Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 13, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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IT 'f M
Tbir frirndahip Ugtn in th eirly inji
of the wirelrw teleRraptiy demonstration
bjr Marconi. Th only two of larire com- (
pnr o grabbling students who agreed ;
Un the genuineness of eertaiu auiipl of wUt
and euraeation, Parker and llrivoiirt drift-
d apart f rom tl,. .coffer, ami cn.incnccd
to knit from th. tangled imiienal. uf their
dream, their speculation, and tru-ir oddly,
different teniperarnenla, that uueer but un-
alterable friendahip which emlureil without ,
break till limir Parker died. They lieeam
a bnlliiit,'j )A5rieT'inV njfi t Nt ram
ification f bienc, ai'.ctit, imeparable, and
mutually aelf-sacrificiiig.
tirevoort'a room w th front half of an
old loft on the fourth door nf a atore build
ing juat beyond the university aettleinenl,
and I'arker lived in a aort of eenti y Iiui in
tH tiiwer of a Mat building alaiut a mil
aciuth in a direct line from lireeoort'a plae.
Parker waa fttuilymg law and nil triend waa
in the junior niediral clau, but nejtrier of
them cared for rank or atamliiiK, pieferring
lo purau knowledge along thus dtvioue,
raftering trail that lint lure th utidiaci
plind minda of a.ll imaginative Undent.
Parker, who had a knack of modeling in
clay, et up a aort of udio in one corner of
llroort'a barn-lik room, and tlicr th
two friend apnt niot of tltcir indoor leia
nr., studying, anioking, chattily, esperi
menting. llreeuort in tim came to b a
luor deatrou sculptor than hi iricnd and
hia room bteam populou wiUi arorv of
ntara dt't artistic and accural piaster
Th. I-ord know jut how they trted
or how tar thy got into the probing of th.
myateriaa of mciiul radiation, 'Incy wr
in th habit of walking together for Iwure
along th. lake abort or in tn paik in ulent
cnnveratiuii, o lo apeak, earn win hie
keen mind hisd upon th otiier, earn bnt
noon uniieitiiu without word audi ninpl
nieMagea a ling-lit reach the other' fallow
oficiouaiiea. Tlln they ilinctiVi-lcil, or
thought so, tbn thep. soundleM wnve of
thought alwny icmed to tiavt-l I e,it when
excJiao)Hil wniNythey laced each oti tr with
dark t" mvth or knith. That ai Kin 'cd th.
'V idea of iicVtijieniiieiit, and ve;y aooa
Parkar jxi hllitati durwer towrr iuni-it th.
north and lirvvoorl in the eoulii window of
Juaxtiokery war, radiating anort uiciaagea
liiat had no meaning biyoud th undent
,lbl prKif of all their pri vioul luriniwa.
Hut when th rnrd g'it wind of the
T1' Weird doing! they iKgitn lo worry th
,,, : friends, lirevoort waa pnsif aiinniat th
young women, nut 1'aikrr, wno waaaten
ilci-hcarted, impressions! c lellow, fell in
love with Kate Caldwell, .and mvle her a
anrt of aide partner in ti.eir ychu-al r
' crcha. 'l'lie odd iiart of tliu ' that hvr
introduction into the allaui ol the loo ilu
rieule niAd no brrai-n in tnmr relntiona,
and when poor Parker fell an k with pnau
moult KaW got room in nia biriling
hou ao that ah could uura turn. Indeed,
alia had him uiorad from hie draughty eyrie
in th. tow.r, placed him in her own coiy
imi and beraalf look poaaeaainn of the aou
try box.
ltreeoort would relieve Kale arery night
and ait up wiuh hia failing fneud, and Iht
tween them they watched hiuiao aiaiduouily,
iot o much lp and fratled ao much that
at laet they were obligeil to give up all
their univrity work and ataud togctiier, a
forlorn hop, againal tha advancing, fner
ila intruder. Parker wa uii cm
aciou for fw daya before h died arid to
lir.voort, baiiding over huu, he reiterated
hia atmpl. wiahea. II. wanted to be cre
mated; h. Jiad no near relalivea, ao Kata
juight hav. noil and brwvoort th rt of
lua duM. Bh waa to hav hi book and
th furnishing of hi littl room, and lli
voort wa to kep th uteuaila and pup
nienta of th tudio.
- "You'r. a petty g(KMl modeler now,"
whieprd Parker, aiudiug gltaatly. "Try
your hand on a buat of m, take a death
inaek, will you V
II died that night with rrreeourt and
Kat holding hia handa. Ilia claaaiuatea
carried hi coltin to Uia furnace, aud in the
daya thereailer when they had reverently
divided ha aehc Uiey tried to uiakc a fair
. diviauio ut poor Parker's mighty share nl
luva and lujalty fur thni butn. lut it waa
nearly a week after hia going that thry !
'apart for each day a tunc when they might
fHumi their experiment. Th death
Qiaik wa don. It stood ghlly in lire
; tunrt't lol, and tieueaUi it in a tiny woimI
n box th handful of aahea of their fraud.
Kat had taken poaaeeaioa of the little sen
try box, .and upon ita narrow mantel ahell
in littl silver jewel box lay the rrln a ol
bet lost lover.
Tha morning of th. ftrt day after theii
renewed effort to exchange nisaaagt-s thay
met oa th ranipu. i
"IMA you get any uieaaag." 4i. aaked,
frowning petulantly.
"No," he anawered, looking furtively over
hia upturned eolltr; "what waa it?"
"1 aikett you lo come over," her bp waa
trembling, "queer, w never failed lieinr."
" Yea, it laifueer." Then.aftvran awkward
pau, "I say, Kata, did you notn any
thing whil yoli welt aending that lucnaage?
o-o. That la, not juat turn. I had that
little box of hia aahea in my liand when 1
aid 'com over.' I don't know where! laid
U afterward, but I ran i And it."
