Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 28, 1903, Image 4

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    I -It B
Grants Pass
The Menagerie! Negro Plantation! Japanese Tea Garden! The
Hindo Theater! Kdison Kleciric Show! I'alace of Mirth! Fer
ris Wheel! Animal Merry-Go-Round! Jialloon Ascension and
Parachute Jump! Mammoth Street Parade! Japanese Day Fire
works, the greatest exhibition of day fireworks ever witnessed
in the Northwest. Crowning of Carnival Oueen! lialiy Show!
Country Store! Public Wedding! Races of All Kinds! Mardi
Gras, the night of much confetti! (irand Art Kxhibit by
Woman's Club of Grants Pass! Mineral Kxhibit under com
petent management.
Only once iu a lifetime? I
The World's Greatest Carnival Company.
l'luMtt rntcM oil tlm Kinil hern l'lictlic.
JUNE 17, 18, 19, 20
Grants Pass Grants Pass
Italr'a Moiwireh la Considered Ih.
(i.p.t Uuest a Hallos
Vmn llara.
The big reception given to Prince
Henry of Prussia by the lulled States
makea It Interesting to learn that the
most economical royal visitor a coun
try can have Is the king nf Italy, snys
New York exchange. The Herman
emperor is also an tcnnmuiral gutt.
as he does not care much fur mere
show. Oive him Home solillers to look
at and a review, and It is nil he wants,
It has been estimated that a private
host can rntertain the emperor for
a week In the very best style for the
trifling sum of c 1,000.
Leopold of Ilelglum Is an expensive
visitor. To entertain hiiti anil his suite
for a week costs no less than C20,oo0.
The Inst time the shnh went to Eng
land It cost 1100,000 to entertain him
for a week, and there was not "much
doing" at that.
That little visit of thecarto France
cost the republic a pretty penny. Spe
cial messengers, were sent to Invite
him at a cost of $5,000, ami $.',0,000
was expended In cleaning up Dunkirk,
where he was to land, and putting it
in a presentable shape. The govern
ment erected triumphal arches at a
eost of $.-i0,0(i0, and spent $5,000 for
Then there were 5,000 picked troops
to be got ready, besides the review
troops. These picked troops were spe
cially trained, drilled ami iiinrterei1
for over six weeks at a cost of f 100,000,
and JITnillltnry bauds were put down
in the estimates at a eo for food
and extra expenses al $IS..MX.
The naval review held for the delec
tation of the eost fc'aO.oon, the
Item for coal alone being $100. 000, In
saluting, powder to the mine of $M.tKH)
was burned, ami the eost of guarding
the crar wna estimated at, (in
housing and feeding liim and hi. suite
the sum of (T.' was spent, and there
waa nn extra appropriation of $M,noo
for "sundries."
Tli l.lithl TI111I railed.
They sat on Hie couch, ye gared on
liar with love beniuing from his eyes,
while her orbs Hushed Uck an efful
gence that rivaled the electric light.
"You are-you are- " he breathed,
rather ot a loss for words of anYclion,
"you are the light of my life!"
She gave him a look of alarm, and
then whispered softly inhisear: "Take
care my father does not put jou out!"
Stray Stories.
In almost every neighborhood some
one, has died from an attack of colic
or cholera morbus, often Mom mcdi
rino could bu procured or it physician
summoned. ('haiiilH'rlniu'a folic,
Cholorn iuiiI DUnluait remedy hits un
doubtedly saved the lives of more
pcoplo and relieved morn jutiti ami
aulToring than any other medicine 111
use. For stile by nil druggists.
To mivo a life. Hr. T. U. Meruit,
of No. Meliooiny, Pa., made a start
ling test resulting iu u wonderful
cure. Ho writes, "a jaitimt was at
tacked with violent In mm hag. s,
caused by ulceration of the loiuio li.
I had often found Fin nic Hitters ex
rollout for neutc stomach .not liver
troubles so 1 prescribed then.
luitiout gai 1 from the liist, ami has
not lutd an attack in It mouths."
Try tlietn. Only My at V. F Kre
nier's. uomiEn THE UUAVE.
A Btartlitig incident is narrated l v
Jolltl Oliver of Philadelphia, lis fol
lows: "I was in an awful eon.liti.iu.
My skin was almost yellow, eves
sunken, toiiKuo coated, 'pun , 001111
ually in back and si.I. h, no np t ite,
growing wi aker day by day. 1 hte,
1'hysiciaiis bad given nu tip Then
was advised to use Electric Hitter-;
to my great joy the liist bottle made
a (Willed improvement. I com 1 n 0 . l
their use for three weeks, nod am now
a well man. 1 know tiny toh!.,.ltln
grave of another victim." No one
should fail to try them. (ulv .,0
cents, guaranteed, "at V. F. Kleiner s
drug store.
Mrs. Frank Chlusson, Puttcr-on,
Ia, writes Juno 1 : n "l hail
malaria fever very bail, was
treatment by doctors, but a soon as
1 stopind Inking their medicine th,
fever would return 1 used a samp!.
bottlP of Herbine, found It helped inc.
