Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 24, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates i
One Year, In rdvance,
Hix Months,
Tbrea Monllia,
Mngte Copies, - -
Advertising Races
furnished on application at the office, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions ol con
dolence will he charged for at &c per line;
card of thanks M)c.
A. E. VOORHIE3, Propr. & Mnor
Entered at the post oftcs at Grants
Oregon, as second-class mail mailer.
There was no production of quick
silyer in Oregon during 1902, as coin
jared with 75 flasks in the preceding
Jom'plnne county on Monday set
tlcdi ts state taxes for 11K)3 in full by
remitting a balance of fct-T-iO to the
state treasurer at Salem.
On the new main rf the interior
department the State oi Oregon will
appear as a small body of land bound
ed on all sides by forent reserves
Journal, Eugouo.
The navy department lius issued an
order dimpling that "The Star Slang
led Banner" shall bo the national
anthem, anil whenever it shall be
played the mnn are to stand at atten
tion with bared beads.
Over Rick Strike In the"Pickln
Roller" Mine.
News of an extraordinarily rich
strike made in the "Tonkin Holler"
mine, owned by six popular railroad
men, and located on Sodu Creek, di
rectly east of Duiismuir, lias just come
to hand, says tho Ashland Tidings.
Engineers Jack Campbell and U
Kreel. with a milling expert have
bocu on the ground, doing prospecting I A. J. Itoiidhousc, a fruit and vege
Joseph Chamberlain lias created a
stir in staid old England and given
the politiiana something to talk about
by resigning bis position in tho cabi
net. Mr. Chamberlain beieved that
lie coo Id push bis scheme of a prefer
ential tariff bettor as a private citi
zen than ho conld In an oflleinl cajiao-
List of Case to be
Tried Next
The following is tho lint of cases on
the docket for the Hnptouibcr term
of the circuit court for Josephine
county, which convenes next Monday:
Criminal Cases.
State of Oregon s John F StovalL
Information filed charging the crime
of malicioDslj wounding an animal,
the property of another; delendunt
ont on ball.
Actions at Law.
Alice II Culver v John Kuud le.
Apimiil from jutslco court.
E Pickel vs John H Harvey, et ill
Action for money.
Wm P Wilson vs E B Meredith.
Action for money.
8 A. Vance vs Mountain View Cop-
wr Co. Actiou for money.
Grants Pass limiting & Trust Co.
vs Old Channel Mining Co. Action
for money.
Benj Haymoiid, Admr vs U M and
W -T Kavuon Aj.ttmi fnr mnliev.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.,
vs John MoCallister, Action for mon
Jesse Mash vs W F Kreiner et al.
Actiou for money.
II 0 Bobxien vs A J Grimes. Act
tun for money.
Ethel J A liny and II A GrilHth vs
II A Corliss. Action for money.
II 0 Bobziou vs II ,8 Wynaut, et at.
Action tor money.
C E Sterensou vs Southern 1'acifU
Co. Action for damages.
K I) Hume vs K W Chausse. Act
ion for damages.
Grants Bans Bunking it Trust Co.
vs I V Holmes. Actiou for money
Suits in Eiulty.
James Lyttlo vs F 11 Osgood. Suit
to quiet title.
8 W Smith vm Nellie Smith. Suit
for divorce.
W I Sweethtnd vs Grants l'ass New
Water Light & Power Co. Suit
quiet title.
Jans II Aden, insane, by C O Taylor,
guardian, vs T O Niiucke et al Suit
to quii t title.
Ketsch vs Luey Fcrren Equity
Elleu F St laiuis vs Henry E Bootli
Klu:lb.'th Grove vs F F Grove,
O S Gisulnow vs W 11 Euiersou and
K G Smith. Foreclosure of mechiiu
ics lieu.
Elvira I) liny vs V J Hay. Divorc
Belli Hush, et al vs II M (iorhiun
II McCluug, et al vs Mrs l'agie
Turner, et al. Partition suit.
Maggie Kanan vs E I' DoArnioiul.
S K Ayers i t al O O l.und.
Suit to quiet title.
John T Latyon vs T 1. IVvoro et
al. Injunction.
A J Wailo vs Win II Emerson et al.
Foreclosure of mechanics lien.
