Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 29, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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koGtiJ kiVKR courier, CkAfa frA&, Oktdo, 6iToiiiiU ty, I96J,
Carson Grapes
(Rose of Peru) very nice
Fresh Quaker Oats,
Grape Nuts, Wheatine,
Granola, Postum Cereal,
Shreded Wheat Biscuit,
Fig Prune Cereal,
Fine and Coarse Graham, (buyers best)
Rye Flour. Blue Ribbon haid wheat Flour,
Split Peas, Sago, Tapioca, Etc
Sweet Potatoes now in Market
Eggs very scarce at 30 cents for strictly fresh stock,
Sweet and Sour Pickels, Green Peppers.
- New Petite Prunes per lb.
yiC, New Irish
We have succeeded in getting a large stock of
Flower Pots
in all sizes from four to twelve inches. They are the best
we ever had. If you have any flowers to transplant be
fore winter, call on us.
Cramer Bros.
Od.1 Fellows Block.
Keep Warm
and be
People e.s They Come end Go
From Day to Day.
A cold house is an inexcusable evil. Tlieie's heat
when you want it ami just as you want it in Cole's Origi
nal Air-Tight Wool Stoves, and on a windy day particular
ly the heat doesn't go up the chimney. They arc not
only highly ornamental as a piece of furniture, but their
chief virtue is being an article of utility. They are very
economical in the use of fuel and soon pay for themselves.
We have also a good line of Sti-el Hox Stoves, Cast
Lined Heaters. Steel Ranges the Hridge A 15each Super
ior and Cook Stoves in all sizes.
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
Where Hindsight is as good as Foresight is in our
We have a large assortment of pret
ty, graceful and stylish hats in the
latest patterns and materials, which
we are selling, at greatly reduced
While we are closing out our entire
stock of goods at cost we intend to
keep our Millinery the best and latest
until everything is sold.
We will be pleased to have every
one call and see our stock.
Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf
South Sixth Street, Grants Pass, Oro.
Agent for
New Idea Patterns, 10c. .
When sent by mail 1 ic.
Grants Pass Real Estate....
Nowhere in Oregon can an investment be made with
greater safety than in Grants Pass real estate. Within the
past year the town has increased one-third in population. All
real estate values have increased, yet prices are still so low
that those investing now are sure to realize handsome profits.
The climate here is ideal. The mines are increasing in
value and mining experts predic' this is to be one of the great
er mining districts in the world.
For further information call upon or address
JOSEPH MOSS, Ue Real Estate Agent,
who has the largest list of property with the best prices and
Property sold on the installment plan if desire J.
Office on "E" street, tst of Sixth strett.
Lou Heberlia visited Ashland last
week. ,
Mr. Norrris of Ashland, is visiting
Mrs. Geo. Calhoun.
Mrs. Brit Williams spent two days
of last week in Koscburg.
Mrs. F. W. Cameron of Ashland.
is visiting the Dr. Moore family this
Dr. H. Mereuus of Albany, N. Y. ,
visited the family of F. W. Jordan
'ast week.
Mis J. E. Northrop of Albany, N
Y., went to Medlor.l, her future
home, Monday.
Wm. Jordan, proprietor of Merlin
Hotel, is cenfhied to his home with la
grippe and malaria.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Grimes of Willam
ette valley are visiting their sons
family, J. O. Grimes
F. V. Huggerth and two daughters
went to Portland Saturday to spend a
week visiting with a sister.
Mrs. Jos. A. Prentice returned
home last week. Shu had a three
mouths' visit in San Francisco.
Mr. ;tud Mrs. J. P. Seliuck left this
w..-ek for Tolo, wliero they will spend
the winter, returning next spriug.
Mrs. Jacob Hunsoth of Deer Creek
returned from Portland Friday, after
having a caucer successfully removed.
Mrs. M. A. Lougeuccker returned to
Grants Piiss Friday after having spent
threo months with her daughter, Mrs.
Rev. Chas. Hays and family and
two brothers and their families gpput
a month camping In Montana.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pickett were in
town Tuesday, en route from Blaine,
wash., to their future homo at Harbor,
Ore. ,
W. W. Pattison returned to Port-
laud Wednesday after sending a
week visiting his daughter. Mrs.
Ike Davis.
