4 ftOOUU &IVER COURIER,-CftANTS PASS. OREGON, JULY 23, 1903. WEBFOOT AT BUNKER HILL' Oregonla.n Wa Not Improved Wllh Historic Acclivity. A native sou of Oregon, wlio. jg making a tour of the East for the Brut time, visited Boston last week and writei home that he went over to ' Charleston to see Banker Hill. Since lie has teeu it he does not think so : mach of the British. It will be re- ' mem be red that the battle of Bunker Hill, which was fought 13 yean ago, waa one of the most celebrated battle of the war of the Revolution. The Americana were entrenched there, but the British, after a long and bloody , conteat, remained master! of the field, j The uative inn mentioned has way felt thieved because the Ameri : cans were driven out of their strong hold by the British, iu sjite of the fact that they had to climb the hill to get at- them. His ideas about hills were different from those of peoj who have not lived iu Oregon. After : seeing the "Hill," which is only 1 10 feet high, and climbing to the blood ' stained field on tup where the battle was fought, and finding in the center ' of the grounds a monument in the shape of an obelisk more than twice ; as high as tlio hill (221 feet), he foe els better satisfied. He thinks the Ameri cans were not placed at any great ad r vantage by their elevation, nor the British entitled to any great credit for climbing that hill. Ho also calle to mind the Britisher, who, some 32 years ago climbed Mount Hood ou the Fourth of July. When near the sum rait he sat down to rest and looking down the grand old moni.tain, fx claimed with aatoiiiHhmcnt : "Oo'd a thought the blasted 'ill was so 'igh?' 80 the uative sun is coming bark to Oregon perfectly satisfied and glad to live where "hills" are worth nienton ing. Oregouian. NO PITY BHOWN. "For years fate was after me run tinoasly" writes F. A. Oulledge ternena, Ala. ' had a tumhlu raw of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Buck Ion's Arnica Halve cured me. Kqually good for bums and all aches and pains. Only 2.'k at Nation al Drag store aud'Grnnts Pass l'hiir inacy. The August Delineator. The Delineator for August is an ex ccllent midsummer numlwr. It pre seuts a charming array of Fashions, as well as numerous other features of deep interest to women, and stories and articles of a high literary stand ard. In fiction, there are four storl ettes that will furnish good reading for lar.y summer afternoons, also the fourth installment of Mrs. father wood's story, "The Hoi limit s" in which the action becomes very thrll Hug. LUlio Hamilton French writes entertainingly about some of her city neighbors. Including the very poor and the very rich. "Our Summer iu Barn," by Frederick J. Burnett, is me narrative or a novel manner of spending the warm season iu the country. Suggestions for au cuter talnmeiit with silhouettes are giveu by Janet Brewster, in a insist illus trated with sllhouetto isirtraits ol ladies prominent in Chicago society. A house on a hlllslilo is shown, with illustrations of exterior and interior, and a page of exclusive photographs of Margaret Anglin is also a feature. Miss Laughliu discourses in charac teristic volu on "The Quest of Hap plness,"and Mrs. Birney has an in teresting chapter on Childhood. The preparations of sea food is the subject of the "Carlotta and I" isipor, and the general food problem is given consideration by Dr. Oraco Peck ham Murray. For the children there are the engaglug jiastiiuea, the Fire light story and other features. The various departments are up to the usual standard. August Delineator. DYSPKPHIA. People (Imt have ilysi'isia hav wean stomachs, weak hearts, weak eyes and are usually weak kneed, Hiey feel bilious and the world in general has a bilious look to them, they have so many symptoms that it is itilllcult to locate the place where they feel the worst. The fact is the source from where they get their strength has been rut off ami they are sick all over. The food taken into the stomach remains undigested, causing belching, and bilious attacks, followed by sick-headache, mid gen ernl weakness. The medicine that puts the stomach Iu condition so that the food can be readily digested, will euro dyspepsia and make strength where there was VteaknoKs. We have cured thousands of terona during the past 20 years, of dyspepsia, w ith lr. Onnn's Improved Liver Pills. A S.V box of these pills are worth more to lop!e with or digestion than six months of dieting or a gallon of la'psiu. It only takes one fur a dose. We will send two of these pills t.. prove what they