Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 11, 1903, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, In fdvsnce,
Hix Mouths,
Tl.ree Months,
fcingle Copies,
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the oflire, or
by mail. -
Obituaries and resolution of con
dolence will charged for at 'k per line;
ciirdtf thank ..
Entered at the post otlire at II rants
Oregon, as secernl-cla mail matter.
Tim coiiimunioaliou of " Prosjiect
or," pnblished in another column,
linwuli oiii! view of the forest reserve
which 1 shared ly some of the min
ers, .honied flic greater iiuniber have
expressed themselves in npposli ion to
tberesoivo. In regard to the "f!rab
bilif; ' ' of tliulsT land ly bif concern
while it i possible that tliia may have
been donn ill pome cases, tin' great ma
jority of tlio timber locations have
been made in pood faith by k ople of
only moderate meniiH.
The Ashland Tribune ill mi utteni)!
to defend Ashland's action in arrang
ing for a carnival company on the. wiuie
dales for which nun bad been ar
ranged, ha the understanding that
(iranta I'usa carnivul was not thought
of, or if it was, it was not known in
Ash hind at the limo the Woodmen (I
that town onion d into their agrocinoiii
with the carnival company. This
statement of the Tribune's is entirely
wrong. Tho iirrangemi nls for tin
Grams I'ass carniral had been entered
Into many weeks prior to tlnit time
and the matter had b t n well adver
tised and published in nearly, if no!
quit" all, of tho valley paisrs. The
Tribune disclaimed any malicious
' spirit ou Ashland's part, but, Judging
only by apicaraiiecs, tint people, not
only of Grunts Pass, bnt of Medford,
Jacksonville: and Gold Hill certuiniy
do credit Ashland with such mali
cious intuition and small spirit.
Ashland has certainly failed to
"avoid tiiu apisariinon of evil."
Some jstsoii or (srsoiis, with a
mendacious faculty which is appall
ing, spread tho rctKirt last week in
Gold Hill and Sams Valley thai
Grants Pass was full of smallsix and
that our carnival had been sist jxined.
Wo aro glad that tlio liar wa a fool
ish liar and pprung his reservoir of
falsehood in tluiu so that tho js'Ople
of those districts may bo apprised of
tho entire falsity of thu report in
plenty of time for them to attend the
carnival There is no mnallixix here,
nor has thero been a single raso for
two months past. It is common rumor
hero that a citizen of Ashland was in
Gold Kill recently with his mouth
foil of smallpox resrts about Grants
l'ass. It is hard to bellrvo that any
organization or resjjioiisiblu js.rsons
would for any reason stoop to such
fhods j it would seem morn likuly
to bo the work of some Individual of
nirrow Intellect, yet lifter Ashland's
contemptible action in the matter of
tho carnival, the town has made itself
liable to any suspicion in the matter of
narrow sollislnie.s and senseless
jealousy. It would be an Idiotic sup
jsisition that such methods will help
their carnival. The jsaipli. all over
the Uoguc river valley have observed
their action with manifest disapproval
and if it should be known that the
sinalltsix slory emamiti a from Ashhui,!
it would ls a lioomerang fatal to their
event anil the authors of the Table
would bo "hoist on their ow n petard"
with a vengeance, for Southern Oregon
lx-oplo will not supisnt any such
bureau of mendacity If they are aware
of it,
oive liooii Performance but
Mutiny Lifts Itor Horrid Hrr-d
Tho ".Mystic Midgets" oN rcta en
.Monday evening was a very bright and
pretty pet fnrmiineo. The sx etai le el
so many 1 i 1 1 K- folks in costume ,,il, 1
tho various color, d lights was most at
tractive and immensely entertaining
The fairies Were dainty and r. ttv
and the gimme were weird and minis
ing. The representation ,,f the nations
by the ". Midgets" was ch ver and th.
lulls were well porfonnid The pla
was full of bright and catchy song's
and there ware many ultra. 'live dances
and drills. A thread e( a plot ran
through the piece, ciidinu in
ynocn of Fairies giving her hand
marriage to the l'i m, c of th.- Mid
the recovery of the "gold, n eh. -t
the confusion if the w jclcd gnoln. ,.
who clang.d into swine an.
other animals. Miss l-'s.-ie llaiiiuaii
took the it or '.in, en of the Kiiri. s
v. ry pleasingly, while Mis, ('!,., I
ens was i, most el, .mntug l'i in, , .,( th.