Miss Myrtlo Ireland has accepted a
position on the staff of the Portland
Evening Journal as personal and so
ciety reporter.
Rev. M. M. Bashor of Lewistown,
Idaho, is visiting his sou, Mayor
Bashor of this place. Ho will be
here two mouths or more.
Mrs. Edna Slierer Pickett of Mos
cow, Idaho, is siieuding a few days
visiting old friends in this city. She
will also visit in California before re
turning home.
Mrs. S. A. Williams left Tuesday
for Kamloops, B. C., to join Mr.
Williams, who has a positiou with
one of the largest .mining coiupauiiies
of that uistrict.
Mrs. II. H. Holmes is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Booth.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes arrived Sat
urday, Mr. Holmes returning to
Sacramento Monday.
Mrs. J. J. Barber left Saturday for
Vallejo, Cal., to siiend a few days
with her sou Charley. She will also
visit Mr. Baclier at Concord, and
friends in Los Angeles,
Messrs. E. R. arid II. T. Williams,
sons of Britt Williams, returned
from Skaunkawa where they h.tve
been at work. They will make
Grants Puss their home in tho future.
W. J. Edwards and family arrived
in Grunts Pass Saturday from Boise,
Idaho. Mr. Edwards lias been engaged
in irrigation work for a number of
Mrs John Bailey of ht.ia Mills,
Calif., and Mrs. Win. Bailey of Smith
River havo been visiting their neiee,
Mrs. A. Umphlctt. They both went
to Mrs. John Bailey's homo Wednes
day. Miss Jessie Scovill has so far re
covered from her recent attack of
typhoid fever that she returned from
Portland last Friday. She was ill fur
more than a mnnh and Mrs. Scovill
was with hi r fur some time.
J. T. Logan camo in Sunday to
meet his brother, M. K. Logan, who
came from the east. This is M. It. 's
first visit to the coast. J. T. Logan
says tliey are ready and waiting for
water at the Simmons-Cameron
Prof. II. S. Lyman, school sujsrlu
tendent for Clatsop county, was ill
town Thursday looking after matters
connected with Oregon's educatioanl
exhibit at the St. Louis exposition.
Mr. Lyman is su-riiitciiileut for Ore
gon's exhibit at St. Louis and also
for the Lewis & Clark fair.
J. R. Conditio, at one time in tliu
jewelry bnsiuc witn R. V. Wi .limns,
but who has been spending several
mouths in Southern Oregon, is iu our
City again. His shop will be located
iu the Enswine building, next door
to Rii hert's candy and cigar store.
Crescent City News.
Mr and Mrs. R. Thomas have visit
ing them litis week, Mr. R. H.
O'Neill of New York, Mrs. R. S.
O'Neill of Mansfield, Ohio, W. J.
Cleland and W. J. Gnllilh of Phia
delphia and W. G. Thomas of Ne
York. R. H. O'Ncil was a resident
of this place 10 jears ago.
O. L Leigh aud wife of Silver
creek have been iu town for several
days. Mr. Lfigh is in charge of the
devi lopmcnt work Uiug done by a
Colorado company. The cominy
has a jiBteut to 1H0 acres. A long
tunnel is being run to furnish dump.
Mr. Leigh is waiting for a ear which
he Will take out with him.
Mrs. James Gault left for Portland
last Thursday, sticnding a day in
Roseborg visiting friends. She will
spend the winter in Portland studying
under the instruction of Mrs. Rose
Blah Bauer. Mrs. Gault attended
the Duss-Nordics concert at Portland
turday evening. Mr. Gault will
leave for Portland in a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stovall attend
ed the prt-M association meeting at
Salem last wees where Mr. Stovall
reed a paper entitled the "Confusion
of a Hack Writer" which was well
rut-fired and created favorable com
ment. They went to Portland Sat
urday, attending the Nordiea c mcert,
aud returned to Grant. Pm Wednesday.
K obbera Blow Safe up and Get
By the use of giant powder, a gang
of burglars blew open the safe of
Scroggiu & Wortman'a bank, in the
little town of Sheridan, Yamhill
county, Monday morning at 3 o'clock,
aud made their escape before it
could even bo ascertained how many
men wore in the party. Three shots
were fired at them by the mayor of
the town, but without effect as a
bevy pall of fog hung over tho streets.
