GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1903. Not 3n VOL. XIX. shot to pieces rn prices on S7 SiiigerScwing Machine Vp Genuine lat est improved, s rietly new, 5 drawer, drop head, oak or walnut casing. Address: E. J. MAHAN, Ue WHITE" MAN Grants Pass, Oregon pRED'K. D. STRICKER, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Masonic Temple, Room 9, Office hours: Grants Pass, 11 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 P. M. OltEGON. John M. liuiimiell K. M. Hummel JUMMELL & RUMMELL ATTORNEYS Sixth and C! Streets opp. Court House Grants Pass, Ok kg on A C. HOUGH, ATTOUNKY-aT law, artices in all State and Federal Courts Ortice over First National Hank. Grants Pass, - Okkuon. ROF. F. G. BINDER MAGNETIC HEALER Office, Room 1, Colonial Lodging House Grants Pass, - Oregon. II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. full iwsortnient of Watches, Clocks, Sil verware and Jewelry. A Good Assortment of Hracelet and Heart Mangles, ilemens' Drug Store. SWEETLAM) & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATSrST .'HONS 21 N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK, and DELIVERY Furniture unci I'iano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tousorial work done at IK V TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Hath room in connection You Know What Yon Are Taking When you take (irove's Tasteless dull Tonic, because the furmula is plainly print ed 011 every bottle Knowing that it is sim ply Iron and (juinine in tasteless form No Cure No, Pay. 5"c. The large stock to select from, The quality of the goods, The price asked for them, make the Carpet Rooms of A.U.Baniinrd the bis Furniture and house FurnMiins stort the most attractive department in the house. North side. GRANTS PASS, ORE 26 Ono $70 machine for $2G every Saturday to the party sending in the largest num ber of people who have no sewing machine. SliaKcspcnrc Told About f Hut O, What a Difference Now: The laughing school boy with bis satchel And shlninn morning face, speeding like wind Most happily to ichool. What made the difference? Perhaps the bike had something to do with it, but then the pretty line of 1 too KM i'i:s !t I NIC SLATKS lAlM01t PKM'ILW TAHMITK MPO'GKN l'ADS 10TO. which we are supplying, helps wonderfully. And then the prices at which we sell these goods please the parents and that goes a long way toward putting the children in a good humor for study. ...A COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL liOOKS... We treat all alike, so that little ones do not need a grown person to come along with them in order to get bottom prices, Slv er Drug' Company CUTLERY BARGAINS $500 Worth of Knives, Razors Shears and Scissors at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES T H e Long' Headed Man !WV t w to of Cutlery Paddock's Grants Pass Banking Trust Co. I'AlU IT CAI'ITAIi STOCK Transacts a General Banking tuMiiri, Receives deposits nil)ject U check or on demand rertilirate-. Our ru.tomeM are assured of coartetiUA treatment and every consideration con sistent itli found banking principles. itatVly derOMt Uwes for rent. J. FKANK WAT.vjN, 1're. K. A. ItooTK. We -Pre. I,. I. JKWKI.L. Ca-hier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, ... Jl.VMMX) (Ml Kweive deposit suMeet tn check or on certificate payable on demand. l--Jls irhl drafts en Sew York l-an Krariei-eo, nml Port ami. Telegraphic transient sold on ail iouils in Oie l'nill Male. s'pe. iai Attention given to 1 'ulleetums and general bu-inr-s of our cu-tomers. uheeliotis maile throughout ftoutliern Oregon, ami on ail aees.:ile points. K. A. H'XiTII. I'rrs. J. C. ( AM IM'.KI.I.. Vne I re-, ii. I.. i.ll.khY. ( a-hirr. 1.. K WEBSTER, Phksii.ekt. W. 11. IIAMM'JMJ, S. a.nav. The Southern Oregon Title Guaranty & Abstract Company GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 693 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE CERTIFICATES OF TITLE Title-as i:tninliii-l, I'a-rlVe-te-.l, i mi rn n t !. A. S. HaMMuND, Arioa.Nev. lit learned Great Truth. It is slid of Johu Wesley that I10 ODce said to Mistress Wesley: "Whyi do 70a tell that child the same thing over aud over again?" "John Wesley, because! once telling is not enough. " It is (or this same reason that you are told again aud again that Chamber lain's cough remedy cures oolus and grip, and that it is pleasunt