Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, July 16, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rata:
One Year, In r dvsncs,
Mix Month",
Tbree Months,
Hingle Copies,
11. SO
- Advertising Races
Furnished on application at tlie office, or
by mail.
Obltusrien and resolution of con
dolence will be charged for t Oc per line;
cord of tbanlu 50c.
A. E. VOORHIES, Propii. 4 MNOR
Entered at the pout oflice at OranU I
Oregon, as iecond-clasii mail mailer.
7thuiisday. July in. I'm
" Ovor a week ago the pope of Rome
was reported to be In a dying condi
tion and news of his death wan ex
pected daily. Yet ho is tttlll livhiK
and the vitality which lio exhibits in
a puzzle to his physicians. There In
even a slight chance that lio may re
cover. The corporation tax luw In to ue
contested. Attorney Chun. J. Sclina-
sol Of Portlnnd him everything In
readiness for such action, though the
course of procedure ''' T,,t ,l,'''n
definitely determined. The law will
be contented on the ground that it
impoHos double taxation.
The municipal corporation of Dub
II 11, Ireland, declined to present an
address of welcome to King Kilward
and a motion to extend such a wel
come wan defeated by a vote of 40 to
87. The mooting was marked by con
siderable uproar and the hull was
finally cleared by the police.
The city" editor of the linker City
Herald has troubles of his own. On
account of au article which apismrcd
in that paper ho was attacked Willi a
parasol by an angry woman and
severely hammered with that Instru
ment. The editor wns not seriously
injured but the umbrella wus a total
The deluy of tlio Hebrew society in
prejiariiig the note to Russia in regard
to the Kishlnef niassucres, after the
president had decided that ho would
forward It, lias placed the ailmiuistra
' Mod. in an cniharmsHliig situation, es
' poclally as the Russian government
has been showing its good fuith in
'' the punishment of the pcrietrutors of
the outrage and recent race riots in
the United States have made a protest
ou our part to any other government
somewhat ridiculous. The note niuy
not be sent.
A quarter seoton of land in the
Jump off-Joe district, on which is
located mining ground belonging to
the Ilydroulio Mining Co., Hextcin &
Niday and another wrty, has been
located for timber land by a too eager
timber seeker, who bus made applied
tiou therefor under the timber uml
stone set. The owners of tint ground
fortunately discovered the procedure
and have entered a protest. This is
only one of a numlier of similar In
stances where the rights of the miners
have been ignored by timber seekers
and where attempts have seemingly
been made to run timber applications
through the laud nlllce In the lioc
that the real owner of the laud mipht
not become aware of t lie procedure.
This Is one of the worst cases ef this
character that bus yet come to our
notice. This ground lias been mined
continuously for a great many years.
A part of It in the old and widely
known "Wines diggins, " now the
property of Bcxton & Nlduy, while
another portion of it belongs to the
Hydraulic Mining Co. and bus
ditches, Humes and a large and mod
ern hydraulic milling plant in npcm
tiou uxju it. If many more eases
like this occur the miners w ill begin
to turu to the forest reserve jmlicy as
their ouly hope, and protection. 1'n
less the timber locator was deceived
in the location of the land, it is s
piece of cold blooded fraud on his
part, Tliero is no oilier excuse for
liliu. All adequate eiialty should
be provided for such cases and rigidly
euforced. Tliero has liccn altogether
too much of this bra.en local ingot
timber claims on mining ground and
mlues, and it is time some provision
were mado for the protection of the
owuers of mining laud.
of Stock.
Brief Notes a. nd Items of Interest
id Importance.
Military Board Eliminates Mililla
of Grants Pass.
Red Star Store.
Frank Fuller, e-n Employe at
Keswick, Fell Under Wheels.
Frank Fuller, 17-year old son of 11.
E. Fuller of Keswick, was rim over
by the smelter slag train Thursday
morning and received injuries that
terminated fatally at li o'clock in the
Young Fuller was employed at the
terminus of the slag railroad leading
from the furnaces to the dump on the
south side of Spring creek and east of
the smelter a few hundred yards. It
wus his business to help dump the slag
pots, which mounted on low trucks,
constitute the slag train.