This is the second assualt ou a bank
iu Yamhill county inside of a week,
and '.he county is aroused over the
daring attempts of the gang. It is
believed they are the same men who
exploded nine charges of dynamite in
their attempts to gain an entrance to
tho vault of the Bauk of Newberg at
an ea-ly hour October 10. Iu that
instance the gaug exciiauged shots
with citizens, who were attracted to
tho spot by tho explosions. Finding
that their efforts were futile in that
attempt they left without securing
any valuables, but leaving the inter
ior of the building in a damaged
condition. Tho attempt Mou lay morn
ing at Sheridau was carried ont to a
safe completion before an? 0110 in the
town knew of the presence of crirui-,
mils. Inside of an hoor after the dis
covery of the crime, all points that
could bo reached by telephone were
notified, and a close watch is being
kept for tho men. It is not positive
ly known, but it is supposed there are
three in tho gaug and that they had
a rubber tired vehicle in which they
made their escape and carried off the
com. tor daring and cleanness of
execution it is tho greatest piece of
criminal work ever attempted iu
Yamlii1! count v.
Burned Hole In the Roof of Old
Softool Building.
A spark from the smokestack of the
piue ueedlo factory located iu tho old
school house lodged iu tho ' roof
Monday afternoon and created a
small blaze. Tho fire department was
called out and soon hud a stream of
witter 11 the roof. Men with small
buckets climed up in the garret and
put out tho remaining sparks. Tho
only damage was a small hole in the
roof. It was fortunate that a passer
by noticed tho blaze aud gave the
alarm before the firo got beyond con
trol, as at least two dwelling houses
would have been burned if tho factory
hud been consumed. Tho old school
house lias been a source of worry tc
tho immediate neighborhood lor a
long time and especially so when the
factory is iu operation. W. P. Chap
man of Portland, the munnger of the
company arrived iu Grunts Pass Sat
urday and they started up tho ma
chinery Monday to finish a few bale
of the fiber for shipment.
An item has been going tho rounds
of the press to tho effect that the Ore
gon Pine Needle Co. lind sold out and
that the plant would bo moved to
La Grande. Mr. McCarthy of Port
laud, the principal owner did sell the
controlling interest of stock to a
La Grande man, who will erect a
building and equip it with mac hinery
for making fiber by the Terrell
process, but the Grants Pu-s factory
will probably remain here. This item
has led many outsiders to believe
that tie Pacific Pino Needle Co.,
operated by Mr. and Mrs. Cords, who
introduced the prooefi into America,
ha I sold their plant.
There havo been no changes iu this
company and the factory has been
supplying tho filler necessary to keep
tho mattress factory working.
Brief Notes o.nd Items of Interest
cvnd Importance.
McCarthy Fuller.
The Telegram has the following to
say of Herbert McCarthy a former
Grants Pass hoy: A mail believed by
til who know him to bo enjoying
single blesseilnesK and a woman whose
charming manner and pretty face
caused many to seek her favor Tues
day announced to the world that they
have for more than a mouth been niun
and wife. They am Herlsrt O. Mc
Carthy .if Ashland and the daughter
of J. L Fuller of Oakland, Cal., for
merly Miss Georgia Vivian Fuller.
The wedding occurred on Sejitemlier
l 'i and has Is eu kept a profound
secret. The bride has spent tho last
three summers here 011 her usual out
ing. Hie groom is the sou of Mr.
and Mrs. 1). McCarthy, was formerly
oflico deputy under Sheriff Alex.
Orme, and is one of tho prominent
young men of Jackson county. Mrs.
McCarthy joined her husband at
Ashland Monday
Colored Eyenfellst.
U'-v. David Swackhaiiner, of Middle-
town, Ohio, Colored evangelist, held
meetings at tho Christian church
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
He does not represent any creed
simply, as ho says, preaching the
Bible. Ho has been in tho evange
listic work for IU years, ever since
he was 10 years old and has visited
India, Turkey, Macedonia, the Philip
pines aud other foreign countries.
ll'i will hold another sorvico at the
Christian church on Saturady eve
ning to which he invites all who are
are interested iu religious work. Also
the Free. Methodist Chapel, Sunday
at 11 p. in. aud H a. in.
Broke Into Hit Home.
S. Le Quinu of Cavendish, Yt, was
rohls-rl of his customary health by in
vasion of chronic const iat ion.
