Grants Pass JUNE 17, 18, ITS 3 IN GRAND W. O. W. CARNIVAL! ELABORATE STREET FAIR! MAMMOTH CIRCUS! 7 -BIG A TROUPE IN EVERY TENT "YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS" The Menagerie! Negro Plantation! Japanese Tea Garden! The Hindo Theater! Edison Electric Show! Palace of Mirth ! Fer ris Wheel! Animal Merry-Co-Kound! Halloon Ascension and Parachute Jump! Mammoth Street Parade! Japanese Day Eire works, the greatest exhibition iif day fireworks ever witnessed in the Northwest. Crowning of Carnival )ueen! I'ahy Show! Country Store! Public Wedding! Races of All Kinds! Mardi Gras, the night of much confetti! Grand Art Exhibit by Woman's Club of Grants Pass! Mineral Exhibit under com petent management. AliK YOU COMING WIT 1 1 TJ1K I'KOI'IJ: Only once in a lifetime? The World's Greatest Carnival Company. It imIimmmI l-llt.-H oil (li- Willi lici-ii I'iM-ilic-. JUNE 17, 18,91,20 Grants Pass Grants Pass SUMMONS. In Tlio Cirrnlt Court f Tin: Hlnto nf Oregon For TIhj County of Juan Mm.. P. A. Smith, J. F. Cam, M. J. CllBH, J J. S. CllfM, K. I Cbhm, ami (). U. Ciihh, imrt ncTH doing btmihrHA unilrr t Ian (Inn Hume of Hunk of Humcr, I'liiinliiTri, V. A. J. Hln rwood an rvlliillil trntor of th t'Dtntii of W. H. Miitltl, (leceiiwil, Suruli J. KiiK'TH, Latin-na J. 1tK rH, Lodio Ij. Overlmcker, J.uIh M. Collins, Williiuu Kttlly Mndd, Tlmiimii Ktl wnrci O'liriini, Jlnlliii K. KIliK, TtioiiniA (irt'iit'll, Urnuli Urenell, Hiilii'rt (irunell, Hamn IIikiIiiii, MiiKin K. Mill, Jennie L, Cnrbt-tr, KmiiiB O. Urn lid, William Klef tud (irn noil, Therewi (irenell and Kiclinrd O. Gruncill, Dcfriiiliinttt. Summon to tlio aliovo iiiumi! defen dant a. In the niune of tlio Statu of Ort-Kim: You Bra hereby required to u 1 1 x lir and niixwor tlio umemled ciiiti.liiiiil filed HKiiiiiKt yna in tlio iil.iivo en titled unit within ix week from the ditto of tlio tirHt jiiililiciititin hereof; and if ron fail ho to iiimwi-r, for want thereof, tint JilallititTH will apply to tho court for the relief demanded ill their amended complaint, namely: That ilnlnt ills huve juiliyiiieiil BKaiiiNt tliu cut lite of W. 1). Muilil, dccciiKcd, for tho Hiitn of One Hundred and fifty 1 Milium with Intercut there on from Peeem her 2N, lHlf.l, at the rate of ten Mir rent. )Kir annum, and for the Hum of Fifty Dollar littorneVB feeH, iiinl ,the ci'Hln and illhlnirHviiii iitu of thin milt. For a decriui fiirvrliiniHK plnint i iTh niortn'iKo picciited hy W, It, Muild, doccuned, m ion lot ') in Hock A in JuilKon'n addition to the town of (iruiitn l'aim, Jowiihinn niinily, Ore Ron, and for tho wile of wild rcmlHCH to natiHfy lntnt itTH judgment. That the dcfeiidiiutii, and eiich ol them, and all ihtnoiih cliiiniinif or to claim through tliem or W. 11. Mudd, deoeiiwd, lie forever burred and fore I'lnscd of nil rinht, title iiinl intercut In anil to wtid iireniiwa. Tho first imhlicatioii ot thin mini niona in niade on May II, limM, mid the litNt 1. ill. Unit lull hereof will Im lnniln on .lune ij.'i, liHfl. Thin mhiiiiiiiii is uhlUlied hy o'llcr of tho Hon. 11. K. llunnii, Judge of the circuit court for Jimciihinc county, Clri'non, and in duted Muy , liHtll. W. C. HA1.K, Attorney for l'latntilTn. When yon want a pleasant physic, try Clianils'rlaln's Stcniach mid Liver Tabids. They arc easy In take and pleasant in clfect. For siilu by all druggists. NOTICE FOR Pl'lll.lCATlON. Timber Land, Act June H, 1878 Unscliiirg, Oregon, Mav t), l'.KJ Not'ce is hereby given that in com pliance with the pi ov is mus of the act of Congress, ol June 3, 178, eiililled"An ad lor the sale el timlier lands in the Slates of California. Oreg rn, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa ex tended to all public land States by ail ol Angus! 4. l,v'- ALICE A Ml HI FN V of Salem, County of Marion, Stale of Oregon, has this day liled ill Ibis nlhie her sworn statement .No. M)7U lor the puti base ol the SW '4 ol Section No. IS in Township No. Ilti, r-i nit It , Kange No. 4 West, and will viler proof to show that the iand sought IS itioru valuable lor its timber or stone than lor agtn-ultuial purisses, and to establish her claim to said Mud before J.O. Iliailh, Count v Jiule. at Ins oilier at (traitla Pass. Orcgni, mi Saturd.iy tin 2itli day ol July, l'.sa. She nsini'S as wilnesr-es : John T. Keariis, tieorge I. llruwiiof S'avton, Ote gon ; tirorue W. Kearns, ol tirants I'ar-s Oregon; William II. M.ihcny, ul Salem, Oregon. Any ami all persons claiming ad Tersely tint ahovt--dfM'idM-tl laiels are reipiested lo toe their claims in this ollice tt or helore sirl :' ili dav oi July 1IKJ I. J . T. loniM.t Keglsler NOTICE M'U I I Tl.lCATl'iN. Timber 1 and, A t June ., I -7S. I' tiili ii Slab I sii.l 1Mb. , Idsebuig Oii'tioii, April '.'2, 1'lil.i. Notice is hett-hv ir.en tliat in i-empli atice With Ihe plolseai e the act nl Colign ss ol June :', 1".". ciiti, led " An acl lor ti e sab- nl timls-r lands III Ibe Stales id Calilotnis, Oregon. Nevada and W ashington Term. try," as extend ed to all the Public l and stales by a, I of .'