While tlio electric train was in
motion, Frank attempted to jump
aboard between the curs. Missing his
hold, he slipis'd mid fell witli his
legs across the rails. The car passed
over them almost completely severing
them from his body. lie was at
once removed to the company's hospi
tal, but it was evident that nothing
could bo done to save his life. Death
occurred at shortly after fj o'clock.
The Coming Event
t'liautnuiiutt at Ash laud July in to
2 llli. Kleventh year.
(Ireat sK-nkers Heuutor Dolliver,
Coiigressmuu Chump Clark, (er
niaiue, the magician, and others.
I'lno schools bo'tcr mid Istter.
Reduced rates on railroad. Come mid
bring the "folks." Write Secretary.
$S00 00.
For 10 acres of orchard, one mile
from iMjstofllce easy terms. Must
sell at once at the aluivo bargain
price. Joseph Moss, City.
Lively Work Progressing
Steve's Fork ol Steamboat.
The Ore (jrande Mining Co. is doing
quite a lot of business on Steve's
For. Their first muin ditch of three
fourths of a mile bus been completed,
the piping is being placed in jsisition
and all that remains now In order to
commence mining operations is the
construction of a short ditch for a by
wash. This work will be completed
this week. The company is also put
ting in a saw mill to cut lumber for
buildings, flumes und other purjHises,
and they expect to have this ill sisi
tion within 10 days. The work has
been somewhat returded by luck of
men; but Fred Kuril took out several
more men Tuesday enough to make
ui) a full force. 1 hero seems to be no
question of the value of the projxirty,
Expert miners who have exauiim
it are unanimous in the opinion
the OreCiruudo will develop Into one
of the best producers in Southern
Oregon. Along the line of ditch one
could get a prosis'ct from almost
every pan of dirt picked up. As the
ditch is naturally ujhiu the high
ground this condition would Indicate
that tho ground along the creek bot
tom would I very rich. As soon as
the boys get to piping we shall Is'giu
to exiHict some very satisfactory re
sults Medford Mail.
led it
I. M. Walker, secretury of the
llolinke-Walker business college of
Portland, was in town this week. He
is to give 10 talks on "Rapid Com
nutation" at the Chautauqua in Ashland.
Of all Summer Goods
Consisting of
Dress Goods
Shirt Waists
Crash Skirts
Lace Gloves
Children's Straw Hats
several other broken
and odd lots
Safe Rolls Down Masonic Build
Ing Stairs Wednesday.
While a heavy safe, the property of
Una 11. Durham was heiug mured
up the stairs to Ins law nlllce in tin
Masonic building WciIicmIuv after
noon, it escusd from its liandliii
and rol.ed down the stairwav, cans
ing some damage and considerable e
eiteineiit. It was being pulled up
with a blink ami taisle and Hi.1
anchorage gave way Jum as the safe
was nearly landed al til" lii-ail nf ilu
stairs. Six inches more unl n would
have been sccuie. It slut on a plank
about a third of the way down lie
stairs, narrow ly missing two of the
men who were working with it. It
Struck aliout twice on the stairwav,
mashing some of the sli ps, juiu d
and slid clear across tie riim-iii -M, -walk
and leaded in the diav w hm
it had been taken. One of the wluels
of the safe wits broken, but uiIutwim
it did not teem to be injured.
Circuit Court.
Circuit court convened on Monday
wltb Judge Ilniiua on the b m h
The eriiiiinul cases on hand win
greatly simplified by the accused
parties who entered pleas of guilty in
several rases.
John Knapp, arraigned for pointing
a gun at another Jwriy, hail guilty
nd was tluod t-it) and com a.
M. M. Richards, arraigned for
breaking Into a bakery, plead guiltv
and received a sen luce of two years.
A. B. Iw, held for stealing a bi
cycle from Carl Oentner, entered a
plea of guilty and was given a ne year
sentence, .
i ,
Welch's Closing-out sale is the plan
to save money.
Possibility 1 hat tho Mineral Mnv j Work of Government Invest!
Exist in Our Ntnie go-lors In 1 his District.
