nrl ROGUE KiVER COUIER "GRANTS PASS, ORKUONV Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates: One Year. In rdvsncs, Hii Moiittm, Thre Mumlia, ... Kindle Copies, fl 50 .75 Mb Advertising Races Kurnlslied on spplicttion st the uflice, or by mail. Ohituarie ami noluli of fori dolrnrc will lie charged for tt be jwr line; card of thank ik A. E. VOORHIES, I'KOI'K. & MNOR Entered at the riostoftice at Grants I's-i, Oregon, aa necona-els-s mail matter. TIICKSDAY. MARCH 211. 190.S. Governor Miliriilo of WnxliiiiKton vetoed tlio Biiprojiriatiou of fiO.OOO, made by thn legislature of that state for the Lelwis & Clark fair. He will, however, nppoint a roiumiuiioii and inaiHU that WaitliiuKtoii mar be worthily represented without thin ap riropriatlnn. Voter will not Iki required to register in order to vote ut the com inn special oonKrcwiiuial election. They aro required to register once in two yearn and 110 tiftener. Those who Imve boeomo voters Hincelhn time of regis trillion, or tliiiwi who have changed their renidence Hiueethat time will lie entitled to voto on preMeiitation of the required alli.ljivlts. President Geo. Kstos, of lire Tinted Brotherhood of Railway KmploycH, has been on trial thin week in Victoria, I!. 0., on a charge of coimpiracy to delay the mails of hi majesty, King Kdward, hy inciting the crew of the steamer Charmer to strike. Tlie trial is an outcome of the strike on tin Canadian I'acilc railway. denies that ho incited anyone to strike. The anthracite coal strike commis sion has completed its rejsirt The miners win on nearly all (mints. Tlie report establishes a slidiiiK scale of wages with increase of nearly 20 per cent over the scale jiaiil last year, and for check wclghinou and tlockltiR bosses, to tio ilcl by the miners. It provides for district board of concili ation for tlin Mettlemeut of disputes and the prevention of strikes. It de clares SKainst discrimination bcause of membership or non-membership In any labor organization and condemns child labor, boycottiiiK and lawless ness. Sir Tliomaa Upton, tlie iiidoiuilahle seeker after thu "America" cup, has a new challenger afloat this year, tlie "Shamrock 1IL" This vessel la said to be a new departure In yatchla and lier jiecnlinr eonstnictlou is ultructitis; a good deal of attention. Thu Amer icans have been winning the yacht races for bo long that they are very liable to lie over confident is a histori cal sourco of defeat. While the Americans are patriotic in yacht rue. iiiK s in other ways, yet it is likely that they would not feel very sorrow ful If Upton should lift the cup, as they feel such giunoiiosN as his is de serving of reward. If Upton hi, on I.I win, it breaks thu monotony of re sults in this animal event ami will revivo the flagging Interest. At the present time, it seems very likely that tho 1-owis & Clark fair appropriation bill will lie subjected to the referendum. While in our opinion tho bill will lm supHirted by thu liopular vote, vet if the neonle want tho referendum they should have it on this or any other measure uuder the sun. While the intelligence or the manses ' is often SHikeu of lightly, it w ill be noticed that the J-nptilur decision is generally a w ise one, especially wlicro tlie quest ion is well understood. It is better, in almost every cane, to hearken unto tin' Voico of the iHiiple, than unto tin voice of the politician and manipu lator. If the referendum Is a privilege of the H'ople, let them use it, when and where they will. The referendum may Is, considered the jn'ople's pet measure and those who oppose it ro