Then bought two bottles which com
pletely cured me. 1 can honestly
recommend it to those Mitleiing fn in
malaria, ns it will surely cure them"
llerlnne, (ity bottle ut 'slov. r Drug
Sl'PF. CURE FOR 1 11. I S.
Itching Piles produce moisltue 1
causes itching. This form, as well as
Blind, Blceiiiiiit or l'ruiru.ling Piles sir
cured by Dr. Ho-san ko's Pile
Stops itching slid Heeling. Ahorl
tumors. Mc a jsr at liuiggi-is, or seni
by mail. Treatise tree. Write me
aiaiut your case. Dr. B J'anlio, Philada
Pa. For sale by W. F. Kreuier.
Grants Pass
18, 19, 20
Ill Tlic Circuit Court of Tin Suite of
Oregon For Tim County of Jose-
P. A. Smith, .1. F. Cio-s, M.
.1. Cass, I,. S. Ciis. E. ,.
Cass, and C. I). Cass, part
ners doing business under
II. o firm mime of ISank of
.Sinner, Plitintills,
A. J. Sherwood as adminis
trator of the estate ot W.
li. Mudd, dceonsid, Sarah
.1. Rogers, 1. aur. ua J, Rog
cra, Eoili" 1j. Overbacker,
l.ll la M. '11I I ill", William
Kelly Mudd, Thomas Ed
win. O'iirieii, Mollie E.
Ellis, Thomas (il. lu ll,
Ursula lircncll, Robert
(irenell, Susan lligilon,
Muggin E. Mill, .l.liiil..
j. Corbett, Emmii C. (ire
nel, William Eledus Gin
lu ll, Thercsn (irenell 1111. 1
Richard O. (Jrcnoll, J
Defell. hints.
Summons to the above named defeu
Ill tho liainn of (hi! Stale of Oregon :
You am hereby reiiilied In appear
and answer tho iiiii.-ih1.iI complaint
tiled against you iu the above
titled suit within nix weeks from the
.late of tho first publication hereof;
1111. 1 if you fail so to answer, for want
thereof, the. plaintiffs will apply l(
tho court for the relief ( in
their amemled complaint, namely
That plaint Ills have judgment
agtiitist tho estate ol W. II. Mil. hi
deceased, for tho sum of Olio Hundred
anil Fifty Dollars Willi Interest there
on from December V8, Isp'i, ut the rati
of ten st ccal. s-r ti 11 1 1 11 111, und for
tho sum of Filly Dollars nttoiiieys
fees, and Ihu costH unit diabiiriieuieiits
of this suit.
For a decrcn foreclosing plaintiffs
mortgage executed by W. 11. Mudd
ilnccuaud. ulx.u lot i in block A ill
Jtidsou's addition to the town of
(iriiuta Pass, Josephine county, Om
gon, and for the sale of sal. I premises
to satisfy plulntitls judgment
That the defendants, and each of
them, and all persons churning or to
claim through them or W. II. Mudd,
deceased, bo forever burred and fore
closed oT all ripdit, title ami interest
ill and to miiil premises.
Tho first publication ol this Mine
moiiH is iniide 011 May II, l'.in:l, ami
tho last publication lore if will hi
nia.lo on Juno 2.., I'.in:l,
This summons is published by onlei
of tlui Hon. 11. K. Ilanua, Judge of
the. circuit court for Josephine
county, Oregon, and is dated Muv !,
IlKiil. W. ('. IIAI.E,
Attorney for l'laiiilill's.
When you want a pleasant physic,
try f hiunhvrliiiu's Stoma, li und Liver
Tablets. They are easy In take and
pleasant iu cll'i'ct. For Nile by all
Timber l aud, Acl June ;i. Is;h,
Uoscbuiir. r s: 1 -1 1 , Mav ti, 1-ioa.
Not ce is herciiy uneii ""it i'l coni-
lillHlH-ll lib the piov.-.aus of the a t ol
Congress, of J uue ;l, IsS, eniilbl"n
act lor the sale ol liuil-r laud. 111 tl.i
s.aies of Cnliloi inn. Oivi; n. Neiiehi.
and Washiin;too Trillion ." us e
ten, led to all public I al, I Males h) act
.d Aiiunst I I v.. J,
Al.lCi: Mi HI I NY
of Salem. Coiinlv -a Matioii. Mate
of 1 'n-i;on. lui this .lav ti!. .1
ill tills ollae her srtelli hi atcmctit So.
aUr'.t lor the plIlilolM' "I Ilia s, '4 ol
Section N,.. I iii r 11 tup No.