.llgusl 4, l4.'.'-', KOSK S. KICIIF of Or. Iiani, County .1 Mulneuiiab Slate ol Oregon, has this day tiled in this ollice Iter swum statement No 4'.14. for Ibe purchase ol tbe V '., oi SK'j and F' SW 4 ol .ec:i. ii No. 34 in Township No. S7 South, i.i.ige No. 8 W, and will oiler pnsit to sli iw in, . the land sought is mure valuable lor us timber or alone than lor agn. u!t uia. purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before J. O. II. mil. C. tinti Judge, at his office at titanis l'aa o c gon, on Thursday, tbe It h dav id J.i1'. IllO.I. She names as wittiea-ea: Walter Harmon of (irants I'ss Ore I gon, VVtltiain Atulersnn, ot Sriiitia, Oe gon, W.J. Meek ol Oranta rass. ()reg..n James Richey ol Oresliaic, Oregon Any and ad ticraoiia I'laiiiima a Iveis ly the Islets are leiplesl' ed to tile tbeii ciaims in tins etli e iu ot before said 1Mb day ot Jii'v. l:srl J. T. Ilitipots, K.gister. Grants Pass 19,20 ON TENTS -7 TOO tiltKAT A RISK. Ill almimt every iielghhorliood Koine I one linn died from an attiu k of colic I or cholera morbus:, often hefure mcdi U'inc could he procured or a physician KUUimoiicd. (hiiinlicrliiiu'H Colic, ! Cholera mid Diurrhoi a reiuedy linn un doubtedly Mivcd tho livcH of more Hople mid relieved inure pain mid miflVriiit,' than any other medicine in uric. For wile hy all ilmiMH. A STAHTLlNti TKSf. To Biivo a life Dr. T. O. Merrill, of No. Mohooiinny, Ph., niiide a Hlart liiiK tint reHulliiiK in a wonderful cure. Ho writes, "u patient wait at tacked with violuit hemorhiiKen, cntiHcd hy ulceration of the mIoiiiucIi. I had oltcii found Klectric liitterH ex eelleiit for ticuto sti.imnli and liver t rou iili'8 ho I pri'Hi rihed them. The patient Kiiined from tho lift, mid Iiiin not had an attack in II mnitilm. " Try them. Only Wki ut W. F. Kre- mer h. KOUIIKI) THE (illAYK. A Hlartliiiir incident is inirrated hv John Oliver of l'hi liulelphiii, ns fol- Iovih: "I wiih in an awful ciuiilitiiui. My hkin wiih almost yellow, eves sunken, tonuun eoat'il. Mini tnnlm- uiilly in hack mid Bides, no appetite. irniwhiK weaker day hy day. Three liliymrmiiri hud given mo up. Then I win advised to usn Clcctrio Hitler,.; to my grout, joy the lirsl hottle maile a decided improvement. 1 continued their use for three wricks, mid am now a well mini. I know they rohhed the grave of niiiillnr victim.'' No should fall to try them, diilv .Ml centH, guaiaiitiMd, at V. F. Kreiiur'H drug nUirc. NOTICE FOR PUItl.KJATIoN. Timber Land Act, Juno 3, 1878 I'nlliil States Lund Ollice. (Irants Pss, Oregon, March Li, l!M3. Nolice is hernhy given that in compli ance with l be provisions ol the Hit of ('ingress of June 3, 18T8, cniiiled "An act for the sale of limber lauds in Ibe States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Tcinlorv," us emended lo all the I'uhlic Laud Suites by act ol August 4, .K!i:', CHARLES HAYES of Kingston, Cniinly of I. inn. Slate of Oregon, has this d.iv tiled in Ibis nllire his sworn Hlalement No. -pipi, Jh.r (lie pun hasH.ol Hie NE '4 ol Sec. No, 2 in ToAiishlp No. 31. South,;,, No. 4 Wesl, and w ill oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more, valuable lor its I mi tmr or shine Ihsn for Hgiieuliural Purvises, slid to establish l,n claim lo s.iiit Ian. I tielete J. O. lai.ub, ( ', Judge, at his ollice at tirants l'a-s, gnu, on Thursday, lint "sib dav ol P.KI, Ho names as w it nessc : Charles lluKiiger, id Snblinnli', gon Wiltiain K llaies, kintM,.n, gon, Chailes E. Mnis. ol l.t,.i,, o, ' n 1 1 1 i May On-On- eg Ul, ioiiii i . i-iiiik, .iavi, u, ttr.g.i.11. Any and all persons cUmini; a.lvi r-e-ly the above-ill s, rib, ,1 lan.N me ie ipleHted lo tile tlieir claims in Ibis ollice on or beloro said LS'b dav ol May I11-'. .1 T. r.ltll.l.l s, li.x'Htel' NolTcE K'lt PIT' AI'ION. I miller I. and Act .1, .;, ;,, s. I niled, s I and nin e, tiranls Pass, On v.ill, March 1.1, I id I. Notice is herein gieu that in cuni pllillice will, tbe provisions of lb, act ot Coiigtess ol .1 1 1 i- :! . is; s, , 1 1 1 1, . ", acl lor ihe sale ot limber lands in Ha state id California, tli,g..n, Nei.el.i, and Washington Ten Hot , " a exlciuied to all Ihe Public :,,,, sr.,:, l,( . i ,, August -I, 1 s.cj, WILLIAM I-. II.W N of Kilig-I,.n, l onnlv ol I inn, Mat, .ilOiegon, has tins dav lite. I in ibis ..l lice Ins snotn slatcinent No In.'il t,,i Ibe pin. base ol the M- 1 , ol S,,-. No. 1', township No .11 Ninth. Kauge No 4 Old Will ollci piooi lo .Iioa ( Im I I and soiibl ii. mot,, valuab'e tor iih tun ia-r or sioeu ihau lor agi iculiutal Pesof, and to eatsblii his chum :, pin ' j ' iand la-lot e J. o booih. Coiiniv Jn.i at bis tulice at tints 'a-. (ti. gon , ll.iiitdav the I'sil, tv i y t'S.,1. II,. names as w :lm ; iie.uge . Ke.nnr, ,, .mints P.I-S III. It! . I lie- gen. 1 harle llottinger, ol nb 1 at 'ug ti . I liai lo Ooubs !.. Mill, ,1 1 , ol K 1 Any ai. I tl an. in sled i 1 ..r helm ur .1. I 1. 