hamper its workings are going up against a thing that is greater ami more powerful than political organiza tions. Popular sentiment is Hie great est isilitical power ami those who work against it must do so quietly, to avoid arousing it. THE NEW SCHOOL HOUSE Plans Completed and Construc tion V III Soon Begirt. The plans for the new school house to bo built this year on upper Seventh street have been completed. It will be a very creditable structure and is a luully needed one in view of the school's present crowded condition Tho building w ill be situated on the oast side of Seventh strict on a por tion o( tlie I'onklm tract, nud will face toward Seventh street. Arrange mom will ho made for a cross street from Sixth to Eighth street, as the non-existence of sin h a street has l-ecn a vexatious inconvenience to the vo pie of that portion of the city for many years. The new I, milling will 1.,. two story six room structure, so con atrucled thai two additional loom may be added w ulu.nt detracting from the syiuiniliv of the building Tlie building w ill be a brick von. cr w nh uti eight inch wail, w nh studding The brick will project iwo inches Inside the studding, leaving a two inch air spice betwe. u the brick mid the plaster. Each of the m rooms will bo 'J.'.xll;' feet in dimensions, provid. .1 w ith SD foot of hlackhoaid. Evi ry door opens outward, for Inclination egress in case of lire or other ex. i ,.. uicut. The building will Ik. steam heated throughout, t'ein.-nt sli ps and platform lead up to the fiont door. Ample tiro prot.-ctiou will be fur nished by hose and hydrants. There will Iki no tlok to the roof, and a vexatious source of repairing ex-iise will thus bo avoided. The work of construction will begin an m,ii aa the necessary arrangements can bo made. The time of tint Hi-asou. When. April 1st Where? Woodmau halL Very Beautiful Patterns Real nice dishes (not clu .it stulT ) Free to o'.:r Cash customers. Don't cost anything. The Way to Obtain Tlicin Is l.asy Trade with us, and fict your friends to trade with us, and we will furnish you and tht-tn with desirable dishes Free of Charge. RED STAR STORE. W. i:. Dean & Co., Propr. Front street, oppo Depot. I . . 1 ,.. ,,,,.1 I. a bet 11 a P"- ttc llll is" oi"' h Thorn !,. -d by lie- fill- P' Mr. 1 ..ill ll.T fr. stage Murphy Iterns. Editor Courier: . . Since mv last letter I have visited Jacksonville, Koch, How 's and lro volt, and saw some very interesting thing-. The farmers all along are tnsv and happy. At Kuch they have a ni. e store, ot'ice and tclophoic and I understand thai they are getting thing- in sba- to connect it with the Grants Kiss and Williams creek phone. I stopjs d at the large ranch of Wal ter I lp;-lltKieter eleven nuns 1 1 "iii Jacksonville, and I found the boys three brothers of tin ui-ii!l very busy. Tl,..r t. luri'e ranch Hlld IdVe rything one can wish for. lle-y v,.rv go... game but not a- g '- ." have built a line two-story nonse, ami' might have t-en. we wie no. ... ire now getting ready for the painter--. condition for playing wio-n . i-". The Imvs are enterprising young in. ii. i the wa.rd. but v did not want in- ,vs to com.- and go home w l in I ;.,, ii:g a 1 .-a- in e gall..-, so we got to,-, ti, r and j;.-. a nine that w.n.e; the i iii- . but we lutein i .-iil.iiai . Governor's Appointments. Jovcrnor Chamls rlain hasapisiinted oleveii delegates to reprewnt I Iregnn at the National Conference of Chari ties and Correction, wlneli w ill he held at Atlanta, Georgia, May C lo U. lVO-i, as follows : W. T. Ciardnij-, W. 11. Walpole, Win. M. Ijidd, Mrs. U W. Stitlon, lion. Tims. X. Strong, and (ieorge I!. H j-land, of Portland; (i. A. Ilartinan, I'endletoii, Mrs. llenrielta Jlrown, Albany; V. W. James, suiierinl.