Mining iiicii ami u.-savi is, says the ;
Or, gonial!, are taking great interest -in
the m mi lal "radium" lately
diseover.-d, and alsait w hu h and its
wondcilul prn-rtics the whole world
in :il present talking The pitch
blonde Iron) which II is cMiactcd is
found in I olerado in m rr small iiau
ttties, tool many imagine (hat K can
U- fmiinl in 1 "rcgon as m some of the
mines here substance- arc found w hich
no one ha b en aide lo detiue or tiud
my use for As a pound ot ladiuin
it i iceni j woiih nn r i.'. i mo, nun. n
would no! fuse much of k lo make a
man ru h. A piece the si.e of a
pi, ce would k,ci ;1 niati wuimaml
ilso limiish hon with spending money
tor a long time. , ine iiouhle is IhaV
t in. in n ii'I.t run act, a ton ot it
without knowing what it was
Still Piping nt Imllic.
The St. Helm. llahce Mining
Co is still piping at the rich p liners
-ui (ialice cn-ek, though the water
oil'ldy is not siitUcicnt f,u- th,. plant
to work to its fullest cuicity. Man-igi-r
Cou. in slates that the ditch ami
rcsirvoir cquipim-ii of thin property
will be improved until tin- mine can
Is' run for twelve months in the year
instead of eight or nine. This nunc
lias been making a sti.nly run
throughout the season in the ground
whose richlUM is remalkable and the
rear output will W the greatest in
Us history.
See that but' It's s "Stetson "
Hought it at Welch's i lo-ing out
ale, for til ."at. Always uid .' for
thcin at other stoics.
Some years ago, a cial exauiina
t ion of the Coos Hay coal fields, by
tar the most iniairtaut dessit of
coal vet ill. covered in Oregon was
made I'V Mr. .1. S. Miller, of the
1'nited States geological survey
lvcpoits, with geological niaw and
setiens showing how the coal lies in
the ground, were published in folio
lot in, ami also in the nineteenth
annual rport id the survey. The work
has since U'cn extended further south
across the I'orl I h ford quadrangle
the folio of which region, very
coin iy issued, gives an account of tin
la kley .'mil and of the gold deposits
along the Sixes.
Tosigruphic Held work of the lilcn
dale quadrangle, which embraces the
gold and uickle mining region lying
between .irants 1'ass and Kiddles, hns
just been completed by Mr. A. It.
Searle, and the engraved map will
soon lie available for distribution and
for use in connection with geological
work ill that region.
Have vour bicycles rciwircd at
Cramer llros' Hicycle Hospital.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
do to Corun for Plumbing.
Welch' s Closing-out sale.
M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist.
Photo Supplies at the Courier of
fice. ,
Kd Moore, painter and paporliangor.
Phone tw:i.
Onus and Columbia'Aiiiuiunitiou at
miner liros.
A splendid line of Koyal Charter Oak
Ranges at (Joron's.
Wanted All kinds of plain sewing
at Seventh and C street
Phone Kd Moore for estimates on
painting and paper banging.
Fisliina Tackle and plenty of good
Flies and Leaders at Cramer P.ros.
Stroble's shoe repairing always
pleases. Take your shoes to him.
We fnrnish two fans free with
very hammock you buy. I riimer
Ice Cream Freezers, the famous
White Mountain, triple action at
nuner itros.
If you want to save vour money just
take it to Mrs. J. A. Kehkopfs' where
you can buy things AT (JUST.
Lot Kd Moore, an experienced
workman, do your painting and paper
ing. Country work solicited. Phone
I,. A. Stroble has charge of the shoe
making and repairing department at
tliu Luoiix harness shop. Take your
work to him.
Yon want your house painted with
Pulton's Sun Proof Paint. Why?
HecauRe it will last. Sold by Cramer
Hought that suit for t'.i. Il.'i at
Welch's Closing-out sale. Other
stores are asking $!." for the same
For first class bargains in real es
tate, see or write Attorney H. II. Hen
dricks Wright's Assay building,
Grants Puss.
Ill spite of the decline in sales of
blcvcles, we have sold twice as ninny
as last year. Hartfords and Colum-
bias speak for themselves. Sold only
by Cramer lima
Curtis & Co., practieaP watch
makers and jewelers. Dealer" in
watches, clocks, jewelry and Dia
mond rings. All repairing first class.
Odd Fellows' building.
