Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 12, 1903, Image 3

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    "" . ' "
Kll J;;.
) ;
op I
1 : : I OUR
We have purchased the stock
of E. A: Wade, and will con
tinue the business at the old
stand. We will keep a splen
did stock of the BEST and
line, and our constant aim will
be to please our patrons. Give
us a trial
Telephone Your CrJers
mail Vt t
'aiu. . .
ik money refunded. The Duckeye is easy to operate,
"ia cjiild can do it, is easy to clean, and does the work
-thoroughly and carefully.
Irie Onlv JS.OO.
Cramer Bros.
mr :
prise Something new in Wash
il jag Machines operated with
i fly w heel and a uiii'pie re
of'v'ersible gear. Built good
:11F.nd strong for hard usage wear.
flair ' Riddle
Grants Pass,
:K Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers
and House Dresses.
To close out, commencing today (Thursday), some bargains in
,lfl; iese garments. You may !e the one to secure them. The Reliance
i ttt rappers have Cosset Lining r-iid are perfect fitting. Remember to see
Agent for
tew Idea Patterns, 10c-
When sent bv mail tic.
Courier and Oregonian $2 a year
! Grand
2500 yds. Fine Nanisook Embroideries, Inscrtinps
and Beading, worth from 10 to 2."c.
Special Sale Prices 12 1-2 cents
? 5000 yd. Fine Val. Laces, Inserting and Braiding
Special Sale Price 25 and 50 cents
per doz. yds.
's, 65 yds. Peau de Soir (Warranted) Black Silk at
' .,; ' $t. . This is the third piece ordered since la-t
Goods Delivered Promptly
Is a
If it docs not do all that
is claimed, you can re
turn it and have your
Our .stock of Wash Boards,
Wringers and Tubs is com
plete. Ask to sec the Asbestos
Sad Iron. Absolutely the
best thing on the market.
Hardware Co.
- Oregon.
J. A. Rehkopf
Embroideries, Laces and New Spring' Dress Goods
On MONDAY, March 2nd, vc placed on sale Thousands of Yards of the very newest creations on the market atz
Ham a
People &t TKey Come e.nd Go
From Day to Day.
Dr. F. W. VauDyke visited Ashland
T. J. Muckin of Lelaud was in town
C. T. Davidson of Davidson was
iu town Saturday.
Miss Oarrio Umphlette returned on
Wednesday from Gleudale.
Frank Sparlin of Williams broke his
arm on Tuesday of last week.
Miss Ida Weston returned on Friday
from a business visit to Portland.
AttoruyC. B. Watson of Ashland
was in Grants Pass Friday morning.
P. N. Butcher visited friends in
Gold Hill for a few dayB last week.
Miss Dowuor is visitnlg here from
Iowa with her brother, H.H. Downer.
Marsh Waguer and Homer Barron,
of Ashland, were in Grants Pass
J. W. Howard of Kerby has been
spending several days in Grants Pass
this week.
. Mrs. Frank Flook, now of Ashland,
is visiting friends and relatives in
Mrs. James H. Gwiuu of Pendleton
is visiting iu Grants Pass, the guest
of Mrs. Lucub.
Geo. W. Yaupol of Ashland was in
Grants Pass Friday and Saturday on
a business visit.
David John, Jr., of Williams, re
cently purchased tlio Berry Hall farm
iu that neighborhood.
Miss Lncy LaRant has been visiting
in Grants Pass this week with her
sister, Miss Ida LaKaut.
J. S. Tucker of upper Rogue river
spent several days iu Grants Pass this
week on a business visit.
Hon. W. II. Hampton returned on
Friday from an absence of several
weeks at Salem and Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colvig arrived
here from Salem Tuesday evening to
visit for a time in Grants Pass.
Chas. M. Miller of Greenville,
Alien., visited Hero luesuay evening
with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Voornics
Mrs. J. L. Gault left on Tuesday '
oveniug for Moscow. Idaho, to snend I
a few weeks visiting with friends.
Harvey E. Lounsbury, traveling!
freight agent of tho Southern Pacific,
was iu town Thursday on business.
Judgo Hanna returned to Jackson
ville Thursday, after spending several
days in Grants Pass on legal business.