and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. The Ray dam is completed and the waters of the Roirue now flow over it. All the artificial work used in the construction of the dam has been re moved and the water is now permit ted to flow, unobstructed, over the entire length of the dam The power house is now being built, the water wheels and dynamos aro on the ground and just as soon as the power house is completed these will bo placed in position aud then the wheels will turn and Mr. Ray's object shall have been accomplished. Medford Mail. New white sage honey, ( White House Grocery. pnre- " the whining school-boy with his satchel And shining niornimi lace, creeping like snail In willingly to school." "YyASTES NO time, but - w . " " fcj w the. denier SJ and buys one those V BARGAINS Bicycle Den S'J.1, (1(1(1 (( HOME CAPITALISTS LOSE Mining Me.n Thinks Thev Show Poor Judgment. L. V. Swiggett, who has spent much of the season in the mining districts in ditTerent sectioua ot the state, haa returned to Porthtud for a few days, says the Telegram, and in speaking of the interest in mining matters in general and the greater interest in the mining industry through lie parts which he traveled. naid : 'My trip has taken me through Eastern, Central and Southern Oregon aud it proved a lesson well worth learning by any man. The vast de posits of ore that aro within the borders of this state are simply phenomenal. 'Wherever I went I found the greatest evidence of prosperity and niore activity than I liavo ever seen before in the mining matters of the state. "There is a crying need for bettor railroad facilities, better smelting advantages and mora generous sup port from local people. I cannot un derstand why capital will not invest in such wonderful propositions. Were the showings in Utah, Colorado or Montana they would not be idle any length of time. In Portland there aro millions of dollars stored aud not earning, whou if properly invested in mining, this money would bring from 13 to 3.) per cent a year and perlia more. 'What Oregon or Portland needs is a man like 1). II. Moffat of Denver, who has put more enthusiasm and money into mining than any half dozen bankers in the west. "Tho resources of Oregon are won derful. Tho oro will be extracted, railroads built and the country must from its gei.eral outlook pass Colo rado from a mining standpoint. "If local capital will not take np the chances afforded, then ontside capital will, and Oregon must take her place among her mineral product ing sister states. Mining is now 1 scientific invcKtigatinu an 1 a business enterprise combined, and as such must bo in tho future. Mothera Who would keep their children in good health should watch for the first symptoms of worms and remove them with White's Cream Vermifuge. It is tho children's best tonic. It gets digestion at work ho that their food does them good mid they grow up healthy and strong. 2.rc at Slovor Drug Co. PRIZE FOR BEST ESSAY Offered by Oregon Society Son of American Revolution. The Oregon Society of Sons of tho American Revolution has several times in the past otTered pri.cs to the school children of tho statu for essays on subjects connected with Kevoln tioimry History. Tho results in the past have encouraged the society to renew the ofl'iT at this time. Prizes of -." tl")i and 10, reflectively, will therefore be awarded for the three In st essays in tho order of merit, writ leu by students in the public schools of Oregon, oil any of tho following subjects : 1. The Aroiihing of Public Opin ion ; the Work of .Samuel Adams, Thomas l'aiuc, John Dickenson and Patrick Henry. 2. Lexington and Concord. :t. The Hut tie of King's Mountain. 4. Virginia's part in the American lievolut ion. Knsays are limited ill length to :, ( km i wordh ; must he written on one side of the imper in the student's own haudwrit ing and must be accom panied by the certilh ato (if tlie priu cipnl of the m lioul iittcnded by the .author, to the effect that the author is a bona Ihle student in tit)- H'IiihiIh hind has been in at f ml in i tnerein no less than four weeks during the school 3-ear of I'.SiIi-1. -i.ays mtint hi forwarded to the chairman of tin oinniitteo in charge, Wallace Me- Camant, 111 ( oie-ord liuihlitig, Port land, Ore., so us to n le h him not later than February 1st, l'.sil. In awarding tin1 jiri . h the committo Will be govnieil by these three con- Mili-rations : 1. II istiin ial accuracy. Manner of treatment. I). Orthography, grammar, svntax and punctuation. Any additional information which may be desired will lw cheerfully fur nished by any mcinls-r of the com mittee. Tie cnMiy which is awarrh-d the lirHt prize will l published in full, with the name of the author, in the public pri IS. John K. Kill lock, Th OS. (i. (Irei-ne, Wallii' e Mi C.'imaiit, Committee. -. .