Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 16, 1903, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday.
Subscription Rates
One Year, in rdvance,
Hi Months, ...
Tfcrea Montbt, ...
fiingle Copies, ...
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at the office, or
oy mau.
Obituaries and resolutions of con
dolence will be charged for at 6c per line
card of thanks ,10c.
A. E. VOOKHIES, Pbopr. It Mnor
Enteral at the rout office at O rants I's,
Oregon, as second-class mail matter.
Tlicjwrmrtud engagement of Senator
Frye and Mrs. Carrot t A. Hubnrt,
widow of tlio former vico--tiresideut,
is confirmed. Tbe wedding will take
place early in tlio scunner.
Atcr May 20, the price of marriage
license will be raised to f!l each.
Prospective benedicts, therefore,
are urged to take advantage of the
present rates and secure the licenses
before the figures advance.
Many of the uuwsiwnors of Oregon,
iu commenting on the republican con
vention have stated gravely, as a
mutter of note, that Hermann's elec
tion as eitndiihito did lint occur until
the "lust bnllut. " We have never
heard, in such a case as this, of a
candidate's being elected on nny bal
lot except the lust
There are now four cnudidutcs In
the fluid for tho special election of a
congressman for tho First District of
Oregon, to be held on Monday, June
1st, as follows: liinger Hermann,
of Rosehurg, republican ; A. K.
Kennies of Jacksonville, democrat;
J. W. Inglo of Corvullls, socialist ;
and W. P. Elmore of Urowusvllle,
President Roosevelt this week is
hunting cougars and w.lves iu the Yel
lowstone park. His )Klitical enemies
are sadly disappointed because he does
Dot limit deer, oik and buffalo, so that
they might criticise him therefor.
Tho thought that lie might shoot deel
in deflunce of tho law was too good
to be wasted, and so ho has been sub
jected to criticism on tho supposition
that pci Imp he might commit the
offense. If tho would bo calumniators
waited for a reason, the opjiortunity,
might escaim.
v , 1
It has been discovered that the 11)0
exemption clause of personal procrty
has been omitted, it is thought inad
vertently, from the new assessment
law. Tho everlasting changing of our
laws is a constant itiiiioyiiiico and
vexation and people may come to the
conclusion that It is cheaper to pay
the legislators to stay at home and
do nothing rather than to constantly
tani)r with tho laws and often
muddle them hopelessly. J At us have
no more new laws until the necessity
is upimreut and undeniable.
The contestants are started in the
congressional race which will
oil the first of Juuo. The campaign
promises to be a lively one. Neither
of tho contestants is a laggard or
likely to lose by reason of lack of
energy. Naturally the republican
candidate hits considerable lead in the
district, giving his npK)iient consider
able to overcome to bo on even terms.
Herman's lack of harmony with the
secretary of state and his consequent
retirement as land commissioner
will bo doubtless used against him iu
tho campaign, yet his supKrti rs will
cling tlm closer for this very reason
and the matter will work both ways.
Tho democratic candidate is a live,
able and alert cuiniuilgner anil a
popular man and tho republicans can
lint afford to slumber during this
camiwigii. As it is an "lection for
congress, naturally the voters will
adhere much more strictly to imrty
than they often, do iu county or state
Contract lor Grading Aw&rded
at San Francisco,
It seems uow to bo nil assured lact
that the construction of the Oregon ,
Pacific railway will soon lw com
menced. The first conract f'ir grading
was let on Wednesday of last week,
at the Crocker building iu San Francis
co. It is for that iwrt of the road
between Grants 1'nss uuil Crescent
Citv, while tbo company will soon
have surveying pirtii s in tbe tit Id for
the other branches which will extend
from Crescent City south to Kurckit
and north to Marshtleld or some sdnt
011 Coos bay. The names of the con
tractors are not learned. The definite
announcement that practical and sub
stantial work will Imj commenced in
tbo near future Is received in Grants
Pass and Josephine county with much
There Is it rumor abroad that this
ronil is being bucked by some one of
the greater railroad powers and that
it is destined to lw of mure iui stri
atic than has yet lueu rculucil.
With the extension of the railroad
systems in eastern Oregon, the pro
ject is extremely feasible for a con
nectiou of this road with them. The
Koguo river route oilers an ideal lvtss
through tho Cascuclcs anil uu extension
of the toad over this ronle would
give direct railroad connection to east
ern Oregon eastern Washington. Idiom
and Montana and is the loglcul und
ilirift route by which tbo northern
lines may gain a California terminus.
