Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 21, 1903, Image 3

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Woodmen of World Mammoth Initiation
The Grea'.cst Fraternal Event Ever Witnessed in
grand art feihibit by thd Woman '
Club of Grants Pass will bs irorth
feeing. Many other attractions kill
be added by the committee. The
dirfUuco yon will see TaloquUto and
his royal joker whiskers sliding down
the streets of the Klondyke of the
west. Reign? No, I wont reign I'm
Southern Oregon.
Two Hundred New Neophytes
Will be Initiated at Grants
Pass on June 17th.
Tiiero will be the tooting of horns,
blowing of whistles, the blaze of
brass, the harrahiug of the people and
the sound of revelry by night and
day in Grants Pass daring carnival
week 17th to 30th of June.
The red, white and blue, emblems
oi patriotism, will mingle with the
red, white and black, emblems of the
Woodmen of the World.
"Be gone I dull care ; haug sorrow ;
care won Id kill a cat; so let's all be
merry," will be the motto of the
Hon. P. A. Falkeuburg, Head of the
Order. The Peerless Organizer.
tra help to wait on the people w ho
will flock to the city. It will be a
regular Fonrth of July for the small
boy, for the odor of powder and
brimstone will fill the air and the
noise of the explosion of fireworks
will cause the older people to cover
op their ears to keep out the din.
The sky will be filled with splinters,
chips and pieces of ban; sawdust
will be everywhere on the ground
and in the air. Have we said all?
We haven't even launched on the
subject Have you ever heard of the
Pacific and Oriental Carnival Co?
The largest carnival company in the
world. This is the company that will
furnish the many attractions dnring
carnival week. This company will
furnish seven big tent shows. There
are no objectionable features to any
of the seven big shows. One of the
largest tents is 240 by 300 feet, the
largest circus tent ever seen in South
ern Oregon. In the six other tents
will be found the Japanese Tea Gar
den, Negro plantation, menagerie,
Palace of Mirth, Hindo Theater,
Edison electric shows, and W. F.
Wallaces famous Glass blowers, six
first-class glass workers, direct from
the union glass works. Pittsburg, Pa.
1000 yards of glass spun every minute ;
will spin glass liner than silk.
young and old alike in Grants Pass
during W. O. W. carnival week
Hilarity will reign supreme ; it will
be a gala time from start to finish.
The business houses will be burning
red ana green fire. The Woodmen in
parade will be under a constant
shower of sparks and vari colored
fire balls which mingled with many-
colored rockets and roman candles will
make a pyrotechnic display of won
derful beauty. Bands of music will
keep the many degree teams in good
inarching order, and in close order
will come 200 candidates, following
behind them will be many awful
beasts goats, long-whiskered, stout
legged ; gigantic horned, billy goats;
none of your lambkins, but old
timers, tough and terrible, and these
old timers will be working overtime,
fixing the many who desire to take a
glimjiso at the mysteries of woodcraft
There will be excursions run from
all iarts of the state, and Woodchop
pers by the hundreds will pour into
the city. The streets will be jam
med ; hotels, public houses, restau
rants and lunch counters will need ex-
J. J. Eoak, II ad Clerk W. O V
Souvenirs given away every day.
You can't afford to miss the free bal
loon ascension and parachute jnmp,
this will tuke place at 1 o'clock on
the 17th. The queen of carnival will
be crowned on this day at 1 o'clock.
On the 18th, the first time on this
coast will the public have a chance
to witness a display of Japanese fire
works. On the 19th there will bo a
baby show and a poblio wedding in
the evening. The evening of the 20th
will be Mardi Gras and a night of
much confetti, every one will wear
masks on this night. There, will be
baseball games for a purse of 200,
evory forenoon at 10:20. Athletic
sports will take place just before the
games at the baseball grounds. The
. if f -KV
A. D. S. Stillman, Chairman Head
country store, tho Ferris wlteel and
animal mcrry go round will bo at
tractions yon can't afford to miss a
day, and remember its going to bo the
banner time in the history of South
ern Oregou. The, queen contest closes
Thursday, Jnne 4th at 12 o'clock a.
m. Now lets preparo to welcome our
visitors and prove to the state that
Grunts Pass is on the mnp.
