Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 24, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Brief Review of the Indian
of 1857.
ITIio 'following article, Kivinir
brief review of the Lillian war in
Oregon and Washington ia taken from
a cPV or the "Urca-on and WnsliliiK
ton Almanac, " of 1867, wliioli in iu
the poHseaaion of the family of John
P. Walkpr. Emi.. the well known
pioneer of tlie upper Bear Creek val
ley. Ashland Tribune. )
Both Oregon and Wellington tnrri
toriei have, daring the pant 12
mouths, boon the theatre of nerion
Indian diaturbanrea. Our commercial
Intercourse tins been interrupted, oar
agricultural pursuits retarded, the
resources of the country left under
vclopcd, and onr internal improve
menu ueglected through ennui s the
most lamentnhlo that could befall
any country in its infancy an Ind i
war. Early in the month of October,
18.")5, A. J. Jtolaii, nil Indian agent
among the Yakima tribe of Indians,
was brutally murdered whilst on his
return from an ollicial visit to the
tribes over wliieh lie had jurisdiction.
Anterior to thin sad occurrence,
Mattico, a citizen of Washington tor
ritory, wan robbed and murdered
whilst on his return from Colville
mines. Theso repented outrages
roused the authorities of both terri
tories to a sense of the impending
danger which was to bn apprehended
from a general combination of all the
Indian tribes located in either terrl
tory, and their fears were fully con
firmed upon receiving the news of the
repulse of Major Hal lor, who, togeth
er with bis command of five ollicers
and one hundred and two United
States troops aunt to the Yakima
connty for tho pnrposo of arresting
the murderers of Matt ice, Union, and
others, wero obliged to retreat to th
Dalles, with loss of flvo men killed
and lfi wounded.
At this crisis a requisition upon
Governor Carry, was made by
Major Haines, for volunteers to sup
port the regular forces iu the subjuga
tion of the Indians. Thn alacrity
with which the citizen soldiery re
sponded to the call of tho executive,
plainly illustrates tho sense of immi
nent danger which pervaded through
out the entire community, for In Ionf
than 25 days fro n the issuing of the
proclamation, a regiment of mounted
men armed, "cquipisid and snpplied
were on tho extreme northern fron
tier, advancing to meet tho enemy.
Whilst every eye was turned
toward the north, the blaze of many
homestead gave warning of murder
and hostility at the south. Inline
ditaely more volunteers were called
into action, and a second timo n
prompt resiKiuse was given to the
call of tho executive, as it was evi
dent to every settler iu both terri
tories that unless a decisive blow wn
struck, in order to impress fear upon
the hearts of tho savage foe, no home
stead would bo seeuro from rapine
and pillage.
Almost simultaneously with the
murder of Holnn, north, Mrs. Wago
ner and child, Messrs Harris, Hamil
ton, Hlielton, Jones anil wife, together
with six other jiersons, were murdered
iu the vicinity of Koguo river val
ley. Messrs. I.npton and Shepherd were
killed shortly afterward in nn en
g'tgement with the Indians near tin
mouth of Iiutto creek. War with all
its horrors, now raged on every border
of both territories. On the morning of
December 8th, lN.Vi, the Volunteers ot
tho north, under oominnd of Lieuten-
ant-Col ,1 Kelly, ' were attacked
by about four hundred Indians, with
whom during four successive days,
t hey had a sanguinary bntile. During
this engagement there were live killed
and 14 wounded. The killed were
Captain ("has. lleuett, Co. K,
Lieutenant Iturrows, Co. II, X. I,.
Van Ilageruiaii, Co. I, II. Kelso Co. A,
and H. Crow, Co. II. During liU
engagement, the celebrated Indian
chief, l'lie-JHIl liiox lllox was killed
while attempting to escape from n
guard placed over him by I.ieuti mini
Colonel Kelly. While the volunteers
on the north eastern and southern bin
ders of Oregon, were thus gallnntl
engaging the enemy, news was re
reived from Washington territory ol
the murder of l.leut. McAllister, anil
Mr. Council by the Indians In tin
vicinity of White river, and also ol
the death of Col. Moms, I. lent.
Slaughter J. Miles, nil of whom Ml
lighting for the protection of tlnh
country. A general imnic now ensued
throughout the count rv-Mockiiilii.
Were i reeled, Mock houses were built,
and every implement of husbandry
and mechanics were laid aside for tin
ritli) and the bowiu knife,
ed by their supposed success, the In
dins of l'uget's sound at lacked Seatll.
ou the morning of Jan. ' 'Uns
engagement lasted through It in,.
day; the killed, on the it of the
while., being Milton llolgate, and
Christian White, and nf the Indians
atsnut an.
Kurly on the morning of 1Y1 .'.M,
the Indians iu 1 1 . . vn iniiy of Ton
Or ford, led by a supposed friendly
Indian named Lnos I formerly one ot
Col. Kreinont's guides, i fell upon mid
massacred ten jsisoiis, and burned
uearly every dwelling the snile
meats from It.gne river to Toil m
ford among the killed ws dipt t,
Wright, thou recently appointed
Iiidian Agent in that district.
Ou the morning of Mar. js-ih (In
Indians attacked the IWados, hum
ing "early every house in the town,
killing III persons, and wounding I:
others. The killed were , lame. Sin
(lair, Mr. llourlsm, Henry,
James and Going,. W.itkins, II. W
Drown and wife, Jacob White, Nor
iii.ui Palmer, Mr. Caldi rw oml. Gen.