J I. Sullivan Saddle Tree i'o.,vs F
M I.ueas, et al. Equity.
James O H Guuii vs A V Fox et al.
Partition suit
C E Kmersou vs Jims II Aden., in
sane and C I' Taylor, giiunliau.
J F Wlscearvcr s Jacob Klippel.
Suit to quiet title.
V I Sweet land vs Grunts 1'ass New
Water Light A Bower Co. Iiijnnc
Kstella I McCluug vs Charles H
McCluug. Divorce.
11 K McCuinber vs Sarah A Mc
Cumber. Divorce.
Blanche Hire v Edwin Uice. Di
vorce. Mary E Pat ton vs W T S I'altou
Fidelia A Browning vs L N Brown,
iug. Divorce.
A Lcnipke vs C E Yeriuilliou, el
aL Equity
Clara Childers vs James II Child,
crs. Divorce.
John 1 Audruws vs Electa J Ander
sou. Divorce
rv www
Of Salvation Army Festival Soon
to Be Held
If you do not get Shoes to
suit you, try the Red Star
Shoes that wear sold &t
Moderate Prices.
Red Star Store.
And Now
Bi Romance
A few weeks ngo, Miss Elsie Tuck
er, one of the young lady puckers at
the Clnv oi Meador orchards, was un
fortunate in having a gold ring sli
from her finger while packing pear
and us she could not tell which box of
fruit It had fallen into wasgiv. n upas
lost. Under ihite of September fith,
md development work und Ciunplxill
recently came into Duiismuir with
wmio'speclmcns of fabulous richness, j
Tho owners of the mine, who are En
gineers Jas. Dickey, Chas. Silshy,
Jack Campbell, E. A. Hissell, D.
Kreel and BraiiHtetler. huvo been do
ing development work on the mine
for tho but three years, and lime
run nearly f.00 teet of tunneling i"
the property, the work having cost
several thousand dollars. I he ex-
sort, who was with them last week,
picked out a new spot and told then,
to put in shot. The explosion
opened np what is believed to be a
two foot ledge and pieces of quartz
seamed with gold were picked up.
SiH olmens were taken to Duiismuir,
mil some of tho entlinHiiistio railroad
men who have seen mom iiocuirc
there is more gold than quart," in
them. The rock has not yet been as
sayed but it is believed that the assay
will confirm the opinion of tho owners
as to the high per cent of the yellow
metal in the rock. The fortunate
owners are receiving many gratu-
lations from their fi lends.
A. E. Voorhies Photo Supplies.
table dealer, ill Jennings, Louisiana,
writes Messrs. Clay & Mender as fol
low: "Will yon please ask packer
No. if she lost a piece of jewelry in
packing a box of Bart let t pears? If
sn, let me know ami I will send it to
her." Thus it seems that the ring
has fallen into the hands of an honest
man and that the young lady will
have it returned to her. Medford
"I havo been troubled Willi my
stomach for tho oast four years," says
I). I j. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm,
Greenfield, Mass. "A few days ago
I was induced to buy a box of Cham
hcrlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
I have taken part of them and feel a
irrcar, ileal better. For sale by all
druggists. For a bilious attack take
('Iniiiihrrliuu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets and a quick cure is certain
For sale by all druggists.
Judge Boise has rendered a decision
to the effect that load supervisors
elected ill Juno. VMti. are cut il led to
hold ollice until January I. I'.HM
Greatest Values We
Have Ever Offered
Ohio more we offer you the very best anil
most ilcsirnlilc incrdiaiKiise at extremely popu
lar prices.
We have doubled our efforts in your behalf and
are t'.ow prepared to show you the strongest line oi
l ull and Winter Merchandise
that we have ever shown.
We submit an excellent v.uiety of I ndies',
Misses' and Children's Cloaks und Jackets Box
Hack and Louis XIV Coats are the leadinu styles in
Ladies' Jackets for the com ins season. v'ee out
styles and et our prices before you buy.
New Walking" Skirls- Von must see these to :ip
picciate them. The styles an.l materials are new.
New Waists, Ihcssiui; S.u'iitR'S, Mctcoricd Sat
teen Petticoats, Handmade Shawls, I'm Collais and
Also a beautiful and Complete line of Hi ess
Omuls in the newest styles and weaves.
