Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 03, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates i
One Yeur, in advanc,
8ix Months.
Three Montb.
Mingle (Jopiea,
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the ufllce, or
by mail.
Obituaries and resoliiUjnii of con
dolence will be charged for at 0c per line;
card ol thanks 00c.
A. E. VOOIUHES," Propb. & Mnob
Entered at trie post office at drams l'a.
Oregon, aa second-class mail mailer.
li :
Somewhat of a political scinmtioii
waa produced in tlii tnle liy the ap
pointment of E. V. Duvla to tlio Ng
istcrship of the La Grande html
office. The Oregon delegation Kiiggint
edj. W. Kuowlea tor the position,
but tlio powers failed to ace the mat
ter In that light- Kiiowloa casta a
largo portion of tlio blame for hi re
jection on Ex-CongreHmnau Moody.
Two heats of the iiiternational yacht
race have beeli won by the American
boat Reliance and several other at
tempts at a race have failed to be
finished inside the time limit. In
every trial the Reliance has shown
it decided superiority over the rlhniii
rock, and nothing Ih more certain t lint
Lipton will have to try yet again, if
lie intends to lift the cup. It he
could got tlio American builder to
construct a boat for him mid could
hire an American skipper to manage
it, lie might have a rluuicu to win.
If you do not get Shoes to
suit you, try the Red .Star
Shoes that wear sold at
Moderate Prices.
Red Star Store.
Ben George of Kerby Experiences
Some Old Time Sport.
The leu von scat tered by the foreign
devils in the mass of China's millions
is working witli some curious results.
German photographic snpjily houses
are doing a brisk trade with the em
pire, as amateur photography, of all
pursuits, Is being taken up eagerly
by the Celestials. Not so long ago
tlio evil eye was less dreaded than
the camera by the Chinese, aud io
take a man's picture was almost as
serious an offense as to take his life.
It will be a daring Kodaker, even
yet, Unit will venture on a simp shot
uf tlio Dowager Empress. Oregon inn.
The news was received last week
that Vico-Consul Magelsson, at
Heirut, Turkey, had-bcen assassinat
ed. Later It was leurued that he was
not killed but was fired upon. The
war aliijM lirooklyn and Him Francis
co, that were at Genoa, were imme
diately ordered to proceed to Heirut.
Turkey has been making all sorts of
excuses and explanations and seems lo
view tlio approach of the war ships
Willi considerable nervousness. The
attitude of the government is nit
changed on learning that the consul
was not kilhd. The fuct that he win.
fired Diou is sulllcltnt and the Turk
ish government wrll bo required to
square tlio matter as satisfactorily as
it can.
The mine owners and others who
have exhibits should not lieghct the
opportunity otfered by the fit. Louis
aud Lewis & Clark fairs. All thai
Is necessary Is to get the exhibit to
tlio depot. After that it will be
takeu care of. Those who have
properties which they wish to sell
or In which to interest capital for
development, may Unci in these fairs
a valuable ojisirtuiiity for advertising
their advantages, as each exhibit
should bo accompanied by a d hi rip
tiou ol the property aud its coudi
tiou as legaids ilivcloi ineiil anil other
details. Apiece ot ore alone is only
a piece of ore. Acfouipniiiril by a
description, it becomes representative
of its pro rty and is suggertive of It.
lien George of Kerb)', is the hero
of quite an exciting adventure with
a bear which ho exju'rienced on Fri
day of last week. Ho was out with
his threo bear dogs and only a short
distancn from the George farm near
Kerby, he started a huge black bear
which immediately made a rush for
the dees r wilderness as fast as its
unwieldy form could he priqiellid.
Hen, Willi nis three dogs, followed
ill hot pursuit. A wild chase ensued,
through brush ami timber, over ridges
and across gulches, Ilruin stubbornly
leading the way. After about two
miles of this Hurt of thing, the hear
grew -t ired of the game and decided lo
inaugurate a change, lie would do
1 it I lu pursuing himself. Ho he
faced about and charged h,ick.tion
his trail Willi fight written all over
his features. One of the dogs, all old
fellow, liaiidiiapS'il by his many
years ol faithfulness, was lint spry
liough to elude the bear's rush and
was caught and killed, the hear
actually tearing him in two.
