1 1 " VOL. XIX. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 2S, 1903. No. lx 1 m I r "1 v 1 ,!i ' Closing Out Welch's Clothing Store Goods Are Going' . Better Come Before too Late Summer Soft vShirts Complete lino of Latest Novelties in Silks, Madras, Bedford Cords, Etc. 1400 to Select From 970 of tlicra will be sold at SO cents Each Other Soft Shirts for 6 )c; Cheaper one- for 40c; Good Lino of Men's Heavy Working Shirts for -10c. Buy now while we have a greater selection in your rfize. If you waht tne Best Stock. Your money will clj see us. Welch's Clothing OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. THE COLONIAL - LODGING ... HOUSE... E street, next to Josephine Hotel. Newly furnished complete. Booms by day or week. Kutes reasonable. W. F. Harrington, Propr. HOTEL HOME KITCHEN Three block north of Depot. Try our Board and Lodging $5.00 per week. H. MONGOL!), Iruprielor. pRED K D. STRICKKR, M.D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Masonic Temple, Room 9. Office hours: Grants Pass, II to 12 A. M. 2 IO 4 1. M. Okegon, SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATS6 PlIONE 21 N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY furniture knd Piano M0,init GRANTS PASS. OREGON. The populir brber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Hath room In connection Ii,M. Kuniuiell K. M. Ruinmell JUMMELL & RUMMELL ATTORNEYS Sixth and C Street opp. Court Hons. Gkasts Pass, Owns C. HOUGH, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, P, action in all SUte and Federal Court Office over rim :iiudi II C. PERKINS, r s DEPCTY MINERAL SCKVEYOB, tiKAim Paaa. Osteon E utis BALSAM Hi" I. . T.UM C-jr , v ) , 1.1 L ij . 11 j -11 ifiirnjijii AT: Reliable Goods in Southern buy more goods hero than anywhere else. Come nnd Another As soon as a suitable business location can be secured Mr. II. M. Coss, proprietor of the Coss Piano House, estab lished at Medford May 20th, 1900, and the Coss Piano House established at Ashland October 28th, 1902, will es tablish a permanent piano store in Grants Pass, where a full line of rcliabie standard makes of Pianos and Organs will be canied and sold on easy terms to suit purchasers. Will also handle sheet music in large quantities. We have now in stock in our stores in Medford and Ashland the finest stock of Pianos ever on display iu Southern Oregon. See us before buying. Coss Piano House. We handle all kinds of Musical Instruments Leave orders at our stores for Tuning. ...THE... Cousin System of Investment Iowa Capital Oregon Enterprise Mines, Farms and Timlier Lands Bought and Sold. We have Treasury Stock of the best Mining Companies in Oregon for Sale. f "Exceptional facilities for in vestigating properties. A. B. Cousin, Mgr McKay lildg' Portland, Ore. Send for prospectus St. Helens & Galice Mining Co. II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER ind JEWELER. Full iortniit of WaU-hw, Clocks. Pil verware ami Jewrlrr. A Good Asonin-nt of BrwleU and llrart IUiudts, Clement' Druf Stort. kjj BMI 1 tl Bjnp. TMM(u"4. Pa 71 i Sale Oregon come and sec our Store. GRANTS PASS. Permanent Business House for Grants Pass. L. G. HICCINS ASSAYER Hixih anil 11 Ntrerm, Grants Pass, Oregon. I'll AKGKM: Gold and Silver l.i 0 Copwr and Isd, each l.nn Tin 3.00 All bnainett intrusted lo me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. I HAM; 1UU "FLINCHED" THE ACME OF PAR LOR GAMES. GOOD FOR SOCIALS AND PARTIES. : : : : More Fun than a box of monkeys -at- Slover Drug Go. Front Street. 50c SCHNIDER ON NEW LAWS Somo Ideas Concerning Fish Laws anil Other Acts. (By W. J. Wiunr.) Now, Mr. Editor, niit your con sents, I vit.li to cuss mint discuss some nf der laws vieh vas uioot by der Inst legisligature upon der people. First, ve shall not si unit der salmon mit duneiunp powter, nuut ve shall not spear them, unut ve sliall catch der salmon trouts mit der hook unut line; unut ve shall cutch der snlinon mit hook mini line, not much ; mint vo shall pay der lines to der hatch eries; unut der hatcheries vas kill der salmon fronts because it vas eaten der salmon eggs, mint der saluiou vas be long to de fisheries at der mout uf der rifer unut der markets uf Asia. Bcforo der canneries vas iu vogue. Rogue rifer vas pluck mint pluo mit salmon mint salmon trouts, mint it vas one nf der boss resources nf de country; unut 0110 uf vieh