Win-it Dr. King's New Life Pills broke
into his house his trouble was arrest
ed and now he's entirely cured. They
an- guaranteed to cure. 2.1c at National
Drug Store and Grants Pass Phar
The Y P. S. C. E. of the Pnsby
terian church will give an acqnaint-tao'-e
social iu the near future.
If you w ish to get acquainted watch
for the date.
Mrs. Alio: Carton returned home
Tuesday morning from Pom land,
where she has been visiting for the
Jn-t two weeks. She stopd off at
Ro-burg a two days' visit on Iter
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
Jardlulers at Thomas'.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
Over Flowa at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druegiet.
Photo Supplies at the Courier of
First class watch work doue at
Le tcbera.
Rocking chairs for children, fl.00
at Thomas'.
John Mash has moved to the Chris
tie ranch.
Stoves aud Ranges, big reduction on
prices. Thomas.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Rangea at Coron's.
Ike Davis has thousands of graiu
sacks to disposo of.
Blue and Gold now dinner ware-
beautiful goods at Thomas'.
Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal
$2.50 to $d.OO at Cramer Bros.
Hot coffee, oysters or lunches served
at Miss Johusaon's next to Coe.
Shot gun shells aud plenty of a
kinds in stock at Cramer Bros.
Prepare for cold weather now and
get your Air-tight Heater at Cramer
Lace Cnrtains Closing out some
numbers 20 per cent reduction.
The White Sewing machine is
King. Tho Domustio sewing ma
chine is Queen.
We have just rceived a full assort
ment of flower pots from 4 inchs to 12
inches. Cramer Bros.
Now is the time to paint, aud Put-
ton's Sun Proof Paint is what yon
want Sold ouly hy Cramer Bros.
Rev. Robt. Leslie holds sor vices
every fonrth Sunday of the month iu
the now Baptist church at Merlin.
Go to Mrs. C. F. Davis' for good
Bread and meals, at Mrs. Roger's
bakery west of First National bauk.
Eismau Bros, of Falrview rnueh
will this season plant 40 acres to
apples, Newton aud Spit zen berg ex
The state iusiieotor of the W. R. a ,
Mrs. Anna B. Reed will bo in Grants
Pass, Wednesday, Novomlier 11, to
inspect the corps of this place. R.
3. Weidmau, president.
Three vagrants ami out drunk
have been arrested this wook. Tiie
drunk contributed (10 toward the
city support, but the vags were turned
loose aud told to vamouse.
Mrs. L. II. Stevens of Moss St. is
putting au addition to her homo.
This will make one of tho nicest
homes, when finished as contemplated,
that is in the city, iu tho cottage
Needles for all Sewing Machines at
25 cents per and a largo bottle
of oil for 10 cents, also flnu line of
Singer Sowing Machines at tho Demit
ree Music House, Odd Fellow Block,
Grants Pass, Ore.
Henry Croxtou on Saturday brought
to tho Courier ofllce a box of Flemish
Beauty pears. They w. re beauties
too, with not a spot or blemish on
tliem, and they tasted even better
than they looked.
Gunny sucks by the thousands. See
Ike Davis.
China cups, plates etc., big reduc
tion at Thomas'.
Chimney Pipe and fittings for sale
ouly by Cram r Bros.
Lanterns Closing out a lino 20 per
cent off at Thomas'.
New black figs Cusi Cod cran
berries White llouso Grocery.
Fresh bread, pies and cukes always
on hand at Miss Ethel Johnson's.
The S. P. railroad lias completed
tho repairs on bridge over Jump-off-Joe
A carload of sewer iisi and Chim
ney pio received last week hy
Cramer Bros.
The Rogue River Fairview Liter
ary society, Just organized, will soon
give an eiitertanimeiit at Ixio district
school building.
K. C. DeArmond hss from his sea
son's c.-op of hops 1H,(K)0 JhkiihIi.
He w ill increase his fields this com
ing year to HO acres.
If you know of a birth, marriage
or death, we would he pleased to
huvu you notify us iu time for publi
cation in Courier.
Remember Joseph Moss has the larg
est list of real estate with the lies!
prices and best terms. Otllce 011 E
street, west of Sixth street.
(i. A. Cobb ami family of Rose
burg have rented the farm of Mr.