A paragraph, relative to Claude
Kiddle's sup(Mtsed desertion of bis
wife and child at Vancouver, takcu
from the Knscburg Review, lum Wn
reprinted by a number of houlberu Ore-
Sou tapers. Tbe wrugruli slates that
Ir. and Mrs. Kiddle were married at
Medford iu Doccmlier, lUoi. The cor
rect date is Ileoeuilsr, IttOI. Un
original error was doubtless punlv
typographical, but tho iwjiors which
have printed the article should not
full, for very obvious reasons, to make
a prompt correction. Mr. and Mrs.
Kiddle are well known iu Grunts Pomi,
lie having formerly hcvn local editor
of the Observer and that as r at
le ast, might have avoided the unfort
unate error.
Very Beautiful Patterns
Real nice dishes (not cheap stuff ) Free to ot:r
Cash customers. . Don't cost any thing.
I Tli Way to Obtain Tlicm Is Easy,
Trade with us, and get your friends to trade
with us, and we will furnish you and them
with desirable dishes Free of Charge. .
W. IJ. Dean & Co., IVopr.
Front street, oppo Depot,
Six $50 "SIxjuV Lie In the River
Near Grants 1'
Three hundred dollars in gold, iu
tho form of the old fit) "sings," lies
in Rogue river about five miles uIhivo
Grants I'uhs. At that jsiiut. iu the
early days, was located Hunter's
ferry, where tho eniiigaut road cross
od the river. One day n man, name
unknown, was crossing on tbe ferry
and in leaning ovei the rail of the
boat, his purse, whii h, he carried in
the breast iss-ket of a woolen shirt,
rolled out ami fell into the water. It
contained six fit) "slugs. " Koine
effort was made to recover It, but the
water was too deep, and the purse
Was never found. When the bid of
Itogua river is dredged, as it may be
some time, to secure the gold of its
channel, these pieces may be llsbed up
and greatly wondereil at. This mis-
fortune occurred some time in the
MI'S. At that time the "slug" was
in common circulation, though it is
now a very rare curiosity. The piece
was coined iu Situ Francisco. It was
X'tagonal iu shape and contained f 0
iirpure gold, 110 alloy in its coiiijsmi
t ion. It was an awkward and 111111
bcrsnu peieu of money, but iu some
ways it was more convenient than the
uncoined "ilust. "
Captain Kichard l'earsou 1 lob-
son, tho hero of tho Mcriiiniio and
famous also for his later oscillatory
exploits, was a tiasNcugcr on .Sunday
evening's train, eu route from San
Francisco to Portland.
We take meat pleasure in announcing
that, during the months of April and May,
we will accept yearly subscriptions to
Till: DI'SKINHU at SO cents each. This
is 20 cents less than the usual price. The
Designer in each issue contains up-to-date
styles lor women and young people, illus
trated lessons in iniUinery and dressmak
ing, fancy work, short stories, poems, ad
vice on matters relating to etiquette, the
toilet table, the nursery, the kitchen and
the garden. Chances to make money are
otic red each month: see departments
"What Women are Doing" and "Helps
"Along the Way".
Do not delay, but send your subscrip
tion at once to
E. C.
Half Fare to Sec Kooscvcl-
Tbe railroads have agreed upon a
rate of one fare for the round u in to
points at which the president's
sscial train will stop and 0 lepra
tiolis will Ik- hcbl. This rate was all
uonnccd after a conference Intuitu
tienerul Passenger Agent A. I.. Ci.tig,
f the O. 11. ,V N. , Assistant lien, lal
Passenger Agent A. 1). Charlton, ,.
the Northern Pad lie: lieiieral WcMcm
Passenger Agent A. 1!. C. 1 , 1 1 1 1 i -1 n.
f the tircat Northern, and t icie r il
Freight and Passenger c, in V 1:.
I'emau, of the Southern I'aeilie
The reduced rate will apply to p.i -.
itsTtT trate! p, ami from n!l ,,ti,i
at which the 1 resident's 1 1 :i m v Ml
stop Tun tpi.istiou of liviii- limits
for the sale ot round trip to In is has
Ittvtl lefl In the . the
of ,-a.h road
interest, d, ,.r it is iuipi
ssllde to
woiiM tit
make .1 general limit thai
ill condition
It la likely so manv f o'l.' as i in
hi so will cud. ator to visit tint l.ii.r
'Una wbeie the longer stops .110 ,,.ieie
by the piesidi ill's tram, a t toiiis.
citizens of towns wli.-ve a visit ts to
Is' matte will not cue to toa h.rger
city, even though a in, .re elaborate
rci eption w ill Is. in tempt, d t "ml. r
these conditions ti e railroad ot'i, i lls
have a hard problem 10 ihlitiiiini
'.he exact 1 1 111,1 tn which t,,.
rales shall ! applied
The pMsidciu's train will i.,:,i,c
do iu Oregon at Htischurit and
Salem, 011 it,,. Southern Itcitie
I hough these tn will not U. ,,
more limn n half h.-ur's ilui itiou , -u h.
it is prnUhl,. 1 , p. ,-, 1 ,,j
will not Is. requested below :i,,:, no
Social rales will lv Ku1M tl, l:,
and Koscbiug, iu ttrriitny funli r
sou III.
