Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 12, 1903, Image 4

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3 ' Mt)t''jeBasftwaBataW
Tht ITotable Undertaking of a Gen
erous Suthern Woman. .
A Kobla ProjMt Whloa Look to
ProvlaloM of Eaaplormaa: tow
Poor People of tha Calf
It is projxiaed to kntrolnce ailk cul
ture and manufacture into the south.
To thU end the cmnmlaaioner nf fi(f
riuulture in Wuhintftoii ask ennKre.a
for an appropriation of $10,000 for ex
perimental purpose, and uy: "We
annually Import $.,,0iO,uK worth of
raw silk which should he rai.ud in this
The governor of South Carolina has
appointed a eclentlllc coiiiinlisioiiur to
take charge of the enterprise- Miss
Henrietta Aiken Kelly, of Charleston.
She has spent six years in Italy, mak
ing a scientific study of silk worms
and mulberry culture, and is soon to
return to this country and push the
work already begun. She has appoint
ed a committee In each county in South
Carolina to act until she takes charge
In perm in. says a Washington report.
The secret of silk cull ure is ability
to select eggs that will hatch. This is
obtnined only after careful scientific
renearrh with the microscope, nnd this
U what Miss Kelly is now doing in
I'sris-completlng her study of the
I'asteur microscopical selections of
seeds (eggs), the only succ vssf "I meth
od In raising cocoons.
Miss Kelly emphasizes that this silk
culture movement will provide work
for the poor nnd unemployed, particu
larly of the gulf states.
Her American representative, Mary
T. I.awton Metenlf, of (Ircnt Kills,
Stntcn Irlnnd, acting i liairninu of the
centennial committee of scientillc silk
culture In t fie I'niled States, lays great
stress on the purl It will play in set
tling I lie dark and ominous race prob
lem of the south.
Ilcfore Miss Kelly began her six
years' course of scientific silk culture
investigation In I'arla "lie achieved dis
' tlnctlon as nu original nnd successful
teacher in the south. Site was the prln
clpal nnd proprietor of the Charleston
(S. C.) female seminary when she went
abroad to study silk culture.
Miss Kelly's inlliicnee and personalty
have impressed themselves on every
life of girlhood wit h which for S3 years
ahe has come in contact. In every state
of ths union mnv be found women who
are training sons nnd daughters by
methods learned at her school upon
tha basis that the mind triumphs over
matter, that love of country promotes
Its progress nnd is a noble passion
Hhe Is now prepared scientifically to
provide a noble agricultural Industry
for the unemployed masses of the
south nnd nil sections of the (rnited
fltatea where the mulberry tree is In
digenous nnd luxuriant .Miss Kelly
proposes to establish a national col
lege of scientific silk culture (seri-cul-
ture) In the buildings of the Charles
ton female seminary She offers this
property, vnluud nt shout $.'l(i.non. free
of rent, for five years to tli I'nltsd
States government, through the de
partment of agriculture The secre
tary of ngrleitlture has recommended
to congress nn Immediate impropria
tion of IIU.IHHI annually for five years
to be devoted to cleniillr silk culture.
Kight hour laws are Ignored by those
tireless, little workers Dr. King's
New 1-ifo I'll Is. Millions are always
itt work, night and day. curing imli-
fmMtiou, biliousness const iiLinn, sick
leadiiclin and all stomach, liver and
bowel troubles, Knsy, pleasant, safe,
sure. (July Suu at W. K Krcmnr's
drug store.
The Benefit of Change.
Wo are like house plant we need
change of soil now and then, to be
transplanted. New scenes, new ex
periences, new surroundings, a change
of climate, dry air instead of moist
ure, sunshine in place of cloud.
This is sometimes essential to
health. There arc conditions mar
nt hand that are Is tter than Europ
ean offer. Tako a month or two in
California. I'lant yourself for a time
where there are no irritations, whore
the hotel is beyond criticism, the
landscape pleasing, and where warm
sunny weather invites to walks and
drives. Pure mid dry air, and the in
creased electric influences of biishino
aro vastly helpful.
You can take this trip at very little
exjs-nso, nnd enjoy a ride over the
scenic Hiskiyou and Slmsta mountains,
which, nt this time of the year with
thoir snow covered iikn, tire unsur
passed for their grandeur.
For complete information regarding
rates, jioints of interest and delightful
hotels in California, address
W. K, C'ornan,
General Passenger Agent, S. 1'. Co.,
' Portland, Oregon.
Mrs. (1. Peterson, fl-Jft Ijiko St.,
Tos'k, Kan., scakliig of llallard's
Ilorehouud Syrup, says: "It has never
failed to give entire satisfaction, and
of all cough remedies, it is my
favorite, and I must confess to my
friends that it will do, and has done,
what is claimed tor it to ss'c,lily
cure tk cough or cold mid it is so
sweet and so pleasing in taste. " 'J.V,
fiOc and 1. (HI iHittle nt Slover Drug Co.
"Iain desirous of knowing if the
irofcssioii can obtain llerhine in
ulk for prescribing purposes' It has
been of great use to me ill treating
cases of dyss'iii brought on by excess
es or overwork. I have never known
it to fail in restoring the organs
affected, to their healthful activity. "
fits- Kittle ut Slover Drug Co.
Mrs. Joe VcGrath, !W7 K 1st SI. ,
Hutchinson, Kan., writes: "I have
given llallard's Ilorehouud Syrup to
my children for coughs mid cold for
the ist lour years, mid tlud It the
In st medic ine 1 ever iwil. " I'nlike
many cough syrups it contains no
oiiiim,liut will soothe and heal any
disease of the throat or lungs quicker
than any other reined v. 'Jh, ,'0c,
and l. mi ut Slover Drug t'o.
HKAD IT TllUoroil.
