r4 4 r AGAIN IN 1903 ? wo shall handle Columbia, Ilaitford and Vedette Bicycles. Our new Models are now on hand and are superior in many respects. We sell on the installment plan and take old wheels in part pay ment, Let us talk vhetl with you. Hartford Yhorn tires on Coluinbias and Ilartfords. Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block. Bicycles Cleaned Bicyci.es Rei-aired Ocean Wave Washer Something new in Wash ing Machines operated with a lly wheel and a nniij ie re versible gear. Built good and strong for hard usage and wear. Our stock of Wash Boards, Wringers and Tubs is com plete. Ask to see the Asbestos Sad Iron. Absolutely the best thing on the market. HAIR-RIDDLE HARDWARE Co. Grants Pass, Oregon. lur 'E wish to cull special attention to our white shirt waists. We have some very pretty as well as novel ones in the latest styles. The Peau de Soie and China silks are rare bargains. Also our line in underskirts of mercerized sateen are selling fust at the reasonably low prices. Closing out sale of Ladies' and Children's sun bonnets. Do nut miss this sale. Mrs. J. A. Rehkopf Agent for New Idea Patterns, l()e When sent bv mail ue. Anyone knows that, to catch fish, you must have first-class Fis SilNG TACKLE A hhing pole free with every dollars worth of fishing t-iekle. The kind that never breaks. That's the kind we carry. We also carry a full line bicyles and sundries, knives and razors, talking machines, etc., etc. W. A. Paddock REBAllUN'f; OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY OUR PERSONAL COLUMN People e.e They Come a.nd Co From Day to Day Till: VEUV L AT I ST OUT ....Chiffon Bias Fold Hats.... MADE TO ORDLK. The very ncvest design Never before .shown in Grants Pass. Sailor Hats at UO and 60c Hats Sold at Portland Prices. Front St., m-r ."itli With Tlie Kalr Store. Miss Emma Hvdc W. J. Gohres of Kerby is a visitor to Grunts Pass this week. Rot. E. B. Lockhart of Medford visited in Grants Pass Thursday. Miss Gertrude John of Williams visited in Grants Pass last week. Mrs. C. J. Gamble spent Friday and Saturday of last week in Rosebnrg. Mrs. B. F. Helinau of Ashland visited friends in Grants Pass last week. Mrs. Griimiiett of Holland, On gon, is the guest o Mrs. Gamble in this city. C. St. Louis went to Crescent City on Friday to spend a few weeks on n vacation. Dr. C. A. Woody of Portland was in Grants Pass Thursday, visiting with friends. Mrs. A. A. Porter rome up Iron Grave on Friday to ninkt fhort vim to Grant Pses. Arthur Welch returned on Friday from Portland, where he has been for the past month. Miss Stimpsou of Portland epont Sunday in this city the guest of Mrs. C. J. Guiuble. Mrs. W. F. Furrier is visiting here at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. Ge. S. Bristow, the well known miner, is visiting in Giants Pass this week from Stunmboat. Mrs. E. E. Dunbar of Wolf Creek spent several days in Grants Pass during the past week. J. E. Verdi n, of tho Oregon & California Marblo Co., spent last Wednesday in Ashland. J. M. Fades has returned from Luke county and is looking after his mining interests on Mt. Reuben- Ira Mallorr came up on Friday morn ing from Wolf Creek, where he has been working for gome time pist. C. B. Watson, tho well known at torney of Ashland, has been s)H-iiding a few days in town this week. H. C. Kinney raino up from Col s Saturday eveuing and was lu re Sun day and Monday on a business visit George Barber and Arthur Lister returned 'on Friday from f'ortl lid where they have been at'.etiding di ntal college. T. 0. Naueke, tho Kerby nn reliant and mine owner, has been in town during the past week on court busi ness. B. E. Meredith, manager of the Wilson-Meredith hydraulic mine of Josephine creek, is visiting Grunts Pass this week. F. II. Stull, tho mining expert, who has been operating in Southern Oregon for several months past, left last week for Arizona. Mrs. C. E. McPherson returned to Medford Wednesday after a visit in this city with her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Utley. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stoval are now occupying their new residence on 1! Btreet near the conrt house, having moved in hist week. Geo. R. Lindley, cashier of the Jackson comity bank in Medford, returned Thursday night after a busi ness visit to Grants Pass. Miss Edith Baiinard went to Port laud Monday to remain several weeks. During her stay in the city she will take treatment for her eyes. Howaid Spinney, of Wilbur, Wash , editor of the Wilbur R -gister, visited Southern Oregon last week and spent several days in Josephine county. Dr. W. S. Holt of Portland passed through Grants Pass Friday morning, en route to Ashland. He preached at Gleudale Sunday on his return. Frank F. Johnson, formerly of Grants Pass and lately of Portland, passed through Grants Pass last Wed nesday en route to eastern Oregon. Judge H. K. Ilanna returned on Wednesday to Jacksonville after hav ing presided nt the April term of Circuit court for Josephine county. C. A. Burnett, recently from Illi nois, was in town Friday from Wolf Creek, where he is located fur the present. He is examining the South ern Oregon mineral field. A. 0. Hough was in Ashland Satur day, as attorney for the Siskiyou Power Co., in its deal for tho pur chase of the Ashland Light and Power Co s plant and business. Earl Conser, who lias been occupy ing the ssition of assistant cashier nt the First National haul:, left on Thursday to take a posit ion Willi the O. R.iic N. engineering corps. "Young Corbett" othsraise Win. 1. Rothwell, champion "lethre'ght," pugilist, paised through tiran's IV I last Wednetday evening in a privVe ctr, on his way to Portland. Alex McCaw of Ft. Jones, Cal. , lum been in Grants Pass recently. Mr. McCaw has been looking over our mineral field and is very favorably impressed with the district. Rev. W. G. Council and Elder Josiah Pardee returned Thursday night from attending the uniting of the Southern Oregon presbytery at Oakland, where Mr. Pardee olhc .dated as moderator. Mr. and Mrs. H. (. Magoou h ft on Saturday for Portland. From Portland Mr. Magoon will go to east ern Oregon, where he will represent Allen Gilbcrt'Iiamaker music house as traveling salesman. J. A. Tate, formerly captain of Company H, is in town this week after an absence of several months in Jackson county and in Northern California. He will Is' employe. at the Grauite Hill mine where a new lo stamp mill is being installed. G-orgn J. Cole, president of the Oregon & California Gold Velds Co., owners of the Eureka mine and other properties, left last week for New York after a stay r-f several months In Soothern Oregou. Mrs. Cole accom panied him. Geo. Mi-Cb ndoii of Gold Hill v.a in town To' wl.iy and 'Aedncsdiy end secured a supply of Law hall paraph-r-nalia for the Imll game which will be played at Gold Hill on May-day between the Gold Hill and Central Point teams. Gold Hill is celebrating May-day this year and a grand ball will be held in the evening at w hich the "Six" orchestra of Grants Fass will furnish the music. V. C. Cowgill, editor of tho Baker City Democrat,- was iu Grants Pass Sauday. Ho is working in the inter est of tho referendum movement on the corporation tax law, portage rail way, and assessment law. Miss A. E. Cavell, who lias beeu visiting here for several mouths with her sister, Mrs. M. C. Anient, started on Friday on her return homo to Chicago. She will go by tho southern route and will visit iu Los Angeles on the way. Prof. S. Peacock a prominent chem ist of Philadelphia, is visiting south ern Oregon to investigate the black sands of the district ill regard to their mineral value. He has been visiting Josephine creek and ad jacent districts this week. V. G. Wright returned on Tuesday evening from New York city where ho has a position with Baker & Co., the platinum refiners, after an absence from Grants Pass of abont a month. He will rctnrti to New York after a brief