Spring Fashions.
Flower efbfts are the chief distinc
tion of the sheer summer fabrics.
The Imisiue silks have acquired such
softness and grace that they are ex
tensively used for the all-around
Slimmer gown, and the Ilnbutai uuil
Tokio varieties exhibit nil embroidered
elaboration that makes them appro
priatii for dressy wear. TafTetas
are now procurable iu a soft rustle less
The chiffons approach the silks in
wearing quality, being much heavier
than their predecessors. Canvas is
itLSiiuiing great importance ill the
realm of spring frocks and coats; it
is used us ( loth, with strappings,
st itching, etc.
IJaskct-weuvo cotton cheviots,
madras and mercerized col Ions olfer
modish suggestions for the shirt waist
suit, and the smartest shirt waists un
made of luereeri,rd fabrics, such us
vesting, cheviot, linen and canvas.
Nearly every gown, whether made
of 11 soft woollen or a sheer wash
fabric, is characterized by shirring.
The reign of lace continues. Soft
and (limy TciiorriH'e and Mexican
laces are the novelt ies of the season.
The new braids, which will bo a sell
in profusion, lire soft and pliable and
well suited to forming designs 011 the
gown, and the new buttons, glisten
ing Willi colored stones and enaniet,
are examples fif the highest art of
Hie jeweller. May Delineutor.
The Oregon Fire Proof l'aint Co. Is
true to name no better paint made
for shingles, tin, Iron and steel roofs.
The most economical insurance for
business, residence, anil sawmill men.
Modioli! Mart lus r.npoi lortt es
U ... L It. j. I....
I i
I ll.trry P.ousscu can have more niir
J iw ese.ijs s 1 it tut serious injury than
' almost aiiyoti.-. In following his tic
'cuation as nu r he has had
1 v irioiis a, . id ills, mure or less severe,
' :.l he bail about the closest call of
1 Is lite , 11 . ,1 iy last wet U. He is
' U'l !o , .1 011 the Unci. Point
, wi,.. h i. K .!, it 1 by tl.e
i.. .u. -iel u.i-. one day torkiug
tie 1. 111 o h by buns, If. when ,t fellow
v. , 1 mi. .in b-t a 1 11 1 inch plank fall
n m the 1 p of the st 1 1: t lire, ,' feet
ll'.te. II iivv Mill the I 1 ink colli
' 1111; JUsl to lime to duck but he
Idid'pt illicit qiiile far tuough. The
1 plank glazed the back ef his head,
' kllot k llig' b illt s, liselt ss lit' fell eii a
sloping I,,, I, , 11 ilia brink t.f the m. r
1 a 1 e I hiy tithiu a ft w nit lies of the
sir a n, which at this stint is very
1 swift a:: l ! " p, ami lay there fur over
; an h ur uucoiisc iou, until his ftdlow
.wcikincM, b, ct. tiling ithtruicd at bis
'.tbs. nee, iust itntetl a search nut!
I : s, in d bun finm bis is-rilous posi.
; it n If - ho had come to bis senses
while lying theic. a single movement
.inghl have s 111 him into the tiver.
while be would have cdlainiy
how m .1, -Medionl Mail.
Look out for Ihe tlry weather ami
;.:ii- your rocf.i iminletl by Ihe flre
g 11 Fire Proof Paint l't. Tin ir
i-ainl is posiuvtly tile prt'ttf ami
w ilt -I rot I' uuil will out wear nuy
olht r paint 1 11 the market.
Some Criticisms Offeied by One
of Porllo-nd's Lawyers,
Mr. Robert C. Wright, an attorney
of Portland in au interview regarding
the Eddy corporation law, said that
he was not opposed to a reasonable
law providing a fair charge by the
state upon organization ami only a
nominal yearly license, if liny at all.
He deems this measure ill-advised
and unjust in its provisions, giving
his views in part, as follows:
This act provides a graded license
without regard to prire of capital
stock iu the market or the amount
not sold and from which the company
has derived no benefit, and it does not
regard the amount of business done- or
receipts of the comiiany but says yon
must pay whether you barely make
exs iises or run behind.
The promoters of this bill expect
the state to derive a great revenue
from it, but will it? Foreign corpor
ations need not enter this state or
may withdraw and put all real 1 state
und business in the name of a factor,
agent or trustee or the .St oil
company muy if it choose withdraw,
organize a tOOon: company, sidl to it
and thus p.iy fit) a year instead of
t-'oO and still do thousands of dollars
ill business here.