With e.t
Sa w
Polk county carried off the prlxe at
the state fair for the neat county ex
hibit. Linn was second, Washington
third and Marion tourth. The ttrsi
prtoe was filoo, second '.',"0, thin
tiOO, fnunUtlAO. Lan. Douglas ami
laiuhill each received flOO.
J. U. llosscr had the misfortune to
lose his right arm on Monday, while
working in the saw null of the Apple
gale Boom it Lumber I n. at Murphy.
The accident occurred annul o o elocs
while Mr. Kosscr was clearing up
around the saw. In some way lie
slipped and fell against the saw
which lacerated his linn so that It hail
to lie amputated. Mr. Bosmt wai in
tending to quit worn that evening and
in a lew minutes more won in nan-
hern through, lie is a brother o! tvov
Kosscr, formerly pistol oi the M. r.
church, South, lure.
Kubli Items.
I. W. York has his two stoiy house
alum! ready for the plasterer.
Chas. Hurkhaltcr made a business
trip to I'nii ntowu Saturday.
Mrs. tl. N. Balh y of this vicinity
is visiting relatives ami friends on
Dicr Cnek.
L l B.ivse has almost coinph ted
his new houst and will soon be ready
to move in.
Daniel Burliu, a pionunent farmer
if Balchelor crick, u doing husi
less al Kubli S.itur l.iy.
Win. Maske a proiniueiit faiinirof
this vicinity, took a couple of fin
hoa to t,r;iuts l'ass .luiday.
S. E. Davidsiai, of Culdasac, Idnho,
is visiting with bis (an ills. Mr ami
Mrs. E. J. Davidson. We are Infoi ui
ed that he Intends to slay here this
Ike Vincent has moved on the l'nsy
farm which he has rented for live
years, lie Is an up to date fanner and
a good neighbor.
The crops in this locality arc of n
cood average this season. JaeKsou
and Josephine counties in ver fail
(tur people are prrsi eioits and oui
chnile cannot be ecelled.
Our school is ptoi.-ssiui; nici
and evel vone Is s.itlstleil with olll
l.ailiti. Mrs. Nellie '111011114011 of
Jacksonville. She has always gi
evelh lit sal islacl loll In I h 1 s district.
We are having tine weather, but
owing to the populate u, canii"t s.ii
never 110 si, kin's I'ur li.rmaiiM t
I lenient has not made en. ugh 111011"
vet to pnrvhase all the real estate at
tins place and Ihe Aniei leans are pro
gressiug nicely. However, those s
called dutch vvhoi line from lieiinany
are all prosivivc.s fane., is and promi
nent ci t i.'cns.
Edward Brown, a highly respeeti i
i'ii 1 'ii of Murphy precinct, n.c
Willi a fatal accident mt week vvhih
logging for the Apphvitc Boom anil
Lumber Co Mr. Brown wasunl..ob
nig a loud of logs and in seni" wav
ot l i vvieii two large logs. He was
ln'tweeii the lot for two hours before
tuy iisi.sanee came and died Saturday
aioruiug. Mr.' Brown was' a good
-il 11-11 and his in my friends regret
'lis mil iniely end.
There is probably do section of the
ountry, certainly no community or
lass, which the influence of theSaiva-
lionArmyhas not in one wav or auotli-
r js riucated, never ceasing its work.
dapting itself to all times, seasons
and places. It has converts, lovers
md friends in probably ever town
md village throughout the laud.
Confronting ns Just now is the Har
vest Festival, the dates of which are
set for Sept. 20 lo 2U, inclusive, and
the 2Nth the army will give a sapper
mil '."J the public sale of goods for the
celebration of which the local toriis is
making activo prejiaratioiis. The
huracter of this annual event is too
well known by this time to require
any definition. It is, in fact, a
Micial season of thanksgiving and
yielding to Uod for His am 111 The
Army anything and everything that
may have either pecuniary value or
practical utility.