vo vas proudt ; unut vas goot for der people. Vas id so now? ( A niacharity uf der lcgisligutors upon der people, vilo at Salem last vinter bv der votcmonts haf sait 11111 fatically, dus; "Vo shall by dese presentments tako from mit you that vieh Uott in his visdom guf you. " "Der natural resources, omit der peo ple petamit." Des law vas der penalities if you shooteu der salmon mit der spear or mit der duucinup powter; it vas der same en yon shooteu them mit der pepper-bos pistol as der big gun. If der law haf sait that der visit net don't will extend beyond der mittle uf der stream unut der fisheries haf inoct dem from both banks to der mittle uf der riher mint connect mint say if it vas der same penalties der little gun as der big gun; mint vas sclieutzen ut der salmon at all I voulil take der lil-iucli cannon. Men vould vote mit house pill nunc per 21)3 mit as much as one eye half open should haf no pay ; mint should be fluot ; unut still bet you they vould go thero yoos that they may bo callet der Hou. lioliver I. E. 1). Phelps from east uf der mountains. Yost look at der assessment law vieh takes der chairs der house out uf mint leave mo mint der olt voinun standing oup. X'mit der assessor mil der big book in der hig sole leather holster comes into mine house mint Katrina vas hlto der chairs; mint ve set ouse der stool mint der assessor as sets all down on der big book efery dings from der family Bible iu der vootshet to der gimlet in der library. I'unt ho assets down mine dog Bointer vort more as young Schneider vieh know des vas not so veil Yuwcup vas costen mo twenty tuler alreaty mint I got der dug for nodding. L'lint des legisligat ure vas pass der law vieh declarationed that der young man who vish to gi t niarrit vas spiel dreo taler, veu it vas two prellotisly. I dinks des law vas violationing der Sherman act mint vas iu restraint uf trnte mint bally in need uf der refer enditt. I dinks me sure if it had been ill vogue twenty years alreaty der statu vould have less more ns live hundredt vite headed little veb feet, mint de legisligatores upon der people haf combined unut puss de bad laws mint charge de ieople by de day der for, unut at de same time deelarat inns that dose people shall not combine to gether In der coriKirut ion uiitouse buying der license mint pay der taxes on d"r stock, mint der man mit der big book ussetts down der projs-rty vieh der stock represeiitments ; mint der big shitherac man comes aroumlt veu der apples fall nut der shit home loaded mit smokeless powter uunt takes der projierty; mint take from you, tear reader, der liniberg' r cheese, ler belogna sausage, mint der lung pijs from (ler iutiTluuil, mint dry- ilinus vieh vas lost at both ends. l'lint (ley pass der hi' that vi shall not smoke der sickr -.r t, ou w ( hi W seiva- gum like der squaws on der r tions. They vas 11 fruit der sickngrct vus parali.e ibr ncrfes uf der brain, uunt der energies, unut vi lir- 11 our uses uunt ve could not pay inn taxes twice (b r lirst year at once. l'lint di r law vas just by vi h (! r I'0ple voubi pay one hnnlret ii.it iiy live ton-, nel tab r mit ieh to built der vailroad in d r Counibia r 1 1 r 'reaty vile der trail ling pooblie vaik lur falls arouudt. I vas hereby tolt you, Mr. Kditor, mit prnfouii'lin'Mit (b-s as recklur v:ir taxes: "in time uf in pn parat icm for vur" vieh is sure in ci.me m ij ib r lo viis assi'B-.t fnr feer taler unut all der u gbbi rs v ill sMvar it v.is not ten cent vort. In der eours uf human eveiitmeiits vo shall n ferend dose laws or e don't Till kave any dings fro-.ii der wn k. RUNAWAY STAGE-' COACH Excllinf Time on Strambont Applelivto Route Lad Week. A lunaway took pl.ee Tbur-div morning 011 the Sti auilsmt Aj pb g.it' stage 1 ill" that ended in a total wrick if the stage and the b.i'lly bruising of the driver, O. K. I'.os. , and of j in-v n-gi-r, J. A. Burkart, 11 jrosjetor who was coming out from th" mim on his way to his home at I. lemon, Oregon. Neither of the men win. seriously hurt, but hud a close (all for tie v were dragg d some distance iu tie wreck of the ."tig. Ill'' cat; -e I f I l.e trouble was the nerkvok" cojuii.ft down at which the team tp-guti to run and they got Is yond the control ,f the driver and plunged down the ro.el h-aving the back in pe-ci by lie roadsiib Jai ksoiivilie hurt-i-mt. REAMES IN GRANTS PASS Speaks ct Court