will do. V. V. Kre- lucr. sells them for J.'i ,j or by mail on receipt of i,n,.,.. vni, Dr. Bosanko Co. Phila., Pa. Do You Want to Malts Money? And believe thin you have enough business ability to siie,-e.fully rep resent a reliable tlrm in this vicinity ; if so send full name and address, with ten cents to cover cost of mulling, etc., for full iwrlieiilarh to Wlilte'i. Sayings, Seattle, Wash. The paper puts you in touch will, manufacturers who want agents Hnl dealers, teaches you how to wilte ml vertisemeiits and tells you of many ways to make money, either working part or all of the time. Send your ton cents today. THE MOSS WOKM MKD1CINK II. P. Knuiie, Drnggist, Leighton Ala., writes. "One of my custoiuer had a child w hich was sick, ami threw op all food, could retain nothing on Its stomach. He bought one Isittle of White's Cream vermifuge, ami il brought up III) worms from the child It's the boas worm medicine in the world." White's Cream Vermifuge Is also the eluldreu'a tonic. It Im proves their digestion and assiimlat ton of food, aud restores them to tin health, vigor and elasticity of spirit natural to childhood. 2V at Shiver Pang Co. Xa. Z. Z. XI. Column L Taking to task the oflicers of Port land who he says neglect to enforce the laws they are sworn to uphold, denouncing the wicked and what he termed shamelessly open condition ol mnnicijial iniquity and apjiealing to the people- of this city to cast off the yoke and dnmnud the closing of saloons, gambling houses and the brothel, Kev. u. L. Tofts, recently aps)intcd superintendent of the Ore gon Anti-Saloon League, opened, his campaign in Portland last night He took his text from the fifth chap ter of Isaiah, 21 verse, and read : "Woe unto them which justify the wicked for a reward. " I This he interpreted to mean : "Woe unto those who Justify the salootiseep- er for a license fee." The sjs-ake who occupied the regular pulpit hour at the First Christian church, struck straight from the shoulder at the evil existing in this city, and said "There are 812 saloons in Port land. A largo majority of them, at least run seven days of the week in oian dofiaiico of tlio laws of the state. These saloons are crowded with young men from hastcm homes who have come across the continent to hid): build up here a great commonwealth We owe a debt to those homes that have parted with sons, to remove from these sons as far as possible, these pitfalls. "Not only are theso young me tempted to drink, but gumblivg and the social evil are being carried on in a lawless and most brazen manner. "In company with a Christian mis sionary of this city I visited a num ber of these drinking establishments. Should I relate what my own eye saw of the awful condition ol affairs it would startle you and arouse your indignation. While there are a lurgi proportion of young men before me than is found, perhaps In most of the churches, yet they lire few in com par i son with those who are gathered in the gambling and drinking room iu the city. But I wish to deal chiefly with tlio remedies for these stujiciidoti evils. "The Anti Haloon league is only another name for the federated church, fighting the saloon iu defense of its own rights and to overthrow kindred evils. The churches heretofore hare been working within their own denominational lines. Now it is proiuscd to unite all ti e religious and temirance forces of the state into nuo grand army against the foe of our common wealth It is thus Interdenominatiouil and also Intcrpartisun. Tlio object is to build up a tuiioraurc const ituenry rather than a distinct party; to unite all men who are willing to join issue usin the one prnssition, "the sa loon must go," and judging from the success of this movement iu the states where well-estalilihlied, wo sen no reason why it should not succeed In Oregon. It is the duly of the churches to opiKise the un-American saloon lie- cause : first It Is the great foe of the church. There is, probably, no other institution that diss more to with stand tlio work of twin tors and iicoph than the organized liquor traffic. Many young men who are brought within the iialn of the church are ecoyed into the saloons and dragged down to ruin. Destroy the saliHin and you will remove remove the great obstacle to the building upof Christ's kingdom on earth. Of the H.noO.ooo young men In the I lilted Slates only about 5 )er cent o' them are member of any religious dc nominal ion ; 7.r ier cent of them never enter the walls of the sacred sanctuary. Where are these young men? One hundred thousand of them are in