Midgets ami her solo was among tie
ino-l enjoyable numb. Is th, i
It was tip. jut, in ,,, i,, lt. a, ... j ,s
on Tuesday i v, ning l,ul ,);, ,,,,,..
arose s.W.i a the Midg. is and ti e ,1,
rector, tai,s,,, n . ,,,i i v ,,,,,
tni'ot ary remarks en f ,, , , f , ,
latt.-r. Th,. Mi,g, ,., g, , .,., (!i
ers IhT.Hlue mill in. nis. an I a In. ml. 1 i !
them r. fas, ,1 to g,, en i!,, ,.1g f..,
th.' scoi.1,,1, in, . . The ''i.ut, i
IHigU: possll Iv h.ue 1 . i, , ,, 1 U
but some of the pnn,-iil a, tors, o.-i
lid. lit that ther.- won!. I I , ii,, . i
forniance, had s,att, ,, ,1 , llt
one of tin m was e. mil, , l!t ,
town, wi Unit that it was imis,ss,! .;,
to present the second ) , i 'orn, ,n,-, .
As the J ro. .h.Is w. to to l. aj.pli, ,i
for the beu, lit i, I ili,. , l,,ii I. hi ,iv, j.
is a matter (or r. gi, I -hat ii,, ,. , :, u ,
Was not mere of a u, , , s.
Hand Concert
Following is th- jrogian, t, n., '
kind concert Friday evening, Jim,'
I-.'th : '
March "The Dawn of Victory''
. Vtl'b Is, !, I
Overture "Kival" l', u,,;
Venetian Goudolirr Sen undo Vis n,, , '
Grand Ifiirilnne Fantasia " 1 1
Trovatore" Veidi
"Tho Flower of Italy" Walts ',,
"The l'umaniaster" I.ud.i
March "liiialda". . . ( luamls rs j
Disappeared Between Pendleton
and Poce.te!lo.
A. II. Mock returned on Friday
from Portland whilhir In. went to
look for his father, J. II. Mock, who
mysteriously disappi an d whih tr;u
cling from Portland to the east, lie
had no dofinilc. sueci ss, though he
succeeded partially in tracing the
ticket. Tim elder Mr. Mock left Port
land mid the cousins indicate that he
traveled as far us Huntington, though
there are some reasons for believing
that he left the train west of Hunting
ton. The man who cleans cars at
Huntington found I ho elder Mr. Mock's
overcoat and valise in the smoking
car. It seems most likely that he did
not reach Huntington, though it is
IHissiblu Hint he might have gotten
farther. From Huntington, there is
no evidence of the ticket having boon
used ami it is certain that he did not
ss Pocatello. A. 11. Mm k went lis
far east as the latter pla. e in his
search and a friend went as far as Salt
Lake City. Tho railroad oj.le have
sent out tracers to reiver the valise
aud overcoat. A. II. Mis k has olVer. d
a reward of i'Xi for information
which will lead tollnt discovery of his
Who sella tlio li.-sl , no, lie.. '
Rooms Wanted.
All H'rsoiis who have r ns which
may bo used for lodging during the
carnival will please nnlilv Ihe com
mittee: J. "O. tiilison or into nun-
Just Received
Another sliipincnt of I'lack Silks, in -
I'n ilo-soi, lloy;i 1 Ta ll'i'ta, linlia ami j
'J'J an 1 ;iii inrli iruaiaiitcoil Taffeta, j
Summer Waists
I A lare assortment of ilainty white '
wai-ts in Mereeri.eil, l'iiiies, linlia
' Linens, ( ixfoi als ami SuniinerSilks.
I Walking Skirts
A ii'ifoji.-Mii'tiiii iit of the latest style
w alkin.' Skirts.
Li. lies' ami Mi.s-es' I'.nicv l.aee llose.
v lake iircat pritle in our
Boys Clothes
The best materials dial can lie mi into Imi.vs'
mid li i Id rcu'-s i lot li hiir a rc llieonl.v kind
tliat cnlei' into tlio make tip o' Hie sl.vlcs
w o carrv.
E. C.
Mior vn 1 1
In Honor of Miss Allen and Miss
Meiiti'. In AsKlivnd.