Merchants throughout the state
have incorjioratcd their business for
good and snllleiuiit reason, such us to
save annoyance on the ib-nth of a
partner, etc. They should pay a fair
fee when they incorporate, but then
is no excuse for tho state to tine them
yearly for existing, after they have
paid the sheriff their state, county
and every other tax beside perhaps
a city license. Similar corporation"
can be organized iu other stales and
place a factor or broker here to
whom they sell, and so cctfpn this
license. This is not a square deal
with our ow n people and places I hem
at a disadvantage, as they cannot
have a corporation hero and escape
the license iu that way.
Mining, coal, logging, timls r, live
stock and other coniianies which are
IK'culiurly developers of the resources
of this slate organize possibly with
large capital stock, knowing that they
will not and cannot get par vulue.
However they create projs ity and
values where there were none before.
These properties ure then taxed by
comity, city und stale and a revenue
is derived from them whether such
companies ure making money or not
and these taxes are paid. There
cannot be equality and justice for n
special license tax 011 top of their
regular taxes. The license tax will
not prevent watering stock, nor will
it prevent mining and other com
panies of this class orgunxiug without
the stale und holding properties here
iu the names of trustees or agents, to
evade the license law, which the local
comiiames could not so escape because
they are registered with the secretary
of slate. Many of these local mining
companies have heretofore organized
iu good faith and are struggling
along to develop promising properties
and besides making taxable values ure
putting money into circulat ion among
merchants iu their vicinity. The
os ration of the law can and will
work an injustice to these companies,
which are entitled to every encourage
ment, while those interested are put
ting ill their best energy and capital
to develop our abounding resources.
All should ho on the same footing
and esscially foreign coniiutnies
should not have advantages over our
own enterprises which need every
lollar to make these taxable values
ami more business tor the coiiimuuilv.
Ami iu coucliisiou il would itpiH-nr
that, the welfare of the people its 11
whole will be Is st served If n referen
dum is culled for on this unwise law
ami that It be killed at the polls."
Mr. Wright 011 being asked for his
views on the Lewis and Clark referen
dum said he was not in favor of dis
turbing the fair upixirt loiimelit but it
should be let alone and the exposition
held as planned.
He was also asked to state what he
thought of the referendum upon the
IHirlage bill and said that he had mil
studied the mailer us closelv 11s he
had Ihe ialdv law, but it was bis
opinion that if the portage road could
be built and maintained 111 a profit
iniliviiluals won lit have long ago
uutleiiakeii it and banks would freely
Iced money for tin. purisise, but its
tiny had not done so, it was doubtful
lluaiicial venture for the state to em
bark iu and would only incur larger
taxes generally. If II is proposition
to li curried out regardless of cost
ttr ciense, for Hit. good t.f commerce
iu three states, then the gov eminent
should do it.
h villi I Items.
,1. T. Conk was iu tiraiils Pass,
Sal unlay on business.
Mrs. Win. 11. Hasye is ipiite ill at
prt sent, we are sorry to say.
llrnss is growing nicely ami the
stock 011 the range is looking well.
Pastern Sunday passed oil' very
piietly with a good demand for eggs.
PauitU Purlin, out. of our lending
fanners, was seen on our streets Sun
day. Joseph York who has been unite ill
for some tune, is convalescent, we
ire pleased to say.
Win. Massikc a proniin, nt farmer
of this vicinity, was set 11 en cur
streets Saturday.
.1. I,. Woobliittge, one ef Missouri
Flat's prominent farmers ami stock
men, made a busiin-ss trip tit tirau's
Pass Sat unlay.
K. J. Kubli, of this vioinitv who
has been at the Oregon Klondike look
ing utttr his uiiiiiui iuit r. ts, ie
ttllllcd homo Monday.
We Lad tpiit, a -now ,i, t.n T! 111 s
day evening, something v n 1 r. -o
moil for so ! itt iu t!.. s n , v s
this froen cloud juice, W id Avva:
Jnsi'i b liiisst 11 of tirau's Pass is
v isiiug lelitiv.s and frien N iu his
vicituy. .Iie is always vv clcnrue und
Ins many friends ttve glad to see bun
Mr. and Mrs A. Powtrs of
came up to attend (he tl, thcat ion 1 f
tbe Masonic H.ill at tiiallts I'a.-.,
t'fi r which tin y came out to visit
Mis. Powers' paienls. Mr and Mr-.
