Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 24, 1903, Image 1

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    it '
No. 16.
f 1
Of Old Soldiors and Sailors Waa
tv Pleasant Affair.
The 12tli annual reunion of the
Soldiers' ami Sailors' Association of
Southern Oregon was lipid in Medford
last week. The next reunion will be
held at Jacksonville, in September,
1901. Following are the new officers :
Colonel, D. R. Andrus, Medford;
Lieutenant Colonel. W. H. Bradshaw,
Brownsboro; Major, B. B. Panll,
Ashland; Quartermaster, Frank Eas
safer, Jacksonville; Chaplain. G. L.
Evans, Grants Pom.
Following is a list of those regis
tering from Grants Pass:
J. W. Heston. E. A. Wade, W. H.
Hannnm, O. W. Thomas. John Pat
rick, Theodore Molt, E. S. Wing,
Byron Moore, A. Morris, C. Gomme.ll,
H. Thornton, Nelly Mott, Rosa Mor
ris, Mary L. Hauunm, G. L. Evans,
W. B. Hildreth.
The Southern Pacific Co. succeeded
in having their assessment cnt down
from !800 per mile to $i'(m per mile
on their roadbed in Douglas county
by the board of equalization.
Issue e. Manifesto to All Whom
It Mtvy Concern.
Somo time ago the store of a promi
nent merchant in Chinatown was rob
bed in Sau Francisco. Two of the
robbers were ' caught and have been
convicted of the crime, others were
identified but escaped. The Six Com
panies promptly offered a reward for
heir capture, and one has just been
caught in Portland and taken back.
Now comes the Chinese Six Companies
with the following proclamation,
signed and sealed by each aud all of
them, individually :
"No matter of what color he is,
who he is or what he is, we forbid
any party or parties, openly or secret
ly, to aid or employ attorneys to de
fend the defendant or in any way to
assist him. We regard the parties
who defend the defendant as robbers
themselves, aud will endeavor to
prosecute and punish the party or
parties who aid the defendant for the
same offense. Be it known to you
Remains Discovered on Banks of
Small Stream
What is thought to 1)8 the remains
of Harmon Snider, who disappeared
from the cabin of E. P. Bayshaw near
Perdue on the 10th of last June, were
found last Wednesday morning on a
small gravel bar beside a little stream
that empties into Stout Creek. The
remains were found by L S. Harmon,
of Hogman, Wash., and Thomas
Hammersly, of Perdue, who were out
croisiug timber in that locality.
Word was at once sent to Roseburg.
Mr. Harmou stated that nearly all of
the flesh and all of the clothing but a
shirt and shoos had disappeared from
the body. It was first reported that
Suider left the cabin without his
clothes. No marks of violence were
discovered 011 the remains by those
finding tho body.
But Valuable Mines are Being
Worked in District.
W. A. Richards, commisisoner of
who swore to the uon-mireral char
acter of the land. If the present de
cision of the General Laud Office is
not reversed, the Northern Pacific
Company will get every odd-numbered
section involved, and persous
owning mining claims thereon,
1I10 General Land Office, has rendered 1 whether quartz or placer, will bd
Fathet Desmarias Has a Stren
uous Time
To Cure a Cold tn a Day.
Take Laxative liroino Quinine Tablets
All dru'irists refund the money if it fail
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box 25c.
Those Two Piece Summer Suits for Men at
...Welch's Closing
Out Sale..
Will keep you cool the warm days. The very choicest of colors.
All wool fabrics and made to wear.
$ 8.00 suits sell at $6.00
9.00 4 7 00
10.00 " " " 8.00
Top Round and Overweight $3.50 Shoes
for $2.95 a pair.
All new up to-dato lasts in Ulucher or Regular cut, Viei Kid, Box or Veloui C alf,
Single or Heavy Sole. Have other shoes that sell at $1.15, 1.43, 1.95, 2.4.").