- Do Yuu feant to Yiwn? Fe l cold hl.i vi rillk'".'" hing illlxilll S lack of " tiergv, lieailu'iie, and great h firi foion? TlieM iviiiptouis uiay Is followed by violent headache, high fever, eitreme tiervousiif-iu, condition known as malaria. llerbiue cores it. J. A. Il'ipkim, Mam lienter, Kan., writes: "I have uwd your great medicine, llerbiue, for n veral yearn. Tle re is nothing better for malaria, chills and f'ver, heathu-he, bilious nei, and for a blorxl-purifying tonic, there is nothing as good. 5Jc at .Slover Drug Co. Tal.h ts and box paper at cunt at the Courier ollice to close out. We have up-to-date styles. HONEST ENTRYMEN SAFE Commissioner of General La.nd Office Iaauea Statement. Commissioner Richards, of the General Laud Ollice, has given ont the following statement couooruinij the policy and practice of the land eftice in the matter of the withdrawal of public lauds from settlement: There seems to bo a misapprehen sion respecting withdrawals of public lauds from entry under certaiu of the laud laws aud suspension of final action upon certain classes of entries already made. Generally shaking, land is withdrawn from entry iu order to preveut its being appro priated iu a manner or for a purpose not contemplated by law. In consenuenco of a protiosod forest reserve, a withhdrawal is made of all tho land that will probably be included iu its boundaries in order to guard against speculative entries uiadu for the purpose of obtaining lieu land. Withdrawals under the irrigation act are for tho purjioso of reserving the land for homestead entry the only kind permitted by tho act and to prevent sioeulativo entries. Land containing oil or minerals is with drawn from agricultural entry, as mineral lauds are sold in smaller quantities an 1 at higher prices than farming lands. "Filial action is often usicndcd uiHiu individual eutriea or a class of entries iu certain localities ponding an investigation as to whether or not there has been a compliance with the requirements of the law. Thero is no withdrawal of land in this cornice tiou or any suspension of the law nor interference with entries properly made. "In November, l'.H)3, there was such a susiH'iision of final action upon en tries made nuder tho timber and stone act iu Washington, Oregon and Call foruia. This sus(iensiou as made up on evidence of collusive entries in those states whereby individuals aud corporations were obtaining title to largo areas of valuable timber land, whereas the law provides tho entry shall be nutde for the exclusive use aud benefit of tho entrymaii. "That this action did not hinder or Interfere with entries under this act is shown by the fact that while there were 21117 timber aud stone eu tries made iu t.n states named dur ing the fiscal year ending June RO, VMY1, there were 11145 such entries made in those states during the fiscal year ended Juno .10, ltHl',1, and of this latter number, SJM4 entries were made after January 1, 1IH1!I, while the or der of huhj elision was iu force, whili but 'J1U7 such entiies were made In the entire fiscal year IUII'2. As fast as tho entries iu these stales cau examined, all of those which have been proiierly made are passed to patent while the Hiiien sioii continues as to thu others, pend ing a hearing in the local land ollice, No cancellation in made uihiu report of a special agent until opsirtiiuity for hearing has been afforded the eu trvnniB. " A QUEER LEGAL TANGLE Negro Who VV'&a Hung Another Chance. Ho A remarkable story comes from the ltelgiiin Congo. A native of the IiaKoka tribe was to have been bangeil for cannibalism, and during his im prisonment was so worked Uxn by the represent at iniH of the missionary haplain as to the happiness of the world into which he was about to enter that the nergo offered to hang himself out of hand to get there. This sirting offer was not accepted, and the nergo was h inged by oidiiiary procedure. After