Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 27, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    fiOuUK RIVER COURIER, RANT'S PASS, OkfcCdtf, AUtit'sf If, iJ.
Published Evary Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
On Year, in r dvance,
Hit Months, ...
Tbres Months, ...
Hingis Copies,
II. M)
Advertising Races
FtirnUhed on application at the olllce, or
vj mtu.
Otiituaries and rroIiiltjii9 of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line
cam ol thanks out.
A. E. VOORHIES, Pnoi-R. & Mnor
Entered at the post office at Grants Fas,
Oregon, as secoiiuclas mail waller.
The scrips of races for the American
cop, between Linton's challenger,
Shamrock III and the defender, K
llanee, is now on. Thai fur the
American bout lias shown a decided
superiority and it seems certain that
the result of the races will be the
same as of tho previous occasions
in which contests for the cap have
taken placo.
Lou Dillon, a California trotter, is
now the world's champion and bus
made a new trotting record, a niilo in
two ruinates flat. It is not man;
years ago that sportsmen gave it as
their opinion that tho two niinnte
niark could never bo reaohod by a
trotter. Lou Dillon made tho lust
qaarter in 2'J seconds.
Tho present condition by which the
army is commanded by a chief of
staff, who is directly subject to the
secretary of war, is one that will
make all sorts of trouble for us if we
should ever engage again in a serious
wnr. The regulation is well enough
perhaps, in time of peace, but in war
time, when errors are costly, we
should soon find ont the disadvantage
of having the army Iiatniiered and im
peded by bureaucrats and politicians
instead of being commanded by war
riors. "A mustache protects the eyesight
It is only mon with smooth shuveu
. lips, in nine cases oat of ten, who ro
quire to wear glasses," says the
' Phi IiIm Riwwirrl This utmnafi
statemeut was made the other day by
u occalist. "Thero are certain deli
cate little optio nerves," ho went on,
"that are connected with the upjior
lip, and every time tho lip is shaved,
the uerves are hurt. A light shave
with a good razor, hurts them only a
little. A close shave hurts them very
much. Since theso nerves are in di
rect comniunlciit Ion with tho eye,
whatever they suffer, tho eye suffers,
and that is why when the razor hurts
the lip, such a Hood of tears comes
gushing forth. Ilccauso it is fashion
able today to have tho Hp shaven, the
wearing of glasses niiinng men has in
creased, lint notice some time the
men with mustaches, and you will see
that not mituy of them have weak
eyes. ' '
The city council held no meeting on
Taeiday ovenlng, the reason for the
failure being that old, well worn and
thoroughly familiar condition, "no
quorum." Two of tho cooucilmoii
were out of towu and under the ex
isting conditions this is all that is
necessary to block all proceedings.
It takes live for a quorum. When
there Is a full council of eight mem
bers, a quorum is almost always ob
tainable. Now, when there are but
si I members, a quorum seems to be
ail exceptional occurrence. The
council makes no move toward filling
tho vacancies and it Is well under
stood that no such Intention is en
tertained. Yet the majority of the
council, we understand, are in favor
of filling the aucaclcs. They are re
strained from any action by the min
ority, who, having the power to
block ull the city business, are able
to dictate terms in some measures to
the entire council. Unless the citi
seus luanifust their displeasure l
this coursu by mandamus proceedings
or some like measure, this is the con
rlltlon that will prevail to the end or
the year.
As the anniversary of the disastrous
forest fires of last year approaches,
the subject comes to tho front mid the
newstmpcrs, not only of Oregon, but
of many other states are discussing
plans for iiilnlmiring this dunger.
The failure of present methods to ac
.'oniplUh their purpose Is admitted
everywhere, but the remedies advanc
ed are few. To increase the penal
ties for setting out fires, is the only
improvement that seems capable of en
tering the minds of the greater num
ber of the legislators. An Individual,
if he has a timber tract, that he is ex
ceptionally anxious to protect from
the flames, will go around at the
pnqicr season ami sot tire to the
brush lieiijis and iutlamiiiable ac
cumulations, and mi will place lib
property in some degree of safety.