House Saturday to Fexir Sized Audience. Hon. A. E. Reamcs, flip democrat ic nominee for conrgessman, spoke at the court house on Saturday evenng. Tho house, which is oapablo of accommo dating only a small crowd, was filled to its full capacity. Mr. Kennies is always an interesting and forcible speaker and his remarks commanded attention throughout his speech. Ho was neatly introduced by Hon. R. O. Smith and devoted the first tw minutes of his speech to a discussion of tho tariff, endeavoring to show that present tariff conditions iutcr ered with the Oriental trade 011 the Pacific const. The remainder of the speech was devoted to his opponent, Binger Hermann, in the vein of good hnmored sarcasm which ho so well knows how to employ. DISPATCHER NOT GUILTY So Declares the Ashland Tribune Ihinks Loeb wo.s the Man. In commenting on our nrticlo iu last week's issue concerning the episode of the president's i h i t nnd how wo were juggled out of our rights 011 that oc casion, tho Ashland lribune has the following to say ; 'Tho facts might well justify sus picion that somebody bud sought to prevent tho spocial stopping at Grants Pass, where it was expected to take on a helper, but there is au explana tion which removes all ground for the imputations made against the chief dispatcher here. Dispatcher Morris sent nn engine to Grants Pass to go mt us helper nnd had thero been no 'hange iu his orders that engine would have coupled on to tho president's sgncial ut Grants Pass and of course the people there would have had the president with them several minutes. Dispatcher Morris had absolutely nothing to do with the change which carried the engine out to Woodville, to hitch to the president's train, oilier than to obey orders from superior authority. While we are not iu a position to publish just who gave the order, we have a prellv good idea is to the reason for it nnd tho source of it. Medford was very importunate for the train to stop there a few minutes and it was considered if the train re fused to atop there ill view of the im portunities of the H'(iple, it might be ground for olfetise if Grants Pass were favored with a stop, esiHcially as it would be ubout U o'clock at night whi n the train would reach the latter town. Heme the presidential party probably decided, as they could not stop at both places, it would be ad visable not to stop ut either. The Courier would probably liud that Secretary Loch was the cause of the Grunts Pass disappointment and that it would not have happened likely, had it not liecii for Medforil's desire to have the train ulso if Mr. I, neb would conibsceiid to explain. The helper engine was sent out from Grants Pass to Woodville in older that the president's special might run through Grants Puss without stopping, as the Courier supposed, and it was 'lone at some inconvenience since it hail been suit there fur the particular purpose to hitch to the train. If Secretary I b was trying to save the feeling of Medford by deciding to treat both towns alike, hu made u mistake iu this case, since the usual necessities of train management re quired a stop at Grants Pass, hut hi probably only looked to the fact that neither Grants Pass nor Medford were scheduled as stopping places and in view of Medforil's urgent ieiucsis the tr.iiu would not stop at one town w ith 011 1 olleiiiliiig the oilier. Dr. Roberts Mure. A. T. Huberts, one of tie- most Dr. .iieecssfnl eve sjici'iuljsts on the Pucilic coast is now ut the Wc-lcru Hotel, lie expects to locate in S1I1111 or Port- land w I a name -topi-d ltir;ose re he has already cstabli-hed seeoini in 110111 , aim iiu off at ( irauls Pa.'s for t he nf demonstrating what u thorough refract ionisK nn do low a nil le I'll re of so called hopeless eve trouble. All of bis w in U is ib lie thmiiph a klloW lellge of the t ye and tic refrai lion of light as apple d to the eve and is done with ss ctacles, 1'or a f' days In- will give fiee. a s..ci:ili animation that iu luorl cities of I 1 '. S. would cost from f i to .'", and w ill um, give an cxiilanat ion of i ai b deinoii-lratiiig w ith insl rune tils and charts for that purjs.se the original raiiv of lie- disiasc, giving aeb per sou a I" rfeet under-lauding of tin ir OW II cil-e. lie asks a a s ( iu! favor that II, o-' w ho have t r i d in vain lo obtain re lief, w ill ( all and allow him to make them h.