Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 27, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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? 1
, A
Given Away Free
Baking and Basting
(A u.
w and excellent device
iiinl rousting mints. )
Call a our store and see them on exhibition and we will tell
all about it. Undoubtedly the most Dractical Bastiner Pan made.
Canning season now here Buy the HERMATIC FRUIT JAR,
thereby insuring your fruit to keep. Easiest to seal, easiest to open;
has wide mouth and made of clear white glass. You'll be pleased after
Haven't said much about Coffees and Teas lately, but our sales on
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees and Teas are increasing every day. Our
celebrated South Sea Blend at 25c is superior to many 30 nnd 35c Cof
fees. Try it and be convinced.
Green Apples, Peaches, Water Mellons, Musk Mellons; Green
Corn now ia the market. Remember the place.
( fen ) I ( nn'"u- )
Odd Follows Block.
The "Real Safety"
is all tliut the name implies. The most nervous
man can shave in "real safety" with it. Guaran
teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Of Pocket Cutlery
we have a line that is hard to beat. Every knife
withtho name "CATTARAUGUS" etched on the
blades is fully warranted.
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
Closing Out Sale
I am cIoiii out
Ladies' and
Notions and Millinery.
Everything goes at cost. All goods are new and up
to date.
If you want anything in these lines remember the
place to get it is at
Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf
South Sixth Street, Grants Pass, Ore.
Agent for
New Idea Patterns, 10c. ,lltK
When sent bv mail 11c.
Hop pickers want
yard on Apph gate ;
anil best hop yards
gon ; Heavy crop,
il at tlii' Model hop
one of the largest
in Southern Orc. -
w hirl) means long I
pickiug. Every one wishing to pick
will please feud in their name, early,
a. we only engage enoagh to ran onr
kiln and no mom. Top price, paid for j
picking. Address J. A. REHKOPF,
Grants Pas, Oregon. '
Pattous Sunproof
Cramer Bros.
paint and lead ut
CA RTER Near Kcrby.
iyo.1. of trpnoid feter,
Angn-t 21,
Earl Carter.
CROW In Marin count. Cal..
Sunday, August 2 lu-H. John
Lewi. Crow, aged 57 yearx.
The deceased ws a brother of W.
M. Crow and Mrt St. Loois, Vf tlii.
county. Hi. death w caused from
con. amnion, from mliicli he had been
a .offerer for mnur time.
to Our Patrons
my entire stock of
I Hop Picker Wanted.
I Three hundred hop picker, wanted,
j Address John, Grant. Pass,
Furnished Rooms.
Furnished room, for reut conn
Third and E streets.
Mm, Gertrude Davis,
The Death Penalty.
A little thing sometimes molts in
death. Thai a mere .cratch, Insigni
llcant cot. or pony boil, hare paid
the death penalty. It is wine to hare
Bucklen'. A rules Salve ever handy.
It', the beat Salve on earth and will
prevent fatality, when Barns, Sores,
Ulcer, and Piles threaten. Only tx
at National Drag Store and Grant.
Pa. Pharmacy.
L. A. Strohle has charge of the shoe
Disking and repairing department at
the Locus harness .hop Take yoor
work to him.
Peopla They Come fend Go
From Day to Day.
Miss California Holt of Ashland
visited Grants Pass Friday.
E. E. Doubar was in town from
Wolf Creek Friday on a business visit.
J. T. Love started ol Moudav morn
ing by team for a business trip to
Crescent City.
Miss Delia Walker of Gold Hill
visited several days in Grants Pass
daring the week.
Miss Gertie Barrie is speudiug a
vacation in Portland, visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Hanua.
Mrs. A. E. Woods of Medford visit
ed here during the week with her
sister, Mrs. G. W. Colvig.
Mrs. Claude Riddle of Riddle is
visiting in Medford with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Isaacs.
Mrs. J. C. Campbell -went to Rose-
burg last week to visit with her
daughter, Mrs J. II. Booth.