They were aileut lor a moment, but W
fore thry parted h laid a uervoua hand on
her sleeve and said:
"We'll try it agtin tonight at eight. This
iim I'll eend the nicskage."
"All right," she whipered, without look
ing at him, and darting into the hall.
Hut when Uu-y met again m-tl morning
and b aekeil her, hesitatingly :
"lhd you get niy tureea-, Kat?" ahe
liMkd up friehtened to hear him rail her
"Kate," and thru quickly answered "No,
Mr. Ilrreixirt.1
"lad anything odd happen while "U
were tending your inemx" slit asked, let
ting her eye stray apprahrnsivrly over hrr
pailid lac
"Yes. Mia Caldwell," and k laughed
pitifully wHa a nol of tutd mockery in
bis voice. "Yu. a very anno)' ing thing
hpined. Just si I had stK,kvn the nits
sage thee, wss a clash in my cloicl, and
when 1 I.H.kcd in the laiter inaik l I'aikcr
wss in bits on the ll'-'T 1 tlunk 1 re
nicmbrr l.i u Mil! i hough lo nuike another
from iiuiii -i . I ut the at!is. Im .islu-s, too,
were Mttt-n , I I .e trail . Hy the way, did
you find o.,i li; 1 1c nlvcr l-oi "
"No," the iiunniuied. dmrait aiiiljiliug
her red lip lot a minute liefore tbs akid
"What was your uirttagc'
Thry were tlsioluig in front of tb lee
ture l.sll now. mot he e-ati-hed Her lace for
breatnlc 11 -hicllt luiotr he wh.tcrv,l
'Can t )ou iua, Kale"
"1 might, tir," the answered, c-iid,hj, "but
1 won't.''
"Then 1 II tl) nKAin to night," lie ani lav
ing, Iia!I tpu-r ulnitaii , but the turned on lid
heel and itri .i tMienrll tiatti in her biuivn
eyes t.. I'lv i.,en,.i
"No, Mr l':i -oil, no mole nitwh-os
,w UlS 1 Ilk all mil the circuit IS blokep
tor good." I in. -ago Hecord Herald.
Southern Oregon State Normal School
flood buUdll'u's; iii-w
jyiniittnliiin with nualorn
aptiHituiva; flue Ulu-ai v:
well isjuippod i-lii'iii'i-al
and phyaical liilninitoi j ;
nno ucvr ai'tuMil building
with lii-w furninliings
throughout; old build
lngampaLrW,; tine wa r
supply added; atirround
Ings linaltbliil; tuK-iul al-
llloSllhorT Of till' M'tllHll
gixNl and sliiuulnling to
lel effort on the part of
tha aludt-nt; living ex
Hiuee uoiuinsl; depart
ments lu i-hargo of a
vialists; K'ial nppor
tuuitie for study of
vocal and Inslruiiii utal
mustu aflordod.
Sarl lor UUloJiH to
i . Prtslocat.
Phone Ed Monro for vsliumtc on
Iinting and paper bruiglng.
vuv. ing" a store wall.
lllilal raflte laataac o( la ilow-
bhi of t'DMiriw la Gettlaa
lata Aelloa.
The work nf preparing all measures
j, ln , ,,, ,,ern or
i,,,. alld u .Mrt,4w responsible
jfl, vhCu' ,n, or f. f I undone. 'J lie
country do. not kr,n. I , this item
'' - run-rled .In an uopr oi.u in i ion bill,
why that eronomj has been ;ua l li ed,
nr what i tb renton for mine bil nf
extravairance. write H. h. Nelson, in
Century. Snniettmes the cninniittee
fleinoiii-trntea tbnt even it lliiibt be en
licfbteried by dfsciitsiriii and criticism,
mid perhaps the leltinrr in of lifbt
would shove that advantage inicrbt fol
low If confrreaa nnd Ita committee
thotild leave lo the rlitcret ion of ex
ecutive and adininistrntiie oliSt-er
some rif the details of expenditure. I
have been told of a "breant-bit'li atone
wall" at West Point, for example
Y'enrs waxed and wiined while superin
tendent pleaded for t;0 ftfio for the
conntriictlon of a "lircnM high alone
wall" on the road lending- from the
wharf to the plnne. the rond running
nlonc; (be eclcre of n precipice. At InM
eonirevs niovod. nnd the J:.'0.iKiO null
was built. Having- moved, it wna noiv
imposi.jble for It to slop, so It went
on )enr after year nppropi in ling J30 -0(
eneh year for "lireni-l-bigh stone
null." until "brenvt-bigh stone walls"
beciime a ilrncf nl the inilltnry ncnil
eniy. They rnn mound the post, and
threatened tn choke It up. Buperln
tendents brirged congress to abut them
off, nnd finiilly succeeded.
Itaappaeaaee of th. lied t'poa
Whlrk the asM.aalaaled Presi
dent tlrealbed III l.aat.
Althotii;h various people in New
York, lloaton, Cbicngo and othereities
any they have the cot on which Presi
dent McKinley died, they lire nil nlihc
ill error, atntea the New York Hun.
According to Kmneis Aliny, of the
Pan-A iiierii-iui exposition, t wo cots ex
actly alike were In the Milbiirn home
for the lies of the wounded problt-nt
After Mr. McKlnlei died one of them
was sent to Dr. Mhttbew I). Miiiin, one
of the ph iciiius in altenilhuce. The
other was replnced among the cots
iiwned by the exposition company.
Moth were iiriginii My tnken from the
hospital at the exposition.
"There baa been some talk," anys
Mr. Almy, "as to whether the aecond
cot should be sent to the BulTiilo His
torical society. It seemed to be the
feeling; that It should not be preserved
as the cot upon which the president
died, but should lose Its Identity nnd
be put with the other hot pittil cots and
sold with them, regardlrsa of Its uae
during the prraldcnt's illneta.
"Tlint waa done. The rot was placed
with the others. Its identity was lost.