Isn't that shoe a lieautv'' Just
think, paid only 'i.H."i for the pair
ut Welehs' Closing-out sale. It's n
Top-Konnd Kegular $1. 50 shoe. Sold
the world over at that price.
Alaska Heftigerators keep cool
and are ice savers. Sold by ('miner
Tho ladies of tho W. K. C. served
ice cream at the railroad park Fridav
veiling during the band concert. A
largo crowd was ill attendance and
tlm tables were well patronized.
lie sure and hear Yolney H. Cush-
ing, of Hnngor Maine, at the court
house Friday evening, at the K. K.
park Saturilav evening and nt the
Newman M. K. church Sunday evening.
Kil n a, the little daughter of Henfm
Dowers of Ashland, while riding a
pony Thursday, was thrown from its
hack be b'ing caught by a clothesline
under which the pony passed. Her
right arm was broken at the shoul-
Job Anderson, who lives a short
distance south of Hugo, died quite
sudden I v Monday. He had been in
feeble health for some time. Mr.
Anderson was tsl vcurs of age and
lived alone on bis homestead mar
The picnic supper given last Wed
nesday evening on the lawn at H. I,.
Coo's residence, hv the ladles of the
Presbyterian church, as a most en
joyable affair. There was quite a
large attendance and a very pleasant
time was sis nt.
J. II. Hathiiunv, lately night fore
man of the Kosebtirg round house,
lias been promoted to the foreinauship
of the (irants Pass round house, whic h
Hisitioii he is now occupying. The
foreuiansliip was recently let vacant
by the death of C F, Davis.
The Jackson county court has or
dered a new- road leading up the cast
side of the Applegate river. The
travel was becoming so extensive
that the county was compelled to
build a bridge or construct a new road
mid the olllcials cIiomi the hitter as
the least expensive.
A Sunday school was organized on
Slate creek, near Wiblerville, Sunday,
hv Missionary M. C. Muiison. Some
:ti) members were enrolled. .1. I.
Itohcrsoii was elected Hiiicrihtcmlcut
mid Miss Mamie De Yore secretary.
l here w as a good at tendance end
considerable interest was manifest.
A daughter was born to the wife of
Nate High on the -It It instant and tue
little Miss High was named Fourth
of July High. This is a grandchild
f Mr. and Mrs liovau High ot Ash
land who will celebrate their I'-Olh
wedding anniversary net January.
They have living eight children, oil
grandchildren and seven great gland
children- Valley ltcconl.
The Klamath licpublicaii savs that
almost bottomless mud renders a six-j
mile stretch of the road between Fort
Ivlamatb and Pelican bay neatly im
passible ami travelers that wavaiej
liable to injury to themselves or
damage to their vehicles and horses. I
It is especially dangerous to strangers
who arc lint familiar with the sisits
(hat may be bit w ith safety. Kit her
tlie loud ought to be improved
or sigh boards Vhouhl be tscsted
telling people the depth of the
mud and indicating where it is ovi r
their heads. i
Galice Hydraulic Co. Is Cutting
Lumber for Flumes.
Tlie State Military Board resolved
to disband the militia companies
I at Grants Pass and Oregon City. This
action was decided npon as necessary
in order to comply with the Dick law.
I The decision was preceded by an
animated debate.
Tho session was an adjourned meet
ing at the office of Adjotant-Geueral
Gautenbciu, in tlie chamber of com
merce building. Governor Chamber
lain was present also Adjutant-General
Gantenbeiu, Inspector-General S.
'. Ss.icer, and Commissary-General
D. M. Dnuue.
The hoard decided that the Oregon
National Gourd should be composed
of one regiment of 12 companies, and
one battalion of four companies,
namely the two at Eugene, the one at
Hoseburg, and the one ut Ashland.
There are now IS companies, two of
which as named above, will be dis
missed. The six in Multnomah
county will be retained.
This action does not meet the ap
proval of all members of the Military
Hoard, but they agreed to it in pur
suance of the report of the United
States and state oflieers. The new
arrangements will require a Colonel,
a Licuteiiaiit-Coloiicl.nud two Majors
of tlie regiment and one Major for the
"It is neci'ssiiry for Oregon to make
this reorgaiiia.tion," said a member
of the board, "in order to avail itself
of the benefits of the Dick law."