Mr. aud Mrs. Dennis H. Stovall
went to Galioe Friday to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cousin.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Turner and
Robt. Leach, of Dalton, Mo., are
visiting relatives in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Howlnnd left
on Tne6dy for Portland whero they
will spend some time visiting.
E. A. Wado returned Wednesday
from Sail Francisco, where he was at
tending the G. A. R. encampment.
Hon. Geo. W. Colvig is carrying a
somewhat damaged hand, the result
of a Blight accident with a bicycle.
Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart of CreBwell,
Ore., returned last week after a visit
hero with their sou, V. N. Riuehart.
Wm. Broad and D S. Coulter, well
known mechanics of Medford, came
down to Grants Pasa Thursday even
Mri J. A. Slovcr is at Oakluid,
Cal.,.with her father, who lias been
very setloudy ill, but is now improv
Miss Lottie Little returned to
Medford last week lifter a mouth s
visit here with her sister, Mrs. J red
Mrs. M. F. Dulihou spent the past
week in Colestin with her daughters,
Mrs. H. W. Lyon and Miss Maude
Miss Rath Dean returned lust Wed
nesday evening from Ashland after a
visit with relatives nnd friends iu
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Riec have been
viisting lately in McMinville, with
Mrs. Rice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Vinton.
T. F. Rouvko caiuo in on Thursday
from his placer pruritics at Alt-
liouso. His family are still staying
at the niiuo."
Miss Opal Wliitu lias returned from
Ashland were she has been spending
some time at. tho home of hor father.
H. L. White
Fred Smith of the Courier force is
spending a two weeks vacation near
Albany, visiting with his sister, Mrs.
J. 8. Harbison.
Prof. T. A. Hnyes, lately of the
Southern Oregon stato normal school,
has been elected principal of the
Albany sonools.
The merry-go round of Mcintosh,
Alfred & Kessler is now located iu
Medford and will be in this city in
the near future.
Ed. Chiles is in town this week.
During tho past three months he lias
been one of the employes of tho
Granite Hill mine.
W. J. Strong of Waldo visited last
week with his sister, Mrs. J. R.
Rennics of Talent and left later for
Arago, Coos county.
J. M. Booth went to Colestin Sat
urday evening and visited over Sun
day with Mrs. Booth who was spend
ing a vacation there.
Mrs. Claus Schmidt and little
daughter returned last week from San
Francisco whero they had been visit
ing for several weeks.
John Waters of Placer is recovering
from the pistol wound inflicted by
himself and will probably be alsiut
again in a short time.
D. J. Law ton is making a business
visit to Idaho this week. Earlier in
the week he visited Keswick iu com
pany with H. C. Perkins
Herman Salonian, formerly a hotel
and saloon man of Ashland, was
drowned recently with three compan
ions in San Francisco bay.
Cadet Tho.. W. Hammond, of Ash
land, who hits been spending h is fur
lough at home, started Thursday even
ing on iiis return to West Point.
CaH MeCroskcy returned on Satur
day after an absence of some time
at Newport, where he was filling a
nosition fn a mcrcritile establish
Carl Marvin was iu town a day or
two last week from the Powells creek
mills. He will soon return to resume
his work in the Grants Pass h igh
W. S. Barrie started on Monday on
a business trip to his former home in
Canada, to look after pro rty inter
ests. He will be absent alout six
The family of James Hairarrivid
last week rom the east to rejoin Mr.
Hair, and have taken np their resi
dence in the Kurth dwelling mi C
J. W. York of Applegatc, who owns
18 si res oi bops, was hero Thursday,
looking for pickers. Operation. v. ill
begin about September lot. Southern
Oregon lan.
Mrs, L. M. Kane snd daughter
Stella returned on Thursday to San
Francisco after .pending the summer
visiting with relatives and friends in
Grant. Pass.
Calvin Harvey of Woodbory, Conn.,
is vi.iting frieud. in this city and
will remain here for two or three
weeks. He in on a sight seeing tour
of the coast.
Mrs. Smiley of Sundance, Wyoming,
is vlriting here with her sister Mrs
Fannie Andrew. Mrs. Andrew ex
pects to return with her sister to
make her home iu Wyoming.