-iideni of )s'iiitentiiiry ; II. E. Jiccfci rs, siijs r ilitelident of lb form school, and .Snisrinteiidcnt J. I. Calhreath, of the Insane asylum. A board consisting of Governor Chamberlain, Secretary of State Dun bar and Slate Treasurer Moore on Tuesday iniide upsiiiitiucuta of in. m Issrs of tho Stale Hoard of Horticul ture. All tho old members were reap isiinted except h. T. Reynolds of the Sioud District. The board us now constituted is as follows; E. Smith of Horwl Itiver, state at large; W. K. Newell, Dilley, First District; 0. A. Parks, falem, Second District ; A. H. Carson, Grants Pass, Third District; It. II. Weber, Thu Dulles, Fourth District; Judd Goer, Cove, Fourth District. Little Charlie Edwards of Elk Crock, Jackson county, came near losing his life by drowning one day last week. He was playing along a small stream of water that ran m ar the house and fell in, lodging with his head tinder tho fence in such a manner that ho was unable to get oul. when found by his mother he bad ceased to struggle and would have Is'en past recovery in a very few minutes longer. Clendale Items. News. I!. O. Met 'iilloiigh bus just complet ed some surveying for the spur which the Gl. inlale i.uinls-r Co. w ill short lv build. II. M. Cuss, the well-known piano man of .M. dfonl has been doing busi ness in Glctidalo this week. Oujto a delegation of the masonir fraternity of this place will attend the masonic dedication services at (irants l'ass, March ill. This morning our nephew, Walter llulhert, of Grants l'ass, came up ti make us a good visit. He lias already fell in love w ith Gl. udalc, and Jose- phlne may lose a citizen. John Montgomery, who came nl from California about two mouths since to visit his brother. K. K., I. d. cid. il to remain with us. He has purchased two lots in (rilhertson's addition, on which he will build. We learn that some of the pla. miners on Slarveout are having belter clean lips this season than usual. This is inaiulv accounted for by tin unusual rainfall of this w inter. Every where in Southern (iregnn Hie out-put of the placers is reporled better than for several yeais past. The Glciidalc Lumber Co. lias jusl made a conl raet with W. II llibh of San Francisco for one-half million feet of bridge and trestle timber. This, together with smaller orders, amounting to as much more, mid new orders coot iiiually coming in, will keep our mill hoys rustling right along. n. II. Strow bridge returned Wednesday from a trip to (irants l'ass, Waldo and over to the Monument mini in Del Norte count v. Mr. Strow- bridge has been examining quite i number of ouartz propositions. He in forms us that the I- laiiiui mine on IIo- gem ci. ek, a tributary of Starveout has been purchased by a Mr. Scott, the well known mining operator, of' ( hicigo, the purchase price ls ing f I'.'.OIKI. ..New Goods.. For the Spring and Summer are be",inniii to arrive in all departments. : : : : : : Now Wnsli (iooils in all tlio Latest Weaves New I.acesj, Kinln'oideries, Allovcrs and a very uetly line df Wliite (lunds. : : : New Line uf Ladies' Holts. : : : : : iVew Lino of Summer Corsets in Pink, Lino and White. Also a full line of "Fer ris Waists." :::::::;:: New Line of Ribbons in all Widths and Colors. ::::::::: I'leinember wo are better iniared than over to Hiiilv you with your Sirin,i; and Summer wants. E. C. DIXON, siiols and 1 1 i:nisiii(j ;oons. Dcnioi l tvllc Congrrsslonrvl