Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 18, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Publlhd Evry Thuraday.
Subscription Rates 1
One Year, In sdvaDce, 11 SO
Hi l Months, "
Tbn Month. ... .40
Single Copies, -
Advertising Rata
Furnlihed on application at the office, or
bjr mail.
' Obituaries and resolution of con
dolence will be charged for at Sc per line;
card ol thanks 50c.
Entered at the post office at Grants !
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
THURSDAY. JUNE 18. 1903.
The government of Sorvia lias boon
overthrown by U army. Kliitf Alex
ander and Queen Draga were assassi
nated and the king'! ministers were
Iho murdered. TI10 eutfro dynasty
was wiped out. The army lias pro
ctalmod Peter Karagoorgevitch as kiiiK-
A forest Are was ragl" oiet In
Western Washington yesterday, and a
cry for rain has gone np from that
region. If the forest Area begin
already, what may we expect of tbeir
destructive work late in the summer?
It may do no good, yet every news
paper west to the Cascades should
constantly nrge the exercise of care
in starting fires in or near the
In a letter to the Portland Tolo-
omm. Hor. Robt. McLean disenssos
the political situation in Porto Hico
and tells of a unmoor ol abuses which
liava obtained since the Institution
of civil Bovernment in the Island,
The best administration sncnis to havo
nnn bv the militarr ffovorniiicnt and
tome of the more intelligent' Porto
Rlcani express regret tliut a cIiuiik'
was made to civil govurunmnt.
At the next regular council inunting
whlcli will occur ou Thursday ove
iil'ig, Juue 18, if it so Imppcns that a
quorum can be brought together, it is
to be sinoerely hoiied that the mem
bers of that body will .do two things
elect two moiWoounollmen and take
some definite aotion ou tho library
matter. If a councilman is so con
stituted that lie thinks the library is
a bad thing, let him volo his lionoat
The matter is before the council and
it Is their business to handle it. The
taxpayers have declared for the
library and considerable exasjsjration
is manifest at the evasive policy
which seems to have been adopted
by tho council.
The latost.soheme for reaching the
North Pole la by submarine boats.
Andre lost his life by trying to fly to
the pole In a balloon and now other
men whose enthusiasm is greater than
their judgment will try to dive to
the pole under the water. The plan
Is to take the bearlugs on the nearest
open wator In the direction it is
wished to go and run to this under
the lee. If no opou water is to be
found, holes .will be blunted through
the Ice with dynamite from bencuth,
rathei dangerous process it ap'iirs
to us. We would not like to lie In
the boat when tho "shots" go ol".
They must rouiMuhor that water hns
do elasticity as air has. In our
opinion, lives cau bo inicrilcd to fur
greater purpose than in these attempts
to reachthe pole.
Recently, forest fires have Imicii
raging fiercely lu New Knghuid and
New York and thousands of dollars
worth of timber and pro)Hrty have
been destroyed. Now York, especially,
is one of the states that havo been
credited with having "adequate" lire
laws. The only tire laws which
American ingenuity hus yet devised
seems to be the creation of penalties
for setting ont fires and tho improve
ment of the law has consisted merely
In Increasing the penalty. This sys
tom of forest "protection" Is a ghirng
failure. The 8an Francisco Call ed
itorially says:
" Sooner or later, ludeed the whole
United Htates must grapple in enrnesl
with ttie problem. Just now It is the
turn of New Kugland to furnish the
object lesaou, but no section w ill cs
cape. One by one tho great forests of
uurin ana sou III sua rast and wist will
go op in smoke unless man's wisdom
devises some meaus of guuidiux
agaiusi man s carelessness.