S N Conk of ibis 1 I tee Mr. Powcis
is superintendent of Hridgt f rilu
S P. Co., and has cbaige tf tin
tlivisitu from Salem to Kcsi huig
Win 11 we saw Willie Wittddriilkc
the t. titer day xve I bought for a tunc
that spring tights bail 01s in-1 fnrthe
s, asou, but after waking sou:,, in
ipurv. he informed Us ihat tin en's
nml bruist s t.11 bis hi ml wire the r---suit
of a riiu.ivvav with i.ois,. uml
buggy. However. Mr Wcnl ln.lge is
in t seriously hurt, we are gla.l to
Unite a large crowd nut at Ihe Mis
souri Flat ceinalerv SumUv to witness
the unveiling nt the tomb of the tale
John Niokt rsoii, by the Wiliiauis
trtck Camp of The Wombnen of
the World. It ia one of th tin, st
monuments in the cemett-rv. iv. rr
.tpt urtincH of skilltd wcrl.tti.trsliiix
ami is one that Ihe;,. n tan
well feel proud of. l uclc Tom.
Leland Sifting
Iu this vicinity it has become fash
ion to cut off mustaclKs. A person
who wears hair on his upper lip is
out of fashion.
The Frenehy & Co have develor-d a
big ledge on the Whiskey creek side of
Mt. P.culs-n. 1 hey have done a large
amount of development frork.
Wc have no sickness to rejiort, and
no marring' s to iinuomiee hut hos- to
ilia short lime if the yoDiig nion make
up their minds to marry.
Ksjs-y seenred the mail contract
from our town to Placer and Green
lack. Ho has hud the contract before
so ho is un old bund at the business.
Wo are having nice spring days
with frosty nights. We think t tic
recent frosts have cnt our tieuoli
crop short, allluiunh we think there
will be enough for home consump
tion. A nice dance wits given by Walter
Hay one night last week; good music,
a Hue supper: everybody enjoyed
tin uiselves. The dance was .1 success
as Mrs. Kay understand:; how to get
up a ball supper.
Leland hits a new burlier shop. Our
town is steadily forging ahead as
business di 111, '.nils, Wu believe in
keeping pace with the growth of the
country and not build up business be
fore we have a solid basis to build on.
Ouite uu exoiiomt nt m our town;
the tire h In rm was turned in; Kd
Wulac'c's residence was mi tire. A
tart of the roof burned, but active
hands w ith the he.lp 01 plenty of water
soon extinguished the fire.
Kn-mer & CariK-nter have their
tu:;rtz mill running. Their ledge is
large and reck assays high. At one
time the (jnhl Pug was thought to be
the richest mine on Mt. lieitben, us
more mines are liciug os'tied others
are as good. So that district is con
sidered as good us tiny quart, mining
district iu Southern Oregon.
McCrackeu & Hussey have piped off
a large amount of gronnd. I hey are
si t mt 1 1 .T on lii imsione Mt. Miners
li" vt plenty of witter ami will have
for a long time yet. We have had
cloudy weather for" the last few days.
As the w ind has changed to t'ie north,
it has driven tin- clouds avuiv, so now
we call look for sunshiny wuither.
The wagon road down Grave creek
is being worked up. It is rumored
that (told ling will join iu tne enter,
prise. If Gold Pug, wants u good
wagon road for v inter use, 110 hi t ter
route can be found IIihii the road lead,
ing from Li littitl to Mt. Ill ubeii, as
the road hi d will he built on a solid
foundation. The question is asked
'why did the Gold ling go t n.
ex nse to bridge Cow creek und dosn
much heavy work on its pn sent
rotnlV" The question can be easily
answert il. A certain iutlueuce was
brought In bear, the county not
knowing the. location of the country.
Henry Hay has returned to Kenny
ville. He has hern in Douglas county
for a while. He likes this county ;
the fresh, brat ing air is conducive to
his health. Wide Awake. ,
- a "
Glcndale Items.
Ne ps.
Mrs. Goo. Hansen of Grunts Puss
returned lioni" Sunday, after 11 couple
of days' delightful visit here with
I)r. and Mrs. liowi rsox.
We are informed that a shingle
factory is to be built this summer 011
the old mill site 111 the eastern part
of tow n. Watch Gh ndale grow.
P.y accident, Fn-d McGregor had
two lingers almost cut off with nil ux
Monday, while nt work on his home
sieitd, one mile west of town.
W. I). Wilcox has completed his
contract for loo feet of tunnel worl
on the Ponton mine, southwest of
town, uuil it 'turned to his home iu
Miss Sadie P.ristow, who has been
visiting lor several weeks at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. K. Mont
gomery in Glcmliile, left last night
for her home in Nashville, Pcuton
The foundation for the Glcnilale
I. limber Go's iilaiiiiuoth planing mill
in Glfiidntc is almost completed.