Mis W F Cam. ion and Mi
M.VlMl.lllis wire the bo-ti . at :.
del igln !i,l r, , pi ion (a e m I i
of Mi Moor,- ,,f tiiani, I ass, ,,i:., All, ii, i,( s' ii, hi, s it u i .l.n a 1 1 l
lleoii HI the t-,1 ' el 's I . , Hi . , II I ' IO 1 , 1 V
-I I . t The i at ',oi s an I ,1 o, i 1001:1
vx , to . act if ullv ,,', ei ar- d wit', a
j I ' ' 1: si,.i ,.t 1 , s, s 1 , ; . , J
An.. ' . a'l I" .uitv. I 1 I , ,u, , an 1
M r, , .1 n.s. s a.l.-ru I ! 11 tal e s
e I I. 111 e 1 ti-s :uei ih,. ,!,,t .,ser
; I ' U Th, hell., , t . 1 . 1 1 j 10
.vol, T'loui :t o , !,.,-.; to ,'. ,, , !..,-,., and
I b liming I. ..till.. ,1 1 he a! 1. '. 10 . 'i s
a'. ' ' !a Ml.-ie lit l . 1 , 1 : . , ., 1 1 . , , 1
nan. 01. il -, 1 ,! 0 1 s . , , n hv 1 ,.
..1.! .. , w ho w . re a--l' .1 e 1 !,,. l,,..t
ss s 1 lain: v r. f ; in, ut -. m 1 !..
w .. v of ft a; ; e and . ,, i s, e 1,. ie,l
1 1. m i t ' a: : ero .on, und tie- n un,h. r
t gu. si s ho w , re 1 r, s, ni d arm;:
h, hoii- s ,,f The 1, , , pi ,,,,,, vi .l ! 11 gO.
-I-...II I l'i. line,
" ' I hue h- til lloilo!. .'. (. -1 ,."., 1 : no
,th lle'.n; sdeli and s,n;i .te.s 1,
! Mis Sarah i Ciini-. ol 1.. . , , 'and hme b. 11 I ik ing I T111110 s Sloma. !l all. 1 Iimi l aid. Is
a I i,L have b, ls.,l ,,. ,ri ,:;.,
'!,al now lean ,-af many ihuu-slhsl
I', f. re 1 . ould 11..!. " If yu en e any
rouble wild j.e.r eina h, w hv no!
1 ,k. th, . lab!, ts ..lei .- t tt,.J, l'. i
sal. by a'l ilriiggsi.1
Tb rtl.t rs-liable-Tbs Ws klf Clr, galsu.
One Contestant May be Seriously
Several lights (sciirred in town
Saturday mid in one case Isith parties
may coiiid. r themselves fortunate if
the results are not serious. The fray
occurred b.lweeii " Hank" Williams
ami Itubc I'unkey. The trouble
started in the Corner saloon, where
I'.inkey bad been mixed up in a fight
earlier in the day. He had been
drinking considerably mid was cpiar
ri Isoine ami abusive under the i'l
llu. nee of the liipior. Williams aud
I'ank.y, it seems, had agreed to go
across the river and light it out.
I'anl.ey at this time was carrying u
good deal of liipior and was unsteady
on his feet. Several others wire with
the party, among them Pankev's
brother. They went down Si.xth
street iihoul three blocks when by
some word or action tho trouble was
p rocip d there. Williams struck
I'aukey, knocking him down, and
ki.k' d Ii i in in Ihe load, cutting and
hiiiising his scalp in a fearful manlier.
It is claimed that W illiams also was
Ml ruck from behind by one of I'ankcv s
adherents. Williams was arrested and
has been released on bail pending
his trial w hich w ill be held Thurs
day. At last accounts, Pankey was
making a good progress toward recov
ery and it is probable that his skull is
not fractured as was at lirst feared.
Aust in's Report Cauls for schools
Use for sale at the Courier olllce lac
p.-r hundred.
i:isii iN.' (ioops.
H ostein Meet In Port
l.uul June 24 10 29.
I lie W, si, 111 ll lsion ,1 the State
!' -a, '.. I 's A .0, oil 1011 will he held llt
1', t '. ia.1. .1 line .'I to r.i.'II I he pro
..1.1:11 lo: t !i is in , 1 1 n, is ehe of the
1 si , r J 1 1 1 1:. I ! v t: o I'lall.lgoln, llt
. ' H e 1 , s 1 11 o, 1 ml t !, lll.l u at l. lis
.,1 tl 1: I ; . 1 s ineei : u- ill lar siirisiss
0 . : i . , , 1 al 1, :n t . ,1 III edll'-.l-
1 . ' ! . ' 1 0,s 'I I ' I II
i . Ill III I -Lit.' It lie. lis
.,.-! . 1: s . 1. : , to tai.e part ill t he
l;e... no 1, oh dells Willi nianv sub
; , I s , t I , 1 . 1 1 111.) 01 : .11:. e to lie seliool
,.i id , l,o it: ii.ii in: , 1, ,'s ,.f th,- stale.