To use an lsih century phinse, this
is an "o'er tine tale."' Having Imp in a simill Virginia town in the
w inter of lIKi'., it is a story very much
of the present. I'p to a short tunc
ago, Mrs John K. Illinium, of Melfa
Station, Vs., had no rstuuil know
ledge of le rare curalive pioporlios of
ChamlM-rhiin's Cough Kene .lv. "1ji:
January," she says, "my baby took a
dreadful cold and nt onetime feared
she would have pneumonia, lm one
of my tieiglilMirs told me bow tins
remedy had cured her little boy anil 1
Is gau giving it to my bihv at mice
mill it him hi cured her 1 Inaitilv think
the iiianufaet urcrs of I'luiinbi rlain s
Cough Keinedv for placing so ureal ,i
cure within my rea -h. I cannot ree
omiiieuil it too highly or sav loo mm h
in its favor. 1 hope all who read tin.
w ill try nnd be convinced as 1 w as. "
per Kile by all diuggisis.
IT s.wr.D ii is u:i;.
P. A. Daufol'tli of lji titiiuge, ( l.t ,
stitlered for six months with a fright
ful running on Ins leg but win, -
that lliickleu's Arnica Salvo wlu.lli
cured it In live ilav-. I'm ulcoi-,
Wounds, lilies It's the bet sillve III
the world. Cun- guaranteed, unlv
if. rlH. Sold by W. 1". Kienu r, di ug
WKI.1. Ati.MN.
The friends of John lllnut v. ill Is
pleased to learn 1 1 list he has , nl liolv
nisivcriiil from his attack of rlu-uma Chiinils rliuii's 1'aiu I'lln.
rurvil hi ui uft.r the Isk doctors in tie
town t.Mouon, lud , I had failed to
give relief Hie prompt relief (mm
Jiaiu which this liniiueiit ntloids is
alone worth many tiinei us cost. I'm
Kale by all diuggists.
County Treasurer's Notice
There are funds in the treasury to
pay all county warrants protested t
Jun. I.), lhisi. J. T. Taylor,
Countv tnMiivr.
Grants Pass, Ore, Jan. i, Unit
We received a Idler from Wayi ross,
Georgia, n few days ago, from a holy
who has lived there for years. She
write us that she had been troubled
with female complaint for a long
time, until she was reduced almost
in a shadow. It elici ted In r mind.
slid could not remember niiy thing
would get so confused una so nervous,
and irritable she could hardly sleep.
She described her case us one similar
to thousands of other women, and then
ended Hie letter by saying she gained
IK lbs, last month, and never felt
better in her life, having no trace of
her former troubles, slept well mid
ate iier men Is with a iidis.h. This
lady commenced I lie use of Dr.
Oiiiiu's lilood mid Nerve Tonic just
six weeks Is-fore she wrote the lilt r
from which we ropy the above
'I'll is tonic is in tablet form and should
lie taken right after meals. It turns
the food vnii eat into strong rich
lilood, making solid tlc.-di and feeding
thu nerves, curing ilisoiiwi by making
healthy flesh. l'ale, weak thin
H'iile should use this tonic Sold
by W. V. Kremer for oV ir box
or three boxes for 2. Sent isistjiaid
on receipt of price. Addicss Dr. lio
sauko Co. Phila., l'a.
"Just in the nick of time our little
bov was saved" writes Mrs. W. Wnt
kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu
monia had played Had havoc with him
and a terrible cough set in lK-sidcs.
Doctors treated him, but he grew
worse everyday. At length we tried
Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, and our darling was saved.
He's now sound mid well." Every
Isidy ought to know, it's the only cure
for coughs, colds and all lung disease.
Guaranteeii by W. F. Kremer, drug
gist. Price 6V anil fl. IK). Trial hot
ties free.
Makes your voice husky, causes you
to ache all over, stops up your nose,
makes you snore, makes your nose itch
and hum, brings on catarrhal head
aches and neuralgia. Smith Pros.' S.
II.-Catarrh Cure attacks this common,
dreadful disease, on new ami correct
principles. It eradicates the disease
from the system and restores llie
mucous membranes to a healthy con
dition and will cure catarrh no mat
ter where located. For sale by all
druggists. Hook on catarrh Inc.
Address Smith Pros., Fresno, Cat.
Disturbances of strikers are not
nearly ns grave ail an individual dis
order of the system. Overwork, loss of
sleep, nervous tension w ill be fol
lowed by utter collapse, unless a re
liable remedy is immediately employ
ed. There's nothing so eilicient to cure
disorders of the l.iver or Kidneys as
Electric Hitters. It's a wonderful
tonic, mid ellective nervine mid the
greatest all around nediciiie for run
down systems. It disjsds Nervousness,
Khcuiiiullsm and Neuralgia and ex
isds Malaria geims. Only ,Yic, and
satisfaction guaranteed by W. F.
Kremer, Druggist.
Cl'HES SCIATIC lilll.'l'M I'ISM.
Mrs, A. K. Siin-.iii, .M'.i Craig St.,
Klloxville, Tl III! , Willi H. June llllll,
iv.i'.i : ' I have be ii trying the baths
of Hot Springs, Ail. , for m lalie rl.e-
uitiall but I gel mure relief limn
liatlald's Snow 1 inimciit than any
medicine or anything I !.ne c.r
tried. Eni hisiil tind postal md. r for
I. 0. Send me a large tmllle bv
Southern Expnss." e,,ld by ,r
Drug Co.
WAKKFIT, ( llll l'!i:N.
For a long tunc t!n two iarold
child el Mr P. I,. M. l'!i. i. ii. N
tenth St., Ilarri-buig, would
sleep Imt two or time i:r in the
early put of the night, w In. h m id.-
it very liard tot- her pal. uts. li. i
nielli, r i . in hid, d that Hie cln Id I .ul
stomach trouble, ami k:e In re halt
of one of ' I i;i ill 1 . r In i 1 1 ' .-. Stouiiieh nnd
l.iNer Tablets, w Inch oui. . d In r
stoiuach ami slie slept the whole night
through, TWO hoXc.H Ot these Tablets
have effected N rnian. ul cure and
she is now well mid strong I'm- sal,
by all druggists.
Vim Know Wlial Von Are Tukleg
tien veil lake lirevr's I n-tc es l In; ,
rellle. Ins mis,- llie foruiuls is i.tlilil proil
ed tin even tsiltle sli.iw nig
p'v lion itti. I l.Miiuine in s tasli 'e s in
No Cure No, Pii . .sic.
lllini Print PapT by the y ird or roll
t the Courier olllee.'