the jails and prisons 4(H),()HI others have been Incarcerated. Seven eigliths of the rimes which brought these young men to isnial institutions are truce- utile to the drink hahit. Second The saloon Is the great foe of the government. We hear much the corruption of silitics. Thi orrtiptiou is largely due to hiiIooii influences. The slates for the par tics are often prepared at the saloons. Tim men elected to oilier, largely by mean of the money ami inlliieuee of this traffic, are exisrleil to lie its rvanls and protectors. The welfare f our country ile-uds iiihui a pure ballot. Thus the saloon, a corrupter of pure Killtics, the oppnnrllt of good legislation and the enforcement of law antagonistic to il interest. Ie come the foe of a government estab lished for the protection of the Is-st ilit crest of society. Wi Islieve in the Miiueniiiev ol law. line form of rebellion was imi iwn in the bloody war of the tilt's and it becomes the dutv of even- loval it wen to rank himself imainst this Ix'llious spirit which run be found iniimnt w ithiu our ow n city. " Hev. Tufts came lure three weeks ago from Indianapolis, lie represi uts the nli .Saloon Isauue of America. rgain.cd in In stall and maintain ing .'.I worker tit the field. "We aim to tight the evil through the law," he wild today. "There are1 good laws on the Oregon statute hooks and we mean to see them cnloreed and to close saloons en Sunday. We will male the OemaioK upui the ollicors that they enforce the law and if they refuse we will put ilt ,tiecrs who will do tlu-ir duty Thi i not a political machine I am represi ut ing, it is nil army which is light ing for the right. And we will tiK-ln in Portland until right prevail. We Wticve m vigoious a.'imi, ,,,,,1 ,k j, .. Key Tuft will snt , t;m,v tl A k t ... -urinooisl r.ptsroptl church, d II. IIISCUS slim municipal corruption. "1 believe the gamhl. rs it tended to first," he said should ! Port land Daily Journal. DHl'UUlSTS WILL 111' Y IT HACK You sssiinnnr no risk when you buy hainls'rlaiu's Colic, Cholera sod Diarrhoea Remedy, druggists will re fund your mouey if you are not satis (led after using it. It is every w here idiullted to ln.i the most successful remedy in use for bond complaints mil the only one that never fails. It i pleasant, safe and reliable. CHEAP EXCURSION RATES Reduced F&re for Visitors to the Setvaide a-nd Mountalni. The Southern Pacific Company has placed ou sale at very low rates round trip tickets to the various resorts along its lines, and also, in connect ion with the C'orvallis & Eastern Railroad, to Detroit and the seaside at Yatiuiua Bay, latter tickets good for return until October 10th. Three day tickets to Yuquiua Bay, good goiug Saturdays, returning Mou days, are on sale at greatly reduced rates from all jsiiuts Kugeuo and North on both East and West Side Lines, enabling istoiile to sjs-ud Sun day ut the seaside.. Very low round trip rates are also made between Port land and same points ou the Southern Pacific, good going Saturdays, return ingSuuday or Monday, allowing Port land ixjoplo to stand Sunday In the country and the out of town people to have the day iu Portland. Tickets from Portland to Yaqulna Bay good for return via Albany and East Side, or C'orvallis and West Side, at option of passenger. Baggage checked through to Newjiort. A new feature at New)rt this year will be an up-to-date Kiiideigarteu in charge of an experienced Chicago teacher. A beautifully Illustrated booklet describing the seaside resorts ou Yatiuina Bay has been published by the Southern Par I lie and Corvallis & EaNtern Railroads, and can be secured from any of their agents, or by ad dressing V. E. Comaii, O. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone, Mauagrr C. & E. Ky., Albany, Ore gon. TAX ON BABIES. Extreme hot weather is a great lax ujmiij the digestive iiow'cr of babies wheu puny and feeble they should be given a few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge, the children' tonic. It will stimulate and facilitate the di gcstion of their food, so that tin soon become strong, healthy and tie live. Mle at Slover Drug Co. Lelartd Sifting. nice cool We are having cloudy weather. Mr. Wilson, one of our merchants, and family have genu to the coast to recreate. Times are picking up ut the Coppc Stain mine. That mint) has been idle, but fiom reliable sources will soon begin work. , f rank McCrnkcns has got througli leaning bed rock and has made a sue ess this season in milling. lie located on the top of BriniHlone Mountain. Tlio new mine strike at Placer is