Oriswol.d Jacob Kyle, Kioluird Tin pin,
and three I n m il States soldiers Tin
force of the Indians engaged in the at
tack was estimated over four beared
During the inonlli f April Hi.
volunteers ol the northern battalion,
aiider command of Col, Cornelius,
traversed the room ry lying between the
Columbia river and thu itluu mount
alns, suffering many hardships
portion of the time having to subist
upon horse flesh. On the 10 th instant,
whilst out With a party of scouts n
to ascertain ir the r.idiaus were en--niuc4
tu the Sinuoe valley, the
when urrs at stake
The most timid man will take any
chance of escape. The slender rope
dropped down the precipice, the slip
pery log over the abyss, anything
offers a. chance of life, is eagerly snatcU.
ed t. The end the mau seeks is safety.
He cares nothing
for the means to
that end.
There are thou
sands of men and
women whose
lives are st stake,
who are hindered
from accepting
the one means of
safely by foolish
Doctor I'ierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery has
been the menus of
restoring health
to many mrii and
women whose hol
low cough, bleed
ing lungs, ema
ciation and weak
ness seetiltd to
warrant the state
ment of local phy
sicians "There is
no cure possible."
Whv should prejudice against a put-up
medicine hinder you from trying what
has cured thousands of suffering men
and women?
"Onlv fur Or I'ii-n-f's Mnliral Di.
aovrry 1 lliitik 1 w.ul.l I in my arav to day.
rllr Mr.
M'Mt-H Mllrfl. nf llllliiir'l t'lnu Co.,
"1 hail asthma mi Iiii'I I could not
'rp Hi llltflll Sli'i WHS l-emiM-lli-'l lo aiv up
lt. It sllc-ilrit 111 V lime, ho that f t,juih.l
II the lime. Iwith ilsv snil IliKllt. Mr fllenit
ill lli.siylit I hail My wife had
ti.krn Iir. Pirrt-e'a Favortle ITrarrlplnm mid It
hud lii-linl h.-r mi mm It she insisle,! on my try
ieif his - llold'-ll Mi-.lical lilnnvrry ' wlikh I
.-iiil. 1 have tnkt-ti lour hollies anil atn now a
well man. wi-ihIioh 1S5 isiuniU. thanks to Ir.
l-ierce's (Aililen Altniial illsiovery.s
The sole motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make the little more
profit paid by the sale of less meritorious
medicines. He gains; you lose.
gallant dipt. Hi inline was killed.
0110 and a half miles from camp, ami
before either he, or any of his little
band were aware of the proximity of
the enemy, they were suddenly sur
rounded and fired upon by a body of
Indians headed by Kiimiakiii Cupt
Henibree fell l.t the first tire, ..i.rtally
The enemy immediately appeared
111 vast numbers in every direction,
mm simultaneously eiininu need mi
ittack ukiii the voluntees, who, al
though inferior in numbers, repulsed
them 011 every side, and drove them
from every jKisltion. Ti.o volunteers
being too much exhausted to follow
thu enemy further into llio interior,
returned to thu valley.
111 us wo Have" endeavored to give n
faint synopsis of the dangers with
which thu iicilplo of Oregon and
Washington have had to contend dur
ing tho past 12 mouths.
Thu lives of many of our best citi
zens have been sacrificed ill the con
test; still the danger is not past, for
though oft defeated the enemy is not
vniiiiuishid, mid wn can only hos
that tho present year will not he H
repetition of tho past.
With family around expel ling him
to die, and n sun riding ior life, IK
miles, to get. Dr. King's New Dis-
overy for consumption, coughs and
olds, W. II. llrowu, of Leesville,
Ind., endured death's uuniiicH from
islhma; but his wonderful medicine
gave Instant relief and soon cured
him. He writes: " I now sleeo sound
ly every night. ' Guaranteed bottles
illc mid .((. Trial bottles free at
National Drug store and Grunts Pass
Mining mid S ientlllo Press
The Tamarack sluift ill the I.nke
.nis rior copper district, is nearly one
mile in vi rtu al depth, mid the ore
therein grows 1 liner w ith depth.
There are several long Humes in
California, lino at Miuh rii is miles
in length, and has besides IS miles ol
feeders. It is V-shaped, is 111 Inches
cross I he top; llli in-h sides, has a
liiil.v capacity of filiating lilil.msi feet.
It. M., and cost 'o.Otn
1'igiiring a protil of II per ton on c,
where the cost of Height and
treatment is ft.
Is only theoretical,
ivor HO is r cent inn.
In prm lice not
I'll ii' extraction could be euunleil on.
mil if the costs and rcco pt made
even, would, iu tin' case spccillcd, 1h
gooil work.
The I'aiiainu fee fur taking up a
milling claim is fill; (lie tax title
o-ts f in I'o "denounce" three s r.
telieiieias costs f ,ui for each per
teiecia. The annual tax on each t
teuecia Is till, whether it is worked
tr mil. A "pert cia" is a rectangle
lims fe, t long and ;n; feet w ide.
