Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 13, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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- . M Wit tlaWWoWllV fills. Vfiaw
. .1
Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates i
Ons Year, In rdvanc,
Hix Month,
Tbres Months,
Hlngle Copies,
Advertising Races
Kurnlnhed on application at the ofHce. or
by mail.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will b charged for al 6c per line;
card of thank 60c.
ost office at OranU Pai,
Oregon, as second-clii mail matter.
Entered at tbe pom
General Nelson ?A. MUi. com
mander of the United States army,
lias ieui(M-d tlie age limit and hot been
retired. General S. B. M. Young sue-
seeds him. Miles has a brilliant r-c-
i ord ait an. Indian fighter tot IiIh
J . chaiicoa f"t glory in the Bnliili war
i i veto mined by hid lark of retieeiiee.
flu. -
Crusades against Rumbling are now
in progress in a nn Inner of the town
of the state. Engine was aroused to
the subject by the sulfuric of A well
known young mart of that town who
had Jost his money t gambling
I r:. table Pendleton . alo it nmkiug
fight against the gambling evil with
Peculiar Accident to One of
C. Ament's Ponies.
i '.aotiie effect. Y
A Kussiau miuinter was killed
recently in Macedonia by a Turkish
gendarme. Russia lias demanded in
staut reparation ' from iho Turkish
sorerument and evidently intend
.. that there shall bo no nonseoMe lu the
affair. Turkey is profuse in exnlana
tion and a)X)logies but Russia ill
timates that wordH will not pis cur
rent in this case, but that actions
will bo required. There is no proba
billty of war between the two nation.
. Turkey will parley as long as possihh
' and end by acceding to whatever
Russia drumuds oiilcs there should
J be a protest by some other nut inn,
"Where," despairingly auks a New
York paiwr, "where can one turn for
- refuge" from the canned tomato and
tti society column?" Come to Ore
ikon, all that are jaded and would es
caie the cheap "trlpjier." Here arc
woods where the (aniitd tomato has
' never set foot, and the society
column lias never aulonmblled over
the feelings of the prominent citizen",
bears such as Wall street wots not of,
' and Jay that chatter of frontier thingi
than does Harry Lehr. In Oregon
v woods yon will not trip over empty
beer bottles and rattle through stack
u tit abandoned sardine cans; flowers
. i and not waste patsr apnnglo the
. bunks, and the streams hold trout that
. will make even a night editor think
. himself the primal man atrnggling
with a primeval mounter. --'ircgoiiluii,
Among the defects With which the
Hah law Is so plentifully supplied ia
uue lu the wording of the law regard
lug flailing near dams. The law saya
that a duiu must be provided with
ilah way and Ashing is prohibit!
within a certain distauca of such Hal
. way. , the law sayj nothing in regurd
, to dulling near the dam; the flali way
ia tlio baaia of argument. Dams uu
dergoiug construct ion are nueeaaarily
allowed vouaiderable lenience in the
. Ilah way rroixuiltiiiu and the result ia
sometimes a series of perplexities that
might lie obviated if the law but said
, what it means in regard to taking Ilah
near dams. The wording of the law
is somewhat of an Improvement over
that of a former law which prohibits
Uikiug flail wlthiu a certain dlntaui:
, above or below a Hah way, permit t ing
, llali to be lakei. at will from the liah
way itself. The ehuuges in the flxh
law have been no rapid and kaleiilo
. atopic that ignorance of ita terma
seoius excusable, but it ia evident that
theft) utuat lie a few uioru trials lie
,. fore the thiug ia liually gut right.