H. L. Truax aud family are among
the Grants P-.iss people who are so
journing at Newport
Mrs. Ed Lister and Mrs. J. D. Fry
returned ou Tuesday evening after
spending several week at Crescent
Mrs. E. Hicks ud children went
to Gold Hill Wednesday to visit Mr.
Hicks who is engaged iu mining
Dr. R, E. Smith returned this week
from the Shovel creek springs after a
short visit of recuperation at that
Herbert Smith has goue td Portland
aud will spend some time at the hospi
tal. He has beeu iu poor health for
some time.
Mart Mullen returned this week
from Idaho after spoudiug the summer
there iu the employ of the Goldeu
Rule Mining Co.
Mrs. C. K. Root and children start
ed Monday evening - for Waitsbnrg,
Wash., to rejoin Mr. .Root and make
their homo at that place.
Miss Julia Huwitt started on
Wednesday evmiug for a three months
visit with i-i lathes and friends in
Minnesota and thu Dakota.
Mrs. J. M. Booth and Miss Ada
Smith returned on Tuesday evening
from Colestin, whero they have been
enjoying a season of camp life.
Mrs. C. C. Presley went to Port
land Friday evening to rejoin Mr.
Presley, who left a few days previous
ly, and visit for a time iu that city.
Geo. W. Wimer, tho well known
citizen of Waldo, was iu town this
week on his way to Crook county,
where he expects to mako his resi
dence in future.
Ed. Jordan, formerly ono of onr
well known young men, is here this
week from Eugene, where ho has been
located for several years past, visit
ing with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Telford of
Galena. 111., art- visiting here with
Misses Hattie and Eiuniu Telford, who
had not seen their brother for nine
years prior to this visit.
Floyd Patrick returned this week
from Oakland, Ore., whero he has
been in the photo business with Jose,
X. Nelson. He has sold his interest
ill tho business to Mr. Nelson.
J.C. P. Cramer and two sons, of
Omaha , are visiting hero with Ins
brothers, T. P. and Geo. Cramer.
Ti.ey arrived lust Wednesday evening
and will iniilio i two weeks visit.
Miss Carolyn Tinphlctto returned
Thursday evening from a two
weeks vacation at Colestin. She
visited a few days in Ashland on her
return, with Miss Agnes George.
J. M. John has been filling the posi
tion of assistant, iu tho Grants Pass
poBt ofilco miring the past week. Mr.
John is familiar with lwst ofilco work
and was tho first deputy post master
in Grants Pass.
Pr. and Mrs. S. K. Spalding und
Mr. aud Mrs. E. G. Ballou, of Ouiu-
ha, visited a few days iu Grants Puss
this week at tho homes of their form
er friends, L. L. Jewell and T. P.
and Geo. Cramer.
Mrs. D. L. Green went to Galice
Saturday to rejoin Mr. Green and her
laughters, Mrs. C E. Harmon and
Miss VAnio Green who are spending
several weeks iu a visit ol recuper
ation at the mine.
Miss Jessie Scovilln returned on
Saturday evening to Portland where
she is employed as nurse at the Port
land Sanitarium. She came in I rom
Kerby Friday and left for Portland
on the siiimi evening.
Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Hale Thompson
and John R. Harvey, of the Old Chan
nel Milling Co., arrived hero from
Cliicugo last week mid have been
looking over the. mining proTties of
the compurty at Gnlice.
Mr. and Mrs. (,'hauucey Unwound
Mr. and Mrs. ('has Myrick have re
turned from a trip to Crescent City
and went out to the Greenback mine
on Wednesday. Mr. Howe is head
inialgituiator nt the mine.
Rev. O. W. Black of Burns, Ore.,
the tirst pastor of the Baptist church
in this city, started Friday with his
family on his return to Burns, after
a weeks visit in Grants liss. Ihey
visit for n few days In Ashland on
the way.