Con vention. A democratic congressional coiiien tion for the fust district to nominate a candidate of that party to till the vacancy in congress now exist mg will bo held at AlKiny April 11. Delegates to the convention may be elected by primaries or npvliit. .1 by county com inittees The convention is to consist of lo; delegates as follow: Hellion Clackamas s i oos I'urrv Douglas in .la. kson . . : Josephine I Klau.atli -j Lake L.I.C Lie. olu Linn M u on i.i I',. Is . ,; I'll', uuook N .Is lington Yamhill ; Total pi; Democrats. Attention! Notice is herebvg-. , Ii thu j Mi scant lo a call of the Stale I Vino. I .: I, .'eiiiial Committee, a me. i mg . t i iM I Vmocrat lc Couotv l'. IVu.r.;; lee for Jos. phiue I' w ill be I .1,1 it the Court bouse at Gi on- I'., s, 'lei;. in, on Sal lirdav, ; : . ' 1 : I'.s.ll. at 10 o'el.s k a. m ot s .'.I I . . (or the pill pose , f elect in,- t, or leleg.ites to allele! the D.m.sli'ic ,-ollVi I.I Ion for the Ills! .' lMslri. t ,.t I If - ;. ,,. In' held al A . I .. . 1 . s-. i .-, g .., en l I ' llth. p.S'.l. All llietuts rs up' ,-Js . ial' V h.iii. .' 'l to U p. -eel el ,. ,, :n ,s.. . , "'iited. II. D. Norton. Chan man, l- I Jelllllligs. Sei'. , REPUBLICAN CONVENTION I Cnniressionnl Dclct!itc to lie 1 Nivmeil on April 4th. j ll.iiil.iiiuters ('..only Ceutrul Coni- ( tlilttee, Josephine t'oimtv. I Grants l'.iss, iiieton, March IS. p.m.;. ' Notice lor I're.inct l'r. m. tries mid ; Oe.nty t'oevelltlell. t a coin, uti, in of tho Kcpiiblicin i'i njii I on, n, ut, (, r ti, j., C o, nai ..-t.i,-. held Marc- 1.'. 1 ''t hi in. I. i !,-. April !'. pn.; at 11 ' 111 ' I ... i . .'-e , was- ,i, . d a It... k i ,.,ace lo held the I . c i . , - -1 .-1 1 a I I'onveiitloii fr t,,. I'd i-fe-u ,: r. ii.esei,. o .v. . f,.- - I "l! 1 fl- Hull of the 1 ' ''.s: 1 o i - I'I e I'oiu.n a- ( .i i . ...nun- I ; ' M 'bo -.'Mi... a: d I. ,ie I -"Oi o V.,-, a s il;,. ,ilv : ,r , -,j,r I I He I . : n .V a lie ..eve. al .re.'lli, l Ulel -" n.-i-.i the I,, tir of '.' p ni. lor to.' I -M.I-.' ol all pn man. s and decided t 1 1 ii t t 1 1 e i . i 1 1 1 ' i'oi .-re.-ional Conven-I t on le bold al l.rst.ts I'ii-s, in the! i . m l. II u-e ai J . ii. en April I, 1 I'.!, for tbe on etion ol seven dele- ui'. -l.. the C.ii.-rcssi,.iial Convention i el the 1 t I'.slll.t. I oll.nv .iij is fie ai'isTtionmetit of the ! nun, I., r o de c , pes I,, the Colintv Con- ', vent Ion eu li pl.Mnct IS elllltleii t,. re r. -ei tail. -a on :i ba-w of the vo'o i-t ai the l.,-t ,-le tiou for Hon. 1 bom-.. II lotlili-. Noie. -.tants I',,.- ; Poland 4 '-'to " " I. II. kv lliieen 'J u 'et I ' Merlin .; Mth uie :i Mt. Keiiben .'-' - Milrpliv." K-''0 ) IWft'avk .t " I OS's w:.i it " :' ' ", Woif . lo e.e. to business the oli.tirni a : an I -e. iet iiv si, ould ,r,.,..r;v ivrll the . I. I. nl. u- ..I si, del, uaifs. W . II II iMi roN, i'!.4iujn. C. 1 . M . i in .:, :-iv. honest mall. success, Dick Hook, the : saw mill man, I week with :io ol tir hiuib- r that In inanv a da ...,,..,..,1 0. iii,. t-r b. it ju-t liridge 1'oint on the .- annu a. . road. The mill is run r . power and tlie osirii. " know, hut we ill know tin y muk. ; luint" r. ! The bus, ball lime that Was p be! 11 I ' ami ApI ! gate w.l ' verv good game but not as g and i -no-ht liav Leland Siflins ,. wealhcr lor .r is v. ry salu- i r-ck this st load.- o. by lc re lei 's mill is HI miles i net I'm. . nback. lav.d Mrs. O'Pri.n was at horn- with a!! her children, except Maud, who is at school in Modford. She has men at 'tog work putting li.T bouse and ranch in an lirst class cim. liti. in. She kill, d last fall, '.si head of fat hogs and bad tin meat baconed, which she sold a few days ago at a good price and -he sa.v.