The bear then charged at lien , who,
knowing it would not do to mis'), laid
him low with a well directed shot in
the head. The ferocious brute fi ll
lead with scarcely a struggle.
Miss Lucie George, who is a camera
enthusiast, was, of course, anxious to
obtain a picture of the animal. The
hoys propped np the defunct hear in
to the most life like position possible
and Miss Ueorge began to arrange
for the photographic operations. Just
as she had her Inad cov red with the
dark clolh, getting' the subject into
proper focus, some of the props gave
way and the dead hear lopped over to
ward her. For a brief instant con
sternation reigned. I lie camera w as
knocked over in the sudden flight and
an exasperating fortune brought the
boys in sight just in time to witness
and prolit by the discomfiture of the
picture laker, who, after the first
startled movement, had hoped that
lliey didn't see her.
The old dog lutd leen a faithful
servant of the family for many years
and considerable sorrow was occasion
ed by his fate.
See that hat? It's a "Stetson "
linught it at Welch's Closing out
sale, for $1. ."(). Always paid " for
them at other stores.
Selina S i f 1 1 nits.
( Received too late for last is.iuc. )
Fred Sargent Is
iug after a t wo vi
A large crowd is expected at the
dance Saturday, August Sit, as it will
be the last one on the platform for the
Unite a crowd ol people went fr.-.m
Selina Sunday and enjoyed a nice pic
nic on ilie banks of Illinois rivr.
They partook of a nice dinner
plenty of beef tea and lots of fun.
I. G. what a time !
Fred liagley returned to his home
in Ashland altera two weeks visit in
Waldo. I'ridget.
no rapidly recover-
i'Iih' illness.
FattoiiN Sunproof
( 'ranier llros.
paint aud lead at
The charges of Attorney Parker of
lleppner against the relief committee
of that town attracted cusiderahle
attention throughout the state lately
In a letter to his brother, which
found its way into publicity, be
charged the committee with misap
propriating the funds and staled that a
large amount of the contribution.,
were unaccounted for. The llcppnci
committee thcrcumu made pn para
Hons for n libel suit but finally de
cided to allow the mailer to drop if
Parker would make a suitable public
retraction and np.ilngv. Parker has
issued a statement admitting that he
made the statement on information
of imperfect reliability aud admit
bis mistake in so doing. The com
luittee stales that its books are open
aud that icry cent received, ills
bursed, aud yet ou bund, is there set
down in blai k and white.
Of all Summer Goods
Consisting of
Dress Goods
Shirt Waists
Crash Skirts
Lace Gloves
Children's Straw Hats
Parasols 1
several other broken
and odd lots
It has been not' d in the pa r- that
the Slate KxHiit inn Connulssu n huv
log in charge the Slate appropriation
furthest, l.ouls Exposition and the
Lewis and Chuke Fair have not been
successful in a si bet ion of anyone to
take charge of Oregon's .Mineral Ex
hibit to the satisfaction of the mining
fraternity Now we will suggest
that the commission select some rep-lYS-utativc
mining man having a
silcntitle knowledge of minerals,
rocks, ores, etc, and a practical
knowledge of mining in general,
oiue one who inn piopcrly classify
and intelligently present to, and in
form the enquiring public of the ex
' tent mid Variety of the mineral re
sources of our great Slate. We will
suggest the name of Prof. VY. II.
Hampton, a.'tll roogni.ed miner
ulogist, geologist ninl mining engi
neer, one in whom the coiiiiiiismi'h
would find the ubilitv to classify and
perform the duties necessary In n
mineral exhibit. We Lave noted in
the past, that Oregon has never had It
person in charge of any of her mineral
exhibits w ho was ver d in know 1 dg
pcrlultilng to the mineral and mining
industry. We also believe Mr. Ham
ptou to bo broad minded enough to
impartially give notoriety to the
whole statu and not devote bis effort
in behalf of any one section more than
Its importance demands.