Mrs. L. L. Jewell left on Monday
evening for e.n extended trip in the
east and will Is- absent about three
mouths. Shu will visit ut a iiiiiuIk r
of different places throughout the
eastern states and will go as far east
as Hartford, Conn.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kit :heii of Stay
ton started Friday evening ou their
return after visiting several days in
Grants Pass nt the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Hausi ii. Thev snipped over
at Gb nilale to visit their daughter,
Mrs. F. H. Bowcrsox.
Guy Gravlin of Grants Pass, arriv
ed the first of the week to ride for Ola
Peterson during the racing season.
Gravlin has been visiting the county
for the past four years with Dr. Ah
hot, the trainer, and is considered to
I a very comis-tcnt jockey Del
Norte Ki eord.
Mr. and Sirs. J. W. Ih skelt of Jef-
ferson City, nnd Mr. slid Mrs. (uiney
Blosser and Louis Blcscr of Suliie
county, Missouri, s lit several days
ill Grants Pass this wick visiting
with J. W. Baker and other relatives.
They are extremely well phased
with Grants Pass aud Southern Ore
ji.n and may decide to make their
permanent residence here. They
went to RoM-hurg Sunday evening and
will take a hunting trip out from
that town.
DON'T contract fur picking
money or sale until )on have seen
me, as I am after your trade first
last and all the time.
One Mock east of Western hotel
Grant Pass. Agent fur I.iilien
thall & Co., San Francisco.
Brtef Notes sxrtd Items of Interest
Dr. Flanagan, ,
Physician aud Dentist.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
Oliver Plows at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
Get Thomas prices on Refrigerators.
Malleable Ranges, a new line, at
Cruiurr Bros.
A splendid line of Koyal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's.
Strausky Steel Enamelled ware at
Cramer Bros.
Strohle 's shoo repairing always
pleases. Take your shoes to him.
New lot of Hunting Coats, Sholl
bags, Ride covers, etc. Cramer Bros.
See Joseph Moss for bargains iu
real estate. Ofllce opposite Josephine
For sale, cheap Second hand road
wagon. Apply at Trimble and Cook's
blacksmith shop
Nino lots ou Front street for sale at
half price. Call ou Joseph Moss, real
estato agent, for particulars.
I have a (1-foot show caso for sale
cheap; also a 12-foot table.
A. Letcher, Jeweler.
Love's Reverie," the newest pop
ular song and a beautiful production,
now ou sale nt tho Demareo Music
For first class bargains in real es
tate, see or write Attorney H. B. Hen
dricks Wright's Assay building,
Grants Pass.
Villon services were held at the
Presbytorlnii church Sunday evening,
tho sermon being given by Rev. Robt.
Leslie of tho Baptist church.
Will Loar, boii of Mrs. C. Loar of
Medford, was killed recently while
working nt tho Golden Nugget mine
near Harrison, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Niday now have
charge of tho Colonial lodging house
and are prepared to give first-class
lodging at prices to suit the custom.
Curtis & Co., practical watch
makers und jewelers. Dealer lu
watt-lies,, clocks, jewelry and Dia
mond rings. All repairing first class.
Odd Fellows' building.
When you want a physic that is
mild and geutle, easy to take and
certain to act, always nse Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
For sale by all druggists.
Isn't thut shoo a beauty? Just
think, paid only $2.r for tho pair
at Welchs' Closing-ont sale. It's a
Top-Round Regular '). BO shoe. Sold
the world over nt that price.
"Love's Dream," words nnd music
by Miss Esther Silshy, is one of the
most beautiful of tho later songs,
charming in sentiment nnd melody.
At the Demuree Musio House.
Clarence Black, formerly ono of our
well known young men, is now sole
proprietor of tho Crook County Journ
al, published at Prineville, having
recently purchased his lmrtncr's inter
est iu the paper.
Tho O. F. R. A. of McMinville
never had any connection with the
defunct Mutual Protective Associa
tion of Portland. The McMinville
has levied only cloven assessments
to jiay nearly 3IK) losses by fire. "
A pleasant party was given last
Tuesday evening by Mrs. J. E. Pat
rick, in honor of Miss Nora McDude
of Ashland. Mrs. Patrick nccom
aiiicd Miss McDade on her return to
Ashland Thursday, to visit for a few
The address of Geo. Estes, delivered
at the court house ou Thursday even
ing was attended by rather a small
audience. Mr. Estes is a good si'iiLcr
and delivered his remarks with
ability and force. Ho spoke from the
socialistic standpoint.