There is no legal limit to the 1111111
In r of mining claims one may tile on
public mineral land in the I'nited
tales, nor to the inimls r that mar be
so held provided the requisite annual
assessment woik is kept up. In
Mi'Meo tlie owners of a nniiin,. 11r.11,.
n i t
11 v may ask tor an increase of tlie
number of tlieir claims, and for this
iurmso must subject themselves to
the proceeding laid dow 11 fm nonli
at ion fo- a concession.
l'he average iuantity of water used
per stamp per hour in California, is
iliout 11KI gallons and ahout i.doil
Ions Is-r toil of ore crushed Tl
lage tin. lies, to which this ore is
lushed is -to inesh. Tim aveliigi
pianiity of water used iir staiun ici
ur in Colorado Is given as l.'.'i gi(
Ions, and for each, tun of ,imi
ihollt i. PSI gallons. t'lavev ore re
piires more water than harder ores,
while the degrees of lluomss lii which
the product is crushed alo .heidis
the oil lilt It V of w.ihr licit i,,,,.i l,
HI CKl.KNS' A I! Ml ' SAl.VK.
Has world wide fanie for marvellous
ures. II siiijasM-s iinv other salvo.
lotion, ollltiuillt or I ilm for ,m.
irns, burns, boils, sons, felons,
leers, teller salt rheum, 'ever sores.
Iiapisd hands, skill eruptions,; In.
fallible for plies fure L.-il.iranlee,l
1 inly '.''.(' at National 1 '1 ug siore and
Giants Pass Phariiincv.
W. U. Nipis'r, die Willnuu, n.-.t
sawmill 111111. will si. mi U-gm ih,.
Work of riiflniK los Iroin t li ( 1 I'm '
jllst Wrat of I'llinntnw 1: to ,s null ;
O'l Willlmin rrei k hv w.iv of Ins; Ap. j
pilule liver. ,
IHue Print Pi r l.y the vm.l or roll j
t Ilm Courier iillleo. I
. h
Xa. C. Z. "a. Column
Tho next meeting of the W. ('.. T.
U. will be held at the home of Mrs.
Ixm Hood, Sept. 2."j, at 2 p. in.
Power of Heredity.
A young man from a good family
committed 1111 atrocious murder and
was put ou trial for his life. His
grandfather had been Mil excessive
drinker. His father and mother had
both drunk moderately at men Is. His
life and history Indicated great brain
feebleness and degrees of insanity for
it least two years before the murder.
Public H nt irii'-ut was very strong
against him at the trial. The district
attorney had emloyed mi able lawyer
to assist liim and he publicly an
nounced that the cause of justice de
manded thu prisoner's death. Two
distinguished physicians were retain
ed to fwear to the sanity of the
prisoner. I ""as called us an expert in
his di fense. As the trial went ou it
was evident that the efforts of the
-Hate would 1st directed to break the
force of my testimony as to the in
sanity of thu prisoner. I answered
the hyjiolhetical iUestiou und ex
plained It at some length for the de
fense and then was cross-examined by
the state's attorney, who was evident
ly determined to destroy thu Impress
ion w hich I had produced on the jury.
The attorney was a mini of keen in
tellect and a thorough masrer of the
irt of examining witnesses After
trying various methods to create con
fusion III toy statements, he settled
down to a scientific examination, in
cising on exact answers without
lualiflcalioiiK. As the examination
progressed, it wus evident to both of
us that wn were surprising each other
In iiiestious and answers. There was
ill his ipiest ioniiig, uiiiiiislakablu in
dications of n very clear know ledge of
tho alcoholic mind and method of
reasoning such jis can never be de
icribed iu books.
Although two aliln physicians were
seated at, his side, suggesting ques
tions, it was evident that his know
ledge of such cases was far snpoi ior
to theirs, and the turns and forms of
ipiest ions were revelations of familiar
ity with the subject thnt was n sur
prise to me.
At the close of the day's trial, 1
concluded that a isrsoual acquaint,
nice with tho attorney might give me
iu insight into his luuutalily that
would he to my advantage in the next
day's examination, which nflo' a
night of consultation mid preparation
would uiiiloiihetdly he still more se
vere. Ufou being introduced by the
Judge, I, in no undertone, remarked
to the attorney that I had never lie
fore been examined by any one who
had such acute knowledge of the drink
era,e and its victims, and that I knew
that this knowledge did not come
from books. After a moment's hesitu
lion he answered me with a quiver
ing lip, "Yes, I know of this matter
srsoually in my family and it has
linen a skeleton to me. "
He asked me to come to his room at
the hotel that evening, for a persona!
talk. The interview lasted until mid
night. Ho then told mo of his only
son who was expelled from college
for drinking, and of how he had driv
en him away Irom his home against
the advice of his w ile, and that this
sou was now serving a life sentence
for murder in a western prison. He
spoke of his bitter feelings against
the attitude his wife had taken, for
she had insisted that tho boy was dis
eased. This he himself could not be
lieve, and he reviewed tho heart
burnings and soriows w hich followed
the death of his w ife, and her stead
fast faith ill the mental sickness of
the hoy, and Iut disapproval of his
own harshness; nod how at her death
he realized that site was right, but
his pride and position made liiui fear
to think of this subject seriously. He
spoke of his own drinking days, and
ot his abstinence at his wife's re
iftiest, after tiie birth of his sou.
I'iveu on this trial he did not dare to
sTinit his feelings to assume the pos
sibility of int-ii t ul disease. I told him
frankly that he made a mistake, that
his w ile was right, that his boy was
i victim, the dirtct transmission of
Ins o ii drinking habits.