Illuo Print Pbit by the yard or roll
at the Courier oltlce.
r oxirul Near l.rlnrul Hv M.M k IVi -IV
and II Gem hail
Last week the I'cdv of I has. Kan i
gets, genially Known as Iviissijui
Charlie, was found in the mcuntni.c.
ma l.eland by Mark IVirx and W. II
tiearhart, who wcte hunting in the
itisirict. As the remains I ad lain in
the mountains nearly t o e;it,
there was nothing hit I tit the torn s
and a lew serai s of clothing. A loll
from the Wilson Mercantile Co. of
l. laud was found, conq lctieg the
id nt i licat ton. Constable Kainlle was
notified aud Went to the spot to I X
amine I he case. It was not deemed
neecssat y to bold an inqui s and the
remains were Ian ted wloie tiny weri
found. Charlie bf I. chil l in lie
fall of l'.'Ol to return lo bis claim ou
Rogue ricr near the of
Whiskey crei k. He never readied it
and for a long tune his fate was a
aiy.siciy. only a lew weeks ago seine
clothes and other cMeet.s wcte found
ill tin' mar viciuitv of wheie the
hodv was finally iliseov . red The
otbeets at that tiui' made a dili,'c:u
search for the body but f nihil to tin I
it. ihecouutiy is rtxrcne-lv hru-liv
and rough.
Account the t "regno Stale Fair,
which will In' held at S ileiii, S-pl
Hill, l.'.th, tilth, 1 ; 1 1 , . is, ,, n, p.i, ,
Reduced rales w ill Ik' In elVi 1 1 f rom
nil stations to rair Grounds, smite
turn W E. COM AN, li P A
Provolt Items.
Dr. Ixive of Grants Pass was at
Provolt this week.
Ij vi Lovelace of Williams made
Medford a call Monday.
Amos Cook who has been in Lake-
view, returned home Saturday.
Will Messinger of Murphy was ou
Williams creek Wednes-lay visiting re
Misses Alice and Margaret Lew-
man made Medford a visit Friday and
F. MVMlnnaiu of Applegate passed
Ihrough here this morning on his way
to Grants Pass.
Mrs. H. Kehkopf of Applegate has
h.'di very ill the past week, but is
now some better.
Wm. Son sou of Provolt made
Grants Pass a call Wednesday for con-
trading his bops.
N. Dunlan of Provolt, left Sunday
morning lor flioculx where lie will
visit the coming week.
Mrs. Jennie Estej of Applegate
made our little city of Provolt a
pleasant call Wednesday.
James Coffee was called homo Wed
nesday to Williams creek on account
of bis brother being very ill.
Arthur Gilmoru of Murphy, who
has been at Ft. Joues the past four
mouth's, returned home Tuesday.
Louis Loescli of Proolt received
a new Imp stono Monday to take the
place of an old brick furnace in his
upisr hop house.
Martin Pernoll of Applegate lnado
Grants Puss a business trip for the
purixiHO of purchasing dry goods for
Wm. Pernoll estate.
E Cockerliuo of Murphy was at J.
A. lawman's Thursday purchasing
hay from the lust crop coming at the
rate of nine dollars per ton, in the
We are glad to say that the Friday
mil Saturday rains did not hurt the
lions of our county scarcely any, but
made several tons more of ha) ill our
vicinity. Tlio third crop will 1)0 re-
markalile this season.
Even t I,owinan and Andy Fields of
Piovolt went out on a bunt Tuesday
and returned Thursday. The two
hunters did not kill morn than they
mild carry on account of the cold
mil rain, thu deer had shifted to a
wanner place and heavier timber.
Eli Taylor's ls-oplo of Jackson, III.,
passed through here Monday in
search of Eli. Tliey heard lie was on
Williams creek but when they reached
tin. Lewmati ranch they were directed
to Grants Pass. They wished him
to go back to Illinois for tho purpose
of taking charge of bis property.
John Cantrall of Vrekn, Cal., re
turned to Ilridge Point, Applegate,
I'tiesday. Mr. Cuiitrull intends to
make his home here this winter, and
prospect in the gold bearing hills of
Thompson creek and Farris gulch,
where many rich strikes have been
m ule in the last year, by old pocket
hunters of Applegate.
The hop yards will commence Moll
dav full blast, although the camp
ers are coming in very slowly. 1 ho
crops are light this year. Pi.'klng
will last only about a week and a
half; the usual time is two weeks
and a half, but the hops will weigh
more for they filled out better anil
there were not so many on a pole.