One of the best ball games of the
season In Southern Oregon, anil
probably the last game of the present
season, was played at Medford Sunday
Is'tWeeii the tenuis of Medford and
Jacksonville. The Jacksonville Isiys
retained tho championship in a well
plaved and closely contested game iu
which the score stood 4 to H.
For cooking fruit, Strauskr steel
ware is unXI.I). Cramer Bros.
Having returned from the outing, I
an Is- found at the old stand in
Grants l'ass Tailoring Co., store,
and I am prepared to do all line
watch, dis k and jewelry repairing.
new st's k of watches, dis ss,
jewelry, silvi
rings on hand.
rwiiro nnd diamond
(five me n call.
A. Letcher.
Wiiu lu ster,
Savage and
U i th e at Cramer Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. Sauk Bucll arrived
Monday from the l'ass with the re
main of their little daughter, Thel
ma, who had been ill a week with
hohra morbus. The funeral was
held Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bui II
ire well known hero where their
people aud a largo circle of iriends
live, undvho extend their Myuqiathy
to the bereaved parents Myrtle
Creek ( 'orrrsiioiidciice.
If you have any property to insure,
it is well to Is ar in mind thut the
Oregon Relief AsiuM iat ion, a strictly
juutual Ongon institution, will atTonl
you the best of protection at less than
Clio half the cost of stock couiistuics.
H.'i.Mio.iKiO iii force. Address or cal!
on Attorney JI. j:. Hendricks, at
Wright ' assay building, Sixth street,
Omul Pass, Agents for Josephine
County, or apply to F. If. Schmidt.
A pis ki t book, found on the bicycle
path on South
between liridge
side of Itogue river,
aud grove. Call at
this ofllce.
f.xcur.lon Rates to Yaquina Bay
On June lt the Southern pas tlii
Co. will resume sale of excursion tick
et, to Nowjort, and Vsqulna Bay.
Rate from Grant. Pass, I HI. This
popular resort ha. long Is -en well aud
favorably known to the people of
Western Oregon, and the low rate
offered should enable everyouo to take
an outing.
General Passenger Agent.
Some Impression of tho Excur
sionists From Portland
A member of" the Portland Crater
Lake party has given the Portland
Oregon iau tho following account of
their trip. After giving the person
nel of the party, ho says :
'It is probably tho merriest party
that has ever traveled over tho hills
to this great uatnral wouder of Ore
gon. Leaving rortlaud Aogunt 4tn
by the Southern Pacific, they wero
transferred to wagons at Medford, ar
riving at Crater lake ou schedule
time Saturday night, August S, with
tho exception of some freight. Tho
long ride through the cool, enticing
shadows of the yellow piuo forests
was brightened by sallies aud bou
mots without number, and the in
spiration of the uoble canyons of the
Roguo river, its waterfalls and mar
velous natural bridgo brought out
plaint, picturesque metaphors and
curious legeuils such as might well
become a permanent jiart of Pacific
coast literaturo.
Joaquin Miller was iu his hap
piest vein, his wit and fantasy find
ing fresh opportunity- to vent itself
at every turu iu tho road. Dr. Hill
was tho humorist of another wugou
loud, a jovial giaut, bent oil seeing
that everybody about him should get
tho best out of his vacation. Presi
dent Campbell, always a brilliant
rocoiiteur, kept up a perpetual laugh
at the other eud of tho cavalcade,
while Seuutor Fulton's shrewd humor
aud good sense gave the ueeded spice
of diversity.