King Toloquisla. Proclaims.
Ilia Koyal Highness, King Talo
uisto 1st., ruler of everthiug In sight,
has issued the following proclamation
red hot off tho bat :
"To all those and these; great
guusl June 17ht it starts; listuu and
Ret hip. When you seo ToinkpiiiB and
his gang giving the high sign to the
hunch to stand back, slip your opt iocs
np the line, when the red fire is do
ing business and listen. For in the
n n i mm t . . "l"H 7
I . ,. ' . , .i It
..'-' -.'V ?: ,
'.V'.;.,v viv" v V;
V;V i-:
:''-- y-'- ' ihl him d
Gea K. Rogers, state organizer, Ore
gon's greatest fraternal leader.
-S si-
L..,-;. ....Lvi. AW- . '
Mrs. C. O. Van. Orsdall, Graud
Guanlian of Woiueu of Woodcraft
a cloudburst when I cut in, I'll pour,
I Willi 800 candidates in parade
Groat Scott and Irish t The great and
only Oregou Paoifio and Oriental
Street Carnival Co., Hurrah I Rickey I
long live the queen I Don't fail to be
there In a bunch I If not all is lost,
for I will order you back to China
town, when the essence of a plate of
chop-suey and the odor of a long draw
of the pipeskivich from some One
Lung will drive you frautic. Be
there with the uoise or forever hold
your piece. By order of King Talo
qnisto lit" ' ' ; '"
Woodmen of the World
The Woodmen of the World, also
called the "Wonder of tho (fraternal)
World," has made a record in pro
gress in all of its departments which
challenges the admiration of all
students of the great fraternal bene-,
fioiary order movement, ' t ' I i,
It was founded on the 8th of Jnne,
1890, in the Paton hotel, in the city
of Omaha, Neb., and is therefore
twelve years of age. At the date of
its organization ( there were 163
societies of its class operating in the
United States. In other words there
were 153 fraternal, death benefit pay
lug orders which were LARGER than
the newly formed W. O. W. Today
there are but three such orders larger
than this remarkable yonng western
giant and at the present ration of
progress it is apparent that it will
take second place within another
twelve months. v ,
It is. a beneficiary order on good
strong business principles which is
attested by the payment of over 113,
000,000 in death, benefits to relatives
of deceased members and the holding
of over $1,000,000 in reserves safely
invested in government bonds, as a
guarantee of the fulfillment of futne
It is a successful order. With three
hundred thousand members in the va
rious branches of Perfected Woodcraft,
it is three times larger than the next
most successful order in in the world's
history at the same age.
: si,;, - ; i
Bertha M. Sumner, General Organizer
. ' . Women of Woodcraft
J. M. Woodworth, editot of Camp
and Circle; Clerk Multnomah ('amp.
mc:iy: ( at-;, -
mkmmz v
,St.v j J.j-v-vf i .Vi ' ,..T.ji',; .
- J A.r-- 5'-
Multuomah Uniform Rank Team W. O. W.
Complete Photograpic Outfit
Brownie Camera, Film, Paper,
Chemicals, Etc., j& j& j&
Anybody can make pictures with this outfit and all
Without a DarK-Room
No 2 Brownie Camera for J'x3 picture, - - - $2x0
Film Cartridge, 6 exposures, 2xy, .... .20
' Brownie Developing Machine, ...... 2.00
Brownie Developing Machine OutSt, .75
Flexo Printing Frame, .20
1 Dozen 2'(x$'( Dekko, ,15
Dekko Developing Powders, .10
From $1.00 to $35.00
And a full supply of
Everything Needful in
Picture Making con
stantly in stock.
Just Fits the Pocket
Films and Film Albums.
I iJIVr -
t Good .
Camera r
,1-1 HTilMlTifiT
Sec the