very rich. W'o don't know the names of the parties but the ledge Is large. They are running it tunnel to tap the ledge at a greater depth. ('. I). Burnett made a trip down Uravti creek hist week. Ho reports lively times In that district. A good many prniH!ctors are ill that vicinity. We will soon have news to report from that source. Some of the Hugo farmer sowed heat seed for hay crop They got heat iu return. It. is always better to sow good clean seed, cultivate tin laud well then we can exiM ct a good rop. While passing (j. V. Chapins ranch one day last week he had a mower cutting liny ami hail two men employed to throw the hay hack so Ihe mower could do its work the hay was so heavy. With some of our young people they have a iiiestion that u..les them. As this certain class tines not "cad lip III to I ; some ol these say it menus 111 babies to one deatlt; others say it mean III working davs to one hnli ay. These same jieople think of or ganizing a party to explore our hill for mineral as wo l ave a vast terri tory that has been run over hi t not proierted yet. it me t ourier Is the lending new- pai r of our county it would li well or the county to have several thou ami copies of the pnH'r printed and lid them east so the 'opIo w ill have the new of Josephine county and its sources. People are through w ith the first lifting of hay. Our merchants are busier; the stage ha us many sseii- ger a it can carry and no sickness to romrt . W ide a Wake. THE PERFECT I.IVDR MEDICINE. .Mr. M. A. Jolley, Noble, O. T. , riles: "I have uetl llcrbine for a number of year, and can clieerfullv voinnieiul it a the most is-rfe t liver met Home, and the greatest blissl purl Malaria cannot tlnd a loilcemeiit iu the system while the liver is in rfect order, fur one of it function to prevent the absorption of fever rodooing imisons. llcrbiiie is u most Mlolent liver n guhtlor. ,'iiie at lover Drug Co. Fo" a lay liver try Chiimls-i -Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They in- Igorate the liver, aid the digestion. gulate the bowels and prevent lions attacks. For wile bv all dim: gii. stmt ion if what tlour will do. It will double its weight iu bread. It will make pure, white, delicious loaves. It is more rcliaho aud n ore economical than any oilier oday ou the market. And it is the housewife's favorite the e plus ultra of family Hour What more cau be said? Oct the Mulford bland. A. A. DAVIS. ' i eV T- M An IHu I wrote to Doctor Pierce, -who sent me a very kind letter and advised me." Thousands of weak and sic k women can trace the beginning of a new life of perfect health to that letter written to br. Pierce. Sick and siting women are invited to consult Dr. pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures weak and aching larks, hea'laches, rierv. ousness aud other womanly ailments by curing the womanly diseases which cause tnem. "In th. sprint: of looo I het-nme vr-rv ill," writr. Mr. Alvirua Kcnotti, nf ljike Within-. tun. Iturur Co.. Minn., "my lank wit vrrv weak anil achrtt Mi that I could ilo no work at all. so I waa olilignl to inke to my bed. I h-lt s f-otiatnnt (Inure to urinal" and the paiua tm abdomen were slmoat uulritle. I wrote to lr Fierce, who aent me a verv kinrf letter, and advtaed me to take his Favorite Prescription and 'Coldeii Medical Discovery.' I took aix bottle of each and am a well womao now. 1 cannot aay enough in favor of Or. Fierce'a medicines. " " Favorite Prescription " makes weak women strong, tick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. Reduced Summer Excursion Rates. The Denver & Rio Grande, popu larly known as the "Scenic Line of World," has announced greatly reduced round-trip rates from Pacific Coast jKjiiits for tlio benefit of teachers "who will sjieud their vnca tion in tlio east, and of delegates to E. A., at Boston; A. O. U. W., at St. Paul; B P. (J. E, ut Bultimore; Woodmen of America at Iudiumt-lis ; Eagles at New York; Mystic Shrine at Saratoga Spring; K. of P. at Louisville, and T. P. A., at Indinii- HJHllI. Tickets ut the reduced rates will bo based uikiu one faro for the round trip, but will be sold ou certain days. Ineso tickets will carry stopover privileges on the going trip, giving passengers an opjiortuiiity to visit Salt. Lako City, O leu wood Springs, Colorado Spriugs and Denver; and will bo good to return any time within ninety (U0) days. Passengers going via the Denver & Rio Grande are given the privilege of returning via a different route. For the rate to the point you wish to go, anil for dates of sale and other