Why some similar plan to tnis cannot
enter the minds of tlume who look
after the interests of a common
wealth, and receive at least consider
ation, is one of the unsolved enigmas.
Duncan Slew&rt Honrs Dad New s
and Shoots Himself.
Particulars of the suicide of Hun
can Stewart, of Astoria, ut Ager,
Just over the California state line,
hist Friday, have Iiccu received.
Stewart was engaged in the employ
of the Southern Pacific railroad coin
liny as timekeeper of a gang ol
Oruek lalsircrs employed in laying
new steel across the Siskiyous be
tween Ager and Jloruhrook, and hail
only beeu ou duty a day or two when
he received some bad uews from home
by mail. He was greatly depressed
by it, and the next tiling that war
known he had secured a rihV, seclud
ed himself, and, placing the inutile In
his mouth, pulled the trigger with
Ills toe. The charge blew the top ol
his head off. An inquest was held,
and the remains were forwarded to
relatives of the unfortunate uiuu al
If you do not get Shoes to
suit you, try the Red Star
Shoes that wear sold at
Moderate Prices.
No Water for Washlnj nnd 1. Idle
to Drink.
Hcppucr, which attracted such
widespread sympathy and attention
because of a cloudburst that swept
away a lurgo part of its population,
is again stricken. This time much
inconvenience to tho people and suf
fering to animals are being muted by
water famine. The pump at the
water works broke several days ago,
and cannot bo repaired unlil the
lrts aro secured from Chicago. In
tho meantime water for drinking
purposes is being hauled long dis
tance, and Is apsirtioned out in the
smallest possible iiuiihtitiot There
is absolutely no water with which
ooplo may wasli their faces, and
animals are turned loose to hunt
pools in which to slake their thirst.
This condition of affairs is work
ing a forloiis Inconvenience to the en
tire population of the town.
Phyiicisne and Druggiits.
Ford & Sturgeon, a prominent drug
firm at Rocky Hill Station, Ky.,
writes: "Wo were requested by Dr.
U. I). Suigley to send for Ilorhine
for the benefit of our customers. We
ordered three dozen in December, and
we are glad to say, Herbine has
given such great satisfaction that wo
have duplicated this order three
times, and today we gave your sales
man another order. We beg to say
Dr. O. 1). Hnigloy takes pleasure in
recommending Herbine." flOe bottle
at Mover's Drug Store.
Welchs' s ('losing (jut sale.
mm n
Of all Summer Goods
Consisting of
Dress Goods
Shirt Waists
Crash Skirts
Lace Gloves
Children's Straw Hats
And several other broken lines
and odd lots
siioks iti:msiii; ;oois.
How land-Cook Mine lliti Com
pleted the Season's Clean Up.
The Hydraulic Mining Co. on iips r
.Tutiip-olt Joe completed their clean up
last week and closed down for the
season. The result of the season's run
was very satisfactory The mine has
hud a good long run this year and has
cleared a considerable amount of bed
rock The wilier supply, coming from
so close to the snow rosei uiir of Hie
hig'i mountains, keeis i.p until late
in the siuson mid is one of the pecu
liar advuuiuges which this provrty
enjoys. The void is course mid of
excellent ipiality, Ihe ground is not
deep and thc"iy" lii s close to the
Ik drock. This proiierty is ditcctly on
the line between Jackson and Jose
phi lie counties and belongs to both.
Mining Delegates
Governor George K. Chiunh. rlaln
has announced the itplxiiiitn.cnt of the
billowing as delegates to represent
Oregon at the American Mining t'on
gre to be held at lhadwivod, S II,
next mouth : F. V. ltruke, John T.
Grayson, T. K. Muir, 1'hilipS. llat.s
ami Clark Tuber, of Portland; G. W.
McCoy, Albert Geiser mid A. J.
Punting, of linker City; John C.
U'W is, and J. V. Virtue of 1-hind;
S. W. t'oiiiiilU, nt Suinptcr; Arthur
Conk I ill, of Grants Phss; C. A
Keames. Jacksonville ;Charles K. lied
Held, lleppuer.
