1 1 ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 17, 1903. ...Hermatic Fruit Jars.... Canning season now bere Buy the HERMATIC FRUIT JAR, thereby insuring your fruit to keep. Easiest to seal, easiest to open; has wide mouth aud made of clear white glass. You'll be pleased after using. Haven't said much about Coffees and Teas lately, but our sales on Chase & Sanborn's Coffees and Teas are increasing every day. Our celebrated South Sea Blend at 25c is superior to mauy 30 and 35c Cof fees. Try it and be conviueed. Green Apples, Water Mellons, Musk Mellons. Remember the place. t Given Away Free Call at our store and see them all about it. Undoubtedly the most WHITE Tkse Cool Mornings . How would it feel to have a small firo in a quick heating A -Tight Stove? Our stock is in and wo can supply you at once. Cramer Odd Fellows Block. Refrigerators -2111(1 Ice ...MUST Wo haven't room to store them until next season and must get rid of them. Wo ofl'er them at 20 Per Cent Discount IIAHMMDDLE Grants Pass, ...dosing Out Sale... I am closing out Ladies' and Furnishing Notions and Everything goes at cost. to date. If you want anything in place to get it is at Mrs. J. . New Idea Patterns, 10c. - i- Ti I 77v-T"t When sent by mail ,,c. LaCllGS HXlCi Chlldreil S 1"'V''"m-i7-''' Cx . CLOTHING UNDERWEAR SHOES New rail rlilhncfv atvles . , , Q i.ioJt an exceptional values ARE NOW IN ' MeilS ByS SlUtS 25C, 35C, , 50fl LADIISMSenuiuoVici KM and Calf, $1.50 . Men's Heavy Oregon Cassimcro, $8.50 MEN'S All Solid Dress undWork Shoos, $1.50 I have received my fall stock of Millinery which include, J081.0"'' " 4. , !! S'(M ' MEN'S UNDERWEAR CIIILDKI'N'S Warranted ..11 solid. Kid and Calf new styles and new materials. AU the latest wrinkles in up- Lo's hults- Ln0 to Heavy Fleeced IiiWicd and I'lain extra value $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 to date trimming. Call and see the gccxls. 37 2C 50C 4 v 1 4 I 1 Children's Hats -:- School Hats and Caps I SELL CHEAPER Front St., Second Millinery Store East The Woodville root office is one of 1 the neatest offices in Oregon. IL T. ! ,Hart, the postmaster, has everything' conveniently arranged for work and ! take great pride keeping the office ! looking orderly and businete like. It iiapOKtomce that Woodville slxuld be promd of. ' to Our Patrons Cylinder Baking and Basting Pan (A unw and excellent device fur cooking and roasting meats. ) on exhibition and we will tell you practical Basting Pan made. HOUSE GROCERY. Bros. Fream Freezers GO... 3 HARDWARE Co. - Oregon. my entire stock of Children's Goods, Millinery. All goods are new and up these lines remember the A. Rehkopf THAN OTHERS. Miss Ida Weston of tli St. Grants Pass, Oregon Willis Kramer brought home some ore from his Whiskey Creek mines and had Walter Hudson awtav it, and it weut fi.utw. 10 a ton. Talk about Eldoradcxi ! What ia this Kramer has? is the question asked by the Myrtle Creek correspondent of the Row-burg Review. OUR PERSONAL COLUMN People sva They Come fend Go F rom Day to Day Lee Sill of Murphy was iu town Monday. R. Tlionias went to Port lad Mouday on business. C. J. Kurtli went to Gold Hill Monday for a few days visit. Mr. aud Mrs. Bert Barnes visited with relatives in Ashland Suuily. Editor Arthur Conklin of -the Jour nal left for Salem Wednesday even ing. Mr. aud Mrs. R. S. Brat ten of Eerby visited friends iu Ashland re cently. Miss Agues George returned to Ashalnd Sunady after visiting here for a few days. H. L. Gilkey, cashier of the First National bank, visited iu Jackson county last week. Misses H:it tie and Etta Cook weut to Roseburg Sundny to visit their sister, Mrs. Ray Carlon. Messrs. L. L. Jewell, A. C. Hough, H. D. Nortou and V. L. Ireland went to Medford Tuesday oil business. Rev. J. W. McDougall will deliver au address to the old soldier's at Med ford on Friday Grants Pass day. Mrs. Ray Carlon returned to her home in Rosoburg, Sunday morning, after a woeks' visit with relatives here. G. R. Bunting, a mining expert, arrived from Simula county, Califor nia, last week. He will prosxrt the Waldo copper district for a Keswick company. " Hou.G. W. Colvig has resigned his position as United States consal at Barrauquilla, Columbia, aud has re sumed the practice of his profesisou here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harth returned Sunday night Iron) their trip to California. They look tho steamer nt Sau Francisco for Portland aud had a very pleasaut time. D. S. Cook returned Widr.csdny night from Roseburg whore he i.t tend ed the funeral of his son-in-law, Kny Carlon. Mrs. Carlon will return to Grants Pass iu a few days and make her homo hero. Among those who went to Medford Monday to attend the Old Soldier's aud Sailor's reunion were: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mott, John Patrick, E A. Wade and Mr. Hestou. Several weut Inter 1 whose names we did not learn. 