We had somewhat of an object les
son In Oregon last year. It is a fuel
that the present system of forest pro
tection can have no other result than
forest destruction, for the longer lire
Is kept out of tin wood the more
completely destructive it will be
when H dues come aud the fire cannot
be kept out of the woods forever, li
is impossible. There are too many
ways in which it way gain a start In
the mountains fires are often started
by lightning, miles away from any
human hand. In this mutter, our
law makers stubbornly shut tlicir ever
to history and eiperlcuoo. i0 tlit-v
ever think how Orcgou's inuguiuYt si 1
foivsts grew without uny "protec
tion" w loiterer, or v. hut per ictit of
the trota would now be standing il
the preernt system had been 111 fore,
for the past hundred years.- T!.e In
diaut tired tho woods every summer
aud the early p'ouevrs followed then
example and act fire out wherever il
would bum . ' In this manner the
woods were kept opeu, the under
growth was thinned, fallen tiiulsts,
liuiha, leaves and iufiammuMe matcri
11 were burned and the frispiont tires
did not iujnre the limber in the least,
because tliey did not develop luat
euough to do so. This old system, 01
some modification of It, must U
adopted If the forests are to bo saved
But the present system hns been in
operation so long that it would re
quire a good deal of cure, Jiid;nicni
aud expense tp work the inflammable
material down to a polut where ex
tensive firing woul be safe. It would
need to be done gradually aud care
fully by men who know what tie
are about, and done the proper scusou.
But is the only safe aud sensible way
of protecting the forests.
Fountain Peus Waterman's Ideal
X 50 to t. 00 at Cramer Pros.
Commencement Program wti
Completed Ltvst Wednesday.
Tho coiiinieiicuinent exercises of the
Ashland normal school wero con
cluded last Wednesday with the class
day exercises at tho Chautauqua
tabernacle, where ill stndentH were
awarded their diplomas of gradua
tion. Miss Lucie (Jcnrgc of Kerby U
one of tho graduates and piirticitefl
ill the excrcisi'S with 1111 oration, of
which the Tidings I ns the following
comment :
"Miss Lucie M. (icoige, in her orn
tlon mi tho "Discipline of Life," in
troduced the subject Willi ft graphic
word picture and Illustration of n
little stream which takes Its rise in 11
far-away mountain side mid of its
growth Into a mighty river by the
time it reaches the ocean, and bearing
mighty vessels on its bosom. Thoughts
live on conveying messngeH of life
to thousands, Influencing character.
You may imitate some great char
acter, but you alone have the iwer
to stand or fall. Wu must he rather
than seem to he. "
County Treasurer Issues Notice
of Funds on Hand
There are funds lu the Treasury to
imyall warrants, protested to June
Hit li, 1W7. Interest will cease from
this ditto.
Juno 10th 1SKM. J. T. Taylor,
Treasurer of Josephine Co., (Ire.
Just Received
Summer Waists
Walking Skirts
A nice assortment of the latest style
walking Skirts.
Ladies' and Misses' Fancy Lace Hose.
Wo fane iircnl pride in our
Boys Clothes
I The best materials (hut cau he put into boys'
and liildien'sclolliiiii me tbeonly kind
Hint enter into (he make up ol' Hie styles
I MocaiT.v.
E. C.
New School Hoard Chosen bv '
llnllol Moiulrtv.
The annual school elect ion lor the
limits l'ass school district was held
ou Monday at il.e buck s. hoel house
.1. A Sloicr. U. W. I'laiLc and II.
L Gilkey were elected directors one
(01 rm h term of live four mid three
c,us. The ii,.n y eh . led I .'aid w ill
till Ills., tves deride 111 I In ir lilst nil el
iiik' on the : liniment ,.f tin- loiiu
aii' I shoit terms. IVliew iiv is the
li I' I'll,.), i.e. -.".I.
K. V. I'larUe, VI
11. U Gi:Le, Ml.
A C. llunh ;v,
C. K. licet. .'!.'!
J. A. Slevet, ill.
IVlltlis It SloVall. ;t.'.
In accold.iucc with the conditions
iif the law r fcMnlini! districts of a
seliool euiimci.itmn of over Iishi, tins
lisiriil will hereafter have tiiedi
rivtors. The other iiicinhris f ti.
boird are
T. I'. I'rainer and K.
$3 KewnrJ.
I'he slsive niiioiint v i 11 t'i ni'l lo
any 'rsoii relitriiiii(! to me the fid-
lownin L iter lost Istiveeii iahsvi He
and 'ileiidale, l)otii;!ss fo, ( r. K, n :
Addressed to G. W, 1 1 i llllllick, UoSl'-
Iiurir, lVumlai. county, UKp.n, aid
marked relurnelto G. YV Manin,
Galesville, Douglas county, Oie.
