i OUR PERSONAL COLUMN VOTED FOR LIBRARY TAX THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS People e-s They Come exnd Go From Day to Day. Proposition Carries bv Sma.ll , Majority in Election. YOU ARE Gift (Offering WW r riiMiiii a SURE If you paint your houso with PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINT To get something that will last. We give a Five Years Guarantee With every Can of Patton's Sun Troof Taint and have a complete assortment of colors. Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block. WHITE LEAD. LINSEED OIL. WHAT A Beautiful Picture Of Domestic Happiness! A pretty cottage in the suburbs, with a lovely green lawn sloping gently to the street uifd flowers flowers everywhere. And the man iu the picture is a model husband fco kind hearted, and considerate of his wifo's happiness and well being that he allows her to mow the lawn sev eral times a week or as often as it needs it. No doubt he even consens to her getting up early in the morning to chop the wood hard work, and after calm reflection we are inclined to agreo with him. Bat to mow the lawn with one of our lawn mowers this is not work, it is pleasure. UAI1MUDDLE HARDWARE Co Grants Pass, Oregon. w 'E wish to call special attention to our white shirt waists. We have some very pretty as well as novel ones in the latest styles- The Peau do Soie and China silks are rare bargains. Also our lino in underskirts of mercerized sateen are selling fast at the reasonably low prices. Closing out sale of Ladies' and Children's sun bonnets. Do not miss this sale. Agent for Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf New Idea Patterns, 10c. When sent bv mail nc. Comparison & Competition -liEYOXD- The OSBORNE COLUMBIA MOWER Made With 4. 4 , 5 and 6 Foot Cut Cb Hlower with a UJorldttJide Reputation You often Hear the Other Fellow say: JUST AS GOOD AS THE OSBORNE A Full of Superiority. A MOWER THAT FILLS ALL NEEDS. OVERCOMES ALL OBJECTIONS TO MACHINES NOW IN USE- It (iivCS The Greatest Satisfaction, The Longest Life, The Simplest Construction. Positively N'o Netk Weight, No Side Draft. We Court Investigation. F. . SCHMIDT Grants Pass, Ore. t ..GRANTS PASS OPERA HOUSE.. ONE WEEK, commencing - MONDAY, MAY ISth ! Allen Stock Company I Presenting the Following Repertoire The Power of Wealth Shall We Torsive Her? The Keal Lord Lennox Hazel Kirke A Fair Rebel Dangers of New York Band and Orchestra. Band Concert Each Day at 3:30 P. M. 1 .c?, tJ."o unci :$."?. Seats on Sale at Usual Place. THOSE WHO LIVE OX FARMS. Pr Bcrgin. Pans, Ills, writes: "I have uel Ballard's Snow Liniment; and am confident there is no better made Those who live on farms are especially liable to inauy accidental cnU, bums and bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Lini ment is applied. It should always be kejit in the lion;. S-V, 50c, and (1. 00 at Slorer Drug Company. I QUICK ARREST. I J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala., wan twice in the hospital from a ' severe case of piles causing 34 tumors. I After doctors ana all remedies failed, iBucklcn's Arnica Salie quickly ar Irnti'd further inflammation and cared him. It conucrs aches and kills Ipain. 2V at W. Y. K rimer's. For confcctioucry (to to Rou-rmund Mrs. Etta Hubbard made a business visit to Ashland last week. J. D. F. Stevenson, formerly of this county, is now located at Bourne, Ore, Miss Minnie Ireland weut to Port land Sunday eveniug and will be absent two or throe weeks. Herbert Sampson is now at Stock ton, Cal., where he has a position in connection with the government dredge. Edward S. Van Dyke left on Wednesday evening to spend some time at Salem. He will aUo visit several days in Engnua Hon. A. E. Rearues, 'democratic nominee for congressman, will be in town next Saturday and will speak at the court house in the evening. Mrs. F. P. Mitchell and little son cf Elmhurst, CaL, arrived on Friday to visit here for some time with her mother, Mrs. B. Mensch, and other relatives. Miss Julia Hatch, a