Wtogf VOL. XIX. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903 No 8. THE colonial - lodging ... house... E street, next to Josephine Hotel. Newly furnished complete, Rooms by day or week. Rates reasonable. W. F. Harrington, Propr. HOTEL HOME KITCHEN Three block north of Depot. Try our S2. Cent reiils. Board and Lodging $5.00 ptr week. H. MOSUOLD, Propiie or. Field and Garden Seed in Bulk. White and Yellow Field Com. Sugar Corn, Pop Corn. Alfalfa, Timothy, Red and White Clover. Peas, Beans, Onion, Carrot. Also regular package seeds. J. M. CHILES, FRONT and FOURTH STS. SWEETLAND & CO. FRESH and SALT MEATSr Pilous 21 N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK, and DELIVERY Furniture knd Piano Moving GRANTS PASS. OREGON. The popular barber shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath room in connection John M. Kuinmell F. M. Ktimnieil JUMMELL & RUMMELL ATTORNEYS Sixth and 0 Streets opp. Court House Grants Pass, - Okeoon. C. HOUGH, ATTOKN ICY-AT-LA W, Practicee in all State and Federal Court Othce over First National bank. Grants Pahs, - - Oiisgon. Y C. PERKINS, 0. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR, Grants Pash, Ok boon. CLEMENS Prescription Druggist My lino of Sundries is complete. Orange Front, opposite Opera House Grants Pass, Oregon Mrs. Fred Unra.th. PrcsliUnl Milry Ink, Ilutlf, MKh. "Alter my flnl baby wai born I did aot Mtm la Hti wiy itrtntth ltnou.h tht doctor gave mt a tonic wrtkh h coiuid ved very superior, but liutud ol letting bctur I (rtw wuktr evtry day. My hui btnd iiuiittd Out I bkt Win of Urdu! lor a week and we wfcat It would do (or me. I did Ukt the medicine end wu very grattM l lind my itrtn-jlh and health tlowly returning. In two weeks I was out I bed and in a month I wu able to take p my niual dutiel, I am very enthiui aiuc in lt praue.' Wine of Carrlui reinforce the organ of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents m carriage. No woman who takesW ine of I'anloi need fear the coming of her child. If lira, t'nrath had taken Wine of t ardui before hrr baby came he would not have leen weakened at the wai. Her rapid recovery ahould commend thit great p-medy to every expeclar.t mother. W ine of Crxdui refulatn to n enstnial fl"w. WiHSorCARDUl AltfsJt j FREE! S&"5 ) A day we will give with $1 purchase . &3 : 2 Ice Cream Sodas JX tv VS C With $1.50 pur- chase 3 and so on , up with each 50c L J increased amount purchase an ad- A ' ditional ice cream tsoda. : 1 Another Permanent Business House for Grants Pass As soon as a suitable business location can be secured Mr. II. M. Coss, proprietor of the Coss Piano House, estab lished at Medford May 20th, 1900, and the Coss Piano House established at Ashland October 28th, 1902, will es tablish a permanent piano store in Grants Pass, where a full line of reliabie standard makes of Pianos and Organs will be carried and sold on easy terms to suit purchasers. Will also handle sheet music in large quantities. We have now in stock in our stores in Medford and Ashland the finest stock of Pianos ever on display in Southern Oregon. See us before buying. Coss Piano House. We handle all kinds of Musical Instruments Leave orders at our stores for Tuning. pus Kaufman I I QkAhuy V 1 1 ...THE... Cousin System of Investment Iowa Capital Oregon Enterprise Mines, Farms aud Timber Lands Bought and Sold. We have Treasury Stock of the best Mining Companies in Oregon for Sale. f asPExceptional facilities for in vestigating properties, A. B. Cousin, Mgr. McKay Uldg. Portland, Ore. Send for prosriectus St. Helens & Galice Mining Co. II. II. BARTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full irtmit of Watches, Clark, Sil verware ami Jewflry. A Gi AtfrtirMnt of hrac-rlcta and llwt Bangles, UlemenV Druf Store. r .... v . 1 j nil a. I tort "4 s7n.pTT.MA4 w4. Vm m I ts . rrw irr,fif ft. .l.'HIl'lidM.T THB Kaufman Garments are up to the minute in style, none of the highest priced merchant tailors show any more advanced styles than can be found in the "Kaufman Garments." Think ing men will readily note the ad vanced styles shown each season, equal in fit and finish to the high est priced merchant tailored pro duction, and to tell the difference would be a difficult task. If you want the highest class of artistic tailoring you will surely find it in a "Kaufman Garment' The Kaufman Tweedham ia a unique idea in two-button double breasted sack coat Unuiually chic in appearance. Suitable for high class young men's trade. Sold by Calvin Welch. L. G. HIGGINS 811th and II 8t reels, Grants Pass, Oregon. CU.WIGKM: Gold and Silver $1.00 Copper and I-ead, each I.IK) Tin 3.00 A II bnsinesa intrusted to me will re ceive prompt and careful attention. HAVE YOU IJEEN "FLINCHED" THE ACME OF PAR LOR GAMES. GOOD FOR SOCIALS AND PARTIES. : : : : : More Fun than a box of