Austin's Kesirt t'.ir.U for m limits
uw f or mile nt tin- t'ouri. r oiih - ;.'c
1T liuiulri d.
How the Grants Pass Band
Helps to Enliven the Summer.
Ou Friday evening the Grants Pass
baud gave the second of tho series of
midsummer oiien air concerts. Those
concerts are the most enjoyable of the
features of tho summer season and
are continued throughout tho mouths
of June, July and August. This cus
tom has prevailed for a uumlsT ol
years past and is one which the people
of this city would keenly regret to
see discontinued. After the heat of
the summer days the enjoyment of the
music is greatly enhanced by the
pleasure of Is-ing out ill the restful
evening air. Our baud this year is
one of w hich wo may be proud end
the music of iIichu concerts is always
excellent and highly enjoyable.
Reception to Miss Moore.
Mrs. T. II. Himpson wus the host
ess at a very pleasant 'evening party.
at her home Thursday, given in honor
of Miss Vlda Moore, of Grunts I'ass.
The rooms had been beautified with
the richly colored roses of the season,
and (lie informal program of enter
titiiiincnt included among other games
tlio ever popular flinch, progressive
angling, guessing contests, etc Light
refreshments were served in tho din
ing room. Those present were
Misses Elide Patterson, Maggie liar
grove, Muymo McWillinms, Gertrude
Met fallen, Winifred llolton, Grace
Garrett, Miss Moore, of Grunts Puss,
and Messrs. K. H. F.ngle, Robert Mc
Williams, Henry l'rovost, Fred Par
son, Frank Himpson, John Churchman
anil frank Garrett.
Another shipment of Black Silk h, in
Til tlc-Koi, HoyalTiiU'ota, India and
22 ami inch guaranteed Taffeta.
A largo assortment of dainty white
waists in Mercerized, Piques, India
Linens, Oxfords und SuiiiincrSilks.
Stood on Hank ol Kcue River
Neivr "White Hoiks."
It is a matter for regret that the
I hind marks of carl Oregon history
hax e not be u ti tter lroservcl
V'eatuies whose imcrcst would in
cie.ise viilh the years have lie n
sutt'ered to te disiroyed through
iiiiuiraiu'i' or indiHereiice. In IV.H,
ituri' was some tioulde with ihe
". (;ce Hiv.r lini inn.", though the
did a. t oniir until two vears
later, lu IN'ul, ticncral "Jiv" line.
w hose name is inseparably coiiuei tid
wiih the history of Oregon, iniidc a
treaty with the K.mie liner Indians
i n a il which is new included
wuhm Hie iiresetit city limits of
( Grunts 1' He met the Indians tiu-
der il black call tree on Hojcue river,
just alove tin "White liinks. " Old
: timars are still aide to lxiint out
the stump of this tire, but the tree
its "if h is been cut down and sawed
into slove wood In these later years,
1'rolsildy, hy some man whomver
In ai d of J.s l-ino.
t 'II AM lil'UI, A1N 'S fOl.l'. CHOI.
Is cverw)iero recoituised as tlie cue
remedy Mint cen always lu depcndi d
li) ell and that Is pleasant to take. It
is c.sncial!y valuatde lor summer
diarrhoi a ill chitdrvn and is undoubted
ly Il.e means of saving; the lives of a
; niiiiiy children tacit year. I'.ir
sa !e by all ilruiticisH.
Tb uld rlible Ths Wwklr Otv(uva.
Big Proposition Being Developed
by Medford Men.
J. A. Whitman and J. D. Heard of
Medford are ' in control of what
promises to be the biggest placer
mining lirojiosition in -S.i.utheru Ore
gon. The i'ros-rty is located oo
Stevo's Fork of Steamboat and com
prises some 8.HI acres of miuiiit
ground, nearly nil of which prospect
rich from "grass r'Kits to bedrock. "
Some of tlm prnsjioctH obtained tiro sc.
big that it Is bard to believe they
were taken from a few puns of
dirt. The property was porchasc.d
from Messrs. Shearer, Ix'wis, Arm
strong and Scott, and the new owners
have already ls eu offered nu advance
of two aud a half times the purchase
prioi. Tho water supply is abntidaiit.