'disliked by nature
Towns That Seem to B Choen
Marks oi the Element.
fcrt Hjtln Valla n-ivlfit, iaow
tin Tblrkr and Taawlaraaa
I,!ht rln Kialhll thm
Urca-lrat Vlolraea.
Titer- i mnro than one town ap-airut
wLich Dun e Nature '11H tn harLur
a ruritriis rit., if Lh wuuld ;iy:
TJfl' ul- i r;"t in :t 1 t lu Imilt! ijiimi."
IJUi(M"'l. ii lit t N- .liM-e .f Mime OH)
(u-t.pU- in tin Kiit Kitiinif f V 1 ki-li i 1 p.
Kfitflnfi'I. i 't of thve. Oit-rHii'l
over a;tin Iin. the weathir hII round
tit;- fiini 'l-:ir. yrt tht willrv in
wliidi l.:ir,j.'tft ft.'irnU Laa '"'t-n
t.roijili-ii in li.iy cl- tiiS :.inl 1 rfiii'li-(i
wiih rain. The mi'iw in winier nlwnya
i-cini I) li" ttti-k-Kt on X e w !H
h1 vi- iJie town, ami Ut cwk floixW
more or leh diatlrou ua it m-H in
the aprintf.
The climax came on a Sunday even
ing two mitiwnera a'0. w3' tne niicajf"
Trihu ne.
Afti-r a hot day a violent thun1r
Ptorm broVe. Then there apiireri in
the w-t nn inky iIoim!, from which
hung four long, twutintf black col
li num.
Suddenly, Ji'M after six o'clock, a wall
of water mine rc.arin down the hill
f i r ! ubovr the villrpe. When it struck
the upper end of the tree I il w;i seven
feet h it'll. In a t w hilt liritf it had demol
ished t ii timber of ho 11 sea, and torn .ir
tilioiH from other, and wept away
everythintr i ti it h path. What wan left
wiih wo pl.-tMered with mud and earth
qa to be almost iik-Icm.
No one w 11 s killed, but the dent ruc
tion of domestic flnirualM, of hoiues,
property nnd ri-fids was complete. (lar-
ilena and l'niinir bnda were ruined.
Even the parish well wa utterly
choked with mud nnd derid nnitiuiU.
Sotithboiirfif-on S'ea. four milea on
tli- fin-! of Hoiiri.enioiith. has far bet
ter air 1 1 1 rt t lie In Her town, am! look
as if it mi :., if to I t just ti e Kite for a
In altli n- oi t Tens of thousand hare
been petit in the efTorl to make it no,
yet inline had s-iti'l no, and man's ef
forts h;ive proed n n .1 a i I i ri r.
A luin'-'.rne pier w;n built, support
ed on the hre l.y immeilce (Niueiit
w alK. The pi i-r i now only ap
pronelied by a nitiu'!e plank. lUeentt-r
ittippi-rt- are (.'"tie, and it i4 the resort
only of two or there fUKerineii. The
cement wall look like a wave-eaten
cliff. Further nloti the hore n neat
row of hoii-cF w.'ii- built in n preat re-vt-hH,
cut bnrlt n. vjihl expense in the
elilT. Tlte ca cut in below them, and
the owner was foreed to raze them
a nd c.i rrv the material aw ay.
There in ij.t great city in Europe
w hirh na t ure n c 'id cut ly wishe to
be rid of a- St. Pel er-bu r-r. Huilt in
the (iist pln.-e on a how Win if pwrtmp,
which wan fillrd in itt a roM of liun
ili edw of 1 i iumI hundr eds of thou
sands of pniiiiiU. f ers redm-ed it
popnln 1 i; u and (-rue it a d ath rate
higher tiitin any otlier Km-uin'iiti cap
ital. I';iii ill' o to cut its bt:ilder. nn
1 11 re ti-1 1 1 n ne w w pun. 'I I i' ice en me
down in pri n l' out of I . I .ad jrn,
and. pi ! ! n 11 l'.'i in-1 the new wharves
and hl'i V' v d;uii!iied t tie Neva and
(lot e-i tin citv. Eiefy spi'inir aw a
repc i it i in i f t Ih m- di ny t ri tir- 1huIm,
w h irli . ciMi a f I e r t hey d r ied aw ay, left
llie 'ii- t'S ir err ipntririi re. T!ie St .
Peter-! ; em irw the tbiod
by M''i!t;,' 1 1 wotlv thoiiMiiiV of men
nl l!-e lir-t .piini' thaw, who cut nnd
1 I-'- i-i.i ire., and leave f 'ee pa-
ri tt f"i lire 1 I- e ice to mi il down
h t I e 1 Ml II II h in.'e ie I.
Yet -ti! tt e Mtruircl' ifneti on. For
pome v:'i p't-t it ha been apparent
that St. I'i 1 ik' i be"om itij a city
.f louil'l.'-- peoplf. henttMH acrilie
this 1 1, 11- f.-i i to the eltluv ia fr. ni
the I'i 1 I Ii v e;" i.. di . o boi ;ed till
del 1 If new Hlburlis of I I; - 1! , So
e:i 'it- i'i llie trailer lui' i; that
t he. . i - a Mr -in' ;u'ita t i' n in t; t-r of
oti. r- liii't-e I'i :t "V ill1: theciipilal of U lift
Kill t v, in c 't it v.
i;ii-i.t h.K ato tlier town aiNiint
naturil fi i.e are watM'ir a terrible
war I' i- i- Schetiuicha, in tlte (nil
cav.i, h ! .-heinai'ha w f. Minded
it was fur 1 i i1 in possible ti. e-ci -i -up.