The number of young girls wholmv
suicided ill the atute inaiile ol tl;
at few weeka ia aurprlaing and
alarming. (llrls in their "ti
have takeu carbolic acid, morphine
and atrri liiiiiie for reputed reaaona that
are ridiculoualy tiivial. due girl
Juno graduate, suicided because nl
wanted to atny lu town and work at
rcaiaurauL Her lmrciits insisted
. that alio should Coino back to tl
much. It was lonely there, ao ahe
drank carlailic acid. Another girl
' waa too fat. Her companion " jo
ed ' her about it and ahe took strydi
nine and died. Another waa in love
. with a married man. Hhe took mor
phliiu but did uot die. All of tiic
girla,'aa well aa the latest girl ruicidi
at Hoscburg for w hich no muse la aa
certaluahle, were uudii '.II years of
age. They sliould have been at tl
brightest la-rlod of their lives but
they hail absorbed mriitul iiolson uu
til they were nival. Ic to tiike a iioimul
view of life and ita romlilii na. l'o.
aibly bad literal un ia partially re
. ajaiualble for their bhuornml conili
tiou, and probahlv bad SM-orialos anil
r itnpaiiinini are rri) .i'.ile in a grenl
er degree. The niimla-r of anch aui
cides auggeata the uliu tlinl the nun
tal dib uae ia more previtliiil tbnii ia
generally realised.
If you do not get Shoes to
suit you, try the Red Star
Shoes that wear sold at
Moderate Prices.
Long Season fend Splendid Out
' put of Pleicer. ;T
Red Star Store.
One of the moat peculiiir accident
on record liap'iied in tliia city lat
Wednesday. M. C. Ament's loiiy
team was being driven op hixin
tnt, Jogging quietly along, when
the fore foot of ono of the pome
atruck the end of a atick in such a
manner as to cauaii the other end to
fly up. The atick waa aliarp and bay
oneted the little horse ill the abdo
men, entering to a depth of about
night inches. The atick was with
drawn with difficulty and it waa
thought certain that the lny waa
killed, but he managed to get home
and Is now recovering. The little
team has been a plcaaautly fiitniliar
light in (IriintH l'aas for Home time
tndthis fact, together with tho re
markable peculiarity of Hsu accident,
trouacd qnito a degree of intercut in
the occurrence and in the subsequent
welfare of the little horae.
Boy Cured of Colic After Phyticisn't
Treatment Hsd Failed.
My boy when four years old waa
taken with colic and craiupa in Iiih
stomach. I sent for the doctor and
ho Injected morphine, but the child
kept getting worse. I then gave him
half a tenspoonfiil ot Clnin lirrlnin'a
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lleinedy,
and in half an hour he was sleeping
and mam recovered. F. L. Wilklns,
Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilklna ia
book koejair for the Shell Ijike I.nm
ber Co. Vor sale by all drngglata.
Woods Burning In Every Dlree
tion and Smoke Is Dense
Many foreat fires are now burning
in the mountains near this place and
the smoke ia pouring up from the.hilla
lu alinoat every direction. Within
Urn hint week the atiiinanhero has
changed 'r,)m ('l' ar densely smoky
ind we may look for a couatnnt In
crease in the tiiickneaa until a rain
occurs. The Urea nre not oi sucu
magnitude, ua to be dangerous in nny
serious degree but re causing the
ranchers in their vicinity some anxiety
for their fences and other property.
The present season ia unusually dry
and the mniiy fires are creating no
A number of the telephone jades
iiloug the road between Woodville and
Uock Point were burned last week by
a tiro which burned down from the
h i 1 Ik at that point.
PHysicisnt and Druggists.
Ford & Sturgeon, a prominent drug
linn at Rocky Hill Station, Ky.,
writes: "Wo were requested by Dr.
U. R. Sniglcy to send for Hcrbine
for the benefit of our customers. ' We
ordered three dozen in December, and
we am tflad to sav. Herbino has
given such great satisfaction that we
have duplicated this order three
times, and today we gave your sales.
mun another order. Ne beg to say
Dr. (i. H. Suigley takea pleasure in
recoinme ndinit Hcrbine." GOe bottle
at Shiver's Drug Store.
Wolcha' S Closing-out sale.
mm m
Of all Summer Goods
Consisting of
Dress Goods
Shirt Waists
Crash Skirts
Lace Gloves
Children's Straw Hats
several other broken
and odd lots
Serious Inlury bv Lit ! Arthur Colvln la & Victim of
lie Dvron Hums. I Troublesome Accident
first Car
T. P.
Is Sent Out
Tim ilrat car of watermelons tent
tat from Orants l'aas this season war
fiaided tliia wivk by T. 1. 1..-. It.