-flcr iieiiiuinti d with ileir own i yes and the o calh d di-ca-e. Dr. Itoherts has bailed through nt 1 xi rieiico that J roof of ability is the very best advi rtisr incut uiel he tukes this way of advertising himself. Wall h tor his an ii lc . on the eve and j, relation tu t ucrv us SV.-lelll, iu this and other -s papi is A TllurGin IT1. MAN. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do In the hour of need, His wile had such ail unusual case of sioiiiui li and .ivir trouble, bysi-t-ians could not help b.-r. lie thought id and tri'il Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got r. lief at once and was finally cured, duly 'i'n; at W. K. Kreiii'-r's drug store. Blue Print Paper by the yard or roll at the Courier office. A STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE It Is feared that J. D. Mock has Met with Foul Play. J. D. Mock, father of A H.Mock of this city, started on April S3 for his home at Albin, Iowa, after spend in some time iu Grants Pass with the family of Ins sou. Since that time h has not boeu heard from. He never reached his destination and the gravest fears are entertained as to his fate. His baggage, which was checked through at the time ho left horo, reached Albin on April 9ll. His sou is endeavoring to trace his ticket, bat has not yet learned whether or not lie passed Portland. He intended to go east over the O. R. & N. Thero can be little doubt that calamity of some nature has overtaken liim and )is relatives think that lie may either have lost his mind or else lias met with foul play. Ho was nu old man, 77 years of ago, and carried a consid erable sum of money, so that the lat ter explanation seems the most likely one. hvery effort will bo made to locate him or leuru his fate. A. II. Mock has offered a reward of ."0 for information that will lead to the dis covery of his whereabouts. TO STUDY TOREST FIRES Government Will Send Out Men lo Match Thi-m Burn. Last year within two weeks, over $12,000,000 worth of timber and other property was destroyed by forest fires in Oregon and Washington. This enormous loss occurred upon A re stricted area and represents only a very small part of the annual loss from this source Every timbered region of the United Stata suffers year after year from fire. The annual loss is estimated at from IJn.OOO.OOO to $.-,0,000,000. Forest llres have been regarded as almost inevitable, and few systematic attempts liavo been made to prevent or control them ex cept in the States of New York, Penn sylvania, and Minnesota, which have eilieient systems of fire protection. The Bureau of Forestry lias this year undertaken a thorough study of the forest-lire problem in aovural different regions. It has placed meu in forest districts to study fires whllo in tho process of burning. Instead of waiting until the fires aro over and relying for information ou local re ports, as has been done heretofore, the llres are now being observed by the bureau's agents and full data will be obtained as to how they were caus ed, how fast they burn, what condi tions favor or hinder them, and just what damage they do to the soil and to tree growth. Each agent of the Bureau has been assigned to a district mid is investigating all fires that oc cur within his territory. For exam ple, one man studies a lumber tract, another a farming district, a third a turpentine orchard, etc. In conned ion with this detailed study the agenis will observo the methods of tire protection practiced by railroads mid other owners of tim ber lands. The fire warden systems of the stales which have forest-fire laws, and the patrol system in nse on the Federal forest reserves will also be observed dowdy. By such methods the Bureau of Forestry Iioh s to replaco with euro fully gathered facts the vugue general notions that now exist about forest llres. When the problem is solved for any particular region, the Bureau will he ready to recommend methods of lire prevent inn and control for the private land owner, foresi lire leislatiou and 'to suggest for the various -talis. The investigation Is now in pro gross in northern Florida and southern Alabama and Genrigu under the direc tion of Finest A. Stirling. H. J. Tompkins, with n small corps of as sistants, has begun the work ill Mill iiesfita, Wisconsin, nnd Michigan. Later in the seusoii, a study of forest rips will be made ou the Pacific