Welch's Clothing Store.
a decision to the effect that a largo j
area of alleged mineral lands in Sho
shone is nonmiueral. The case is that
of the Northern Pacific Railroad pro
testing against the classification of
mineral lands mado 'by the Mineral
Land Commission. A great part of it
has been considered mineral in char
acter for the past 10 years, and many
mineral claims of worth have been
located in the district, but this decis
ion of the Land Office, unless rever
sed, will invalidate all mining loca
tions that have been made on odd
numbered sections. The decision has
caused a sensation, and indignation is
The territory affected by the decis
ion consists of 27 townships, contain
ing an area of more than 30 square
miles or 35,000 acres, lying south of
Wallaco in the Coonr d'Alene mining
region. The lauds were classified as
mineral by a commission composed of
Ex-Goveruor Black, of Utah; Colonel
Ryan, of Rathdrum, aud State Sena
tor Davis, of Idaho, who visited this
district for that purposo ill 18W), 1900
aud l'JOl. The hearing of the North
ern Pacific Company's protest was
held at Coeur .d'Alene last December,
and Uuited States District Attorney
Cozier, of Moscow, apjieared 011 bo
Imlf of the Government. It is alleged
that Cozier agreed to Hie evidence
produced by the railroad comiauy
without attempting to protest, and
that the three years' work of the
Uoverumont Land Commission was re
versed by witnesses of tho railroad,
compelled to purchase the same from
the railroad coin 1 any or forfeit their
Je.ckson County M&n Thinks It
Can Be Made a Success.
J. H. Downing of Central Point,
was in Jacksonville Thursday seeking
information as to the feasibility of
growing English walnuts for tho niar
Eot, He called on Mr. Britt and Judgo
Hanua who each have fine walunt
trees In their yards that are bearing,
to learn whether tho trees bore
regularly or not aud if tho nuts rijicu
perfectly. Mr. Britt's tree, which
is tho oldest in Jacksonville, has
borne nuts for several years that aro
of flue quality and in abuudauce each
season. Judge Haunn's trees aro seed
lings from nuts from Mr. Britt's tree
aud they commenced hearing at seven
years. Mr. Downing has 20 acres of
hill laud north of Jacksonville that
he is pinning to set to walnuts aud
cherries. One of the reasons for his
selecting these trees is that neither
require spraying aud ho does not wish
trees for which he has to wago a
ceaseless warfare with the insect
pests in order to secure a erop. Mr.
Downing' venture will be the first
walnut orchard in Rogue river valley
and tho success of it will ho watched
with interest by others who have hill
laud that is not first class farming
laud. Sentinel.
Father Desiuarais, 0110 of the best
known Cntholio priests of Oregon,
formerly of Jacksonville and Ashlnud,
was arrested and confined iu jail ut
Baker City, Saturday afternoon for
forcibly resisting a deputy sheriff who
was attempting to serve a writ of
ejectment. Desmarals was transfer
red from Baker City to Tho Dalles
some time ago by Bishop O'lUley, but
refused to go. lie maintained posses
siou of the parish house till it became
uecesary to institute a suit to oust
him. His demented sistor was later
arrested and held on a chargo of in
sanity. Desuiarais was released dur
ing tho ateruoon with tho understand
ing that ho would take his sister and
go east. Bishop O'Riley has sus
pended tho minister uutil he slmll
fully submit to tho authority of the
The spectacular arrest of Father
Desinaruis, a Cntholio priest, hero
Sulurdny, continues tho main topic in
Baker City. It has transpired that
Deputy Sheriff Hemplo, who accom
panied Bishop O'Riley and two
priests, and who forcibly ejected
Dcsmarais, wero not armed with the
legal authority. No suit, civil or
criminal, had been filed, nor had any
warrant been issued.
Tho eject lou of tho priest and to
take Kisscssioii of tho parish homo
was tho object in view.