The base ball game that was played
on Missouri Flat last Snuday was
a good, exciting game. Doth nines
played for what there was in it, and
to see who would get the honor of
winning. In the ninth inning the
score was even. In the tenth, no
score was made on cither side, lu
the eleventh, Missouri Flat made one
tally which made the score 12 to l.'i.
It was one of the most interesting
games of the season. Everybody
seemed to have clear throats to cheer
'.he winning side. The old men
seemed to be young. They threw
their hats and shouted for the victory
they had won over Provolt, and Ap
plegate, combined. - Jack.
What must have been a ter
rible death, fell to the fate of a
Spaniard named Domingo, near the
Owyhee, Malheur county, a few daya
vgo. The facta have just come to
light with the fiudiugs a the man s
remains. Doaiiugo waa driving
through the country. His horse ren
away aud lie fell from the bnckboard,
with the result that bin shoulder
blade and one leg were broken and
crushed. Remaining conscious.
Domingo tried to reach assistance and,
unable to walk or crawl, dragged
himself ulcng the
Terrible Death of Domingo In
Malheur County.
l.'altM HiK SALE-to miles from Mer
I lin. 100 acres -aumt oO acres of .good
bottom Itnel. ii acres in cultivation, small
bouse and barn and a'saut VJ acres under
fence, be lance of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. For further particulars ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, uri-gun.
f 'X acre fruit and Flock ranch, .'l miles
' (r(im pass, hv fenced, SO
i cleared' loin Orchard, fair builditiirs, guod
fruit soil, plenty of water and thulier and
, the tiest uutside stock runsc in Josephine
irounty. l'rice 00 per acre, part cash.
1'all at ranch on Jones rreek or address
Mr-. A. if. l.'he-smore, Medfufd, Ore.
ACKK pinch, good prune and
upple orchard. Moult fruits in
abundunce; water for ir'tpatinn, besides
I springs on every 40 acres center of a good
ratine country ; two dwelling houses, big
' ham, every tiling complete; well sheltered
grouud through a ha( Inie I1(,rlll ot Tunnel M. price .:0U.
loss of blood his strength finally gave
away, kxposofl to a scorching sun,
death at last relieved liim from the
torture. The man had been dead but
a abort while when found.
Wanted, a chambermaid;
Hotel Lay ton.
.n'ojuire at
Told About
" the whining school-boy with his satcbel
And shining iriurniint face, creeping like snail
Ciiwillingly to school."
Hut O, What a Difference Now:
The lanuhing school boy with hie satchel
Aud shin m innming face, speeding like wind
Most happily to n-bool.
What made the diffetenct? Perhaps the bike
had something to do with it. but then the pretty
like of
Th Ways of Qofirsntal and Lagls.
IiUti aaalrs Arm llelllrl
to Wooiea Vtaltura.
Two ladioa from Matsaehuaetta
were in the senate gallery one day re
cently when ttieir escort, bo waa
showing them various objects of ill
icit!, pointed old the t!ctk of t'tntt
4or Hoar and Lodge, says the Wash
ing! on Star.
"The deski, yuo. lee,' said the im
promptu guide, "art next tu tuch
"Oh," txcluimd one of the lndiea. "I
know now what it means when it is
nii! that lenatori are puired."
Stories of the tnistabe ul ieh worn
en make concerning public mat ten are
ulvaa rurrent at the enpitol.. The
other day an eHMern coiigreteHU re
ceived a letter from a lady in liii dis
trict who s.ked him to look after her
nephew, "lie h s ..ecret a r intlecub
ini't or something of the sort. "wrote
the lady, and the congressman finally
found him acting as clerk t" a lery
subordinate ollicial in the treasury de
partment. I'he eatiitol L'Uii!e- tell the
story of (tie woman wtio, u hen told the
vice president presided oer the senate,
said that she always wanted to see
ltr an.
"lint Itryan ! not vice president,"
explained the guide.
"I thought be was," replied the lady,
"because be got almost aa many votes
as McKinley."
And there la till another story of
the woman visitor to the rapltol who
nsked the name of the secretary of
"Mr. Hay." was the reply.