A.N. Hsyinera -will have a car load
ready for shipment about the end ol
the wmkj and til ahlpmeuta will
prolaibly,be llvsly then-after until
thu cud uf .fh seusoii. Tim heavy
girivvn ttlia year are T. 1'. le, 1L
A X '.Koyinfnl, Hros. and Kia-
mairlos., 'Who liava from 2; to
sv'rvf cttcfT.' TIioTnelon croji thla year
iavfjlrty goo in P' Of f be a parent
ly. nfavotable seasoA, Tha melotu
are of good sjits'aiid the yield Is quiti
bundant: The superior flavor of tin
.pygtii rlvr-r melons , fs widely recog
"niwd and their r'l utatliai is second
to none.
Ityroii, the wvni year old son of
htiuea lUinia, of the I'lty meat
market, was very seriouly injured
while playing ball in this ci'y one
lav wt week, with a numlicr of older
Istya. l'vron va riiuuliig between when he was struck by a batted
nail, of the ort known in bae Kill
.mi laic e a a "hot liner." The Will
itruck tbe giound and in its rebound
'aught IWron on the siile of tbe load
uid he fell uneon-eious. lie win
taken hone' and on examination hia
.Lull wa found to W' fraetureil He
iva-i n'lnoved t' a Ini'ital in Port
land, whither ln pan ntsaci 'ompanicd
niin A iriiou of his skull lias been
removed, lie has not regained con
ciouMiC'. since the aecith tit anil his
-eioverv is Vel'V doul'lful.
Arthur Colvin. son of H. .T. t'olvin
the brii'klaver, autfered a vcrv serious
injury on Monday while helping in
the digging of a well at the Colv
brick yard in the east part of town.
He was being let down into tbe well
by bis uncle, Andrew Colvln, I
uii'ans of a una and bucket. The roja
bn ke ami the bov fell with the bid.i t
to I 'a' l otloui. a distance of some 10
Icet. The position in which be struck
on his h it foot W nt it inward, break
ing loose the ankle joint, tearing away
all the ligaments on tin outside of the
joint, besides fracturing one of the
horn s of the ankle. It is an cm eed-
tngiy troublesome injury and it will;
i proluihlv bo several mouths Wfore the)
. bov will be able to walk.
The St. Heleus & Qalice Mining
Co., operating on Ualice creek, has
made a protracted run this season.
Willi results .that have been gratifying
in the extreme. The old channel
which was discovered last year has
been a niarvel-of richness and of large
and as yet unknown extent The
company announces that dividends
will be applied for tbe following
purposes i -
Completion of the largo reservoir
at the head of the high ditch. Enlarg
ing of all ditches and flumes, instal
lation of an additional hydraulic plant
and derrick and a general increase in
tho facilities for operating at Galice
reek, Including tl'o cutting anil nam
ing of 25,001) feet of lunilier for the
next season's work; deepening of the
bed-rock cut and all necessary prep
arations for an early start with the
On the Washington Treudwell aeon
tract has Wa n let for f0 feet of tun
nel work; ore to be shipped to a
smelter and accurate estimates made
of the plant deaired to mine this prop
rty. An engineer is now in the St.
Helens district to report on the con
ditions and material required for tin
preliminary work.
The bulk of the improvements.
however, will la? on the Galic
placers, where the output has been so
satisfactory and the prospects for a
uumW-r of prosterous seasons deter
mined and assured beyond a doubt.
The treasury stock and funds have
been jealously guarded, the working
expenses reduced to a minimum, tbf
output honorably apportioned and tbe
reputation of the company is the beat
in the West. As a result of an Invita
tion by the management for all in
terested to visit the properly, Gen.
II. H. Compson of Portland made a
visit to the property in W'half of a
friend, and reports as follows:
I found one giant iu operation
with a full head of .water, catting
lowii the rim rock ior a deep race to
bottom an old channel which, from
actual pan prosper!, I found to be
very rich in course gold. Six puns
of dirt yielded over $2.0. I went
ovor all the claims, carefully talked
with old-timers with regard to its
liHt hietory, aud from my deductions
tnd personal observation can uu
hesitatingly say that you have one ol
the flneat placer projiortieB it has evi
been my pleasure to inspect.