stay iu Southern Oregon. Col. T. W. Morgan Draper, J. O'B. Gunn, H. A. F. Penrose and Silencer Penrose arrived hero this week nud are visiting the property of tho Waldo Smelting & Mining Co. , near Waldo. The Hist two named gentlemen are connected als i with the Oregon Jt Paci fic Railway Co. Hev. Robt. Leslie and R. M. Eberle attended the ordination services of Rev. B. B. JnqucH as pastor of the Baptist church held iu Ashland last Wendnesday evening. Mr. Jnqucs was iu Grants Pass last summer for some time with the chapel car " Emanuel. " He has been qnito suc cessful iu his chapel car work. A party of Josephine county miners left on Tuesday evening for Idaho, where they will bo in tho employ of the Golden Rule Mining Co. , of Den ver, which company has extensive placer holdings about a hundred miles north of VYciscr. M. F. Shaw, mana ger for the company, has been here for some time ri cruiting his miners from the several Southern Oregon camps. Curt Hudson, formerly of the Old Channel in i no at Six Mile, was one of the party and will have the position of superintendent is the mine. Others ot the party are Frank Hudson, John R. Smith, eieo. Smith, .1 a si. HiggW, Jaik Snelling, Geo., Riowu, L. Low, Jack Brownsworth, Kd. Burke, Geo. Hour, John Greene, Dick W illiuinsun, Geo. Fields, Mart Mullen. W. 0. W. STREET CARNIVAL Seven D.'H Shows and Other Attractions. The carnival committee of Rogue River Ciiinp, W. O. W. , nre adding new events every day to their pro gram, and here are somo of tho at tractions outside of tho seven big shows : June 17 Woodmen's Day. South ern Oregon's- greatest initiation by the W. O. W. Baloon ascension and iara chute jump. Crowning of the Oiieen of the Carnival. June IS Fraternal Day. Mam moth street pnlude hv all fraternal ord'-rs. Grand display of Japanese Pay Fireworks. The greatest exhi bition of day lireworks ever witnessed in the north west June 111 Children's Day. Baby show, one iln.en photos and solid silver loving cup, given as prize to the prettiest baby under two years of age. Cold locket ami chain given as pri.e for fattest baby under one year of age. Public wedding ; prize of fit) bedroom set to couple married. June 2d Miners' Day. Athletic sports of all kinds. Mardi gms : Everyone wt ars masks. The night of much confetti. Grand art exhibit by Womans' Cluh of Grants Pass during carnival week paintings and photos by local ami national artists; needlework; Indian baskets, curios, etc., Mineral exhibits under coins'teiit maniigement. All are invited to bring iu their works of ait. For toilet articles go to Roteriiiuud. W. O. W. and Circle lo Entertain. Wooduc n of World and Women of Woodcraft will give to their friends on next Friday night at W. O. W. ball, a muck muck. This will be the first meek muck ever given in the west and tin committee in charge hope to make it the event of tho sea son. Each member of the camp and circle at" allowed to invito two friends. The camp will luc et at 7 :.U mid ballot on 2.", candidates, a display of tin-works will take place as soon as the line of man h is formed in the banquet room. Willamette Choral Union. The Willamette Valley Choral I'nlon will hold their annual Festi val at Eng. lie May Utollth. Tick ets at reduced rates from all points on the I Irerin Lines of the Southern I'aeitic Co., will he sold May 11th to lltn inelu-ive, return limit ilay l.Mh, I It'-:!. Hate of one and a third fare for round trip, limited to May loth. Dcmsrce Music House. K. L. Il-maree has purchased the music stock and hiisincns of B. G. Magoou in the I. O. O. F. building audit will be conducted hereafter under the name of the l. mim e Music ilou-c. Mr. and .Mis. Ismaree an well kietw n in the musical circles of this city. They are musicians of ability and tate and the patrons of the house will have the Is in-lit of t tneir musi'-al ext-ei i'iieo and juilg- nn-nt. I I U. O. f. B&nquet. j Ahiinpnt was given on Saturday levelling at the odd Fellows hull by Gold, u Huh- lodge, I. O. O. V., in e. l, l,r.it ion of the anniversary of Un rounding of the oid. r. The Odd Fob I lows and lb Is -kahs were ont in fori and an ev uing of pleasure was en i jov d hv the ui.mv iu attendance. A I brief though i-jei lletit program was r leler-d ; a oai solo oy Mrs. llem I sou aiel a recitation i,y Miss Ethel Johnson, bMh numbers ls-ing well given and thoroughly njoyiil. 