Desmurais aud his demented sister
were promptly released from the
county jail when tho true state of
facts became known. Desmarals has
emnlnved counsel and will institute
snit for heavy damages against Bishop
() lu ley anil tho other participants in
tho alleged outrage.
in Prices
Still Continues
The unprecedented bargains we ottered last
week were snapped up at once by the crowd
of purchasers attracted to our store. Wc have
decided to make a clean sweep of our remain
stock of
TOYS, DOLLS, etc., etc.
Our sale will be continued throughout this
week. If low prices will move these goods
they will go
This is Your Opportunity.
Grants Pass Pharmacy
Masonic Temple Qon:cr
Special Sale -: Special Sale
00 each
40c "
45c tloz.
10c each
25c '
50 "
Children's Ilockers,
Children's Chairs,
Jolly Tumblers,
Tin Teapots, "
Lanterns, full size,
Camping Stoves,
Silver riatod Knives and Forks, triple, $2.50 per set
Couches, - Lounges, - Rockers, Desks, Iron Beds.
Wall Tapers, Carpets.
wo have put in stock a
and Sherbet Glassos this is for
tho accommodation of our pat
rons and will bo rented at a rea.
Honablo chargo.
of IVow Stoven mill Xltintrese
at surprisingly low prices jnst received. We are head- -quarters
for things for the house. Largest line in South
ern Oregon. We prove it.
A llii' Lino
New York Hero. Id M&kes
Some Predictions.
Strange Ruling by Inter
ior Department.
Masonic Temple, Room 9,
Office hours: Grants Pass,
I I to I 2 A. M.-
2 to 4 P. M. OltKGON.
John M. ltiuninell K. 11. Hummel
Sixth aud C Streets opp. Court Hon'
(1KANT8 Pass, - Ohkuo
1 is
r act ices in ell State and Federal Court
Utfice over firtt National Bank.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Trn-acU a Oeneral Hanking business.
Iteceivea deports subject to chec k or on demand certificates.
Our cuMoineis are assured of courteous treatment and every consideration con
sistent with sound hanking principles.
La'ety deposit boles for rent. J. FRANK WATSON, Pres.
K. A. IIOOTH, Vice Pres.
I.. I.. JKWKI.I., Cashier.
ubaxt Pass,
Full assortment nf Watches, Clocks, Sil
verware and Jewelry. A Uood
Assortment of KrareleU and
Heart Kanglea,
Clemens' Drug Store. -
.'Hoaa 21
Furniture and Piano
Tke popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
Balti roous in connection
The First National Bank
keoeive deposits subject to check or on certificate paval.le on demand.
hells sight drafts on New York Man Francisco, anil I'oriiaml.
Telegraphic translers sold on all points in the t'niieit Mates.
bpecial Attention ien u Collei-tions and general business of our customer.
Collections made throughout Southern Oregon, and on all accessible points.
K. A. IIOOTII. Pres.
J. C. ( AM I'HKI.I.. Vice Pres.
II. I.. (.II.KKV. Cashier.
Cook end We. iter Drive Celee
llala From Tonopo.h
At Tonuiutli, Nev., lust Wednesday,
it mull romiosi'd mainly of conka nud
waiters drove most of tlio Cliiintmcn
out of town. A few Clilnaiiii'H who
offered resistance worn brutally beat
eu, and the deml body of one of tlieni,
7:1 yeara old, was found near tlm town
in a horribly mutilated condition.
Tim Chinamen were robbed of several
hundred dollars. Kiithtot'ii member
of tlio mob were placed ouder arrest.
The Supreme Court I to Decide
J. B. PADr'OCK, PaoPB.
1 am preprred tofurnikb anything In the line of Cemetery work in any kind
nearly iniriy yeara 01 eipenence in the Marble bosinei warrant! my laying
mat 1 can nil your oruen in tne very Deet manner.
Can furnish work in Scotch, Kwedo or American Granite or any kiadrt
Mai b e.
Front Afreet. Ken in Gnsns'i Gat.ahop.
I am still in busiccss and can furnish almost any kind of
I'rsilt, KIiikIc or Nut trcrsi mid IIluo IiiiiIm.