No gift, no donation, can come
amiss, but its a guide to its friends,
The Army mentions the following
articles as being easily available by
its various detainments : we append
full list of articles asked for:
Fruit, tea, coffee, flowers, canned
goods', cocoa, vegetables, books, fish,
pictures, meat, jewelry, chickens,
thoes, livestock, coal, ?orn, wood,
Hour, lumber, beat, shingles, oatmeal,
hairs, condensed millk, sheets, bread,
blankets, crackers, cutlery, cheese,
tools, furniture (new ;or used), cloth
ing (new or second hand. )
At first glance there, may seem an
utmost laughublo incongruity about
this list. But when it is remembered
what n w idely diversified field of ac
tivity The Army covers, it does not
apfcar that the list is so incongruous
It must be remembered that aside
from ?:10 corps ntid outposts, The
Army maiiitiiiiiH IV.) Shelters for men
md (I or women, 21 Food Diqiots, 24
Industrial Homes for tho unemployed
nut disheartened, 20 Kcsoun Homes
for fallen women, 24 slum settlements
wherein HO noble, heroic youVg
women labor; three Farm Colonies,
Kinp'oyment Bureaus, Belief Stores,
mil 11 half dozen of other activities-
ill these scattered over the United
Stales, from the Atlantic to the
Well above a quarter of a million
lollars is expended yearly in relieving
ihepoor alone, and The Army shelters
11111 mil I v give housing and comfort to
something like H,OOO,0:M souls, while
over bill debased women are eacn year
reclaimed, and either restored to their
friends or placed in secure anil honor
able employment.
The sum of money necessary yearly
to meet such diverse and growing
demands cannot but be very large, and
it is in the hope of contributing to
ward it that The Army holds its liar
vest Festival.
Wn, of this community, are called
1 generous s'Ople. Let us make good
tho claim by giving largely to this
noble work.
Provolt Items.
Amos Cook of Applegate left for
Portland Monday.
Lua Loach of l'rovolt made (..rants
Buss a pleasant call Wednesday
Thomas Lew'inan Jr. made a bnsi
ncsH trip to Grunts Bass Monday.
Martin Bernoll of Applegate made
Grants Pass a pleasant call Monday.
Otis Fryer of Medford is visiting
friends and relatives at Williams this
II. Johnson mid sou of upper Will
lams creek made Medford a visit
Charley Stevens of upper Williams
Creek made a trip to Jticksoiivilli
A. Watts of l'rovolt, who ha bee
in l.akeview for some time, relume
home Mondav.
Mrs. Win. Sousou of l'rovolt is
making ready to take a trip to
Yreka, Cal., to see her sister.
Mr. Johns of Williams creek passed
through our little burg Tuesday en
his wav home from Grants Bass.
B. Ncvvconib of Williams msscd
through here this morning on his
way to Steamboat whi le he will en
gage in digging ditch.
Th" hay market is being controlled
this year by S. l'rovolt and son.
They are buying all the liny up in
(his vicinity and will hold it till
spring to get the spring prices. Jack.
Wildei ville Notes.
Levi Nichols has returned from
Crescent City.
We have been having real warm
went her for fall.
Mr. Fryer of Merlin w as in our com
munity Saturday and Sunday.
S'-ven more scholars were added tc
the Wihlervillc school this week.
C. K. Lovelace and K Krickson arc
home again. They have been avvav
building a bridge.
M.s Mahala Uobinsoii has ttccn
iilleiing for the past two weeks with
1 fi Ion 011 her thumb.
Mr. White ami Mr. Saywer of Alt
house siient Saturday atferiioou and
Sunday at Wilderville attending
quarterly meei ing.
lvcv. Suiunicrv ille, the cider, at
tended the quarterly meeting at
Wilderville and preached an interest
ing sermon Sunday morning.
Kev Hogers gave us his farewell
talk Sunday. He will soon go to
Salem to attend the conference which
is to lv held there this mouth.
Mai tin Conger and Geo. McCollum
killed a w tldcar one day last week.
Tin v- sav that a wildcat is hard to
kill for tln v shot it four times before
it died. Zrllonl.
Leland Sittings
We have no iickues to report.
We are having nice weather, rather
dry for grass. Forest fires are raging
on Grave creek.
Our butcher, Newell Dyscrt, finds
all the beef cattle be can handlo
Cattle are still taking on fat.