Whitman and Heard will put 20 men
at work at once, and expect to lie
piping within 40 or SO days. The
water supply is snflicient lo run the
year round, except pcrhnjs a few
weeks in the winter when tho water
mny freeze in the ditch. Later a
three-mile, ditch will Is built to cover
the whole projsrty The location of
the property is snch that it cannot
fail to bo almost fabulously rich
Tim creek bends near the summit of
"Uniyback" Mountain, mid directly
opposite is tho creek which fed the
famous American bar on tin; Klnmath,
from which thousands of dollars have
been taken, and bctw-ecn the two rises
Althouse Creek, one of the richest
mining districts in Southern Oregon
in early days.
A crew lias begun construction wort:
on tho ditch and machinery has been
ordered and will bo ou the groutirf'by
tlm time the ditch if finished.
One of Ihe Moot Pressing Needs,
Writes "Prospector. '
In my last letter I suid that hun
dreds of miners vvilh their families
could make for themselves pretty
homes in the numberless small valleys
of our mountains, if they could llinl
profitable employment near to then
residences. Tills can and will be
found trui) w hen the right men with
pluck, money and exiericiict take
hold of Unit which so surely awaiting
them. Hut, on the other hand, if I lit
timber sharks are permitted to gohhli
up all tho timber land nnd denude our
timbered hills of their ancient grow th
of beauty the country will become
poor, indeed, for it would not 'lake
many years of chopping und sawing
to clear off all the timber which Is of
value to the miner, or to the builder
and our hi 11 (lasturiige wonld bo de
stroyed, mid tho hills would lie de
sorted by the laboring iKipulutiou, and
destroy tlm mining Industry of South
ern Oregon. Let the timlxT sharks
buy up tho hill lands of the county
of Josephine and we will bejilaced
in tho same condition as hundreds,
nay, I should say thousands, ol miners
in California, who are today wcrking
on sufferance or jmying tribute to the
railroad companies to work ou land
which has been obtained by fraud, for
if 1 remember aright, the government
reserved Its right to nil the mineral
lauds when it gave the grants to the
railroad companies, who now own
very much of the ls st land in these
I'liiUd States, both mineral and nou
niineral mid if we do not combine to
check the so called timber mid stone
grabbers, wo may safely say to those
who aro to live here after the present
general inn as iassed away: "my
chldreii, wo were not in thu combine,
although we thought ourselves free ;
the combine held the sack; wo had
but empty isskets. They cornered
us anil bought up the lands. We
din poor, mid you will have lo be do
pcuiluuts o" emgrate to other climes."
1 trust some other of our miu-'l's will
let me hear from them, in your
valuable ias-r. on this subject.
Special Council Meeting Is Hold
With Small Result.
The city council held a sjiceial
meeting on Saturday evening for the
pur use of voting on the libr.m
proposition. The inciting was nt
tended by a large number of men hers
of the woman's club and cit izeiis, w ho
were anxious for a favorable consider
ation of the mutter bv the council.
A committee of three was np
isiintcd, consisting of llerls-rt Smith,
Will Smith and liehkopf, to recein
proxisitioiis for site.
The ordinance providiug for a tax
was read the second time ami on
motion by IVrkins the rules were
suspended and the otdiiianee was read
third time and placed upen its Ilea1
passage. When the roll was called,
line after auotber of the members ri -fusel
to vote, all exit pt l'erkitis, who
voted "yes. "
In this amorphous slate t' c matter
is allowed to drag nleii uulil the
in xt regular meeting.
Assessment Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the (el
lowing certificates of stock in Ihe
Oregon 1'ine I.uuiIht iiunp-my wili
Is) sold to the highest bidder at the
oftloo of the company tit ISitig. r, Ore
gon on the loth day of July liH',1 at
J o'clock p. m. to recover the anieunt
duo and d.'liniieut on the lirst assess
incut thereon vis :
No, 'in shares, amount duo fila Toitwo tsi.v.s of pills. S ivs the divte:
No. -'t '.H shares, amount due JM "Velar.! 1. r! ai.d ihat she t,-Y
NiV v. SO shares, ainouut due 4.M .'It . , , ,
No t!.V -.M shares, aiuount duo .'il ;
1'y crib r of the Hoard 1 f ilin t iois
Oirgoii Pine l.uuils r 1'iv
Py J. H. Hale, pr s. an I 1..
