Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 11, 1903, Image 3

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or Hay Rake you know that it stands for tho best. The
Mower has ball and roller bearings and tho Hay Rake is
all steel. We have both machines set) up and will gladly
exhibit them.
Cramer Bros.
Odd Fellows Block.
Grants Puss in ou tho move, ami
will moil be ou thu top ware of pros
perity. Wo learn from authentic
sources that at least a hundred, build
ingsbusiness honses and residences
will bo erected during tliu coining:
summer. Pleaso remember that we
are in the market with all descrip
tions of bailders' tools and builders'
hardware, and if yon aro .intending
to bnild, bring iu your specicutinu
and wo will talk it over. We can
also furnish lime and cement in large
or small quantities, and carry a full
lino of tho best prepared paints,
outside or inside purposes, that was evi
you witli your building, from the foundation to the roof Come in and see us.
Grants Pass,
'E wish to call special attention to our white
shirt waists. Wo have some very pretty
as well as novel ones in the latest styles.
Tho Peau dc Soio and China silks arc rare bargains.
Also our line in underskirts of mercerized sateen are
selling fast at the reasonably low prices.
Closing out sale of Ladies' and Children's sun bonnets.
Do int miss this sale.
Agent for
New Idea Patterns, 10c.
When sent bv mail I ic.
Comparison &
Made With 4, 4'j, 5 and 6 Foot Cut.
"S - '-wwr'-m
Cbc mower with a UJorlcHUid Reputation
You often
Hear the
Fellow say:
JUST AS coon
A Full
Salvation Army News.
Grand Salvation army rally Sat or
day, Sunday and Monday June 20, 21,
2'2, conducted by Major R. Dubbin
from Portland. Saturday, 8 p. m.
welcome to Guests of the Salvation
army ball. Sunday morning at 11 a.
iu. united holiness meeting t the
army halL Sunday at 3 p. m. a grand
Dniou meeting of all Christian people
and friends. The ministers of the
city will take jort in this meeting, to
be held in the ojicra house. Yon are
invited to attend.
Sunday at 8 p. m. services in the
Opt ra boo- conducted by Major Dob
bin. A public hallelujah wedding if two
salvation army oflicers iu the opera
bonne Monday evening, June 22, 8 p.
m. Ion't fail to nee this.
There U aiwaf. a cool brrrxe ai
Ileirrmunrt .
Three keys on a ring: two key.
alike. No ST. Return to this office.
city, Wediieftdav evening, June .1,
George Potman Crnmer and
Mia Joan Longenecker.
on a Mower
r put on the market. We can help
J. A. Rehkopf
It (jives The Greatest Satisfaction,
The Longest Life,
The Simplest Construction.
Positively N'o Neck Weight,
No Side Draft
We Court Investigation.
Grants Pass, Ore.
County Treasurer Issues Notice
ol Funds on Hand.
There aro funds in the Treasury to
pay'all warran's, protested to June
j 10th, 1HK7. Interim will cease from
this date.
June 10th I'M. J. T. Taylor,
Treasurer of Josephine Co., Ore.
Lout ou Tuesday, a flat purse con
taining money and jaiicrs. Leave at
Paddock's Ilieyclo Den and receive
for Sale -
Restaurant, a good business for the
mouev invested. Enquire at this
office fur jnrticulars.
For Sale.
Nice single horse, 8 years old, safe
for ladies to drive. Choice niilcb
cows. James Neely, Jamp-ofT-Joe
Caiile for Sale.
10 com, 10 1-year-old, 13 year
ling", 11 calves; one 3-year-old boll for
sile in tlie bunrh or single. Addreu
P. Flanagan,' Merlin, Ore
People e.s They Come and Go
From Day to Day.
M. V. Wheeler speut Sunday in
Glendale, visiting with relatives and
Miss Minnie Ireland returned ou
Friday from Portland after a visit of
several weeks.
V. H. Dana, manager of the Copjier
Stain mine ou ML Reuben, spent
several days iu town daring the week
Mrs. D. L Grimes left for McClond
Mouday to join her husband who
has been working there lor some time.
C. H. Marshall went to Gold Hill on
a bosiness trip and to visit with his
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Vm. Marshall.