The board is empowered by law to
disband any compauiies "whenever in
their judgment, tlie elliciency of the
state forces will thereby be increased.
Considerable regret is manifest
among the members of tlie Grants
Pass company that the organization
should be discontinued. Tlie hoys
were looking forward to the coming
encampment with pleasant anticipa
tions mid the news is quite a disap
pointment to many of them. The
company has been improving rapidly
lately, both in numbers and in the de
tails of the service.
Following is the annual report of tho schools of Josephine county for the
year ending nne 15, ltnxlt
Male, female. Total.
No. of persons between 4 and 20 years in coouty. . . . 2773
No. of pup Is marked "R" on register W9
No. of pupils marked ' E' on register 123
No. of pupils between 4 and 20 yrs. of age on register 1124
No. of pnpil under 8 years of "age on register. . 21
Number of persons between 4 and 20 not attending
anv school
No. of persons between 4 and 20 attending school out
of district IS
Whole number of days attendance daring the year
Average daily attendance
No. of teachers employed during the year 12
No. of teachers holding state papers 4
No. of teachers holding first grade paer8 2
No. of teachers holding, 2d grade papers
No. of teachers holding permits 0
No. of teachers holding 3d grade
No. of applicants examined for teachers' during year.
No. ot applicants examined failing to get certificates
No. of organized districts
No. of organized dist. reporting ;
Average No. mouths school taught during the year..
No. of schools visited during the year 34 dist.
Averago length of timo to each visit
No. of miles traveled in performing official duties
No. local teachers institutes
No annual teachers' institute was held because teachers
4 15-22
68 visits made
2h brs.
voted a change
The Galice Hydraulic Mining Co.
is actively at work in the develop
ment of the big enterprise at the
mouth of (ialice creek. The sawmill
1 now in operation and is catting
lumber steadily while the construc
tion of buildings will be commenced
this week. At tlie earliest jiossible
time, the company will begin work
on the large double flumes by which
it designed to open the creek bed at
the month and clean it to the bedrock,
sweeping the accumulated sinkings
of years through the flumes. The
company intends to secure tlie gold
which has been lost during the placer
operations on the creek for the past
50 years and which is all lying in tlie
cn-ek bed. Ilesides this, the opening
of the creek at the mouth will open
up considerable new and verv rich
ground w hich is too low to have been ! C- J '1,,r.ttr"T 600 . I',;."as 1,18 J- . ' b
... , , ... . . Jo. of deaf mutes, 1 Alice Lichtenberger, Wolf creek
worked to advantage hitherto. A FINANCIAL STATEMENT. GENEKAL.
large amount of ground of known rich- . j , , ,, ,
, . , , , , , , Estimated value rf school houses and grounds
ness, in high chanuels and bars, is Estimated value of furniture and fixtures
also owned by the company. The j Amount of insurance on proHTty and school houses .. .
working of this portion of the ground) Average monthly salary paid male teachers
has not been feasible hitherto ou ac. Avenige monthly ilary paid female teachers
. coun of lack ol water, but the ditch J FINANCIAL STATEMENT-
, ,. ' ' ' B , " Cash on hand, Julv 12, 10112
further up the stream will remedy Keceived from county treasurer from district tax
this deficiency. Tlie plans of the ! Keceived from countv treasurer from comity fund
Galice Mining Co , successfully car- Received from county treasurer from state school fund 4,203 50
ricd out, will develop one of the big- gj 'rora "a.,B LU "d tn,iti"" yt
. ' . , " Received from hale of warrants 8, lea 10
gest placer propositions in the state Keceived from other sources .- 502 74
and one that should prove immensely
iotal receipts ...
Paid for teachers' wages 13,512 82
in the time of holding said institute from the spring to the fall ol the year.
No. of library books on hand
productive. The operations are under
the direction of A. B. Cousin whose
success in mining operations ou the
creok show him to be a placer opera
tor of unusual ingenuity, resource and
For sale, cheap Second hand road
wagon. Apply at Trimble and Cook's
blacksmith shop.
7, ISO
50 3-11
8.2 mills
. . f 1.507 12
. .. 7,311 02
. .. tl.SOD 62
.123,258 15
John M. ltiimme
Jacksonville Factory.
