Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 12, 1903, Image 2

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PubliahedlEvery Thursday.
Subscription Rated
On Year, in r dvanc. $10
Bil Monthii, - - .16
Tbre Months, ... .40
Hingle Copies, - . .Oft
Advertising Races
Furnished on application at th office, or
by mail.
A. E. VOORHIES, Pkoi r. & Mnor
Entered at the pout office at Orantu !'",
Oregon, aa econu-clai mail miller.
The Montana lionw) of representative
lias jxiHwd a bill providing that each
ncwsrm.or shall oiico a month print
on tin- firHt lniRii a Ht.itcmciit sottinc
forth the ownership of tlie twinr and
that each editorial aliall ho iK'l 7
the odilor or writer of tho article.
Tlwro are nouie nowjper iu Oregon
thut would look with intern! disfavor
ou uch an act, in both of it require
ments. Oregon sportsmen need to be mental
ar.rolmts if they keep pace with the
kaleidoscopic rliaiiRoH iu the fish and
game law. Tho average siHirtHmanV
knowledge, of tho gmiio Ihwh in a
duhiont mixture or IihbIi of all the
game lawn we hnvo hud in tho IhhI
half dozen years, mid they have been
many. The latent change ! in the
nil law, tlxiug a new time lor the
clone season. On the Rogue river the
cIoho seasons were from Mnreh 1 to
April 1, nnd AuguMt, IS to Heptonilior
20 east of the Illinois river, und from
March 1 to April 1 and Angiiht 1 to
September 1 went of the Illinois river,
and from Miiy 1 to Augnnt 1 nt the
mouth of tho river or within three
miles oulHide thereof. The new law
prewritten a clime mason from July 1
to DecemlK r III oast of the Illinoiii
river, and from Mareh 1 to April 1
and AuguHt 15 to September 1i went
of the Illinois river, und from May I
to August 1 within three mile out
side of the mouth of the river.
Kince M. A. Moody, the congresit
uian from tho Second Oregon diHtriot,
whose term lias juHt expired, has been
retired, he bus been the recipient of a
grout deul of deserved laudation, llix
work in congreHS has been of the
highest order of excellence and ability
and his representation of tlie state ban
been most honorable. The plaint ha
gouo forth quite commonly that il
was a pity that he was turned down
by tho nominating convention in
favor of Williamson, a comparatively
unknown man. If there is any pity
involved it naturally occurs to an
observer that It is rather out of date.
All these things should have been
thought of at the time the nomination
was made. Apparently Moody's
faithful and clllrii.nt services were not
so greatly iu tho minds of the dele,
gates as they should Jutvo been. Now
since Williamson has been nominated
and elected, be should receive all pos
sible encouragement to do Ills level
best. He Is virtually an untried man
and may develop into one of the ablest
and Is'St represcntat ives the slate has
ever hud.
Oregon has a bird law "It shall
bo unlawful, etc" to "kill or catch
or have iu his or her osscHsion, dead
or alive, " any bird w hich is not a
game bird, tho members of this class
being enumerated and dcscrUs'il, to
Wit: geese, ducks and their ilk',
plover, xti i mi and kindred fowl; coots
and mudhens; grouse, quail, elo. The
protection uirorded under this act
dis's not apply to certain other birds,
Uot game birds, but classed as out
laws; crows, blue jays, homed ,owls,
butcher birds, magpies, English
sparrows and hawks of all kinds. To
make sure of the crow, he is exempt
ed twice in different sections of tin
act. Yellow hammers, wondiicckcr,
robins and other sst iferous orchard
thieves aro protected under the lo t.
While useless slaughter of birds is
always to ! condemned, yet it seems
that the legislators inigot spend theii
time more profitably than in the con
Hi.lcration of laws like this one. I'cr
.haps the yellow hammers are cut il led
to consideral Ion, but the orclnu ilisl is
liable to forget the law when he sees
his finest apples drilled to the t ore.
Grants I'nss and Joscplilne Conn
tv Are Hound 10 Thrive.