W. H. Dana, superintendent of the
Copper Stain mino on Mt. Reuben,
sp nt a few days in Grants Pass last
Miss Mary Talberr, ono of tho
teachers iu the schools of this city, has
recently been granted a state life di
ploma. Rev. Robt. Leslie and Arthur Conk-
liu went to Oakland Monday on a
bmiiiess trip, returning the same
H. C. Kinney was in Ashland Fri
day, attending a meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the Xorn.ul
board of regents.
Mrs. H. A. Stevens, formerly Mrs.
Mary Loughhorow, now of Tucomt,
was in town last week and visited
the Williams district.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Dixon of Mo-1
i. loud, tal., returned recently after
sH'iiding tho winter visiting with !
relatives at Williams.
Miss Emma Hyde returned from
Portland last Wednesday. She ex
pects to open her millinery store
about the first of April.
A. P. Estabrook, the Gold Hill
druggist, was iu town Thursday morn
ing, returning to Gold Hill from a
business trip to Portland.
Mrs. M. 1!. Terrell of New burg re
turned on Thursday evening after a
visit in Gold Hill with the families of
L. B. and L. W. Charles.
Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. l)i inan e re
turned to the Greenback Friday morn
ing and will soon return to Grants
Pass to remain licrmanent ly.
Wm. R. Whipple, the well known
civil engineer, w ho is developing a
promising copper projierty in the
Waldo district, w as in tow n sev
davs last week.
Chas. Dicker, . thu Well known
Waldo merchant and poslmasti r, re
turned on Wednesday from a trip to
San Francisco and left for Waldo
Thursday morning.
Geo. St. John, manager for the
Champion Gold Mining Co. of the
Williams district, went to Tacoma
2500 yds, best grade of
25 pieces Amoskeg A. F.
new Stripes, Checks and
25 pieces now Spring Black (!oois, a;l of the very
latest weaves and textiles.
If you contemplate buying a black di ess, no matter
what grade or price, our Black !o'!s l)ett. has
values to offer thatwll interest vou.
recently, called 'there by the serious
illness of Ilia father.
Clias. V. Ross, representing the In
ternational correspondence schools, is
now located here, having arrived on
Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Ross.
Miss Hattio Webb of Waldo, who has
been visit iug with her sister, Mrs.
E. W. Kuykcndalhat Wolf Creek, is in
town for a few days. S?ho will return
to Wolf Creek.
Myers 5 Hancock have received a
set of new and very handsome barber
ejiairs at their barber shop on Frout
street, an inijiortniit addition iu ap
pcarunce and fur comfort.
Miss Mallei Gulcy of Ashland, who
attended the district C. E. convention
lure tUl extended her trip to
JRoseburg to visit with her brother,
H. C. Ga ley, of the Roseburg bank.
Frank Grillitli returned on Sunday
from Pun laud, where he has been in
the hospital as a result of getting his
collar bone broken at Siskivou. He is
making quite a rapid recovery from
the injoiy.
Mrs. C. A. Anderson of Omaha, au
old friend of Mr. and Mrs. T. P,
Cramer, sH t Friday and Saturday
visiting with them at their home in
this city. She continued her journey
to Portland on Saturday evening.
Ray Telford came down from Coles
tin Monday eveniug and "spent Tues
day visiting in Grants Pass. He con
tinued his trip north to join the party
of government geological survevors
who passed through Grants Pass re
cently. L. C. Hudson, formerly foreman
for the Old Channel Mining Co. at
Six Mile, was in town Thursday and
wont out to Selnia with his brother,
U. F. Ilnsdon. He expects to leave
soon for Idaho, where he has a posi
tion as superintendent of a mino.
Rev. W. G. Council and family ar
rived on Saturday from Pitcstono,
Minn., lo make their residence in
Grants Pass. Rev. Council assumes
charge of the pastorate of Bethany
Presbyterian church nud occupied the.
pulpit on Sunday at both services.
He is a speaker of very unusual
ability, force and attractiveness nnd
those who have heard hiin are almost
.. .1
j uu.iu muni:-ij ut I lie oeiinou linn
I lietlmny church is very deserving of
congratulation for having secured him
lor tllls l'nstorate. Mr. Council and
family will make their home at the
Voorhies residence until they get
permanently located.