We read of plenty of rain in the
aortb ; here the weather lias been fine
for Imp raisers, also for farmers to
.at her in their crops. We are blest
.vith good crops of all kinds, so this
is a prosperous year for the farmers;
Everybody is busy with plenty of
work; times are flourishing; plenty
if big, fat girls that would marry if
ha right fellow comes and talks nice
to them. Wo also have a few widows.
Messrs. Carpenter & Kremcr have a
nillou one of their ledges. The
rock is good with a very large ledge,
hut their mill will not treat tho rock
o they will install a new process
under the cvanide system. OtheT
quartz mines on Alt. Reuben arc being
ousUed ai hard as their owners can
rowd the work.
Mr. Caroeuter of Whiskey Creek
made our town a visit last week.
He says lie can purchase goods of our
merchants and biro the goods packed
to bis mine on Whiskey creek, cheaper
than lie rtrn buy at Gleudale and haul
iug in wagons. Our merchants be
lieve in selling cheap and not hold
goods for a big price. Mr. Carpenter
says by all means the long agitat
wagnu road to the Gold Bug and other
mines in that vicinity, should bo
made from Leland, as the lay of the
ountry is adapted for a good wagon
road, whereas in the winter, the road
from Gleudale to Whiskey creek is
red mud with no bottom; from Le
land it is broken bedrock or other
material that goes to mako up good
roads in wet weather. Our merchants
md others should hold a meeting and
ome to an understanding to complete
die road from Leland to the mines on
Whiskey creek. Wide Awake.
S.O.Tilie, Guarantee and Abstract
Co. Ready for Business.
A. S.
The Southern J Oregon
Guaranty and Abstract Co.,
thel management of Attorney
Hammond, announces that it is now
ready for business; having just com
pleted a set of abstracts of title to all
lands, town lots, mines and mining
claims in Josephine County.
The Company has a very fine set of
plants in connection with its nlistracts
which eho the exact size, shape,
location and ihe present owner of
each piece of land, town lot or mine.
The work of compiling these abstracts
has been - progressing for more than n
year past, under the supervision of
Mr. Hammond with several assistants,
md this Co. iiow have the ouly set
of abstracts in the county. A new
feature of the work, as far as this
county is concerned, is the making
of "Certificates of Title." These
"Certificates" are similar to those
issued by the "Title Gunrunty" and
"Title Insurance" counwnies of the
large citieB,; and amount to an iu
.mranco of title. The abstract in
cludes a record of every mining loca
tion ' ever filed in the- comity, as
well as every other transaction relat
ing to mines or real estate. Piubably
there is not nnother county in Oregon
where there is so complete a set of
abstracts and plats. Ollice in Masonic
A pair of ladies' gold nose glasses.
I have a nubmer of second baud
Cameras and Eodaks which will be
ioldat a great reduction if taken now.
A 10 Cyclone, 4x5, for ft 73: a 20
Kodak at fU, and other bargains.
"B. L. Byor, a well known cooper
of this town, says ho- believes Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy saved his life last summer.
He had been sick for a mouth with
what the doctors call bilious dysen
tery, und could get nothing to do him
any good until ho tried this remedy.
It gave him immediate relief, "says
B. T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Md.
For sale by all druggists.
Ella Ewing, tho Missouri giantess,
who stands 8 feet 4 inches, was mar
ried on the loth, in Butte, Mont, lo -Edward
Beaupre, the Canadian giaut,
whose statute is 8 feet A inches.
Bean pre proposed to her by mail two
years ngo, but the bashful Ella held
back until a few weeks go. Beaopro is
the big man who went through here
last winter and attracted cousiderble
attention at the depot.
See Voorhies shout Kodaks and Supplies
Office, Room 1.
Colonial Lodging House
Gkants Pass, - Okeuon.
Leave at this
office and receive re-
tw o blocks
Davidson Items.
We have been having somo warm
weather this week.
Henry Hudson paid Grants Pass a
visit Saturday and Sunday.
Fred Miller, the Missouri Flut
miner, paid Grants rass a visit oar-orduy.
There was a ball agmo ut Provolt
iuudiiy. We did not learn which
side won.
W. S. Bailey aud son Victor, were
in Grunts Pass Saturday getting sup
plies for his storo.
J. W. York is getting bis new bouse
nearly completed, diss. De Clerk Is
loing the carpenter work.