returned niis- sionary.gave an Interesting talk at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening on missionary work among the Laos, in north Slam. Albert Law, the young man who was lonnd in possession of Carl Gontner's bicycle, waived examina tion and is held to'appear beforo the circuit court at the July term. A. C. Hough, 0. E. Harmon and F. W. Chausse went to Portland Satur day eveniug. They are mcinltcrs of the board of trade, committee commis sioned to lay the forest reserve matter before the Oregon delegation. W. J. Wimer of Waldo has been spending several days in tosvn this woek. Mr. Wimer is the democratic committeeman for this conuty and is looking after the political interests of Mr. Reamcs, the congressional can didate. Rev. A. Woodruff Halsey, secretary of the Presbyterian board of ureigu missions, gave an able address at the Presbyterian church on Thursday eve ning. A largo audience composed of people from all the churches, listened to his interesting and forcible present ation of the subject of foreign missions. Engineer C. H. Sampson, who managed the hel'ier engine that assisted in pulling the presdential train out of Grants Push, has quito a record iu that line. He has been engi neer for President Grant's train 111 Maino. He was scheduled to help haul the McKinley presidential jiarty and was one of the engineers on the train which carried His Royal High ness the crown prince of Siam. The special election by which tho voters of the city decided whether or not to take up tho library proposition was held on Tuesday. Though con siderable intensity of feeling was manifest, ouly a very small vote was polled. The vote was taken according to the lust city registration and there was no property qualifications for voters. Mauy of tho non-taxpayers, however, refrained from voting, feel ing that the decision should rest with those who would bear tho expense. On the other hand, much of the oppo sition came from the smaller taxpay ers, while the heavier taxpayers very generally favored the library. As may bo seen by tho vote, the old strife between the two sides of tho town is yet iu cxistcuco and cut a considerable figure in the election. The majority iu favor of the library was not so large a it should have been, but it was decisive and sullicient. Tho First aud Second wards voted at the court house and the Third nud Fourth at the city hall. Following is the voto us cast : At court house Yes, i)'3; No, 33; total, liu; majority iu favor of library1 59. At city hall Yes, 23; No, f.l ; total, 84; majority against library, ,H. Total number of votes cast, JOT; majority iu favor of library, 21. On account of Docorat ion day com ing on Saturday this year, thestons will close at 10 o'clock a. 111 and upon at 4 p. 111. instead of remaining closed the remainder of the day. DYSPEPSIA. People that have dyspepsia have weak stomachs, weak hearts, weak eyes and are usually weak kneed. They feel bilious and the world in general has a bilious look to them, they have so many symptoms that it is difficult to locate the place where they feel tho worst. The fact is the source from where they get their strength has been cut otf and they arc sick till over. The food taken into the stomach remains undigested, causing belching, and bilious attacks, followed by sick-headache, and gen eral weakness. Tim medicine that puts the stomach in condition so that the food can be readily digested. will cure iiysprpsiu mid make si length where there was weakness. We have cured thousands of ihtsoiis during the past 2(1 years, of dyspepsia, with Ur. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. A 2"c box of these pills are worth more to jK'opln Willi poor digestion than six months of dieting or a gallon of pepsin. it ouly takes one tor a dose. Wo will send two of these pills to prove what they will do. W. F. Kre mer. sells them for 3.1 cents a box or by mail on receipt of price. Write Dr. liosanko t'o. Phi la., l'a. Brief Notes e.n,d Items of Inti J end Importance. Dr. Flanagan, Physician aud Dentist. Go to Corun for Dumbing. M. Clemens, Prescription Druiriritt. For squirrel poison go to Rotor-mund. Deering Mowers aud Hay Rakes at Cramer Bros. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron's. Stroble's shoo repairing always pleases. Take your shoes to hiiu. When you go fishing, call nt Cramer Bros, for flies and leaders. Quito a number of our people weut to Ashland Wednesday to see Presi dent Roosevelt. L. A. Stroblu has charge of tho shoe making and repairing department at tho Lucus harness shop. Take your work to him. :i L. A. Hebcrlio is preparing to build 11 seven room brick residence on the site of his luildiu; destroyed by tl e tiro of last summer. Arthur Conklin lifts ejmo 50,000 or ii0,000 biiik on hard ahich be he placed on sale and which are ready lor immediate disposal. You want your houso painted with Patton's Sun Proof Paint. Why? Because it will last. Sold by Cramer Bros. Federal Labor Union No. 82(1 meets in the court house on the second Btid fourth Saturday evenings of each mouth. G. P. Jester, Pres. ; M. W. Rohbins, Sec'y. Mrs. O. S. Gooduow is seriously annoyed by tho reports which have lieeu circulated to tho cnVot that her family had tho small-pox. One of her children is just recovering from an attack of tho measles, which ail ment probably gave rise to tho vexa tious report. Members of tho Post, old soldiers nud sailors, and the W. R.C.Will meet at If. A. R. headquarters on Sunday morning, May 21th, at 10:80a. in. so as to march iu a body to tho Presby terian church to attend union memorial services nt 11 a. m. sharp. Preaching by Rev. J. W. McDougall. By order of G. A. R. eonnniltoo. Miss Laura Gertiude Thomas, late of Columbia school of oratory, Chicago, will give a recital iu the opera house, Friday evening, May 2'.', iu the interest of the Eastern Star. Miss Thomas will render "Mrs.'WIggs of tho Cabbage Patch" by Alice Cald vell Ilogau, which is very popular now iu the Fast. She will be assisted by local musical talent. Tickets oil sale at the usual place. For toilet articles go to Rotermund. To Youa 200 Presents Given Away With tho first 200 suits sold between now and tho 20th day of Juno we will give away with each suit, one of tho following articles. ' The name of theso articles will bo placed in a plain sealed envelope, and you will be entitled to tho article named in tho envelope you select. Remember, a present goes with every suit sold at 5.00 and upward. We do not uso Ilorso Tail, Black Horse, Black Cats, Etc. for soiling marks, but all our goods aro marked in plain figures. AUCTION SALE Chicago Racke t Store Commencing nt 2 o'clock Saturday Afternoon And K 11 11 11 in Every Afternoon am! Evening Until Sold Crockery, Men's Working" and Dress Shirts, Glassware, Calico, Shoes, Corsets, Ladies' Children's and Men's Underwear. In Fact, a Full Line of Goods. Now is your chance to net Goods al Vour Own I'jicc. Kessler's Chicago Racket Store. BORN. HANCOOK-Iu this citv. Mondav, May IS, lUtt'i, to Mr. and Mr O. A. Hancock, a dauKliter. DIED JENNINGS At hi residence. May 14, liXCi, Mr. J. K. JeuuiiiKn, aKed 7M year 8 months, 7 days. J. K. Jenuingn was one of llie early pioneers of Orcffon and wan a man highly esteemed by all his aquaint-anct-a, II came here with his family from Douglas conuty when tho town wan in lut infancy and lias been a resident during nearly tho whole time of its existence. He was formerly in bnsineM hern and conducted tie old Pioneer hotel for a number of years. He leaves a wife and six children; Mrs. Annie Caldwell of Burns, Ore., Mrs. Jennie liirkehead of Wasco, Tex., Henry Jennings of eastern Oregon, J. A. aud L. L. Jen nings and Mrs. Alice Evertou, of Grants Pass. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon and there was a large attendance. Rt-T. J. W. McDougall of the M. E. church officiated in the funeral He rices. ALGER At Grants Pass, Haturdar, May 1, IKU3, Kuth. the 8-nionth old daughter of Mr. and Mn. H. K. Alger. DAY At her home near Murphy, On-., May 18, 1U03, Mra, Matilda Dny, aged lt years. BLITON In Medford, Thursdur, May 14. 