- she feels cn"ourag. d in Iot milage. and thinks times are better now than they have been lor years, mid every thing looks bright. There have been three uew families moved on the Ap plogate in the last month, from Ne braskaMr W. (yuin, ll.tiry Clark. and Ci. o. Hishop. I le v all have families and they told me they w.-re surprised and pleased w ith tl. dima:. and what they have seen. Henrv Kubli, about one mi!.- from O'llrien's has a ranch that would :i tonish the natn ti. lie ha- about i' acres. His house is elegant uml le has some of the liie-st slock have v r seen inOregon. Ihev all look as si". I. as a new dress. He savs tim. .- in. g.Msl and money plenty. Tin-y h .v--line schisils near him, and pr aclnne and Sabbath selusil ev.-rv Sunday. There is a nice lorle place at th. Appl.-gate bridge, one large store, kept by John i'.-mell, n good hotel kept by IjiiiiIo Hose, and that i- til!, d with miners; a blacksmith -Lop, g 1 schools mid they tell me the dai lv at tendance is ;!7, and all are happy ;, clams and this nice, bountiful w. nth. r makes them laugh. (In St. Patrick's Day they all bad a jolly time at ilo.-e's hall, with a grand ball. There were some from .Modford, Jacksonville and (irants i'ass, and nothing hapfHm.-d to mai i the occasion, and St. l'atrick was! surely there tor there was no one got make bir. I called at Jack I-ayton's fine home hut found he had gone to (irants I'a-s with his daughter. Mrs. Wilbur', but was received kindly bv those who were there. At I'rovolt, Lew Smith, the post master, store keeier and black-mini, anil also Grandpa Fields was there. They received me kindly, showed me over his place and they were loud in their praise of the good tine s and the line dreg. in climate and it makes one feel good to see every one happy. Mr I'rovolt has bought a tine team which be paid Ji H for mid says they are ( heap at IIH). He says when the president conies to (irants l'ass, he will lie there on time. Mr Moon's mill is undergoing a big improvement, getting ready for the coining season's work. He was rushing things for all it was worth, lb- told me he had received several let ters from his eastern friends, asking about (Iregnn the climate, etc., anil he w rote them to mck up and come out here. Mr. Duiilap, late of l'hoenix, Jack son countv, bought the I'rovolt pla.a this side of the mill ami is having it put in number one shape. He P els encouraged, saks well of the times. At school district No. 10, the direct ors are getting material on li'iiul in len. hug to remodel the old school house and make it look as pleasant as possible for the many children that attend. I understand the school c.iiu mciicri the lf of April, with Mrs. Kale Hyde as teaher. She is a si.-tei of Kd Harriott, the popular stage man. Kaspar Kubli and partner, I'd Swindell, are doing some g..c,d work on their mining claim. They showed one some beautiful s c inn ns of course gold. Kltncr Williams is also working the same mine on the Appl. guto. ('has L. Swindell is having his house painted ami is making general improvements on bis rain-h. Clark Simons is taking advantage of the nice weather and is pruning un his orchard. In my last letter I forgot to men tion the school huildiulg mar Mur phy. It is on a beautiful mound about lili) yards from the main road, and they have recent lv built a neat little bridge that 1, ads' from the t-i.a.l to the school house L.l'orc it was done, the children had a bad place in cross. The house on tl i;t-ido v painted a pure while and on the in side it is ta-tefully decorated. Th -location of the house, all tbing- . on si.lered, is an ornament to ,1 -s, phie. county, ami SiisTiiitemlent Lincoln Savage ought to be proud of it. There will he a weekly prav.