The water supply will allow the
nlaut to be increased to a wonderful
wiatcity for handling ground, and
am HutiNtiea tout the improvements
now under way and contemplated will
nut this iirnnerty to the front as a
great gold producer. Acres and acre
of rich virgin ground lie along undo
the high ditch ready for the heavy
d renins of water.
Kveryoiie apcuks in the highest
terms ol Mr. Cousin's energetic man
Ageinent and upright policy In con
hiding the affairs of the comany,
mil feel sure if tbe plans as outlined
ire carried out, there will be no
cause for complaint at an investment
in St. Helens & Galice stork.
It will lie bard to find in tho weal
a more promising proposition.
"In looking over the lawks of the
company, I ntul that .Mr. 1'ousin re
tains bis stock Intact, as do moat of
the original owners, and that out of
the 4(KI,(XXI shares of treasury stock
laid aside for development puri0Hcs,
leas than l.'iO.OOO has been sold. It
euiH marvelous that so much work
has been done and such a splendid
showing made in production and as
sets w ith the sale of so little treasury
I am heartily in favor of the com
pany using the dividend funds for im
provements this summer, us the out
put next season will lie thereby ill-
.You call recommend anyone to nie
for veriticat ion of this letter, and a
more detailed expression of my senti
uients and observations. "
Sclmti Sifting.
Somewhat smoky up the creek.
A. K. Nelson came from tbe Kurvka
mine Friday aud left for the Pass Sat
Wimer Urn, are putting up a black
smith shop in our town. Success to
you Wiys.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moll have re
turned after a pleasant outing to
Swede llasin
The dance given lu re Saturday night
was a success,. It was well attended.
I'otne again boys.
Mrs. Ktta Stevenson came down
from Waldo one day this week and
mule a short visit to Iriends and rela
tive Forest tin s are doing a great deal of
damage here now. Some property
came near W'ing lost and some ia yet
in danger.
Leland Sifting
A Urge amount of concentrate is
being brought from the Greenback to
be shipped. j
Several people from a distance have ;
come to look over this locality to see ;
the advantages.
People have got through with the
measles nothing of that kind would
be here If people would not bring it
We have a large amount of new
land thai can be converted into good
homes that will raise alfalfa or any
thing else.
People are buay baling hay. A
large amount of hay is beiug baled
in this vicinity. How different from
& few years ago, when wo imported
my ; now we can export.
Foreat fires are raging in the hills.
Some railroad fence has been burnt,
that ia the extent of the damage, done
io far. As the fires are still running,
more ilamage may be done.
Warm weather prevails at present.
but no prostrating heat, aa we have
a quiet lireeze that spring up in the
heat of the day, so it la uot so ex
tremely hot as in some places.
As the miners havo got through
cleaning up and have done the requir-
d work around the. mile a, several
ire now recuperating here a this
place has such salubrious cliiuato.
Leland needs a smelter. Some cap
italists are considering a movement to
rect a smelter here. This is a cen
tral place for a plant "of that kind aa
wo have nearly all of the require
ments for a plant of that kind.
Some of the Greenback people are
moving to our town as work here is
good for those who wish to work.
Some of the Gleudalitea will soon
move to our burg. People who have
been living here and went uway, long
o come back. Oor market ha lieeu
good for all kinds of vegetables and
mfflclent is raised to meet all de
mands, bnt for the last two weeks
Hoguo river farmers heard of the
fair prices paid at Greenback and
other places. They rushed iu garden
truck until the prices went down to
nothing. Let them stay with their
homo market and not come in our
midst and run down the price to a
starvation basis.
No sickness to reisirt. Wido Awake.
Wllderville Notes.
Tho hay baler has finished its work
in this part of the country.
Mrs. Stone of Crescent City Is now
visiting with Mrs. H. D. Jones of
this place.