Joe McFadden and John Meek were
out hunting for a few duys this week,
but did not get many deer.
W. B. York is going to start for the
Grayback mountain to look after his
attle. He has a ftuu baud ot cattle.
L. C. Bayse will soon have his new
house ready to move into. Mr. Lang
has been helping him with thecnriicn-
ter work.
Clinton Cook and wife and Arthur
Giluiore started for Crater Lako Fri
day and expect to bo gone about three
weeks. They will go by the Elk
v'reek hatchery.
The agno lias been going the rounds
hero for some time. Somo think that
so much irrigation is the cause of It,
and SL'ain it may bo caused by the
low water in the Applegate.
The mines around about here are not
working any now, but it is luqied in
the near future that some large com
panies will come here and take hold
of them, so that the boys will not
have to go away to get work.
Jack's Uncle
A girl for general house
Apply to Mrs. S. E. Bates,
uorth of the court house.
A furnished sitting noiu mid bed
room. Central location. Apply at
this oflice. -T
Girl for general housework. Wages
fJU. Enquire at this office.
Jersey Cow for sale. Inquire of W.
R. Nipper.
w.,utf,irfitiK n oood business for tin
money invested. Enquire ut this
ollice for particulars.
All persons are hereby warned not
to let my wife, Minnie Neighbor,
have anv goods on my account as 1
will pay no bills contracted by her.
Joseph Neighbor.
Dated Sept. 1", l!(i.
AKM Kllll BALK two miles from Mur
liu. lm) ai res -about so acres of goist
bottom land, 2." acres 111 cultivation, small
house anil barn and abniii si acres uimei
fence, helance of land suitable for orchuril
pasture, ror lurtlier pariicuiars no-
Ires W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
Glend&le Items.
Mrs. F. Ladd and little child left
this morning for a brief visit with
relatives at GriintB Puss and Go
Misses Evelvu and Edith Jones left
this morning for San Francisco, when
they will sis'lid the winter ill tin
Partington n't school.
Miss Hermia Kikewiue left Thurs
lay for Grants Bass, where she will
attend school this winter, and will
stop at the home of Mrs. C. E. Hiir
Mrs. R. K. Montgomery left Thurs
day for a brief visit to the state lair
.11 Salem, where her husband is m l i lig
in the caimcitv of station agent at
the fair grounds.
J. G. Mack of Port bind, who spent
ten davs at Kosehurg, Grants Bass anil
Gleudale, iu the enterests of the Al ra
ham estate, left for home Monday. He
expects to visit Glemliile again about
the middle of next month. Betorc
leaving here he sold the beautiful lot,
on the comer of Second street and
Willis avenue, to E. E. Kedfield, who
expects to build a line rcsidene time
011 next sutnuir.
Tablets ami box paper at cost al the
Courier ollice to close out. -We have
up to dal styles.
The ilregon stat,' fair olosvd Satur
day was a financial success. The
ores, nt uiausgeiueiil has worked hard
Notice Is hereby given that W.
Kreiner has made all assignment of all
his estate to me for the benefit of all
his creditors pro rata. All jiTsoiif
having claims against said estate
will present the same to me dulrveri
lied within throe months from date
Dated September i Una
J. O BOOTH. Assignee.
Notice is hereby given that the
111 lining one-half due oil taxes for
I'.kv; must ln paid on or before Oe
toU'r lilb. IPhU. After that date
will proceed to advertise the propcrt.v
ami sell according to law. There 1
no extension of time allowed.
sneritl ami lax l ullcctor.
Kill ere fruit anil stock rsncn, a'.j nine-
'""innii liriiiils 1'Hss. llil) Ivneed, 51
l,,ri.,r loin Drchaid. fair buildings, t'ooi!
fruit soil, plenty of water and timber anc
the best outside stock range in Joseplinii
ouiitv. I'rue 00 per a se. pan case
all al ranch on Jones ti ck or iiunres
Mrs. A. 11. t'hessioore. Medium, Ore.
Al'KK ranch, good prune Bin;
apple orchard, small Iruits in
abuniliinie; water for lrjigution. htsMtv
prings 011 ewry 10 acres; center 01 a gooi.
range country; two dwelling nouses, mi;
barn, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good iniiiini! markets, one
halt mile 1101 ill ol Tunnel !, price -.'sJo
Impure at this ollice.