No one knows who has it now. The
enta wer. sold to persons and Institu
tions In different pnrts of the country.
"I cannot tell whether Mr. McKinley
riled on the cot which went to Dr.
Mann or on th other one."
BJaar Thlaii Wee l.aeltlaa That Are
gov Coaalitered Me.eaaacs
lor f'onifort.
People who talk of the good old times
should read these facts compiled by
Popular Mcbanlcs. In the (food old
There wa not a public library in the
United citato.
Almost nil th. furniture vena import
ed from Kiiclnnd.
An old copper mine In Cofinactlcut
wn lined ns a prison.
There wna only one lint factory, and
that tnnile r-ockud lints.
Vlrginin c-i hi I ii i in ol n fifth of the
whole pupiiliilion of the country.
A mini who ii-ci-i d nl the preiicher
iircrlticiKi'd the sermon "lis fined.
Two singe conches bore nil the travel
between New Ymh and lloaton.
A ilny laborer ciumiilcicil himself
well paid w ith two shilling il day.
The whipping: P""1 "i"1 pillory were
still alnmllng; In New York u nil lloa
Troiis.r ever, f ith or
i'h church coll.ctinn was taken Inla
bag at lh end of a pole, with a bell to iiioua. the aUepy contrib
utor. Tnraa 1'heiM to aton.
Human bodlrs Inn led In limestone
countries arc often turned to solid
stone b lh liinewnter which pens
trates the grnies. In other soils there
are elements which smiicl lines so em
balm the buried dead as lo plcM-iir
foi in and fenliil es uiirhiiugcd. Mun v
such cases lire on l ecolil. Itobel t
Hums' Inalj was disinlei red in lau to
be reinovi-d to n new tomb To the sur
prise of all bis friends the fi-ntmrs
were found t' '"' s perfect lis lit
biiruil. "Alien the bodj of .lohn Hump
den, the fninoiit t :ni; t i-ti put riot un.l
lesder, was disinterred bj 1 1 Nugent
','ihi veins lifter biiruil the form and
(ratines were as unchanged as if the
corps bad been i event I) laid in the
The Uewlle llnnUn Arllst.
I Due of the clever little trii-ka of the
I day is the cmivc-i siou of a circular into
I a personal coiiiiiiiiiociitlon. The veri
i latest device is to huve the cirvuliir, in
tbeli-iml fio -imilc "f I v pc vv l iter t v pe .
I printed on illlliipcnei! paper. The effect
I delights lb-' heart of the most cxpcit
artit in public ilecepllon, s.ivs the New
; YniW I'rcv Ibe slight iiiolsleiiiuu'
the 1 1 1 V. ever o sl.ghllv mill leinc
' the .heel ii trifle uneven of Mlrlinc.
thlii civ ing it t lie appeal nn e of hiiv ing
been c-pcciiillv ili. tilled for the re
cipient ii ml put thi'iugh the ofbee copv
ing pic;- two cetit ntumpcomplctr
the little flilild, wbli ll hill Ills Ill-body
anil mil v ciitcb a customer.
Kounlain l'l-ns Watcriimu's
f! W to fl. (art at Cranior Prm
' - - i iii ill l' Isiaj
"..-.I.TZ .
Iiepnty Clerk
J. O. IliHith
j John Wells
Ii.'. F. J-oeelace
. Jt. I.. Ilartlett
T. P Judson I
Geo. W- lwis
Iieputy Kherill.
Krneit Lmuer
J, T. Tavlor
School Hupt.
....Lincoln (Savage
W. II. Falim
II C. Perkins
W. F. K renter
Mayor J. F. Ila-hor
Auditor and Police Judae . J. J. Jeniilngs
Treasurer Col. W. lobnsou
City Allorney C. K. Mayliee
Marnual JOlill lesiianii
ritreet hupt Henry Knulaen
(,'ouiii ilineii (leo. H. Hiiina
J. I.. Calvert, J. A. Kcbkopf, Willi;.
ISiiutb, Herbert Mnitli, 11. C. Perkins.
Gran is Pass Ixiclge A. F. A A. M., No. 84,
regular coiiiuiiinicatton first and tlurii
haturdays. Viiiiting brothers cordially
invited. Ii. W. Iiioua W. M.
A J. I'm. Hec'y.
Hoyal An h Masons -P.cames Chapter No.
'in nieein seoona anu lourm weiinesuay
Masonic ball. II. C. Hoa.ix,
J. K. PeTKksog, Secy. II. P.
Kantern hlnr Josephine tlhapter, No. W
meets lirst and tlurii we.lnei.uay
evenings of each month In Msisoiiic
hali. Mas. T. 11. CokHKLW W. M.
.Mu il, Z ji.lsk. bec'y.
I. O. 0. F.,-Oolden Hule LcmIkb No. 7H.
nieets every balurday night at 1. O. O.
F. hall. (J. II. Markiiai.i.,
T. Y. Dr, Hecy. N. ii.
I'aran Kncaiiipnient I. . . F. No.
meets second aim lourm inursiiay at
1.(1. (i. F. hall, Fbku Hcuhiiit,
T.Y.Jlrsiv.riec'y. C.V.
Iteliekahs Ktna Kelieknh, No. ill. meets
second and fourth Moiulav, t. 'I. r.
ball. Max Davih. N.O
Kiviis (iKKKK, .Sei-y.
United Artli-ansdrants Pass Assembly
No. 4)1, meets alternate I uesilavs hi
A.O. I'. W. null. Mas. K. A. Ukiu'Itii,
Fkxii Mknsiii, Master Artisan,
Woodineri of the World ltogue Ulver
Ciimp No. meets second ana lourm
Fridays at Woodman Hull.
F. H. Coaog. C. C.
C. K. Mavski, Clerk.
Women of WiMidi raft-A.alea Circle, No.
IK1, meets lirst anil third .Mondays al
Woodmen bull.