1. I
Jewell, sis'.
Kxtreino bot weather is a gnat
iijsm the dip'stive ivtr of lb
'when puny and feeble iln v shoi'-hl Is
Kiveu a f 1 w ibises of White's Cream
Vermifuge, the chi'.dreus' taiit'. It
w ill stimulate mid f 1. 1 .' il.e d:-
pstion of their fissl, so tl it they
sskiii Kstmie strong, h.u'.lhr u.l a,-.
tivo. ,'sV at flover rrn (v
In Underground Work
Steadily Increasing
Gradually the mines of this and
other countries aro being (quipped
with telephones abefe act! below
round. It is a curious fact that tc
date but very little attention lias
been paid by telephone inannfacturcrt
fo mko telephones suitable for use un
derground, probably duo to the fact
that but uulil very recently was an
attempt made to place telephones in
the underground workings of mines.
However, there nre a number of mines
already equipped, but these aro with
telephones made after their own sug
gestions. The one gn at, fi alurn being
a dry box. lint two telephonn com
panies in the United Stales are known
to make a strictly mine telephone and
it is probable fhat these companies
w ill by their progn ssive idias securi
a js'rmniient bold upon this couiinp
"xtensivo and prolitHbbj uddil iouul de
imnd for phones. The Mining World.
Good Quartz Prospect Being
Opened bv Thurston & Co
A quarrz miuo ojicruted on Thomp
son creek by Hen Thurston, ( Cleve
land and Joe Phelps, is showing up in
linn shape and' gives promise of being
one of the best paying properties in
the Applcpiito district. Tho shaft h
now down 111) feet und the ledge is
steadily growing wider mid richer, it
now being over a foot in width aiul i
yielding gold to over j0 a Ion. Thurs
ton & Co., have gotten out a large
quantity of ore during the pant, nine
months nnd have h.-nl it milled nt
I'liurstou & Whites mill n tha Apple
nut". They have to haul their ore six
ini'.i s to get it to the mill but ns tin
road is fairly good it is not so ureal
in expense. They will continue theii
development work iiuil if their mini
proves to be all that it now iippcari
to bo they will put up a larger quan
tity mill mi the Applcgate and go ti
handling: tiro on a large scale. Jack
sonville Sentinel.
Loland Sidings
Wu have no weddings to chrouic!
hut hope to iu the near future.
J. C. Lewis is opening up a quart
li (lgu on the mountain of Grav
Creek. Tho ledge prosH'Cts well.
Wo understand Geo. Strong bus
found a ledge on his place on Tunnel
'J creek. Geo. is very enthusiastic
over the lind.
We havo had a nioo rain. Crops
need rain very bad. Now wo can look
for grain and grass to make a big crop,
although if the rain, had come a little
earlier, it would have been better.
The gardens are in this vicinity
uro doing lino. Potatoes will be a
big crop; so will all other things.
Some people havo commenced euttiug
hay. Clover mid nlfalfii w ill be good.
As that is the bnlk of tho hay crop
wo will have plenty of work for the
baler this season, aV most of our hay
is baled for inarke'..
Mrs. Almy, tho proprietor of the
Hotel I.elanil, lias completely reno
vated tho hotel. She has new l i d-',
new carpets, new paper ou the v. a IK
I'he paper hunger was no anu'tecr as
tho work is done so artistically. The
dining rcom mid the sitting room
presents great care mid chniiliiiess.
Mrs. lingers is boss of the kitchen.
Sim knows how to run the culinary
department. Shu has her assistants
who do their work iu an efficient
Wo see an article in the Courier,
rittt n by W. J. Winn r giving Her
mann a dig on old dead issues. Wi
should not adhere to old ideas that
have been found wanting we should
have ideas that will expand and
change our mind if circumstances
demands it and no) stick to old fegy
ideas. That is what Hermann has
done, lie is jusliliid iu doing so.
We now fei l Ihe country is all right.
Times will be good, mom y will Is
plenty, young people w ill get married.
One thing our legislature should ilt
is to make laws to rigulate doctci
bills. Tiny charge too much. Out
d -i tor iu the Pass wauled till for coin
ing to 'runnel ti, a distance of I.
tiiil.s. As the people are if tin
laboring class, that is an insult t.- oat
ople as the fare is
only $1.