particular, its well as for illustrated liamphletK, write W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent, 124 Third St., Port land, Or. BRUTALLY TORTURED. A case camo to light that for jst- sisteut and unmerciful torture bus perhiti never been equaled. Joe Goloick of Colusa, Calif, writes. For li years I endured insurTeruble mill, from Rheumatism and nothing relieved me though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles ot it ompletnly relieved and cured me." Just a good for Liver and Kidney trouble and general debility. Only .Vic. Satisfaction guaranteed by National Drug Store and Grants Pass Pharmacy. Excursion Rates I o Yaqulna Day On June lt the Southern Pacflic Co. will resume sale of excursion tick els to NewiKirt. and Yauuina Bav. Rati' from Grants Pass, ia This popular resort has long been well and favorably known to the js'tiple of Western Oregon, and the low rates offered should enable everyone to take an outing. W. E. ('OMAN, General Passenger Agent. DR. Oi'N'NS' BLOOD AND NERVE TONIC. There is not a woman in thi land but at some time in her life would have l'cu the better for the uso of this tonic. For diseases ls'culiar to women, n better medicine was uever made. It is comtKiseil ot the intire- lienls from which the system ha been deprived by disease, over-work or diiimtiim. It enter at once into the circulation, building up tiie tissues that have been wasted, ami making pure, rich blood in the most lirect way. For weak, nervous and unsteady people, pimply, tiule or shies Hople, it will make strong steady nerves and give the complex ion that wholesome look that nidi ale health. We have hundreds of filers that JH'ople have written lis. saying that they had gained in good solid llfsh at the rate of one to three IHiumls i-r week while using Dr. Gutiu's Blood and Nerve Tonic. It hoiild 1h taken after meals, one ol two tablets each tune. Dnik'k'isis sell r.V it Ih'X or three boxes fur 'J.00, or sent post paid on receipt of price. We are glad to make reply to letter of inquiry, the advice we ivo yon ' is plain, and easily under stood. Address Dr. Bosanko Co., hilatlelphiit, IV For sale by W, F. Krcmer. REPULSIVE FEATURES. Blackheads pimple, grvasy face mid muddy complexions, which arc so common among women, esscially girl at a certain age, destroying beauty, disfiguring and making repul sive, features, which would other wise apenr attractive and r.'tlned, in dicate that the liver is cut of order. An occasional dose of Herblne will Icsnse the lsiwels, regulate the liver and so establish a clear, healthy com- ' plcxion. ,MV at Slover lrug Cti. I SURE CURE FOR I'll.KS. I I'lhlng I'ilrt prod u re moistur and t Cannes itehiiiit. This for in. as sell as Blind, llleetlins or rrolrtuliiiK l'iles are iure.1 hv Pr. Ito-ssn ko't I'ile Ketn.tlv. Slta iU'hin( tnd iMnling. Ahorhs j ttltnois. ?V ajar at I' usitiala, or sent j bv mall. Trsalia (rev. Write in.' about jour caw. Ir. ltjanko, I'luUda la. Vat aal by W, F. K renter . VERY REMARKABLE CURE OF DIARRHOEA. "About six years ago for the first time in my life I had a sndden aud severe attack of diarrhoea," say Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "1 got teuijKirary relief, but it came oacx again and again and for six long years I have suffered more misery and agony than I can telL It was worse Kiug's New Discovery wholly cured than death, My husband sjient bun- me and I gained 68 pounds. " It'sab dredsof dollars for physicians prescrip-1 solntely guaranteed to cure coughs, tiona and treatment without avail, i colds, la Briime. bronchitis snd hII r inally wo moved to Bosque county, our present home and one day I hap pened to see Chamberlain's an advertisement of Colic, Cholera and Diurrhoca Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had been cured by it The ease was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was wondc-'rfol. I could hardly realize that I was well agai.i, or believe it could be so after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, cost ing hut a few cents, cured me," For sale by all druggists. NOTICE f UR PUBLICATION. Tm. tier Land, Act June 3, 1S78. United Slates Land Oilier, Konbiirg, Oreuon, July 13, l'Jt):. ' No ice is hereby siven - that it compliance with the provisions o the art of Conitress of June II. I87H. entitled "An set fur the hU! ol limber lands in the S:'e ol Csldii-nis Orei-nii, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," as extended lo all ihe I'uhlii Laud JStstes by set of Aiiuuat 4, IMI2 NELLIE M. AMKH of Psrk Rivtr, County of Walsh, SUte of North