We shook hands and parted w ith a
cordiality which was not appaienl in
the next day's exauiinat ion, and yet
lieueath the blulT ami stern etxerior, I
could see the leal man struggling to
put the quest ion so that my answers
would be (be least favorable tu his in
terest. 1 he case was won. Mv testi
mony prevailed ami the victim was
placed iu an insane asylum, where h
llli's Cream Halm
The Most Satisfactory
Remedy uiul (aire.
or s.ue !i lool lim
Kcj; Sii
l'amilv Size
siH'. 'cr Imttlc
Liquid Cream Balm
t Use III
iinniiucis. 75 cents,
m.iilci! at the above
Will la
pi iocs by
ELY DROS.. 5G VV.v t on St.,
New Yark City. N
Mr. 1 1'. Piuitlilerv, wiIIkiiuhii
tliri'iitftuiut Mi'ti-. r iiinl Siiiiuin-r i
mini lis, S . ':i., itiot lil,e! iiw, s i
Ins life to Ihe kimiiiess of 1, neitflds.r
He wus almost hop. 1 ly nHi- t. .1
w ith ilim rluH-i : w:s atti-iiili-il lv two !
I h.vsii i.ins who iie linn Inrle, if!
.in v relief, whi n
iii'iK'hlsir K: vii 111 ;
of his condition hrouht him Isiitle
of Ch'iiiiliertiiiii 's I'lili.-, i-lioier.i iin.i j
ili irrloei ri ini-ily, whu-h t tiri-d liiui !
in less thiiii 21 hours. Kur n.ile hy a'.l
liiiKists. '
died two years later. No one knew
that our midnight interview saved
this prisoner from judicial murder.
A few years afterwards, this lawyer
employed me as an export iu the de
fense of a similar case. At the close
of the trial, I went to bis home and
there was introduced to bis son, a
poor, harmless, half idiotic man. No
inoaiioiis wero assea, uui i anew mailt. A., at Boston; A. O. U. W., at St.
he had only recently In eu
had only recently t eu released
and brought home to die. The father's
tenderness towards him showed this.
The crime bad boon committed in
another state and no one knew the
faets of the case.
A year later this lawyer was found
dead iu his bed, and the boy was
placed in a private asylum where he
is now living. Fortunately his mind
is gone and he is unable to recall the
past. This incident illustrates some
of the startling facts not recognized,
which can bo traced through fainiller
of alcoholic heredity, followed by
great misery and sorrow and often
judicial murders. Poor, alcoholized,
insane men, w hose jiareuts und rela
tives aro ri-HK)nsible, are constantly
going to the gallows, and the harsh
delnsious of the law of sanity and
reason uro contradicted by every pos
sible fact and condition. T. D.
Crothers, M. D.
Grants Pass Weather.
Following is a summary weather
servutlon at Grants Pass during
the month ol August, 1 ().'!, as reported by
I. II. Paddock, local voluntary observer
for the Oregon Slate Weather Service.
4 .
tl. .
8. .
II. .
2i ;
27 !
SruMAiiv; Mean temperuture, 05.
maximum temperature, 08 , date, 17;
minimum temperature, 41 ; date, 4;
Total precip. Hielies Ml. Total snow
fall inches 0 No. ol days clear. 20;
iurtly cloiidy, ,1; clou ly, 2. Th. storm,
0; nrevuilinsT wind. H W.
One Woman Among the Thousands
We received a letter from Waycross,
(leorgin, ii few days ago, from a lady
w ho has lived there for years. Hhe
writes us that she had been tnnibled
with female complaint or a long
time, until she was reduced almost
to a shadow. It effected her mind,
she could not remember any thing
would get so confused and so nervous
and irritable she could hardly sloop.
She dcscrils-d her case as one similar
to thousands of oilier women, and then
elided the letter by saying she gained
18 lbs. last mouth, mid never fell
better in her life, having no trace of
her former troubles, slept well and
ate her meals with a relish. This
lady coinmeiiced the use of Dr.
i u ii ii 'h lilnod mid Nerve Tonic just
six weeks before she wrote tho letter
from which we ropy the nbove
This tonic is in tablet form and should
be taken right lift "r meals. It turns
tho food y:.u eat into strong rich
blood, making solid flesh and feeding
the nerves, curing disease by making
healthy flesh. Pale, weak thill
s-ople should use this tonic. Sold
by W. K. Kroner for 75o jst box
or three boxes for 2. Sent posttuiid
on receipt ol price. Address Dr. Ho
sauko Co. Phila., Pa.
Notice is hereby given that the till
dersigned has been upmintod adminis
tratorof the estate of W. K.llerring
ton, deceased, and all having claims
against said W. K lit-rringtou, de-
cased, arc h Tehy notified to present
llicm to tlje undersigned at the store
of the tiriiuts Pass Hardw are Coiuiany
in Uranls Pass, Josephine count v,
Oregon, with the proisT vouchers.
within six months of this date.
Dated at Orniits Pass, Oregon, this
I Uh dav of August, A. D. l(Hi:l.
Notice is hereby given that tin
District Itcuiidary Hoard of Josephine
County, Oregon, will meet on Satur
day, September 2i, IH0.I, in the court
house in lirants Pass, to act on a 'ti
lion to form a new school district out
of territory now included in school
district No. '-" of Joseph mo. County,
The dtscription nf the territory
pi I it loned to be set on" us a now dis
trict is as follows, to-wit :
Voiiimciioing at the point where
the center sect ion line of Section lit.