hanging about 10 minutes the doctor pronounced the culprit, to be dead, and the body win) being carried to the cemetery by four ua( ivoH when, almost at the gate, It sat Ixilt upright and begun discoursing of heaven to tin; hearers, who lied, dropping their burden. The man then walked into the cemetery, sal on a grave, and when soldiers came to sei.e him again hn inquired win-tin I they also Is-lnugcd to heaven, am! when he could obtain something tr eat. He is now in jail again, while the question of his nwxcculloii Is heniK considered at Ilomii. Beautiful Complexion Are spoiled by using any kind ot iireoarat ions that fills the pon-H of the skill. The best wav to w-i-iini a ehar .'omplexion, free from sallow iiess, pimples, blotches, etc., into keep the liver in good order. An oc casioiial dose of llerbiue will cli-anse the bowels, regulate the liver, and so establish a clear healthy complexion. Vic at H lover Drng Co. The jubibe gifts (if the late Poic I-o XIII will Is- exhibited at the World s Fair. W. K. Curtis, tin author aud corresjsiiiilent, now inak iug a tour of Kurojs-, is iu Homo t arrange for the transfer of the trcas tin-H from the Vatican to Kt. Louis. The intrinsic value of the gifts is in calculable, nearly every crowned head in Kurojsi being represented iu the list of donors. Olwell liros., the Central Point orchard men, have finished picking their apples. They had over loo men at work picking. Packing will now follow, the work being done mostly by girl. They eitiect to have .Vj cai loads. TOILET HOAP, lots of it large a-ceut bars in the city W hite House Grocery. ARE WE LOSING FREEDOM? New York Pevper Thinks ."Man on Horteb&ck" la Coming. ro we losing our freedom of speech and actiou? Tho Independent thinks we are, and that moral freedom generally in this country is wantisg. 'Tho law permits Ireedom almost to tho extent of liceuse; but tno thousands of organizations which have sprung up to foster 'causes' in numerable nave created a law out side of the law which is becoming morn tyranuical than courts or legi da tun's would Iu these days dart to be. What politician dares to sav what he thinks ot the machine and the boss? What teacher in the public school dares to express his opinion o tho text-books ill history that are forced upon him by teimiornnco Inebriates? Have we freedom of conduct? Do men and women in America show as much vigorous iucdcpciidouoo iu their loinestio arrangements, their social relationships and their moral example as our kinsmen iu Kuglaud do, where wo were wont to imagine, the rever ences for tradition and the fear of Mrs. Cirundy are serious barriers to individual independence? Tho ques tion is at least a fair one. Thero is certainly an increasing tendency towards Intolerance in this country. The spirit of our constitu tion allows every man to bavo his say and do as ho pleases so long as he does not transgress the law. Hut majorities are becoming more and more tryaiinicitl. They are not willing to submit to criticism formerly they were. Moral pressure is brought to bear on minorities to reduce them to silence. Associations of various kinds exert a coercive force against those who express opinions or advocate action hostile to the views held by tho several anno ciatious. A man in public lite can hardly afford to take a decided stand on many Inuiortaut quest ions lest there rise up a horde ot enemies against him. As The Inileiieiiilent says, the mob spirit, culminating in lynching, is only the extreme manifestation of mass tyranny. This is a tendency which leads straight to dcsHitlsi. The tyranny of the mob is anarchy. Anarchy is intolerable. Out of anarchy emerges always the Man on Horseback, who restores order by force and rules the nation by tho right of power. We are yet a long way from the condition in which a desHt would be welcomed tint it is well to stop evil tendencies iu their small beginnings. DEATH OF G. S. PERSONS of His To. king Off. Sudden rullcr particulars have la-eii re eel veil concerning tho death of (. S, Person, which occurred iu Greeley, Colo., on October 7. Mr. Person was formerly one of our best, known and esteemed citizens ami had a great many friends in this city. During the latter part of his resl lelice here, Mr. Person suffered al times from epilepsy and heart troulil and thseu at turns have continued sincn his removal to Greeley. For w mouths