Wide Av.
Art F.xhibit.
'I'he art t xl.lhlt of Ihe Woman's ciul
ill the I. O. O. 1". ball is t xtrem. li
at.tiactivi' and interesting. Il.e dis
play of pictures, doils curios, i te ,
is large and varitd. The snow ivhitt
Oregoiiian is a marvel, und a look a'
any one of the many exhibits is well
worth ihe price of admission.
A, lady w rele us a few d -.g,
from Wiiienester, Va., that .he I.m.
le li under a dot-tor's care fur 4
fur dysvpsi,i, the utin set mc d ti
center nnder In r left shoulder blade,
and w as so sen re at limes that slit
could in ither cat nor sleep. She bar
lost faiih in her home Vloctor. am',
asked u.. to si ml her samples of ou;
I'r. C uuti's i in rovull iver Pills w luel
had Is ii n t emiin inb d lo her. Wi
s"iu ht r to pill-, lu a few days
she s. nt for a is'x. Now she writ.s
that the po',n und. r should -r lias 1. tt
h. r t ut ire'.y.she enjoys her nu als alio
i. . r sletjs 1. ss than hours ei,;.
.i.Ll.t, and this has all cme ill. us
two w, ks, ae.d cost her 'j'v. f":
.i .m tie i ,c I t. iter Ll .e nu f.ii'.tsi -.ijj, it all iii Or. Gunu's Imrnved
I.ivcr I'llis and build up I. is practice.
We bale not rcet. dthe llts tvr's
v'tder yet but :i!iv one having dysjs t -ti:
, I itiiuis vi! or sit k heaihiein
-Ti get ; s;scdv cure In- t!n usi' t.f
.'.... 1 li'.s. Sold bv V. I".
i.fcr iV jvr K' or by m.iil on rii ip'
of price. S.unpl. s re.'. .VdiUvsn Dr
Hivsiiitko Co. l'liii.t. P.i.
to Vive
I S Clts.
O-.l! si!,' . J '
M.lJ s of t trefoil I . st piX'set Si. i
nits at the Couriir
Endetxvorer Socie-1
Tiie Christian Endeavor society of
the Presbyterian chnrch met in the
church parlors ou Thursday evening.
Rev. W. G. Conuell presided cud gave
tbo endeavors a brief but very pleasant
talk. At i he conclusion of the business
s ssion, the young people spent fome
timo iu social enjoyment with games
and oilier amusements. There was
a kooiI attendance and a very
pleasant time was enjoyed.
Davidson Items,
Crops are looking very poor and
fire much in need of rain.
Wood Jeter und Jeff- Kainy made
Giants Pass a visit Suturday.
The weather has bet n somew hat
warm this week but still no ruin.
Tin: bn si ball gn:e at the grounds
was good. There wim not so largo an
attendance as csaal."
W. S. Eailey went to Grantsass
Suturday and brought tula load of
freight for his stoic.
Hiu vcy York has accepted a position
at Iho Golcciula mine end went to
work Saturday night. ' '
Tho dance given at Kubii's hall
Saturday, 15th was a graud snccets.
Tweuty-st veu numbers were sold.
Douglas Strong who is working for i
W. B. York, made his parents on Slate!
creek, a visit Saturday and Suuday.
Mrs. FT -nry Miller tunl family of
Jacksonville are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey, of this
W. A. II ill is going to sthrt a crew
of men to work ou a rond that he is
going to build to his- miuu on Miners
Sevcra! of the boys tile soon going
to start fs,r Kasti in Oregon to work
through liiii ii:g. Jolihnv.
Glundule Items.
Dr. Ihn.trsox informs us that his
pititnl, .Miss Estolla Unyd is now
safely on the road lo recovery from
her rceeu! opclntiou for uppi lulicitis,
Adam and Peter ThciiiMr. Horn
ing and Mr. Saurbrey lire putting in
i fine suli.-lniitinl bridge over Cow
creek on the Gold ling rond four
miles west of Glcudiile.
An effort is be'ng made to arrange a
malt li game of baseball between the
Glendalo und Grams I'ass teiims to
he pulled off iu that city ou Juno lh
or IU during the street fair and carni-
vti 1.