Pat ton just west of town. Wo git. 11 a
good family at Roseburg's loss.
Merlin Public school nis-ucd up 011
October 12 to the disgust of the bud
Isiys. Prof. Lewi of Salem is In
charge with Mrs. Bitcon assistant.
Win n you get up With a bad taste
in your mouth go at onco to a drug
store aud g'-ta a free sample of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver tablets.
One or two doses will niako you well.
They also euro biliousness, sick head
ache aud constitution.
I havo just n reived an Instrument
f ir testing the eye that is tho latest
improved, and glasses fitted from it
are perfect. Send your sehttol child
ren in and sen if their eyes are all
righ:. It may save them front thus
he a Inches that they arc complaining
of. Alfred Letcher, Jeweler.
Claus Schmidt has moved his gro
cer y stock into F. H. Schmidt's new
brick, next to Mrs. Rehkopfs. L A.
Luc as & Kin will next week move
their harness shop to tho building
just vacated. This will give them
more room for their vehicle, farm
implement and hard ware display.
Lessons given by Frances Hill of
Chariot ta. West Virginia, In Art
Embroidery, Mount Mellick and Lace
work. Stamping done, Shirt waist,
center pieces, nl,i line materials.
Lesson ou Burnt work. Lndic in
terested in ueedlo work are invited to
call at Mrs. J. K. Pigmy's. Terms:
12 k-Mous fur fci.
mo , !; ; ' I
Is the Man
favorite iu Fall Attikk,
who buys his COOL WEATHER CLOTHING in Octo-'
ber. IIo has a larger assortment to select from, and
ho gobs longer woar for the samo price with the added
satisfaction of being the first to appear in up-to-date ap
parel. It's the old story of the "early bird's" feast.
How much wiser then, is the man who confines
his October selection to
Schloss - Hand Tailored
A SCHLOSS-MADE SUIT is a perfect expres
sion of tho tailoring art. Tho design, tho materials,
tho honest workmanship, tho general effect being
chosen with tho specifio view of the adaptability to the
uso it is to bo put dress, clorical or business.
Tho picturo is intended to show the very latest
tho new threo button, doublo breasted cut, with squaro effect shoulders, close
clinging collar, and tho latest peg-top trousers. This is tho natty suit tho best
dressed young fellows are wearing.
We Have Them
A merchant tailor would chargo you inoro and give you no bettor fit or
quality, and not as much style, and keep you waiting a wook or ten days, bo
side. Wo havo other styles for other mon, at other prices. Bofore you buy
your FALL SUIT drop in and lot us talk it ovor.
Outfitters to Particular People.
Oct. 30. Friday Halloween party
nt wooiliiiiiu hall, given by tho
Womeu ot Woodcraft.
Oct. 81. Saturday Football game,
A. A. C. vs U. P. high school.
Oct. 1)1. Saturday City registration
books close.
Nov. 111. Fri day Parker sisters'
Not. 2(1. Thursday Forester's Mask
Hull, ojiera house.
Deo. 7. Mundiiy City election
Halloween Po.rty.
Tho Halloween party to bo given
hy tho Women of Woodcraft at the
Woodman hull Friday, October 30,
will be. a plcasnnt event. llesldes
games, and amusements, tho follow
ing program will be rendered:
I'iiino solo Miss Flossio Hancock
Vocal solo. ... ... Miss Kdua Parker
Hecitatlon "Littlo Orphan An
nie" Miss Minnie Hchallhnru
Vocal solo Max Smith
Instrumental trio
Vocal solo Miss Whllten
Heading , . Mihs F.thol Johnson
Kocitatioii "Seeiu' Things at
Night" Miss Ftliel Uiggs
Witches Drill Circle Drill team.
Come all aud spend an old fash
ioned hiillouccii. AiIiiiIhIkoii 0e.
The Popular Boncllt
Tho popular benefit given at the
Woodman hall Monday evening hy
the Uruiits Puss High School soot bull
team was largely attended by the
town js'iiple and also tho visiting
school teachers, and all had a good
The program included a vocal solo
by Miss Mabel While, vocal duet by
V. Guiincll itud Albert ('cm-, All lid-
dress by Lilward S. Van Dyke u .cl
remarks b Slitto Siiiieriiitenihiiil
Ackeriiinii mid I'rcnideiit Camplsdl of
the U. of O. Tho latter gentleman
poke of the benefl.s derived from
font ball us it is pliivi d in eonm ction
with school uthlcllcs.