preceding his death they occurred with lilaiiiilng frequency On the forenoon of the day of In li 111 ll, he seeined quite Well, Wol'ke ill the garden and caiun lo the ilium table as usual, but couiiilatned of aiu ill his stomach aud declined eat ing. On the suggestion that he would he more comfortable in his easy chair, ie rose unassisted, walked to the hair, seated himself, and almost iiu mediately fell toward th" Hour. II was quirky siiptsirted by ready hand nit breathed only a few times alt dropping from his chair. Mr. and Mrs. Person were living Iu Greeley at the homo of their daughter, Mrs. ,. (i. Woodbury. Deceased was born in Vermont. March I h:;;!, was married in I m;, lo Martha L. Holster, who surviv him, and during the Civil War served ill Company A. 1'th Vermont voliin rs. He went to Greelel-, Colo, wilh his family in IH7I, removing tl next year to Deliver when- he resiiii il iliotit four years. Iteturning to (!reeey he n sidi d on his farm that place until n-'.l when he n mov 1 to Grants Pass. Alter some years ere, his health failed and he returned to Oreeey in Jn'.iH, making his homi iuee with his sou -iu law. peslib-H his willow he h aves tbri hildn-ii living, Mrs .losie L. Wood bury, and Rosroe Person of Creel Colo., and Fred Pi rson of I'onlder. Saved To From Death Our little daughter had au alinrst fatal altiK k of whooping cough and hroncliil is, " writes Mrs. W. Ihtviliunl of Ariuonk, N. Y.,"liut wln-n all nth remedies tailed we wived her 1 i f with It King's New Iiin-overy. Out niece who had coiinuiupt ion iu au ad vauced stage al.-o UM-d this wonderful nn di' III" and t'.'l.lV lie N Corfu tly well. " luf.illilile for i-ougliH and cnMs. iOc and (I.IKI hottles guaranteed hv National Drug Store mid (n.ints 1 Pharmacy. Trial lsitt leu f ree. This is a story that Is told In Kan sas : Ills hair raised and he lit out at a greyhound guit. After running two roih-s ho sat down on a log aed tn his surprise he found the 'ghost tiesldu iiim. The ghont remarked " We were going some weren't we" The man replied: "You hit, and as anon ss I catch my breath, we are go ing some more. " A. K. Voorhict Photo Supplies. OVER 2 GAR LOADS.. Furniture and Housefurnishings New Iron Bods $ 3.50 to $20.00 Now Dressers 6.40 to 35.00 New Suites 11.90 to 40.00 New Heaters - 2.70 to 12.-50 New Cook Stoves and Ranges - 8.95 to 50.00 New Mattings .15 to .35 Now Carpets .45 to 1.25 New Mattrosst'S - . 1.95 to 15.00 New Kitchen Closets 4.50 to 14.00 New Wall Tapers .10 to .00 Now Lamps ... .25 to 5.00 In fact it would be useless to try to enumerate the new goods comini; iu. You are most cordially invited to call and see the new China in immense variety Cut Glass Ladies' Desks Music Cublnets Magazine Cabinets. Call in and see the Iudian Robes. Closing out a line of Decorated Chambers and Covers 50c, worth 75c Pocket Knives Korth 20C' M. 5c, 65c. 75C. t-oo for 15c, 25c. 35C. 45C 50c, .65 New Home Sewing Machine, ) , , t ball bearing. worth ".00 for $39.50 Tin Tea Pots, worth 25c for 10c Tin 4-quart Milk Tans, worth 12c for 5c each Miller's Axle Oil, worth 30c for 15c each Wire Dtawn Horse Brushes, worth 65c for 35c 6-lb. Weight Scales with scoop, worth $3.50 for J2.00 Homes furnishod comploto from tho boat assorted and most metropolitan stock in Southern Oregon. THOMAS HEINZE GETS RICH MINE Kcault of Adverse Decision Ren dered by Judge Clancy. As it result of tho handing down of decisions by Judge William Clancy, of the Second Judicial District Court tho .State of Montana, at Butte Thursday awarding the Minnie lloaly mine, one of the riohest properties ' in Ilutte and valued at 110,000,000 to V. August Heiu.o anil the granting of an Injunction against the lloi-ton & Montana Company, the prlncijial property of tho Amalgamated Hopper oinpany iu Montana, all tho proper ties of tho Amalgamated Company in Montana were ordered closed for aiiin- leliuito Hiriod. It Is estimated by oflUiiuls of the ouiny that at least In, 000 men will he made Idle aud perhaps 20,000. The shut down is the most complete aud extensive, ever known In Montana. It includes the great Anaconda, Ht. Lawrence, Never Sweat, Mountain View, Leonard, Kast and West Coiusa, i'arrot, Uagiion, Colusa Parrot, Diamond, High Ore, Mountain Con. No. 1 and No. 3, Comanche, Silver How Nos. 1 and 2, llluu Jay and many utlier smaller mines, as well as a large iniinlier of mines