N.lllll, liitno No. I Wr-I, mot will
1 tier prool In show that lie- ,11ml sone((
Is Inoic Miluahle for lis tluib.-l ot sloue
AMU MOIIIN. II... Weekly Otegonian and the Shnrtpjt Olll'pR-pQr ij&''&VjZ 2 JSl (T-s-B
"f "-' "' C- ......., lor vearlor 2 in ad- WieSt, UU1CKCSI, , SCjJ if S
ol ibegon, has lb.- .lav til., I , ANDM,.1' I l -
in tins olli.e her sworn statement No. , .ufi v!? Sxw fiCV'
,,U,',i lor the pui. base ..I ih.. SV ol t ) I 1 1 f ( ) C t.' 1 1 ) 1 0 I I I EvL AEl 'Cr''iC
Section No. IS iu To, 1. -hip N. I'..',. I'lo. to Supplies at the Courier of- V. (M I IK M l.UMC f f, FjS VN?
south, Range No. I W.-l, ami will he. Route to all La-tein points via I'orilau.l JP . V'HPK Vy
I . tier prool lo show that llie ,11ml sonevt,! AM Tbroiikh Tickets reading over this route U '-Sp! QJu (C( jSj
is moie valuable lor lis limber 01 slone 1 I Je.ffIP' N K I "'
, than ,.raM...l!..i: piir,..-,-s. and lo I II II lVsJ I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I V-. Ji tVA rNS-J . I
esiablol, h.r claim to . land .,. . rrV.M Hull l.aUsa...l Denver, l:S& 1W JfcSJ SV
'J. I'.oolh. Countv . I ,l.e. ut ,- olhce II !!.' f l IwK&&t
-. at lililllls l'a-s. Oregon, oil Satlll.l.iv the M l' .VV-'.t'i W. ,K?iriftiftJ"ryi-M
' .' c :'-v,x Kates.
osiic moms s ,i,,.-s.-. ". . '.,:-C b'''AllSlcrT'i'
.Kearns.t ige I. I'.iownoi Mav...,,, o . J . ZSi'U TTH trfAtn.
gon ; lieou-,, U . K. in ns, .1 t ,. mis l'a-s, ;! , '. ' - I Tickets on Sale at Southern l'aeili.- Depot i "I am sure the Paiukillcr gives you
(Oregon; U, hi,,,, It. .lol,,,,v,ol v.,a-io, j . " i v J 1 OUav. relief. I never knew it to fail."
I -'An?' a.,,1 ail ,.e, -o,is e. inga.l- 2 ' f , - -, V, .'VV"' "Why. it does, an.l such a pain a
! ve.seiv ,!s.v...les.I..I l.,.i: .... ' .' (L-P , (nl. lass,,,,,- Agenl. Jt was. t.a.."
r, quested 10 ice i l.t , ma inilos , f f I oriland, Ore. For sprains, bruises, bites of In-
UZ'" "j'!'',;!',,:,'"- . 'J A ttw---.". t. and forany trouble whclini.
I!..c..ii r - 7"-t 'VJ fviai-i DR. JORDAN'S aaixT I mvnt w nwltsl.
n,,: u u .mil nn, ; usEun of ivm
K s,!.g .o.g u.'m -n. -,.; Mm. tod Unrivth. 1 ) fS J
N, ,.e ,s I o, k. ,. , , , , u,K Itenion , O JVl JtMOall- B:SialS(F MIR 1 I. .).. lw..f
e w-.ih be p ,.i in t ,.i; f. ii.ii. ' . Misl i .., ,..4 I is the best. i
' ; .-" J"! "A'n-r -t. lint Chv wi. K.rn I did net , Tr.4",':.7l J ' Sc. and b..ttles,
-',; 1 -. V..:,, . ,i.,(,,-,(..,.,,-sl,IH,ii.n1id- J I 8 2 L.-'.',."r-. ' )
ii.l .1 -1 , i : , .ii 1 i i ,t- ( ti i r i(f t ;v-itv hut initcaJ netting (
I 't" i ' 1 I I ut; I ,vlf,aw..k.Ttsrv (in. Hyhiu. ' ( 1 rfTfZnZ T'IZ?'L?TT ?T.f T.. rri Colli In a fimy.
f Ai:.ii-t ' K. i' . tUt I Mint ol Cirdui immTmtMtV!!i T;il-e I.i itiive Uromo gu.nuip Tui.M
1 ls I 1. ! I ; I I.-: . . x n l tff h.,t it Hu!d d lor t-m um'tiM ' " i A.t i i u. . ic.;;. nMuntl llie iitont v il tl uu
I ttr-s! .nn, ut : Mi:p"i'.,)i ! n.f 1 1 i.i i. h mnln m and rv f M KM OAK A 00., 1MI mMHJ P. $ U ui. K. W. iirove'- Mnnmrt i vu
- .in- -l ui. 1, i!,i. , o i; , t in 1 i-r..r . : t t . d mv trfnih ird hfUh i ..V.
! t- i.ttirr In i - , 'in .t i'. ii. hi N i 4'f. i, s!. !' rv - .if In o v(t k I wit out .. -m
1 t itn- .iim'. ,-. ., U' ul l id .trJ in a month I M to t.tkf - - - -.