0. J. Kline of Maukato, Minn., stopped off Saturday to visit his sis ter-in-law, Mrs. N. B. Meade, and family for a few days. Mr. Klino Is on his way homo from a visit to California. This is Mr. Klino's sec ond trip to the coast, aud if lie were a yonug man, he says he would make this his home. A. J. Dooley left Saturday for his home iu Topeka, Kansas, after au oxtended visit iu Uregou. He will make tho roturu trip via of Sacramen to, having enmo out over the northern route. Mrs. Dooley left for home about a month ago, but stopped in Nebraska to visit relatives. They will probably returu to tho coast next summer. J. D. Edwards came in on tho stage on Friday and has been shaking hands with his old friends. And lie is still tho same familiar John with the same broad smile on his countenance, Ho thinks that this cily looks awfully slow in comparison to tho towns iu Southern Oregon, where they have weekly pay rolls and a corresponding amount of business Tillamook Head light. HIS LIFE SAVED. "B. L. Byer, a well known coojier of this town, says he believes Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved his life last summer. He had lieen sick for a mouth with what the doctors call bilious dvsen- tery, und could get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedv. It gave him immediate relief, says B. T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Mil. For sale by all druggists. Now JUST RECEIVED -- BIG FALL STOCK OF LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AND SUITS . We have secured an early shipment of all the late novelties for the Fall Season, and as it will be next to impossible for us to duplicate this order owina to the scarcity of materials and the factories t very much behind with their orders the early buyers will undoubtedly secure better styles, materials and prices than those who wait until the cream has all been , skimmed off from the new stock?. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FALL AND GRANTS PASS PHARMACY Is Purchased by H. A. Rotermund Stock to be Enlarged. s A deal was consummated Thunday, whereby H. A. Kotcrmuud became owner and proprietor of the Grants Pass Pharmacy, iu the Masonic Tern- pie. Mr. Rotermund will remove his stock of drugs aud stationery from his old stand next to Coe's storo to the new location. Ho will dispose of his ice cream and coufectionery busi ness. Iu order to make room for tho new stock of drugs, etc., a "rummage sale" will bo held beginning Satur day .Sept. 19th, when prices will not be much of an object, as the space occupied by the present stock is need ed for the now und up-to-dato goods now hero aud ou the way. Not only is tho drug featnro to be eularged, but a complete lino of stationery, books, magazines, shells, sundries and camera supplies will be carried. The latter feature will be greatly en larged, aud to that end a big order has been placed for a largo line of cameras, kodaks aud camera supplies. Bert Barnes will havo charge of the prescription department. Since tho opening of his store, here Mr. Rotermund has proven himself to be a hustler aud his many friends havo no doubt of his making a success of his now venture. Applegate, that land of never fail ing crops and record breaking ones at that, has contributed a punipkiu to tho Sentinel exhibit that would make pies enouh to feed two scoro ot hun gry school boys. The pumpkin weighs (13 pounds and is ns smooth as a Newtown apple. It as ruiaed by Reuben Wright aud was not raised as prize pumpkins are, only one ou a vine, but with this specimen there were several others on tho sumo vine and no fertiliczr or irrigation was used. Jacksonville Sentinel. The Ith quarterly meeting services of Newman