Their Ih.-inilu lluuie from the saw
mill to town, just completed, is one
of thit great enferprisi s here. It has
: daily eiqacity tf 100,1'liO feet.
Mr. and Mrs C. T. Nail returned
home Ihe first ol tin., week from a few
days' visit w ith Mr. Nail's pan nls at
Williams I reek, Josephine. The old
folks are rapidly Hearing the sutisei
of their lives, being .sr, years of iige,
with two weeks difference in their
:lgt s. It is their illtt tit it'll to sell
their farm und spend the balance of
their davs at the home of their sua
iu Glcnd.'iif.
We Were 11,'t eablv surprised Sllll-
lay uini'iiidg bv a In iof visit from
Any II. P. Il-mint ks, whom we
knew for many years in t-illiam
county, this sine. Mr. Hendricks
anil family moved away fioui Pastern
Oregon about I't years ago, and h is
now doing a thriving real estate ami
law business at Giants Pass. His
oldest son, Ivob. rt is ciigbieor at the
Granite Hill minr, one ef the best
llllllt S ill this (lisij'iet, W. S. Mnere,
his brm In r in law, is for. man of the
mine, which employs about fi iui ii
at prest nt.
CATAiiltll oF-Tili: I1KAI) AM)
TlIKi 1 AT. VOi:r Voice hllske. ';n;.i' you
to ache all over, slops up yoi:r nose,
makes you sm re, m-ikes your nost
itch ami burn, brings on caiai'ihitl
head aches aid neuralgia. Smith
Hms. ' S. p. C;n.;lth t'ur attacks
this common, d olu:l I'tis.a.e, on
new mil comet pl'.nci pes. It eradi
cates the disease 1.11,11 the system ami
ivston s the uu: ves 111 nihi tin s 10 a
healthy ootuli: inn ami wili 1 i.n
catarrh mt nctti. r wlnr- loc.m ti.
For sale by all iln:ggi-ts. Pook on
Catarrh five. Adtlrt ss Smith Puts.,
Fresno, Cal.
PUAFToN Poll hAI.i:.
A second hand phaeton for sale
ch ap. Inquire of Mis. N. P. Dodge.
Healthful Food Makes
Healthful People
The Me.'nt.d mills ti, ur makes
the lu st breath al; 1 aiM a gtcat
eK'iiii 11' t.f nun ;.:ion iu:o any
art ie'e of ft . .1 n .id" fioui it.
I'se this Hour iu your family,
give your 't hildit 11 plain fct !
ami pit n y if i:, ami vtu will
build a '.listing fccii '.i-i. 1: f.-r
. tluirfu.uie l..a':l, aid l.;t:-i.
Wilderville Notes.
3. E. Robinson has bt-cu ou the sick
list the just wt ek.
The frt h: s done qnite a bit of
damage to the. fruit. i
Miss Lottie McCollum visited Mon
day with hcr'uucle, J. W. McCollum
and family.
Miss Ethel Pobiiisou spcut Sunday
with h'T. nnclu and family near
Gra-Jts Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. Rader have moved to
the William's saw mill so Mr. Rader
would be close to his work.
The Wilderville Ditch Co., met
Saturday to see how much damage the
dam bail received during the winter.
A. S. Welsh and family" are uow
settled in their new home and un
well pleased with this part of Ore
gon. Urandjm Cart tried Chancy creek
and found that the water was a little
100 cold for many bnths. He thinks
lie will wait till warmer weather.
Krnt-st Lewis has gone to Washing
ion vv hi-re his brother James has bet u
tor tlm past mouth. Juincs has hud a
iiissol with smallpox but is cu the
road to recovery.
Grandma had quite an
accident one day lust week. As she
was going up the steps into the house,
her strength failed uud she fell back
ward, und hurt 1c r back so she is
quite helpless. Zanoni.
Faster &.I the Churches a
Easier whj i lis. rv. d nt il. thaiiy
Hrt sbyteriaii church last Snndaj
with appropriate exorcises. Iu the
noruing, Rev. Council preached on
the hubjcit, "Tho Resurrection" und
qitcial music was rendered by the
hoir. lu the t veiling an Easter con
erf was given by the Sunday school,
with a number of well given recita
tions nnd exceptionally beautiful
choruses and hymns. The singing
was led by a chorus of 2o voices.
St. Lukn's church celebrated faster
with appropriate services, with
special music both morning and eve
Ming. The church was decorated and
beautified in honor of the day.
County Treasurer's Semi-Annual
County Treasurer's report for six
.noiiths, ending March 31, l'JKt.