pl of driit!. a water T! e d.iV. mIi nwiTi n e l. loin'ii i' water ftoin
a i'i-.ti,nee Next eattie a -e;ies ..f ter
rible ep:-: n'i-. ti i t -in .1 ! ' ;i. - x ihen
cfi. ! i ,u. ' t -n vtn a! 1 ta .1 ra in
the rin v '.. Ip 'd to pnpei it by
the " ' " ' 1 "' cade, mitt be-all thin
ear w :th , 1 :m , pie
In Ft 1 'i 11 a 1 bi st 1 he t ow ti w a Ti 11 ni
ii ir- with utduMry, when title dull but
w arm ni" 11 ilk' ''ailie Hidden t i t err 1 tie
cr ih ..f t In: i r lie olid vr.-und I e
k'.Hi I wheue A few hee.iiols later
fl r'' W'iv ;t to 1 1 ibte eracLinc soiitnl,
an 1 lie win !e . f the . h a m m e.1 a n
ciiat t.-r v tbt .isl iiih l.rbl.le
like tdl it li' Mi Were Ti-o ' ll'tii
up"ii a hill The bubble bniM and in .f : (iiwn thete Inv a forulcs
h.'.ip of rums ft. "i wtiieh red t1 iinev,
b ip ! :!id - Tat -k!ed I. ward the
ta- pall f ,r.i wl ,,-h hid the vky
itli'.i, n w 1 s-Itii'.i. tmiir
d I - I " It ed t.' 1 1 luilld their milled cit .
I he h:. h ird! re leh, d ti e d. i.i.'n
whili lief 111.. re tie k-r.'tin.' betanto
tremble and tto- I i;!;t k iMew rilddv
Willi tbnne New eau.e tl at n new
vd aii. h id boiM .-nt in li e tn. un
lnn in-.iiby. No pltin.r witrin
Could lit t! r V t . 1 . I . 1 1 ;i e
often burM out a't . -I i- . Mm rk
U a' nnd t. rrible ri 1 1 -. ,- , -L : niM,
, f the re. . i l d.ter a, m. I'n-rre.
b'H th'iiu' of inhabitiints haw
cutii t-y penciled.
Th X Rft!'? 'Ti,.,tr u.i. a.- j,..-
zSxi fretfulnebs. f!
livlthict worn a
Jf ' must wear out un '.
'v iuh a strain. V.'li
Uliirli the working man has fonclit for
an.! Mirrwletl in oiiuining i sim-tbinj
the if- lias no fhare in. Ht-r i!ay l)t
pr.s In-fore his ami ends long alter it,
aa a rule, ami manv a iii);ht hi-r rest is
t.r,.Vn l,t- tli.- h.lttV'8
fretf iilhebs. The
a d
Cil cun tic xit-ici then
01 unr """ni.
ho are weakeu-
eil hv woman
ly diseases?
w ho are
worn -out
ami run-down will t"!'-l new
lite and new ;,trer,rtli in the
use of I'r. 1'ieri-e s I'.ivoritc
I'n s rijition. It ct-hiishes
regularity, dries weakenirg
di.iins, heals inl!.iiiiniatiull
and ulieration, ami cures
female weakness. It makes
women strong and
siek women well.
Siek people are invited to
consult Ir. Tierce, by letter,
f.- AM nrresmtndence is
held as strictly private and
aarrc'llv confidential. Andreas Ut. K. v.
I'ieree.'llunalo, N. V.
w I NufTf-re) with fenintr wrsknr.. atifmt '-ielit
f-eiifi.- -liiMt M'v.-r:il iIikK.m lull tit I ivdl mi U-iK-il
uiilll 1 linwll ii-inn IT 1-i.iiK K.iMinlr r:,--u-ni,:,
KiuriMrv t'.hn . i ,- n . ul Uiinvi.lp.
Ikjylc la, ky. . I hi inn! e w i- r,''-"in-
iik ihI-iI to mr tiv oIIii-i Iiuli' n'.. I li ive IriLcn
lix tnjllii-miilil 1 lucl liL.c auUlu-r (k-i-ii."
The dealer who offers a substitute for
"Favorite I'reseritition," is only seeking
to make the little more profit paid oil
the sale of less miTitori'ms nieilicmes.
llis profit ib your loss. Kefuse all sub
l)r. l ierce'B Pleasant Telletc should oe
used with " I'.ivoritc I'rc scriptiou " wheu
ever a laxative is icjuired.
fUh siek
i-l .-n
NOTU.'K FO li rn;l.lC.TliN.
Tuiilinr Land, Act June :i, 1 V7S
HuHebiiTg, On-iron, Jan, li, l'.i i.
Notice is hereby liiven that in ajui
ilidine with the provision", of ihe net
of Conureto of .lime W, lsTH, eniil'.i d ''An
act for llie mile of liuiber lau if in ll.'
State ul California. O eiinn, N. v i-l i.
Mild Wa-binyton 'I'erritiin ," u-, t
lenileil to nil the I'ublie I. and Siaii- bv
set of Auitin.' 4, Isiil',
ItYlt'J.N i. MM ION,
of (irants l'as, ( oiinty ol .lnepliine.
State of Oregon lias tliia day lind in llii
olliew lliH hworn stalellielit No 4-,'7, '01
the purchase of the (raciinnal NK'4, be
iui U'bj NK'4 lind lots 1 and 'J, ol Sec.
lion Nn. 2-1, 111 Tow inhtp No . :17 S011II1,
Kttiijf.. No. 7 West, and will oiler proof to
show t hut tbfl laud Hoiuht is more vain
able for its timber or Hone than fur agri
cultural purposes, anil to esiuhlicti Lip
rlaiin to saiil laud before H. I,, llaitlelt,
County Clerk, at irants I'aHs.Oreaon, on
Saturday, the -1-t day nl .March,
He names as w itiu-i'sec; 11 T. Kes
ler. of ( irauts I'ass, Ore.; ,M. A. Cuiii-er,
It A. Lindsay and 11. V. Hull, ol
ville, tire.