A. K Voorhies Photo Supplies.
Star Store.
Thrown From &
r Near Upton,
Friday, Headmaster Weihmd, of
lloruhrook and Section Foreman
liird, of Hlsson, anil 1'ctcr Sehultz,
who is making the pump connections
for the oil lank in Ashland, while
traveling on the rouilmasler's gasoliue
velocis-de, were derailed near Upton.
Tho accident occurred sometime
afternoon at "signal one" about half
a mile the other side of Upton. Tie
machine was going at a high rale of
sliced, when, ill rounding a cnrvi
there, it left the track.
All three were badly bruised and
hurt, but Wieland is Hie only one
whoso injuries are serious. The
machine fell on li i tn and it is reported
he only gained consciousness next
morning. He was spitting blood and
it was feared he is badly injured in
tcriinlly. lie was taken to ttisson
where the company has an emergency
physician, and the section foreman
also went there, which is hi home.
Hchallz returned to Ashland Friday
night. His nose is bully skinnid mid
he received oilier bad contusions.
Watch for a Chill.
However slight at this lime of the
year and in this climate, it is the
forerunner of malaria disposition
to yawn, and an all tired out feeling
even comes before the chill. Heroine,
by its prompt stimulative action on
the liver, drives the malarial germs
nut of tli i system, purillcs the blood
tones up the svstem and restores
I health, fillc at Shiver's Drug Store.
August Wenthei Indulges In
Surprising Antics.
The rain that fell on Friday night
and Saturday was one of the newt
welcome occurrences that have visited
this district for some time. The rain
was ipiite a soaking one ami the toids
have shown the improving ciVci ts of
M for the dust was becoming deep and
I i iHiblc-.ome. The
etV i t of the lain w
of the finest tin s,
plished thoroughly
district. The smoki
and the air atlei
most pleas int
s the eliuiinitioii
w lii. li it ace.-m.
us regards this
has eh aied away
' the r.iiu was
beautifully clear and witha frch,
crisp (italily that would seem to he- '
long rather to October than to Augn-t. j
Several lively showers fell during 1
Monday night and an exceptionally'
heavy shower ecu ind on Tin sdar.
The air lulled surpi isingly cold for i
midsummer and the
hi Us in u manner v
w inter.
fg bung on Ihe
ry suggestive of
! Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Folk,;1
Ky . savs she has prevented attack,
of cholera morbus by taking I Vimls r- ,
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
when h,. elt an ult ick coming or. !
Such attacks are UMiallv caused by
indigestion and these Tablets are just
what is needed to cleanse the stomach 1
ami ward off the approaching attack. '
Attacks of bilious colic may Is.
prevented ill the sain; w.iy. For sale
by ull druggist.
. .. . , .
fce oorhies about kodaks and Siieehes
Kleeman Ventured Too Far
And Lost His Life.
Friday about 11 o'clock, William
Kleemauu of Portland, was drowned
while surf-bathing off the ocean beach
at Nye creek near Newport in full
view of a thousand horror-stricken
j snd exi-iti d spectators. The surf was
light and the enjoyment of riding
over the swells tempted the young
man to venture out too far from shore.
He soon became exhausted and cried
for help, which was at once promptly
-responded to by C. A. Burden, pro
fessor of physical caltare at the
University of Oregon, Eugene, and
Mr. Hush, of Salem.
They succeeded in reaching Klee
man. llurdcn taking hold of his
ami ou one sido and Bush putting his
hand ou Kleemuu's shoulder, they
made heroic and desperate efforts to
make the shore but tho current seem
ed to set otf shore, and they could
make little or no progress; They
continued, however, to struggle and
encourage the now almost helpless
young man, until they, too, becoming
exhausted from their fearful exertions,
were conis-lled to give up their tusk
and battle for their own lives witli
the tremendous current
While the three men were fighting
bravely for life in the surf, others
renhed to the bathhouse for life-preservers
and lines. In tho quest for
lines much precious time was lost.