Ilt-rry plautM vie.
A suit to have determined the ones
tion whether a levy for tuxes on the
assessment for the year IUIIM fun be
niailu iu January, 1 KOI, wim filed in
the circuit court at I'ortliind Kridiy.
A tux law nisscd nt the last session
of the Legislator!! takes effect on
January 1, l'.HM, providing that the
tai levy ahull Ik) iiiadii in .September.
The assessments for I'.hi:), now in
course of completion in various
Work (e to Holn October I anil
Quartz Will He Worked.
All imliKimtioii meeting ol over l,ti rounliei throughout the Htnlo is being
is'ople, was lu lil at which Mm mob ,. nn,i,.r the old law. which pro-
waa dnionneed and aupport pledged 1 v,i,., t)at tM, tltl , Vy shall be iniule
to the olllciim of the law in punishing jlllBry ,,(., Now tin) ouestion
its niciiilx rs. 1 Is, as tint Hew law hikes effect on
i January, 1 11104, and nay the next
Kmery, the 6 -year old son of Wal- j tax levy shall lie made tho following
ter Cornutt, living Hvo miles east of, September, Can tho levy 011 the assess
('.'invouvilli', Douglass county, wan . meut for the year I!i3 be largely inide
scalded to death last Wednesday tiveii. ) January, 15KU, after tlm new law
ing by f illing into n kettlo of water providing for a b vy in rh itember,
heated for aealding pigs. During a pju, Is iu ois ration ?
momentary ah euce of his father, the The various assessors 111 the state
little fellow fell bttckwardk into the ,r ,M,ng property at a Considerable
boiling water. He died next morn- j exs ns for clerk hire, etc., and it Is
ing. I necessary to ascertain by a decision
of the Huprcine Court if tlm work is
to be of 110 avail, and it is also iin-
has 1
remarkable record. It has been
1 111 use tor over ft years, iioring
j which time mauy million bottlca havt
been aold and um 'L It baa long been
the standard aud maiu reliance in the
treatment of croup in thoosittids of
: homea Wheo given an aoon as the
as cheap if not cheaper than anv one else and will order anything tUiU' b"",,D" '""T " T"n " """"
that I do not have in stock. Will order from reliable nursery I ro.ul r """l"' mpn"-
preaeut me atuu a, 11 cotiiaius no
(.Iiainoeriain s ..ougn m m. ny lias i .rllt.., .,, Vnov. if taxei ran l rol
j U-cted for the year I WW, otherwise
from January until Oetols r, lifil,
all the counties in tin state w ill be
1 out nf funds.
Kxtensive developments uru Iwing
Iilaiined for the Wolf Creek property.
Tho work will begin In October, BH at
(that time it is extseted water will he
plentiful for working tlm placer
propreties iu connection with the
quart- ledgii that ruts through the
claim. M. II. Ilo.arth, secretary .f
the company, said to Hie Tulegriun :
"Wiiliavn sulllcient water for from
live to seven months iu tint year,
which Is siillic-ient to work the
placer, hut now our intention is to
ojx'ii the iiiart, ledge. This will be
done by tunnel work. A TOO. find tun
nel will cut tlm hdge. Our first
work w ill Iki to run toa 40 foot tniiin-l
whi n we will strike the sulphun ts
vein which la nil ofTVIiot of the main
quartz, ledge. This we w ill follow mid
wivu the ore which will be taken nt.t
until the convi rgeiice of the two veins
la encountered. Wo will then have
TOO feet of sloping ground giving
sufficient ore in sight to Justify the
erection of a mill. The proposition Is
a film tunnel site throughout and call
he worked very cheaply. "
one year and some
and not one who is in business here
else the next.
Give your orders early. See me at Slo-er Drug Store.
J. T. TAYLOR. Guasts Pass, One!
opium or other harmful tulmtance
and may lw given as confidently to a
baby m to an adult. For sale by
all drnggieta.