monkeys 50c -at- Slover Drug Go. Front Street. PECULIAR IDEAS 0F0RE60N A Correspondent Relates His Ex periences in Boston. An Oregon iau, traveling through the Eastern states and especially while iu New England, was surprised and somewhat mortified to discover how very little tins people iu general throughout that section of tho country know ahout his homo statu. They know all about Calif or 11 in, its fruits and flowers aud its .lovely semi- tropical climate, they liaro heard a great deal about tho grand mountain scenery and healthful air of Colorado, the Yellowstone Park and ita wonders aro a common topic of conversation, and thev are even familiar with the climatic advantages of New Mexico and Arizona but to the majority of them, Orogou is as vague as Central Africa. Oregon is still to them a howling wilderness, over-ruu with wild beasts and savages, aud they were greatly surprised to learn that we are thoroughly civilized, that we have modern schools and college! and that our cities are strictly np-to-datc in ever niodcru improvement and in every particular. Imagino how the Oregouian felt when ho met people in Boston, yes, eveu iu the seat of intellectual power and meutal activ ity, who actually did not know where Oregon is. Ono lady, seemingly well educated and well-informed upou most subjects, really asked if Oregon were not in Canada 1 A business man in another largo city of Massachusetts wanted to know what stato Oregon was in. These aro exceptions, of course, but the New England people iu general have but poor know ledge of the conditions of nffnirs in Oregon and know nothing whatsoever about the wealth of natural resources and the congenial climate of our home stato. Iu conversation with a gentle man who is editor on the staff of one of the leading Huston dailies the writer spoke of the very mild winters which the inhabitants of Western Oregon enjoy. That worthy gentle man was astonished anil exclaimed, "Well! I .always imagined that the climate of Oregon was somewhat similar to that of Alaska." When ho learned that our lawns and fields aro green all winter, and that we have gathered strawberries at Christmas timo in the open garden, that uluumt cvory month during the year the roses bloom out of doors, his astonishment bordered on incredulity. So decided a revelation it was to him that he made tho conversation the subject of an editorial in his column of the next issue of tho pajHT. And this seems to bo the popular opinion regarding our climate. They think, because we live in such a northerly latitude, that our winters must be extremely severe. Visitors to Oregon go into raptures over the excellence of tho Oregon fruit, and yet Oregon fruit is practi cally .unknown iu tho markets of the East. The demand for Calfomia fruit increases with each succeeding year and though iu certain lines we cannot I10110 to ooiniieto with California, there are many varieties in the cul ture of which we can excel. There is so much iu having the name and reputation. Why is it that people know so much about California, Colorado and Ari zona, and so little about Oregon? Simply because, no matter where yon go, you find those states advertised and Oregon is not. Oregon has never been brought before the people in her true light. It Is true that the people of the 'middle West are beginning to learn of the advantages of living in Oregon and thousands are coining to for opening (ialice creek unci the investigate anil to mate their homes work is being steadily carried on. A among us. This is just what we dc- saw mill is now being put up near sire and we should offer every induce- the luiiulh of the creek and will soon ment to attract visitors. Advertising, lie c utting lumber for buildings and when it is overdone, does more harm for the big Humes by which the creek than good. People come to a country is to be o'iciicd. The project is to put filled with great expectat ions based flumes in the creek at. the inoulli and upon what they have heard anil read, sweep out the creek bed with the aud if what they lind is what they ex- pijs-. The bed of (ialice is uudoiibt-pct-tcii to tlnd, they are lisapHiintcd jedly rich ill gold, the accumulations aud the good name of (lie country ,of many years. The lower part of they have visited is done irreparable damage. In advertising our state, it not necessary to overdo ; simply to tell things as they actually exist is enough to attract attention. Rest assured that if visitors come and stay while with us ami return to their former homes they will never again lie happy until they return to make Oregon their future home. This has been the writer's own experience and It has been the experience of hundred of others. V. A. J. iu Woman's Club News. RELIC OF PIONEER TIMES Little Girl Finds Ancient Musket Near Port Orford The little 5 year-old daughter