1SJ3, Mrs. A. H. fchtoti, ag- d 36 years. F '- '1 , 1 4 . -J A'4yr- n-. xy -' "i VtA UMJ.'' lOlto, . vu...,.,. Mtvtilda Day. Mih 1 :y a pioiici r of (11 t:'u ano nan iiv-n lor inany yi-am in this 1 ounty 011 Apd'g;ite m ar Murphy. S!e- was 11 nieinh, r of the l'r. teri.111 1 loir- li of (iian's l'an and gate the, iit conl ri but loll for the erection of the i hllp h htlildlug in thu city. I util a short time pr o-diiig hi-r death she has ln-en, iu sjiite of her ad'auccil ,.,., biiusually vigorous, taining h. r sight and hearing in a ren.arkahle 1I1 gree, and being able to walk about with the aid of a cane. The death of "Grandma Day" as she was commonly known, is regretted by a great number of friends throughout Southern In gon. Ctvrnivnl Queen Vote. Mis lilai kburn. Gold Hill r.f.i; Miss ('. Kohorine, Meijford l,i)0 Mis Grace GK.d (irants I'ass I I I Miss Helen Colvig, Jai k-oiivilli- IIS MiiMtKsnic liartmau, (iranrs i'as- I -v, Mim 1'rue Angle, Medford ...U:i MiM Lou lirigg-, Ashland "i'ti Miw t.'arrie bite, Grants l'..-s I MiM Lucy Georg", Ashland .Vo Miss K. Dowel), Grants I'.i-s i'.'.t Mrs. Boiiner (irants I'ass ::;, Company H, Attention! All members of Coinjwny II, ). N. G.. will iini t at the Armory Sunday morning at 10 :! o'c!i k for t!.- pur pose of attending the Memorial Day w-nrices. A. E . VOOiiHIi;.-, ('a; t. Garden hose. Sprinklers and No.. .les at I 'raue r llros. Dr. 1". D. Strieker, hoineopathlc phl sieiall and sujueon. in now locateil iu Grants l'a- and has o ned nu olhi e 111 risini Kof the Masonh.- temple St. Luke Guild was pleasantly entertained on'Tu' sdav bv Mrs II. (' i;ob.ieii at her homo and thu Lidne eiijovi d a delightful time on that oc easion. The Alh n sloik iomi.iliv's baud de si rvi-s en iht for heroism iu s rsisting in and finishing their afternoon con cert on Tuesday in spite of their many veiatious adventures with a plunging horse and invading teams. Tim band is a good one and tin ir afternoon oni rts are greatly enjoyed features. List of Presents One Leather Suit Case. .... Valuo $0.00 One Gentlemen's trunk .... Value 5.00 One pair Florsheim & Co.'s Patent Kid Shoes Valuo 5.00 One pair Walk Over Tatont Kid Shoes - Valuo 4.00 Two pairs Walk Over Shoes, Vici Calf or Kid Valuo $3.50 pair Throo pnir Shoos, your own selection Threo pair Shoes, your own selection Three hats your own selection Three hats your own selection Ten hats .... Ten hats .... Twenty shirts Ton Silk Handkerchiefs Twenty Shirts Twenty Shirts -Twenty-fivo Ties -Twenty-fivo Ties Twenty-fivo pairs Fancy Hoso Ton pairs Mens Boston garters Seven Linen Handkerchiefs Value $3.00 pair Valuo $2.50 pair Valuo $3.00 each Valuo $2.50 each Valuo $2.00 each Valuo $1.50 each Valuo $1.25 each Value $1.00 each Valuo $1.00 each Valuo $.75 each Valuo $.50 each Valuo $.25 each Valuo $.25 each Valuo $.25 each Valuo $.25 each fife If 1 CLOTHING, MEN'S FURNISHI NGS, SOES, HATS. Is Not Guesswork. The science of optics has developed and proven tho fact a perfect eye never fails for distant vision, and that when it does fail it is because of a los of the power through which it originally overciiinn defect. Such eyes can only be lli liln perfect through glasses, ami if once made perfect will thou, like the srfect eye, never changn, nud the glasses that make them so will never need changing. This proves that if your glasses need changing they were not originally a perfect cor rection. The lilting of glasses is purely a 1 hauteal science, requiring a thor ough knowledge of tho eye and the refraction of light as applied to the eye, the aim being to correct deform ities of the eye, the real science lying 111 the scientist's ability to measure to 111 exact nicely the errors of refraction 1 isliug because of these deformities. To make these correct ions, wo us', eommoiily, three kinds of lenses, viz., spheres, cylinders and prisms. Using these lenses separately nud luoombina 1 1 1 111 with each oilier, there can lie made more eoinbluat ions all of which are absolutely necessary t bun there are words iu Hie English language. This shows that guesswork in optics is n ry unci i iain. When your oculist or optician It lis you "if these glasses d ni't lit vii.' will changn them," you at least have cause to lose confidence in bis ability as a refniel ionist. He proves al once ho is guessinir at it, mid the science of refraction, lioing 1 1 r from guess woik, you then have e.nise lo believe he cull never fit you. Dr. A.T Roberts agrees to "change" free of charge, any of his distance .