1 III. M.i .1 I' II K'ge 11 II. I'. p, . 1 i;v,i:i Mr .aw, 1 lloubl. mblcd tor .,t.r .in.- v.ats with a ntliniotis conli Ml,. 1, 1 . ;" Vlv o 1r1l.1t 1 wis in 1!". V.. I. .. . t;;;,,,,' out I 'I. amis 1 1. ne .Ii lltl, .0011 .II. t llls.'ll, I, II, III f.' .t a tell: 11 Using t no bo -le. VVas p. nu. in. by all druggists. CITIES V. HEN I HUH Mrs. Frank CI i os,.n, IsS FAIL iv. 111. Pal 1. is n, Ii, I0"l "1 I, ,1 I '.nt. was 1 ml r s. but IIS soon : s r it e 'tcuie 11 1 Us. ,1 t MtO pic end it b. inl me. Iji. wtit.s .Lin,. 111 1l.11 1:1 f. v r v. 1 v tr 'iitue ut hv ilc. t" I stopped taking II. t.'Ver Would loll, 111 bottle of llorbinc, t. I flu n ho igbt 1 n ttl.s. b I ca.l 1 1.. li ly cured 1. ' ns-ouiiiionii 11 to ' 111 ilar i 1, as ii w 1 llerbine, .".oc b. 1 Co. ' b. .ii, -I ; no i- fro , 1. th 11 ' . 1 1 '1 iv lliosc I NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Tim her Land Act Jane 3. 18,"8, (imnti I'b, Uregon, March l'tih, I'M! Notice is hereby given thai in com phance with the provision of the act u CongreM of June 3. 1H78, enlilleil "An t for llie ale of tiiulvr landi in the StaW of C'ah'orni, Oregon, NevaiU iinl Washington Territotv." aoextended to all th I'uhlic Land Sialea by ai l ol August 4 W.f, CHAKLivi K MILLS of Lyons, County of Linn, Stale of Oregon hut tins day li ed in this office bin pworn Maternent No I'l.'.'i for the purchase of the KVVj ol Section No 10 in lowrisnip No at South, Kdiiiie Nu. 4 V, and will oiler prool to show thai the land sought in more valuable for in. limber or alone than for agiii iihiiial purposes, and to estiihhsl Ins claim lo said Ihii.I before J. () oootli, lyouulv JmJge, at me ollu.'O ai liiaotH I'hsh, Oregon, on Thursday the - ii nay ol .May lima. lie names n witues-ea- J. T Kearcs, .f'ieph Kearns. John r. r link, all of SUyton. Oregon and ( halea Hottilver, ol Siihliniily, Ora- gon. Anr and all persona claiming ad versely mo anove-uesciioc'i in.ji are reipiisti-d to filet their risiuis in this "fli on or before said :H-i, dav ol Mav, llf.'.'i. J. T. IfmiMJKH. Keniatrr. NOHCK KOIl I'LIILICATION. Timber Land. Act luiie ?,. I7H. (iriuits Pass, Oregon. March la, Notice is hereby iriven thai in coin- pliarire with tlio provision (, i,H i:l of Congresa of June 'A, M78, entliled An act lor the sale ol limber lands in he Slates of California. (Jrtgon. Nevada. and Washington Territory," as extend. to all the Public Land Slates by act ol August 4, IK1!.', JOSKI'II T. K FAHN.S il Siayton, County of Marion. Stale of Oregon, has this day filed in thin ollice Ins sworn statement No. lii'Jt, for the purchase olilie L'.j 'of the N V ( an I the F.i of HWI ol Section ,,. ai in liiship Nu. ;u s, itanire No. 4 W. and will nller pnxif to stiuw that the land u ihl l more valiiublo for lis timber stone than lor agricultural ui- n ises, anil lo establish his c aim to said land b-foie J. o lionth. Coiiniv Jinlge, at hisolli 'uat 'minis pass. Ore wen. . ii I biirs.lav the liHtb day ol May It'll. . He names us wilnessea: Cbarles llottinger, of Siibliuiily, Ore- g'ui, William F. Hayes, of Kingston, i m gun, Oeorge, L. iirown, of Siayton, Oregon, Frank X. llottinger, of Sub hmi'y, begon. Any and all peiHona claiming adverse ly the iibove-deseribed lands am re ipu stnl lo lila their claium in this ottice in or lielore said L'Sih day of May l''"ll. J. T. Liiiimikh, Kegister NOIIt'K FOR PUllLICAriON. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. tiranls Pass, Oregon, March 13, l'.'i3. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance w itlt the provisions of the act of Con gtess ol June ,, 1-S78, entitled "An act lor Ihe sale ol timber lands in the Stales ol California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terrilory," as extended to all I lie Public Laud Stales by act ol August 4, I!'-, tiEoltiiE L. P.ltoWN nl Siayton, County ol Marion, Statu of Otegoii, has this day liled in this ollice his HWiirii slii'eiiienl No. ItlJtl for the Piiri ha-e of tbe NW1. i, Seel ion No. 31 in Township No. 33 Sooth. KaiiL'" N". 4 W, and wdl offer proof to show that the laud nought Is none valuable lor ns limber or stone than lor ,igrn ulliiial pmposes, anil lo establish tils claiu, tosaid land bef.irej. O. Iloolh. Cinnty Judge, al his ollice at liraula Pass, Otegoii, on I'liursday ihe L'Sth day May, PHI.;. Ileliiimesas wiinesses: innige W. Kearus, ol (irants Pass, Oti'tion, I-rank X llollinger, of Sub linii'y, Oieg.m, .lohu P. Etitik, ol Mav Ion, Oicgon, Ciiatlea Hayes, ol Kingston, ( iii-guii. Any ami all pctsnna claiming adverse ly the above described lands ate te ipieiti ,1 to liln their ciaims III Ibis ollice on or belotii said -'8th day ol May, I'.'11-!. J. T,, lltgisler. NOI'ICE FOR ITT.I.ICA I ION. riinher Land, Act June II, I87S. tiranls Pass, Ongon, March 13, I'.Mlll. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with thn ptovisioiis of the acl ol Cotigicss ill June 3, 1878, euiitleil "An m l lor Ibe sale til limber lands in tbe Stales ol Calilornia, Otegoii, Nevada, an. I iisliiugton lerrllory," as ex ti tided to all Ibe Public Land Stales hy acl of Migu-t 4, IHicJ, HCANk . HOI UNiiER of Siibliuiily, County of Marion, Stale ol Otegon has tins day tiled in Ibis ollice his sworn slaleini nt No ii:.'.'i, ior the p'trcliHse of Ihe NE '4 ol Medina No. .11 in Township No. 33 South, Range No. t W, ami milliliter plool to show that Ihe land sought Is inoie' lor its iiinli.. r or stone ibun lor tigni nluiia! puipohcs and to i -labif-h Ins cl.illn to said land before I ' I. I.oolll, C.iiiii'v J ll'tt.e, al his ollice 111 mania Pass, Ongui, 1.11 lliursdat Ibe -Mb day ut May, P.'ll.',. I le liatnen as w lines, s : l.eoig.e W. keill lis. of Cratlls t'ass, I tiegon, I irote I,. P.iown, Joseph T. Kc.iius, and John '1'. Kearus, all ol Mai ton, 1 it t'g Any and all ly (be ah.. vi .pit sli , to tile II or b.bue I'M .11. poisons claiming adverse ilescrlbed lauds ure re ft heir claims 111 Hits office said "stii day ol May .1 I'. I'-iuiMies, Register. NOTICE I'OU PUIU.ICATION. Timber l and Act, June 3, 1878. I iiite.l Mules Land Ollice, noils l'a-s. Oregon, Man-It 1.1, ItKM. Ni.ll.c Is helebv given lliat lllfolnpli .c with tbe piovi-ions of Ibe act of 'Coligless ol .I'llie .1, l,"S, entliled " All I a. l loi tbe s.itc ol limtii r lands 111 the m lt 1. n oi 1 ah'.. 1 1 ia, Oicgon, Nev and j .i-biiigioii lerriloiv." as extended lo I all Hie I'll h I H- l and Males l.v act ol I ug.l-l I, Is'i.', I .lulls llll liJoN K I- 1!NS ! of Mavt. ii, Ciuintv ol Marion, S'ate ..I Uicgon, has (Ins dav tiled III this ollice bis kMollt slalement No P. Is 'oi Ibe puicba-e ol Hie s-i., of tbe N E1 . 1 ,111,1 . o tbe .!'', ol Section up No. ;;i S, U ,nk,. ,,i. oil. r prool to show that .No 10, PI low lis I, and mill ibe l.iu.l -ougbt is mote valuable fot lis I limber 01 stone than tor ug icu'tiiral pllr- I 1 s, ami t" cs'abiisb bis ,'laun lo sitd j land b.lo.e J O. Iloolh, Coiiniv Judge, lb., at ititiiis l'a-s, -s h dav as w tines,. of S av ion, . ol 1 voits, -I'l.i' I, ol Mi. s O'egon, t Iregoll, linn -dav the . He names John P. Y nut. , . Mnb 1 I 1 1 1 g . r I.-, ti'u l eg a I p, tsoi.s i latinitig 1 sci ibi ,1 land a e 1 lal.e - III 1 1 -1 s , ill,,, .li .In 01 M.iv p.'ii; i. 1 lo II-. s, adver r. .pi I be : I lo lo ivl,.. n.T inn fvimir Ui.JUI HT'JSiUn Of ' '''" wl J Q lillif.' r JOnCAN'L. OIU.Tr1 r.itsib.ii fM .III rilli't'CD.tll. r ji,V CI. J0r04.1 OSEAStSOi MfN Ifpl rn m tii-,,fc., ....he.. g 1 1 d f Ml .... M.rl.r.. 4 e,....h r4 4 .a 1. .1 .... ru.. rtH. j ''-. 1 III iu.. i tyav M4 lat sas k.-Om , 'v.;:,. sm. pa w.ia 4 CO . 10:1 m..m s a f e-.5,,'i lbs" I1.110I1 nil r.iiiiatle ;- ii en telllov , s ore a 1 p ica- ad dandruff Il Co ,'.lV e, I V .-siover an 1 at H 1 Health ia a majrnet which irresistibly drawa the man to the woman in life'a Dialing time. Health does more than tint the skin with beauty ; it puts music into the voice and buoyancy into the step, aa well as liappineas into the heart. A great many women covet beauty and are constantly seeking aids to beautify them. I-t a woman first seek perfect heallh and all other charms shall be mldcd to her. There can be no general health for women while there is disease of h dcliiate womanly organism. The first step to perltct health is to cure womanly u.isis iy ii. e use oi rr. rierce a l-a vorite Prescription. It establishes regu- lanty, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures tcmale weakness. "I uw,1 (tmr !kHn of your ' Favorite Pre- niel our of '(.olilrn Mnlical Iliacw. er-. rites Mrs. Kliner IJ stirsrer. of Mount. n-.jHv i..i!,rr,rr to , l'.. Msnl can say lliat I am curttl of thai ,tr .-t,lc,t liwae, utriuit trouble. am in txrM'-r tic all It ilia n ever before, Hvvry. ..... , impel:, io arc nie iixiK rs, v,11. In Jonr I wna o p,,r In hrallh that at liiuca I cool. 1 not walk. Toiliiy I am eutrd. cuitil nic."' l-'REK. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps lo pay exfienae of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in p.iior rov rs, or ,y stamps for the cloth Isnind viilutne. Aildrtis Ur. R. V. Pierce. Bulfalo, N. Y. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1-.78 irnnts Pasn, Oregon, March 20 Hi 13. Notice is bereby given that in com pliance! Willi Hie provisions of the net tl ( ongress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In Ihe States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and W'ashingion Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4. lsua, El'l I II A. KEARNS of Stayton, County of Marion, Stale ol Oregon has this day liled in this ollice his sworn statement No. 4i,7ti, ',,r the purchase ol the NUT Section No 8, in Township No. 30 South, Range No, 4 West, and will oiler proof to -how that the land sought is more valu tide lor Its timber or Hone than fur agri cultural purposes, and lo is'ahlish I er claim lo said land hefure J. '). Booth. ' 'until V Judge, at his office at (irtiiils Pasa.Oregoii, on Thursday, the L'8lli dav of Mav P.ID3. She names as witnesses: Bertha A. Keene. Cora M. Sullivan, of stayton, Oregon, tieorge W. Kearns of tirants Pass, Oregon, Oeorge L. Itrown ol Slay but, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lamia are requested to lile their claims in this ollice on or before s ii,l u'8th day of Ma), P.1'13. J. T shniKiKH, Register. EHIGHT'S DISEASE 1 he largest sum ever paid lor a pre scription, t bunged bunds in San Fran cisco, Aug. 30, 11(01 . Tim transfer in volved in coin and stock f 1 12, .'.(In II I and was pa d by a parly of business men lor a spccilie for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, bitberlo incurable diseases. They commenced tho serious investi. gat inn ol Ihe sta-cihc Nov. 15, 11100. they Interviewed scores of the cured and tiled it out on its merits hy putting nver three dozen cases on the treatment ami matching them. Thev also got phy sicians lo name chronic, iticurahlecases. I administered it Willi (be physicians lor judges. I'p to Aug. Ho, 87 per cent il Ibe lest cases went either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent ol failures, the parties mere satisfied and closed the transaction, 'Hie proceedings ol the investigating comttiitlee and the chni. -al rcpoi ts o the test cases mere published ami will be mailed dee on itppltcaiiou. Addiess John J. Iti. ton Ciiif NV, 4-'() M.intgoinciy St. San hrau cisco, Cal. Yon Know What You Are Taking When you take tirove's '1'asteless Chill Totilc. because the formula is plainly print ed oil every bottle showing that il is sun ply 1 1 So 1 Iv Iron mid Uuiliine in a tasteless torm lire No, 1'av. .'sic. Relief Given Immediately mil then- is not 11 case of piles in .'Msti'iift- that can not ho quickly and pcfiiiaui'iulv cured by t er- rin's I 'ili- Specific. You "like it -Unit's till. New price One Del iac pct-lhiltlc. At yotit'dfiiggist! if he hasn't it, wrilo to lr. Per t in Medical Co., Helena. Moil'. O. R. & N. oui:(.()N short i.ixr ANI I'MON 1ACII'IC. 1 v is T in-: Shortest, Quickest. AMI MOST Con lfortnhle liolllc lo . AH II oc i;.s.d il E.l-I. l I) poil Is I 1.I1 Pi. kcls tc.i.liiu 1 rtl.i id s-nllt 1 .it In. mid 1 i-, Low Unt Ti, t iiiic- s.ile al Soiiilictn -rx A. I.. CKAIti. tien'l, I ' e.i;,. 1 Vg't I'o'llaed t aa.-a SrCJtteTjjfvl j.-' '".'L, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878. . Timber Land, Act Jun 3, 1878. ( United Sta et Land Otfice.l F (United State Lind Orlice, Boseburg, Oregon, March 2J, 1901. . Grant! Psa, Oregon, March, la, 1W3. Notice la hereby given that in com-' Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance aith the provision! of the acl of pliance with the proy.lona ol the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An .'Congresa of June 3, I87H, entitled. "An act for the aale ol timtier landa in the I acl for the sale 111 liliitar ami ill llirf Btatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, anil vvaaliington Territory. " aa ri tended to ail the Pnhlij LnJ Siiei by act of Augnat 4. 18)12. MARIA S GRIMM ol Winter, County of J' tenhine. St ite of Oregon, haa thia dav filed in this office tier aworn atatement No. lii2 for the 14 purcnaae of the E ol Section No. H. In Township No. 35 South. kani No 4 We'. and will offer prool to show that the land sought ia more valuabi. lor its timber or stone than lor agri - cultural purposes, and to establish ner claim to said land before J. O. rsoom, County Judge, at his ollice at Orants Pass, Oregon, on (Saturday tht 6th day of June 1903. She names as witnesses: Edward f). Thompson, Newlin D Young of Wimer, Oregon ; W. T C ope ot tirants Pass, Oregon; Harvey Hula, 01 liner, tregon Anyai.dsll persons claiming adver-e ly Ihe above-described lands are re ipiested t tiK their claims in this olfici on or before said (Ph. day of June, J i UHflHIK-l, KeglHtl NOTICE EOK PfJBEICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1874. Itoseburg, Oregon, Mar. 2.1, 1103 i.iincn is itereny given tint in cetn-rdiam-e with the provisions ol the act ol lAihgreKS 01 June 3, 187S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in ibe stales ol California, Oregon Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all ihe Public Land States by act ol ungual s, moi, EHWAKI) D. THOMPS. IV ol Winter, County of Josephine, Slate ol Oreg m, has this day tiled in this office ins sworn atatement No. 4fiUJ for th piirenase tl the SIS'-4' of Section No. 14 in Township No. !!5 South, Kiirge No. 1 ..est,, ami win oiler prool to show that the land sotiifht is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anil 10 establish his claim to am lami helore J. O. Booth, Coimlv Judge, at his ollice at (irants l'a-s, ( (re volt, on Saturday, the Klh day of June VMti. He names as witnesses: Maria S. (irimm, Newlin ) Young, of Winter, Oregon; W. T. Cope, ol 1 irants Pass, Oregon; Harvev Huls, ol Winter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-ilescril od lands are re quested to file their claims in thia office on or before said (ith day of June lilt)) J. T. P.KiiKiKs, Kemsler. NOTICE I'OU PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1H78 United States Land Office. Knt-ebiirg, Oreion, April 15, 110:1. Nolice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions ol the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An let lor Ihe sale ol timher lands in the Stales of California. Oieuon. Na. vada and Washington Territory." as extended lo all the Public Land Slates by act of August 4. 