Daniel Frederic k Sells Out.
K. A. Wudc has taken as long a rest
as was iMmKihlo for him and Wlllitgitin
liter into business. He has Ixiught
the Fair store oil Front hi. from Ditulel
Frederick and wnl conduct tho business.
Mr. mid Mrs. Frederick have com
ducted the business iu Orants Phick
for nearly live years and have built
up a good trudc. Mr. Wado is an old
business mini, having conducted a
grocery hero for years.
Another New Brick.
Mrs. Hohhs Is building a on.' story
brick store HixiV) feet 011 Kiith street
licit north of A. U. P.iiiiiiard's fur
niture store. D. II. llrown has the
contract and ays the brick work will
ls finished iu l.'i days and the build
ing completed in 2.1 ditys. Work wu
commenced Tuesday.
Tho Powe ll Creek Lumber comny
havo fliilshed hauling their season's
output of luinlx r to Grunts I'ltnic.
A grit 11 lie sidewalk Is lx Ing made
in front of thi new school house and
along Seventh street to A street.
The ladies of tho relief rorj will
give n entertainment at tho Work
man hull, Saturday evening. Novem
ber 7. One of tho features of the
evening is Mrs. Jarley's living
picture's as seen in tho White House.
A more complete) program will be
given neit week. Kverybody inviti-d.
Admission !." cents. Hefreshments
City Registration Has Commenced
-Register Now.
Saturday Night They Will Be Let
Tho olty registration books aro now
open and will lie oien nutil 0 o'clock
p. 111. of November 1, for tho purpose
of registering all voters who wish to
cunt their ballot In the city election
which will bo hold tho first Monday
iu Decebmiir.
Under tho previous provisions of
the charter, it will lie necessary to
register in order to voto. Heglst ra
tion each year is necessary, alio
cpinlitlcutioiis of voters aro that he
shall bo an elector of tho statu of
Oregon, resident of the City of
Grants Puss, for six months next
preceding such election, aud must
havo been resident of the ward In
which he applies to yoto for (10 days
next preceding such election, must be
Do not wait until tho last day bo
fore you relgstor do It now if yon
wish to voto.
Wall Pajsirs immeusu
lowest prices Thomas.
A. J. Bexnn&rd Undertaker.
Tim small boys with their sport,
the bad boys with their devilry and
the overgrown boys with their non
sense, and girls of all ages, will,
following a much abased custom, on
Saturday night probably mistake
liberty for license and stoop to petty
deeds of of devilry, they would not
think of on any other night This
practbo should drop Into oblivion.
Church Nolle.
Services at the Christian church
neit Sunday as follows :
Huuduy school at 10 ;00 a. m.
Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7 AO
p. m.
Subject of sermon 8nnday morning
"How to Orow in the Christian
Idfo." Subject Sunday evening
"The Rich Young Baler."
All aro cordially invited to come,
O. F. Sanderson, pastor.
Shorthand and Typewriting by Miss
A una Wade at the Real Estate office
of Joseph Moss. Opposite Hotel Josephine.
The Massachusetts
Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Springfield, Mass.
Incorpornted 1831.
Puys Annual Dividends, Guarantees Loans. Cash and
laid up values, and writes policies more iu the interest of
policy holders than any other company.
See our agent if seeking; insurance.
ll.,M(.',,"'')N.MA,SMi,''' W.F.UOR.V. Aoert,
IH .11 1 ( hnuiher of ( ciiinnerce, Cimnui Pass,
Portland Ormron
to (j runts Pass, Oregon,
k .A. -A- a,..A..
, 7 6 S 4 3 2 I
, 'f '.
f '' :
- 1 j u 1
11 I I m I n
l I i .,
M m
Is in the northern part of the
city, almut one block north of the
new brick Publio School Hldg.,
between Seventh and Ninth
The lots lu this addition are espcM-hilly nclspted for residence purposes a
they are very large and on rolling ground to 1 higher than the city proper,
l-or a short time only Ireland A Meade are milking remarkably low price,
It will pay you to investigate their proposition bofore buying elsewhere. ,
Bee W. L. IRELAND or II. V. MEADE for particulars.
r" '