-Mis. Kitchen retnrii'il home to
Staytou Wednesday after a few days
pleasant visit with her daughter Mrs.
I'owersox in Glendale. Her cousin M.
W. Wheeler of Grants Pass also
visited in Glendalo over Sunday.
K. K. Montgomery mid wife, Am
brose Marshall and A. J. Osteon spent
several dais in Portland this week as
delegates to tho grand lodges A. V. tV
A. M. mid O. E. S. Before return
ing home Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery
will visit their daughter Miss Myra
who is atteuding school at Forest
Murphv Items.
(itcceived too Into for last issue.)
St ill no ruin.
A few cases of measles.
The elder Mrs. Hays lias been very
sick again.
Kveryone in general is getting
ready for tho carnival.
P.y the way, our stage driver is cou
spieitous? by his absence. Another
gentleman is driving. We hois' it is
nothing serious.
Mr. Cockorliuo's brother from L'u
gene, was out on a visit. Ho re
turned Saturday, tiling his mother
home Willi him to spend the summer,
now so t Liit teams cross again. We
are like the small boy, we bail it
with joy. The stage had to ford, the
water being high, often running over
the dash board.
The Salvation Army festival was a
success, in every way mid the ice
cream nnd cuke was partaken of by a
largo crowd of jsople who seemed to
o.ijoy it immensely.
While our bridge was being torn
up, ami undergoing repairs, it was a
source of inconvenience to many of us.
Our small children had to bo helped
across, en their way to .school. It is
Our mill is at last running ou time,
and everyone seems happy. Wo can
hear the whistle from the Williams
saw mi 11 three milt s below. Kvery
thiug and everybody seems to la'
looking up bmh spiritually and lliian
eially and cur "city" seems to be in
healthy ami prosperous condition.
M its Ki te Punch b is In o I quite sick
the last vn fk. Petsv
An Ilhotration
1 'f whit tleur ill do. It
d'le' ; its weight in , bread.
11 .'.1 i- a!;e j nr-, whit.-, di lii
Io n s 1 is met-' repats'
. tt
' and
olio r
11 ore . . . iioii,h:u t inv
d ay i n tin- market. And it is
tl e bousi wife's favorite the'no
plus ultra of family Hour. What
more can K- aid? (iet the
Medford bland.
. r 1 T. r
j A. A. DAVIS. J . J
i -wnvv ut uiuu uiiinitf Tablets. JCS
Sevca MUUoa Voes sold h f3t 13
Signor Boffa's Concert.
The musical entertainment given by
Signor Eoffa and family, of Medford,
at the opera house ou Tuesday eve
ning, was one of the best entertain
ments of its character which have
ever becu given in the town. Little
Eertiua Boffa is a wonderful violin
ist, the peculiar charm of her plaving
being the remarkable sweetness of
tone which she produces from the iu
urnm-nt Tl, n,-l ...In. l. Mr.
.. ....
tjOltu were creatlv elilovcd nnd she
was encored repeatedly.
All the barber shops'will open at 7
a. m. and close at 7 p. m. during
caruivaj, except Saturday. Signed
L 8. Tompkins,
Josephine Hctel
Myers & Hancock -J.
H. llulliu.
Goats for Sale,
I have 500 high bred Angoras w hich
I will sell or let out on shares. Any
one having brush laud to clear, may
do well to-make inquiry at my place
ou Foots Creek, 15 miles from Grants
Pass or address S. C. tvuble, Rock
Point, Jackson Co., Ore.
Masonic Temple jf Grants PaRS en
graved on souveuir Sjsjons just received
at Letcher's. Call aud see them at
ji-wolry store
Have your bicycles repaired
Cramer Bros' Bicycle Hospital.
If you have a house or other
building you want moved see
A. K. Holloway
two miles west of town, nortli side
of the
Grants Pass Painting Co
Inventor aud Manufacturer of tho
l ire-Proof nnd Anti-Lust lion, Tin
ami Metal Paint can hj used iutorioi
and exterior, as well us en shingles.
ivo m en to mortgage vour bouse to
have it painted by strangers. Huvo it
done by tho old reliublo who never
breaks his word eveu when it cost:
time and money.
Send postal curd and I will uc:
Win. liOOG
Grants Pass Painting Co.
Grants Pass, Oregon.