General Fund
To balance from lust report . .173 :
I'lerk fees . . I,:ti',!l 2
1 entity tux, cash S. -4 .17 So
County tax, warrants 1,1141 2.s
Poll Tax J 12 t
Tax sale redemption .. lt'.l OS
Amount from liquor license -2oo 00
Amount from fines .1J.S 7.1
Amount sale cemetery lots . 10 IK)
Amount from 5 per out rotid
Amount from slate , ' 273 01
Anionnt iroiu sale of old
brick x 2.1
Amount from sale of old war
ranis 41 ill
Py warrants cancelled.
Interest OU Millie
County school fund . .
li,:ts' 2:
fl.OP.I SI
:H 47
l,4:W .Mi
. 5, 'Jill .",7
Total $ll,:!s:s 27
School and other funds
To Piilance from lust report 1,(111 2i
County school apportionment 1,4:1:1 .1!)
Institute fund .1:1 no
''tunny mad fund :inl HI
Schnoi fund special tux 1,411 22
Cilv lax ,1(Kl 2N
Total .-,,3IO IKS
liy county superintendent
orders state apportion
ment 7:10 0,1
County superintendent's or
ders, county apportion
County read fund
It'.i 7
Stale road fund transferred to
general fund 272
City tax ii ;H
School district s'cial tax I,I2S
Ualauce on hui:d 7110
Total .1,:ii'. UU
I. .1. T. Taylor, do hereby certify
that the foregoing is a true and cor
rect statement of the amounts re
ccived, paid out and remaining on
hand in the couii'y treasury of said
county for the six mouths ending
March ISlst, P.m:!.
Witness my hand this 1st dav of
April, A. 1). P.MH. J. T. Taylor,"
Treasurer of Josephine County, Oregon.
Tnkcn Vp.
There cjinie to my ranch ut Holland
in January 11 dark red, ycarlinji heifer,
with fish hook uuilcrbit 011 right 1 ar,
slit in lower left . cur no brand.
Owner can have animal by paying
charges. C. II. Libby.
Pk-aso Settle l'p.
All persons indebted to p. A. Wade
are requested to call at tin store ami
settle the accounts, as I wish to close
up my business matt' is. p. A. Wade
IKAI. K1TK m Imy n-ul PMaU- in
V on line uf S y, Iiaiirt'ii.l.
A uto or rail ut ru-mi
limnl-' 'ti'"'-
4 I K A M of muhiiI youtiL' Imr-t'. ti:-H'-it'
lor lu avv work, tiiii-t wciu'li l'.' l
or ru ut' h . m:irt- ri'l't'rrt. A'Mrt-i
loltN (ilit-uN. (ir;it.i- I'a.", Ore.,
l.:mti 11-jrt" for a or trale lor 1'oul
uy. Iii jiureof U uu MirrnKi.i
' (W) ran.'h, prune and
" u 'ir or. ItuM. n nil lruii in ,
a' ti' ;.on ; water l"r irju:Uion, lif-uU" ,
-'Ti" on every i HtTes: center ol a ynl ,
nii;rv; uo .-Tir ln'U-", t: i
am. . vt-rv Ihtiu f I'-t ic. fii -lifltt r. ,1
rent ir..-is. ,-..,t m'iiui- markets. ,.t,r.
y lit .1 I'tlW Mir -ice by II W'J
' M en ( a f c-t i.l A.i,!it:on. I
M'l'I K ".'O CdNTKACTt'llS. i
: - i b ti ti!l l-e r'C'ivtd bv tl.e!
1! ,-i .- bis,! iin ctci s, i f School '
Ui ti ; No. i. t.f tir. mis i'.i-s. ere;
t-e . ti-i i ' 4 o't 1, , K I. XI. , Aitril '.'l,
ill- . l r tin. t 1. t'i ml ;tinl t cni'def ii:i
of . bi . c k :t:i i f : tint- be 1 1.1 i!il ; cc- rtl- '
i;. : 10 tli- j-!;. us ;,lti s - c i :i. :tr ik
I'.- .' i l v 'b is. II. J'm.-k-i..!, '
nt .1. .t t, A ibtnv. 1 )r. k. Tl
to .'.tti ;;e cc'iti is a-, tl sii,,;; !
li.f - ..
' ' r 1 ' . . . .1 : 1 I ; : 1 e. t- A .1 I-..! r nt I 1,1 . !, ,.u
UltM b.:lll.- ri' fur tlf Mill.
i: Will Ik' turi'l-b.d bv !,e schonl
b-iw or the aiciiitect. PLins audi
lv t-iiicaiioits mav be st ,-n at J. A. j
Stov, r Co s th store. bnt,
- "rtt: . n .r :,t the otii, , t.f ii-e
" t " .11 .1 r. !! '. r i.i
r tit! ! r-'j. . t anv an.; all h,,K
I't iMii-i! to I-' cm'!, f. il !vS "t,:a.
b 1- l:. v - tS'cn. .1, J A Jei.nin.-s.