of Will Johusou, while at play n ar her home, on Elk River, a few days no found what she called "funny piece of iron, "says the Port Orford Tribune. Her grandfather Invenigalid and foQlld it to to the barrel of nil old army musket, such as was used by the settlers here, during the Indian war of '.Vj-'A An abler tree II inches in diameter had grown over a tiortiou of the barreL A silver sight, as bright as when new, was on the barrel and au exploded cap on the tule. The tock had long since decayed, but after digging down a few inches Mr. Johnson found the irons of the stock and also a badly decayed Iron ramrod, t'nder what circumstances, and by whom the old gun was lift where found by the little girl, will never be known, but there U no doubt but that the gun did its jrt some 40 year ago iu helping to civiIU- and colouie the then w ild and woolly wcaL TO PROTEST ON RESERVE Bo&rd of Tra.de Te-kes Action to Prevent the Mo&sure. The board of trade, held a meeting of the whole on Friday evening at the city hall for the purpose of consider ing measures for opposing tho forma tion of the projioscd forest reserve. Though the matter is one of import ance, there was only a very small at tendance of tho business men. All present wero united iu the opinion that the movement for the reserve should be killed if possible and the only question was to tho most effect ive plan of action. The meeting was called to order by President R. Thomas, who stated the object of tho meeting. After some discussion, oil motion by Joseph Moss, it was ordered that a committee com posed of A. C. Hough, C. E. Harmon, F. S". Chausso and J.O. Booth should confer with the Oregon delegation, that the members of tho delegation might set forth the matter in its true light to President Roosevelt, whose proclamation is necessary to create the reserve, aud that tho timo and man ner of such conference be left to (In decision of tho commit too. It w as decided that petitions protesting against the reserve should be circulat ed throughout the county. The offers of A, C. Hough to draft the petitions and of F. V. Chausso to print them were accepted. Mr. Hough suggested that we should eo-opcratu with the othor count ie, Curry.Coos and Douglas, affected by tlio reservo, aud on motion by Mr. Clilkey it was ordered that Mr. Hough and Mr. Chausso be appointed a com mittee to act with the president and secretary to draft a letter to be sent to the several counties. Tho reserve as projxised Includes over CO per cent of the land of Josephine county. There aro 111 townships in cluded, as against l'J left out. The proportion in Curry county is similar. Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal 3. .")0 to Itl.OO at Cramer Bros. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, NOW' ON TIlKOl'llll CRAM'S PASS GALICE PLACER PROJECT Work Being Done By G&lice Hydraulic Minint) Co. The (lalice Hydraulic Mining Co is Komg ahead with the big project the creek channel is tilled up w ith part of these working, pur come Irom the Some of the tailings and a largo should pay well for tieularly those have old Ankeny workings. ground in these old diggings was too hard to properlv yield to tlie pipe with the prcs-iurc available at the time they were worked and went through the sluices in lumps, curving a great deul of gold w ith tin in. These lumps have much become ip-. iuiiHised and disintegrated by the action of the elements aud their gold is ready for the washing. Resides the creek channel, the coin puny has a large quantity ol ground of uudotihted rieiniens in the creek bars and higher channels. Heretofore it has been im possible to work much of this on account of the lin k of water in sunn cases ami the lowiics and h pth of the ground ill others. Jloth tie-" ob stacle will be overcome by lie- le w company, ns the oj nlng of tie- i r i k Is-d will make it trfiwjhlc to woik the very lowest of the ground and an abundant water supply will lie put on the highest of the ground by tin- i x. tension of ditches carrying excellent water rights owin d by the company j from further up the stream. The I Veatch ditch, carrying water from the "right baud iork or Calice, ii now being extended and win 11 com plete will Is some two mill long. The project l a big one but the pronpect t fully justify the i ntlay aud the indications are good fur a large and paying enter) riw . The work is being done uuih r the man agement of A. R. Cousin, who has proven himself an unusually cu;cMe and successful j laocr operator. For stationery go to Koteruiund. '"''is f . ' - 1 - " ,-" tf' . ' '..,.' - " J . ' - !!,.;' a.- -. ' : . .. - 'J -ft a.