Any and all perming claimiinc Ad
versely tbo above described lainls are
requested to (ile ttietr claims in this
othre. un or before Haid L'lst day of
March, l'.lu:!. , J. T. limi.iiKs,
Timber Land Act, June:!. IS7H
I'niled Mates Land (IH'ne,
1 ir-i-1 nil if , tlre-on, January 111, l'.liiil
Notice is lit-rebv ifiven that in cumpii
nnci. with the provi-dons ol the act of
(,'onireHs ul June il, 1M7S, entitled "An
act tor thu saU. of timber lauds 111
the States of California, Oreuuii, Ne
vada and Washington l'erriinry," as
extended to llll the I'ublie Land
States bv act of August -I, IxL',
nf Salem, Ciiiintv of .Marion, State ol
Oienu has this dav tiled in this uthce h.
sworn ctatemeiil No. 4;!.ns, !or the pur
ebase ol I he N ol M '4 , and l.'ils ,'J and
I, See. I.'i, and Li's I and - ol SkIk-ii
Nn 1 I in Township No. II S, li.ii tp- ,N.)
.1 west, and wdl oiler proof to sh.i.v lh n
the land sonyht ti. n, ore aluable fri pi
limber or sjiiue tlinu i-t aurii iiltui il
piuposes, slid lo l-sl.itill-h bis claltii to
aid laud before J. O liootb, Couiily
Judife at bisoihieal 1 irants I'a-s. Ore
iton, on Tliiiisdny, the ltiih duy ot Apu!,
l'.Hi.'i. Ile names as witnesses'
(iconic McLaughlin, ol Arlington, Or. ,
.Libn I'. Sharkey, ot Portland, Or.'.,
William l. Hi-. lib, ol Porll.ind, Ore. ;
W. H. Whipple, ol Waldo, Ore.
Any andail persons clauiMUK aihersely
the alsive described lauds ate -npiested
10 lile their claims in this olliee un or
beiore said llith day ol April, l'.si:;.
.1. 1'. l'lolii.i.s,
Hosebiiru, Oretron, Jan. Ih. l'';i:
N,,t ee 1. herein ipvell that in enm- ,
ll.ll.-e '-I'll 'In- pn.v-i-t.s I '!"''
,.,,...,. ,f J .,-.:, is:-, .n.ll'-l' o,
... ,, , .in. 1 f 1 inbvr i "id- 111 -
, .-f r .1 '...-u-. or.-, -ii. N-v
, -'aln:..M. T.-in-iH."
.ml.- I l-i :. I I-l-.'-- Lin-! '.- '
.,.. 4, is,.' liM. .-IK Mi:.
.( ,!..... 1 - iiu'v oi Ma-ion. s
,( 11,1,11, h..s 'l.:s tl.1V
11 tin- ,-ili.e i,,- .- .r
i :l- ,,.r lh.- i-iiri -if in- '
Jl-T .,.1-1:. ,.1 -K',.--- ii.'.L1.
''. oi .-,- ! 11 No 1 '. in Toansinp No.
tl .-in ill,, U nine No v
If-, ..rtf in -n ' ! '!
. : ,. vi ::ri - .!''' ' "r
l.atl i .r il-.-r.t u'l'ii-i. I-l- ' "
e I s 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1,'s , 'aim '" s .:! ii.-nd I" '""
I. O ll-,oii. C.-::titv lu !-' . it ! i- ' '
tt (iritiii- Pis'. Uri-i' 11, ou Moll. lav
t,:h dav of' April, l'.nl:
nume . aJ 1. i-iii...--,'-:
( -'.,,. ,.t-,fv, nf Si.v.-r' ". ' if
md W. U. liii p'e. H. A 'A ''iT! ! and
A I. W tl 1 1 J le. ' I W a,.:.. hi'.-- n
Any ami a!l pe,s-,iis ,-' 1 mi-i! u I
wisely 'l.e ah. Vt n .'.In '! Iam! a'"-
1 ipii-sttd to ti t' '! i-:r c'ainis in lli:
tlite on or I'.-f ne i.ii l n :, ,! "I
V, ril II")-!. J. '. l'.iiiiii.i:.
M-i -'er.
,, ,, ... I
.NO I It r. 11m 1 1 in. iv .1 1 , '
Timber Land Act, June ii. L-7S.
I'nitrd Males I and Olliif,
Id sebtl'lf. Ore,; J.ll.lli.M ol, i'.Mil
No In is .,-n-,,'. i."Vi-'l I!,,i: III i' Ii.Ii'i
line wih the p'l.ViSiofs ni tl,-- a I ol
I 'oiuire-s , ! ,1 une il, 1 -7S. r.-itl, n-.l "An
II fir tl.e '.If n tlin's-r Ian N III 'I e
-States ,,f ( aiiioroi.i, i Inv N vada.
nd Wa -bi'irf-'Ui ii : tilorv.'' exi.mll
...I 11 all llie I'.ii.lie I. ind Stutcs by :i
of ,:ju-t 1. 1
t,l-,i!.i.i; Mi I.Al'ii'll.lN
of Ail 10! t'-.tii.ty 01 tn! .m.
State ..I Oii-t"ll. lias this tl.iy lilr.1 in
'!). olllt't- ili- -..tofl, st,t',-lliel,t Ni I iv.l, I
Mr l.,. piiieh.'i-O of the I-" . of SL'4 H.d '
-i',', ol sl.'4 d Si- '., Nl'.'4 t-l .-: ! i j
No. U'o ,11 l'ott ,, ship No I11 - .uih, laniie
No I, W, and u 1: , ll.-r proo: 1.1 sl,.m I li..t
tin' hu.d - -i ..-lr :- more '.ahi.ib'e lor its
tiin'ier 1 r s'oof than for mjri- 11'
p.irpo-t s. i,::,l to,::, hi- ,-it 1:1 I"
-ai l b. i ire J. O. I'. iotli. ('i lint'.
I'I !.'e, a: i,i- 1 .11, ce at lin.:,'s IV" On'
ton, nu Tin us, I tv, the I,i:li d.iv ol April,
i ,n:i. 1 1" p.:,,,! - is y. 1 n.-s-..-- :
John 1' S oi k -l, of P ut -ml, 1 1'e. i j
William I' 1! ,11,. oi PoriUimi, Ore ;
W'il l M.-N irv. of S ,.. -in, 1 be ; W. 1
K. Whipple. '-! Waldo. Or-'. i
A',y s,,. nil p' r-o:,s I'laiiuinii a lt-ios '-
iv 1 l.e nit-lie- I, Titled lands are 1 .-ilt-.-T- j
ed I,, li'e I! , :r t ia:l::J in tl.i- i .li'-e , :; ,,,
:,eit re raid llilll ila-, id I'I il. l i t '.. 1
.1. T. I'.ki: 1.1 s.