According to the Sentinel, the Iowa
Lumber Company has decided to put
in a box factory in Jacksonville and
work will bo commenced at once to
erect the building which will be nil
joining the planing mill. The ma
chinerv has been ordered and it is
expected that the factory will be turn
ing out boxes by the first of August.
The Iowa Lumber Company now em
ploys about 85 men and this addition
Ki ti e plant w ill add about 12 men to
the payroll. The company has a large
quantity of dry lumber on band suita
ble for box material and will bo able
to fill mi order promptly for any num
ber of boxes.
Band Concert.
Following is the prognune for the
baud concert Friday evening, Julv
March Crimson Flush Alexander
A Night in lierlin Potpouri
America, Overture on National
Airs Moses
"Poet and Peasant" Overture' Supjs'
' ' I 'alvn Wal t zes' ' Severn nee
"Salome" Intermezzo .. I.oraine
March "Chicago Tribune" Chamhiis
Men Wanted
Three good men wanted at the Dry
Diggings logging camp; one good
mail for book tender. Inquire at dam
or at otlice opposite court house.
Golden Drift Mining Co.
Wagon for Sale
Three and a fourth-inch second hand
wagon for sale cheap. W. L. Ire
laud at ('miner llros. Hardware.
r"or Sale
Ri-stiiuraut, a good business for the
money invested. Enquire at this
otlice for part ictilars.
V. M. ltiiniuiel
Sixtli and (J Streets opp. Court House
Grants Pass, - Orkoon.
Piaetices in all State and Federal Court
(Jllice over First National Bank.
Paid for fuel and supplies 1,406 W8
Paid for reocirs slid improving grounds oao i
Paid for rent of rooms fil 45
Paid for new school houses and sites ... 652 70
Paid on principal and int'Tosl of bonds uud warrants 2,741 72
Paid for insurance 224 10
Paid for clerks salary . ... 342 87
Paid for library books 370 74
Paid all other purposes : 1,200 48
Total disbursements $21,197 88
Cash on hand iu districts . . ' . ...$ 2,130 2
The above is a true copy of the items of most interest of my annual re
port to the superiutendeot of Public Instruction. The lists of school officers
and teachers will he printed later. Lincoln Savage, County Sup'f.
(irants Pass.
yoi'Si. .i i:i ;.-): v i ow ttresinior
' Inquire ol W W. Wilson, llic-n,
i Si horse power steam holler and
s,.H1li unq. Inquire ill thisolli- e.
j.'.VItM KOI: .-Aid: two miles from Mer
111. l - 111 .-.(. ! - ...."1
otl iiii l.unl. J in n in I'liliivulinh, Mmtll
liUl-r ith'l l-aril lllld Jl'-ttllt Hj HiTt'o IlIhltT
: ii. i lutlmit c nl luinl MiUrtNt' lor orvl,;irii
nr I'tilmt' Kitr lurtlit-r )Hrtictil:tr 1--irt
- ". Ml'mw. Merlin. MrtK"U-
Ji 'i k ;icr' ! ruit nii'l -lo W r u rich. t iniit"
''WWirom (.riuiw lt--. in :
. It-tm-it' I" m tn hai'l, (air luiil'lintr-, :). I
ir:nl -till, ptt'htv l vlrr niitl titui'tr tiinl
U.i' I i"t t'iit-i"li' -tuck rune,' in .l(-i'him
t nii'tlv. 1'ritf J. 1-tT ."., purl m-h.
l ull ut ruiirh on .Iniii-- ici'k ur u.litn--A.
11. r Iu'-miu'i t iirtint- I'tv-, 1 'rr
Tanglefoot Fly l'aper,
Sure Kill Fly Paper,
"Vampire" Spiral Fly
Front, opposite
Opera House
I'ARTIKS. : : : : :
More Fun
a box of monkeys.
clover Drug Co.
Front Street.
Going Camping?
New Furniture
. U. Bannard
North Side
"The kind that stays sharp"
) A r K K ran. Ii. prune ant
ai'i'ii on Intnl. -mail h nil.- in
til 'tin. lun-1-; a it Icr irjiut iin. U'-l.1--fpnni:"
en ''r to u. rt- : .vntrr ! a ,'((
rant1 ci'iiiiirv . ti Uvilin: lnm-i', lui:
t'lirn. evrry thins: - tmiplt'lr ; well -In-HtTr! in n
Inun irit-. fiM'tt innum: market, fine- j
halt mile north el 'I unnei :, prue $J, Ou. -i-
I ni(ime u t!n- fin. e.