M. E. church will bo held next Sunday, with tho usual services in the morning and tho lore feast in the evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. D. T. Summcrville will deliver the ser mon nt B, aud tho communion service will bo held immediately following the sermon. Tho quarterly confer ence will Iw hold Mounay evening nt 7 :!10. Basket social and entertainment at W. 0. W. hnll by Y. P. S. C. E. Friday evening, September 18, 1903. Good program prepared, by best local talent, also stercoptican views of different parts of tho world, by Rev. Connel. Everybody invited. A small admittance fee of 10 cents will be charged at tho door. Big shadow sale at 9 :30 sharp. I The Ashland Board of Trade turued down the proposition for advertising that city made by tho representative of the forthcoming Harvest Edition of the Salem Statesman, of which it Is proposed to distribute 4"),000 copies through tho Hanimau immigration bureau in tho East and which is to contain writo-nps aud illustrations of Western Oregon. Carter & Dufllcld havo just laid the foundation for a MxTO two story brick on Maine street, Gold Hill. One room will be occupied by Carter & Duflield with their general merchan dise stock and the other by A. E. Kellogg, the furniture man. The second story will be fitted up for a first class opera house. It has becu delluilely learned by the sheriff's ollice, that Martin Berenrts, who ilisapjicarcd from his mining claim 011 tho South Fork of Smith KiVer about the 4th of July, went across tho mountains to Grants Pass. From there all traco of Berends has again been lost, says tho Del Norte Ke ord. WHAT Is LIFE? In the last analysis nobody knows but we do know that it is under strict law. Irregular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting In con sipatioii, headaches or liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life pills quickly re adjusts this. Only 2''C at National Drug store and Grants Pass Pharmacy. BIG STOCK OF NEW FALL GOODS Piling ...THE Loads R. THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS Briel Notes a.nd Items ot Interest tvnd Importance. Dr. Flanagan, v Physician aud Doutist. Go to Corun (or Plumbing. Welchs' 1 Closing-oat sale. M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist. Brass Spoons just received at Cram er Bros. . Pultons Sun Proof Paint, the kind that wears. Sold by Cramer Bros. Austin's Report Cards for school use for sale at tho Courier ollice 75c per hundred. Good second hand piano, for sale cheap for cash. Inquire at the Demareo Mnsio House. C. D. Nichols, tho photographer opposito tho Court house will take wood iu payment tor photos. If you want the best flies and leaders go to Cramer Bros. The ladies are requested to bring their shadows to the W. O. W. hall Friday evening, the 18tli. Trout are biting well, and you can catch them with tncklo bought of Cramer Bros. W. Ii. Ingram is prepairlng to erect a dwelling ou tho lots he recutly pur chased in the Ireland i& Meade addi tion. "Paddy" Ryan, a former resident of Southern Oregon, was shot and badly wouuded at El Paso, Texas, hts.1 Friday. .For first class bargains in real es tate, see or wrUe Attorney II. B. Hen dricks Wright's Assay building, Grunts Pass. O. F. Taylor, who was taken sick with typhoid fever at Ashland a short timo ago and was brought to his homo here, died Sunday. , Gold Hill is installing a sewer system. Tho main is to bo of brick, 10 inches in tho clear, and tho mater ial is already 011 the ground. IRELAND & MEADE now havo their addition platted and ou tho mar ket. If you want a desirable build ing lot, sco them before yon buy. Received a new stock of Ladies' chains, Gents' fob chains of tho latest "styles, also a fine stock of Rings. Curtis & Co. Odd Follows Building. Tho training school for tho Southern Oregon State Normal Bchool will open on the 21st. Tho school opened for mally for tho now year last Wednes day. Curtis & Co., practical watch makers and jewelers. Dealers iu watchos, clocks, jewelry and Dlii nioud rings. All repairing llrst class. Odd Fellows' building. New stock of Shot Gun Shells iu black and smokeless powder, at Cramer Bros. When you want a physio that is mild aud gentle, eusy to tako mid certaiu to act, always uso Chamber Iain's Stomach mid Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. Tho