Miss Anna Wade finished a success
ful term of school at Murphy last
week and is now home for the summer.
H. C. Eiuuey was iu Ashland Fri
day, attending a meeting of the eiecu
tivo committee of the normal board
of regeuts.
Mrs. McGalliard of Merlin, who
submitted to a surgical operatiou last
Saturday, is making a very gratifying
progess toward recovery.
II. S. Prescott of Omaha, Neb., an
experienced newspaper man, is assist
ing at tho Mining Journal oftice iu the
capacity of foreman.
J. G. Haydeii, owner and operator
of the "Little Dundy" quartz mine
on Grave creek, was iu town last
week on a business visit.
Mifses Kate and Eva Newell stopped
at Ashland Satnrday on their return
from Califoruia, to visit for a few
days with Miss Anna McCarthy.
Mr. aud Mrs. M. J. Nutter of San
Francisco visited Mr. and Mrs. John
Rauzau a few days last week on their
retnn from the East. Mr. Nutter is a
well known hop merchant.
Mrs. B. W. Stark started last week
for Idaho to rejoin Mr. Stark who
went there several weeks ago. They
will make their home there.
Mrs. L. M. Kane and daughter,
Miss Stella, arrived hero this week
from San Fra Cisco to visit for some
time with relatives aud friends.
Liucoln McGrew arrived here last
week from Crescent City, where he
lias been for some time jiust, to visit
with relatives. He will remain till
after the carnival.
Fred Blackmuu returned last week
from Coos comity. Among the in
teresting things which he saw during
his absence was a 70 foot whale which
had jnst washed up ou the beach.
Mrs. F. R. Bowersox of Glendale,
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J.
M. Kitchen of Staytou, visited several
days in Grants Pass last week at the
home of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Hauson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Patrick aud
children, of Petalumu, Cal. , arrived
in Grants Pass Monday evening to
spend abont two months visiting
relatives aud renewing former friend
ships. Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Cramer left
Grants Pass ou their wedding tour,
Thursday evening. They will go to
Seattle aud thence by water to San
Francisco. They intend to lie absent
several weeks.
Miss Edna Parker left on Tuesday
morning's early train tor Portland,
whero she will remain till the first of
September. SI io will take a course iu
vocal instruction during her stay in
F. F. Wheeler and George Pilester,
of Muscoda, Wis., visited here Sun
day at the home of Mrs. Gamble.
They are making an extensive tonr of
the coast. They went to Ash laud
Monday, intending to return later iu
the week.
Miss Nora Syduw left last Wednes
day or her home near Central Point.
Miss Sydow has done excellent work
as a teacher in the Grants Pass schools
for the past two years. She will not
be one of the corps of teachers next
yoar, having decided to tako a college
J. D. Fry weut to Corvallis last
week to bring home his son, Will Fry,
who has been in very poor heallit.
They returned to Grants Pass Sunday
evening. Will is a student at the
Corvallis college and his illness was
caused from overwork. He is getting
along uicely since his return.
II. S. Evuns, who mined here in 'ill.
arrived this week from Muho. He
notices a great change in the country
since he last saw it and would hardly
recognize the place. At that time the
hills and woods were open aud ch ar
of undergrowth. He took out a rich
bunch of quartz in the early 'HO's a
few miles west of Grants Pass and has
come back here uow to look after the
place. He found it unmolested only
that tailings from a placer mine are
washed down over it.
DeArmond & Son Have Two
' II. L. DeArmond, one of thu junior
member of the firm of DeArmond &
Sons, saw mill men of Grants
Pass, was in Jacksonville -Monday.
Mr. DeArmond states that his firm
are running their mill which they
have ou Rogue river six miles blow
Grants Pass, to its full cajocity and
have all tlie orders they can fill.
They have been at work this spring
putting the second mill, this one be
ing located on Pleasant creek, ten
miles north of Wood ri He. This mill
has a capacity of 25, 000 feet per day
and they expert to start it up this
week. The lumber will be hauled by
teams to Woodville, for shipment,
tcans being hired to do the work.
No planer will be put in, the lumber
all beiug shipped in the rough. II.