You will need u rovetin kind
wirh UNiM-ntoii lining ami c;int iron
top is the U-M. 1 have then: ut sur-pri-itiKl"
low prices also the heet
T nts in all weights ami all mz'
nt li .-s ihnn el.-ewhere.
rnu: sriATiv.
U. v. V. k Ktley, 1. 1.. IV. Cut i
New York, w rite : " After 1 htv
of eMTiiciatitiK pain from wiuti. Hu. under anon rival
ments, was induct d
Snow Liniment, the
kMvniK nY nrt relief,
entire relief. V-V, .
Slonr Unitf Co.
Welch's cloin& out sale
to try liallani'f.
tir-t ai'pti ti ion
and the .eV'ind.
and -l to at
'()() A r 1-- 7 mile- M'tith el Until-
I'.i-, ter -air lit hariMtn. I- au
inn he All ti ot n ner lite oni v eue Inr
I'liiii: 70 Here umlrr i ultmition . 7
i' i ivs leu. e I'T ha'am e iKd Isnd.
euk and t:nc . ii imtKO Hd ar.i ultural
Ian. I wht it . t ared. M r.'t'jn ti..ui' hunt
f. milk h.Mt'e. n l in l'mu repair.
f;iri new wa..'tin. inuwer and rake and
1 ttil uliier !.tim;:ii: mi piemen I-, 1 i
.te : Ii.'1'm'. 1 1 .-. f ei vttmtir
with th.' iarni fur rp ter l-n-t
iiH.inir.l. 1 in nl re ut I In- o:ln e.
i have a
think of
l'i stx k of new and
l?(Hdn I'verythin yon
I.' t tii' Ihuv von
sixtli if
Closing Out
Field ami Garden
Seed in Bulk.
1U NK-.Vt
l'.K. to Air.
lliiiiil. Ore.,
ml Mr. J. 1
MAK KlKlt.
WIllliMAN-UV'Nril-Al Murjihy
.in'., Tin Hilar, July 7, UHK1. S in.
NMiuliiuiui uJ Mim KttIT Hum-It.
I am clointi out my entire stock of
Ladies' and Children's
Furnishing Goods,
Notions and Millinery.
llvcrythin.n goes at cost. All goods are new and up
to date.
If you want anything in these lines remember the
place to get it is at
Mrs. J. A. RehKopf
Soutli Sixth St root, (Irants Pass, Ore.
At'nl for
New Idea Patterns, IV'
W'beu -tut tv mail I ic.
Wliitt.- .iiul Yellow Field Com.
Siu:ir Corn, Top Corn.
Altall.i, Tnnothv, Ke.l and White
t't as. l' Onion, Carrot.
A'.m) reRiilar package seeds.
Bait ltt brufX tu-i Vm
In t'Si. -A T it-iirir''.
No lengthy argument is nocossary to convince the
average person that it is hotter to buy jwod cutlery titan to
buy cheap cutlery.
e carrv the
est assortment of Kmv
Scissors, etc., to be found in Soutliern Oregon.
The prices arc as tow as are consistent
for good goods
W. A. Paddock
Preserve Your Clothing
and Woolens
By first Wliing tliem tlioronKlily
and hauxiuK tliom iu tue open sir sod
suuliKlit for 8 or 10 hoar, wrap them
liKlitly in tar paper with some of
our reliable moth proof prepsrntion,
snil if kept iu a tiK!it drawer, cliest
or closet, motln cauuot and will not
injure them. We carry a full liue of
tar and tariue p.r, camphor lwlls,
ciiar, oamplior, etc.
Grants Pass Pharmacy National Drag Store
To Cure a Cold in One Day
- . w
Toko LIiaUVe DromO ViUinine Tablets. JZ ft,
Seven Million kern toU hi past 13 months. .This SijCnatOTe v?- Sf?jyr
Carat Crfa
io Two Dsyi.
on everv
rrvtrL DOX. 25c.