"Mr. Hay?" queried the woman, in
surprise. "That cHn't be, became Mr.
Hay is a member of the cabinet!"
Seven miles west of Grants Pass
Apply to Mrs. M. Kanzau.
A pocket book, found on the bicycle
path on South side of liogue river,
between bridge and grove. Cull ut
this ollicc.
Restaurant, u good business for the
money invested. Enquire at this
office for particulars.
At Patton Hop yard, two milts west
of Grants Pass. Hops heavy. Cull
or write J. E. Weidman.
which we are supplying, helps wonderfully. And then the
prices at which we sell these goods please thu parents and
that gees a long way toward putting the children in a good
humor for study.
We treat all alike, so that little ones do not need a grown
person to come along with them in order to gel bottom prices.
vSlover Drug Company
Welch's closing out sale
is the place to buy.
Going Camping?
You will need a stove the kind
with nsbestos lining and cast iron
top is the best. 1 have them at sur
prisingly low prices, also the sheet
iron stoves.
100 ACRES LAND within 2 mile of (Jntnts Pass with an 8 year old orchard
containing Tin) winter apples und Hill peach and prune trees; all fenced. The land
lavs well with iust a very. gentle slope, but high cnouiili to esotme the river foe
Ti e greater part of the tract is covered with ail excellent growtli of timber for tire
wis d. and tit prevailing high prices is a first class investment For this featuro alone.
One gisid crop will much more than pay for the land. A school house is just across
the road. Three living springs on the place. This is offered for much less than
actual value so if vnr wunt a genuine bargain, hurry. Price, $650 On
SIMONS & RKAHOXKIt. Ashland. Oregon. sjw.wu.
My Operations are Entirely Painless
Ladies can be Treated at Their Homes.
Tents in all weights
at less than elsewhere.
aud all
I have a
can think of.
big stock of new and
goods everything you
Let me show you.
Reduced Fur for Visitor to the n rd Movint&.ns.
It Cam to Ohio Mai WhtU H
Waa WaiehUv Ih Mnihlnirr
of n Offii
"A Imtel keeper ant.-hiny the ma
rliinertv of a biff ' Hn stenintT work
hit it) iniurf :m if. rnrtl n n cittal stiff
jftiiuii 1"! ifritt'it in i'c m i ! r- r 1
c::h rei ft " n M '.(,. l-'n k in tf )!,
(nil. O. "Tin- itifnt(r nf the fil't o;ib
n'iMtT w hk Jnkr Kit t if . n In t H ! ft-p.
f r, nf Diiv inn )., iHM'urtliiiir h tlcKim
t;m ( iu Time, It e a tl i a to
Km in i i if t til t'.'i r. njn. r u lie nc
Imitnl tn ! t'k ut Hie liiiH'liini'M Omt
j i l!rl tlif uteamer that : n p-
x ' i li i tu i-en- t h t on. Tl. r Ii f
t in1 PutT hewed tJ'f lintel ir.nn t' e :. p
mriitn t li:i t, ri'iri itimI t'p tiutrliT nf
n1 vol ul iin. nf tl, propi'Iln.
M'VI, wnuMn't the . r nv i!tn Itf n
pnml thinif tn keen track nf trctmli ni'
t'tniiil V' the lintel man nkfi'. 'I run r 11
in uav tn Knrn'-f tunl n'lii" nf m
f uiplnx e niiirht It r liliinj trr ItcI: iti
)nvtnti. If I cmiM itnfitt a ninrliine
tn kf'ep n civh '' tint I w. 11 III mnkeu
fnttun'.' Tin- Imlcl I'lAlt I 'IItI(m) lintre
tn hf'ill Wntk nh a vnt-U ri'ji;T. Ilf
iliil nit lnk. liii. trip through KiirnH'.
tint tnok an frlj klvnimr Imnit'M aril
" Yhv iimtS rn roh reir-trr ik tbe re
mtlt nf t hf ii en the Dav t mi hotel
man caught while Matrhit'ir the ma
chinery nf an urea ti t earner. Of
i. hi rue. Imp m. erne ut in t-ash re if is ten
are made every irmith. but the priiifi
pie uf all uf them i the tame.'