K.'.'l-'er. 1
Timber Land ,-t. .1 une :', Ls7S. j
l.'nlted S :tl, s l.:i:i ! llliee. .
I! luirif. On .,N,i, Jaii-i r ill, 1-03. I
.Notice is In re'i', i:ien thai, u, !
trotnpiiant'e witu i!ie p,,, i-puis ,,,
the uct of Coiiuress ot .In,. i- il, P.7.,
elitllhd "An ..if' fur til-- ale :
timber lands in ihe S'sin-s ot Cal:; , ni 1.
Oregon, N"l'tldit and .1 inii'on ',-,n I
torv," as t xleiiih 1! lo all : in- I'lll.iie
Land S'.,t.. bv , ..( ..i;- 1, Li'.'. ,
W I LI.I A M lh I:K Mil !
nf Portland, C.n:ii'v oi Muhi I,, I
State o Oiivon. h.i'. i ,s ,1 tv !';', d in
this olliee hi- stloln st.itell.i'lit No. Pi.sT, j
for I h- pun ha-t , W '., ,,t "N K' , 1
andSI'i'4 t,! N'A '.! and I.., - and ii o! '
Seeii in No 1 in r ,.tusli p No H Soii'li,'
Kaiine No. 11 W, ,.ud Aid, , il, r p:o"i to,
show that tie '.md so'iirht i tniift- valu
able tor Its llltib, ,- or s:,-ne than lo, a'-i- ,
cull III ill pulp. 1. aii I to ,-i,iliil-li In
claim In said in I l.el'ore .1. O. Iloolli, !
CilUlltV .lll'le, at bis , Hire ut 'l,:lnt-:
Pa-s, OreL'o:,, on 1 hu,,-I n the lli'h !.!
of April, 1 !").!, Ile 11. une as u it n : 1
W lis, ,11 II. Mi N.iiv. ol Salem, Oie , I
John P. slnrhev, oi lortlind, Or..;1
1 it-., rue Mcl.auahii,,, ,,i r 1 u : u t . , : the.;
IV. i. Wli'.lipie, oi Wllhlo. Ore
A ny and ad I er-ons -1 a i 1 . , 1 . 1 ii-i - - :
'y the al, a t' .1 , i'ie I laud-, a,,- re.
pies'e.l in tile lli. 1 r c!a:m-in lio-, , Hi ,. ,
in or bt f in i-.i ,1 iii h ,l;u , .1 Aim', I'M.'..
.1. I'. 1" lopn : ,
li. .-,-', r
I '( JJii
1 ,' .'. -0 t 7. .-j- ii-"
A At
: Y
" S . , - IJt""v
9 V - 5 IW ;,N GQK- Assess.
ft W t,W'
AS) ,::;r,KM
v -:- v;;'M
City A
:. Marsh,
, Cooncl
' a. A.
V-trr v,it ,.-twsssw.. ijiw-
s-V--""!1-.! JT--.i,i'.
jrT'-5-A. L tJ,
','s . ; - ' i
-s-:r v-: s-
i - . ... :.
V s .
Gu;;i:m'.U'l o njitn! ."''.y
1 o-' iii,ic!iiiK'.
TIio Chicago Tjpcv.ritor Co.!
512 5 1. 1 Maikt t t. j
Sun I-"t am isLO.
Dcnver& Rio Grande?,- 'v
Onlv IM',n-tfii:lii:en':il 1:0''
, pas
iltttlv tlirorzll
V; i' :.- WfitiM-.
msfeK:. morn's
NoTK I! i ni; I T PLIC A IT N
'1 tn !-t r I. n d, Jane ;;. ,;s. ;
Uo-t bal v, , )i, i ,11, Jan. in.
No'ie.-is ht-rel y .v -n t! at m uim j
p' uni '.- a ,' Il t he proi i.'i.,.. ilti, i,-t oil
!V'io', ih.-sai.' '!'',!':'',,','i' 'i '; ,,!: i Strictly Ili-h-CIa-s Machine SoUl i';r STn.OO
SlBi. 1 ill I'llllliuioa, Oltofli, Nelild .1 .
ll.d Was',,:.,,', I,r-:l.,iv." as txi .-I I Tl 0 S t I ' I W i s . M
Sipii!.' Mi-i-l:.i;im. .'in-c'. Kwi.;:. u
lVinum-nt Tup. A'.isim. tit aifl lLi:a:.i!;'.- at .1 !'
Vi 1 11; 1-,
V i'iir '.
I he largest sum ever paid lot a 1 , -
senptioii, chatikled hands m Saul ran j
oiseo, Allif. oil, l'.llll. llie tia-:-: r j
volved 111 colli and slock tl l", ,:)'' 11 1 .n il j
Mas psal tiy a partv til lai-u.e-s u., ,i ; r
a specilii-lor lirmltl's I h. a.-e and I ',a
tieles, hitherto incurable dl-ea-rs,
Tliey I'timuienct'd the sei Hive-' i.
gallon ol Ihe spet'itic Nov. lit, l;,:1!.
They tliterviewetl scores ot l,,e t ui,',l
and trie,! it out on its nieii! by p-.i'MUi:
over three tloell e.iset- nn ihf trealtn,:,!
ami valfhiux them. Tliev tii-o i;ol p,,i
siciaiiK to name ehionie. ineui altie 1 a..--,
and administered it imiIi the 1 1 1 y . . , .1 1 ,
tor judges, I'p to Aiic. S7 per ,', :i,
it the test casta Wt-ie either u, .1 ,n
pr.'ifssini,' fa,,ial,lv.
There beini; but tnntteii p'r ,,-ni 11'
lallures, the palties ..ere -ai.-:;., I a' 1
elosetl the li.ins.i, tion. I ne pi. .-, n . i 1.
ot Ihe llivesll;,ilii) t on, m I i i ee ,.,.,1 I ',,
I'lllii.'al reptirls ol the tt -t , a-, - t, r.
pllbll-hed and afll be iniul, d iiee ;
application. Add, ess J,.u J. i'i,i,.
l i'Ml'.w, 4i.'l) Miiiitk-onit rv St. Sun I- ,.,
cisco, Cal.