At Eoglo Pointy 15 miles beyond
Medford, there was a cnnipflro that
will live long iu the memory of those
who were present, Tho whole country
side for miles around had assembled
to do honor to tho visitors, and the
stirring Intensity and lofty strain of
feeling shown in tho impromptu
speeches, together w ith much clever j
repartee, brought out ringing up-
plnusu from tho people of Eagle
Poiut. Joaquin Miller gave a sup-
perb tribute to Oregon for her part
iu the Indian wars, placing this stitte
before all othets iu thu Union for
tho bravo men sho gave and tho Ore
gon gnld sho coined for tho cause.
The battle of Table Rock was touch
ed upou with much druuiatiu feror
and vivid imagery a battle in which
sumo of those present had taken an
activo part.
A lively scramble down tiio uiossy
steeps of tho picturesque little water
fall ou tho country place of J. II.
Stewart, of Medford, was a feature of
tho next counip. This situation ill
tho heart of thu forest, tho charming
vistas and wild-wood glens causing
Joaquin Miller to exclaim that III'
ould not wish heaven itself to be
more dullghtful und entrancing iu Its
beautv. Tho rustio cottage with its
wide vernudus was tilled with
trophies of chaso and pine wood
curio. The campfiru talks inspired
by tho raro hospitality of tho owners
were quite as notable as at Eagle
At tho natural bridge, where Rogue
river disappears into tho living rock
to como out of its prison house a
foaming torrent, it wits found thai
the horses, although tho best obtain
able, wero not, quite equal to the
tusk of currying the generous load iif
tablu supplies provided by Mr. Steel
up thu mountain ou schedule tune.
This will explain why the company
of 27 people arriving at Crater lake
about sunset Sal unlay night, found,
ifter wait'lig two hours, that the
cook, with his supplies, was coeump
d nt the base of the mountain. This
necessitated a merry Hcraiuiile oi s
mile down thu mountain in the moon
light. But Sunday morning found all
cncumix'd in good sblisi ou the rim
of tho lake, engaged iu studying
thu marvelous changing tints of
water and risky ditf lis the sun
moved westward.
On Monday, August ID, a party of
alsiut ople, uudi r thu guidance
of C. . ii '. . ' 'ci'tile, vihn was
clif.unpcd near i.y, dimls-d Castle
mountain, which is PIM feet from
sea level, or 1000 leel aliovii till
camping ground. '
Home of T".
li Glibber I
Quito mi exciting ot cui n ui o hap
is tied at the home of E. B. Gabhert,
ou rsorlh hightli street In tins elf, u
few days ugo. Mr. Gabls rt wasavvay
from home nt the tlinu and Mrs. Gab
bcrt was engaged ill combing the
children's hair, when on looking
around, she discovered a large snake in
the risiiu. Tin reptile was making
himself completely at home and
seemed to thoroughly enjoy his sur
roiiuilings. One or the younger
children was playing on the floor iu
the immediate proximity of thesiiak
Mrs. Gablsrt rescued tin yoiiugslci
from the uiicomlortablo situation and
ailed ill a neighbor who forthwith
put an end to the reptile's career.
The snake had entered the sitting
room from the kiteliin and was just
bout to explore I he Isdlooni when
calamity overtook him.
How he entered the house is some
what of a mystery and the only rea
vuiiible explanation seems to be that
he was carried into the hous" in a
piece of rubber hose that the ehihlriii
had been playing with. It is supposed
that the reptile i rawhd inside the
I lose and Vtiis carried into the honse
with it. The nuke was of ihe variety
known a. tho " blow snake" and was
nearly four feet in length,
Boy Cured of Colio After Phytician
Treatment Had Tailed.
My boy when four yeurs old was
taken with colic and cramps in his
stomach. I m ut for the doctor und
he injected morphine, hut the child
kept getting wurs". I then gave him
half a tcusiKsiiiful i t ChaiLln rlniii's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
and iu half an hour he was sleeping
and soon recovered. F. L. Wllklns,
Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins is
book ke i r for the Shell Ijike Lum
ber Co. For sale by all druggists.
Wc Submit Our Case to
That Incorruptible Jury
Gentlemen of the Jury Men of Gran's Pass:
We have given considerable testimony as to the merits of our
clothing to the exclusiveness and variety of our stock to the
miduration of our prices-to the conscienctious eare with which we
endeavor to serve our patron's best interests.