(Ii.xn Patau g, (i. N.
W. E. Hkaii, Clerk.
Modern Woodmen of America- llrants Pass
amp No. HiiO nieetn'nd and Ith w eilues
day hveuiiigs ut Woodineri hall at 7:tfo.
I bus. 11. Mar.diall, V. ('.
N. Keynolds, Clerk.
Foresters of America-Court .lusephine
No. 2H, meets each Veiluesday except
the timt, ut A. O. U. W. hall.
t). N. Hoi.t, F. H. J. P. IIalx, C. It.
losephine Lodge, No. 112, A. . C. W.-
niecis in a. ii. K. vt .nan, uixoii uuim
ing every Monday evening.
I,, (yraunl.l, M. W,
II A. Htanarii, Itecorder.
Hawthorne Lodge, No. il, H. ol II.. A. U.
C W. - meets every alternate itiemhiy
evening in A. O 1'. W. hall, Dixon
building, Mica. A. McCarthy, C.of 11.
Mas. I. nil a Dka.h, Kecoriler.
Knights of the Macuabees (Jrunls Pa-s
Tent, No. bl iiieutn first and third
l litirsiliiys ut Woodmen hall,
Win. Allred, U. P. 1 iixiiii sr.,
Kecurd Keeper. Conimutidur.
Ladies of the Maccabees Oram Pass.
Hive No 14 holds regulur "Keviuws"
first nnd third Thursdays at A. tl. I'.
W. hall. Visiting ststt-rs cordially
Invited. Jennie Cheshire,
Mary hiluimoiis. Lady Commander.
Itecord Keeier.
Knights of Pylhtaa'l'heriiiopylae No. oti,
meets eacli l uesiluy niglil i :.l vv. J.
W. Hull. M. T. I lley, C. C.
Tost W ii.i.iass, K. of It. and .".
Uraiul Army of the Itepublic-tien. Logan
I'uni cio. .hi, iiineis lirst eiinesiiav at
A.(. I'. W. hall. O. S, Kvas.
J. K. I'xrxKsoa, Adjt. Com
Aiuericuii tinier of hteaiu Fngineers, Ore
gon Council Nu, 1, meets liri-t and
third r-iiliinlay.i, al A.ll. II. W. ball.
Wa. II. Krs.vKV,
HxiiJ. F. Mvhii'k, Cbiiil Kngineer
CorresMinding Knglneer.
tinier of Peliilo While Ris k Council No
PHI, meets in Woodmen Hall Milunliiv
C. E, .Msviir, Secretary.
J. I.. Hi NTino, Counselor.
Cnited llrotherhood of Curpeiiters and
Joiners ol America Ctiion No. Ills iiiouth al A.O. U, W. Hall,
meets sveond and fourth Fridays of
A. J. I'ikk, Pres.
I). A. Fitoiuai ii, bec'y,
A Woman Killer
J. A. J, Mimtgoimiy, Ptixioo,
Wiiynii Co., Mo., writi'i "I luivc linle
twin girls, who liiivn been iHilburril
witlt worms nil their lives. I liuvc
tried evervlliliig to rilicvii theui
wlili'li fiiilcd linlil I used Wliitt's
t 'renin Vormifugo ; Ibe first two iIohoh
broitglit four woriiis f nun one of theui,
tbu in xt two ilosc-a, twelve, linn of
tin-in iiii'iisuriiiK Iwi-lvn IihIii-s; the
nllicr cbild wns only n-lii'ved nf four
worms. It is most i-xri'lli-iit mcili
rinii. " Wliitn'a I'ri'iitn Vrrmifugo is
good fur cliililri-n. It not only ilu
stroya woriiiM, it liolps t lias child to
sirfcrt Kro'lh, wards otf sii-ktieNK.
'.'.'h- nl Shiver's I'rug Storo.
- Bargains
I have in s-tiH-k. now over two
ilocti ciiiiii'tas in size t.inv;iiij; from
i'-j x J1.- tn fi J x 8 '. and iiiptii.f
from l lo f So; the stock eomptiscs
lioth film ami plate cameras. I can
supply you with any kiml of an
outfit at the linht price.
I entry the largest stin k of
Photo Supplies
in Smtth.'in Ou'Kon.
I teai'h ott lmw to operate the the
catneta, develop ami print.
A, E, Voorhies
( Courier Oi'ticc.
IU.C. Z.Vl. Column
1 lrWw.WWawsaaAiXiaSl AJtAmJWmmiim
The regular meet ing of the W. C.
T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs.
Ue Calvcrt. rdy, Augmt 14, at
2 :3U p. ui
The CoHiitiisii of Carlisle Is no-
doubtcdly the most radical woman iu
the British iile.H, not on the drink
ijoi-Btion, bat In other things. She
won Id like to abolish all titles of
nobility aud if her husband and rela
tives did not insist upon her using
the title, which Is very old, it Is said
she would have dropped it long ago.
Lady Carlislo lias succeeded Lady
Henry .Somerset as president of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
of Great Britain.
emu. winds
Are the drc.-.d of those whose lungs are
"weak." Some fortunate people can
follow the summer as it goe southward,
and escape the cold blasts of winter r.nd
the chill airs of spring;. Hut for the
majority of people tlua is impossible.
t atnily cares and
buaineaa obligs
tions hold tbem
" Weak " lung,s
re made strong
by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discov
ery. It cures the
obstinate cough,
heals the in
flamed tias.ies,
stops the Hem
orrhage, and re
stores the lost
flesh to the ema
ciated body,
" I am a railroad
agent." writes I. B.