L. DeArmond, will be superinten
dent and Wm. Richards, of Ashland
will be head sawyer. Sent ineL
Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver
Tablets are just what yoo need when
you hare no appetite, feel dull after
eatiog aud wake op with a bad taste
in your mouth. They will improve
your appetit". cleanse and invigorate
your stonuvh and give you a relish
for yonr food. For sale by all druggist.
Large Grist of Business Trans-
acted at Special Session.
A special meeting of tho City couu
eil of Grants Pass was held ou Satur
day evening, June Kth, the mayor and
all the members of the council beiug
George Ilauseu was granted leave to
erect a brick bnilding on G street
between, Ctli nncl tu and to occupy a
portion of the street for materials.ete.
Petition of H. Thornton for leave
to remove frame building to lot on II
street outside the fire limits to erect
a two story brick building ou Lots 9,
10, II, 3 iu Mock CO, also to place
materials iu Sixth street iu front of
same was granted.
The shiuglu roof put on J.H. Hale's
bnildiug in Block 47 was declared a
uuisauee and his petition iu relation
to the same referred to the city attor
ney, to ascertain from the board of
fire underwriters the effect of covering
the roof with fire proof imiut.
Petition of L A. Heberlie for rebate
of snloou license was granted.
The question of payment of judges
and clerks of the election held May
lUth in regard to the ordinance lor a
ffree public, library was referred to
Hon. R. G. Smith.
The following bills were allowed :
L. A. Lncns & Sou, repairs on har
ness, fll. 80. '
Oscar Guild, wood for city hall, $2.
S. P. D. & L. Co. lumber, J1.2S.
G. P. S. D. & L. Co., lumber for
sidewalk, $".
Goo. Hartman, team work on cify
grader, $17. "0.
Geo. H. Bristow, si ial policeman,
G. Howell, special policeman, $1.50.
P. Gi'uvlin.spccial policeman, $l..0.
Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Co.,
rent of telephone, $;l.00.
G. A. Martin, labor oil streets,
$14. SO.
S. L. Norton, labor ou streets, $.
W. Wolfolk, brick, Hoc,
An ordinance providing for accept
ance of Fidelity companies as sureties
on saloon bonds was introduced mid
assed under the emergency clause.
petition of II. V. Meade and W.
L. Ireland for vacation of that portion
of Eighth street extending from tho
boundarv line on north side of
Bourne's addition, north easterly to
Ninth street was presented and laid
over till next meeting fur investiga
tion bv the council.
A resolution was ndopted giving to
Ron uo River camp No fiii Woodmen
of tho World, the exclusive right to
use, occupy mid control all of 1". G.
H. I. J. K. L. & 51. streets east of
Sixth street; also all streets lying be
tween thu unilhline of F street and
south line of 51 street, and nl'oys be
tween F and 51 streets and East of
Sixth street during their carnival ou
the 17th, 18th, huh and Soth days of
June, and to give anil hold all
parades, exhibition entertainments,
games nud other lawful acts they may
deem to their advantage or for the
amusement of the 'public : to license,
give, grant or assign to any other per
son or persons such privileges and
make rucIi charges as they may think
best for tho same, subject to the rights
of thu public to travel on the streets
nud provided that they shall within
five days thereafter remove all ob
structions , booths, etc., and put the
streets and alleys iu as good condition
as the now are.
Mayor Ha-hor was grunted 00 days
leave of absence.
Councimnu Herbert Smith was, by
the votes of live of the six counciluicn
present elected to net as mayor and
president of the counc il during the
present year ill case of the absence of
the mayor.
Program for tle First I)ty ol
the Bill Street Show.
Following is the program for SVnes
dny, .Tunu 17 :
Baud concert at depot on arrival of
excursion train from Meilfonl.
10:11! a, in. Street parade to baseball
grounds by hands and basebal Itcnuis,
followed by pug ugly parade. Free
for all. For the best character,
tickets to all the nine big shows and
lido on the Ferris wheel and merry -go,ronnd.
Baseball contest at ball grounds.
Mcdfnrd vs. Grants Puss.
1 p. m. At carnival grounds. Fat
man's raei open to all; must weigh
210 pounds or over. First pri.e, side
of bacon ; 2d pri.e, sack of flour.
Running race 7 yards for hftvs un
der 20 years of age. First prize, felt
hut. ; 2d pri.e running cap.