1SU2. ELSIK 0. HOKUM ol Eugene, County of Lane, State of Ore gon, mis tins .lay tiled in this ollice her sworn statement No. 4if,r8, for the pur- base ol ihe SE'4, ol Snellen No I in Township No. 311 S. Kanue No 8 west, and will offer proof lo show that me tana sought is more valuable for its tinihr or stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish her claim to aid land belore J. O Booth. Count. Ji'dge at his office al (irunts Pass. Ore jon, on Thursday, the 2nd day ol July, i-jo.i. rue names as witnesses: Waller Harmon, ol tirants Pass, Ore gon, William Anderson, ol Selma, Oregon,.!. W. Ilobhe, of Eugene, Ore gon and W. T. Fleck, ol (irants Pass. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad verselv the alstve described lands are equeteil to lile their claims in this office on or belore said -ml day ol July, p.Hi:!. J. I. ItituifiKS, Kegister. NOTICE I'OU PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3. 187. I'nitod States Lind Ollice, irants Pass, Oregon, March 1,1, lit 3 Notice ib I erehy given that 111 ci in I bailee uli ihe provisions of Ibe act of Congiess ol June 3, IK78, etnit'ed An eel lor the sale ol timber lauds in the S'lBtes of Calilornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Vv atshingtmi Territory," as ex tended lo all the Puhlir Lain! Siaius hv act of August 4. is:'.', JOHN P. FUNK ol Siayton, County of Marlon, State ol Otegon, has this day filed in ibis ollice his sworn statement No. 4tlL'2. for tin purchase of the S1V4 ol Section No 'i in Tuv. nship No ;14 South, Kange No. 4 , and will oiler uroof to show thai the laud sought is more valuable for in tinila r or stone than lor agi iculiiiral pur poses, and to esiabli-h his claim lo sat lam! lielore J. O. Booth, Ci'llniy Jinlge. at bis ollice at (irants Pass, (iremni on Tnitr-day Ilie "sin nay of Mav, IIKW He nam sas witnesses: Cliailcs llottinger, ol Stiblimiiy, O.e g Charles L. Biua n and J. T. kearus ol Siayton, Ongon, CliaileS llayts, 11 Kingston, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly Ihe above-.', s 1 ibed lands are re quested In hie their claims 111 Ibis ottici on or before sad .H.h day ol May l'.'i'X J T. Bui hots. Ivegrsier. Blue Print l'liis-r hy the yard or roll at the Courier office. "I am sure the Painkiller gives you relief. I never knew it to fail." "Why, it docs, und such a pain as it was, too." For sprains, bruises, bite of In sects, ami for any troullo whcroalini-nit-nt is ncctlcil, PERRY DAVIS' Painkilteif is the best. 3?c. and 5 c. b-ittlcs. To Cure a Cold In a lla Take 1. sxat ive I'.ron.o 111.11. tie Tablet All driu-cisi- relllml the nuiiiev 11 it lao lo cure. K, W. tirori-' Mtialure is 01 ea 11 ho , ;'.'i,'. The cuic.vdir Typewriter $35 Gu itniitcc.l to ti-.ul am Is 1. hi niacliino. The Chk-jti Typtwritrr Cx 51.' 5 1. 1 M.tiket St. San Francisco. i i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION f S'ates of Californ a. Oregon. N.-vada. and Wahinglon Terrirorv." as extended to all lha Public Lnd Stle9 by act ol Augnst 4, 181)2, WILLIS CALDWKLL, of Stayton, County of .Marion. State of Oregon has litis dav filed in j ths ollice his swurii sta'em-nl' No 4GW, ' for the rmrehnatt of tl.u SI if I ' ..I No I' in T.ivrnaf.o. Vn "1 W ...,t. L) 1 No. 4 W. and ail oliur pro.( to show That tht land sought is n-ore v .luable 1 ior its timber or f.r.n- than for acri ' cultinal claim to said land More J O Booth, County Ju le, at It's office at Grants Pass, Oregon, on Thursday Ih- 4 hdav of June, Una. lis names as wr' nesses : (ieotg- Snaninl of S avion, Oregon, tlbeit M. K-aiing nl Grants Pass. Ore gon. Lsle Hill ol Salem, Oregon. William E Tii of Stayton, Oregon Any and all persons claiming ad versely the ain ve described lands un requited 10 file their claims in tins illicn "ii or bef re sai l dav of lime ll(0t J. T. Bkidoks, K visier. NOTICE FOit PUBLIC U'lON Timber Land Act, tin,. .1, 1S78. L'nited S'ates Land Office, Grants Pass, Oregon, M ircit 111 It, BIO.!. Notice is hereby giv-n iha1 in com pliance wiih lint provision, 01 ihe act ol Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act lor the sula, of timber lauds in lb, States of Calilornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land S'ates Ity acl f Aug 4, 18!!'