.'o : iv .r.:. r 1 1 in,. S, 1 -, ,.r,t
t--. - .VksJu re.
I To Cure a Co!d in One Day
I iqjvc iuuvc vi vm j gamine TaMcu. js
Tllways keep
that we employ only first-class
Plumbers and Tinners
and consequently can do work that will satisfy jou.
Give us a trial and be convinced.
Grants Pass Hardware
Front tStreet, Opposite Depot,
j A. E. CARLSON, Propr.
Graats Pass Sash,
PcnltTH In
noons, windows, .mouldings,
( VSIMiS. Etc. : : : :
Jobbing Work a Specialty
Office ami factory at Grants Pass. Cici;on.
Beautiful Trkinsed fiats
Ail the lak 4 Patterns
Trimmed with the Mnl Popular 1 lowers, Iiraids
and Oniments.
Sailor Hats, 25c and Up
I can furnish you the latest d -ins in a'.l kinds of Millinery, and
I can also satisfy you in regard to pi ices - my prices are right.
(Jail and sec my Hue of Trimmings.
St coml Millinery Store on l'ront
St. Eaut of llth St.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Alii I I- r.M'lf l, HI'OCK
Trumacts a tienerul lianiii,,' bu iness.
Receives ilejusit.s subject ctuvls or on ilciiiiiinl certiliciitt's.
Our cii-tiuneis ure ns-aretl f cmm-oiis treatment anil every consideration con
sistent wilii si, tint! blinking irinci,les.
Kufely tiei'iisit b.r rnt. .1. KllANK WATSOX, Pres.
If. A. UOdTU, Vice-l'res.
b. I,. JKWIU.L. Cashier.
The First National Bank
twnr.u, stock, . . . $50,00000
lleet'ivi' t!etiisiis subject to check or on i .-r I ii'n ii I f leivnMit en ilcniainl.
M-lls sielu limit on Sew Y'trk Mtn Kline -i-co. ami I'nrtlanil.
'lelccraphic transfers su, .111 a!l .iints in the I'liitcl States.
Special Alti'iitiim fiMii in Ciiic, tinns ami L't'iu ra! bu-int'ss of our customers
Collections untile Ihrou-lieut .-ciubem nrcKtm, ami un all accessible inint.
II. A. U'lOTU. Pres.
.1. C. CaMPIIKI.I.. Vice Pres.
11. 1.. lill.KKV. Cashier
J. 11. l'AHlMh K, Peol'K
I ttiu iirenfretl to furiii' Ii :in tiling in the line ul Cemetery vtom in any kind
if MA.H21.E ur QRAMTE.
Nearly thirty years ol excrinieo in the Marble liu-i'ien mirtants mv gat ing
that I can till your onlerri in tbe very best manner.
Can mtnish wot It in ScuUlt, Sne.le or American tirmnte or any kind rl
trout Slrt-et. N..t tit (ireeite-M O ilr,t.tmi.
G. P. Pharmacy and
; a r Ptj P P.I O
; E If 5 f- rt! Vk I
I I'rocription 5)iimviist i
My lino ci S 11 p..! fit s
is cnini'ctc.
il iv,. !,:,. titalltt... , t,'.r
I h.-t.r.l .1', Inn ,'., a's Am;,,, s"v"i.
:i "' s 11 "llillic like Hun.' it I 1 e:
ne e s,. It , 1 , fcu.iv a!- 1 ,.(r ,
burns, so;, s. Inn... ., ' i
11 lc. r-. skin t ru;.rit.:is 1,1, .1 1., r--s
ci.'.y y,c, and uu inur, , .1 t,. ;-,
i-:.iot ion t.v W. K. K r. 111. r,.
siu. 1 ElS Sicnature.
1 f&3&sx?&ttzttx'
in mind
Door & Lumber Co.
Miss Ida Weston
tsun.ouo do.
Are not tlit only symptoms of im
purities in the blood. There art)
title r.s not so pronounced, but more
ilaiiTivr.s to the health. In tho
si riiv everybody needs to hnve their
blued cleansed, nd we have tho best
Miiiiilnrd remedies for the purise.
national Drug Store.
l'll-.Mi 21
N. Ii. McC.ULW,
iiiri'iirr.' 1.11. 1 Piano
The pjpuljr bjrbr khop
Get your work done at
On Sixth Street Three chairs
bath room in connection
John XI. i:'.in,iM:i , K. XI. Kuniiuell
Sixtii .m l C Streets o p. Court House
it: ANTS I't-vs. . (1KKUOS
Cure Crip
in Two Days. j
on every l