Field and Garden
Seed in Bulk.
White and Yellow Field Corn.
Sugar Corn, Pop Corn.
Alfalfa, Timothy. Red and White
Peas, Ileiius, Onion, Carrot.
Also regular package seeds.
'-f"ir own vi.-ctiM i i t
I briber. Ouly t- n'
f '- tTV Sill
a i ar.
Chiropodist and Dermatologist Institute
of lonuon, England"
(iuarantees toeure -ffrsk c liunioiw, Ingrowing ToennilM,
HOI'T and HAM) VOrlla Sweating of the Keet. C'hill.luiiw, etc.
HV ..(. nor the mt ojyoiiit.- cuwj of 'ihiim, liUickhtwh
t'rtcklen and Wrinkles, t,n matter hutc deep lltey tie..
,,m, A;,,li anyr,ili',, wi" Moles, Warts, Birthmarks
or ttupertlousi Hair without injuring the most delieate ..kin.
Oii U K llonts:
it u. iu. to i j tu., -j to (i. 7 to up. in. drains Pass, Ore.
The Impnrtaar f r'rutl and Van
lablv Ualalna la laprvaalav
Kvrrp Tasar.
(iiivve Creek lleins
Miss Huhy Light of tlrnve is visit
iitg In r ninny friends ut (Ireeukiek.
l,Mnte a few of our l'"ple went ti
Medfoi'il to the Kindling Hros. shuw
.in Sal uiihiy last.
The vegi tahle ami fruit n ihlli rs ale
:is 'l lltlful in our vieiuitv as I'l.u !.
herries tu Aiti-uot.
The in w s. heel liellsr in ilistriel l.'i
i is iicarmg i oin U t n n ami atineher
w til sni. n he waul tl
i t 'h is. Leantirl ef t i lav.
'I ' limit 1. ef liiij: '. I a
i it nt t.'tty ti' I tiy ealt s.
The tail., r is pleasant
ram ami ot eur tartnets air i nt
t iiv I '"'it' st eeml t rep ef hay
The II t. 1 I .eland has , 1 auj;, ,1
, hamls -in tin Mr. rhilits el tir.tti
I'.n k is the prrs.-iit ptt'prii tor.
I Mt- I'r i uk if Rn t J i a i . v is it. ,1
w i l !i lit r iiiel li. r aiel
I'has. atel Kihe! Pave
one tl i last n a t k
M i 1 1 1 -ti ami lu i t
I t t u III the elnJ'lt'V
st, am slu'Vt l have 1 1
anil a'tt erv til.
ef I.Klill
t iti'V w hti nave
of the S. I'.
t 1 lieiil fewr
I i:.KI' t 1. nPI'f AtiMNS l' HIM.
Kt'.lrnli'en. nh'tlt' ami destttete.
s.ifli. lu tirit f tee tie- et'ielirit'ti ef an
i-M st.ltht r l' teniit' i.f,.l .1 llavt'iis,
Vn' miles, ti l-'t-r M-ars he was
trot. Mitl with Kiilnev ilistase ami
neithe. tlnetors tier tneilii-iue give him
r- In f At h -ngtli he tried Kl. ie
llltters It put h:m tin hi;, feet Ml
slinrt oriler an.l nnw In' ttsitn-s I'm
en I lie l'oatl t. et'll'plite ltroerv. "
Only .'oe. ( luatantei il 1 v National
Prug stnrt' and tirauts I'as. t't.arinat y
The Southern l'aeilie ('omimny lina
plaet tl mi sale at very low rated round
trip titkels to the various resorts
along its lines, ami also, in connect
ion with the t'orvullis & Eastern
Itailroad, to Detroit and the seaside at
Yniiiiim Hay, hitter tiekets giMid for
i-etutn until Oclnhcr 10th.