Township Mil South of Range 5 West
of Will'iniette Hit r l il l ,i n touches Kngiif
river, thence running South on said
Inn' to the corner in the center of
section ;i0 of same township anil
range, thence East one mile to llu
center of section 2H, thence north on
the line in t he center of sections 20 and
M to Rogue river, thence westerly
down the hank of said river to the
place of beginning The nlmve do-
scriiien territory to He known as
I school district o. 4', of Josephine
! County, t Iregon.
I Dated September, II IH03.
County Sup't and sec'y uf Hoard.
Goiug Camping?
Veil will need M stove- tlie Li. at
with iisIm'sios liniii)! mid casl iron
lop is the lu st. 1 Imve 1I11111 at sur-
iisini;lv low ( riiia, nlsii Hie sheet
ItVII sIl'M'S.
Tents ill nil weights
!(,SH l;u, ... her,-,
mid all sizes
' Imve a
hit! stoek of new ami
st-eomi ItmiJ
itiHHis overriding rou i think of.
Let ine show vou.
Mlxlli Ktrwt.
Max. Min. Mean
Tent. Tern. Tern.
M ' 45 i;7
77 47 (i2
h."i Mi m
II.I 41 07
8j 411 ISl
Hi 44 (18
!7 45 71
IU 47 71
l 4b 71
114 iH 71
47 71
DO 60 70
!I0 50 70
81 fi.'l 07
77 M OS
110 .ri8 74
118 fit) 74
t'5 fi.'t 74
88 48 W
88 40 07
70 A3 00
7 45 02
81 43 02
Oil 53 01
711 51 05
8!l 15 07
II.I 40 71
84 48 tO
8 45 05
85 4;l 04
Reduced Summer Excursion j
The Denver it Rio Grande, popu
larly known as the "Scenic Line of
t'-e World," has announced gTeatly
reduced round-trip rates from Pacille
Coast points for the benefit ofi
teachers who wili spend their vaca-
tion in the east, and of r!el,.fr-iSoa tn
, e -
Paul; B P. O. E. at Baltimorr:
Woodmen of America at Indianapolis;
. . ,, , !".
fca-es at Ivew York; Mystic felirine
at tinratoga Springs; K. of P. at
Louisville, and T. P. A., at Indian-
.t me renueen raicg will De
baed Ufson one fare for the round
trip, but will be sold ou certain dnva.
,JX? t':k,8, will carry jitopover
privileges ou the going triiL giviim
fsnsengers an opportunity to visit
nan wise i,ity, Uleuwood Springs,
Colorado Springs and Denver;, and
will be good to rcluru auy time
within ninety (i) days. Passengers
going via the Denver & Rio Ommie
are given me privilege of
via a different route.
For the rate to the point von wish
to go, and for dates of sale "and other
particulars, as well as for illustrated
pamptueis, write W. C. McBRIDE,
ueuerat Agent, 124 Third
land, Or.
St., Port-
h If Up tu the Doctor
A lady wrote us a few weeks ago
from Winchester, Va., that bhe had
been under a doctor's care for 4 years
for dysfs-psia, the pain seemed to
center under her left shoulder blade,
and was so severe at times that she
could neither eat nor sleep. She had
lost faith in her home doctor, and
asked us to send her samples of our
Dr.Gunn's improvcdLiver Pills which
had been recommended to her. We
sent her two pills. In a few days
she sent, for a box. Now she writes
that the pain under shoulder has left
her entirely, she enjoys her meals and
never sleeps less than 8 hours every
night, and this has nil come about
in two weeks, and cost her 50c. for
two boxes of pills. Says the doctor
charged her I-50.00 and that she told
him he had better lake the $.V).00 and
invest it all in Dr. Ounti'g Improved
Liver Pills and build up his practice.
We have not received the Doctor's
order yet but any one hnvinu- rivsis-ii-
tin, bilions sfiells or sick-headache I
win get a 8eedy cure bv the use of
these pills. Sold by W. "F. Kremer
cfor aoc per box or by mail on receipt
of prico. Samples free. Address Dr.
Iiosanko Co. Phila.' Pa.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Kosebiirg, Oregon, Aug. 27, 1003.
Notice is hereby Riven thai in cein
nli nice with the provisions ol ihe set of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act fur Ihe sa'e ol timber lands in the
Siatov of California, Oregon Nevada,
and Washington Territory, " as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1802,
ol Carson County of Skaminla,
Slate of Washington, has this day tiled
in this ollice his sworn slsietu- nt. No.
lor the purchase i f the NE'4' of SEI
and K.'j of sWJ and 8W4 of 8Wj of Sec
tion No. 20 In Township No. 37 South,
Range No 0 West, and will offer prool
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than lor
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before J. O. Iloolh,
Coiintv Judge, at his ollice at (iranls
I'ass, Oregon, on londsy, the 23d dav
of November, 100.'!. He names as wit
nesses :
Edward Mollis, Carson, Washnwtoi.
Henna Mollis, "
A. W. S lsby. Grants Pass, OreL'on,
F II. Briggs, " "
Any and all persons claiming aIv -e
Iv ihe above-described lands are re
quested to tile tlieir claims in this 1. Iliee
on or before said 23d dav ol November,
103. J. T. IIkiihiks, Register.
I'lnilier Land, Aet June :l. 187S.
I'nited Stii er ..nd OHire 1
Kosehmu, tiregnii, S p . I, l!K:i.