Iu the last analysis nobody knows
but we do know that It la under strict
taw. Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs, resulting In con
aipatinn, headache or liver trouble.
Dr. King's New Life pills quickly re
adjusts tbia. (Inly 2V at National
Drugstore and Omuls Fan Pharmacy.
DEVoritED Ii V WoltMS.
Children often cry, not from pain
but from hunger, although f -d iihtind
fan 1 1 jr. Tlm entire troublo arlms
from inanition, tin Ir food is not as
slinllatid, but devoured by worms.
A few dimes of White' Vermifuge
will cause, them to roam crying and
begin to thrive at once, very much to
the surprise and joy of tlm unit In r.
Vr at Hlovcr Drug Co.
Received a new stock of lidos'
chains, (tenia' fob chains of the latest
styles, also a Hue stock of Kings.
Curtis A Co. Odd Fellows Kuihllng.
Everything now points to au extreme
ly listless presidential ranqiaigu
next year if tho predictions of the
New York Herald, which has boon
giving tho iimlter some eptVinl at
tention, aro to bo relied on. If for
110 other reason, tho content would
luck Iu first rate iinmrtnnrn because
of tho extent of tho rephullcau mast
ery of the Scnuto which could not by
any re"oiiuhlo possibility bo overcome
during tho next presidential term.
A democratic president could do
nothing without Home republican
supiHirt. Mr. Ilryan could Le electod
and no free silver bill passed. Mr.
Cleveland could bo elected and there
need bu no tariff revision except on
republican lines. In these circum
stances the democrat could not hope
to accomplish much by winning the
pretliU'iicy j. nor would tho republicans
as far as organic result are concerned,
loan much. Either nido would have
the patronage, to tho event of success,
but tho American public can nover be
aroused to u very high pitch of excite
ment over which two acta 'of ofllco
holder shall fill tlm places. The
house of rcircscntative, a new body
each two year, might bo carried by
the npiKisition. In fact, tho democrats
can hardly elei-t a president without
carrying enough of tho country to
give (hem tlm house.
Tlm Semite, contains Ij7 re nib licnim
and Sit democrats. One-third of tho
senate, or '10 inenilsir, aro already
elected for terms which do not end
until March !), ItlllU. Of these I H are
republican and i) are democrats. Of
those whoso terms expiru two year
earlier, HI aro republican and 14
democrats. Of those whose term ex
pire with '.ho present administration,
M aril republican ami seven are
democrats. If the democrat should
begin at once to curry every stale
that they stood any chance of carry
lug in thn party' best (lay, they
could not recover tho aenate before
the expiration nf the next presidential
Nor Is this outlook without prncti
cut effects. It I commonly remarked
that the stock market will continue
low until the presidential election has
been safely passed. Hut there run be
nil legislation before I'.srtl iu the senate
affecting railroad or finuuical interests
which lbs not secure considerable re
publican HUpjHirt, and the republican
party may ho counted on to not wan
tier far from the desire of tlm domi
limit commercial force. Iu case the
rcpubl leans put a plank III their next
platform culling for a revision of the
tariff by "its friends" it might
the part of wisdom for those who
have any ronlldence In such revision
to give them support, since revision
by Its opponents w ill Iki out of Hie
liiestion for at hast another foul
La. r est Mail Order llouae in the
The new fashion catalogue ot Men
Women's and Children's upirel.
household supplies, etc., issued by
Wi Instoi k. I.ubiu A Co., Sacrauieiito,
('ill., is the hiinilsoniest book ever
si nt out by them. Many of the lllus
trution a ro work of art. Tho book
is free, and valuable to hare, whethe
one care to buy or uot.
Weinstis k, I.ubiu A Co. do the larg
si mail order trade iu the best.
Chat i proof that their goods, prices,
and service are of exceptional merit.