1 hi IbaiM-net was quiet elaborate and the I m-nu included turkey, chicken, hum. j oolT- e and ral.e and lee cream. The , pu -'s s;eit the ev iiitig pha-antly until a late le.ur. Josephine Berber Shop. The Hotel Jos- J.hill barber shop one of the most up-to-date and well conduced institutions of its kind and its preside-! o.rbvtwo of the most t-lhi lent barbi rs in N.uthorn Or-gon. The en-- lletit quality of the tonsorial woik of .Sat.- (;.!:. it. s, is Wi ll known ian-1 hm roni-i-uiiou b.irls-r f;s W. "F. 1 .M.iri'tt, l.io-of ."-an Franc,-, o. They ' have ! .1 !y add- d the J,,t. t N-w York t fad. fa i il in --A.'ge, with glass and ! rubln-r bulb I.--d i.n.f--,onally. Two I evenings of ach week w ill be re ' scrve-1 f"r ladles. the Local happenings Brief Notes e.nd Items of Interest e.nd Importance. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist Go to Coron for Plumbing. Planet Jr. Tools at Cramer Bros. M. Clemens, Prescription Druiigist. Prospectors get your outfit at Cramer Bros. Sanford's market delivers meat as soon at ordered. Choice cuts of meat always at San ford's market. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron 's. All tho repairs and sundries for bi cycles at Cramer Bros. Fresh eggs and plump poultry at Sanford's Meat Market. New stock of lines, reels and split bamboo poles at Cramer Bros. Livo stock, poultry and eggs wanted at Sanford's new market Front street. Stroble's shoo repairing always pleases. Take your shoes to him. Pattoti Sun Proof Paint, a new lot of outside white just come in at Cramer Bros. Received this week the lutost styles iu Diamond, Ruby, Opal and Saphiro rings at Letcher's Jewelry store. J. W. Baker of Cottage Grovo has beeu appointed state gamo warden to succoed L. P. V. Quiuiby of Portland. Clean up and beautify before the carnival. A well painted roof adds greatly to the nppearauco of the property. Boyles & Sherman have from 20 to .'to claims that will run from four to six millous, call at their ofllco and get particulars. Ii. A. Stroblo has charge of tho shoe making and repairing department at the Lucus harness shop. Take your work to lum. County Judge W. A. Booth, of Crook county, has filed his resignation with Gov. Georgo E. Chamberlain, to take effect May 1st. If yon need a Mowing Machine don't forget to sco tho ball bearing Deering at Cramer Bros. The advanco car of tho Norris-Rowo circus was in town Sunday and Mon day. Tho show will bo here on May 11. A grand hall will be given at the ojH rn house on Friday evening, May 1, by members of Company H, O. N. G. Deiuaree's oichestra will furnish the music. The street scraper lias been con stantly at work at during tho past few weeks and a very marked im provement on our streets is evident as a result, For stationery go to Rntcrmund. Federal Labor Union No. 82H molds iu tho conrt house ou the second and fourth Saturday evenings of each month. O. P. Jester, Pres. ; M. W. Rohbiiis, Sec'y, Curtis & Co., practical watch makers and jewelers. Dealers In tvatches, clocks, jewolery and Dia mond rings. All reinuring first class. Odd Fellows' building. The Presbyterian church of Medford has extended a call to Rev. W. F. Shields to that juistorate. Mr. Shields has beeu occupying tho pulpit tenijsirarily for the past two months. For confectionery go to Rotennund. Williams Bros. & Kendall received this week another new boiler for saw mill, with a considerable amount of other machinery which is bciiiu- hauled out to their saw mill near Wilderville. Have you been fishing yet ? If nut get an outfit at I miner Bros, and take n day off