Maple, Ksq., of
usreiay, usage la
vear as;o my work
kerfMiig me in a
warm rooni and
Mapping out fr
(iueut)v into the
entd atr gave me 4imnchiu. which hecainc
chronic a 'id drrp tratrd. iMx-tora fitlrd to
reach my hm and atlvird me tn try a higher
air, but. loriunately Oit me. a friend aluo advirtrd
uirtotrylr. I'irtce mnlicuim. I commenced
takinx your ' ' sclilcn Mrdtcjii Uiftcovery,' aiul hy
the lime I tmi I. ' - n the first huttle I waa bet
ter, and alter atuut fiur bottle my
rtiuifh WMR entiiely K"nc- have found DO oe
ccMity fur rt-Litif another climate.
Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the
little mote profit paid on the sale of lesa
meritorious medicines, will offer the
customer a substitute aa being "just as
good " as the " Discovery.1
You get the People's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, the beat medical work
ever by sending stamps,
to pay expense of mailing only. Semi
ai one-cent stamps for hook in paper
covers, or y Ktamps for cloth-hound vol
utins, to Dr. K. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Reduced Fare for Visitors to the
Seewslde e.nd Mountains.
Tho Southern Pacific ('oiiiiuiny has
placed ou sale at very low ruter round
trip tickets tu the various resorts
along its lines, nnd nlso, in connect
ion Willi the Ccivallis & Eusteru
Ituilroud, to Detroit aud the seaside af
Yaquimt Buy, hitter tickets good for
return uutil October 10th.
Three day tickets to Y'squiua Bay,
good going Saturdays, returning Mou
days, are ou sale at greatly reduced
rates from all points Eugene, nnd
North ou both Kiist and West Side
Lines, enabling people to sis-iul Sun
day ut the seaside. Very low round
trip rates arc also made between Port
laud nnd same points mi the Southern
Pacific, good going Saturdays, return
ing Sunday or Monday, allowing Port
land people to spend Sunday in the
country aim the out of town people
to have the day iu Portland.
Tickets from Portland to Yuuiua
liny good for return via Allumy uud
East Side, or Corvallis anil West Side,
at option of passenger. Baggage
checked through to Newjsirt. A new
feature at Newport this year will be
an np-to-ihitu Kiudeigartou in charge
of an ex'rieiiced Chicago teacher.
A beautifully illustrated booklet
describing the seaside resorts on
Yuiiiin Hay has been published by
the Southern Pacific niul Corvallis ci
Easti rii Railroads, and cuii bo secured
from any of their agents, or by nd
dri'ssiiig W. E. Coinan, (1. P. A., S.
P. Co., Portland, or Edwiu Stone,
Manager C. E. Ry., Albany, Ore
gon. It Is Up to th Doctor
A lady wrote us a few weeks ago
from Witn-iiester, Va. , that Mie had
U'l-ti under a doctor's care for 4 years
for dyspciwia, the lin sctnied to
is-nfi-r unib-r her li ft shoulder blade,
and was so severe at limes that she
could neither cut nor sleep. She hud
lost faith ill her homo doctor, and
asked us to st ud her samples of our
Dr. ilium's improvcill.iver Pills which
had Ih-cu Vi-i-oiiiiiienili'd to her. We
sent her two pills. Ill a few days
she sent for n Imx. Now she writes
that tho under nliiiulil-r has left
her entirely, she enjoys her meals and
never sleeps less than 8 hours every
night., and this has all come uNmt
in two weeks, and cost her St'e. for
two Inixes of pills. Says the doctor
charged her fJUVOO and that she told
bint he hud N-ttertake the $.",0.00 mid
Invest it all in Dr. (itinu's Impn veil
Liver Pills and build up Ins practice.
We have not receiveil the Dis tort
order vet but iniv one having dyspep-
tia, bilious spells or sick-luailai-li
Kin get a sin'i-ilv euro bv the us,- o
these pills. Sold bv W. V. Kremer
cfor i.'ie r Nix or by iimil on ris-ei
or prnii. Nimple live.
Iliwinkii Co. Plulit.' Pa.
Address Dr.
To Cure a C'oltt In Day.
Take I atative Itromo Ijuiniiie Tablet
All ilniccists reiiiml the umiiev il it tail
to cure. K. W. tirwre's signature ts on
ea.-h box -;vc.
can pontivelv bt cured with
and ,
Yottf tnonev will le rttnnici! to
you in case ol failure, but Hit te wi'l
lie no failure.
Your druii'sts sell them
California Co-Operative
medical Company,
Oakland, Califofni t.
Wj- M-T.-V X' C
Reduced Summer Excursion .
Rates. J
The Denrer & Rio Graude, pojm
tarlj known as the "Scenic Line of
t 'e World," has ttuununced fireatly
reduced round-trip rates from Pacific
iyoai uoiiiis tor tne wneni oi i
ttachers who wiK spend their vara-' anrt Wa., Ter'rfory" as'extendeci
tion in the east, and of delegates to to all th 1'uhlie l.n. iStates be set ol
E. A., at Boston; A. O. U. W., at fot. August 4 Ih'Ji,
Paul;B P. O. E, at Baltimore; , ,. , C"WOLM
. , , . , ,. ,, ofdold Hill, County of Jackson, Mate ol
Woodmen of America at Indianapolis -.loo,, h.,tbis ,lv Hied in this otli.e
eagles at isew xors
e; Mystic Shrine ,
:s; K. of P. at
i, iniaiuK. . : j . i lu.n . i . . , . , I . ml
Louisville, and X- P. A., at Indian-
P0''- 1 sought i mine valuahiH fur lie
TicUt-w at th reduced ratis will bejninb r or ntone than fur aiiriculitiral
based upon one faro for tho round pnrpoiwa. anil 10 esuhlnib his i-lai-n m
trip, but will be sold on certuin daTS.f'i land lielore Chss. Niekell, I'. S.
TneMi tickets will curry stopover
privileges ou the going trip, giving I
pawengers an opixirtunity to visit '
Salt Lake City, Ukuwood Hprings,
Colorado Springs and Dtuver; aud
will be good tn return any time I
within ninety (W) days. PanHcugers
going via tbo Denver cV ltio (irunde ,
ire given the privilege of returning
via a different route.