Nutiee la herehy iven lint in eone
lilisnee ilh the provisions ol the aet nl
dullness ul June;!, 1N78, entiiled "An
aet (or Ihe sale nl tnnlier laiels ia the
States ol California, Oieitnii, Nevada
and Washing-ton Territory," aa ex
tended In all the I'nlilio L-:il S ale j bv
act ol Auitnat 4 W.2,
ol Carson, County o( Skanmuia
Si ile 1 1 WasliiiiKInn, lias this dav til . I,
in tliisotlieehis sworn siateuien' No.
lor the purchase, of Hie N l, d XWi,
Si J of N W and N ' ol HWJ o' Se."io .
No M In Township No. 37 South, Kan.
No 0 West, ami will oiler prool to sho
ihsl the Und louglit is more vsluali e
for its timbt-r or stone than lor auri
eiilliiral purposes, and to establish
his cls'ln to sani land before An hur
C 11I1I111, V S. Cliiliiliit sioner, at his
ollice at (iranls I'ass, Ureuon, on Mmi-da-the
i'.lj dayol Novemlier, I'.H) ". IU
name as wituestes:
John Mollis, ol Canon, Wasido'on,
Hi illul Mollis, ol Carson, 'Washinuion,
. VV Silahv, I i runts Pas', Orea-.m,
K. II. Itria-ati. (iianis Pass ) -.hi.
Any and all persons cUiinniii adver-e
') Hie alsive-deserila'd lands are i,.
ipiested to tile their claims in thisolli.e
on or belore said 2;id dav ol Nov -inher.
I'D.:. J T. Bhiihiks. Km sei,
The largest sum ever paid lor a prt
scription, changed hands in San r ran
Cisco, Auk. .ill, 1IHH. Ihe transfer in
volved in coin and stock $1 l2.otN.tM and
was paid hy a party ol business men foi
a specific for lirnihl's Disease ami In
deles, tiulierio incurable diseases.
They commenced ihe serious invesii.
nation ol the sieeitic Nov. 15, iisjO.
I'hey nilerviewed si-ores of II. e cured
and 11 led 11 out on its meiils hy piiuinx
over three dosen cases on the treatmeiii
and waichinii them. Kiev also sot phy
sician lo name chronic, incutahlei-asea
and administered it with the physician
for jurie s. I'pto ui. i'5, 87 ier eenl
of Hie test cases wrre either well 01
pri'k'resstlis: (avorahly.
I'here lieiint bin ihirleen per rent of
failures, tlie parties were salislicd and
closed Ihe transaction. The pns eeiliiiKi
ol ihe invesiii:aliiit loiiiuiiiiev and the
clini.-al resiris of the tt at case9 were
lull lished and a ill be mailed free on
applies ion. A.lihes" John J. Ki i rns
Com-isv.HJi) Moiita-oiuery M.SanKian-
icn, t'al.
A (amiliai name tor Ihe Chicago, Mil
waukeeJiSt. Paul tUilwav, known al'
over ihe I'nion as the Ureal Kailwai
running Hie "Plone.-r Limited'' traint
every day and niht between St. Pan'
and Chicago, a d ilr.iaha and ('In. -.o I
111 only ieriei-l trains in the world
l'i dersti'iul : Connei tions arv
wi'li VII risns.ontiiieiitl Lines.
ma lo pass. hg. rs the r-.t arvi.K kno.n
Luiiirioiis coactiea. eie-ii h- liwhta, atran
liral. -if a verily equalled liy no othei
ssi-e that vonr ticket r-ads via "The
Milwaukee" wh. n gi'ir.i to any point in
uie 1 miro piaies or I anaila. Al It 1.-.
et asvnls sell Iheiu I
For rates, pamphlet or other infoi
mat ion, add teas,
J. W. C isav, 0. J. Epov,
Trav. Pass. A. tieneral Ageot.
8ttii. Wash. Poarumo, Or
Timber Ijiod. Act June 3. 1678
HoKibiog. Oregon, J ul 3n, psi.i.
Not i e is lirreot given lhi in rum
i haiice i'h the piov-ieii.a of the a -I of
1'iiHBiew, of June 3, IHTH, enmled i-n
! f r lit sale ol limber lands ill !he
rjia'es nf. California, Oregon, Nevada,
and 'Vaehintton Territory.
i. ...tu.i .11 ..l.l; . I i .....
by set
. .r...
ui auuiisi si. mit.
of Ypailanii.County of Washiinsw. State
?' .'T"' , '""
, i,a time her sao'ii staleiueni No.
- tor the pnrchas-of ihe MV i, of
Seciii.n No 0 in- Toan-hip No. :J.8
I'nge No. 6 West, ami ill J
ou-r pruoi 10 anew inai ilie tanil soititrir
than for smieiiiliiial tHirixv. snd to
establish her claim to said laml I eln e j Tonic, because the formula! plainly pnnt
J.O llooih. Count Judge, at nij olrice i.l nn pverv Imttlei showim? thnt it is siiu-
, V"""' " 'i,"r,l iw
1 l'l' 'lav of Droller, 10
She names as itne8es : Alh'nn W.i
Si'sbv.l ienrge h.Stni'h. Frul H. B igas
all of (irsins I't-s, Ort-Kni', and Arthur
II Siiiipsou ol Vpshanii, V.ielH.'Hii.