We are iu receipt of the lolluuing
letter fiiim John Murry, formerly a
resident of this section but now ol
Istiuilsrry, Mo., where lie i engaged
in gardening :
"I see by the Courier that (Irani
l'ass has greatly improved in t lit'
lust few years. 1 think liriinls l'ui-s
is the gaidiu spot of Josephine
county. The outlook for that country
seems to li very promising With
mines, lumlsT und fruit in st
quantities, it is hound to thrive when
thoroughly ilooloo.l. 1 Hd Missouri,
as you well know, is noted for big.
red apples, watermelon- an. I corn. hut
when the lliennoiuetor drops to he
low aero, il makes iieople think what
they have done with iheir summers
wages. I feel very much interest, d in
the welfare of your county and peo
ple. John Murry, Slants ri v, Mo
Missionary Convention,.
KeV. O. II. Smith, 11. 1) , ussisMlit
secretary of the Missionary socioii nt
the Methodist Episcopal chinch, will
hold a missionary . onv, nt ion Iu c
man M. '.. church, I .rants tW, 11. a t
Si tuiduy and Sunday, March II I"., as
follows :
Hp 111 and 7:30 p. in., S.iturilin,
I'latforiit meeting.
Addresses will li delivered by IV
Smyth, J. 1 Ahls tt, of Ashland, W
1!. Misiro of Medford, ami others.
At the regular services Sunihii
morning and evening lr Smyth wil
Dr. Smyth is thoroughly informed u
this line of work, and is an aide sue
flqui-iit ssaker. A rare treat is ii
store for all who will take uih.inlag.
of this opportunity. You will U
Diane Welcome to all these .-ri,.-s.
i. W. McDougHll, I'ustor
We have liaj lots of good luck with our Sin. I'tople
tell us they wear well. We think it is Kcause we strive
to buy the kind that wears. We do not search for
shoddy stuff when buying.
W. 1-. Dean & Co., I'ropr.
Front street, oppo Depot.
Chaa Crow Telia W hy Change of
Route Is Desir&ble.
Merlin Items.
(R.ieiv.d too late for last issue.)
Ray Colby went to Wolf Creek
Applegate Itema.
(Received too late for last issue.)
Jim Gibson of Williams was at
Wtll Known Jump-off-Joo Prop
erty Soon to Be Equipped.
The well known Oro I'ino quartz
inino, situated In the Jump-off .lis
district, is to lie owned np this spring
and a mill will probably be installed
early iu the summer. H. 1). Norton
ind W. T. Turnhuin of this city have
lately boon carrying 011 di vclopmciit
work 011 the prorty ami the showing
Is very encouraging. Mr. Chase of
Cortland is now taking hold of the
pros'rty and will put a forco of men
immediately to work to further devel
op the mine. He has thoroughly sam
pled tho oro iu the veins and dumps
and the showing of the mine at tlie
present time warrants the erection of
a mill for what is already in sight.
Oil account of the condition of tie
roads, it would bo next to i nis,ssihle
to do any heavy hauling to the mine
it present and development w ill he
continued until dry weather, whin
the roads will lie solid.
Tho Oro Finn has been winked to
some extent in years past and has
produced some remarkably rich ore.
Insufficient facilities caused a tempo
rary abandonment of oiicriitioiis. The
early work was carried ou near the
surface. The Oro Finn has two veins,
I parallel, about -II) feet ajmrt. There
is now a tunnel, i'.OO feet In length,
tapping one of the veins at a depth of
about I2."i feet from the surface. A
crosscut tnnnel from this will he ex
tended to tap tho parallel vein which
was the one worked at tho surface.
The old reliable The Weekly unvonlan.
Hut I'eople Thouhl So and Went
M&ll-lcss Sunday
A rather amusing circumstance oc
earn d on Sunday as a result of hav
ing moved the jwstolllce 011 the even
ing l fore. The customary crowd of
ople assenihlid after church to g' t
iheir mail. The first installment ol
'Ople peered in at the windows of
the new ollicc, tried the hitch, and
went away disgusted, .many of them
lining some hard kicking at the post
master for having the door looked.
Suit continued until a voice culled
from the inside, "Why don't you
come in '" when it was realized that
the door was merely a tight fit and
requin d only a little extra pressure
In open it. A number of people went
without their mail because they never
thought to push on the door.