coast. Dlt. GI '.NNS' HI. I It 11) AND NF.KVE TONIC. Chen- is not a woman in this land but al some time in her life would have in -i n the held r for the use of tins tonic For discuses peculiar to women, a lidier medicine was never made. It is couis)sed id the ingro- louts from which the system has Is en deprived by disease, over work or dissapalion. It enters at once into th" circulation, building up the tissues I hat have li-u wasted, and making pure, rich blood in the most direct way. For weak, nervous and tniMiadv H'iipe, pimply, juile or !ishcsi j.iiph , it will make strong sieiidy nerves and give the complet ion that wholesome hsik that indi cates lualili. We have hundreds of litters tint opb, have written us, s:ing that they had gained iu good Hiilid llcsh at the rate of one to three pounds p.r wick while using Dr. iimn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. It -bouhl bo taki u after mi nis, one or two tablets each time. Druggists sell it 7 r box or thp-o boxes for i.'.'io, or ' nt postpaid onriceiptor price. We ure glad to make reply 01 letters ( f impiiry, the advice we ive you is plain, and easily under--tond. Addnss Dr. Bowinko Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by W. F. Kreini r. 1 $200 Reward I will pay a reward of I'.'OO for the return of the money ($10111) stolen from me on May 1.', t Wilderille on or en the road to Grunts Pass. Sally L. I-conard. Thomas We have just placed iu our Ware room9over 2 Car Loads NEW FURNITURE Chairs, Rockers, Couches, Iron Beds, New Kind Spring Mattresses, Pillows, Stoves and Ranges, Tables, Linoleums. By far tho Largest stock in Southern Oregon. Dont tako our word for it, or any ono else's but COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Quality and Price Quarantood, special bale of Carpets and Lace Curtains New goods unapproachable bargains Knrnlture Lacs Curtains Msttressei Cots Linoleums Mattings Mirrors V2L. CCH. Column Temperance In th South. So much noise is mado over tho temperance question and the enforce ment of anti-liquor laws la oar North era states, that the general poblio has boon able to hear and know bat little about the progress of snob laws In the South, where more actual advance ment lias been mado In overcoming the evils of the liquor traftlo by legis lation than in any other part of the anion. Local option bjr counties lias been progressing all through tho South for many years until the larger parts of the states of Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana have been brought practi cally nuder prohibition. One may travel entirely across some of these states, it Is said, without passing through single saloon district. Even Texas, which, in years gone by, very unjustly gained the reputation of be lling loose and lawless, lias been al most captured by the Prohibitionists. Three-fourths of the state is now said to be under the local option law, ex cluding all liquor. To be more pre cise, of the 2116 counties of the stute 101 are wholly dry, and of the re mainder 74 are largely dry, very many of them wholly dry save the county seat, and only 68 are wholly wet. And the counties that are either wholly or largely dry reproseut total IKjpulatlou of 3,218,030, while the wot counties represent only 720,825. A movement is now on foot in Texas to pass a prohibitory law applicable to the whole state, and on the basis of the figures quoted, It looks as If the thing would be done. It may thus hnppeu that while Vermont jud New Hampshire, ou our northern border, have actually abaudoned prohibition, the great commonwealth on the south west will take it up, and, what is more, will do likely to enforce it, affording the rest of the country a unique object lesson. Leslie's Week- France's Drinking Habit. To make up the deficit in its budget the French govornmout is considering the advisability of increasing taxa tion on alcohol in its various forms, but hesitates because of the opposi tion from those who profit under the existing arrangements, as well as from the consumers. Anything that would check the continued Increase in the consumption of spirits would lie a great boon to Franca Absinthe is one of th" French jioisoiis that is sag gested for taxation. It iys no sjwclal tat now, but the alooliol in It is taxed. The strongest atmintlio is five times 'as potent as ordinary brandy, while the average