- .-
I'sually begin with tho symptoms
of a common cold; there Is chilliness,
sneezing, sore throat, licit skin, quic
pulse, hoarseness and impeded respira
t loll. (live frequent small doses of
Mallard' Iter, hound Hyrup, (the
child will cry for it) and a', the first
sign of a crnupy rough, apply fre
quently ll.illard's Hnow Liniment ex
ternally to the throat. AOc nt Hlover
Drug Co.
Austin' Keport Card for arhcol
use for sale at the Courier oftlce 75o
sr hundred.
A dispatch from Eureka, CaL, to
the Examiuer, under date of the 18tb
All timber claim la thU district
laud office, in fact, all inoh claims la
this state, Washington and Oregon,
have been saapouded daring the past
year by force of the recent interpre
tation put on the word "apecwlation"
by the Interior Department The act
which was passed in 18" 8, prohibits
lairuauU from filing timber claims
for "speculation," and confines the
use or the timber ana land to tne
exclusive use and benefit" of the
laimaut. ' "
Until August last the intention of
the claimant to sell his timber even
tually waa not construed a "specula
tion, " and lnoe the adoption of the
law 23 years ago, all such olalms have
been patented without question, al
though a future sale might be con
templated. In August last a ruling
was made in a case at the Suaanvlllo
office which held that if the claimant
id any intention of selling, or if he
did uot testify that he could use the
timber for his own benefit, the claim
was void and the money paid on it
forfeited to the department. Bince
that time all claims in the Coast
.State have been suspended and will
bu cancelled If this ruling is adopted,
for no claimant can possibly use the
timber anil land for "his own exolus-
ve use and benefit," aa the ruling
holds, unless he runs a lumber yard.
This ruling has tied up 680 such
laims iu this district alone with
about $:250,000 in payments, which
Is llablo to be forfeited to the depart
ment. In the three Coast states there
are over 8,000 such claims suspeuded,
with J,.VM),000 iuvolved and 800,000
acres of valuable land which is very
likely to be taken from the local
olaimaut and made subject to " lieu
land scrip" entry.
The claimant made their filings in
tlm usual mauuer, which, uutil this
arbitrary interpretation of the word
'sKico latum" has been held satisfac
tory by all previous secretaries of the
interior. They have not been guilty
of fraud nor perjury, yet, according
to this ruliug, they are virtually pro
nounced cheaters and liars.
A gramme, is the approximate equi
valent of Of teen and one-half grains.
A muter Is about thirty-nine and one-
third inches, or a llttlo more than
throe and one-quarter foot. A litre ia .
hut a shade mote than a liquid quart
A kilometer is very nearly five-eighth
if a mile. Tho Russian Tent is a
few feet longer than a kilometer. The
Kussiun pood may bo figured as the
(jquivalcut of six pounds avoirdupois.
The Hjmiiish vara in round numbers ia
10 r cent less than a yard. A cubio
foot of water weighs 03.5 pounds. If
the sisH'iflc gravity of a substance la
stated at five, fur instance, it ia meant
that any definite bulk of it (say one
cubic foot) will weigh five times aa
much aa au equal bulk of water, or
U.5x5 equals 31 1 5 pounds. The
specific gravity of ordinary quarts i
'i.fttoS. Hence, a cubic foot of thia
material, solid, will weigh 1M to 187
pounds. If it la extensively honey
combed, or If It is broken up, the
same bulk will weigh less. If it ia
filled with crjstuls of irou pyrites, or
exteusively colored with iron or other
metallic minerals ot high gravity, it
will weigh more. The short ton con
tains 2,1)00 pounds, aud is the ordi
nary ton in use in the West The long
ton contains 3,340 pounds. It is the
standard measure among the ooal
mines iu tho East, where coal is min
ed by contract. Hut the consumer of
tho substance gets ouly 1,000 pounds
Iu hi tou. The metric ton contain
3,304 pound, and is the measure used
by a curtain class or statistician,
who write for the benefit of reader
of an exclusive scientific training and
Have Dr. Lowe cure your nervous,
irritable head and eye ache by remov
lug the cause with a pair of his super,
ior glasses.