-r meet ing al the home of .1.' 1.. 'Williams and sou, on each Wednc.s.lav. From Jacksonville here to Murphy. 1 found the roads in excellent ioiidiii.ui except m a tew ldac. s. Kred Knox, Sill. Jack I.avt n and several others went to liiant. l'ass Saturday and 1 gu.-ss by the ta!!,, the W hole count V Will be there we 11 the president pisses tlifoiii-li i 'I,, clouds have all rolled by, the -un shines bright, ami everyone up lure happy and well. ' ;, ; Applt'gtxto Items. l.eorgo Meeks of Davidson I'rovolt Sun. lav. M. licxford of Appleg ate was in (irants l'ass Saturday. Mr. Jim Hook of Thompson creek was at I'rovolt this week. llliner Throkniartiu of upts-r Annie- gate was at I'rovolt Sundav. Key llackett of (irants l'ass was on the I'rovolt ball grounds Sundav. O. M Knox was a visitor at Sam Cook's Sundav, but returned home in the evening of the same day. j Mrs. L. C. Hyde and Miss An, In j Streiiigner of I'rovolt w. re visitois to1 liranls l'ass Saturday and Sundav. ! Miss Lena Carter of I'rovolt 1. ft tor I liranls l'ass Satur lav, wheto she will! work ror awhile at the l alace hotel (i. orgo S'ii. er of I'rovolt w is down liogl.e river I'l l. iv l iircha.-lug -.. lin stock eat'lc. Mr Spoiler on. mU i raise i alt le for the home marl,, t. I be lug ditch couip.inv of :l e Arp!,.. gale Mill, v started to d'gglng divh fn past Week. Th.-y int. nd to bav, i in win. r to irrigate with ii, j, season. Wo arc gl i 1 tl. it the ii, w -aw imM c -nipmv of Murphv Lie 1 1 1 1 1 ,:, and 1-oib-r on the Tl. v ! ,, lol- of logs e-ll the K.llks of .p l, Tbe I'rovolt Humbug l.ik-., , j, ;,i every second S iturdav III .-x.-rv moetli Th. re were three initiated ilu- la,t meeting and throe more to go u, t x. Saturday lllgbt. Ve Applegate lvople ba.. Is , n so busy that ,. have not bad tlluo to w I lie any it, ins the vlst two w. ,1.,, but we thank the Courier for t!,,' news which '.hi'V have j-:nt, d i, r us. C, M lo'Xtcr.l has s half .-, f logs strung slong the banks .1 the r:eraiidbas s.v. nil thou-ard nmre Vet to haul C. Cool; i, llig- t.iem. H.- w ill g, t thnuiiii in als-ut three weeks then h will Is' r.-adv to roll tbeiii in and suit th. im f..r jur. 1 1'v 'a-tui r.-ii i; w i, , t;lk,. . li..lge ,.f the old heme .,e- ; mak ing pr. tsarntions to put in ;M a. r.-s', f grass this -a asi.n. e has the mo-t,.f fie ground ready to sow. Mr, I'eriioll is one of the enterprising you-g men good B:im and Api ! gin i!t, r tl..- ball 1 foot 1.1. e hetWe te I-..VS alld one II. xt te intend to game tie l'' II cue of thi ef the Will- to have : Williams i,l iv and will I And. .am- or. el; bov-'. Kv. rvb ulv want loii.eand ch.'. rtb.' w inning nine. The dance ti nt was giv. u on Will iams ere. k last Friday night, was one of the .lane. .- you read about. Tin y -old HI iiuinbi r-and evi r bodv had a good time. Sis und Sun. Cloverdivlc Hanch for Sale ; m acre-, dairy and stock ranch, one mile ti'i-ni Si-lma for sale al i'.'-.i'1 1 1 r a. re. '1 !. land is all letic. .1 : !'-' a. r- - in He aiimi ; house, and ban: holding on to i'i lens of hay. Mower and hav nil,.- ., w :lh liie place. (b o. 11. L.iWi, lie , Seliiia, Ore. Weekly Auctions. I.. F. (.ardnoi- has made arrange ments to lu-ld a we kly auction sab of liv .lis I;, vehicles, etc., at K' rb-v's livery stable. Fi iini rs having hv. --..I, for sale can Hud buyers at tie-." We are having lie i. . -,Vniii2. The weul! brious. m.. A,l..r.,.nof tl-elb't 1 Ami' I' ,. ,a .. biisin.