Field and Garden
Seed in Bulk.
Wliite and Yellow Field Corn.
Sugar Com, Pop Com.
Alfalfa, Timothy, Red and Wliite
Peas, Beans, Onion, Carrot.
Also regular package seeds.
to m,kt
n "utvt'vs if tlit f:iir au1 Iiay
Luta nw AU tit IMS.
'.I .v
Notice is hereby given that tin
Board of Kiiiali&aticu for Jophim
County. Oregon, will meet at tin
office of the Comity Clerk in the
Court House at Grants Bass on Men
dy, the .Mb day of October. 1SH.1, at
10 o'clock a. m. of sud day for 1 hp
porposr of examining the asM'ssnn nt
mil for the year l'.vt, aud mar iug
such corrections of descriptions md
valuatious, etc., of the property as
sessed as may be uecesrsiy. Said
board will U 111 i sicn ' (, r , ,.
wetk. W 11 FAI.LlN.
County Assessor.
Dated Spt. S, likvs.
The la rue stock to
select from,
The quality of the
The price asked for
them, make the
"f .
the bis Furniture and
house Furnish ins; store
the most attractive
department in the
house. North, side.
Told About
" the whining school-boy with bis salcbel
And sbinii g morning face, creeping like mail
Unwillingly lo school."
But O, What a Difference Now:
The Untiling school boy with bis satchel
Ai d shlirn morning face, speeding like wind
Most bsppily to rchool.
Wbat made the diffetence? Perhaps the bike
had .something to do with it. but then the pretty
line of
which we are supplying, helps wonderfully. And then the
prices at which we sell these goods please the parents and
that goes a long way toward putting the children in a good
humor for study.
We treat alralike, .'o that little ones do not need a grown
pers m to come along with in order to get bottom prices,
Slover Drug' Company
1 00 ACRES LA ND within 2', mile-; of (iriints Puss with an 8 year old orchard
cohtiiiiiini; 7im winter apples and Hit) pencil niul prune trees; nil fenced. Theliind
lays well with just a very entle slope. I. lit hifih enough to escape the river fot-s.
The ("renter purt of the triict is covered with 1111 excellent growth of timber for tiro
wood, and at previiilini; liich prices is a tirst cliiss investment fortius feature ulone.
One (rood crop w ill much more thun pay for the land. A school house is just across
the road. Three liv ing springs on the place. This is olfcred for 11 111 eh less than
ictiial value so if vor want 11 genuine bargain, hurry. Price, S650.00.
il.MONS & KKASOXKIi. Ashland. Oregon.
A large working library has been lidded; the physical mid
chemical laboratory has been fully equiiped; a new gymnasium
building is hcitig erected, und u large and handsome school
building, is Hearing completion. The school'grounds are beauti
ful and picturesque. The health conditions are of tho best, the
social environment is pule and stimulating; the course of study
Iiiih been strengthened and made more practical. The faculty
bus been increased iu number mid the school is now equipped to
do work of the highest order. '
This school belongs to Southern Origin. It desires and
merits the patronage of the people of this great section. For
catalogue, address
BENJAMIN F. Ml'LKEY, President,
. Ashland, Oregon.
II. Thomas, Secretary.
phe Speed!
Razor Hone
The Surest, Safest
and Quickest
Impossible to Over Hone
Razors with
Speed Razor Hones
rajmvimairfr TT """
Paddocks Biw Den!
I L I j
reserve lour Clothins
and Woolens
By first brushing them thoroughly
and hanging them in the open air and
sunlight for 8 or 10 !ioar, wrap them
tightly in tar paper with somo of
our jeliable moth proof preparation,
and if kept iu a tight drawer, chest
or closet, moths cannot and will not
injure them. We carry a full line of
tar and tai iue luper, camphor kballs,
cedar, camphor, etc.
National Drug Store
To Cure a Cold in One Day
. T A
Take LrSXaUVe DrOITlO quinine Tablets. JS ?y r,
Sev MHlioa koxe toM in pest 13 nonDit. Thk itmatmp CP. STCZr
Cures Oip
in TwoDty.
or. ivery
rm box. 25c