1-4 ai' I I-1. M , , t Uf ha u dui-ci. I im vr- inthuil.
s.. six a,.,. ...-.., p, u R;,l;lir,.;,,,rn.,, ,a, J Q . nTr--7 "The CHICAGO"
""-' ;- He-.,,,. ,.,,., I ,r tic of pt.g. tJ C-Cr- "
: V ST''1 ' " -; "' " iT L Typewriter
, utp. ,s ., , to ,.,, ,.. he, , .. ,o i,, .,, .,,., .hota'ses XX me 4g JPW-) feSi
' ""'J " 1 '-.'. C.....IV, ,f .,.,.., tear the ,v.,u.,g,.f her , ??VJjt& LW, CQtl
u.lg... a. .;..!... --,-si,e, ,. ; ;, :,. (nratb lia.l taken f iTlVC feJpA 5OD
' vi' X,' ,"h - sbe vmu .! uet have Imvii wcikeiied a JLSrVf-SL ?r -sV. . . f C'.ti u aiitccd to equal any
Walter II .,,..., , , t. ,l-.,.v..,s. H.r rapid recover, should yjtSyt ,-
... W,b, A...-,. ,,..., ,,. ,v, r,.,vl every QT91 H ' ?. ,vi machine.
tt ' ',,,k, 1,1 "-"" ''-' ..-,-n. ; , v, . , r. X :e of Curd,.. V-Tr.i.) Vf s
I, me, l! hey, a,, .-,. , ;!.e u nstru.ll How. .tejIlOTiLn "V' "iA Tw r-. -
Anv se.tai ,.ers,,s , ia " ' S.k'it Jl The Chaajo Txpewntor C
, .pe alsj.c-descr - is ' - 1 . T -7t:'" sc7r " p T
I lo ll'e Ihel. CHI o , .li ,. . I: . r I .V T fir f A f) FA I I I 1 vsSl ?;.' " M i 1 1 M.tlUt St.
elo.e (.,.M..I, dave... ..!...; . U ,' Ui 0F jAl U U IJ I - Sr-.r 1 c
...;i I.i..... I j sQLL: -s t 4.v...r-ae-;; ... . ... sNiu l-rancioo.
Timber band. Act June .I, 1878.
United HiaU-n Lan.l Oltii-e.
Itoei-burK, Orriion, April 21, 1110.1.
Notien in linrtiby n'lvnn that in
compliance witli tlie proviainrm ol
the act of Vwnrmn of Jun 3, 1H7S,
entitled "An act fur th tile !
timber lamia in lite faun ol California.
Or-on, .Nevada and VValiinirin Terri
tory," aa extended In all Hi I'ul.iir
(.and S'atea bv act Aiiiriixt 4, lni2,
of Tori and, County of Multnomah,
Ktate nt Oregon, ban Uiih day filed in
thin oilii e her aworo itatcnieiil No I'.l.HJ,
for llie pnreliafH of the NW.4 o(
Section No. :I2 in Townatnp No. 37 Sooth.
KanifH No. 7 W, and till olfer prnol to
allow that the land aonxlit i morn valu
able for ltd timlier or atone, than tor aiM-.-nltnral
purpose, arid to eatHbliMh 1 1 -r
laiin to Kaid land he fori J. (). lioo h.
(,'ountv Jnilire. at hi" olliee at liranii.
l'a-a, Oregon, mi Ttiiira litv the Kth day
ifjulv, l'.MJ.J. She names as witnesses :
v viler ilanoon of drauls paH, Ore
gon, William Ander-on if Selma, Ore.
Kim, VV. J. Heck of drants Pass, Ore
ifoii, .Islues l.lehev of (ireshaui, Oieon.
Anv ami all t.ersorjs cisninnii adverse
ly the atiove-descrihed lands are re.
iptested to hie thur claims 111 ibis olhce
n or before said II h day of .'ulv, P.I03.
,1. T. r:Hito::s, Keginier.
NoiicE for pi;i!I,p;ation.
TimU-r Land Acl, June .1, 1H78
Ijll.led States I.HII.I Olliee,
irants Pa-s. Oregon, March, 17ib, PlO I.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance wiih the provision ol the act ol
Congress ol June '', 187.S, entitled "An
art for the sale of timber lands 111 the
tales of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act ol
August 4, MM,
if Stayiori, bounty of Marion, i Slate
f Oregon, has tins dav tiled in this
olhce ills sworn statement No. 4(.'1 lor
the purchase of the NE'4,of S-otinn No.
2 in lonrislup No. :;t South, Kanue
No. 4 W, and will oiler prool to show
that the laud sought is more valuable
for its timber or slorie than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish his
claim to said land before .1. o. Itooib,
County Judi!e, at his olhce at irants
I'ass. Oicgon, on i butsdav, the 4ih day
of June I'.l'ili. lie naiiies as witnesses:
V'il iaiu K. I'liomus, and Willis
('ahlwelt of Mayton, Otcifoo, Albert M.
Kealtnifof inanls i'ass, Orvttn, I.sfe
Hill ol Salem, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming advctei -ly
the above described lands are re-
iiested to fi It- their claims in Ibis olliei
on or belore said -IthJ day of June i(ii;l,
; J T. IIhiikiks,
Timber I. an. I Act, June 3, 187X.
Cnile.l States I, ami Olliee.
( iriinls Pass, 1 iregon, March P.hh,'i.