with your family. Miss Ellen M. Stone, the mission ary whoso capture by brigands in Macedonia made Irer world famous. I-assed through Grants Pass Thursday evening, en route to Portland on a lecture tour. W. J. Winter of Josephine, J. A. Whitman of Jackson, Geo. T. Bald win of Klamath ami W. J. Moore of Lake will assist Chairman Sam White In his management of the democratic congressional cainiaign. Hartford Vedette Bicycles I Una models now on baud at Cramer Bros. The Labor Union will hold an open meeting May tl, in (ho Court house at o'ebs k ). m. at which Rev. W. O. Council will deliver a general address on Social Problems. The public at large is invited to attend. Medford has been considerably inuoyed by burglars lately and a number of residences have Isieti on- p-d and robls-d. Two men were arrested but as they could not be con nected with the robberies they were Uncharged. New lot of tho famous Hartford Thorn tins just received nt Cramer Bros. W. Hum- & Son, publishers f the Klamath Republican of Klamath Falls, have sold tbu business to Wes ley (J. Smith of Klamath Falls, who will continue the same. Dr. J. S. Herndon of Ashland has been appointed to a y sitiou on tin board of regents of the Southern Ore gon State Normal hool, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge J. S. Orr, formerly of Klamath Falls. For squirrel poison go to Ruler muinL J. M. Booth and John M. Rummel) have pun based the insurance business of J. A. Jennings which will Is; con tinued at Mr. RummeU's ollh e in the lirowor building, mar the court house. Mr. Booth will cunt limit iu his position at the H. P. D. fc L. oilii-o while the Insurance busuit ss will is.- looked after by Mr. liumniell. Ihe city conneil held a sjscial meeting on Saturday evening am! awarded a sewer contract to 11. N'utt. Theni was some discussion ou the sub ject of pi.rebasing pro rty for the location of a city and county hospital uui no ucuiiiih aciiou was taken. For tent medicines go to Itoter niund. George Hartman has t- n ubont fur he I-a-t week -with his face iu a sling, so to sts-ak. as a rult of an accident w ith a bicycle. While riding at a good rate of -ed. his wheel ran against an obstruction and the Our Gift Offeirk To You 200 Presents Given Away With tho first 200 suits sold between now and the 20th day of June wo will live away with each suit, one ot the following articles. The name of theso articles will be placed in a plain scaled envelope, and you' will bo entitled to tho articlo named in the envelope you select. Kemember, a present goes with every suit sold at 5.00 and upward. Wo do not use Ilorso Tail, Black IIor90, Black Cats, Etc. for selling marks, but all our goods are marked in plain figures. List of Presents Ono Leather Suit Case Value $6.00 One OentlemenVtrunk . ' . . . Value 5.00 Ono pair Florsheim & Co.'s Patent Kid Shoes Valuo 5.00 Ono pair Walk Over Patent Kid Shoes Valuo 4.00 Two pairs Walk Over Shoes, Vici Calf or Kid Valuo $3.50 pair Three pair Shoes, your own selection Three pair Shoos, your own selection Three hats your own selection Three hats your own selection Ton hats .... Ton hats .... Twenty shirts Ton Silk Handkerchiefs Twenty Shirts Twenty Shirts -Twenty-five Ties Twenty-five Ties Twenty-five pairs B'aney Hoso Ton pairs Mens Boston garters Seven Linen Handkerchiefs Valuo $3.00 pair Valuo $2.50 pair Valuo $3.00 each Valuo $2.50 each Valuo $2.00 each Valuo $1.50 each Valuo $1.25 each Valuo $1.00 each Valuo $1.00 each Valuo $.75 each Valuo $.50 each Valuo $.25 each Valuo $.25 each Valuo $.25 each Valuo $.25 each" fie- r CLOTHING, MEN'S FURNISHINGS, SHOES, HATS. front forks broko off, throwing George forward on his face, which was very severley cut and bruised iu ooiise' quenon. Ho is recovering rapidly from his injuries. For Soda water go to Rntcrmund. The A. O. U. W's free entertain ment given ut the nis-ra house last Wednesday evening was well attended. The eiilerlalument was a very excel- lent one, consisting mainly