Business Change.
E. A. Wade, the well known grocer,
has sold his grocery to G. A. and j. R.
Hyde who will continue the business.
During the years iu which Mr. Wade
has been engaged iu tho grocery bus
; iness here, he has carried on quite nil
j extensive trade and has made his bus
iness successful and substantial. The
I Hyde broth era have lived hero since
childhood and are well known in
Grants Pass and Southern Oregon as
very worthy and enterprising young
men and deserving of the success their
, business ability will command in this
Kentucky, the "dirk and bloody
ground, " and the state of sensational
liapi nings, has been quiet for some
time mid little has happened there
lately to distinguish it from the more
tame and peaceable commmoiiNVcalths.
Hut Kentucky now has its name in
tin' papers again, this time iu a Mili
tical perplexity. Governor Beck
ham, having served the term of the
assassinated Wm. Goebel and a later
one of his own. is desirous of vet
; another term. The democratic state
central committee considers him in
eligible on ac count of having already
served two terms, while Reckham
claims that tli.i Goebel term does lint
'count. Judgo Caiitrill sustained the
iReekham view and the committee
' has tul.e n an appeal.
I D. of II. Social.
j A veiy pleasant anil successful social
I was given on Fridav evening at Wood
. man hall by the 1. idles of tho Degree
J of Honor. (James and other social
I anniseiin nts were indulged ill. A
handsome quilt, the work of the ladies
of the orihr, was rallied, and was
jawariled to Mrs. Mary Simmons. Re
freshments were served and the later
IMiition of the evening was ki writ in
Mr.-. A. E. Simpson, Mt Craig St.,
KlliiMMll,., lellll.. Writes, Jlllie lOlh,
iv.r.i : I ,;,v,. ., i trviiiu' the baths
ot Mot Springs Ark., for sciatic rlie-1
iin.atism, hut I get more' relief from i
Kallard's Slow l.iniiiietit than
mi tin it r anything 1 have
tri'd. Enelo- d liml Mnl order for
'l.'O. Send me a large lsiltle by
utliern Express. " Sold by hlover
Drug Co.
Jdp.ince Waist Silks.
C. (Jinhain, all of the
Cords U.Jc
Brief Notes e.nd Items of Interest
e.nd Importance.
Dr. Flauagau,
Physician aild Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.
Oliver Plows at Cramer Bros.
M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
See Voorhies about Kodaks and Supplies
Planet Jr. Garden Tools at Cramer
oaniora s niamot delivers meat as
soon as ordered.
Get your bicyclo cleaned and over
hauled at Cramer Bros.
Choice cuts of moat always at San
ford's market.
Pattous Sun Proof Paints aud New
Floor Paints at Cramer Bros.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron's.
Fresh eggs and plump poultry at
Sanford's Moat Market.
Portion's in immense variety and
popular prices at Tnomas'.
"Ingento" Photo mailers three for
5 cents at the Courier Olllco.
Fountain Peus Watenium's Ideal
t'.'.uO to (0.00 at Cramer Bros. -
Typewriter ribbons for all machines
for sale at tho Courier oflice.
Benus Spray Pumps, Spray Hose and
Spray Nozzles at Cramer Bros.
Now is the tiuio to make your gar
den. Get the tools at Cramer Bros.
Livo stock, poultry aud eggs wanted
at Sanford's new market. Front street.
Stroblo's shoo repairing always
pleases. Take your shoos to him.
Reduction sale on Ladies' Flan
nelette wrappers nt Mrs. Rehkopf's.
Seo ad.
Fruit trees cheap at the Riverside
Nursery; must close out. Call at
Shiver's drug store.
All painting aud paper hanging
orders left at Thomas' store promptly
attended to by E. Moore.
Tho socialist Club meets every
Wednesday evening ill Room 8 of the
Tuffs building. You are invited.
E. Moore, painter and pajx r hanger
is located in Grants Pass. Orders can
bo left at Thomas' furniture store.
L. A. Stroblo has chargo of the shoe
making and repairing department nt
tho Lucus harness shop. Take your
work to him.