For the rate to the point yon wish
to go, and for dates of sain and other
part iru hire, as well us for illusrrnted
pamphlets, wYite W. (!. McBKIDE,
Ueueral Agent, 124 Third St., Port
land, Or.
One Woman Among the Thousands.
We received a letter from Wnycross,
Georgia, a few days ago, from a ludy
who has lived there for years. She
writes ns Hint she had been troubled
with female complaint for a long
time, until she was reduced almost
to a shadow. It effected her mind,
she could not remember any thing
would get so confused and so nervous
and irritable she could hurdly sleep.
She described her enso as one similur
to thousands of other women, aud then
ended the letter by saying she gained
IS lbs. last mouth, awl never felt
better in her life, having no trace of
her former troubles, slept well and
iite her meuls with a relish. This
lady commenced the use of Dr.
Otiun's Blood and Nerve Tonic just
six weeks before she wrote the letter
from which we copy the above
This tonic is in tublet form and should
be taken right nft?r meals. It turns
the food jr.-.u cut into strong rich
blood, milking solid flesh and feeding
tho nerves, curing diseuse by making
healthy flesh. Pale, weak thin
people should use this tonic. Sold
by W. F. Kleiner for Toe jkt box
or three boxes for Sent poHtjiiid
on receipt of price. Address Dr. Bo
sun ko Co. Phi la.. Pa.
Timber Land, Act June 3. IS78
Roseburg, Oregon, July 311, PJ03.
Not'ce is hereby given that in com
tihance with the ptovisinns of the a.'t of
Congress, ol June 3, 1H78, entitled "An
sc for the Bale of timber Isnds in the
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada,
nnd 'Vashinstnn Territory," as ex
'eniled lo all public Land Stales by act
of August 4. IK'.i-Z.
of Ypeilanti.County of Washtinaw, Slate
of Michigan, has this day tiled
in this olliie her sworn statement No.
MiOS lor the purehaso of the MV 4 of
Section No, tl in Township No. 38
South, Range No. 6 West, and will
olfer proof to show that the land sought
ia more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purtKises, and lo
establish her claim to said land before
J.O Booth. County Judge, at his ollii-e
at (iranti Paus, Oregon, on Saturday Ibe
10th day ol October. 111.13.
She names as ailnerser: Alteon W.
Silaby.tieorge II. Smith, Fred II. lliiggs,
all of tint ills Pass, Oregon, ami Arthur
II. Simpson ol Ypsilanti, Michigan.
An aud all persons claiming ad
versely the shrive-described lands sre
mpiested to lile their claims iu u,i
Hire on or before said :'."ith iIjv ii
October, KHJ.'I. J, T. Bkmhiks
Tin. 1st Laud, Act June 3, 1S7S.
United Stales Land Olliee.
Roseburg, Oregon, July 13, 1:103.
Noiiee is hereby given that iu
compliance with the provisions ol
the act of Congress of June 3, IH7S,
entitled "An act for the sale ol
tiinlier lands iu the Sistes of California.
Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Tern
lory," as extended lo all the Public
Land States by set of August 4, I
ol Park It i vi r, County of Walsh, St i'e
of North Dakota has this day filed in
his odii-e her saorn statement No. .'il'.l.'i,
for the purchase ol the S' ol NE1. ami
NW'4 ol NE1. soil NKi of Kit1,
b-ing Lots i and 3. and S M!',,
Sei-ti'in Nu II in 'I'owtisbifi No, 35 Siiu'h.
Kange No. 6 n, and will oiler tuooi ti
show that the land sought is mois va! i
able (or Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish hci
elsitn to ssid land Is-lnre J O. Booth.
County Judge, al his otlice at Uracils
I's-s, Oregon, ou M indav the ."nil dav ol
O. Lbher, P.HKI, M,e names as
Weslev II. Sherman, Susie E. It ilea,
U illimii T. Turnliaiii, Burt Minna nil I
irxnts Pass, Oregon,
Any and all iersons claiming adverse
ly the alsiv-H-descritied lauds are ie
uursted lo tile their claims in this Hi. e
on ol before said f'lh day ol Octolier l'.M.i.
J. T. f'HUHIgs, ReglS'er.
The lamest sum ever paid lor a pr.
ciiption, chanited hands in San Hr.ui
cisco, Atiii. M, 1IKM. The traiisler in
volved in colli and stock $1 l'.MXi.O i ami
was paid by a parly ol business men bi
a specific lor llnnlit's liseae and lbs
lietes, hilliertn incurable diseases.
They commenced Ibe serious investi.
tfstion ol Ibe s(iei'illc Nov. 15, I'M)
I'liey tnlervieaeil scores ol the cti'eil
and tried il out on its merits by puiim
nver three duten cases on Ihe treaiiueni
and a all hum lliein. I'hev also trot ph
sii-ians to name chronic, iiieuiabie cases,
iu I iliinuilcreil il nub Ibe physiciani.
tot;es. fn to Auk. S S7 (ier cent
it tbe lesl iaes mere either wcl or
I r.'i-ressii if lavorablv-.
Tliere ts-lliv: Inn thirteen (ht cent of
failures, Ibe partus vtere salislii-d ami
closed ibe liati.i'tlnn. I be poi eOinifs
of the iiivcMijalinif rvviiiiuiiiee and tbe
I'lini.'ti! re(iofis ot tin test eases were
pul'li-hed and sill be mailed lies on
ipplica iiii. Addiess J,.ns J, I-iiton
i'iimi-an. , t'-M Moolrfoinery M. San Krati
i i-is, t'al,
A f.itnilisi nsme for tne Oiieai,-o, Mil
.aukeeASl 1'aul Ktlaav, lnon all
iver the I'nioii as the l,rit UsiUav
r il ii ii it g the "l'toiie'r l.imitevl" trainr
eveiy day am! niht between St. I'aul
an.l I'liivHifo, and Omaha and Ctinaiio.