Notice is hereby jiivoti that in compli
siich witli Cue provisions of '.lie act ol
congress of June 3, 1H7S, entitled "An
act for til" sale of timber lands in I lie
Slates of Caliiornia, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public l.iin.l States by act of
August 4, IS'.ia,
of Slav Ion, Count y of Marion,
sitaleol Oregon, baa Huh. lav lile.l 111 this
ullne bis sworn statement No. 4(f,r for
lh pmcbasM n( lb- SE'4. ol Section No.
Il', iu Township, No .'II South, ItHiigo,
No. 4 West an.l will oiler prool to sho
that the land amigln is morn valuable for
its timber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes and to establish his claim
to said land Mom J. O Itootli. County
lu.lgc, at hisollice at (irants Pass. Om
gun, on Thursday, the 4lh day of June
nto.l Hi names as witnesses:
(leorgit Spaniol, Willis Caldwell, ol
-layion, Oregon. Albert M. KeatiiK, ol
iianls Pass, Oregon, Lale Hill, of
Salem, Ori'Kou.
Any and all persona claiming adve se
ly the above-. lescribi'd Ian. Is are re
.Ueste.l to lile their claims in tins olliee
011 or belore said lib .lav ol June PHI.I.
J. T. PiuiMii.s, Kt'ttistcr.
Timber Lund Act. Mine 3, 1S7S.
Culled Slates I. an.l Olliee,
liranls Puss, Oreiion, March I. lib, P.lO.I.
Notice is hereby giv.-n that, iu com-
nliancu uilh Ibn provisions of the act of
Conuress of June 3 I8,"h, entitled "An
act lor the salt of timber lauds in the
laies of Culilirnia, Oien.ui. Nevada.
and Washington Terrilory," as extend-
I'd to all the Public Lund Slates by acl
if Aug. 4, 1S-IL'.
i.ui: 1111. 1.
if Salem Countv ol Marion. Stale
ol Oregon, bus this dav tiled in tins
olliee Ins swoi 11 statement No. Ii'i.'o, for
the purchase ol Hie Ml1, of Sec
tion No, IL' in Township No. 34 South.
Hang" No. I W, an I wnl oiler prool to
show thai tin. hind sought is more valu
able for Ms timber or stone than lor a.:-
ri. uliiiial pin poses, mid to establish bis
hum to ""Id laud belore J, O. Iloolh,
oiintv Judge, 111 Ins o'li,-e at (mints
Pass, Oreijon. on Thursday, the -1 1 1 1 1 11 v
ol June, I'li'.l He name as w,t-
llessei, ;
licoige Sc.iino1, Willis (Mdwell, of
Stavlou, Ole.oll, Alb, it M Kealnu ol
rants Pass, o,,,g William F.
Iiouois ol Mavtoii, l r eon.
Anv and ail persons claiming adverse
the iil.oe .leseiibcd lands are re-
I'lesle.l lo tile their claims in tins olliee
or bei.ue ai l I li day ot June.
I'", ;- J. I', loill'iii.s. Kek-lsli-r
Health is a magnet which irresistibly
draws the man to the woman in life's
mating time. Health does more than
tint the skin with U-auty ; it puts music
into the voice and buoyancy into the
step, as wen as Happiness into the heart.
1 A reat many women covet beauty and
are constantly seeking aula to beautify
tlietn. Lit a woman first aeelc perfect
health and nil other charms shall be
CiMt-d to her.
There can lie no general health for
women while there is disease of the
delicate womanly organism. The first
step to perfect health is to cure womanly
diseases by Hie use of Dr. Tierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It establishes regu
larity, dries weakening drains, heals
inflammation und ulceration and cures
female weakness.
"I uaefl four tulles of
tour ' Favorite Pre-
scri.lioii ' nu.l one ot ' (iol.lru Mr.!icl Iliscoy.
fry.' " writes .Mrs. Klmer II. Stienrrr. of Mount-
rio. I.uiu ;ist'-r Co.. l-s.. "an.l can y (hat I ata
cured of thai ilr.-H.U.l clisttmr, uterine trouble.
Am in UtOr )a-;illli thtin cvcriwlore. Kvcry
onr who loioWH lur is snrpriiw-il to srs me look
tttv' ll. In Juee I wan so p.ior ill health that
lit times I roul 1 not wulk. To miy I am curtd.
1 n-11 rverylssly ttiat iJr. I'iercc's mediciues
Clin.l me.
Fkhk. Dr. Pierce's Common Sens
Medical Adviser is sent freeon receipt of
stamps to pay ex)euse of mailing only.
Sctiii 21 one-cent stamps for the Ixadc in
TKitier covers, or ,y stamps for the cloth
bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Uullalo, N. Y.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187H
( irants I'ass. Oregon, Match 2d, 111. '3.