There Is a gnat deal of lire in the
mountains now which gives ua
plenty of smoke.
Klba Woodard is again able to be
about and will be so he can work in
two or three weeka.
F. Stevenson ran a derrick fork in
to hia arm and was about laid up for
il few days, but is getting ulong
nicely now.
II. M. Kobinaon has hia new scales
so he can weigh anything under four
tons. They eau be driven upon witl
large load.
W. II. Cart accompanied Kcv. W.
F. Rogers to Merlin Sunday and will
visit at that place for a few days.
Mr. Cart intends to start to Denver,
Colo., beforo long.
Oar neighbor, Mr. Sams, while
going home from work one day last
week was assaulted by a couple i f
fcouudrel who bad way-laid tin
road and as he was the llrst to pass,
he whs attacked, bnt no Berious
damage was done. One docs uot
know when he Is safe ill the mount
For Sale
Horse and buggy for
qnare piano
sule ; ah-o a
b.irgam. Inquire
this o!!,ce.
t or Sale.
Restaurant, a good business for the
onuey invested. Enquire at this
oflice for particulars. v
Corvallis 4 Easko Railroad
Time Cnru 'o. Mvi,
No. 2 For Yaquiua
Leaves Albanv 12:43 P. M.
Corvallis 1 :S0 P. M.
Arrives Yaquiua 5::j.j P. M.
No. 1 Returning
Leaves Yaquiua 7 ell) A. M
Loaves Corvallis II ::to A. M.
Arrives Albany 12:1." P. M.
No. 8 Fcr Detroit
Lea res Albany 7 :0 A. M.
Arrives Detroit 12 :C0 P. M.
No. 1 from Detroit
Leavea Detroit 1 :00 P. M.
Arrives Albany o:."5 P. M.
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect with the S. P south bound
train, aa well as giving two or three
hours in Albany before departure ol
sj. P. uortli Wiuud train
Train No. 2 connects with the S. P.
traiua at Corvallis and Albany giving
direct service to New port und adja
cent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, IJrcitenbusli
aud other mountain resorts haves Al
banv at 7a)a. in., reaching Delimit
alsjut noon, giving ample time ti
reach the Spring same day.
or further information apply it
T. COCKKl'I.L. Agent, Albany.
H. 11. CHOMSK, Agent Corvallis.
Suicide Prevented
The startling announcement that a
preventive of suicide had been
cov-red will interest uiuuy. A run
down system or despondency iuvari
bly precede snieinn nud something
lias' been found that will prevent that
condition which mnki a suicide likely.
At the first thought of self destruc
:on take Electrc Hitters. It being a
great tonic and nervine will atrengtli--n
the nerves aud build up the system.
It's also a great Mnuiacii, i.ivcj ;.
Kidney regulator. Only H'. Stia
fsct ion guaranteed by National Drug
sitnre and Grants Pass Pharmacy
Masonic Temple, Room 9,
Office hours:
II to 12 A. M.
2 to If'
Grants Pass,
Ok egos.
Farm for Rent.
Farm of 120 acres on Roguo river
three miles west of Grants Pass for
casli rent. Address O. J. Knips.
Get Thomas prices on P.efrigerators,
ITAHM K"K HALK-two niilee from Xler
' lin. 10) acre -sixiut 60 seres of good
Iwtumi land, 25 acres in cultivation, small
house and barn and atiout AO scries under
fence, balance of land suitahle for orchard
or psslurs. For further particular! ad
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
UU I acre fruit and atoek ranch, 3' mil..
JU Irom Grants Fasa. m fencjj "
cleared' 10 in Orchard, fair building, iood
fruit aoil, plenty o( water and tituler anil
the lst outskle stock range in Josephine
tounty. Price l.') 00 per acre, part cash
I 'all st ranch on Jonea creek or address
Mra. A. H. t'hessmore, lied (ord, Ore.
prune and
Tanglefoot Fly Paper,
Sure Kill Fly Paper,
"Vampire" Spiral Fly
Orange Front, opposite Opera
Sells Drug.
Edarate-rt rttinaiuan '!
ftomr Worn on m Yuang flo
rin j Ltl' IU.