Prescription Druggist
My line of Sundries
is conii-leto.
Orange Front, opposite Opera House
Grants Passs, Oregon
Field and Garuen
Seed in Bulk.
AVLite and Yellow Field Corn.
Sugar Corn, Pop Corn.
Alfalfa, Timothy, Red ami White
Peas, Hearts, Onion, Carrot.
Also regular package seeds.
Any. mo knows that, to catch
havo first-class
A fishing polo free with every dollars worth of
fishing tackle.
The kiiul that never breaks.
That's th, kin.l we carry.
We also carry a full line Licyles an.l sundries
knives ami rars talking machines, etc., etc.
W. A. Paddock
To Cure a Cold in One IW
This signature,?.
Supposed Remains of C. H. Mc
Ce-rlney Found Near Ashland.
The body of a man iu advauced
state of decomposition was found on
Wagner creek divide six miles west of
Ashland Sunday, by three prospectors.
It bad been partially devoured by
coyotes. The skull append to havo
I lw..... rsir.lnn.fl TI,. lllfiv WHM lliul.
.s.u.s. j
of a light haired man nnd the teeth iu
the mouth had been filled with gold.
A revolver and sotuo papers
found near the corpse, but uot enough
could be deciphered to give a clue to
the mau's identity. The remains aro
supposed, however, to bo those of
Chan. H. McCartney, "hose myster
ious disapitaiance was noted soui"
three mouths ago.
KKAL KSTATE to buv real estate in
towns on line of 8. f. Iiailroad.
tVrite or call at room 7. Masonic Hldg.
Gram Pass.
yOl'Nfi JKItSKY COW (fresh) for sale.
. Inquire of VV'. W. Wilson, Hugo, Ore.
4 SIX horse power steam. Uiiler and
'x steam pump. Inquire at tbisuillce.
I. A KM FOR 8ALK two miles from Mer
lin. Iil seres aiiout M seres of good
bottom luntl. acres in cultivation, small
house and ham and alsiut 50 acres unih-r
fence, I ml mice of land suitable for orchard
or pasture. For further particulars ud
dress W. M. Crow, Merlin, Oregon.
'Jf J() acre fruit and stock ranch, milts
from (irauts Pass, liio fenced. '.)
cleared' Win Orcliiitd. fair buildinus, goud
(nut soil, plenty of water and thu!r und
the liesl outside stuck ratqe in Josephine
County. Price JT 00 per acre, part cash.
Uull at runcli ou .loues crees or uddress
A. H. t'hesHitiore, Grants l'as, Ore
''()() KK 'audi, good prune and
" J npple orchard, small fruits in
ahiiudanee; w ater fur infill ion, he-i.les
springs on every 40 acres- center of a
riinire country; two dwelling heu-es, l.iir
1'iirn, every thing complete; well sheltered
(rum frosts, good milling markets, onr--lialr
mile north of Tunnel tt. price fc!,Suu.
inquire at this oitue.
CTOt'K KANCII and placer gold initio
i ' Hi) aces partly fenced and improved.
House und barn, orchard etc., plenty of
good running water, en aires of pay
snivel. Thousands of lo res of excellent
range surrounds the premise', tlnod trint
hay and vegetable land. Handy market
mr produce, near If. li. depot, stores,
postotUce, school, express, telephone nnd
telegraph, a bargain at Aito. Address
Ihj.x 140, Koek Point, Oreiron.
A 26 acre Ranch, subirrignlcd,
no better soil; about 15 acres set to
new hops; about 6 acres good or
chard, mostly apples, well.card for;
niellotis set in with hops, Will
sell at price of adjoining bare land.
Get my bid on your contract for
I have a fine Neiv Cottage I will
sell at cost of same.
J. D. DRAKK, City.
C Street between 7U1 and 8th.
IUiv Your
at the
Coss Piano House'
.Medhjnl and Ashland
II. M. (.'OSS, l'noi KiKtoH
Tlm largest 1'inno liouse betweeu Porl
lantl and Sun Kratu isco.
Small profiti. Q,iit-k ?a:(...
worn goods
No fln)e
Sheet Mimic at PoPular I'r!
von must
Ctrea Ctia
fa Two Dayi.
on every
rrvirt0. box. 25