Notice is hereby given that 111 com
pliance with the provisions ot Hie act
ol Congress ol June 3. 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevads,
and Washing'ou Terrilory," as 1 x
tended to ad the Public Land States by
act of August 4. I -iitH,
ol Slavton, County of Mari. ti,
State of Oregon has Ibis dav tiled in this
olliee his sworn statement No. 4'i7ti. 'or
the purchase of the NWJ Section No
8, in Township No. 3(1 South, Range
No, 4 West, and will oiler proof 10
show that the land sought is more valu
able 'or its timber or stone than lor agri
cull nral purposes, and to isiahlish ber
claim to said laud belore J, 0. Ifooth,
County Judge, ut his olliee at limits
Pass, Oregon, on Thursday, the 28t h dav
of Mav Piti.'t. She names as witnesses:
llertha A. Keenu, Cora M. Sullivan,
ol Mayton, Oregon, (ieorge W. Keains
of (iraula Pass, Oregon, tieorge L.
Drow n of Stay ton, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
reipiesled to iile their claims in this
olliru on or before, said L'8th day of
May, P.iud. J. T. IIkiikiks,
The largest sum ever paid lor a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, Aug. 31), l'.XIl. Tim transfer in
volved iu com ami stock fl I2,.'iisi,l) I and
was paid by a party ol business men for
a specilic lor llrigbt's I iisease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases.
They com menced the serious invest!,
gatiou of the specilic Nov. 15, P.I00.
1'hey inlcrvicwed scoies of tho cured
and tried il out uu its merits by putting
over three dozen cases 011 the treatment
and watching them, Thcv also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered 11 nub the pbysiciaiiB
lor judges. I'p to Aug. L'.'i, 87 per cent
ol the lest casert weie either well or
pr.'-gresstiig fuvorably.
There being but thirteen per cent of
failures, the parties were satislicd and
closed the transaction. The prisvedings
of the investigating coiinuiitee and the
clini.'ul reports ol the test eases were
published ami akll be mailed Iree on
application. Addiess John J. rri.roN
Comi'anv, 4J0 Montgomery M. Sail Fran
cisco, Cat.
Mr II. P. Ituibage, a student ut
law, in (Ireeiivillo, S. C, hud been
troubled for four or live years with a
colli unions cough w hich he niivs,
"greatly iilarmed me, causing 1110 to
tear that I was iu the tirst stage of
coiisiimpt inn. " Mr. liurbage, having
seen ChultlhcHtuli's Collgli Kemedy
advertised, concluded to try it. "I
soon felt a remarkable change and
al'tei- using two bottles of tile L'.'i cent
si.e, was p. 1 inaiii ut ly email. "Sold
b- -ill druggists.
O. R. & N.
- ir is ti IE
Shortest, Quickest.
AND M(l'
Timber Und, Act June 3. 1878.
United rtta'er .nd Office.
Roaebarf, Oregon, March 23. l'.)3
Notice il hereby ifivefi that in coui
plianca with the provisions of the act of
Conitrena of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
art for the ale ol molar lauda in ((.
sltates of California, O eurnn, Nevada,
and WaalllliitUiu Territory," a ex
tended to ad the I ililt I j by
ael Of August 4. 1SX',
ol Wimer, Culln' v ot J -phine. ,te 0
Oregon, has ti.ia dav filed in ibia otfice
her sworn eiateinenr No. I'iitJ for ihe.
purchase of the NE1 ol Section No. 14,
in Township No. 3-0 South, Mange, No
4 West, and will offer prool to show
that the land content is more valuable
for its timber or clone than lor ar.-
cnlttiral purpoeca, and to estabN"!!
her claim to mill land before J. O
ljoth, Coun'y Jude at his ottice at
(irants Pass, Oregon, un Saturday the
(ith dav of June IIK);i, he nauiei as
w itnesses ;
Etward t. Thompson, N'ewlin D.
Yotin ol Wimer, OreKori ; W. 'f C ipe
ol liranis Pais, Oregon; Harvey lluls,
of Wimer. 'Ireiton
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
. pieste. I to tain their claims III this olliei
on or belore said (i h day ot June,
PlOI!. J T HaiDUKs. Renister
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, Mar. 2:1, sJ3.
Nonce is iiereby given thai in com
pliance with the provisions of ilm get ol
Congress of June 3, 1878, eiuiiled "An
acl for the sale of timber lands in ihe
States of California, Oregon Nevada,
ami Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Laud States by act 01
August 4, 18KJ,
of Wimer, Couuly of Josephine, State of
Oreg in, has this day filed in tins
his sworn statement No. 4(iU3 for the
purchase tt the SE1 of Section No. 14
in Township No. 36 South, Rmge No.
4 West, ami will otrr proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for
iis timber or slone than for agricultural
purposes, and lo establish his claim to
sa:d land before J. O. Booth. County
Ju.lg", at his olliee at (iranta Pa-s, Ore
gon, on Saturday, the (ith dav of June
11103. He names as witnesses :
Maria S. (iriuiin, Newlin I) Young,
ol Wimer, Oregon; W. T. Cope, of
Iran's Pa8, Oregon ; Harvey Hols, of
Wimer, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the ahove-desurilied lands are re
quested to lile their claims in this office
on or belore said 0th dav of June PMIJ.