Anv aid all persona claiming- ad
vetaelv ihe nh ivi-hI-sci ib-d lands aie
requested to file their claims in tills
ollice on or lnl'.ie said ?5ili dsv of
U'tol er, I'.sjJ. J. T. UiumiHS.
Timber Land, Act .Inn-Ii, 187S.
United S ales Land Oiliee.
Iloseburg, Or-a-on, Julv 1J, 1110:1.
No'lee is - hereby viven that ii.
compliance with the ptovi-ioiis n
the set of Congress ot .lii- e S, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale ol
timber lands m the S'a'es ol California
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," as txtended lo ail ihe 1'tibin
Laud S ate- bv set of Ainrust 4, 1802
of Park Rv-r, Co.ilHy nf Walsh, Stite
ol North Dakota has ihis day filed ir
this odii e her sworn stnleuit-nt No. 54'.'5,
for the purchase of Ihe S!a of NE1 ami
NW"4' nl NE'. and NE'4' of M ij
(b-iiig Lot 2 and 3, ami f1., N E 'a )
Section No 0 in To nship Nn. South.
Uange No. 5 W. anil mil oll'-r prool to
show ihsl the laud sought is muie valu
able for Its limber or alone than lor agii
ciillural purftoses. and to establish hei
elhini to sain land before J. O. liocth,
County Judge, al his ofliee at cirauts
fas, Oreuiin, on M indav I to- 5li day ol
O. tuber, lt'O.!. She names as witnesses:
Wesley II. Sheiman, Susj- ;. Biles,
William T TurnliHiu, Hurl Minus all ol
Wranta Pass, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adverse
ly the shove deseri"ed lands are re
quested In tile their claims iu this i. Iliee
on ot before said 5th day ot Oe'otier lis 13.
.1. I'. f'KUHiKS, It-itisier.
R. II. Foster, ,118 S. 2d St., Sail
Lake City, writes " have been bother
ed with dyspepsia or indigestion for
21 years; tried ninny doctors without
relief; recently I got it bottle of Her
bine. One bottle cured me, I am
now tapTing off ou the second. 60i
at Slover Drug Co.
w visit DF
11(1 11UIT IT., Ill FBIICHCMil. (
T lrM AtMiafnlnl Mima hi d
WtM'A v eak t oy codtrMlwd
VpatistuiM m irsa CoML ku. jk yurs.
"H it thullr rart4 i
IroM iMa itkwui ik waa t(Hrsirr. f
TraMMlttHbtuPi, mmSt
Ml fai mm?tmn. a teh m1
Ci'ilfAj cur fa r lloa. Ttmr and
! tBtlkaxltv
CttsttMlttatiw It Ud itrlrtTytkHvtt. 1 ml plt
mn'-f f k IttUf A iMM( fWf In oiry cu
(Hiilrrtak). Wtll ft B' Ok rHII.10FIIT f
4MMUCI, MtlUD tiu. (A fUUU ka,
for bm. ) Call m
DR. JORDAN k CO., IDIf Marfctt t,t P.
I have hid oicasion to use your
illick-Drauht Stork and poultry M.Hi
cine and am pleased to lay that I nrvtr
ud any thin lor itock that ftvt half as
jlooa latiilactlon. I heartily rccom.
mend it to all ownert of stock.
x J. B. BELSHER, St. Louli, Mo
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stuck f.ssl ,mv mi)rc n,an
snk in-rsons should eieet to be
cured by food. hen your stock
and poultry are sick pive'tliem met),
icine. linii't stulT them wnl, worth
less stuck fissls. I'nload Die Ij'iwels
and stir up the torpid liver and the
annual w ill he euri d, if it he possi
ble to cure it. Ill , k -Iirautrht Stork
and Pou It n- Me.1 , ine unlon.l, H
bowel, and stirs up the torpid lirer.
It cures every tualudy of stock if
taken in time. Swore a J-'i-ii nt can
of niiu-k-Iiraneht Stis k ami Poultry
Mislicineiiml it will pavfor itself ten
tiniesoier. Horses work better. Cows
Hive more miik. loKs Cain Hmh.
And hens lay nioreecs. It solves the
tirohli m of making as nimh M.l,
llesli ami eneiL'r as nossihl,, ..r
tin- sinallcst am, unit of f.sul con
suinrsi. Huy acau (n ffii our lit aicr
The ee'iy Oiegnniiin and the
CoI'kiku both for one year lor 2 in ad
0. It.
& N.
oui:r,o short
l.MON PA CI I ic.
Shortest, Quickest.
Home lo all Ea-tern j.ii ts via Portland
All Through Tickets nM,iiiv. y,.r thj, ri,ll(r
.ire iTiivsl via ;
Mull LiiKeuil Denv.-i-
Low Kates. !
Ti-ket. ui Sale at Southern IVilic IVis.t '
A. L. CliAl,;. !
(iiHi'l. I'a-.--iii,vr Asvut,
1'i'itl.iml, Or. '
f M. JORDAN a CO., tOlt Hartal It.t . f
Notice is hercbv given that the un
dersigned J. E. Peterson has been ap
pointed administrator of the Estate
of Charles Lee ElUworth, deceased,
by the County Court for Josephine
County, On -gnu, and all persons hav
iiig claims against said estate are
hereby required to present them to
the undersigned administrator at Ins
Office at urauts 1-ass, uregou, amy
verified as by law jequried, within
six months from the date of this
Dated August 19, 11SI3.