Music CIivsj
The music class will meet with
Mrs. Kinney, Saturday, March II, at
II o'clock p. 111., the subject for study
being "Musical Instruments.''
Current K vents
I'iano, (illustrated
Violin and ( 'olio
Violin Solo
Mandolin ami
Zither I illustrated )
Flute and Clarionet
Guitar I illustrated)
Chorus lirill
Mrs. Young
Mrs. Dcnison
. . Miss Moore
Mrs. (Ye
Miss Silshv
Miss Ada I'niphlHtlc
llanjo Miss Croxton
Mrs. Wilson
Miss Williams
Mrs. Holding
Pruning Tools at Cramer Urns.
..New Goods..
For the Spring ami Slimmer
are beginning to arrive in all
departments. ::::::
New YVmsIi (inoils in all the Latest Weaves
Now Luces, Kmhroiilcrios, Alluvers and a
very pretty line of White (loinls. : : :
New Line of Ladies' liclts. : : : : :
New Line of Su miner Corsets in Pink,
Jilue and White. Also a full line of "Fer
ris Waists." ::::::::::
New Line of Ribbons in all Widths and
Colors. ::::::::.::::
KeincinKer we are heller prepared than
ever to supply you with your Spring and
Summer want-'. :::::::::
SllOI'.S AMI I I KMM1(. (JOOliS.
I in the,l ol one comjinny or set of
,. ., ;owneiv The whole water
SlenUv Mvuriuillc Oprrtvltoii it , , . , , , 11
1 "U. '1 tie 11 he ueil to advantage and
Klrcheli Property. the en , k , ouM he
1 ! and systematically from one end to
llyiltaulic oiKTatioii ale he iug . t he ot In r
steadily cairiid on at the 11. W. Kir
choir mine on liriggs creek. Tin- Clm ken Pie Supper
iiiiue. s.lualid ahout midway he Th, , ,,. ,,,,,, . p.,.,,,,,, , ,,,
tween the head of ihe etc. k and lb. ... , .
1 - 1 1 1 on 1 1 1 1.1 v
ning. M.neh I !. Ml the ,.,u.U. t
'a ' t t!i. 11, w M,- 1 1..
I.... 1 . . .... I 1- . . I '
the ere, k I'. d ullil tho low hal.-. ! ,. .. ,
mouth, was foinietlx known as the
Aruett claim and contains some t' thi
, ' ,1. p
is a high 1 h.uinel which vs, iy 11, h.
I'liis chann. 1 has heen m,i:,,,1 ui
f.'i 111. r jeais I v drifting and janl
richly. The din was s.,. ;., , ,,;..!
earned out of the ill ift, while it was
s'.ule. d. Not Hit r. .(in ntly 11 :,,
.Inc. d as high Iv as a dollar to 1 h
sack, a suinll ore saek h. ing us ,1 -I'hc
present os tat,,i ai,' p;j mg on
this kuiu. channel h,.i .11 a ,. 1 ;'; , 1 , u 1 ,
polllt from whole the ,Uil!.;ig ,.i..
lone. Next s.a.-outhi V w:".
' iv , 11, inv it, ,1
l'i 1 ' .ten' 1 '0111 1 f '!'' . Stale of
1 r, :i I r ,m p, , 11, ( Vim! .
1 ., ! 1 1 u... 1 i ,
Kdi tor Courier
In your s r under date of Feb. 2ii,
tlien. apsars an article Irorn oue
"Sartor in wlncli lie uiiu. nahes 1.1
set forth the various reasons -why the j
(ialiro creek wagon road should not
1 changed from its pres. nt route to a
much better and more practical one
that is instead of crossing the river
it the Indian ranch to continue down
the north bank of the riv. r to a ls.uit
Is-low Taylor creek. There are vari
011s reasons w liv mo cnange scouin
I' made. First, it would be shorten
the distance considerably. Second,
it would avoid Taylor creek and thus
save the building of u bridge at that
place. Third, at the prnjKiscri place of
rossing the river, there is a much
better place for a ferry than at the
present crossing. Fourth, there can be
better grade along the prosiseil
route than can ever be made along its
present course. There is no doubt hut
there call bo a road built from the
f. rry down .entirely above high water
mark and on a grade not to exceed
i st cent, w ith but very little if any
more cost than would Is- necessary to
'fix" the present road so that it could
pro-rly lie called a road for as it now
is, it is virtually the same as 110 road
at all for us "Salter" well knows
that 110 small amount of the pres.-ut
road from the ferry to Taylor creek is
on 110 less than 20 per cent grade anil
to reduce that to an 8 per cent grade
would require, more money than to
make the proposed change.