100 yard race free for all First
prize, n handsome gold mef tL
Arrival of Queen I'-M'nna 1st
elect, escorted by bauds mid all her
aides. Queen vicus thrilling balloon
ascension and parael.utc jump.
Olning of the nine big shows and
starting of the big Ferris wheel and
merry go-round.
Crowning of Queen of Carnival in
the big tent pavilion.
Presentation to the Q'leeu of golden
key to the city by . I. F. B i-hor, mayor
of Grunt Pass.
Acceptance of the t-y ley Queen
Centenua 1st. I'roi lam at ion by prin:e
3 p. m. Hi itiiti;ttinii at W. O. W.
liulL Mfflfonl's uniform rank iniriut
intf tltf chi 'if ';U'li'lal' H.
j . f p. m. A five wiili hiiyflf r;ui-
will t.'iki- j'lii'-..' at the vity jark. Knc
'for all. Fir-it priz-, pair lfirh
jhof'n; '1 prit hicych? rup.
Vorld't champion cont-t in qtioi'-,
i K. Vj. Tirhenor hhI H. L. U- 11.
I 7 p. in
i grounds.
Fun at tin- carnival
Mcdford's ball team take
a ride on tho Ferris win el. A big
time in the electric show band con-
CcrtS, music, music ever) v. here.
All the harts r shops will oj-u at
a. m. and close at 7 p. m. durii
carnival, except Saturday. Sigic d
I. S. Tompkins.
Jonc bine
Myers & Ham 's k
J. H. Mullin.
' Br'e' Note and Items ot Intcrcsi
and Importance.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician nud Deutist.
Go to Coron lor Plumbing.
Bicycles at Cramer Bros.
Welchs' 8 Closing-cut sale.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druiitist.
Ed Moore, painter and pnpcrhaiigcr.
Phone Ml). .
Ho In tlie swim and meet Iter at
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
ltanges at C'oron's.
Ice Picks, IcO shaves and Ice Cream
Freezers at Cramer Bros.
Ito the lltcs bottler yon? Day a
v ire from Koterm urnls.
Phono Ed Moore for estimates on
painting and pavr hanging.
Violins, mandolins and guitars at
the Dcmarco 5Iusic House, cheap.
Stroble's shoe rcjiairiug always
pleases. iaKo your shoes to turn.
Alaska Refrigerators are the kind
that keep cool. Sold only by Cramer
If you want a good instruction book
for piano or organ, go to the Dctnareo
5Iusie House.
Wo have the flics, the river has the
fish. Ask Cramer Bros, about the
Have you a copy of "Teddy's Two
Step"? For sale at tho Denmrce
51usic House.
Discount Sale on Conches and
Lounges to make room at Thomas the
This l said tu bc4liM hottest June
on record: Moral -drink cool soil us
at ltoteriiiuiHl s
Buttons Sun Proof Paint contains
silica ami lead, that's why It lasts.
Sold only by Cramer Bros.
Two teachers are still to be engaged
for the Grants Pass schools nud the
board will receive applications.
H. B. Hendricks has been ap
pointed sole agent for the Oregon Fire
Relief nssociatiou iu this district.
Let Ed Monro, an experienced
workman, do your painting and paper
ing. Country work solicited. Phone
L. A. Stroblo has charge of tho shoe
making aud repairing department at
tho Lucus harness shop. Take your
work to him.
Cotton and Rubber Garden Hose
from " ct tits a foot at Cramer Bros.
If you want a good, fresh string
for violin or guitar, go to theDemaree
Music House.
If you want to be "in it," get a
opy of " Hiawatha, ' for piano, at
the Demaree Musio House.
Mrs. L. A. Strohel has purchased the
Union restaurant on Sixth street and
w ill re opi u it next Saturday or MouJJ
A party of about 20 young people
enjoyed a moonlight picnic on Friday
veiling ou Rogue river near the White
For first class bargains in real es
tate, see or write Attorney H. K Hen-
Iricks. Wright's Assay building,
Grants Pass.
Bought that suit for : i. :.." at
Welch's Closing-out sale. Other
stiirts are asking $15 for tlie same
See that hat? It's a "Stetson."