-s trip to tie 1!.- ri ports lively tine s th.-r. . The C..!hiuhia initio lin- got oil a I.,,,- amount of ground. That in, am a big clean-up. All otli. r mines an ,-,..i,g witlt a lull force of wat. i. n :r Murphv writer is improving. Prai'itee is a V t U" " ,;.s'tl,.- Night Hawk, wearewotider ,,.". w!,atk.,idefa ileaisbiiiiiglitm. 1'. op!.- an- ma!; ing gardeii.-. We are ! -ice n-i,t '!.-- im:ht. t1''" xloi k- Tih" t buds b-ick. From . ,,ut;.,k til" fruit crop will be big. i .rain proini-e.- a b:.; in Thi- wiuii r we l ave had fre.iii iit r., e, ,d tor lb. inimrs. We have wind. We .end of terrible . -ml wind -tonus ill the iiortliein part of t T goti ; we u w.. nr.' in southern i r v.. alle-r is so sublime. l.eliuiil ma ils a eiivifg bank ; our i.. lb, ivs work and st cud tin ir eoni-v' II iln v hail a place to deposit their'iuoney, tln-y would lay up some- f,.r ,, ralliv I l.l V. 1 Hit 1 s 11.11 1 our poor lion. . Men woiiiu ,1 s.,. ml their iii. in v vearaltcr d. wl finding llieinselv i l.!, would go to th" poor tliaukl'iil that mi, where th" hint! i.ntain I'. n- Wat. rman's i h. ..l.oo at Cramer llros. Id- hii.. work au year an getting llOllse. Mrs. Stout bus let u riu d from Mis- ..',,-, veliere she Weill last fall. Sill' rs a lini'l win'' '' there lug ntiz- 1- -i,el hard stnfPls. li'T htl-blllld ba- iiii inn ori-ini position in Tunnel ;i, retiinlieriug the nil 1. She re oris heavy i ruin lends of immigrant lo Ibi- eo.isl. If the folks in the -l-Oes could l ealie tile l)li 111 I'lilliat o. Southern (ir.L'oii. more wiiuld come. Strangers ute coming to Leland. look in'- ov. r our country. Some an linking un nuaiiz mines, others plan r iiiiii.-. Wo think we will g.-t our -bare of i! e spring immigiil ion, t's uillv if our board of trade dm s ii. duty. Soiii" real i -late has Hising- d hands in our town quite recently Business is g od and more huMme wiil go up this spring. S. v. ra' j drummers are here taking orders In in our merchants and the hotel is crowd 1 -il, mostly wilh trancient people. Mways keep in wind that we employ only firsUlass Plumbers and Tfa ami cotistqiKditly caido work that will satisfy ,. Give us a trial and lie convinced. Grants Pass Hardv Gompany Front Street, Opposite Depot, A. CARLSON, Propr. CRANTSpj) THE COLONIAL - GOUGING K st i-i . norsi:... et, next to Josephine Hotel. Newly fiiini-heil eoinplote. llooir.s by diiy'or week K ib s i-. a otiahlo. W F. Harrituit. n, Propr. A BREAD MAKER. As a bread Hour il has no ctpiul. Makes loaves that are at once w hite, toothsome, whole some. Kcoiloliilcal too. Mxeeji tiomilly so. (h . .. fu. ihei and gives better results than any other, (itialiiy i. of unnifornily high staiclaiil. Tlie Davis' Hest hi'iiinl is ii,,. family tlour par exc.-l!, nee. 1;,.. ,, ,),,, market I. r lb. mem v. A. A. DAVIS. We have mi Those who bad Crass ba- got -lock is doing happy. l-lll'.-s grip to report, are heller. g .. il start, so tl e well. Kvervhodv in Wide Awake. CLASSIFIED ADS. WAMED. MlI't,K iil:v'.1 lady jnr linii-.ckein'i in mi i a 1 1 family. A I i ro - ? I.crk HORSES WANTED. 1 I'. M itf Miuri l Vdiiipj ln.r-e. H'-'.v 1 1 if hciivy Mirl;, u.ii t wei-jli rli, in.'iri"- iTci'-riD I. A'l- 1 1 ill N I ! !.m).v. 1 rut ECU ALE in u i rv. (1700 1. 11. i;..i 20i) .are- lol III mil e u lio'e I no . Al'PK rill;. I on hi NKW TCDAV. UKdilVAl ,v k.N. sp-iii I-1YI1. Mil. N'l.-i lliovcd III- olli.-e- 1. bllii.llIlL-, No. 'I He Sun l-'iioi -i-.