Sarter is misleading ill his state
ments or else he is not well informed
when he says the present route was
chosen because it was less expensive
and more practical. Now, I w ill ad
mit that is was less expensive, but
the consequences ar. no road. As to
the practical side, it is a well known
fact that among js'nplo who subscrib
ed toward helping build the road il
was the general w ish and the under
standing that it would go via Strat
um creek and that they would get 11
road instead of u pack trail widciud
to is-rtuit a wagon to pass over it.
ask "Sartor" if the surveyer iu mak
ing his report on the two ways did
not say that tho north side of the river
was tho morn practical of the two?
And did not II. K. Stahl and others
utterly ignore the wishes of the js-o-ple
and report of the surveyor and g(
on the opposite side of the river, ami
besides did he not simply follow tin
old pack trail all the way through and
pay no attention to the survey'
"Sarter" wants to know where the
necessary funds are to be gotten
wherewith the road is to be built
Well, the .'ost would not exceed I, .".00
and to show how the jicnplo stand in
regard to the proimNcil change, in all
probability at the very least one half
that amount could be raised by
isipular subscription and if the true
conditions am properly brought h. fi
the county court of- Josephine county
1 believe the honorable gentlemen
,'OiiiHising the Hoard would willingly
appropriate enough money from tin
general fund to lluish building tin
Now, "Salter" c again but nvei
your own signature ami see U vou
haven't sonic interest except to kecj
watch over the treasury of Joscphim
county. KcsN'ct fully,
Chas. Crow".
Provolt .Friday,
of Williams was at
W". K. Powers came home from his , j.rovnt Saturday
mine Satur.lav I John llailey of Williams was at J. T
. . T V sl,h.v
R Met;., an went to mains .'- "... . .
Pass Wednesday.
1 h !,! tilt.
-'. 1, , . th. above nam, .1
What Wo Aro Coining To.
I came to a mill by the riverside
A half mile long and nearly as w ide,
lib a forest of stin ks and an armv
of men
Toiling at furnace and shovel .-mil pen
" What a most magnificent plant!"
And a man with a smudge 011 his fa. c
" It 's Morgan's. "
1 entered a train and rode all .lav
Ou a regal coach and a right of wav
Inch reached its arms all ov. r th.
Iu a system too large 1,1 understand.
"A Splendid plolHlly. this''' j ,,,,, I,
And a man w nh ph,t,. ,,,, his h it
" It's Mtugan's. "
I sailed on a great ship trim and true.
Krotn Hiinou to k.-el and iabin te
crew .
And the ship was one of a nionsi, 1
fleet ;
A first elass navy could searce com.
"What a beautiful craft she is!" I
And a man w ith akimbo legs 1, ph, ,1,
" It's Morgan's. "
I dwelt ill a nation fill, ,1 w nh pride ;
II, r 'ople w. re many, her lamU m,
w nl. ;
Her record 111 war and science an 1 an
I 'roved greatness ,,f nuisie, ni:n, ami
heal I
"What a grand o!, country n J
And a man with his eh-t in the an
It's Morgan's. '
1 went lo h.aven. The j.isjvi wa"s
low. r, d high and w el, -i,, n ,, p hp
. 11 halls
SI. 1 no bright 1 , on.l ; but ;i .tr:u g...
i,,w 111.11 k
Was ov, r (he gate. M ; Pnvalc
Park. "
"Why, what is the meaning ,.f il ;.
And .1 vim! w tth a lurv on. r. :;. ,1 -
" It '. Mol g Ill's. '
1 went to
Mrs. Robert Crock, t is dangerously
ill at her home m ar Hugo.
Miss Sadie Lav.d. 11 w nt to Placer
TueMlav, where she will sp uci me
summer with Mrs. Klliel l-'oss.