Ikois has this day filed in this ortic e her sworn statement No. 51!lr), for the purchase nf ihe of NEW snr MV'W of N K 'a snd NE'a of NW'.i (b tug Lots 2 and :!, snd r'.. NE'-4 Section No (i in Ton nship No. lib South. Kan lie o. 6 IV, and will off-r proof tr show llisl the land sought is more valu able for its limber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, snd lo establish hei claim to ssid land before i O. Booth, County Judge, at his office at Grant Pass, Oregon, on M odav the 5 h day ol O tuber, P.sJU. She names as witnesses: Wesley B Sherman, -Susie K. Bttet, William T. Turnliam, Burt Minna all ol lirsnta Pars, Oregon. Any and all wron claiming adverse ly the above -described lands are re quested lo lile their claims in this office o.l oi before Baid filli day of OtMober l'.lOU. J. T. oHiuuts, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June S, I87S, United States Land Office, Roteburg, Oregon, May 21, lJo:. Notice is hereby given that iu com pliauceailh the provisions ol the set o Congress of June .". 1878, entitled "An art Iu. the sale ol timber lands iu the State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory" as extended to all ths Public Land Stales by art oi August 4 18P2, WILLIAM P. CIIISIIOLM nl Gold Hill, County of Jackson, Stale of Oreiton ha this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. fiiilKI, for the purchase of the N E'i ol Section No. 30, in Tow nship No. 35 South, Range No. 4 W, ami will offer nroof to show that the land sought is more valuable (or its tiinb-r or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim In said land before Cha. Nirkell, U. S. Commissioner, Mediotd, Otckoti, on Saturday, the I5ih day ol August, pm.i. tie name as witnesses. John Owens, Jos. Whalen. of Winter. Oregon; A. P. Estabrook. Fred Peninger ol Gold Hill, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-dene rilied lands are re- tpiested to tile their claims in this otlit-e on oi before said ITith day of Annual 1003. J. T. Hiuimiks. Keuistcr NOTICE Ft)R PUBLICATION, Timber Land, Act Juim 3, 1878. (United Stater and Office. Roaeburg, Oregon, June 24, l!):l .Mil ice is nereiiy given that, iu coin I'liaiire with the provisions of the hc i I Cougiesa of June 3, 1878, entitled " Am ai t lor the sale nl timber land in lt.tr Stales ol California, Oiegon, Nev.nl.1, ami Washington Territory, " a ex tended to all the I'uhli;- i.u:ul S ales bv art ol August 4. ISif.', A I.HKR r DRAGtiliO of North Yakima, leunty ol Yakima, Stale of Washington, hss lids day lile.l in lliisollioe hit sworn statement No. All 1 for the pniehsse of the SE''4 ol Section No. '.'il, in Township No. 34 Smith, Range No a West, and will off r proof lo sho that the land tunght is mure valuable (or its timber or stone than Ur ug rt cullural purposes, and lo rstab'ish his claim to said land belnre .1. (I Booth, County .Indue, at his ollice at Omnia I'asa, Oregon, on Saturday the nth dayof Septeinlstr 1003. lie name? as witnesses : llenty C. Moltiloth, of Grant I'ass, Oregon, Charles E Wilder, North Yaa. ma, Washinglon, Harry Keanler, Gr tut Pass, Oregon, William .Mclul.isli, ol Grants Pa, tlrtumi. Any and all persun claiming udver-e ly the aboye-ilescribed land are te quested to tile their claims iu thi ollice on or beloie sanl 5ih dav of September 1003, .1 T. llKIlniK. Rg'str, BRIGHT'S DISEASE The largest sum ever paitl lor a pr -srriptiou, clisntreil hail. Is in San I-ran-cisco, Auk. :), I!k). Tim transler m vi.lvetl in coin and stock tlll',.'ili 0 i ai d a paid hy a party of business men M s iet-iHe for liritiht'a Disease and I ha lietes, httherlu inrnrHlitt ttiresscs, Tliey commenced the serum inveati. Iialiuu of the specific Nov. 1.1, ItSXl. 1 hey mlervieaetl scores ol the cured and tried il out ou its merits hy putt inn over three tteteu esse on ihe treatment anil wstelilnx thein. I I. ev also not ph) strians lo name elironir, incutalile ease, and administered it nith the ptivniiiau fur illtlue. I'll to Am. L'.'i. S7 fer eetll of life test cases were eilher well or pr-'ttressiUK favorahly. 1 here betnjj hut thirteen per cent of failures, (he parties were satittied and closed the transaction, the proteeiliuKs of the invesiialiiiK coinmittee and ttie clini.