Three day tickets to Yuquiim I'ay,
gtiiiil going Saturdays, returning Mon
tlays, are on sale at grititly reduced
rates f i iiii all sitnts Kngene aud
North on holh Kast ami YVvst Side
Lines, eiinliling ii otile to S'iid Sun-
tlav at the seaside. Verv low round i
trip rates ate also inatle hetween I'ort- .
land anil same points on the Senile mj
I'aeitle, genii going Saturdays, return-j
ing Sunday or Monday, allow ing I'ort-
laml K-ople to sH iitl Sunday in the j
ft'iintry aim the out of town ii'ople ;
to have the day in I'm t laml. j
Ticket from I'orllaud to Yatiuina'
Hay good for return via Albany ami j
Last Sole, er t'orvullis ami West I
Sitle, at Option of passenger. Rig-i
gage checked through to Newport. !
A new feature at Newport this year1
will Ik' an up to date Kindergarten'
in charge of an cxnerie need Chicago
leather. 1
A beautifully illustrated booklet!
les. ri hiug the seaside resorts on
V.. iuna liar l as Im-cii pub'.islieil by
the Southern I'aeitir ami Corvallis A !
Kastern Kailrivids, and can Ih Kceuri d 1
treiu any of their agents, or by ad- '
dnssing V. K. Conian, I). I' A., S, I
l". Co , Portland, or Kdw iu Stone,
Manager C. 1', Hy., Albany, Ore-!
gen. i
With f. unity around cxtectiug linn
to tlie, and a son riding for life, IS
; miles, to get Dr. Klng'a New Di-
covt ry for consumption, c uiglis aud
j colds, W. II. Hrown, of I'csville,
j Iml . cu. lured deith'a agou:e from
!ast!iui.t: but his wonderful lut'tlieine
! it-u i' instant relief and soon cured
: him. lb' writes: "I now sleep Miuud-'
Iv ccrv night. ' tiuarnntevd iH'tfiea
MV and l 00. Trial tallica free nt
National Drug store and (.rants Fas
frm ; lautiful cnlorrd ptil.i ; t- 3
5 l.ts.i itiit. ; .It. jit tii r i i. in it. , I in y 2"
i.rl. ; li,.iirlniltl leiil, . I n. rlt Suit- m;
;j. ,i i.'ta t., .1 1 ,, nr. s.ntl y I t Utrst mpy, S;
tiilr 4cttta wanted.' imtl (of tatiut. S
5 Stylish, Rrli.ihlf, S.melr, t''. tt 3!
m .1.11. K.iiiiiimicat and Absolulclj
-S l'ern-cl-Fillina l'ats.-r Patlt-ruK. S-
Z (No-Seam AHommnc Pat tern a.)
; Wk I t llifm S lii in nril city 2
A large working library has been added ; the physical and
chemical laboratory has been fully equipped; a new gymnasium
building is being erected, aud a largo and, liiindKonie nhool
building is Hearing completion. Tho school grounds are Ixauti
ful and iieturesiue. The health conditions are of the best , the
serial environment is puie and stimulating; the course of study
lias been strengthened and made uioro practical. The. faculty
has been increased in number and the school is now equipped to
do work of the highest order.
This school bt longs to Southern Oregrn. It desires and
merits the patronage of the people of this great section. For
catalogue, address
Ashland, Oregon.
C. H. Thomas, Secretary.
( at rill-iif ik and fruit (fmwrri. t-ji
(!;: M) lit' rrciiiniK iifiir ilv I;:it
it!-, of 1 1 ir I'olll.l t , , Jiu vc liffii iijii
il ! il p r' ti 1 n hi t 1) u i 1 1 f i 'f ! Jl 1 r tr :t I'
unci thi lifiiiHtul for tltt ir pnu i'i ! i
1 1 i ' u 1 ''f iiuT it t. ;i tli- ( i a . i:
ill. i.i.'lt- Tdf liii i tllii' t.f lit it r
tit u . . tn, I: a lt- fl'pt! ihh! i n i' -t t '
lniMiu'h 'lrU'pil,, oniiuiam. ir n il '
lions i t t!othiri of rapiliil. !it:ul '.