I. ..1 1,, ,. 1 ,1.,. 1 '.,1,;,,. 1 ,. ., .: 1
ct of A:,.-,i-i 4, i.v.i-:, ( inei .a. s F. Bunipus, r'.it a yir,
Sti:i.Ni v, o- S:li t ..,C..-irtv ,. I ,ti..:;, , ,: ;.) , j;
S'a e 1.1 i -i u- 11, In- t' is .!,,- '
111 th:s , ,ii, Ins saorn s a, en enl N . '
l il.if.u ihe i,i:,!i i... . ' t' . K, , 1 ' P!'"in Ore. Ej.1 M
.-I .' . and .a N li' . . n.l l.i, l.l
it .t.'l.o,, N". 1 in .,v,.,ii 1 Nt, 1 Tl
II Soii'l., Kan ,' N 1 .'.I . I, ,1, i ,1 ,1
.11, r )..,o ., .'v , , 1 ,,.
-i-utiil :-!,,', 1 ii'i.'.l e tor p s umber
l.os An-
and I ii-' s,
eniS, ' r. iioriiia,
J.'ai y Triton St.
Tlirt-p ttpVpil' 11, ,-i aiili'-l II." 1
I'd AI L lol.N 1- K.V-l. i
1 li'olpdl- SI- ," ini.' Sti.l Pi.
f, ! I r i- K- flii i'i" CI, air t
Ti c ni) si in'-, .mliifiit s- H,"
V on i :c;i by tl i'. ii-.'i'l. (
S'"p tivt-ss iipn-.'.td en al! : I
';,-! , Is '
For , 1, ipi-.-t. ni'ts aii.l -
IMei-atllre. :., id, .-, Kni
V C. M.-lt i le t ienem! Af
lL'l rttitd st . I'nrtlin.1.
Points Eas
d n
V I,
, h l,i-
'-. io, .1,11 h ,-,
II. ' P i'" I ! C P
'd I Ii. ,e::'
lie I, n - a- a o t e :
I , o.t, S . r , f S:'' r' oi. t ne.'",,
and '-V. ;. u .,,p, ., j. . V. I, ,,,,,. :M,,
. 1 e. '.V l'
; a. ' I a' . m , - n: - ! ' ::,,:, a 1
m i -, y 'lo lib o- .! .., I 'a,, i,,.
' '::' -' I '. .in' : ,-'l ci.llilis in ,,
' ''" r I"., i- , ! '' 0 d ,1 . I
.I T I ' ' : M .
II .li-'. t
L 2 "
e i i a 5 -j it j j . j i' ' j ; : -j 1 1 a
i 1 mitt l ltlaxtton. j
1 A .Win f I . niloii i - tit , ,.tl :h(s Iiiim j
jtiit I , ,u . ,j f r.nn 1 ! c , urt nf j
chniu ri a il pi k f-T l " f , ii..- sup- I
J)Ui'l t" A ' UstoliHT in II. IMtt,
tho litiiiti.-n l.i.stini: b r.triv .N, y. T'
Sl'KK CI' Kl! I'tUC
Ililnik.' I'lU'i inmluff n.ui-turi ,tn
..iiitf Hrliiin;, rin4 inriti, Hr w-'il :i, r!i'f.inin or rro:t Milium 1'iItH an-
UM 'I liV lr. ii'-l ill riO n I'i! lt.MIUtl,
Sit-im ili-huttf iiii.i Kfr-ii. .-. It -i'i I.
turn. hk. Ml. a iiir ul It'iikikii-ts. or sen. I
iit'out mr rusu. Pr l -:hki, i'lnl.i.lH
Ktr ri!e l W. K. K't iut r.
I 'I in r u Ctihl In II l;
! - r. :uii'l t
. i. ;
m , .,- Portland.
!'iS (Ii;::iJ Avcn.
a - 'fc V iv
whit DR. JCnrV.N'S cataTl'-r"-i4
nil urrT ,nimi''.i.i,tiL l 1
,"' -i " -' tl,... -'.m.
ivj'V 1 c. ims ;n of MiN
r,-. a T-sitii.t ,. ,, , ,j, a
,1 iMtl.m i
All ttlsOJUM of KM'IPV
Dl, Utiiimv Oivinn.
Ai-1 RlitMnintu-n, U.i, Vt
ili H-iu;nMt.i:.o Hr.iM'l
Vont b,-com itn.-onr.ned Thus Is a yea It n. ,- -i i i , ,,. , ,
1 ' '' '- -I- t U I '' .!.. . , , U
l' . -.',-), ii,,. All oa,. all. ,u a, I'lee.
' Voir lil.liii'f u,i, Ila, , ,
oii,',lp,innv I, a, , eu-es u, ,.. ,.. a- , .
II,,' p i-t . ,-.,r w I, on , t , .. i o: . I. i,l
'"ii uji J, 1. M U.l. .V l it . .,..ll,,,,.. l , -
""'"' '.! AW l.l' It. . rio
ST.VITUS'DANCEr;::;;, I,:",;.1; ,, ;V;
Fern! dif W r. Kn imr
I'i f,
i' l.l I .:, r. , , :, i, ,
.- nt b, r 1 1 i, i : ;u
Cliv I r t tv.ui ei' N.tii, r
(inint- I',.,, ii,, t, ;, ,t , : , ,.,
Then, are lend- ,i, ii,,, , ,' , , ,
urv I'i lt d i a" ,a,,., , i,,. ,v
Hints, pn.i, .,, ,1 . ; , , t ,
lot, i, si on ,,.. v tl , , ..,
this d He
Halt tl nt (li:ni; I ns,, i !. j . ,
-.'J, Its VI.
t'ol. W. JtihiiMiii, i'ii v Iri.iMi,, i
I i I - I .' i'i l,!l! In iiTuI! i
1,1' w :'. to u- :i few . I,- :lo I
1 . W.n, i, ,., , (I,.,, . . ,, ,, ;
I ' : lltl.i. I l lbs lot s , ,:, f ." I v. '
' 'I. -i ' ! -I I. I lie J .un , nn d lo '
' "' '":c I I., r I, ft shoul i, r blade, 1
a. I I via. -o . r- ;,l nm, s ,'; it -1:,.