-al reisirts ol the test esses wrre pulilislied and s-tll lie mailed fiee cn applies i'Mi. A. lilies Juiin J. t-ri.rn Ci.sti-Av, -l.'O lloiilsoniery M, San r rau cic, Cat. THE "MILWAUKEE" A familiar name lor toe Chit sco, Mil wanker A St. Paul Railway, knnwu all ver the I'nion a the ttrcst Kailwa inniiing the "Pumrs-r Limited" train rveiy day anc ni.'lit between St. Paul I and Chicago, an.) Oi.iaha and Chirit . Tin only iierfrct trains in the world I'liderstatnl : Culinecllons are made with All Transcontinental Lines, ssjur ing to pasM-ngt rs the bett service known. Luiurlout coat lies, electric lights, tteatu heal, of a verity equalled hy no other line. Sen that your lieket reads via "The Milwaukee'' when going lo any point in I the I'nited rutet ort anada. All tick 1 et agents tell them. For ratea, pamphlns or other infoi ! lll.tiitn ..1.1mm. i w '.. ' t i-,,n i Trav. fast. AnU tiantral Aent, Ssuitie. Wami. 1Vtl.xi. Or To Cr a Cultl In a Day. t Tsk Uiativ. iirt.nto tuimns TaUlets ! All tlrutTiti'ts nrontl ttt nionty it It fails to run. K. W. iriv'a lmaltir it on I rath boi c. I j NIGHT WAS HEK TEKKliB. j 1 "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexandria, Iud. , "aud could hard ly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I I would couglr frightfully and spit but when all other medri L blood, but. when all other medciues failed, three tl.00 bottles of Dr. throat and lung troubles. Price fiOc and 11.00. Trial bottles free at Nut ioual Drug Store nod Grants Pas ' Pharmacy. No man or woman in the state w ill hesitate to speak well of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet after once trying them. They always pro duce a pleasant movement of tin bowel, iniiirove the npts-tite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by all druggists. DELINQUENT NOTICE. Pacific Pine Needle Company. Locu tion of nrinciiul place of business, bun rranrisro, CuL Location of Works, Grunts Pass, Oregon. NOTICE There are delinquent up on the following described stock on account tif Assessment No. II, levied on the first day of June, 1003, the several amounts set opposite the names of the rests dive shareholders, as follow : IS 'Ji o NAME OS i e e-. J V, David A. Cords, Jr. 4 Mathilda Reluhardt Cords 31 D. A. Cords fli Mathilda Reinhurdt Cords .")8 Mathilda Kciuhurdt Cords til Mathilda Reiiiliardf Cords 28 Mathilda Reiiilmrdt Cords 20 S fi M0 501 1 3a r 2-"i0 ar.o 2.'i0 2M And in accordance with law and an Older of the Board of Directors, made on the First day of June. 10ti:i. so many shares of each parcel of such Stock as may be necessary' will be sold nc public Auction at :!4-3Ct Sutter street, San Francisco, Califor nia, on Saturilay.the a.ith day of Jnlv mw, at the hour of 2 o'clock n. m . of said day, to pay Delinquent A sessineut thereon, together with cost of advertising uud expenses of the sale. M. R. CORDS, Secretary. Offiro 3(i4-3illl Sutter St., San Fran cisco, Cal. f vhit DR. JORDAN'S oct MUSEUM OF NAT0HY iisi iuiit n., iii riucuct, ml ""avuev., w ut cuaiuctad 1 kiMuaUMi ikm CM. (ml M ., DR. JORDAN-DISEASES OF MEN 4 srxua aiiaiuyi ik u.t aWat T" by M Ktnrt. al Mf tor H s. t sa a-. a ... fHtU rare tot nt. riar( ,d 1 - . OF U. IMttlai UaUAl Mia. I km ' 1 MeriMl IL, I. P. You Know What You Are Taking When you take drove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly print ed on every liottle showing that it i sim ply Iron and Quinine In a tasteless form No Cure No, Pay. 50c. Mrs. Fred Unr&.th, Prt-altlrtit ( otlttlry 4'ltib, IWmloal lliirlmr, Mlrlt. "After my first baby was born I did not scrm to rrgain my strength althout;N the dat:tor give m a tonic which h consid ered very superior, but instead of (rttine, bt'tr I t.rew weaker every day. My hus band intiitrd that I take Wine of Csrdul lor i week snd sec what it would do lor me. I did tase the medicine and was very grateful to lind my strength tnd health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out ef bed and in t month I was able to take up my usual duties. I am very cnthusl title In its praise." Wine of t'ardui reinforces theoreans of pent'ratit.n furtlte ordeal of preg nancy nude hiliihirtli. It prevents niis carriaire. No woman who takes Wine of t'ar.lui need fear the coming of her cliiitl. If Mr. I'nrath had taken Wine of t'ardui liefure her bahyramc she would net Lave been weakened as he was. Her rapid recovery sbiul.l commend llii preat renietly to every eiptvUt't i.u.tlier. Wme of Cij-tlui renlaten ll.e iuentnial flow. IVmEorCARDUl I The Weekly Oreginian and the Coi'nikk lih lor one year lor $2 in ad vance 0. R. & N. OKIX.OX SHORT LI XL A.M I XIOX PACIFIC. -IT IS T11K Shortest, Quickest, AM Mt ST Comfortable li .itie In all Kaslern sir.is vit l'ertlaikl AH Titrsn-li Tieketi re:tdiny nv-r this nnite are li."-! vi;t : Malt I .like and 1)ii !. Low Kat 0. Ti,ketou Siilr at Southern IVilk- IVi I Mitre. A. I- CRAIti, lirn'l. 1". "a-nl.