-, nl' L-,." --' - c. - ' ' 1 1 ,. .1 r OREGON-PACIFIC SURVEY Progress of the Parties e.t Work Near Crescent City. Both crews of the Oregon & Pacific railroad suryev were iu towu Sunday receiving tho first payment for work done. The line southward up to Saturday last, had been ruu seven miles, reaching the summit between the headwaters of the south branch of Mill creek and a small stream flowing westerly. Tho survey in several places crosses tho long inland curves of the down coast wagou road. It was tho iuteutiou to drop back this week and set grade stakes over that por tion where preliminary work has been done. The grade is fair, as shown by tho leveling instruments. Work has been somewhat retarded on account of the great dilllculty of getting through the dense growth of redwood trees, and over tho numerous largo fallen trees. Tlie crew running northward has also becu iu heavy timber, and not until the south end of Smith Rivor Valley is reached will they have open country. Through tho Valley and oil northward, tho difficulty of heavy timber will be avoided to a great ex tent. Both crews started In about 7 miles eastward of this city. The lino southward will pass through the heart of the redwood belt, extending to Trinidad, Humboldt county, aud the work of course will be slow. About IS years ago a party represent ing Villard, one of tho best kuown railroad promoters of tho time, passed over almost the, identical route uow being ruu by tho Oregon & Pacific southward. Del Norte Record. Beware of Frauds. We lend where others try to follow, by claiming that they havo tho same splendid paint that we aro using for our many patrons. It is impossible for them to get it, as wo invented this paint after exhaustive trials, and lira tests and do not sell iu bulk to anyone. The paint is only prepared as wo use it. Tho Oregon Fire Proof Paint Co. A ToCU OK THE WEST PASSED WEDNESDAY EVENING. "THE PLAY'S THE THING" The Allon Stock Company Plays to Crowded Houses. 1 lie Allen stock company, now playing a weeks engagement at the npi ia house, is one of the most thor oughly satisfai t ory dramatic com panics Mini nave visiteii drums Pass 111 is s asnii. The plays are full of life ami dramatic interest and each rt is sustained with spirit. The musical fe.it uri's are among the best. Tho com pany have a good band and the or chestra is suisrh. A number of familiar faces, of sople who have been ,i re with Jessie Hhirley and other companies, aro seen among both in tors and musicians. Tho peo tile of this l ily are pleased to see how little Verna l'elton has developed ince her former upH'iiraiicn here. Appearing then as it hild prodigy, she i s now an actress fully worthy of the name and sustains her pari with nil ability that might well be tho envy of many of more mature years and ex s-rielice. 1 he o niiig play was "The Power of YVeallh," and the audience enjoyed not only tin' play but the pleasing siialties which were presented. On Tuesday evening in "Shall W Forgive Her?" the coiiijiuiiy presented one of the strongest mid best plays of their reiicrlnir. Iu this play the work of Keginalil Darker as the "ptrson" was exceptionally good. The part is a difficult one aud calls for the exercise of dramatic talent of high order. Miss Dorothy Davis cn favor with the audience by her rendition of the character of (irace West while (i.-orgia Francis wan thor oughly at home iu the part of Aunt Mutha. Kussell p.-ed, also, fur tlupil the golden opinion of h i ad mirers ami all the members of the cast Hi re sultli tent and able ill their several roles. On this, Thursday evening the pro- dm t on will lie "Hiz. 1 Kirke." This exeelliiit bill was lirst produced In New York City in 1MS at the Madison siii.ire theatre and had a continued run in that lha;re for over 400 perfor in nice. It is considered the greatest of American play and has made more moii-y than any similar play ever written. The comedy is all rich and refreshing t the same time a story ai tol.l that has a lasting impression. Thomas .EVERYTHING FOR TIIE HOUSE. SCREEN WINDOW Full supply put in Dishes both Glass and China; New Goods, New Prices. Plenty of TUMBLERS, all HAMMOCKS Fine line. Refrigerators quality and prices guaranteed. Furniture I.ac Curtain Mattreasea Cot Mnoleanis Mattings Mirrors The entire company will be seen ' to good advantago. The play for Friday eveniug will bo Harry O. Mawaous' celebrated military drama "A Fair RebeL" In this excellent bill Little Verua Folton will be seen ia her "cutest" part that of "Captain Johuie" the little rebel The characters are nearly all of them southern people and it shows tho right side of the high minded southern ladies and gentlemen. The matinee Saturday will be Howard Hall's oomedy drama "The Dangers of Now York." This bill Is especially adapted to suit the ladles and children. Little Verna will play tho leading role. The company will close their en gagement Saturday night with one of the funniest plays ever written. "The Mack Heifer" it an" Old Homestead" play and the characters