()li? nf I tie IftteM fiidx
if ltt'lt iirnninruUMl
it tlie weuririfj
uitli ( hinese
; :u-t er in
r. The
fit .it t:
Tnlmu, fur,
.lint: ..f
ill tin
en rim 1 rid' I I; i
1 lie i I v i
f Ih' ilflp.ll I ;: Mi
lt, I
1 ll'l
14 re-
: f 1 tit
'It It (till l! til.'
r 11 in t-
of Ihe
11 1 n id
i' . -:iel
1 :' :k
I :t t ' t.e
-I ,
Prises lor Window Honrs
Uyseub ry Cured Without the Aid of s
"I am just up tniiu a hard as ll of
for bcautilving tbe tbe tlu" (dystoiiler.T I says Mr. T. A.
the ladies' d tbell'tuner. a well known merchant of
Prumiuuiid, leim. " I uaeil one bottle
of t'lianilKilalira folic, t'lnilera and
Diarrhoea Kctnedr and was cured
Aa one means
rltv, several of
(raiita l'ass Woman's club have ar
ranged window boxes for floral decora
tions, and a prise for the 1 -t prodia
Ciou In tliia line will Ih- uwiiribd in
4cpti'iuhrr by Mrs. Hold, limit h.
Mrs. Itooth bus a very hand cine
ariudow Ian at her residence which la
t dcmonxtriiticu of one ii.auiii r lu
hich homes may be 1-enutihvd by
111 ins of the aituplest millennia nud
with (lie lia-t imaginable tti ut le nud
End of Bitter Fight.
" Two physicians had a long and
Huhboru tight with an abscess on my
right lung" writes J. K Hughe of
of Dnl'ont, On. "and gave me up.
Kvcrylxdy thought my time bud
come. As a last resort I tried Ir.
King's New Discovery for I'on.-uinp-'
tiou. The Is'uelit I reivived wasj
striking and I was 011 my feet 111 u ,
few davs. Now I've entirely re-1
gaiuel my health." It conquer all (
i viugllS mollis anil ilinaii nun LuiiK
troubles, tluaranteid by National
Drug Store aud Grants l"asa 1'biir-1
inacy. I'rice .V, aud Jl.00. Trial,
bottle free.
Mr. Mollie AU. u, of South Fork,
Ky., saya she has pri-vented attacka
of cholera morbus by taking t'hambcr-1
lain' Stomach aud I.ivcr Tablets'
when alie felt an att u k coming on. ;
S.ich attacks are usually caused by
I I !i . 11. "I i:t :i It ,
' ,: '; :'c- Clcr t kll ' tl'.CV
: ! nr 1 rui- ;i k p. i r . . t n n. t 'lie I
I 1 a'l lev tM."inii" die Itv torture,
el the other i. 'M.i I lisve ill oii."
l lie t Ytlrriiliv.
r.ifl rl li'i, 1 n c,-trny cue hy one
- f"ii,!e.t i!!ii.;,n. nts IVmilar
i.T.c llilhcrto the man
ic .ti if l iisd iuingiuiMl tliatnerenM
.i;c - i f eirrv citi iiutl daili pol
lt M- nld -.til! tied iiiinui.'ulute
1 ... In 'lie 'pv. Pin M llin-t. who
' . . . p ;i el- mii-iil la' 1 nt
' 1 ' ! !'. - :n:r ill -1 it lite. Iiaiisg
ni'li. ol.laine.' .nine ier from the
..''i. of M.unt ite!f and
: iniiicr pitileM uiicroicnp
'it .:i t e r. tie n red ma
:, t.rv It appear thai eieli
1' -!'i'ii..l. iihieli ,o l..r remaiiieu
,Vi 11 In linn n feet. bu lost it
i-i. if'it rur tia.l iicv. The ice in
ne. t ion. anil nil I er melted theref roln.
eie found, on baeterinli jfieal sb
i wi-.. to be "peoj-U'd iiilh inicrolies
Kuril KOr.-l at lllels.