Norlh Air.fri'ii if tin rratit fi nit :
jroiinf fi untri in thr nr!i!, j rai'
tiuinif lit niot if it n title it mi jir- r "
m tin' tin Tl. r Mow r irr u ii. in-
wti'M i itM!f an in.porti.i.t xnm-t; f ;
n.i t ioiiul w rail h. W 'lnft oin-f r icrt'W
ttnimtok. in an miiHtrut uh as a
eurilt n prohut, w now rrim tli-n in
Mtu kk of hiinilii'U nf acrrn. So t M!
lifrouie hr liortiritliuritl ii.irr-4-i
in tliiv count rv thrtt ilfpftrtn vxm
i f Tiortiriilturt h.i hvvv i'tahi! v
tMen in n.nn kinall :i 1 1 nt tl.t
sclionle. 'I'llf (fet)t' Til I it I) to ft 1 1, f
i-f tlif i:ifffr'iii iTttiicl fk of hor
ticulture tach in it-i-lf a ti a ft mriu
of th institution. Thi? fxtent
h ifh iht str kpevial in.!urtrir, nrr iin
iflfd out atul v mphu?.uei tnensurrs the
itic rfitfcitvp importance of arioult ure
11 a hoi.
Roti, KaalUli mm4 fuH.
W hiH l It'll I .mi is Hot ha pa-f.
thrmth Vnheitl a few ajro.'
raus the l.oiuloti 1 hroitii'lr, "the i tit -p.
fk-ioii if A en bv hi ifoti pjrits wii?.
nt he wit pleael with hv tfriiih.
Tlit Knifi iv'i fttimiiMU'liiitr oificrr wt iii
out to r xt liatit1 r inirtesu'k u ith liothn.
ami our infuntrv K11T l)ni a iuarl
of honor until he joinetl hia t-un
burfcTiiera a few miles mil of Vrvheul.
All tin, ik a tnVi-t lr etpet tetl. tut
a fttiun-ce itifiilent cnt urml. 'Ihe Ktnj
.U i llit er in fhar-e of the escort wis
prei-entf.l to den- lUitha teretart.
Jitt'oluiM he 'A'et, who had heen three
venr ut i)ftrt. nml ti hia ait) tle
t m, I on VMein. hUoa 'tarsitjr man.
Th i"r fvttientlv aniiou to wuli our lieiiteuanl, mad their
firat -aurtla were; "Who won tha boat
5 I J8 148 Wait 14th SI . Mrw York.
ia i il 1 1 1 it i il lit ma m in u l uf;
September U-l'i, l.0;i
Tin' L"ivitit Ksptt-itiitti :iml Live
Mot k Show on tho '.i
t'Hk t.'o.i-l.
llih ( I.e.- U.ioiM i verv iifS't tiooii
$12,030 Ci5h Pro.viunis
on v tck atul f.llIU pIlKIUcts
Aii I'xhiMts haul-tl fnv i.vcr iho
Sttllthrril I'llt'uif.
Iti-ilui-! ti .in-uor: iii.iii ratismi
Live Stock Ancti-mi Sale
IfKi in fonntftioM with fiiir.
Kin tMiupin rmtmi fivo ntul n
tKnt'tl nut on famji'ts' ta'koti
I'tMu. anil l.r:ui your fain
. r'or fur h--r in
forma! ion, i
M. D. Vi-Aloni, rt t try
Preserve Your Clothing
and Woolens
By first brushing tlicru thoroughly
ami limiting them in the open air aud
untight fur 8 or 10 hoar, wrap them
tightly in tar iptr with aonie cf
onr reliablp moth proof preparatiou,
ami if kept in a tight tlrawtT, rhest
or closet, motlia rnuiiot and will riot
injnri" them. We Tarry a full Hue of
t:ir and tsriiif ptI'r, camphor balls
c. ilar, ciiitiplior, etc.
GraDts Pass Pharmacy National Drug Store
Klllrll Ulr,nl..v
Tht ftilli'wtrg nctie n('jH-
ignb'arl arar Port I -., .
"Notis. Talr thia r.'at ! 1' t
You i-aai trnr oier thr V n
I.rtef. M )a ll0 .it
tirataup. Suurvviarr."
i'n a
' it r-vrr,k
itu.l he ia
To Cure a Cold in One Dav
. t a? Tl r .w
rtuce uluuv6 Di omo ViUinme Tablets. JS ft fj
Svb MUHon boxes told h pest 13 months. This SlCTatCTe SJ&r
Can Crif
in Two Days.
or, every
frvrrt box. 25c