Mi II. civil. I', 1 1. 1 ; 1 ( lsinsing.
M :. a , , :i ' , ! Ihe for- 111', si educators
of I .e I 1:1. I .-sla:. ., ha, b. , II ill! Ill d
lol, a gi st if t'e ass,v;,it 1, 11 and
v.i'.'. aii- . v t n the pioorain. and ili
, us.s a 111:111b i , f uitHrtant e.iu. .1
' to; 10-.
1'. uis iy coin 1 an 11 , hiiic in. ido an
, . n: -1, 11 r 1: 1' to )'. : I laud for this is'
. .1-1 'o ..u i a 'iy ' 11 go ininils r of
t. .1.1:. : will no doubt Is pre,, nt to
1,, ,1:1 1 pivt't by the no a ling
I M VMi'l UI AIN S fl'I.IC, Ciini.
Is . , 1 w h, le 1, oogino.l as the into
1,11,'dylhil c.iu always l," d. vUib .1
ii;s'tl all 1 that t ph a -.llit to l ike. It
s , sp, eially x.ilualdc tor slllliio. r
1: ir:1. a e , I'll I'.ou and is uudoi.t to I
II t,.c ;:i.:ill,,'l savin,: the lives of a
(.leal many chilli. -u 1.1 h eir For
S t'e- bi ail th iugit '
Mining Interests Most Important,
Kditor Itogue River Courier: The ' Since the Soothern Pacific railroad
other day I received from the secre- f has been organizing exrorsioua to
tary of the Grants Pass Hoard of , Crater Lake, Oregon, the demand for
Trade, a circular to be signed by the ' a map of the region has greatly in
miners of Althouse, Josephine county, creased, and to meet this demand, the
protesting against the action of the
Deiartmcut at Washington, D. C.
making a F'. rest Reserve of any part
of Southern Oregon as put forth in
the Newspajs-rs. lint tho board of
trade seems to advocate the timber
interest and tho mill man's right over !
all others, forgetting that the many j
timber entries already mado and
which we see advertised in the
county jaitH-rs have len made by peo
ple brought here mostly from tho east
and that too, most likely by some one
or company of men who wish to play
the old hogging game, such as has
been done in so maiiT other states hr
oping up thousands of acres of tim
ber land for their own u e and bene
fit, the poor foolish locator receiving
from one to threo hundr-sl dollars for
what will return to the bis; investor, but this is not tlio end of the
injury by any means. For the past 2.r
years I have told the Courier of the
riches which lay hidden iu the rocky
hills of Joseph iiu-. Supiwuo you
permit those timber locators to per
fect their titles on the thousands of
ai res of hind for its timber and stone.
what w ill become of your hundreds of
miners? Onco all the land is sold to
these timlier-iiionopolios they not only
gobble our timber but they would nlso
own all the mineral deposits in the
ouuly. The reserved country should
ha kept by the goiernmeiit for the
prospector and gold seeker. Everj
laynow, brings to light new evid, nee
of mineral wealth in the shape of
gold, copper or some other precious
metal to work which, the very tim
ber grow ing on the hills is, and will
be, needed, iu plenty. I say, and so
says every minor w ho knows anything
of under ground workings. Keep the
timber for the use of the mines for if
not needed today it will furely 1st
needed bye and bye, for without
timlsT, a miner cannot work.
Those risk ribbed mountains er-
teiKting from the Applegato to the
Coast range from east to west, will at
no distant day prove a, sourco of un
told wealth. They will furnish re
munerative labor for thoufanils of
hardy miners who w ith their families
w ill find snug little homes in the lit
tle glades and valleys which, wilh
tho assistance of the springs which
arc found in almost every vallev will
bo made to bloom and blossom like a
small Kden. Prospiwtor.
Reduced Summer Excursion
The IVnver it Rio Grande, popu
larly known ns the "Scenic Lino of
t' e World," bus annoiiiiced greatly
reduced round-trip rates from Pacific
Coast iH.iuts for the lsnetit of
teachers who will sis'iid their vaca
tion in the cast, and of delegates to
all tho prominent Conventions N'.
K. A., at liodon; A. (). lT. W at St.
Paul; H P. (). K, at Raltimorc;
Woodmen of America at Indianapolis;
Kaghs at New York; Mystic Shrine
at Saratoga Springs; K. of P. at
Louisville, and T. P. A., iu Indian
apolis. Tickets at the reduced rates will be
based upon one fare for the round
triji, but w ill he sold on certain davs.