Several pieces found were fastened
together, and one end taken by Kent,
of the lifesaviug station, who swain
with it toward the drowning youth,
while, to lengthen the line other
bathers joined hands and formed a
human life-line extending into tin
surf as far as wifely could srmit.
lint even with the human extension
ihe line proved about SO feet too short
to reach the doomed man. Dr. Wal
lace, of Albany, Mr. Kegal, E. L.
Karr and K. J. Ueardien, of Oregon
City, C. D. Hare, of Portland, and
S. li. Houston of Hillsboro, made
noble efforts to rescue Kleemauu, but
before they could reach him ho went
low n and was seen no more.
Granite Hill Machinery Is Re
moved to the Mine.
Tho big boiler for the Granite Hill
mine wus loaded on a heavy wagon ou
Thursday and on Friday, drawn by
night horses, started for the mine.
The knowing ones prophesied that the
quipugo would come to grief on the
steep pitches mid sharp curves with
which the lmse creek road abounds.
While the removal was attended with
some dilliciilty and delay, no serious
trouble was experienced and the boiler
was ou the ground Sunday evening.
I he rest of the machinery was moved
with less difficulty.
A new ledge, 11 feet wide ami car
rying gooil values, was discovered last
week in running a drift. It is paral
lel to the vein of the Granite Hill
proper and the discovery Is an import
ant one,
ecvjliar Accident Which
pened to John Frink.
Whilo out hunting a few days ago,
says the (.iregoniau, John Flink, a far
mer residing near Amlioy, Clark
county, Washington, stumbled and
11 upon his shotgun. The gun
was cocked, but although the hummer
lesceniled the wcaiiou was not dis-
harged, for between the iicn-nssioii
cap of the old muzzle-loading affair
ind the hammer, Fliuk's noso wus
aught, breaking the bone of tho nose
mil tearing tlirtugh the flesh in such
:i manner as to disfigure the unfor
tunate hunter's nasal organ for life.
n was bioiight to this city and taken
to the Good Samaritan Hospital,
where, under a doctor's care ho is
rapidly recovering.
Ward Cr&wford Thrown From
Illcycle &nd Severely Hurt
Ward Crawford was the victim of
verv troublesome accident on Tues-
lay bile riding into town from our
of the mills on the Applegate. He
was riding ou a " blind" road and
suddenly ran into a deep rut while
under a good head of speed. Ho was
throw n off w ith violence, striking ou
his b it shoulder, brcakiug one of the
bout s ut the shoulder joint. The in
jury is unite a troublesome one and
he w ill lie iiicuaeitatcil from work
for some time to come.
Ulendale Items.
Mrs. Scth I'ptou of Wolf Creek,
visited l'r. and Mrs. liowcrsox Fri
day. Mr). O. Clarke and daughter Jcane
visited several days last week ut
Colestiu Springs, a famous summer
result in the Siskiyou mountains.
The S. P. strain shovel gang expicts
to ui rive here this week from Siski
you, and will siviul Ihe licit couple
ofmciilhsat work between Glciidale
and Wolf Creek.
Mr and Mrs. J. li. Nail have sold
their farm ou Williams i'reck. Jose
phine county, and have cott.c to Gleu
d.ile to sioinl tin' huhiucc of their
lavs, llieir son, Charles T. , th
merchant, will
ut once hoi hi u neat
eottage for them,
a lot Hear the
school house. Another son, William
- rSi'"' ''"W "I"""" William.
1 r''''1" " ,,l,u"1 wl" ,,M'I,!" ""'
l. and Mis. J. M. Kitchen of Slav-
ton, parents of Mis. Bowersox and
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bowersox, ot
Salt m, the former a brother of Dr.
Bowoisox, visited their relutives in
Gieinlalo this week. Dr. Kitchen and
w ife " will also visit rvlativcs iu
Grants Pass Wfon- returning home.
Dr How etsox and his brother hunted
deer a couple of day on upper Wiudy
Creek, w ith w hat success we have not
, ,
Reduced Fere for Visitors to the
Setvslde and Mountains.