J. T. Pkiikiks, Register.
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 1878
United Stiles Laud Ollicw,
Rosobnrg, Oregon, April 15, PJ03
Notice is hereby given that, in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale ol limber lands in
Hie Stales of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Public Laud
States bv act of August 4, 1n!(2
ELSIE O. HollliS
of Eugene, County of Lane, Slate ol Ore
gon, baslhis day filed in this olhce her
sworn statement No. 41158, for the pur
chase of the SE'4l of Section No
I in Township No. 311 S, Range No
8 west, and will olfer prool to show that
the land sought is more valuable fcr its
muter or stone than for agricultural
pinposes, and lo establish her claim to
said land before J. O Booth. Countv
Judge at his olliee at (irants Pass, Ore
.ton, 011 Thursday, the I'ml day ol July.
Use t. 1 - '
i.n..,. ,-ne imuies as wiinesses:
Walter Harmon, of (irants Pass, Ore
gon, William Anderson, of Selma,
Oregon, .1. W. Ilobbg, of Eugene, ()r
gon and W. T. Fleck, of (irants Pass.
1 )regon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are -(-quested
lo tile their claims in this olliee 011 or
before said 2nd dav of July, 1IMI3.
J. 1. lili.Dut.s, Kegister.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
United States Land Olliee,
.iianls Pass, Oregon, March, PJ, In,':)
Notice is Iiereby given that in rune
hance with the provisions ol the act ol
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled, "An
act for the tale ol limber anils in the
Siales of Call lorn a, Oregon. Nevada
and Washinglon Tcrrirorv," as extended
(o all the Public Land Slates bv act ol
August 4, 18U2.
of Station, County of Marion
Slate of Oregon has ibis dav Hied in
Hi's olliee his sworn statement No 4(i."ai
lor Hie purchase ol iheSW'ji l Secnm.
No 12 in Township No. 34 South, Range
No. 4 W, and wi.l oiler or.ii.l lo slum
that the laud sought is more v luabb-
lor Us timber or s.oii' lio n lor a.n
cultural purposes, and to e-tabli.h hi
claim to said Und before .1 O ltoo'b.
County Judge, at h's olliee at (Iran
Pas", Oregon, 011 I he, 4'IiiIhi
ol June, I'.si:;. He names as i
ncsses :
(ieo ge Spaniol ol S-ayton, Oregon
Albeit. VI. K.-alnu ol limits Pass. Ore
gon. Lale Hill of Ma-Ill. dreg .11
A'illtaui E Hi aiii.14 of Sta Ion, Oregon
Anv an I all pe sous claiming s i
i-ersely me shove deieriiied lands ar
requested lo tile their clain s 111 thi.
tlhce en or bet re mid 4-h dav o'
lime 10111 .1 T PhIooks. K -v's'er
Baclct J up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no
other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and
makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500
in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or
Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their
means of cure.
Their financial responsibility is well known to every newspaper publisher and druggist in the
United States, with most of whom they have done business for o-er a third of a century. From
this fact it will readily be seen how utterly foolish it would be for them to make the -above un
precedented and remarkable offer if they were not basing their offer on curative means having an
unparalleled record. No other medicine than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription could possibly "win
out " as the saying goes, on such a proposition. But they know whereof they speak. They have the
most remarkable record of cures made by this world-famed remedy ever placed to the credit of any
preparation especially designed for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments. This wonderful remedy,
therefore, stands absolutely alone as the only one possessed of such unrivaled curative properties as
fully warrant its makers in publishing the remarkable offer above made in the utmost good faith.
Q-'S P!r 3-iY wil1 als0 be Paid " lawful money of the United States, by the officers
tJJj.v'', V y Vi'-ii LI 1 of the World's Dispensary Medical Association, if they cannot shoxv
' the original signature of each individual volunteering the testimonials
below, and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly
publishing, thus proving their genuineness and the superiority of these medicines.
Wist IWIIRBACK, who lives at A'o. 77 Amsterdam Avt.,
New y.n k City, and is Treasurer of the Woman's Progres
sive Union, wrote the following story of her experience :
I rem satisfied that half the doctors do not know whft
really nils their patients, while you have cartful! v studied
the nc-:ls of the sick and worn-out. and have sLuVully pre-
mred a irli:ible remedy wlm-h will cure in a short "time. I physician pronouncttl wumb UouMc, II. i'l (Wtored with
'wn vt.ir1. air I beuan to frcl "run-dnw-,.' the -ir-mf h,-at 1 ,(,fiftB ii tl,- Ka.i md aldn in thi- Vt--.t la ut fciimtl onlv
of lite tinnier nc-arly pros t rati-d
was verv
sleep inure than two hours at a time. I was advised to try
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and was delighted with
me resulL Witlnn a week I was
inaThr. rFaJTite Jre;cr4i;,tioni; ' by using only that
and then stopped, for I w;w'v ar, Kver since then i , .
your medicine has been my 'Favorite Prescription," too I i rcllef" 1 to a11
recomnu-nd it to every one.
10 in. K. v. 1'ieree.
Common Sense Medical adviser. It Is FREE. For a pnper'Coveri d copy send 21
onctccnt stamp to cover mailing OXLYi cloth binding 31 stamps.