These tickets will carry stopover
privileges on the going trip, giving
p:isciigcrs an opisirtunity to visit
Salt Ijike City, (Men wood Springs,
Colorado Springs and Denver; and
will be good to return any time
within ninety I'.sli days. Passengers
going via the Denver & Rio Crande
are given the privilege of returning
via a different rout...
l or the rate to the point yon w ish
to go, and for dates of sale and other
particular!., as well as for illustrated
pamphlets, write W. C. McRRIDK,
li.ueial Agent, l.'t Third St., Port
land, Or.
School Meeting.
School meeting for district No. T
will he held iit tho brick school house
netx Monday. June I."., at 111 o'clock,
a. in. The regular school business
w ill transacted and directors w ill
he nominated. The election w ill lie
held at the same place in the after
noon of that day and the voters will
elect by ballot dire .-tors for the terms
of thro,
four and live vi ars
Coming I. vents
June 1 ; .M - Street l air and Carnival.
Nine Hour Day.
Notice is hereby given (hat I'uimi
No. lll-s, l nitcd I'rot Carisn
t, rs and Joiners of America have es
laUislicd a nine hour day. making
rati' (s r hour ;l:! j cents or j;l (HI foi
lime hours.
To go into 1 tVect ou the tit,! day
ot i une. p.'o:' .
lb A l'ltgerall. K S.
.!. I'. G lleeli. r, V lee pre-
People that have
ak st oin.ichs, w o
ik h art-.
. v. s and are l.snally u, ak kneed.
1 le v fe. l bill. 'us and the world 111
g, 11, has a bilious look to tluiu.
they have so many symptoms that it
is ditbcult to livato the place w lit r
tiny feel the worst. The fact is tin
-M'liri-e trout where they get then
,'reiigth ha, Ih'cu cut off and they art
si. k all over The fo.,1 taken int.
the stoma. Ii remains undigested,
causing Is l. liing, and bilious artaeks,
follow etl by sick-hea.Licbt., and gt-n.
oral weakness. The medicine that
puts the stomach in condihou so that
tin. Us, I can Is' readily digvsttd, w ill
cure dyspepsia, and make strength
wl.ts then, was weak tit-ss. We hai e
cur, .1 thousand of t"r,iii during thej
pist ,M y. ars. of d sis. psia, w it ti Ir. !
..nun'. Improved 1. iv r Pills. A S.V
..ox of tl.est pills arc worth more to I
;sop'.e Willi I'thir ibgesi ion tti.111 six
mouth of ili. ling cr a gallon of j
istu It only oue for a diss, j
We will scud two if theSit pills to
what liny wi.l d.v W. F. Krv
r. sells tlu-m for ','.' a b. x or
l y mail on le.H tpi i f pruiv. Write
Ir 1'.. vs.. 1. to Civ llula.. Pi.
Ela.bora.te Delineation of Ore-
gon's Wonderful Lake.
Crater Lake special map, prepared by
the Lnitcd States Geological Survey,
has been brought op to date and ex
tended as to represent the whole of
tho Crater Lake National Park, on
the scale of one mile to an inch. The
map is now ready for distribution.
The elevations and depressions are
shown by contours representing ver
tical intervals of 100 feet. To denote
the very steep inner slope of the great
depression containing tiic lake, the
contours are crowded close together;
to show the outer gentler slois;, they
are far ajmru
The soundings of the lake are
marked on the map, and its greatest
depth, nearly 20K) feet, makes it the
deepest fresh water lake iu the United
On the back of the map is a descrip
tion by Mr. J. S. Diiler of tho geo
logical features aud history of Mount
Mazama, including the eruptiou of
its lava flows and pumice, its glucia
tion, and its final eugalfnient, which
produced the great caldera, Ou the
bottom of which arose a small vol
canic one that uow loiuis Wizard
Island, in the lake. Three excellent
views aro given ; one, of tlio western
part of tho rim, from a photograph
by Mr. Burton L. Cniininghum, of
Ashland; another shows Mount Maza
ma restored; and the third is a view
of a model which makes the depres
sion containing the lake very -impress
ive. The price of the map is five cents.
A peculiar railroad accident occurred
i the Grants Pass yards Tuesday
morning almost directly iu front of
the d, K)t. In making a fly switch, u
flat car left the rails with its front
trucks and the sudden checking of its
stiecd broke its back und it sat ou the
track curved up like a huge, caterpil
lar. It was tipped over free of the
track and rescued piecemeal.