sold Is three times as strong. It Is rarely used for tnudi dual purposes, and no Interest would be banned by Increasing taxation ou it. But the government hesitates. Great quantities of b Inllie are used In France, and the use of it is constantly increasing. It is ruinous to health, and is said to be the priucipal cause of the great mor tality from consumption in the French army. 1 lie reeling among tn users of this and other such poisons against Increasing taxation on them is so great that the government seems to fear doing anything to arouse their united opirsiitintt. The adulteration of French drinks is another source of great complaint. Cider brandy costs the honest dis tiller nearly twice as much to make as it can be bought for iu towns after it has paid duty to the government and tho local authorities. The country people nearly all drink brandy in their coffee. The towu of Caen, in Normandy, formerly had 200 drinking places, or one for every 2ii0 inhabl tauts. Such places were mado free, and there are uow 800 such establish incuts Iu that plane, or one for every 70 inhabitants. This indicates the benefit that could be derived from pro.r taxutiuu. The consumption of alcohol in that town has increased M per cent annually, but the population is decreasing, and so with the country generally. Crime and thefts have also greatly Increased, as shown by statistics quoted by French news pars. ...THE... IIOUSEFURNTSIIER Money back if you want it Picture Mouldings Uranltewar Tinware Glassware Lamps Cutlery Woodenware RESERVE IN LAKE COUNTY Inferior Department Still Exer cising It Mania. The Interior department lias decided upon another forest reserve for Oregon, this time in Southern Lake county, in the Warner mountain country. By direction of Secretary Hitchcock, the vacant publio lauds in a tract of over 000,000 acres in Lake county, and U townships adjoluing, ' in Northern Cliforua,ha?e been temporarily with drawn from all entry, with a view to their examination to determine the advisability of creating a forest re. serve about the town of Lekeview. The Oregon lands withdrawn are: Townships 84 to 41 inclusive, ranges 18, 17 and 18; townships 37, 88 and 41, range 10; townships 86 and 87, range 20; townshljis 86 to 41 Inclusive, ranges 21 and 22, all south and east. The township in which Lokoview Is located, and the township immedi ate", north, south and west 7, are not luoluded In the withdrawal A forest reserve in the Warner mountain region is recommended by the Geological Survey, not only for the preservation of the timber, bat the conservation of the water supply. Ooose lake lies in the center of the withdrawal, and a number of streams which supplys sit with wator have their headwaters within region. Moreover the headwaters of Sprague river, Druwa creek, Warner creek and a number of other streams would all be protected by a forest reserve in this region. In view of the development of ir rigation enterprises In Lake county aud in Northern California, the crea tion of this forest reservo is consider ed most essential. Tho lands with drawn aro to be examlnod this sum mer, and such tracts as are found un suitable for reservation will ulti mately bo restored to entry. The remainder, beyond a quoation of doubt, will be permanently reserved. The creation of this reserve was recommended by the Geological sur vey, and a number of forestry officials three years ago, but the recommen dations woro ignored by Binger Her mann, thou Land commissioner, aud the case was smothered. It has just been revived by Commissioner Rich ardson, who recommended the with- drawaL HEROINE CURES. Fever and ague. A dose will osually stop a chill, a continuance always cures. Mrs. Win. M. Sroud, Midlothian, Texas, May 81, 1800, writes: "Wo have used Horbiue In our family fur eight years, and found it the best medicine wo have ever used, for la grippe, bilious fever, aud malaria." 50o at Slover DrugCo. Beware of Frauds. Wo lead where others try to follow. by claiming that they have the same splendid paint that we are using for our many patrons. It is impossible for them to get it, as we invented this paint after exhaustive trials, and Are tests and do not sell in bulk to auyoue. Tho paint is only prepared as we use if. The Oregon Fire Proof Paint Co. POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE THE OLD RELIABLE Ml tame