Forbes.
BO A HUE RS Room or day: the Is st
of home cooking with all tho mar
ket affords. Single meals i'nr, mcit
hours 0-au, 12, tl::tO.
Mrs. if. J. Harmon.
WANTED All persons knowing
themselves indebted to K. J. Mahan
on uccounls, notes, etc., to call und
settle for t-unie. E. J. Muhau, Grants
Puss, Ore.
WANTED Middle aged woman, who
bus had experience with children,
to do light housework in small fam
ily ut Glcndalu. Address liox ;2.
Glendule, Oregon.
AltM FOR tiALK two miles from Mur
lill. PHI Hi-res -about 50 acres of ireod
bottom land, acres in cultivation, small
house and bum nnd about Ml neres under
fem e, bslunee of land suitable for orchard
or pasture, bur further particulars lul-
lress w . -M. irow, .iieriin. iirruou.
acre fruit und stock riim-li, : miles
,,u"lroin limits I'sss. bJ fenced, aO
cleared' 10 in Orchard, fair buildings, K(oii
fruit sell, plenty of water mid tuuiier and
the hesi uut-itle stock riuiiie in Jiwphiue
(Vuntv. Price 7 00 per a..-.-c. purl cn-li.
Address Mrs. A. II. hessuinre, Meilfuru,
A( KK ranch, guoil piuie und
npple ori'htird, siiiafl traits in
abundance; water (or iniKMlioii. besides
springs on every 4u acres: center of a v"eii
rani.'e country ;" two dwsllinir houses, hii:
'urn, everv tiling coinpielo; well siieilercu
from fro.-ts, jjood minim: markets, oue
lialf mile north of Tunnel I), price J2,.'"J.
Inquire at this otliee.
COTTAGE on E nnd Ninth street:'.
six rooms, known as J. i. lulls
cottage, for rent. Ii'ipiire of J. X.
New furniture in five room cottage,
ouly 3ik. Choi location, with
bull and toilet. Rent .ir.
V. A. Hancock, Myers b.irher shop.
l.'iO tons bah
It. Hav, Toh),
d alfalfa hay.
Dr. C.
LAW Ll'.KARV of over 1(H) volumes
for sale nt Mi cents on the dollar,
inquire at this i ttice.
Restaurant, a gi.ed business for the
money iuvi sted. Enquire ut this
nl'.Uo for juirtienlars.
LOST. Nugget pin lo.-l ill tin1 busi
ness part cf town Wednesday.
Finder l-uve at th..-. ot'lec.
FURN 1 1 1' KE cIc.iMc.l and repaiud,
npholsti i ing done, c irp-ts t ikon
up, cleared and n Mattnsscs
renovated, h. u-elu-ld goods packi 0
for shipment. Apply to J. L
Eb.-iie Kcsid- lice Sisth Si.
Violin Tuner and
Maker Attention Given to
Old Violins, II, .ws,
uuruis. Cell ) ci llnsi.
Ma :o!.ns
ii Violins a?e weak . n some sttigns
I can irengthcn them and Equal i- ti o
Tore. Sal.shie'inu UiiaMniecil,
Oper IUme Block.
Field and Garueu
Seed in Bull!
White anil YciU'iv Kic'.J Corn.
Sn'ir Corn, Pop Com.
Aliult'a, Timothv. KeJ and White
Peas, Beans, Onion. Carrot.
Also regular package seeds.
J. L
iaxauve ororao quinine Tablets,
Dtte Cancelled.
The Ward Fnnny jsop!e, booked to
ipp-'ar at the opera
house Tuesday
light iipp-rred iu
town but Manager
Giino nceived
advice from other
towns to the effect thut the show was
not a first class one and cancelled the
contract, although it .was necessary
to boy the company off. Mr. Gauo
exerts all efforts toward securing culy
good atfactioiis.
Notice is hereby given that anyone
hunting on the premises of Simmous
& Logsu, without permission, will
be prosecuted to the fullest extent of
Hie law. J. T. LOGAN.
A. E. Voorhies Photo Supplies.
K323 1333
T MJ.l ' 1)4- CVJKrrv Ciflr
"GORDON KEITH" By Thomas Nelson Page
"A CALL OK THE WILD" By Jack London
"A DEAL IN WHEAT" By Frank Norris
"THE MAIDS OF PARADISE".. By Robert W. Chambers
"THE SHKRRODS" By George Barr McCutcheon
"BREWSTER'S MILLIONS" By Richard Greaves
"THE UNDER DOG" By F. Hopkinson Smith
"THE LONG NIGHT" By Stanley J. Wejman
Ilinty books, for Boys 35c, large list of titles.
November magazines now in
.at OivilMllri opp. Upora iiouse
:M Bo f 00 Oil (k- i
1 a in
Wo have just
new supply nd
out with
from very
. .
It has a Lock Nut and
are tho very best
1 SEE Til
I ' ? " -
Wo have the cheaper Steel Shears
from 25c up.
To Cure a Cold in One Dav
Can Grow Cotton,
The Jacksonvglle Sentinel office has
a buuch of cotton blossoms grown by
Peter Deisch, book keej-er and stenog
rapher in E. A. Beanies' office that
were picked from cotton plants grown
at hia home iu that place. Mr.
Deisch is fcrmerly from Helena, Ar
kansas, and he went there Inst spring
for the cotton seed. Tho plants have
made a fair growth bat not so good as
in their native climate, as tho nights
are rather too cold lor cotton to bo
successfully grown here. The plants
are now about three feet high and
contain several full fornud balls that
may ripen ehonld the weatlar con
tinue warm for two or throe weeks
received ti
can fit V'U
any sh lo
nno to
a broad
Triees rane from 1 .00 to
Kvery pen wo sell is guar
nntecd to jjive Siitisfactiwn.
Let us fill your prescriptions.
a omw
can bo perfectly adjusted.
thut money can buy.
Kkoiuis a lalior of lovo if tlio
rittlit Bort of writiti,? materials Iw
us.rl. We carry a inr. cf cue 8til.
tiomry o huit ttu1 most XaKtUious
tati's. Hi-li unulu Koods at lowest
Iiricis. ljiti.-t nomltifs in tinted
ar rs that can't be duplicated for
tlio mia.y o!scn Blank toik
very cheap.
National Drug Store.
Cur Crip
b Two Days.
or. ivery
yrmrt box. 25c