Wlldorvllle Notos.
Mr. Geo. Creed is on the sick
fhis week. x
Ouo of the men at the mill got his
foot cut but is still at work.
Miss Lula Conger has been suffer
ing with a felon on her finger.
The little baby ol Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Cart lias been quite sick the past
Mrs. M. A. Hooking was sick a few
days the first of the week with hi
grippe. J. W. McCollnnj cut hay fur Mr. J.
Hocking and Mr. P. Laswell this
Mr. Lovelace and E. Eiicksoti are
uow building a bridge ut Williams
Mrs. E. Lricson is enjoying a visit
with hur niece, Mrs. Challsoii and
Pen Hull and and Dick Lindsay
killed a brown bear Monday evening
Tho bear came a little to close to the
house after a hog. They put eight
bullets into it before they got it
'.::ll.d. Zanniii.
Kubll Items.
Farmers arc still patiently waiting
for rain.
Miss (ura Uasye of Jacksonville, is
visiting relatives and friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison were visit
ing relatives and friends 011 Williams
Saturday and Sunday.
yuitc a number of the people from
aroimd hero tiro talking of taking iu
the carnival ut Grants Pass next
The thermometer register d 101
Sunday, but it did not keep the boys
from getting out and having a nice
ball game.
Mrs. Sarah York, who has been
under the care of Dr. J. S. MoFad
deii, is rapidly improving, we arc
pleased to say.
There will Is' grand ball and straw
berry social given at Kubli Hall on
Sauirdav, June la. r.iv rylioilv is
invited to cojne and have a good tun
Miss Cora York returned bio
Sunday from Grants Pass whe
she has been attending school. Si
his just recovered from a severe.:!
tack ot Ihe measles.
Miss Florence Parrot t of Winona
closed a very successful term of
school 011 June II w ith a kisk. t
dinner. A large uuiulsiT ware out to
partake of the refreshment and listen
to the progiani rendered by tin
Willis Ijiwton, who has nci'iitly
bonded the mine owned by .Ed llau
mini and Amos Cook mar S. H.
Cook's phier, has a large liuiuls-r of
men at work sinking shall. They arc
taking out some very rich ore and an
well pleased w ith the prospvet.
Memorial day. Saturday, May HO, was
appropriately observed at the Missouri
Flat ct inetery. The program consisted
of singing aud a short address by Mrs.
Ilii kmau of the Free Mcthodis;s, after
wluoh Ihe graves ot the dear departed
oils was Kaiitifully decorated.
Cucle To.11.
Missouri Flat I tains.
J I!. Ncwoomb aud John Sparliu i
we e over Sunday and played last j
e..'.l w ilh us. j
J.s' York and WihkI Jeter, who havi
tv. u cuiting saw- logs linished then ,
la'ge contract last week.
W. S. Paihy was iu G mute Pa-
oue day last week aud brought out a
lu.i.1 of freight for his store. j
Miss Cum York returned horn ' from
Grants Pass Saturday w In re she has
ixvu nttt u.ling the high n lus.l.
The N. S. A. K. Ditch Co. havi
tluished cleaning their large iiitih
and turo.-d the water iu last SatortUy.
V. S. Paih-y has bnn doing soint !
work on bis store aud pct ottice this
wet k. Is ks like our little (owu is
growing some.
.. S. York w.t set 11 on this
of the river Suudav. He
rh.uge of a mine ai'nxsi the river in
has. I
which he is working a large crew of
I V have been having some very
. wa-ra weather the last two weeks.
I Farmern are uow suiting their crojis
! of hay. The hay crop is going to be
. vi ry small this season.
The M. r. ball taui played Provolt
Sunday and lieat them badly with a
score of 23 to 7. Provolt used to play
ball last season, but they are not in it
with our team this year. XTC.
Waldo Items.
Hot! "Thermometer indicated
degrees Saturday.
W. J. Wininr and wife wire in
Grants Pass visiting friends one day
this week.
A great deal of assessment work is
being done on the different mining
locations in this district.
We have been informed that a wed
ding is on the program for the near
future, but we promised to keep still.
Col. Draper was at Crescent City
this week on business ill rnnni rtion
with his mining and railroad interest
Several copper properties have been
lsonded by capitalists from California
aud they are now d. vi loping the
Notices are on for the animal school
election, June la. One director,
one clerk is to lie elected in this
The grass is ail about uried up and
crois aro short and
comes very soon they
will be
The W'imcr Er,,s. .are preparing t"
put iu an elevator in their mine this
summer,. This will make times more
lively here.