annual report ot tho pension commissioner shows that during the past year 1778,773 wus paid out to pensioners iu Oregon and that the number of penisoners iu tho state on June 80, was 0117. J. S. Hnwaul, tho High Lino Ditch Co', civil engineer, left Monday for Trail creek with a crew of 13 men to establish a linn of survey about 40 miles in length, from Trail creek to the point where tho ditch taps Rogue river. Gold Hill News. Tho Southern Pacific Company is to beigu work making rc'mlrs oil their ferry at Benleia, Calif. While the work is in progress, it. will cuuse a daily delay of about four hours in the arrival of tho northbound train No. 12, at Grants Puss along with other points ou the lino. The Jackson County Ministerial Association was organized nt Medford lust week. Rev. J. T. Abbett of Ashland Was elected president aud Itev. W. F. Shields of Medford, secretary. The association meets every two months. Its next sesssiou will be in Ashland. Up lilf'if KiU BIG WINTER COATS. of New Fall GooJs in L. COE RAY CARLON IS KILLED ! While Switching in Yards at Roseburg. Engineer Ray Carlon was iustautly killed. and his fireman, Kobt Forbes, slightly injured about the head and right leg, as the result of a side col lision between the switch enigue and euiguo No, tX9, in charge of Oliver Hampson, iu the yards here Sunday morning, about 4 o'clock. Carlon was operating his switch engine' ou the main Hue and was backing a caboose towards the depot to place it iu an other part of the yards. Just as he got to the switch opposito Mrs Kctehoir hospital, tho tender of his engine was struck by tho tender of engiuo No. 2208, which was on the next adjoining side track and had backed up to the switch to bo thrown on to the main lino. Tho next instant the tender of Hamp son 's engine struck tho cab of the switch engine ou tho side ou which Carlon was sitting, turned it half way arouud und converted the big gest part of into kindling wood. Ray's head wns smashed open, his right leg, tho lower half of hich was cork, was broken above tho kueo and tho upper portion of his body was badly crushed. Death was iu stautnneons. Ho had seeu the ap prouchug collision, but not iu time to save himself for ho had instantly set tho air. In tho collision, however, the nir pipe was broken thus releas ing the air and tho switch engine, ufter shoving tho teuder of tho other engine off tho opposito track and out of its way, started away again but Fireman Forbes recovered himself iu tiuio to stop it before it had gone over a hundred yards. Neither Hampsnu unr Switchmen A. C. Cnrty and Joe Keutro, who were riding ou the ealiooso attached to the switch engine, were hurt. To what tho collision is due is hard to determine. Alex Anbin, who was going to throw tho sw itch to allow llumpsou's engine to get ou tho main line, says he gave Carlon a stop signal with his torch, but whether Kay noticed It will, of course, never bo learned. Certain it is, however, that had Curlou'j engiuo been brought to a stop by tho signal, the collision would havo beeu averted. Kay Carlon was tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carlon, of this city, nud wns bom iu Roseburg 29 years ago. It wns in Roseburg that he grew to manhood and began his life of useful ness. Aftro being engaged in various employments ho took np railroading ill tho service of the S. P. Co. 11s a brakemaii. While following this ho had the misfortune to lose tho lower portion of his right leg iu 1111 acci dent. I'jion recovering, ho again went into the railroad srevice, but this time as a fireman aud in due time was pro moted to au engineer. A position on a regular ruu not yet ojien for hi in, he was assigned to the sw itch engine in tho yards here. Mr. Carlon was married a few years ago to an esti mable yoting lady of Grants Pass. On tho day her husband was killed sho was on her way home to Kosehurg from a visit with relatives at Grunts Pass, and knew nothing of his death until she arrived at Glcmlnle, where loiiieouo ou tho southbound over land made it known to her. Besides his wife, Mr. Carlon is survived by his parents and tho following brothers and sisters: Kichard, Thomas, Maggie ami Bertha, of Portland; Ernest, of Silver Ijike, Or.; Mrs Hannah Lo'Malley of Washington, mid Belln. Pit I I 