Ilought it at Welch's Closing out
sale, for $:..',o. Always paid $5 for
them at other stores.
Dr. lienuett has rented the C. C.
Taylor property on Fifth ami II streets
and will for tho present receive pa
t ients at Ms residence.
A lurg; slock of violin, guitirr aud
mandolin strings at the Demaree
.Music House.
You want your house painted with
Patten's Sun Proof Paint. Why'
liecatise it will last. Sold bv Cramer
1 am now prepared to accommodate
a few sti ady boarders ; private fami
ly ; O street 1st first cottage east of
Sixth street. Mrs. L. A. Suohol, late
of the Home Kitchen.
Curtis iV Co., practical watch
makers and jewelers. Dealer in
watches, clocks, jewelry mid Dia
mond rings. All repairing tist class,
Odd Fellows building.
Isn't that shoe a beauty'.' Just
think, paid only $.'.',15 for the pair
at Wejehs' Closing-o:it sale. It's a
Top-Round Regular $: i. 5t) shoe. Sold
the world over at that price.
I'. Flanagan has sold his ranch three
miles northeast of Meilin, to T. J.
Solomon. Mr. Solomon was a formi r
resi, but of Josephine county but for
the past year has been living iu Idaho.
Invitations are out for a pinao re
cital which will be given at the opera
house ou Monday ceiling, .rune 15, by
Mi-' hula Howard, under the auspices
of thu musical ib-pii'lne tit of the
Woman's club.
I IT IS l'i' l'i l lli; HUC'IOU.
A lady wrote us a f . w weeks ago
j from Winchester, Va. , that the had
; I e u under a doctor's can- for I years
j for dys-pshi, the pain niil tu
einti-r under her left shoulder blade,
and was so severe at tines that she
-could neither eat nor sleep. She had
lost faith ill Ic r home d' tor, aud
, a-k ed us to si nd Iter samples of our
i Ur.'iunn's improved!. ivor 1'llls which
t,nl hi- ii ri ( oimii'-ii'l' (1 to li r. V
nt In r 1 vwi pi IN. In fi f'-w )hiy
-lit- h-ut for a N-x. Now ede wrih-t
that tin; pain ini'l- r hlnmifh-r hat 1 -f t
h'-r rutin ly,hn wijov lit r int-aN anil
ti.'V'T h ! j - l' H- than H Imurh cv.-rv
hibjht., ;uhI this h.iH nil conic hN.m
in two wt'ck", himI roit l. r Vw-. foi
two hox s of pilN. H.ivh tin: (I'm tor
f bars
d In r t and licit she told
e had better lai: the t Vl.tX) ami
1 invest it all in Dr. (luuu's Impro'od
Livi r Pills ami build up his practice.
.We have lint rvi'ividthe Doctor's
, order yet but any one having dys.ep
Mia, bilious ss-iU or sick -hcadachc
. aii get a speedy cure by the use ot
these pills. Sdd by W. F. Kremer
( for 2' i r box or by mail oil receipt
of price. Samples free. Address Dr.
Bosanko Co. Phila. ' Pa.
, Wcldi's ( losing out mile is the pla
to save money.
Greater Activity in That Line
Than Ever Before.
There is nicro building going ou in
Grants Pass at the present time, than
ever before All over tho business
portiou of the towu aro brick build
ings in the process of constmctlou and
dwellings are goiug up everywhere
Iu every part of the towu the vacaut
spaces aro filling op and Grants Pass
which was once thinly scattered all
over tho little valley, is becoming a
compact city.
Work ou the new school house on
Seventh street will soon begin aud al
ready the material is being deposited
ou tho grounds. This will be a solid
brick structure instead of a veneer, as
at first proposed. It will bo a very
handsome building, modern aud com
plete iu all its appointments and will
cost about $10,000.
Tho brick work on the foundation of
the new Baptist chnrli is completed.
The frame work of Moou & Co's
flour mill ou Gilbert creek Just south
of tho railroad track, is now erected
to a height of lour stories. Tho mill
will bo completed iu time for work on
tho fall crop and will bo eqnipK?d
w ith machinery of fho latest aud best
The foundation for Hansen's two
story brick building ou Front stroat
is laid mid the floor timbers are being
put into place.