The talk of a railroad through her.
has subsided, although the surveyors
are still at. work between here and
Crescent City.
Several of our people intend to lake
iu the carnival at Grants Piss. Then-
is some talk of taking the Waldo
baud" uloug.
There is some talk of cel. brating
the Fourth of July here, but in what
manner, your ci rresi undent was
unable to learn.
The school opened here last wool.
with 40 pupils on the roll. ilic
directors have employed Prof. ,1. It.
Austin to teach the summer term.
There is a rumor afloat that bids
will be advertised for, to grade the
much talked of railroad between Cres
cent City and Grants Pass, the work
to lsgin about the first i f I'ctob. i.
The roads are reported to b- in 11
very rongh condition between hire
and Grants Puss, especially that thi
isortioii that Ihe heavy lunib-r teams
are hauling out. The dust is si tin
thing to be drl ailed by tho travi ling
The people of (his place had quite a
smallpox scare here last week. A
stranger pnt up at the hotel one night
and in the morning ho had broken out
with soniethiug that resembled small
pox. Pr. Kremer was telephoned for
anil on his arrival ordered the man
to be placed in quarantine. In a day
or two it developed into a case ol
poison oak and the stranger was sent
on his way rejoicing. Hutteri 'up.
Gr&nts Pass Wca.trer
Following is a summary weather
nervation at lirants I'ass during
month of May. l'.KVJ, as re ortcd
J. II. l'a.lduck, ktcal voluntury observer
for the Oregon Stale Weather Service.
1 Mux. Min. Mean P,,..r a a
"TK Ttlll. . Tern. iTem. in, he-
l:f FIvfiPlMC ;
11.';:.'::::.'... ri , ::i i oi
15 " 1 !
lii fij 1" ' 1 : '-
15 oi tl ; w . 5 A l"1' !'1'"' '-vrv ilullars worth of
U . t V ! li-Mn, t u-k!,.
""" ' :;i ! J T1''' ''"l n.-vfi- iuv.iks.
" ; ;;;;;;;;; w t.i l 1'iiai's ti. kiu.i Wt. (...,.v
V s.i ji ! (.4 ; i
it. . . . . . . . . . . .. : l,s ' j
I"" ''" ' " t'l;'a!"'l'lrr;';1 ! ;:: iiiiv '-ioyl.-s aii-1 sundries,
i"i:iv. - an -1 iMm-s. t i 1 1 inacliinos t-te. etc.
1 -i
I A. Paddock
MA 1
3JTW r', , e,
j (tlW ':-
! . ;
i All !llutr:itimi v
1 I if w hat Hour w ii; do. ! vtill . -'
double its w.dgh 1 in l.te 1 It , f -
1 11 make pi.i ., w hit,, a. ::e.o;:s ' .' " ., -
bv.,s It is in . rl.i!,. :..,.( ,i -v " .''' . y
11 ore 1 eeiieini. al i h.m .on- other sV'' ' .
today ou the market. And it i. ; .J. : " "
plus ultra of family tljc.r. What
more can !.,. .sill' liet the
Medford I ran.!.
' 1
Take Lsvativc Rrftmrt f- .
Seven Miiljoo boxes now ta past 13
Goals for Sale,
r have .Vs) high bred Angoras which;
t ...:n .. n 1. 1 nut on shares. Any-;
. isi. Iind to char, mav
one having brush land to a , ,
do well to maire iinin'j j ,
on Foots Creek, la
miles from Grants
Pass or address S.
C. noble, Rock
Point, Jackson Co.
. n 1., .f Crant
.Masonic i..ii.i'.v 1
graved on
ouveiiirs.oou J"si " ' ;
at Letcher a.
Call and see un-m "
jewelry store.
Have yolITbicyi'lcs repaired
Cramer Pros' Bicycle Hospital.
Tf o,ii have 3 house
or other ;
building you want moved see
A. K. HolloW.iy
two miles Wt-d of town, nurlli side
of Ihe
(jl'ailt.S 1 ilSS 1 illlUllln
Inventor and Manufacturer of tit-.
Fire-Proof aud Aiiii-Kust Iron, Tin j
nr. no. . I
and Metal Paint-can he nseii lniiuoi j
and exterior, as well
No need to niortgav
on .shiiigl, s.
vour hons,. to
3 1
have it painted by strangers.
Have it ,
,1,,,,.. l,v th,. hi rename w no in .-.