1, . A I. 1 .... . iiits-ei nun jcssic, 01 iioscnurg. Hay was a member of Fidelity Lodge, A. O'.U. W., and Degree of Honor, of Portland ; iu the former he curried a life InsuraiicH jsilicy of $2,0110, and iu the latter one of (1,000, both pay able to his w ife. The funeral of tho deceased took place this afternoon from the Pres byterian church ill Kosehurg, where services conducted by Hev. J. A. Townsend, were held. On being tak en to the Odd Fellows' cemetery for interment, the remains were escort ed by members l the local A. (). lj. W. iiiiiI I). of II. lodge, mein-b'-rs if the HrollieiiMi.l of Lncn nmt;i ! i .: i i i ; i.d ether railrond ne n a . v . .11 i- . i i,n go number of friends in ca.n..,;es. Hoselmrg lie- All Departments STORE... JACKETS AND CAPES NOW OPEN AU Departments of the lig Store. & COMPANY P. II. II A R T II & SON. Grants Pass, Ore. We Submit Our Case to That Incorruptible) Jury PUBLIC OPINION Gentlemen of the Jury Men of Grants Pass: We have given considerable testimony as to the merits of our clothngto the exclusivencss and variety of our stockto the moderation of our prices-to the conscientious ears with which wt endeavor to serve our patron's best interests. Our witnesses are the hundreds of meu of Grants Pass who are wearing our clothing, - and praising our business methods. To you, the Court of Public Opinion, we submit our The Verdict will bo" rendered Llter&ry Notee for October. Conspicuous among tho October r million maga.iues is the Delineator. It presents eharming find np-to-dato Antiimn styles, vulunblo illustrated articles on topics of fashion, as well as literary contents of a high stand ard. The Evolution of a Clubwoman, a serinl story, by Agnes Surbridgo, w hich urgius in mis number, trents a fundamental questlou of the feminine world tho woman's club and promises to bo extremely interesting. It is an autobiography a story of fact, but moro fascinating than -Action. Also in this number appears tho first of a remarkable series of photorgaphio articles, iu which J. O. Hemment, the well kuown photog rapher, relates his adventures with I he camera at home and in foreign lauds. His war oxxrieuco, which constitutes tho llrst pupnr,'iire thrill ing, and his personal recollections of tho stirring events iu which ho tock part are absorbingly interesting, us well as of historical value. In fic tion, there is an excellent story, en tit lea "Tho Silent Partner," by Lynu Koby Meek ins, and the secoud part Of a Florida Cracker, Virginia Frnzer Boyle's quaint story of a remote Florida hamlet. Home-bulldlng, partieulary tho sentimental sido of it, is written of by Clara E. Laughllu, and N. Hudson Moore has a delight ful paper ou Lilies. In "Carlutta .mil I," a unique cookery series pre sonling practical culinary advice In tho guise of fiction, Miles Bradford tells tho story of tho Wedding Dinner. Au ideal suburban dwelling Is shown, and a couple of pages of Historic SlIpiHTsJire oilier features. The Child ren's Department includes a Firelight Story, "Sully Lunu's Tea Purly," by Livingston 11. Morse; an amusing lale by Jean M. Thomson, called " The Sentence of tho Brown Owl ;" the continuation of The Hanging (aniens of ilahvlou, by Liua Beard, anil the helpful sewing hssnns by Lucy llartrnm. Of particular interest urn the articles on The Child's Itoom, on Gardening, ou Housekeeping ami cullinary topics, on tho recent books, on Childhood, on the llyuienn of Clothing, the College and Club notes, etc. SECOND HAND CAMKHAS. I have a niibmer of second hand Cameras and Kodaks which will be sold at a great reduction if taken now. A fill Cyclone, 4x.", for 1. 70 ; a (20 Kodak at und other bargains. A. E. VOOKIHKS. letter. Soo that hat? It's a "Stetson." Bonght it at Welch's Closing oak sale, for $3.50. Alwayi paid $5 for them at other store. MARRIED. HOBSON - BUTLER At Riddle, Ore., Sept, 5, 11)08, J. J. Hobson and Miss Ora Butler. DIED. WILLIAMS In Ashland, Sept. 10, -US i,S, Elizabeth, wife of Frank Willipms, agod 65 years. , MULLEN In Grants Pass, Sunday night. Sent. 1.1, 1003, Buelah, 10 mouths old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen. Tho faueral took place Tuesday, Rev. J. W. McDougall officiating. (A 3 0 C 0 s : 9 o S t 0 f) 1 2 Id J O (A A o o GQ U 8 a n 0) u a 0 ,0 A u cn 13 5 a PANY of FOR INSPECTIO N