that are being Molted under lease. It is expected that thu fires will be I lawn from tho lloston iv Monana, lllue & lloston, Colorado and Wasluw smelters. The WuhIioij smelters at Anaconda aro tho largest in the world and employ IKXX) men. Tim Amalgamated mines produced '.lino tons of oni every day. All the night shifts ill the mines wero called olf aud men not i lied that the pro)W)r- ticshadl ii closed down. Much el itemeiit eixHts in ilutte and the city is thronged with idle miners blocking Direct cornels discussing the situation, Following is a list of proicrtitw unvoted : In Ilutte lloston Si Montana mine, Aiincomla mine, Syndicate group. Until) I'.nslon mine, l'urrot group. Coloiitdii Commuy mine, l'arrol group, Colorado Company mine, W.iilion group, Color. nlo imeltur, Ilutte & IliMtou smelter, hill men on P.utte, Anaconda it Pacific Kailrnad. At Anaconda Washoe smelter, limn kiliiH, Anaconda foundary, brick yards. At (ireat Kails -lloston Montana Hlllelter. At liell Unit Coal & Coke Com pany. At Homier -I'.ltickfoot Lnmhcr Coin pany. At Ilorr- llorr pany. Coal & Coku Com Al lilamouilvilhi Diaunilidvllli Coal Ouiniiiy ; Pleasant Valley Com rnny. In .lelTerson County Limu and silica iinarries. In Ilutte the company employs .VXj ne n. In the smelters at Aniw ondu, Ilutte and ( Ireat Vails, Alan men A par roll of over .'0,000 a day is 1 lit olf iu ilutte Cunfcniuna ol a frit it. Inn. S. Cox of Wake Ii Ark writes: " l'or 1"J years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. 1 consulted a Hum ler of physicians and tried all sorts of meilicines Tin t got no relief. Then I Is g, in the us of Klc trie Pitters aud feel that 1 am now cured of a disease that had me in Its grasp for 13 years.' If you wimt a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble atomac disorder or geimral debility get Klec- trie Hitters. Its guaranteed by National Drng Store aud (1 runts Pass Pharmacy. Only 60c. Flio U Second R Hand N Goods f Booght U or R Sold E Here. ..THE IIOUSEFURNISIIER.. GRANTS PASS, - OREGON ASHLAND BOY'S SUCCESS Make Mark In Government Sr Vlce on Iela.nda, Win. Johnston, the 34-year old ton of Conductor W. B. Johnston, of Ashland, ii making; his mark in the government service in the Philip pine Islands. Enlisting as private in Co'., Second Oregon, at the ace of 18, lie has without a "pall" or in fluential connections of any kind, bat of sheer forco ot merit and capacity, won for himself the position of ln- sjiector in the treasury buroaa main tained by onr government on the Island at a monthly salary of J00 in gold. Iu the late scandals sad speculations which the press briefly reported having been discovered In the constslmlary of the Islands a few mouths ago, yonng Johnston dis tinguished hiiutolf by running down aud furnishing evidence to convict several of the criminals. Johnston it well known among the members of the famous Second Ore gon regiment. Before enlisting at Portland he lived In Ash land for aome time and at one time was a ebvk in Geo. W. Vanpcl'i cigar store. Be fore leaving Portland for Manila be was mado a corporal by Capt Oaae and when mastered oat on the island had become a sergeant. Following his, lie became chief clork in the liiartormastur'i department Shortly ifter he was taken with i lines and ntarted for his native shores on the steamer Bulgian King, and was on board that vessel when she foundered off Nagaskl. His health Improving ho went ba'k to Manila aud toon after watapiKiluted assistant treasurer of the island of Negrot, which posi tion ho held for tome time, aud then I sited a brilliant civil service exami nation, making hlui eligible to the position he now holds at au inspector in thu treasury bureau. Kana Tea Penny Nail Throujh Mil Hand. While o'ning a box, J 0 Mount, of Three Milo Bay, N. Y., ran a ten is'iiuy nail through the fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of all tho pain and soreness this would cause me," he ar.ys," and luimouiauiiv ipplied Chaiuboilaln't Pain Balm mil occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain aud sore ness and the injured parts wore toon healed." Pnr sale by all drogglsta, Curtis & Co., practical watch makers and jewelers. Dealers in watches, clocks, jewelry aud Dia mond rings. All repairing first clase. Odd Fellows' building. THE0LD' RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NQSUSSmUTZ 1?