J. W. Baker's brick laundry build
ing on Fifth and II streets is complet
ed to the floor sills. This will be a
one story structure and will be occu
pied by the Grants Pass steam laun
dry. Tlie brick work on Kienliu's ad
dition to his brewery building is fin
ished and the roof is being put into
L. A. Heberlie is building a brick
residence building on F street ou the
site of his house which was destroyed
by the fire last summer.
Another brick residence is beiug
built by Air. Clam, tho contractor
and bricklayer, on D street between
Fifth and Sixth. It is being con
structed with the idea of enlarging it
later into n spacious apartment houso.
The Thornton house on Sixth street
is being moved out preparatory to com
mencing the construction of a two
story brick building, KOxlOO feet in
dimensions. The lower part of this
building will be one largo store room
aud is already rented for flvo years.
Tho llarth residence proporty on
Sixth and I streets lias boon-purchased
by Mr. Price, lately from Washington,
who will move tho house and oreet a
brick building on its site.
The work, on B. O. McCulloch's
brick ntllee building ou Sixth and C
streets is being rushed to completion.
The walls aro now finished nearly to
the top of tho window frames and in a
short tho building will be ready for
Kerby will Tweak the Old Blrd'a
Featliora on the Fourth.
Kerby, t tin metroKilis of southern
Josephine, is linking preparations for
a grand Fourth of July celebration.
Thu festivities will begin with the
sunrise salute and will continue
throughout the day with something
doing all the time. There will boa
base ball game, trap nud livo bird
shooting and all manner of races and
games. There will bo a grand bull in
the evening and a lively time is as
sun d to all w ho attend.
Dr. Dennett Located Here.
Dr. ('. U. Bennett left here with bis
family tho first of the week for Grunts
Pass where he will practice Osteo
pathy. When he caiuo out from Min
neapolis a year ago, tho jHilnt he bad
iu view was already occupied and
conseipient ly he cainu tn Newberg to
remain until he could find an njicii'ug
for practice in a larger town. During
the year he has treated a largo num
ber of pi ople hern who w ill gladly
t -si" ! reei ived, the writer
I" ' ii' .Liuinr. Aside from
tho fact that It. 1 tie net t has a
thorough knowledge of Ost(o)iathy, he
is a worthy gentleman and a good
citizen uuiljlhe Graphic commends him
to the people of GriuilH Pass. Iu a
professional way they will find him to
he able successfully to eoinliiit disease
in its various forms ir d in business
they w ill find him to bo thoroughly
reliable. New IsTg Graph in.
Federal Labor I'uion No. '121! meets
in the court house ou tho second and
fourth Saturday evenings of each
month. (. P. Jester, Pres. j M. W.
Bobbins, Sec'y.
IK'll t
MollM'l llillfe
H !
for in sent.s
for resents
for resents
Nl' I I
Monifl Ii liif
jor resents
Siniiel lilnif
or resents
Koincl hi ii if
for resents
i I 'or line Hccli coiihiwikv-
j I II Mill lll-llll V. It HIMM'lllI
run on Pol it I loiii-y,
j !-(( uliii liaM'ti-U-
j ill lo .-.
J.ViloOOi', lino to nilc, Udelu 4Sc,
:iou to sou, yrvo tu m0.
Mett We Want to Tulle To. PA Man rial j, otry sum
in Grant Pan mi a clothing trptrt if any nm i'm Cronii Pau hum tin ftnlim
faelt is tkt eattAa aery mm in Granti Pom would com itnigk la fu for alt
kit clothing. Sack week publuh a Utile argument oa tkit lubjcH, Tku wk'$
argument tl dirtettd
To the Man Who Wants Variety
For S lection.
VARIETY is said to be tba "Spice of Life." In the selec.
tioti of a man's clothing, it is certainly the only spice that ap
peals to all tastes.
ing we sell, operate one of the greatest
manufactories iu Atnetica, and pro
duce more styles than any other con
cern iu the country. Their garments
are famous as the "Best-Clothing-iu-World,"
and all bear this label: fcjr
o. o.
Lund's Turn Indulge In
Escaped Monday.
A runaway occurred on Mouday
which wm escitlng wbilo It lasted
though fortunately was free from
serious result The team of O. O.