.'. LUE HILL tf Salem, County ol Marion, Slate I Oregon, has this tlay tiled in this office Ins sworn statement No. 4rt67, for the Inl re base of Ibe Kill: l ...! tion No ' in Toti.o. v.. si 1. .. - ... ..".,-,,,,. i,., ot OOI ill', itange No. 4 W, and wnl offer proof lo show that the land aotiiilil ........ able for its timber or alone than for an-, 'iculttiral purposes, and lo establcti hi- claim to atd land before J. O. Booth, ' County Judge, at his o'li.-e at Giants ' Pats, Oregon, on Thursday, the -lib dav I 11 June, I'.l '.: lie na ties as wit- I as nesses : George Spaniol, Willis Cnldwcll, of Stayton, Oregon, Albert SI Keatinj ol Grants Pass, O egyn, William E Thomas ol Stavton, Or-gon. Any and all prisons claiiuini.' adverse y the above described lands ate re peated to lile their claims in this office before said 4'h day of June, j J. I. Bullions, Kegister. I 1 1(03. Phone Ore 64. THE H. C. DEALERS I aLuui.u-n.u ENGINES, BOILERS. PUMPS, SAW MILLS, et5. 2'kS Grand Avenue. (I-ast .Side) Portland, - LOCATED a MILtS NORTH Or JACKSONVILLE OWNED BY A. P. ARMSTRONG, OF PORTLAND, OREGON 15 CENTS PER EGG for hitching purposes, from rure-Hred, Hih-Cr.ide Il.irrtd riymoiuH RMk chicken, is dirt cheap. The Barred Plymouth Rock is the best all-round chick en known; in.iturcs early, jrows larj"e a good layer, and unsurpassed for th; table. First conic, first served. Order now, and thus make sure of a .start in these superior fowls. There is m.uey in them, whether raised for the market or for home ue. It cost as much to keep a "scrub" chicken as a pure-bred, and it is not worth half as much fjr n:iy purpos-. Call at the f ir:i, - r write. C Fl. Af?M5TF.CNG. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON FRANKLIN Standard TYITWKITKR Visible Writing, Simile Nkcbatii.sni lVrmatii-tit 1 nit Alij;tittitiit A vStrictly Ilih-Class ci E. F, Bunipus, tviara.;r, j) . -:'io .is,, ,1 i;:, k THE SCENIC LINE Throush Salt Lake City. Ladvi!l Fu.blo. Colorado Sprmt-i. and Denver, and th fimoui Iviuky Mountain Scnry by Diyltjihl lo all Point) Cait. 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY BhiVVEbN OGUcN AND ULNVTiT MODERN EQUIPMENT. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUfl-I3TSi.EE-'iN3CS3AN3SUPE. DINING CAR SERVICE, STOPOVERS ir . alt.. Ii-lo'tri and nfotnut on. adifr. rthtr W. A TH. I li I! I'KT !. M AN. M. Austin t.f l ii.-ti. st. r. In. I M. n. lmt ui ilo in Hi,- Imur tif iiinl Ii wife Ital i-n.-li ria unusual ,.,M. , ( niiil iiv.-r tmuMc, -livi.' tans coiil.l nut .!;i lt,.r ((,- tlirt..-!it : 'I iinl tr n't! lr. Kins' N, l.if,. ; 'ills ninl ht r. li.f ,-f in r.. nt.,1 : vtts t'tinl'.v fur.'il i"i,:y ;,t W. Kn 'it. r s lirnir s er... " ' Grove's 5iwi me iesi 45 years. Av:rae Arnt-sl bottles. Does this redof nerit ttn tack-4 with vrv WoatU u . t t. l? Jcl ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land Act, June 3. 1878. United States Lnnd Oilice. (iranti P, lregon, March l'Jth, 19l3 Notice is hereby givn that in compli ance with the provi-inna of he acl ot cingre-a of June 3, 1S7., ei.inled "An a t lor tli" sale ot liin' e' land in the stte of Caiii imia. Urevon. Nevada. n l Wahnn!ton Territory." af el end-d to all Ibe Public Land Sutes by act 01 Augus 4. 1812, WILLIAM E TIIOM VS of Station. Ciunly ol Marion, StsAeof Oregon, has this dav filed in this office bis swo'n statement No. 4'iio lor Ibi purchase ol th" SE'4'. ol Section No. 12. in Township. Ni 31 South, hanne. No 4 West and wdl offor pr'xil to show that the land sought is more valuable for j its limner or some niati tor agricultural purftoses and to establish his iiaitti to said land bet"i J O B. -o h. County I tidge, al his office al (irants Pasr, Ote (fon, on Thursday, the 4;h day of June PJ 3 lie narucaas wit nesses: Ge. rge Spaniol, Willis Caldwell, ol s'tai ton, Oregon. Albert M. Kea'ii.if, ol iratt's Pass. Oregon, l.afe Hill, ol Sab-m, Ore011. Anv and all p-rsons claiiiiing adve se ly Ibe above-described lands a'e re- piested to lie their claims in ibis office 011 or U lore said 4'h dav of June P.KJ3. J. T. BimiOEs, Kcgii er. NOTICE FOR PUBMCATI )N Timber Land Act, June 3. 1878 Ull.ted States Land Olli. e, tiriitits Passr O'egon, Wiirch,T7'l., P'O.i. Notice is hereby given :hat in coin piiauceurh the provision ot the n -t of Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "A:i act (or Ihe sale ol timber lands 111 Hie Stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended o all the Public Laud S ales hy acl of j Aug'isl 4, 18112, ! OEOKGK SPANIOL of Siayton, ( o.iuiv oi Man 11 . ' Slate!"' Subliini'y, ( oiinly el Mailoii, Slate of of Oregon, has Uiis dav lied in this j I'Bt 'lay lile.l 111 tins office ollice Ins sworn t-talem- nt .V.. 4n"it lor '"s "v'"r" statement No. 4li21. for the Ibe li.nchaseof tne oi Mciiori No. I purchase of Ibe NU of Sec: loll No. 2. 