li ex'luiieli pork diet teuds in
'di to pe.imiMu. Ileef, if pere
l in for moT'tl. nukes a man
.- I eni'lefi,- n lu' alldaeiiiUS. SH1
.;'.on's Wei-I.ii. A mutton diet con
i''i. '! lor au length of time trnda to
. ! ieli. il, 11 hile 1e.1t eaters ffradu-
Iu the County Court for Josephine
1 ' Slate of Oregon.
tn the matter ol the estate of
J. V. Van Ness, deceased,
culled Joseph lull Nci-h aim
sometimes Joslah Van Ness,
but whose true given name
is unknown.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Joseph Jloas, has been ap
pointed by the County Court for Jose
phine County, Oregon, administrator
if the estate" of the above named J. I.
Vim Ness, deceased, and all persons
luiviug claims against said estate are
In ti bv notilied to present the same to
ihe said administrator at Ins otlice iu
Grants 1'ass, Oregon, witluu six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated August K'tli. !!!.
Joseph Moss, Executor.
II. D. Norton, Attoin-y for Estate.
ACKE ranch, good
anule orchard, small fruit, i..
ahundance; water for Irrigation, besides
springs on every 40 acres: center of a good
range country; two dwtlling houses bis
ham, every thing complete; well sheltered
from frosts, good minim; markets nne
half mile north, of Tunnel 9, price 12 Oou
Inquire St this olhce. '
0(1(1 A1-''' 7 niie south of Urants
-v'" Pass, for sale at a bargain. Fail
ing health of owner the only caui-e fur
selling. 70 acres under cultivation; 70
acres fence for pasture, balance wood land,
oak and pine; will make good agricultural
bind when cleared, bn room house; barn
ixls; milk house, all in good repair.
Neurlv new wagon, mower and rake and
all oilier farming inpleiuenta; 4 cowa, 4
calves. S horses, 6 hogs. Everything goes
with the tartu for liVJO. Crop (or luon
included, inquire at this otlice.
Welch's closina; out sale
is the place to buy.
Notice is hereby given that nil per
ions having any claim agiiut the is
late of Job Auder.-on, di leased, must
present audi claim or claims duly
vended according to law w iihin six I have a
nif iilliH tit 111 the date lu rt of to the I M.conn-haii A
nodi rsigneii .nsse .11. uoci.err, 1111
miiiistiatoi' of said estate, at Grants
Puss, Oregon.
Dated this K'th dav of August, 1 io:j.
Jesse M. Ilrckett,
Administrator of the estate of Job
Anderson, deceased.
Going Camping?
You will need "a stove the kind
with asbestos lining and cast iron
top is thu beat. 1 have them at sur
prisingly low prices, also the sheet
iron stoves.
Tents iu all weights and all sizes
at less than elsewhere.
can think of.
big stock of new and
goods everything you
Let me show you.
Nlxtli Nt !' t.
'IKS. : :
More Eun
a box of monkevs.!
Front Street.
Furniture and
Housefurnishing Goods,
It uoiilil swrjii iM' yoii to see lite extent ami
variety ol" the stock and the moderate prices at
which they are sold. It w ould he an actual loss
it' you buy Midi miods without examiniiiu; at
(he lii store on north side of track," opposite the
Western Hotel. Come and see.
ft. U. Bannard
Field and Garden
Seed in Bulk, i
White and Yellow Field Com. I
Sugar Corn, Pop Corn. " j
Alfalfa, Timothy, Red and White ,
Clover. j
Teas, Beans, Onion, Carrot.
Also regular package seeds.
Maaralla Kinrry Thmt Hm r i
Iv Ai)anf Uho Had Nut (stt
lit liclun.
Tlie dirtV't prrsuiijii a;tp a Is uiai't- i
the prt';ii'htr to :itiv n,. inlur t f h . I
HtK-k at a nnrn famp inn a-,
oftfn wry (iiifyinr. li t ft.,, w i. ,
:hi iiu-iiirM rtla:rii hy Ki.a !;;...i', i
TytHMit, win'-' st.iiy, I'm liittri.r.
tif.i .if lir.m'p.ip," ju: lurn puS- ,
IMu i: i
hi rhf in'iivt t'f the -t:i on :!f j
1, it turn ,! sut'.dm'.j to a ' ' 1
:n u' ;i t : i a :u! a kJ :
"M.iyhe m think oae y. pf t l:
.:' t4 ii 1 1 .in h.l an a r.t't! m I
Ah'.i a ; i 'tin" ii " m i'a : 'w . i ( t.