The Southern Pacific Company has
placed on sale at very low rates round
trip tickets to the various resorts
along its lines, and also, iu connect
ion witli the Corvallis & Easteru
Railroad, to Detroit and the seaside at
Vaqoina Bay, latter tickets good for
return until October 10th.
Three day tickets to Yaqaiua Buy,
good going Saturdays, returning Mon
days, are on sale at greatly reduced
rates from all ints Eugene and
North on both East and West Side
Lilies, enabling people to spend Sun
day at the seaside. Very low round
trip rates are also made between Port
bind and same points on the Southern
Pacific, good going Saturdays, return
ing Sunday or Monday, allowing Port
land people to sjH-ud Sunday iu the
country ana tho out of towu people
to have the day iu Portland.
Tickets from Portland to Yuquinu
Buy good for return via Albany and
ICast Side, or Corvullis and West Side,
at option of passenger. Baggage
checked through to Newiiort. A new
feature at Newport this year will be
an up-to-date Kiudeigurteu iu charge
of au experienced Chicago toucher.
A beautifully illustrated booklet
describing tho seaside resorts on
Voi u ina Bay has beeu published by
the Southern Pacific and Corvallis &
Eastern Railroads, and can be secured
from any of their agents, or by ad
dressing W. E. Coman, O. P. A., S.
P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone,
Manager C. & E. Ky., Albany, Ore
Leland Sittings
Our rain has jiassed off now. We
ire having nice sunshiny weather
Quite un influx ol lower Gruve
Creek people are in town to lay in
their supplies.
The buy crop is good on Grave
creek. A. A. Porter, sliiiii.'d a car
loud of hay to the Pass last week aod
got a good prico for it. Others here
have a large amount of hay to sell
We are having a nice easy rain It
will stop the forest fires, also will be
bciieticial to the range, as grass was
beginning to dry up. People who hud
beeu irrigating, can now take a rest.
Iu going down Grave crnek one day
last week, the writer saw a man
coming up tho creek. He was desirous
of entering into a conversation. He
said ho was a German, although he
talked good English. He said he was
looking for a location for a colony.
Being a man of loisurt , with plenty
of means, he was taking observations
regarding the people of Oregon. He
traveled through the country learning
the ways of the people. In some
houses hu finds people of great intelli
gence. There, he says, on tho table
will be found the Rogue Kiver Cou
rier, the Oregon ian, the Call, also
some farm papers. At other houses
he says, 'he finds light literature.
With tho last named people he could
not enter into disccssiou for the pco
plo were not posted, reading novels.
also cheap story papers. He wishes to
marry an American girl but so far as
his observation goes, ho thinks he
will go back to Minnesota or Win on
sin, as those people seem to bo men
industrious, more like tho people in
Germany. He says as soon as the
girls in the states get their kitchen
work done and Bit 'down, then they
take up their knitting, comprising
socks and mittens for the family.
Here he says the parents go to the
stores and bny all such things. Then
again he says buck iu the states he
sees grown girls working in the gar
den, as a rale the gardens nre free
trom weeds. Here, he savs, the weeds
predominate. He wants to know
what we could raise here ou a farm.
I told him we could raise anything
here that could be raised anywhere,
even to raising mortages, ou FCtnt
farms, but some farms could propagate
mortages hut could not raise them.
He said "as you hnve beeu here a
long time I would like to come np to
your ranch and see you and have a
further talk with vou. " I told him
I would like to give him more infer
illation. So perhaps next week will
have more to write regarding llii
German gentleman. Wide Awake.
Merlin Items.
Miss Abbie StackHile of Leland, i
a v isitor in our towu.
J. P. Mc( onnell made a trip
Grants Pass last week.
aiu Crow was in Merlin Sunday
after a few weeks absence.
The early peach ucking is jnst
tin i shed iu the orchards in (his vicin
ity. Miss 7.cnti Chapman of Grants Pass
has been the guest of the Missis
Frier, the past week.
Mrs. Jordan, uccumiuuied by In r
son, Ed, of Cohurg, made Ashland a
visit Ihe first of the week.