12 I ownsnip No "-U Sou li Pance r.ange No. 4 W and w.ll c-tr r pr..,c ai.d toi'ladil is tnoie to show ! valtl.tbie lor sgri-bn-li hi- t,, 't "' I I".' US lis timber or Hone th 1:1 lb oral piiritos.'S mid to i sit cla'lll to said i.l'id l.etore .1. II. ll.Mt'li, County Jud.e. ut his office av Grams Pass. On gun, on Iniiisdav. ihe 4 Ii day 01 Juno hl iii. He names ns v nn-sres : A il iaut E. In o 111 si . ai d W tills Cal.Uell of Suvl Ori-g ut. A:b-ri M. Kea'i.iof Gianls Pass, Oieg.u, Life ! Hill o; Saiein, Oreg .11, Any and all per-nns claiming advein- iy th. above described l.tlels are re ipi 'st"l 10 lile ;h"ir claims in this oili,-.-t o a or be foi e said 1 h ' day of .luut- lit lil. I , J. I . I'.l.llilirlN. 11 gisler. Weekly Or..aor.lait The old reliable Tin Bet. Hiwthornc Ave and Morrison St. ALBEE CO. - Oregon -JK'l-i I-xcclki'.t M.itiKoltling, ati'l Ihitabilily at a l-'air l'rice. IN HUGNMEBYi Machine Sold for $75.00 TTiow-rowjoit c:o. Los Angeles. Catiforri. n und Fir-t Sirct't. i i ALLOWED t M.-lllt! 1)1 "I'll. A"t l iiiii ; n;.a i-r...l,.,t- mo.aiurv ' n ir. T'lis f, rrn. a. m. irn i.r rrnliiitliiif J'j f. !' --.ti U' hi'. t v t ;i.'i '. i ti .k-. v! I j'l' at l '' r--..... (r,,. n ,. i " r.-. lr. 1, i..u i i, I .'. h. W K K.. m-- Tasteless ChUI (i art- ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S. United Stales Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 21, 1H03. Notice is hereby fiven that in compliance with the ptovisious ol the acl of Congress of June ,'l, 1878, eutiiltd "An ac' fur the sale o( timber lands in the S'S'es ol California, Oregon, .Nevada and Wasinngtoo Terri tory," as extended to ail thn Public Land Slaps by- act of Annual 4, Ibj2, ALICE J STEVENS of Portland, Couniy of Multnomah, State ol Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 41182, for Ihe purchase of the NW( ot Sectbn So. 32 in Township No. 37 South, No. 7 W, and will offer proof lo show that th land sought is mote valu-. ah!e for Us limber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her ciatni to said land before J O. Booth, County Judge, at his office at Gtania Pa.-s, Oregon, oil Thurs lav the Hilt d ly of July, PK) !.. She naiiits as wirne.sses: Waiter Harmon ol iirants Pass, Ore gon, William Ander-on of Selma, Ore gon, W. J . 1-1, ck of tiraiit-t Pass, Ore gon, James Kichey ol tin sham, Otegon. Any and ail persons claiming adverse ly th- ahove-ile-crit.ed lands are re qnesled to lile their claims in this otliie ou or belore said D h day ol Julv, 1U03. J. T. f.KHHits, K-gisier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June S. 1878. I'niied sie.tes Land Office, Grants Pass, Oregun. March 13. 19:13. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tbe provisions ol the act of Congress of June ?, 1878, entitled "An act fo, the sale ol flintier lands in the Stales ol California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terrilory" as extended to all lbs Public Lund Slates by act of August 4 1SH2, CIIAKl.Ks llorriNGEK ln low nstllp .o. .,4 oillll, lii'.lige .o, 4 Wt mill will oMVr pr"of to thaw that ihe .noil Hjiiit. i tnoie v.ilua'MK fur its t:mh-r r clout; Ihon l'r Uktrii'iili urat purport"., aii-l lo t utal'lih hitt claim to AUi land hWor- J. t). I'muilt, County .I'.(I;h. at h n nil 1 iv t (irni.tH Phhb, Ore kinn, un I ln.r-ii.i; the -Hill (Jriy of May l'-'Oi. IIh ii,h!ihs us winu''ec: .) ihn V. iiitik, of iSiavtriii, Oregon, ("l.ail.-H K. .Mill-, of Lvitnn, OreKoIi, Churir- ll.iyc-, ol Kiniip'cjn, Orijon, Wn j un ltaT. of KiiikErini, Oretfon. ,iiv anl uil it'iPOiiF I'laim.iik! adverse' i v ahovt-iit'f-rriiV'il IrtiiiiH ure re- ijiitcU.i Im li c their cUlliis m I hit oflice mi nt Itt-'orn h:i m 1 Hih day of May 1.m;:i J. 1. Hkiih.ks. U"iitcter " " 1 The VVeekly Or-'gonirtn and the Coi kieh both for one year for t'2 in ad vance. r Piioto SupjilifH at the Courier of- fico. ASK Till- AGENT FOR T I CK UTS VIA TO SHOKANK, ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAGO, AM) AM. l'OI.NTS KAST 2'i n vii.-v- o rAsrn.Mi: xi:v i;it( ii'Mi. r tiikoi (;iioit Itiy r'l.iii lioH. l-iilare ami T.iurlat Slpt-pt-r. DlttltiK mill ItuiTi-t Miii.kini- l.tlnar ( ara. D.ijlllitit trip llirniiuli lln- ( Hhtailo and lt.u k) l,iiininiiir. l-'..r f.ill i:ii-t;,.i!:lr-.s, fat,,, f,il,U-r, i-tf r:lll .'tl nt :t,j.lri-ss II. IlICKStIN, t- T. A. I. 'V. I'll Al.ON, T. i: a. l-li Tlilnl Strci i, I'l.nlaiid. A. I!. (', I'KSMSTON, ti. w. 1. A til-'Klr-t vt-llll ,m iltlli-. W. CGcTZiAii a Co., MANurACTOfttRS. ST. PAUL.. DR. FEVER'S KIDNEY and Backache Dropay. remU Trouble. V U 1 V Li cJro'r ?oumrr d:"d Ther. 1. . 1 h .-.i .1 I I ,7. l'M-nii.-r :... --. t ..ui .r i, ,i t v,r:,"T , c"uid, Jt-r-si ,r. c. WAi;,,NF,i. K,..,iu" 1-? ST.VITUS'OANCE P" r.r, uniiULrcnti-r. Fr.d,.oia.N Y tur.aiab, .F. Kr.m'tr. II A I a Dai o rvr'"T ' 1-" I; -.- ."v-'l V r' " K't "r. IX'-1 - lii V U (" Cj taa.1 Tonic. . fr?! I "Million HO ClITe. No Pav Kn. 50c. 1 1 , lV- H crfPovV.Ko, ILoot. LW Pal '