T'.tx, hut u' rti'i't. :n 'A i u .
t .1 : in' l: n i: ,m:.iii I. ' ; i ' . t '
M nr.ih wiT'-r-o. W I : , r '
Al"'.t!:tni iirah hut! no r.. : i '
U t upon 'he .'i;th t'a i-
i't 'l rt- : ;l : 1 .-it v f rt ' :tl li : ' :i ' : !' r-
h ai' :' !pon t!.t' nioii-"i Yi ,
m i ; f : :u h 1 1 " . It s! .i',( !s ami r .-:ii " tlif
IV I-...:". r
I" li'i
ii'Urd f. r
', W, ,
an aT'.w
thr voir :
without ImviiiK r diK-tor. I iHiii.lilir i(1 1;,,,, j,m nw tli,.,. TitMi-ts tire jat
it tlif 1hi ilmlcrt nu'iliiini in th
jworhl. " Tln-r l ti" ih1 ol unplny-
lug iltH tor when this ivimly i n't.
I fur no ilK lur en in's rih U'tti'r
! nii'ilii iiio for tsWfl complaint ill nv
j form ilh. r for i-hihln n or n.lulls. It
nrvcr f.nls ami is iili'asant to tk"
Kor will' by all tlruiti't.
li:it is iiiH'iU'il to cl.-.m' tl litomaoh
ml warl olT llu iiriii'hin,( attai-k.
Attu.ks of hiliouH colli' may I
IT. votiti'il in tho snmo wsr. For m)t
- all lruK(!it-'
Sec Voofhirsahont Kodaks sdJ Suiplirs
v. ; t I. t-ntTt'. mi
i.f . f riru i inl iin:k tfiul to niake
mt-u lifHUtit ahi! i iuu-iiait. ltuttsr
H-e.i in f''- ii'miT iu !1mt phUs
s .-ti,- ani! -l.iy. Apple, ure rt. ciirnt
i. r l"-nin worker, ami eert,M!y hu
la- ll.iirh iutrllrrtllal Wurk to do
.Ii mid rt tl:nn frrelr. rotatoe. on
tl r i nitr:ir . rr n.'er on dull, iimdi.m
An. I l io. ertien o'ntant! and in
fi-r'., I'o pit'fe tli inemorT. eiren
io an ndvniu-rd afe, nothing i better
ll'.au mustard.
I..H f :
i I k
him ii :
The fres i ""h hsi.i' ifwine a uh iir;r
lOiTen i!e lnil:irt'. -,ie Wr ir
tilt'd an' ltr .' J. liruop an't.
huiviini 1 kin ws'nr de hst
ran t.
With this e;''irt:ioTi he
p'a-ei!, ar.d I erv -tmcIi I'ouht
Johnson eer saw !, liat jjain.
:i la;.
Il.'U on" In-
Preserve Your Clothing
and Woolens
By first brushing them ttiorous-hly
aud hanging them ia the opou air and
sunlight for 8 or 10 hoars wrap them
tightly in tar paper with some of
our reliable moth proof preparation,
uml if kept in a tight drawer, chest
or closet, moths caunot and will not
injure them. We carry a full Hue of
tar and Urioo paper, camphor balls
cedar, camphor, etc.
"grants Pass PtaacyNational Drag Store
Withtu ihe lnt tfit fir more Hew
n Hhtvi ha r hern i!ticd f.r tirUng
nitb onn.uiiiptK'U ihn ny other hu
n.iD ailment
To Cure a Cold in One Day
auuAauvc ui umo 4inme Tablets. fi
Ttus signature, v9. SFjC?rvru box. 25c
Scvca MiIBoa koses oi4 in past ssontks.
Om svery