' '"''. 1 i" ith. r , at lo r ,i . p . I id
' f-" in ' ' I b..':i.' ,1, , tor. and
us ii, - p i I , r -an pi, - nt e n :
in - in, lo, nl. i ,-r I'i :', Iii, 1, I
1. d to I., r. We '
In ll few ila
- " - '" lor :l p. ,,w -he w rites
t " I! pain mid. r ha- left
lot ini", Iv.siio 1 1, i. s 1,,-r iiie. ils and '
li r -l- ,s 1, s i lnu s boiir- e t rv
" v't . an 1 tl,:s has all col al out
n, tn,, ,,-k-. and pi -t her ',... for
to 1', '., , ji!l s,ti. tin' ,1,., ir
.'' !, r ;,, it,.,t -I,,. ,;,
1 ! n! I I ' -a'.,' ti,,. f ,, mi ..
.' 4 - " i.'. 1 :n 1 ': I ,;.: u's Lopn v, d
1,1.1 I'lli- e :d ' l: !,l up l is 1 act It e,
V. . l. . in ' I i'. 11, ,-tor's '
'' f v'-f t't't ' Ol '' !t.l III)! lysl'l.
I '' I ' '"I - , :'- ,.r s'., 1. hi id:l, he
- u )." t :i -; , dv cure bv the use of
' Pil'.s, ,,'.! bv V K. Kr, un r
, .': . e - r 1,'S Oi' l.v I,, li1. in , ', ,j,
I " ' s-ftip.. s fr .,ld'.
I' - ,.!, To. t'bi i.i 1',,.
Price Now One nulla:
riiol e h.l s lie Vol- b, .11 :l i en, . '
: liai a. '.'! .illi eili'o.l p'los ;:n;
'h mi,' was ,i is, ;, of. d by lb'
1 't IT in. There is not :l el's. Il , b. ' j
IT, rs from tl,.- ,li-ri --:ii ,:':- i
M-e h, i ,s not ...liir;; to )'
i "' to h.tic the eati-e is li'.ev ! I
l'i iniinently. 1 m m.-.l i." 1 1 iw.v., j
t n.l on take it, ihats ait. )
( a'.jv: n n;ku(K-s '
1 low ..ft. II V. II l.eor it le'ji.i: i , d
"1,'sinlv ii e. Id." nnd :l lew '
Lit, r l.-iiin ti,.i- i' e man is on bis 1, i, ,
With pill' l, " cm l 'i : ,s is ef mi, I,
c.l all, on Hi, in lent , t: a' a colli, bow.
j r' ' slight, -i-,,,.1,1 t. t to.i: ii-nd d
( I'leuuls rbllll s r.,ii;!i K. m, ,!v c, un,. r.
in- ,. ti.i, tl, . i,, w:u, i 1 ll.'llinoupi, ;
j l'liolti Supplies nl the l ourier of- ltl,iv euros and is plea-ant lo
' litv. ' I take, s-olil ltv all dtui-is. t
0 nr,a. a CI . irst IKi-i-' v
0. il. & 11.
oui:(io: sr.oirr
' Shortest, Quickest.
i i '. f. n t, ll ilo
i: , ; . -. - . ,., p. ,.'..,. i
: : . . i, l . . . r. .,,
S-.iU l.,lUe .. . l-u,.-.
I.tH Iv:,'cs.
L LiiylliWio'ti
- --
X rt' i W:. ' A
7, A' tir&..f-MU&lJi
ft j A)
i ft
Short Lino.ot
Thronuli l'nlace anil TmrW1
crs, unit IliilT. L
I.iliiai) Cats.
Lor Halt-, Folders and full
rivunlinp Tickets, Koines, Ac, o
iid Ircss
J. '.V. HIAI.0S.!':
11. MCKsOS, c.t
122 Tilt Ml Slieet.
V.. H. V. lTCNMSTiiN,
l -J t-i'.-t A.eiMp'
Srl'll' 'Gl
siV';, ? "-'i
vi"-.srsi . -T- f
A fomilia. i.Hine for tiieO
-.ail. eeei Si. I'.iui K,H, k''
, oi 'be l'n,:t a" 'In' (lrc1',1'--:..:;,.
j the 'i'i,,'.. l-i''"1 W
.. . ..m' : i.P ''"i"" '
, .1 I I, mail "" ' 1
.-. ':.lo,' ' 1
.,-!. ll J
: ..t vtrr1'
-,ili-,l el t- C
' lo
i': .1. ...-',.., :. O
: ': .'ni T'lll-o':
:.-.: i" ; '. - :;: r
I.- ilrii.e;- eoai le.
o Hi , "I a t -1 !' ','
1 " '
,1. ''
-I. ii. I'A I'!.,,
i. I ll ,
.1 V r 0?
I -. e ;!,..! 1'iiiir tieve rem'
! Mi',, .iii,,.-'' i,,. . ,;iu lor'!
! the Vi.itt.l States or !'
- et i,tM'n-s te,l them.
K,,r Lues, psinphlei' or
mat, ,'o, ai'idiess, ,
f. Cl t
T.,.r I'.s. ..t feW
.: -i.tirui, Wash. ot
M .:
-I- Ii. PA P-I ;t :(
Sm I Hi' Danilrulf 1'"'
I "li. three !t ..:x teli'oVis
.'., , I v ill" in n tn'.iilllT I a'r'
.t'. ml .!!!.. Kor f,i,"'S!
I'r'K- P.,.
,11 .ill-
a i 'b ;. ,.
loll 1. l'a-..,.., U.nt,
Lo,tl.,;, Ure.
h bcttlcs. Docs thU wcWciRsci't-1 over n a Ka!fSg
k-"1 y .otJr. Tcti 7 1 r b Cure. No Pay. &
I '
I ,