We had a very plcusant tain one
night last week, which cleared awny
the smoke, and made everything seem
like spring.
Sunday school w ill bo organized iu
ihe new Baptist chnrt h next Suuduv.
after which Dr. Leslie of Grouts
Pass w ill preach.
Wilderville Notes
MeCaiiu lost a vuluubh
J. C.
,'OW lull
We are having tine sbo
1 ast few days.
Harvey McColluin is ou the sick
list the past few days.
Mr Rogers preached at the Wilder
ville church Sunday lust.
The meat wagon makes its weekly
trip' through our little village and
carries the best of meat
.Charles McCamt und wife and Mrs.
K rick sen und Miss Emilia McCunn
have n turned from the coast.
James Hocking and family are eu. j
hying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. j
Frislne from Kansas, their daughter
aud son-in-law. ;
Shipping Ice
The water company is busily ship-'
ping ice nd a number of car loads
have Neil sent out this week. The
most of the fee has goue to Medford.'
Ashland aud other valley points
where it is being used iu shipping
, My p'""n tntMv pinl",
Chiropodist and Dtirmntologist Institute
Guarantees to cure gO
KOKT and HA I:
;i VVJ 1 113
Will aU'i cure Ihe ollimile can't of PimfJct, Jllnrkknutt
1'recUt and Wrinkle; no MalUr knr deep ihey lie.
One Application of my medicine will remove j,, Birthmarks
or Kuperfious Hair without injuring the moi-t delicate skin.
Okpii r. Hocks:
'J n. m. to 12 m., 1 to b, 7 to 8 p. in.
How the De.ys Creek Swino
Rustle for Livelihood.
Floyd Patrick has a very interesting
snap shot photo which he caught near
Days creeJt, Douglas county, showing
a hog iu the net ot milking a cow.
This is one of the things which a per
son often hears of, but seldom sees.
The cow wears a iuiicnt- though
wearied expression while the attitude
of the hog is that of euterprising
-Oregon Information Bureau
Among the newly arrived curiosities
at the Oregon Information Bureau at
the Terminal Dejiot is a stuffed sieci
menof a two headed kid, presented by
a friend who lives near Forest
Grove. Simples of new grains from
Washington have also arrived. These
past few days many Eastern visitors
have called at the bureau for infor
mation about Oregon to give to their
friends wle n they go buck East, and
they did not seem to be souvenir hunt
ers, either. Over Mi visitors called
last Friday, and the secretary shook
hands and talked w ith each one.
They took with them 'a good bunch of
literature advertising Oregon, aud
said iu parting that they hud beeu
pleased. with their visit to California,
but that they saw better scenery in
Oregon mid were better treated here
The Wilderville Discord.
We are iu receipt of a communica
tion from Rev. Joseph Sams iu regard
to the Wilderville epbode. He places
the matter iu another light than does
Mr. Robinson's statement as he says
that the road in question wus outside
of Robinson's fence and that he bud
permission from Wugner to pass
through his held. Mr. Sams story of
the light also differs very materially
from that given by .Mr. llobinson.
Our spice is too 1 i in i toil to publish
the letter iu full, especially as we feel
that rather ton much space bus been
devoted to this subject tilreudy.
Tanglefoot Fly Paper,
Sure Kill Fly Fa per,
"Vampire" Spiral Fly
Orange Front, opposite Opera House
Sells Drugs.
Welch's closing out sale
is the place to buy.
More Fun
than a box of monkeys.
SloverOruo Go.
Front Street.
Field and Garaen
Seed in Bulk.
W'bile nml Yellow KicM Com.
Sugar Corn, Pop Corn.
Alialu, Timothy. Red ami White
t. iuvcr.
Peas. Hearts, Onion, Carrot.
Also tegular package seeds.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Sva Million koirj told bi past 13
Itditi cin be Treat LI Their Homei
Bunions, Ingrowing Toenail.
Sweating of the Feet. Chilblains, cb;.
Grants Pass, Ore.
Wanted, a chambermaid ; 'miuireut
Hotel Laytou.