-o. A. l'.A If HI- l-'li'l'l l'r. . iii e t e.i- il:-e;i and TMK'MT. 1 Mil 11 il aviei.'s ltjiuk y M cormr Market. AUCTION, (on,; rKE STABL CHANTS PASS . Cf Wnek of all kin.lH, - "" "a.c eviTj 5,-,.. ;li.on If you ant ,lf; - . ti-avcling 0,1 litwiiu-hib,,, !- 1 Stock COIISI.OIe.l (,,- .... " of the ,..,. f.d t,,.i "" " ii'HWs I- K KI'.UI.KV.h, I. ! - li Alinvi-,, Aiiciliuim 1-t' T. Ready-to-Wear Hats All Ihc In test Shapes in Street" Hats, Neat Pattern, mon Neatly f ch Trimmed athrxr Tliese hats are an Kspecial Rargain never hef rt 1 sokl fur less than 75c ami fi 00. If en s Call and see m line of Trimmings. Miss idaWe. cotiil Millinery Store on 1'rout St. of llth St. CL01 ': . J 1 fia A Victim of the CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS OPP. OPcHA HOUSE (Irants l'ass, Oreiitin Are You a Pros- ? , a s-; 1 1 - If Veil fin: w ri.i "I. 10 worl, li dnt a s voiir 11 1 A-V 1 an t ' 1'i.n n s -1 n neia ana iiaraen Seed in Bulk. Wl, Su. All. Ibl Yellow l-'icl '''.'it, I ' 1 Coin. -ii i, Tinwiliy, k.-il anil Whit, A!-.i I'.C ills, ('lli.lli Can. d. Tl ..' 9" Ol ( Ir tluise siiti'.-rinii tm - colds or broiuliiul trrtll-. use our cold ruiuily. la seiison v, In n suiid.-n;-., iiii.dit.s brin' llieir o-iwl c llirnut nnd lutii! diftk'ultirt, 1 well to liave soiuefliing cui,t U0 1 take in time If it isynar; lircscriiit ion we will fill it w fresh iliiics, nnd with jtsVCrSl calls for. Our !rescrifti'vn(l men! is coinli cleil with cut u ; fly - - - incut is con. u cieii wiiiu'm:u , ma G. P. Pharmacy an 1 National Drug SE: ran ctri. jiamm.r- J. m. cim.i.s, l-'KON' f and ron.TlI STS. i ...ii!i:, Cousin System of Investment Iwa Capital 're.on l.'iitei LOCATED 2 MILES NORTH OF JACKSONVILLE OWNED BY A. P. ARMSTRONG, OF PORTLAND, ORECOII 15 CENTS PER EGG r li itcliiti 'ii. k ' -1 1 . i , ". ku-jM a; . and from l'ure-Bre.l, Hiuli-Onuk- R-irred Ply3 TV- I'aireil l".yni.,u'.li Rock is the U-st all-w '.y, ;-or,s larc-a Kooil layer, and ii!isunn t V'. !. 1 ): lor now, and thus tiut:euite. S"n:e i' -ii uicy in I'.iein, w hether raised fo - -'- us inn. h to keen a "soru'." cliiikiii as 1 r (.'a:', at llicfir-i r any otirjose. J.CKSCiMVILLE. OaCCON w nh tl" IMII. I-..I V, I, d II -lpib iininr llll li.ivc '1 Mi 11 in in On. ;i;i in-1 mi: S 1 "l' Ilu- li-.-t 1 i -.'oul pan ios'( ;tn lor Sale. ' was at this in., ; 11, I'.-- -; : sillne i extent . f one Will, or our .'.t Mill I-.' 1. 1 1- l.V Vl-d 111- (, d r. J. A. CRIIASV SON, 2HS WooLllaiul Ave Kaiwis City, .Mo. ' oi'i:ra uoi si:- In Tin; Sri r u MOM'AY N:c,!lT, MAKCH A. B. Cousin, Mgr -McKay, Portland, Ore. , ...I SL Jl -w V , '.' , i m.jii! n "K l e-t ,. Verv 11 man" -S.-tH.llT. i-'.-Ulli-l-)-,-' VslV iVir Look them over at CaJvinJ f hun Oro, t.1.1 1.4 '" 1 M - ''..'Ci'ir.g Mt; p--.f ' '; 1 '!r- z. J lev ; ' '" a..a!ces 7s i"..lcr that - f y - ''-"'-' 'u':s thnt I ! Put ; n- A h i 1 .' ' ir t: - k u 1 - . " "' f -:.r- j J l,n -! -i. '1 o y. ear i ri I Wei '-'-ii'.- - .! m.'ins Li ' r-- OlTl r 'wsV-'oiiio.;; t -i. 1 1 H.e- ',rr..-.-m., is Rt 1 (h 10 ' th-t "Kuul- ft il ;-.. V W" Bet. Ilawlhurii; , VU IMWl'I.I. U- IT! M. 1:11 !cr .1: ' ) '. mi 1 -GOTZIAHaCc MAMUFACToBtFI3. -ST.PAl)L. N N.t: all ,. r I. state must ji te d a. mul M die 1 la: i- .nri i-:. 'i ' ' at anv I Natl - i. ; ord-.e; a.. I' . I I' ll 111 -l 11-11 II I t! I cutri i l'odf.-e, d, l.-o-i. 1 M iv K I . ' ' '! "I S ,.. , I I'-it.'.l March .1 THE H. C. ALBEE CO. BALERS IN otuuMu-iifiiiu urn ENGINES, BOILERS. PUMPS, ! SAW jVULLS, etc. L 2.S Craiul Avenue. (Kast SiJ Portland, . . (M. " '-'-ii-'j-rxirsTs:.; s. Tcke L