Our witnesses arc the hundreds of uilu of Grants Pass
who tire wearing our clothing, 'and praising our business
methods. i;
To you, the Court of Public Opinion, we submit our
The Verdict will be rendered
Yellow Jackets Hold City Lo-ws
In Contempt.
All enterprising colony of yellow
jackets hnvo made a homo lu tho
middle of tho sidewalk at tho juiio
ti,, nf Seventh and D streets. As a
result, pedestrittiilsm iu that part of
town is not altogether devyld of ex
citement. Tho small Doy. or mo
neighborhood havo declared war on
the insects and the contest Is now on,
with tho victory doubtful.
Advertised Letters.
Following i the list of letters ro-
mining uncalled for 111 tno uraiiis
Pass postotllce, Saturday, Aug. il,
lima :
M J Teach. Walter A Hull (),
,1 I) Havdeii,
W S Howard,
(Iny C 11 in I us,
dene Ootf,
Frank L Smith.
K. Harmon, P. M.
li Truesdale,
Account tlui Oregou Statu Fair,
which will bo hold at S tie in, Sept.
Ilth, IMh, Kith. ITtli, lHtli, and l'Jth.
Reduced rates will lie In effect from
all statlous to Fair Grounds, and ro-
turii. W. E. COM AN, U. P. A.
End of Blltor Fight.
Two physicians had a long aud
stubborn light with an abscess on my
right lung" writes J. F. Hughes of
of Dul'ont, tin. "and gavo mu up
Everybody thought." my time hud
come. As a lust resort i trieu ur.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. The benefit I received was
striking and I was on my feet in a
few days. Now I've entirely re
gained my health," It conquers all
Coughs, Colds and Throat aud Lung
troubles. Guaranteed by Nationul
Drug Store mid Grants Pass Phar
macy. Prlco BOc, nnd . tl.OO. Trial
Isiltlo flee.
Situation wanted by experienced
ook, nnd wife to help with work, in
mining or logging camp, for M or !H)
men. Long Job, statu wages paid
and local it v. Address Lock box 2()H,
llairisburg, Ore.
At l'at ton Hop yard, two miles west
of Grants l'ass. Hops heavy,
or write J. E. Weldman.
Bought that suit for f.dJ.'i at
Welch's Closing out sale. "Other
stores are asking flft for the same
AlVoorhies -
It uui mum All dt liui. Q
Li Best J nytt Sjrup. "'""I- C" CI
II A It T II & SO N.
Grants Pass, Ore.
Schoolhou.e and Baptist Church
Nearly Completed.
The new Baptist church presents
almost a completed exterior appear
ance. It is a very liaudsomo building
and a credit to the organization that
lias erected it. It is a much better
building than the old church that
was destroyed by fire.
The now school honso is progressing
rapidly. The roof is now being laid
mid tho building is lathed. It will
be ready for occupancy about the first
of September.
The brick work of the Ilausen-iwo
story building on Frolit street is com
pleted. '
The Thornton brick on Sixth street
is now. progressing rapidly after a lit
tle delay consequent to a'slight alter
ation of tho plau for the front
Among the uow dwellings now in
construction are those of A. II. Lewis
on upper Sixth street and of O. Ran
ford on the Gilkey tract
f or Sale.
Restaurant, a good business for the
money invested. Enquire at this
ofilco for lairtlnuiars.
September 14-19. 1903
Tho greatest Exposition and Live
Slock Show on the l'a
cllle Coast.
High Class Itaelng every afternoon
$12,000 Cash Premiums
on live stock and farm product.
All exhibits hauled free over tho
Southern Pacific.
Reduced transportation rate, on all
Livo Stock Auction Sale
held lu connection with fair.
Fine cuniplnif grouud frou and nf
iliui'd rates on campers llcKcls
Coiiin and hrlni; your lam
ilvs. For further in
formation, write
M. D. Wisdom, Secretary
Portland, Oregon.
All Kinds from the
Brownie to F.P.R.
$1.00 to $75.00.
: - Photo Dealer