Seven miles west of Grants Puss.
Apply to Mrs. M. Ranzau.
See that hat? It's a "Stetson "
Bought it at Welch's Closing out
sale, for $3.50. Always paid t- for
them at other stores.
Puts an End to It All.
A grievous wail oftimes conies as a
result of unbearable pain overtaxed
organs. Dizziness, Backache, Liver
complaint and Constipation. Rut
thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills
they put nn end to it all. They ure
gentle but thorough. Try them.
Only 2.M Guaranteed by National
Drug .Store and Grants Pass Phar
macy. pRKD'KD. STRICKER, M. D.
Masonic Temple, Room 9,
Office hours: Grants Pass,
II tO 12 A. M.
2 lO 4 P. M. OltliGON.
A largo working library has bcen added; the physical and
chemical laboratory has been fully equipped ; a new g.vniiiiisiuin
building is being creeled, and n large mid hundsouiu n-hool
building is Hearing completion. The school grounds uie beauti
ful and picturesque. The health conditions lire of the best, the
social environment is puie nnd stimulating-; the course of study
bus been strengthened nnd made more practical. The faculty
has been increased in number nnd tho school is now equipped to
do work of the highest order.
This school bi longs to Southern Orcgi 11. It desires and
merits the pntronnge of tlie people of this great section. Kor
catalogue, uddress
BENJAMIN V, Ml'I.KKY, President,
Ashland, Oregon.
C II. Thouiiis, Secretary.
7:: i'-f-
I" ' 1 r -.-.- r-
Grants Pass Pharmacy
To Cure a Cold in One Day
mis signature, vl.
Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of a
"I am just op from a hard spell 0f
tho flux" (dystenteryj says Mr. T. A.
Piuuer, a well knowu merchant of
Drumiuond. Tenn. "T ntu-H ni. w...e.
-. - ...... uun
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera am)
Diarrhoea ttemcdy und was cured
without having a doctor. I consider
it the best cholera medicine in the
world. " There is no need of employ,
inga doctor when this remedv ia
for no doctor can prescribe a better
medicine for bowel complaint iu any
form either for children or adults. It
never fails and is pleasant to take.
For sale by all drugists.
FArM St!" SALE-two miles from Mer-
house and ham and about 50 acres under
inn c, iii-iumo cm mud suusiiie for orchari'
r iifistnrn. Vni furl-1... .
. . . I'orueuiurs -
dros . SI. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
360 f fr,u.U Hni . t":k raI"1'. 3,'i mil,-,
uu" from (irants Pass, lui, fenced fi)
cleared' 111 in Orcliuid, fair huililinis J,oo1
fruit soil, plenty of water and timhe'r and
the best outside stock runge in Josephine
County. Price f5 00 per acre, part cash
fall at ranch on Jones ireek or uddress
Mrs. A. H. Che-amore, Mcdfurd, Ore.
200 M'1K ranch, good prune and
'"- apple orchard, small fruits in
ahundance; water for irrigation, beside
springs on every 40 acres; center of a good
range country; two dwelling houses, hig
ham, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good minimi markets, one
liult mile north of Tunnel 9, pi ice $2,.X)0.
Inquire at this oihce.
Going Camping?
You will need a stove tho kind
witli asbestos lining and cast iron
top is tho best. 1 have them ut sur
prisingly low prices, also .the sheet
iron Btovcs.
Tents in all weights aud aft sizes
nt less than elsewhere.
1 have a big stock of new ami
seconn-hand goods everything you
can think of. Let me show you.
' Wixtli Wt !.
Preserve Your Clothing
and Woolens
Hy first brushing them thoroughly
and hanging them iu the open air and
sunlight for 8 or 10 hour, wrap them
tightly iu tar paper with some ot
our reliable moth proof preparntiou.
aud if kept iu a tight drawer, chest
or closet, moths cannot aud w ill not
iujure them. We curry a full line of
tar and turine paper, camphor balls
cedar, camphor, etc.
National Diag Store
Curat Grip
In Two IXsyx
o every
SS. JCrzns box. 25c