nf stereon- ticou views with a story connecting the pictures and giving them In creased interest. The illustrated songs by Rev. G. II. Oslsirnn were greatly enjoyed. Hon. W. M. CoIvIb and Ralph 1-eeitey gave short and in teresting nddicsscs on the excellence of the A. I). U. W. as an insurance order. For sea shells Kn to Rotennund. Tint aps-aranc( In this city of Nor- ris & Howe s r.ig Shows is looked forward to by the amusement lovers with much Interest. F.uch season that the show has visited us, marked Im provements ami enlaruenients have been noticed. This season will be no exception to tliu rule. The growth and Improvement of these big moral snows lias been nothing short of phenomenal, anil the success of the enterprise can bn tra I to the fact that the show Is clean, moral, whole- some, instructive and very amusing. it is, in tie I, mi entertainment that the most fastidious can witness with out having any of his scruples hurt. it is an entertainment that every boy ami girl should see, la-cause their budding minds ubsorb the lessons of what kindness anil tiencu will ac complish, even over dumb brntes, This season tint ts-rformatico will not Is- cm, lined tu tunned animals alone, hut will include also some of the best irciis gymnasts In the country, and alnni: of kkilful Jainuese equili- orisis ami jugglers, anil a comiiuuy of il"Ti event wniri riders. llHRN. OA VIS In this city, Thursday, April , nio.j, io .ir. ami .Mrs. U. r. J 'avis, a sou. MAKRIL'IJ. 1 1 1 to WN -t i I L.Mr HI K- lii th iVZlty April SI, p.in:i, A. C. ISrown and Miss Maudo K. Gilmoie, both of Kerby. McKINSTRKY- DKLAMAl Kit- At Gold Hill, Thursday, April 1, Usui, K. T. Mch'lnstrey and Miss Duma ueiamater, rormerly of this city. Sll.SliV- liliDW.V-Near Yamhill. ni-ini -hilar, April M, 1118, Sil-by anil Miss F.dith III.-., John S I'.rown OIUll-ANKKNY-Iii Kugene, April 21, I !f!, John S. drill and Miss Ute Aiikeny, Isith of J ie ksou county. -L'-ili."'."'" J'ens Waterman's Meal i. ej in !.(ki at ('rumor liros. Three I'lnee Timber Co. The Throe Pines Timber Co., was liicoriKiratcd last week in Medford. Hie incorKjralors are A. K. Realties president; Cit o. K. How hind, vice .r. siib nt ; J. I). ('o,jk, secretary. ; W. I. Yawti-r, tn-asuser. '1 he principal place of busmen of tint Thie(, Puns Timber Co., will be in Medford, the company having secured room in the Palm Lodge building which they will soon lit up for ollices. The comjwiiy has ex tcimivo timls-r holdings in both Jack, son and Jim pbine counties and will prokiblv develop a big lumber Indus try during 11m present season. Ty-writer ribbons for all machines for sale at the Courier ofllco. Taken Up. Thoro came to my ranch at Holland iu January a dark red, yearling heifer, with flail book nnderblt on right ear, slit lit lower left ear no brand. Owner can have animal by raying charges. 0. H. Llbhy. PHAETON KOR SALE. A second hand phaeton for sale cheap. Inquire of Mrs. N. P. Dodge. Notice, All persons are hereby notiflod not to loan money or tell goods on credit to L. R. Lumphcar. Mrs. L. K. Lamphoar. Loaf. In Grants Pass, last week, one pair Gloria shoes, No 5, also package con taining children's night gowns. Ralph Hatuhliii, Golden, Ore. OPENING Saturday, A. May 2dA7 A. X o In tho now store opposite postoflico with a lino of Drills, Patent ModioincB, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Uubbor Goods, Stationery, Confectionery, Soda Waters, Sea Shells, etc. All are cordially invited to conic and inspect tho store. Ice cream soda will bo served frco from 0:30 a. m. till C p. m. Demaree Music House luccsisers to B. 8. Mijooa. All Kinds of Musical Instruments and Sundries UaWWsflGlim Band and Orchestra Music, Vocal Music. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or on installments. Old instruments taken in exchange Wo have 1000 copies of tho McKinley edition of 10 cent sheet music, vocal and instrumental. The Demaree Music House Odd Fellows Block, Grants Pass, Oregon