Stress i Dr. H. V. PIERQE. liuK.ilo, X. Y. ,
Phone Ore. East 64 Bet. Hawthorne Ave and Mormon St
i n iJAMiD won
2'kS Grand Avenue. (I-ast Side)
Portland, - - Oregon
Cliis Kjufiiidn
tfari of
7: lm Nik
ffff. I C
15 CENTS PER EGG liiti-ltin purposes, from IMre-Ilrc,'., lhh-C.raile,1't R,ck
ch.ckei.M, t. ,lirt clu-.ip. The Hatred I"!y;n, u'.li Kock i the hct il'.-tn-.n'. 1 ihi. k-t-n
known; m.i::i:es'.v, rows l.iri;e a j;...d hiycr. :m! unsiirp.,.-,Nc.l fcr t'.e
t.ihle. Tirst c-m:u', tirt mtvc.I. Or Ut u,m, .uel thu- m.i'.f sure ct' ht:,r'. in !
t)lee superior f..U. There iu th.e.n, whether riii.i it t'-.e r..:rk, t '
or l',.r lnuue ue. It cc'. .i u.:u--i t" keep a "cruh" .u p-.i:e-hrtd, j
HU1 it is ii.,t worth h.i'f .i. i:u;,-h fir .. y -.:-;k.c. ,' . .1; i'-.e f : . r ur-.'.e.
V'i- Wi titij;, Sini!c M. .-1: i:-im. jecd. ICu.-i-il-nt M i:;ito!diiij;.
1: tn.tiit nt Tt;u .:i,;tir.ief.t an ! ! :-anility at a rn rikv.
V Strictly IIih-CIass .Machine Sold for $75.(10
S. F. Bjmpu-s. Wanag-r, - - Los Angeles. Ca'crr a
.v---". 0 1:- -.1 I'.',,. S.-f ru- I Kir.t "'.-.
I stood the test 25 years. Average Sales
I bottles. Does this rcccnl cf ir.crit ajcal to you?
me. and whin fail came I ! nmorarv relief
J my,W no better,
nervous : Bcarcelv able n
to time until I
write you for ad
sleeping splendidly. C'
ours very truly,
Miss May Kohrbach.
to mine that it is
Dr. Pierce's remedies' "
Kaufman Garments
are up to the minute in style, none
of the highest priced merchant
tailors show any more advanced
styles than can be found in the
"Kaufman Garments." Think
ing men will readily note the ad
vanced styles shown each season,
equal in lit and finish to the high
est priced merchant tailored pro
duction, and to tell the difference
would be a difficult task.
If you want the highest class of
artistic tailoring you will surely
find it in a "Kaufman Garment.''
The Kaufman Tweedham is a unique idea in
a two-lmitiin double breasted s.ick
Unusu.illy chic in appearance. Sjitab'.e lor
high clJbj yuut'.g men's trade.
Sold by
Calvin Welch.
Grove's Taslelsss C.hiU
Miss CARRIE M'KECIIICK, of Mount Morris, Ills.,
writes Dr. R. V. IHene, as folio:, s :
"1 vim back in my old hoir.c v.h'ti vour letter came. 2
will try and explain rccarJititr the nood I received from jour
medicines. For ovi r otic year I sutlei.-.I from what. 1117
T ie next time of ir.v sickness I found
an., in it Ut on from time
became di-coutaed I finally resolved to
- ice. I purchased two bottles of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription two vials uf his ' r.eaant Pellets,' and
?:tiall .puntitv I have found wonderful
lT e .
v h" afi lllTtr,::" f!l,m u"u" ;iim,lar
unnecessary lu b. sick when otic can use
2 'i i.M!-i n.vnv r
I'As r ti.m i; .
KV KtJl'lI'MKVr TllltOI (ilKUT
Hijr rnai'ho., I'ulai-e and TuuriHt
Sle,-ei-H. IXrintu mid Itlill'et
MiK.kine t.ihiur) I'aiH.
Dejl'tt.' Inn ll.r.iimli Ihe ( ahendl,
anil ll ickv l u I t I ii h.
K..r Ml p:l ft i.-itl.. I -, ra!., r.l.lers, i-te ,
- ;i!l i.n ..r ii.l liev,,
II. I H'KSON, c r. .,.
I. 'A'. I'll M.dN, T. p. a.
l'J'J I'll I I Stieel, l-i.i iliuwl.
A. I!. ('. IiKNMSTo.N, H. V. 1. A
'.1'.' Kir;-! Av e Si utile, Wa-h.
1. ."t.i7aVkJ
w kJ
All V.ww of Klirieva
BUJJtT Unnrv Citrar-i.
') - ?m, Ba(-ic
. H.r-r.;.MM,ef,r.ivel
.P.0' "-ez: dltc3iired. T',.r. i.
cure ior you if r .1 ,. i,7 i;., r
1 A.'i,..n-ui;;11:,1;rr'e'''
lUr rt
r'' b W. F. Krem.r .nd H. A
Kot-rn und.
over On.. - tr t
iSSl llhU E011