Il l only is'rfivt trains in the world.
I'nilerstaiid : Con flections are made
ith All Transcontinental Lines, assur-l
nit to vssenii r the best service knoan. I
l.iiMirious coaches, electric liiibts. atearn
.eat, ta verily esiualleil by no other !
Hie. !
see that your ticket reads via "The'
Vltleaukee" alien gotog lo any point in '
ihe l imed Elates .or Canada. All tick
I airenl sell them. '
For rate, aniplileis or other iulm ,
uiation, address,
J. W.l' vssv, C.J.Eoor,
Trav. rs. AgU (ieneral Agent,
. S iti , sn. I'oari M, Ur
Timlwr Land, Ai-I June 3, 1S7H.
L'l-l-nl Mate l.aml Olfii.
K-eburir, llie.iiti. May 21. lOti.".
Notice i-t hereby tfiven tlist in i-ntn
plianrewilh the pmvnioiis of the art nl
Coliifress ol June ,'. 1H7H. enlitleil 'An
hci lo. the salei ol timber lanU in the
. - I
lilulu, .,1 f ulllrtr,. l llrbimn .Vil, '
.States of California, Oregon,
bis sworn statement N. OAK), for the
purchaiie ol the N K1, ol Seem n No 30,
...... ..... ... ..... " .
in To. nsbip No. So S. uth. Ranvre No.
Coinmisninner, Meillutil, Oregon,
"iatuniay, Ibe Ifith ilay ol Austiet,
names an wllnesee.
John Onens, Jos. Whalen, of Winter,
Oregon ; A. P. Estabrook. Fred rtningei
"I tol.l Hill, Oregon.
Any ami all peisona claiming ulver-
ly Hie almve-iieseniteii lanrts ere e-
ipleeted lo tl-e llo-ir elsllns in Ibis riflli-e
un or l'ore ssid 15ili day of August
IIMW. J t. riKHKiKS U-giiOei
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
L'nitnl sta er .-nd Olliee,
Koseburg, Uregon. June 14, 1!0.
Notuels hereby giwn ihat in com
plisnce a iih the provisions oi the act ol
CuugrerB of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale ol timber Un-ls in the
States of California, Oiegon, Nt-vacU.
ind Washington Territory," 'as ex
-ended to all tne I'ublij .?d S ates bv
tel nf August 4. ls.ll.',
of YakiiiiU, ii timy of Yakima,
sivtle of Wssliinglnn, has this dav tileil
in tliisotlije ins sworn statement No. 5 ill
for Hie pu'chai-e of the SK'4 ol Section
No 21 In Township Nu. 34 South, Rang"
No 5 West, and will oir r pri.ol to sbos
bsl the Uud sought- is more valuable
'or its tiuiOer or etone thuu lor Mgr.
cuhursl purposes, and to eslabli-b
his claim to said land belme J. O
Booth, t'ounty Judge, at bis olhce st
lirsnls Pass, Uregon, on Saturday the
ii'.h dav ol Sepleiulier 1D03. lie naineir as
itnei-ses :
llemy V. Mcintosh, of Grants Pass,
Ongon, Charles E Wilder, North Y'aki
ma, Wa.liTngton. Harry Kessler. tiranis
I'ass, Oregon, William Mcintosh, ul
Liraiits Pass, Urt-gou,
Anyaiidsll persons clHiming silver-.!-ly
the above-described lands are n -ipiested
to file their claims in this ollii ,
on or before said 5-h dav of Septeiutiei
ISI03. J T. Biiiimies, Reg .stei,
llilllUlTIT.,IJI rillCIMt.fiL. F
Th Ioit- AMieMlcftJ MtttctjM fa Um A
WMtct HaAktiMiat r Amf ciirftcttil
diMt pi)l-lr rfrit., UtcsidaM i
kiMuuiMo. iim cnh bt rrMi. v
r 1 m nnfr ww4
Vmi rnw wukat tha a, aiMtrtair;,
TrawMltiaflbTU Ftinn. WLm4U
Ml tmro t -)tar. a utck ui4
raotol cure for riisa, 9 luara ind
rtJtjl. hf Ot. JfirOu'i atti pom
Itll IU.
CfMIMltmlin fM tn4 Mri'tfy pfHll. TrMMtMptt
tftnjj'.jr ny ltttr A W in ir ctM
M-dtrtikt. Vntt fw Booh PIILOaWPHV ff
MallAK. tMILBB VAftS. (A lUuUt hakfsh
101 HarM tt, f. .
You Know What You Are Taklrtjf
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic, because Ibe formula is plainly print
ed on every bottle showing that it is sim
ply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form
No t'ure No, Fay. 50c.
w A siillnw conipleTiii
bilioii-i-iess and a cnuicd tntiiiie
an- ciii'iiiioii iiiilieatioiis of liver
and kiiliicrjliseuses. .siutiiach and
iiowel troubles, severe ai they are,
Uive iuiiiuiii:ite wartuiiff hv pain,
but liver and kidney trouble,
t li iut-li less paintiil at tlie start, are
iiiiu li harder to cure. Thedford's
llla k'liaiiiilit never fails to bene
fit diseased liver and weakenedtid-tii-ys.
It stirs up the torpid liver
to throve oti tbe fernisof lever and
aijne. It h a certain preventive
of cholera and Hriiht's disease of
the kidneys. Willi kidnevs re
inforced bv Thedford't lllack-
I h aucht thousands of persons have
uvveit i in m tine in the tindat of yel
low fever. Many families live in
perbst health and have no other
d.stor than riieilturd' lllack
Urautfht. It is always on hand for
use in an emergency and saves
many eipensive rails of a doitor.
Mullini, S. C, March 10, 1001.