quaint and the oomedy is cloau and wholosomo. The prices for this excellent com pany aro within the roach of all being 15, 23, aud SB cents. The prieea for the matinee will be 15 aud 25 cents. A COMING QUARTZ MINE Schrlmpf Bros. Property Being Developed by W. T. Cope, V. T. Cope Is developing the quarts property of Hchrinipf Bros., situated on Maplo gulch, on the Applogate near Provolt, which property he has under b"niL The mine is making good showing and ia one of tho best ap pearing properties iu its district The Schrlmpf Pros, have been working it for sevoral years and the mine has at tained considerable fame for tho do IHisitsof remarkably rich quarts which have lieen uncovered. It is expected, when systematically developed, to prove a projierty ol great value. Klamalh Fe.Ms Ditch. Tho irrigating ditch belonging to Henry E. Ankeny and Mrs J. T. Henley, of Klamath county, runs through the town of Klamath Falls, and the village authorities have com menced suit in tho circuit court to secure an injunction against Its own ers, alleging that the property is a nuisance ou account of injury from seepage. Tho town wants the leaks ttopMd, which would bo a very expensive undertaking. Mr. Aukeny ia there making prnparartloua for defense. The case will apiiear for trial in the June term. Republican. ta. C. Z.XX. Column Our W. C. T. U. and Mothers' and sisters meeting will be hold at the home of Clark M. and Esther Terrell on Friday afternoon tho 22d, at t .30 A cordial imitation is extended to all Wo announce wl'.h sincere regret the death of one of our Moved and venerable members, Aunt Agnes Saw yer, of Kerby, who has been like a mother iu Israel to our Union, of which her huslstud was a devoted honorary member aud the W. C. T. U. was for some time held in their hos pitable home and always welcomed during their residence here iu (Jrauts Pass. Mrs. Mary Kuhl of Chicago, III, who la national superintendent of work among the niiuers and also evangelistic sorieriutcndcnt of the state of 111, visited our town on the 3d and 4th of this mnntli and on the evening of the 4th delivered an excel lent address. "Our Boys" wits the topic. While thankful for the audience present and for the Interest aud appreciation manifested yet there was cause for regret that every lover of tern iterance doet not show themselves as being upon Ood'i side upon such occasions. ...TIIE... IIOUSEFURNISHER DOORS SCREENS your orders at once. More new furniture the kind that pleases both taste and pocket book. prices. Picture Mouldings O rani t wart Tin war Glassware Lamps Cutlery Woodenware FIRE FIEND IN ASHLAND $23,000 Goes vpHn Smoke on Monde. y Morning. Ashland suffered a most disastrous Are Monday morning, which broke out shortly before 8 o'clock in the Ply- male restaurant on Fourth street near the 8. P. dopot, aud before its fiend ish work was stopped nearly a whole block of business buildings went up in smoke aud entailed a loss of nearly 26,000, upon which there was an in surance of 1 1 0,000 carried. As near as can be ascertained the respective losses and insurance cover lng'.the same are as follows : LOSSES. Ashland Meat Co., nonilual loss. Ouruea Block 3,500 O. A. Ournea, merchandise and furniture 6,000 L. P. Orr 3,200 Ashland Trading Co 1,400 PoloyA Hughes 100 W. L Townseud 250 Mrs. K. F. Kiuuoy 2,000 E. F. Kluney 1,500 P. Provost 1,500 Ed Sutton 1,000 Mrs. O. Oaulard 2,000 0. K. Nlninger 1,000 Miscellaneous 1,000 Total 122, 450 INSURANCE. Ournea Block t"l,SO0 U P. Orr 400 Ashlaud Trading Co 1,01)0 Mrs. Kinney, buildlug 1,000 K. F. Kinney, fixture and goods 000 Ashalnd Bakory 700 Ed Sutton 1,000 0. E. Niuinger 1,500 Mrs. O. (Jan lard 1,500 Total 110,500 Tiding. Willamette Valley Choral Union. Dr. Van Dyke returned on Friday evening from Eugene where he has been in attendance upon the spring festival of the Willamette Valley Cho ral Union. The festival was in every way a great success this year, reflect ing groat credit.uiu tho people of Eugene. Tho chorus, consiting of 150 voices under tho direction of Profs. Glenn of Eugene and Buyer of Port land sang Oounod's " Redemption" and Mendelssohn's "Elijah." The Portland symphony orchestra of 28 pleres was also in atteudance and be side their work in tho oratorios, save a very enjoyablo concert the first night of the festival in which Mrs. Sherman L lirowu a violinist from Portland appeared to splendid ad vantage. The soloists were Mrs. Rosa Block Bauer, Portland ; and Miss Eva L Stinson, Eugene sopranos. Mr. Walter Reed and Mrs. W. A. Bushoug both of Portlatid, altos. Mr. James T, Iro8ton, New York and Mr. W. H. Boyer, Portland, tenors aud Prof. L M. Oleiiu, Eugene and Dom Zan, Port laud, baritones. The receipts of the festival were about fllOO, leaving a surplus above all expeuses. THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Ml