-er Auvnt, I'eitlsnd, llrs. Grove's Km ttiwit taa tivf ( wm ithu'r i m CoMltttlM fra ma4 Mrt-T rt.t Tmmmmm. T IWfMliy m hy laitf A (rs In ,tr rTT. i MUertakt. Vnf tm r Hll.tkalUPli , f . MAtLao rata, (a fi-w bk x mi mr. lui m tnti f OR JORDAN a 00., 10(1 IwfabryK. it . Ten C,, ct B., notice for publication. Timber Land, Act Jiineo, 1 IS7M. it'Mebur, Or'gm, June 21, lt0.l. Notice is b-i hy given that in c iii-iit-Mtiee a itli t h- provision r.f the Brt of Co" tress of June .!, 1S78, entitled "An act fertile ic limber land in Ihe i , i , ' , " ""! ' "J.? t 'l'. i Stales i-f t'j.i-nr ii, 'Irenon Nevads. toallthM PuVii: Ijt'.d Slates bv set oi August 4, Wit. CHAHLES E WILDER of North Yakima. County ol Yakima. State of Washington, ha this day tiled in this ollice his sworn at ttetnent No. .-.ji- r.. 1 1... i. . i .i. - s- l-i - I"11- i"i ir iun imfci uie r. 4 ll -?etT-I t... V.. -n an T v.- ..i - i. - -v ill lot !l- i u u. .,-t isUUVII, Range No 5 West, and will offer proof to shew that Ihe land sought is more valushV lor It limb.-r or stone than for sgiicullural purpurea, and lo establish In claim ti said land la-fore J. O. ltooln. Cniihtv Juda-e, at hi- office nt Grants I'as. Oiegon, on Satnnltv, ihe 5'h day ol September, 100.1. lie nam, a as wit nesses : Albert Dragtro. o' tfonh Yakima,! i s-uinsi. m ; iienrvt;. Mcintosh, Harry Kissler, W illiam Mcintosh, all ol Grants fas, -Iregon. Am and all persons claiming adverse lv ihe sbriVH-descriled lands are re quested In file their claims in this office on or before s.titl oth day ol September I'JO.i. J. T. llHIl tlKS, H.'lilster ASK THE AGENT FOR VIA , TO SPOKANF, ST. PAUL. DULUTH, MlNNEAPOLIJ, CHICAGO, and all points' east AIS 1AIIY l 'As r 'i iii-; NKW FIJI IPMK.NT THKOl tillOtl liy Coaciies, fatal e antl Tourist slreiei. Illnlng ami Ituflet Mil. kin C l.llirai) Cars. Oajllglii trip tbri.nuli Hie t'ascatlr antt ll-iek) .lliiiiiiiaina. For full ptirticulars, rate, foltlem, etc., cull on oi address II. DICKSON, c T. a . J- W. l'HALON, i. e. a. taa Third Rireet, Pot ilatxl. A. B. C. DENNISION, G. W. P 612 Firtt Avenue Seattle A. W'a; Phone Ore. East 64 THE H. C. ill DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND ENGINES, BOILERS. PUMPS, SAW MILLS, etc. 248 Grand Portland, mmM ISclNlT THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Le.dville. Pueblo, Colorado Springs, tnd Denver, tnd the famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all Points East. 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DLNVErT3 MODERN EQUIPMENT. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR ISTS LEEPlNG CARS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE, STOPOVERS For at(s, folders ai.d other inormation, address FKASKLIX Sfaudanl TVPEWJUTKR Visil.le Writing, Simple Mechanism, lVtm.t,H-t True Alienment an. snmeiii auu A Strictly High-Class Machine Sold for $75.00 E. F, Bumpus, Manager, -.1--.'10 Wil,n llo,-k cor. S Courier and Oregonian $2 a year Tasteless Chill A . , a to . of t..es CHOLERA INFANTUM. This has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous aud fatal di seases to which infants, are subject. It cau be cured, however, wheu properly treated. All that is necfasary is to give CliamDeriain a uolic, Uholera d Diarrhoea Remedy and caster oil. give I liamoeriaiu s uoiic, Cholera directed ' with each bottle, aud a cure is certain. For sale by all drug gists. CGOTZIAN&CO MANUFACTURERS, ST. PAUL. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and , Backache All dlaaaaaa nt riSn. Bladder, Urinary Orsant.' CURE Also RheumatUm. Back Sche.HeartDlscass Gravel, Dropsy, Femaio Troublet. Don't become discouraged. There It a cure for you. it necessary write llr. l'enner It In ii..t a llto time ettrlnejust tucb cuusssyuurs. All cunsuliutiuua Free. -niirltt mnntlts In bed, neavy backache, pain mid soreness aeniss kidneys, also rite u tiiatlsiu. Utlit-r reinetlles tulletl. Dr. Fen ner s Kidney uud Uaekarlie Curo cured lue completely. U. WATEUS, Hamlet, N. Y." Druyirlsts. Mr., tl. Ask forCtsik H.sik-Free.' STaVITUlmEKraSria!? For sale by W. F. Kremcr and H. A. Rutcrmund. Bel. n,wthorne Ave ,nd Morri,OB st ALBEE CO. " MACHINERY gCHUBEJ TT Avenue. (Oast Side) - - Oregon ALLOWED MvIIIill)! (it'll, Alit taa Thi.. bt. PORTLAND, ORE. "The CHICAGO Typewriter $35 utiaranteed to equal ?ioo machine. any Tht Chicago Typewriter Co. 5i2-5'4 Market St. San Francisco. Speed Fxcellent fo;f xa- nKii,..T.".?,,bW,,16 Durability at a Fair Price. Lot Angeles. California lrinj and Firtt Street. Tonic ?d a Half Million 50c