I hav uxd Thtdlnrd'i lllaik. Draught
for thru vtan and I have not hd to to
to a doctor iin.t I have btcn Ukin It.
ii u inc Mil mtuicinc lor me that Ii
an the mukct lor hvti and kidney
vouDKi ana oviotpm and other
complaint. Kv. A. 0. LEWIS.
The Wevkly ()rei nisn anil th'
Cot uikK both for one year lor fi in ad
vance. O. R. &
IT is Til K-
Shortest, Quickest.
AM Mii.-T
Iviiiitetosll Kastern points via Portland.
AH Thrmich Tiekets n-iv,lmt over this route
are vp.i,l via :
lllt l.llltO ail.l 1-Il Y4-1-.
Low Kates.
Tii k,-t on Sile at Smthem Pacific IS-ikI
A. 1.. L KAl'i,
lit-n'l. Paeii-r Airent,
Portland, tr.
1 IWh
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
wtirc. uu5 nwni vi meni appeal to you 7
Jjjkdoaaa with awe w aMtta fc a Tmm. r ul .
1 '
Timber, Act June 3, 187S.
K isebur. (re,.nn, June 24, 1W03.
Notice is b. nl. i-iv.-n thai in crni-iiliMi-e
with the -r visions i,l the act of
tJonitresa nl June
act for tim sa e ,
178, eniiileil "An i
iim land, in the ;
State iif (V'l-jn is. ireif'iri. Nevaila
..,,1 vv -i,;, t.. .,...l...l
to all the ni'Hii! I.B'in Males or act ol i
Align. t 4, ltSf;
of North Yakima, Cciiutv of Yakima.
State of Washington, has Ibis day filed
in ibii. nrliet hia an,n KtHlrniiint n
5-112 for tiie nun-h,
at) l f the NE I4 of Sec-1 k
vnn No. 10 in Tuwnsliin No. 34
Bi.e No 5 We aii.l will olfcr proof
lo ahow tbat Hie isml sought 14 more
va-nab'e lor iis timber or none than ior
ci ictiltural pnr.oH8. and toHublih
hir(uiin ti -aiiJ Uui before J. O. Bx,lh,
Couiitv Jii'Ue, at hi- oHice st (iranti
P-B. Oregon, on Salnnliy, thn 5h day
of Spteinr, YJQX Ho nanus us wit
DPH0e: ' '
Albert DrHwm, of North YatViina,
U'a-hmift in ; Heiirv O. Mclntonh, Harry
Kt-Bflpr, William Mi luluah, ali ol la rants
V, )rrgim.
Anv ati'l ail pT'OiiP claiminif adverse
ly iIih Hboveik'Pt;ril e I land- are xe
qtiented to file their t lainiR iu this otlice
on or before Brijt 6th dav of Sfpifinber
M)S. J. T. Bkuhiks, KHUIt-ter
NK.W K1 ll'JIK.NT TllltOl (iHI)l'T
liy f'oai'ties, I'nlat-e and Tourist
MI,, IHiiIiik and It u It it
r-nioklrif l.llnai) lain,
Ifajllgbr nip lliriiiigh itn- Caacatle
anil Hui ky Mountain.
For full pitcticulars, rates, fuMers, etc.,
call on or address
J.'.V. I'H ALOX. r. e. a.
Tblnl sirei-t, I'ortlaiKl.
A. B. C. DKNNISTON, U. W. 1'. A
'112 Firtt Avenue Seattle, Wash
Phone Ore. East 64 Bet. Hawthorn Avt and Morriwn St.
SAW lyilLLS, etc.
24S Grand Avenue. (East Side)
Portland, - - Oregon
Throuijh Salt Lake City. Lcadvilit. Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and Denvtr, and th
famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all Points East.
For atrs, folders and other
inormatinn, address
1 1 SS?"'' "Tlie CHICAGO"
Sal tV e-' L Tvnowri tpr
ayXitfiJi rr1? ' Guaranteed to equal any
'l&'fea Th Chica5 Typewriter Co.
" 'jgsp - '" j 5 2-5 '4 Market St.
-j ."Sr"s.r? . ". San Francisco.
lim: afcARfCsA
Stamlanr" '
Visible Wiitins. Simple Mechanism, Speed, Excellent Manifoldine
1 ermaiient True Alignment and Durability at a Fair Price.
A Strictly IIi!i-Class Machirve Sold for $75.00
ci7Lvr i :i t -Towiii t co.
E. F. Bumpus. Marager, - - Los Angeles. California
-''--ld Wilson I'.lo k ror. Sprint ami First Street.
Courier and Oregonian $2 a year
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic
' p WMW s
Itching Piles produce moisture and
icansts itching. This form, as well as
I Blind, Bleeding or Protruding pile are
cured by Dr. Bo-ian ko Pile Itemed?.
Stons itching and bleeding. Abnrh
tumorst 60c a jar at Druggists, or sent
"J . ..... .. ... ms
about your rasa. Dr. Bosanko, Philada.
Pa. For sale by .W. F. Kremer.
. 4 Jfftll .
CGotziapi & Co.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder. Urinary Organ,
i Ali Rheumatism, Back
ache.HeartDlaease Gravel,
Dropiy, Feinal Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. Tbr Is
' cure for you. if neeesi.ury write Dr. l-'euner
i Ke litis spuut a life tllno ctirlni; Just sucJl
: c.ises as yours. All cousullalloua rrt.
1 "For years I bad backache, severe pains
. across kldney9 and aealdlng urine. 1 could
1 nut get out of bed without help. Theuaeof
i Dr. Fenuur's Kidney and Backache Cure re-
aiored me. O. WAUO.NEK, Knotisvllle. Fa."
Drinrnlsts. Me.. II. Ask forCook Bix)k-Pr
For sale by W. F. Kremer and H. A.
O. MollHIl) en. Aut
over One and a Half Mfflion
No Cure. No Pav. 50c
. . . J - rw
Ban fUMIbUvajr nOa.