Laco Curtains galore at Thomas'
50c pair to $8.00. Among tho new
arrivals this week are some very pret
ty Irish Point.
If you wish a lot to build that new
homo on, seo Joseph Moss, the real
estate agent, as ho controls some of the
most desirable building locations.
Ono 21U Egg Incubator and two 100
Chick Brooders for f., if taken
quick. Come and seo them.
Jose X. Nelson, East A street.
I have sold nursery and must close
out fruit trees. Will sell very client!
by tho hundred or trade for wood or
lumber. Cull at Slovcr's drng store.
Curtis & Co., practical watch mak
ers and jewelers. Dealer in watches,
clocks, jewelery and Diamond rings.
All rejiairing first class. Odd Fellows'
When you want the best that ex
perience and high grade skill can pro
duco in the latest styles of dentistry,
at moderate prices, call nt Dr. Jen
nings' dental olllco.
The big boiler and engine for tho
Nipiicr-Johiistono saw mill near
Murphy arrived hero this week and
have been unloaded from the cars pro
Iratory to being hauled out to the
Invitations are out for a dancing
parly to lie held at Clemens hallext
Tuesday eveninsg. The event is being
arranged by a number of tho ladies.
The Demaree orchestra is expected to
furnish the music.
The Gold Hill sc hool is arranging a
eries of HiKdling contests for the ben -
cut of the sc hool library, to begin
next Friday evening. In the first
contest, the school spells against the
held, no one barred.
Grunts Pass is surely becoming
Metropolitan rapidly for wo notice
that Thomas, the liousefurnisher now
carries right in stis k, over ill) iatlertiH
of carjs ts and niuttingi. Truly a city
showing of no mean proportions.
The Christian Scientists of Grants
Pass hold their regular churc h service
in reading room on E nnd id stree t,
II a. in. on Sunday and H p. m. on
Wednesday. Room cqx-u from 2 to 4
p. m every day. All urn welcome.
Dr. Olmsted, supreme! medical ad
visor for tho I'nited Artisans, will
We have now on our Counters, all of the latest
weaves, of New Spring Wash Goods, Puro Whito
Bleached Linens, for Waists and Skirts, Linen
Bastiste, Dress Linens, in light, medium and
heavy weights, also Embroiders and Inscrtings to
All of tho new mercerized and I 'anger, Fancy
Stripe-t, Checks and Plain Weaves.
1000 yds. Linen Orass Cloth at K;c.
give a lecture in behalf of that order
at Woodman hall next Wednesday
evening, March IS. A program will
be given and rcfrestiuicuti served.
A black bear cub, some eight or 10
mouths old has been occupying one
of the wiudows - at tho Chicago
Racket store this week aud has been
quite no object of interest. He was
captured near Merlin by some of the
boys of that neighborhood.
M. Luckctt left on Tuesilay for Chi
cago to seo his sister, who is seriously
ill. Ho will return to Grants Pass
to remain permanently. During Mr.
Luckott's absence his place at Myers
A Hancock's barber shop will be filled
by a competent barber from Sam How
ard's- shop in Portland. Mrs. M.
Luckctt went to Portland last week to
visit with her sister, Mrs. AV.E. Mal
Elliott Lyons, who, whilo resisting
arrest for horse stealing, killed
Sheriff Withers of Lane county, was
tried for murder on last Wednesday at
Eugene. He was found guilty of
murder in the first degree, the jury
being out only 10 minutes. Lyons has
been sentenced to bo hanged on the
1? of April. No information has been
filed against his wife aud mother and
there will probably not there was
no criminal intent in their alleged
resistance to the sheriff.
The World Almanac and Encyclo
pedia for l'.lOS. 5(U largo pages of
facts, figures, statistics, U. S. Census
aud general information. Up-to-date
tolls about Cuba aud the Philip
pines. Sent postpaid for 35 cents.
Col. W. Johnson, Grants Pass, Ore.
New Locations the Order on the
North Side.
number of business houses mado a
change in location this week as a re
sult of the completion of the now
rooms iu tho Masonic temple. Sweet
land's butcher shop was niovod to
more commodious quarters in tho
Masonic building and on Saturday
the Wells Fargo express and Postal
Telegraph otllces were moved to the
room iu the opera house vacated by
Sweetland. On Saturday evening the
postollleo was moved to its new loca
Benefit Concert.