Lund, being driven to a backboard,
were excited by tlie Mystlo Midgets'
parade and took a lively spin op Bixth
street. Mr. Luud was thrown out,
sustaiulugsevere jarring and bruising.
J. T. Lovo succeeded in "shooting"
the team hito the ditch at the corner
of the Ilannard furniture store where
they wore bewildered by the mase of
sidewalk aud telephone pole and
stopped. The wagnn was only slight
ly damaged and the team was not
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. ,
knew what to do iu the hour of need.
His wlfo had such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble, physi
cians could not help her. He thought
of nud tried Dr. King's New Life
Pills aud she got relief at once aud
was finally cured Only at W.
F. Kremcr's drug store.
lilue Print Paper by the yard or roll
at the Courier ollloe.
Grants Pass, June 13
AT 10. A. M.
A Restaurant Outfit Complete
Had been in uctual ubo
now gooils ninl Htrictly
Dining room chairs. Child s high
chairs. Show case, 10 dining tables.
Air tight heater aud pipe. Window
shades, band made oil 0wue. Lace
curtains. 10 wblto linen table cloths.
Napkins. Kelt table pod. Oue large
copir coffee uru anil cup warmer.
One L shas'd couuter. Stove boards.
Spring cot. Blankets. Comforts,
Wrapping paper and holders. Carving
sets. Silver metal tea and tabl
scions, kulves aud forks. Water bot
tles, goblets, etc. Kitchen and cook
ing utensil. Food chopper. Fry
wns, all sixes. Soup ladles. Granite
ware all kind. French fryer.
Steel spiders. 18 inch and 20 inch
waiter trays. Glassware to aet 10
tables. Original package of Jlelutx
Pickles, Worcester aauoe, mustard,
But Variety is one thing, and
Judicious Variety is another. No
one who has seen our stock, would
hesitate to assert that it presents
not only the greatest variety, but
the Beat Variety as well. There
are no out-of-date styles here no
antiquated fashions, but the widest
diversity of all the new, dressy,
stylish, elegant garments ever ap
peared In Grants Pass.
Tkt man who iuyi ken, tan mknyt
ftd certain that k kai tkt tlylt keM tuUtd
to kit inliritmlily.
Schloss Bros. & Co., whose cloth
WMmU Drapers
Commancemant EiarclMa Hay
Baan Held Thla Waak.
The oouimonoeroent exercises of the
Southern Oregon normal school were
held thl week in Ashland, beginning
on Friday evening and closing on
Weduesday evening, June 15. The
Senior class number among ita mem
ben three who will be teacher In tba
Grant Pas schools during the next
school yoar: Mis Lucie George, '
Mis Lou Grubb and Mia Aura
Thompson. Miss George I the class
vice president On Saturday evening,
the annual oontest nnder the auspices
of the department of elocution was
hold at the Chautauqua tabernacle.
In this contest, honor were won by
Mia Agnes George, formerly of this
city, who took third prise in a claat
of six contestants, by ber dramatic
rendition of. "The Grecian Mother
aud Her Bon" The Dm pria was
won by Glenn Hoover, of Medford and
these second prise by Mis Ann
Thompson, who recited "The 8 wan
Hon g. '
The Labor Union will hold an open
meeting, June 18, 8 p. m. at the court
house, at which Bev. J. W. Ko
Dougall will give an address on social
problem. The general publio 1 In
vited to attend.
about two weeks; all
up-to-tlate, will servo
etc. Linen towels. Crockerywara
plate. Cujia and saucers, oyster
bowls, etc Drip pans, roasting pan,
water palls, bread raiser, tinware,
eto. One large galvanised Iron boiler.
One largu stool grill, very heavy.
Ouu large ice chest. Oue universal
cook stove, pipe aud elbow, etc. 84
feet -inch Iron pipe, S hose bibb.
One large steel baker. Two gasolene
stoves. One large warming even.
Oue 60-gal iron hot water tank and
connection, tool eta One keg S-gal
chow-chow. One keg 6-gal tomato
catsup aud a host of other article far
too numerous to mention. To be held
at Grants Pass, Oregon, opposite the
Sugar Pine Store, Saturday, June 13,
18, at 10:30 A. M. sharp.