J. E. PETERSON. Administrator.
H. I). NORTON, Att'y fo' Estate.
You Know What You Are Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
i.l y Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form
' J
Tinica Ciiro IN'o.
No. 2 For Yaquiua '
Leaves Albany 13:43 P. M.
Corvallis 1 :50 P. M.
Arrives Yriquina 5:35 P. M.
No. 1 Returning
Leaves Yaquiua 7:30 A. M
Leaves Corvallis II :30 A. M.
Arrives Albany 12:15 P. M.
No. 3 F"or Detroit
Leaves Albany 7 :00 A. M.
Arrives Detroit 12:20 P. M.
No. 4 from Detroit
Leaves Detroit 1 :00 P. M.
Arrives Albany 5:55 P. M.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in tinis
to connect with the S. P south bound
train, as well as giving two or three
hours in Albany before departure of
S. P. north bound train
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
trains at Corvallis and Albany giving
direct service to Newport und adja
cent beaches.
Train 8 for Detroit, Breitenbush
and other mountain resorts h aves Al
bany at 7 :00 a. 111. , reaching Detroit
about noon, giving ample time to
reach the Springs same day.
For farther information apply to
T. OOCKRELL, Agent, Albaiiv.
H. H. CRONISE, Agent Corvallis.
ly Coaehes, Palace anil Tourisl j
Sleepers, 111 11 1 out anil liullil
Fimokiny lillirar) Cars.
la)llKhl trip ihroiiith ihe Cascade!
uiiil K.iikj .Mountain
Kur full jiiu-tieuliirs,
eall on or ail.tress
rules, folders, ete.
II. IlICKSON, c r. A. I
J. '.V. PUAI.ON.T. P. A. j
li!2 Third street, Portland.
A. It. C. l'ENNISTOX, (!. W. P. A
'512 Kirn Avenue Seattle, VVasli. '
Through Salt Lake City. Leidville. Pueblo. Colorado Springs, snd Denver, snd the
famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all Points East.
3 1' AST
For ales, lolders and other
inormition, address
Visible Writing, Simple Mtclianism,
Permanent True Alignment and
j A sStrictly Ili.nh-CKiss Machine Sold for $75 00
I urn:i.T()wi:it eo
Courier and Oregonian $2 a year
Tnstploce. rk:n
uu' o you ? No
a in lem. narkfla-a J r ,
ZH ZZ" varpva; a BaacE fvopt. Uvrr pin.
pebing Piles produce moisture and
causes itching. Tliis form, aa well as
Blind, Bleeding or Protrudir g Piles are
tureil by Dr. Bo-Ban lo's Pile Reined.
Stops itching and bleeding. Ah-oihj
tumors. 50c s jar at Druggists, or sent
by mail. Treatise free. Write me
about your car-e. Dr. Bosanko, Pbilada.
Pa. For sale bfY. F. Kremer.
i- 1 V-'aI V.-
k ST. fAU L.
! All diseases of Kidneys,
uiaaaer. urinary urgans.
AL.. Dhaimi ntlnm t rr
'. ache.HeartDlsease 6ravel.
Dropsy, Female Trouble
I Don't become discouraged. There Is a
i cure for you. If m-ct'ssury wi-ilB Dr. l emier
I t liiiH sp ,.t a llfu time ruriim J"st sucli
cisvH unyuim. All cuuhultnt.uuu Free.
!r. Fc. hut's Kidney and Bafkarbe Cure
Is t liu raiiHMif my U'lmf alive lu-Ouy. I hud
huttcn-'l irn-HiIy nf kidney fllHt'uH furyeitw
II rid reduced in weight tu 1UU puuudti I uuw
Wirigtl ." imjuihW.
i W. 11. M. til'GIN. Olivo FuruaccO.'1
Drucirlt. 5ih-.. ?l. Ask tori' Htmk-Free.
VII UO UMilUC Femur, Kreduuia.N.V
: For tale by W. F. Kremer and H. A.
iJfiAlU, 50 YEARS'
Copyrights 4c.
AnTonp si-iifllna a sk ft Hi iind doacrlnllon mnj
quli-klr a-iiortitin our ii.iiili.n frfu whether all
tiiTi.iitlon is iinilialilr itinui!ilii. v.iitnui I.
tlniia ilrlclly isiiirj.lpritliil. Hanilhiink ml 1'i.ti-n
aenl Irro.'st uifimi-y si'i-tirii ir imli-iils
riiri-ms laltmi il,r(,uifll Aluiin A Co. ruceiTa
Ijiri-irtl n.itk, wlih-mt tli'i-iro. la the
ScicttJSfic Htnerican.
A Mn.nmcir tUntrntM w--i-!:!t. I nrirpst fir.
dilution of Hti tciciitiil' linir'i i, 'J'urins. t'-i f-nr mci-tthsj, fl. NulJ liy newiocnler.
IVIUNN & Co.3Cin'' New York
Branch um.v. 12a V St., Waahliig mi. . C.
k 1
! .to
O a2
W., MellHIDi; tJe-ii.Att-t
"flic CHICAGO"
(juaratiteed to equal
?ioo machine.
The Chicago Typewriter Co.
5i2-5'4 Market St.
San Francisco.
Sreed Fxcellent faifM-
Durability at " Fair PrS : d'ng
spring and Firt Street
t :
Cure. No Pav.
. - - J "