A cuncert will bo given on Friday
evening at the oiera house for the
benefit of Mr. Fred Riley. Tho fol
lowing well known Grants Pass peo
ple will participate :
Misses Mabel White, Cleo Lucas and
Pearl Cunningham; Mrs. D. Edwards
aud Mrs. F. E. Young; Messrs Mao
Smith, Fred Mensch ;J. M. Ishaiu.Prof.
E. Young and others.
A Keward of $23.00.
Will be paid for the return of my bi
cycle, a model 8S, men's Columbia
chainless, No. KUDO, 31 iuch frame,
Hartford thorn tires, black eniimcil,
steel rims, stolen from the sidewalk iu
front of Paddock's bicyclo shop last
Friday evening, Feb. SO, and for the
apprehension of tho thief.
Carl Gentner.
To the Public.
We are still located iu tho L O. O.
F. building and aro situated so as to
epiote you the very lowest prices ou
all grades of Pianos and Organs.
Sold on easy installments old Instru
ments taken in exchange. A full line
of violins, 'guitars, mandolins. Sheet
music! and music books always ou
hand. li. G. Magoou, Manager.
No More Free Ada.
From now on tho Courier will de
cline to donate advertising space.
The regular rate per lino each inser
tion w ill bo charged for advertising
for all entertainments of every charac
ter w here admission is charged.
Taken Up.
Them ciime to my ranch at Holland
in.Taiiuary a dark red, yearling heifer,
wilh lish hook underhit on left ear,
slit iu lower right ear no brand.
Owner can have animal by paying
charges. O. II. Lihby.
A part m r for general merchandise
business. Capital of fl.'iliO or UOOO re
quired. Fcrr particulars seu Joseph
Moss the! Ri al Estate agent, Grants
Pass, Oregon.
For Sale.
Horse, harness, wiigon, cow and bar
rel spray pump. Cow will bo fresh
shortly. Apply to Mr. L. Fay, 2d
in mind the genuine WALK OVER is cheaper than
Ask to see our high cut WALK
P. H. Harth
Gents' Furnishing
Sixth and H Streets, - Grants Pass, Ore.
Meets Death by F&lllnf Tree in
Crook County.
James W. Wlmor of Crook count v.
formerly a resident of this county, was
killed on Friday near his homo in
Crook oonuty by a falling tree. Only
meagre details of tho accident have as
yot been roceivod by his relatives iu
this county. Judgo Booth of Crook
county caused a message to be sent-
immediately to his brothers. Goo. W.
and W. J. Winter of Waldo, but it was
not received iu time to make it possi
ble for them to attend tho funeral,
which was hold on Saturday at Priuo
villo. James W. Wiiner was formerly a
woll known resident of Josenhino
county and lived on the Bunch lilace
near the Murphy bridgo ou Applogato.
Ho was a member of tho order of Odd
Fellows and belonged to tho Roseburg
BKOWN-I11 Mcdford, Mnreh 4, 1008,
to Mr. aud Mrs. W. Brown, a
COKSIii Modford, March 1, 100.1, to
Mr. and Mra, II. M. Cokh.r dauslitur.
STANLEY In Anliliind, Maruh 5,
10011, to Mr. and Mrs. Uuo. U. titan
ley, a clunglitcr.
H( CK KTT-SUITEH-Salmii, March
n, iw);i, aiiHH uraoe K. Suiter and
Olydo T. Hockutt, ly Hoy. T. H.
burg, March 4, 1003, Arthur Ma
honey and Miwi Oraco Carroll, by
Rev. O. A. Hvatt.
In Hams Valley precinct, March 1,
loon, l'etcr Van Hurcli'tilmrK and
Minn Katu Vaughn, by Rev. T. L.
BOOTII-Iu tl.U city, Saturday,
March 7, 10O3, Marjorie Minor, in
fant dauKhter of Mr. aud Mrs. J. M.
Booth, axed 10 uiouta
ADAMS Iu AmIiUikI, March 7, 1903,
W. J. Adaiim, of Coburg, Lane
county, B?d HI years.