; breaks his word tveii when " i' 1
" i
t inn and money.
Send lostal 1
rompt !v.
aril and I will net
Win. UOOGi
Grants Pass I'ainlins Co.
Grants Pass, Oregon. :
Prescription i)i u;:i;i'-t
lino ol Mm
is i'nnii!i'ti
.It i
O.-angc Front, opposite Opera House I
Grants l'.iss, Orcpon
Field ami Garaeu
Seed in Bulk,
White and Yellow Field Com.
Snoar Corn, Top Cum.
Alfalfa, Timothy, Red :i:nl Win
Peas, Heans, Onion, Cirnd.
Also regular pack ii,'c sicds
.1. .M. CIIILKS,
G. P. Phaimay uj
oh - - - .
til . I
SAiiyuhf kno'.vs that, Id c.Ucli tish, ymi must 3
li.'IVr lil'st-cl.iss I
v. '
Courier and Oregonian S2 a year
To Cure a Cold in (W
jj, ivnn i;
ThU signature. O.yC
KAI. KSTATE to buy real estate in
,iM fS. r. I:ir,m'
.Vrite or rail i room ., jiasoinc
(jmnts l'i
yiil Vi J HUSKY W (freshlfur sale.
ln.plire of W W. Wilson, Hugo, Ore.
4 SIX horse poter steam holler and
' steam pump. Inquire at tbisoltiee.
I.'AKM KtK S.W.K-to miles from Mer-
lilt. PHI acres--aijout 50 acre of iro.Mi
Isittoni Ism I. -'." seres in cultivation, small
house and ham and ahout no seres under
! leii.-e, hsIanVe oi land suitable for on-hard
. er pu-ture. For further particular u,.
dress o. v.row, .tieruu, v'regon.
acre fruit oiul stock ranch, ag; .jjM
' ' irom ..nous I us?, i.iu Teln-eil, ,'.11
cleared' loin ir. liatd, fair huildiims, gw'
fruit soil, plenty of water and timher un,t
the Lest outside stock rniiie in Josephine
i 'uiiuty. f'riee f V uti per a :re, pari ea-h
Cull at ranch on Jones creek or n , I , l r o -s
A. II. I he-sinore, 'irums l'as, Ore
ACHK ranch, good prune and
apple orchard, sinnll fruii. o,
iindan.-e; water for irjigation.,ts
prings on every 0 ai res: center of a gn,i
'range eulliurv: mo iiwmilng lintisr., l,ig
; liaru, every thing eomolete; well sheltered
ir.nii irosis, gouu milling markets, one-
half mile north ui Tunnel :l, price U.-Mi
lTi'iuire at this uilice.
- r, K K AN( II and placer gold "mine
O l' a partly lemed and improve,!,
llutise ami barn, orchard etc., nlentv of
uil I11(mi1), KaU,r
acres of t,:iv
snivel. Ihousands of acres of oxeellent
rge surrounds the premises, (lua (run
l,,,v n.1,1 veeetnhie liowt. ll,...,l.- ... .
r', near. It. U. depot, stores
e- .,!,, M
... t-i-rtiii j i.iiri'H n fli &-Mi,
i,v I o, i;,w k l'oint. Urcmm.
A 26 aue Kai.clt, Mtbirrijjated,
110 littler soil; about 15 acres set to
lll'W hops
about 6 acres good
cli.ird, mostly apples, well curd for;
r.i'.llous set in with hops. 'j
s II at price of adjoining bate land.
Oct my
: btli'diiio.
011 your contract for
I a fine Now Cottage I will
ell at cost of .same.
T li iit UT r:...
Micet Dciwten 7111 anu Htli.
uuy lour
1IAX()S and kaxs
i, lv:,tthclr
Loss Piano House
Ko'd aid Ashlsml
II. M.
.est I'iitc
hind lonl
ne hetneell
Fi an. isi o.
11 i ck sales,
worn 'oods
Sheet Mii-i" ,il I',, Polar Prices
-'reserve Vour Clothes
and Woolens
l y til -t btushiue; them thoiotihly
and hanking them in the oi'eii air an I
-i;iili;lit for s or 10 hours, wrap tin m
'ii;ht!y in tar taiicr w ith some of our
reliable moth proof prepant ion, and
! if pt ic a tinht drawer, chest or
oh :, mollis cannot and will not
injure them. We carry a full line of
lar arid tarine paper, camphor balls,
''"'.ar. c.iinphor, etc.
National Drug Store
Lures Uip
ia Two Days.
en every
nvt box. 25c.