-lasses that can bo improved, either I v himself or any other refraclioiiist, at any time iu the future. Kxaluina- 1 .011 free. Wi sti rn hotel. For stationery go to Kotcnnuud. Aiiti-Kusling Tinware, guaranteed for three years ut Cramer Bros. 1 am now prepared to accommodate a few steady boarders; private fami ly; ('street 1st first cottage east of -nth street. Mrs. I,. A. Hlrobel, late of the Home Kid hen. Strausky Steel ware, the ware that wears. Sold only by Cramer Bros. John It. Bancroft, formerly in busi ness iu this cily us head of tho gro eery linn, the Bancroft Grocery t'o. , lied at Ins home at Mt. Carroll, III., reeeutly, from an overdose of chloral. It is Ktipiosd by some that the drug was taken with suicidal Intent. Alaska Ilefrigi rtors ut Cramer Bros. Card of Th&nka. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the friends and ueighbors for i--istanie rendered during tho sick less and death of our liaby Kuth. Mr. and Mrs. II It. Alger. NO CLEW TO THE ROBBER Two Men Ariaatad nd Raleaaed for Lack ol Evldenc. Ai a sequel to tho robbory by which Mrs. Loouard of Waldo lost 11,000, while bringing the money from Waldo to Grana Pass tied np iu a bundle of bedding on s wagon, aa told In onr last issue, D. L. Webb was arroated, examined aud released. Webb wan the driver of the wagon that carrlod the money.. A warrant wan then Is sued for Ed. McCann who drove tho aocouiuauyliiir team and wlin ti, only party supposed to know of the existence of the money except Mrs, i.oiii'rii and her brother. McCann wa brought to town and his examl nation waa held at the oonrt honso on Wednesday. Nothimr against him and he waa released. Ho is a substantial rancher of Altlionso who has alwavs hnrn rJt ..... utation for honesty. Work Wanted. Any kind of work wanted by man 70 yuan old. 1.60 per week. W. K. Allen. Comlni Event. May 18-93 Allen acock company in repertoire at opera house. May 23. Musical at tho Presbyterian church. Mar. 2!). Meworlal Day Seavicei at Presbyterian Church. May 25 .Speech by Senator Fulton at opora house. May 29. Visa Laura Tliomaa rocltul at opora houso. May 80. Decoration Day. May 8a A. K. Keanies speuks at tho court house. June 1 Congressional election in First district. Juno 17-20 Stroet Fair aud Carnival. Josephine B&rber Shop. The Hotel Josephine barber shop is oub of the most np-to-dute and well conducted institutions of its kind and is urosided over bv tun nt .i,a ...n. efllcieut barbers in Bout horn Oregou. me exceiiem quality 01 tlie tonsorial work of Nate O. Bates, is well known aud his coinjianlou barber is W. F. Marlott, late of San rancisco. They have lately added the latest New York fad, facial massage, with glass and rubber bulb nsed professionally. Two evenings of each week will be re served for ladies. Masoulo Temple jf Grants Pass en graved on souvenir spoons just n-ceived at Letcher's. Call und see them at Jewulry store. Lost. Three keys on a ring; two keys ik". No 27. K.-turu to this office. Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal 4 :.: to t.00 at Cramer Bros. Anyone knows that, to catch fish, you must have first-class TACKLE. A flailing polo free- with every dollars worth of fishing tackle. Tho kind that never breaks. That's the kind we carry. Wo aluo carry a full line bicyles and sundries, knives and razors, talking niachinos, etc., etc. W. A. Paddock KE PAIRING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY M"