CIILDEltS-In Mcdford, March fl,
loon, Arnold Childers, a imtive of
Miwtouri, aged B yearn, 6 mouths
and 10 days.
HUBBARD At his home near Love's
Hint ion, Wednesday evening, March
11, Kilwin Hulilmrcl.
Mr. Hubbard had been seriously ill
with aiiiwndiclti and an operation
was performed ou Tuesday. Tho first
news received hero was that he was
doing well but news of his death was
received late Wednesday evening.
eanPET stile
This week we place on sale 4 pieces of Carpet
at Slaughter Prices.
1 piece regularly sold at ISc goes at M)c
2 pieces SO " ,lr
1 piece " " " SO " " (it)
Ovor 000 yards. Early buyers get the choice.
On Saturday, April 11, from 7 to 9 T. M. wo will
bliow you how to develop a Kodak Film without
a dark-room.
A. E. Yoorhies-Kodak Dealer,
Grants Pass, Oregon.
Do not let anyone deceive you.
None are WALK OVERS unless
they aro stamped WALK OVER
on the sole and on the strap of the
shoe. A good word for the WALK
OVER. Some merchants are try
ing to sell other shoes claiming
they are made by the same firm
and fail to stamp them WALK
OVERS. Do not be deceived.
Quality tells. They have been tried
and found not wanting in Style,
Durability and Comfort. They are
the embodytnent of
foot ease and protec
tion for the feet. Bear
OVER shoe at
a Son
Hljhw.ya Should Be Wide end
Houses Stand Well Back.
A. narrow residential street mny b a
rrry uttrnctlre one If tlio houses stnud
well back from the street line, with
pleasant grounds about them, says
Sylvester Buxter In the September Cen
tury. In a growing tuwn, however, the
danger from such conditions comes
With the liability to convert tho street
to business purposes or to erect mora
compactly disposed dwellings. If busi
ness comes In, the transition Is com
monly marked by Jugged Hues. Com
mercial structures, often of a cheap
ud undesirable aspect, are built out
to the strout, whllo the dwellings staud
recessed back nt lrrcgulur Intervals.
And whea nt Inst the street Is fully oc
cupied for business purposes It Is alto
gether too narrow. The roadway and
sidewalks are crumped, and often a
widening has to take pluce at the pub
He expeuse. If built up closely to the
Hue with dwellings, tho street Is likely
to lack air and sunshine, aud the tend
ency is toward scjualld conditions.
An excellent remedy for these evils
la offered In tile Massachusetts law
that empowered municipalities to es
tablish building lines at any desired
distance bsck from the street line.
When such a line Is established, no
buildings can be erected on the Inter,
veulng space. The municipality ac
quires au easement In this strip of
Und, which can still be used by the
rwner for anything but building pur
poses, and on the establishment of
such a line owners may claim dam
ages, as In case of takings for a street
widening. It Is, however, commonly
more ot a beneOt than a damiigo to
have property thus restricted, for It
sssnres a more permanently desirable
character to the street, nnd In case a
street widening should ever bo called
for no obstucles will stand In the way.
By taking tho restricted strips there
will be omplo room for the wider road
way nnd sldewnlks.
Ideiils for attractive sheet planning
are to bo found In many parts of tlio
United Htntes. There Is nothing mure
clinriulng ns u rural street I ban that
of a New England village nt Its best
lofty nlsles of leafage, the tie; :i with
feet In a carpet of turf nt the sidewalk
border; the houses unlet and unob
trusive, standing well bac k and mark
ed with tho true home character,
whether they ure humble cottages or
ahodue of tho rich. The noblest de
velopment of such rural streets Is to
be found In tho old towtis of the Con
necticut vullcy aud In western Massa
chusetts. Thero the main hlghwuyi
have an extraordinarily generous
width, often giving room for quadruple
rows of old elms and broad spaces ot
turf, tho roadway requiring only a nnr
row space In the total width of the
The Wonderful
Developing Machine
Abolishes the Darkroom
Entirely. Develop nnd
Fixes iu Full Daylight
IVo Fumn,
INo Mil MM,
AMvii.vm lt-u v,
l'erl'eet lI-t ures,