Kcv. W. T. Golden of Grants Pass
will preach at the M. h. church 111 tins
it y 11. xt Friday evening. All un
K. is'hraue has purchase 1 the
blacksmith tools owned by the l olhy
brothers and will move them to his
inn on Jump-oiT-Jo" soon.
Miss Mary Massic has been engaged
to teach the spring term of school at
Pleasant Valley. School will com
mence about the middle of March.
M. rlin is very much in no d of a
good hotel. There is a fine business
ipoiiing here for a good hotel man. A
- , , 1 1 .. 1-. .. . ,i
ileal substantial hotel, wen eoiuiuciou,
would pay well lore. And a livery
stable is vi ry much needed too.
Night Hawk would like to know
what subject Wide Awake would like
him to write is ih.ii. Put it is to be
.iippn..ed that snow, rain and mud
ire his favorite subjects lis they are
the subjects he writes on cue h week.
First it is snow, rain and mud, then
next vve. k it is rain, show and mud,
1 lit 11 mud, rain and snow, then he
iocs ha. k icnl commences over again.
We are very much afraid that Nigh!
Hawk has contracted that dteadful
disease that is so prevalent in Jose
phine county of sp. nding his time
criticising his neighbors If you are
going to w 1 ite for the Courier, take
our advic", Wide Awake, and spend
voiir nine gathering te ws, even a
personal or two would be an agrccabh
change from rain and mini stories.
Night Hawk.
Wolf Creek Items.
(Keceivell too late for la.-t issue.)
Fine weather. Kveryhndy busy
making ganh ns.
Joseph Iion will soon have his
large contract of wood cotuplet. d on
Coyote creek,
Mrs. J. K. Mclhid,' of Portland
will h ave there on the (i r.-t of April
to visit her 1111. tor, Mrs. K. A. Cor.ler,
of Ibis place.
Chas. MeGinnis was seen on our
streets one day this w. . k. Ho takes
the north hound train on the "r.l of
this moiiih for G'.i iulale. We all w ish
him a nice time.
Mining men are coining from all
parts of the country to our little
town. Wolf Creel; will boom this
season. New tuim s are being struck
both 011 Coyote eie. k and Woif crook,
10. ami O. A. ('order, who were en
gaged iu working ou the Allen-Lewis
ditch were going h, m. from work anil
spied a two y, ,ir old heir in a tall
ireo. F.rnie cliin.d the tr.e ami
shook the hear out and I). A. threw
his cat ov r him am! lit d him tight
mil brought him iu alive. The hear
can be se. 11 at the Stein, r rain h, om
mile from W..!f Crock. The hbys re
eivc gnat praise for tl,, i, brav, ry.
Happy .lack.
Wildcrnlle Notes
Mrs. l.ia.kiv i - (!,e h. 1 i,.f at t hi ,
I'hilnl. le
h's folks.
Mr. I., ve!
Ihe past w
Mr. and
1. iv in v;::
1 111 1
-1 . nl ."-ice! 1
.las !i,...Kl
list a f. w ,1
.lis. La
i iv v ilh
sn k
G'orgf Punlaii of Provolt was ut J.
II. Miller's Sunday.
,f. T. Layton of Aildegatc was iu
Grants Pass Friday.
Harry Perkins of Provolt was at Mr.
Sonson's last Tuesday
Harry Day of Murphy was at Apple
gate one day this week.
He reports that the snow on Steam
boat melted only in sjiois.
Louis Lo. sob the Provolt hop man,
was 111 Giauls Pass Friday.
Mosio L'oat of Baltimore was at C.
Davisons, Sunday 011 a visit.
Marsh Haldwiii of our little town
was at L. Loesch's Saturday.
Jake Carter was at the Williams
iiistollice Sunday on business,
Kollie ("arris of Missouri Flat was
a visitor to Giants Pa.-s Tuesday.
Thos. Lew-man of Provolt was at
lli idgc Point, Applegate Saturday.
George and I.ina Sporcr of tins
little burg were 111 Grants I'ussrn-
h. W. Palilwiii, the Williams Creek
hop raiser w as at Grants Pass Tuesday
on business.
Uoo Thurston of Lumbug was at
the postolhcc of J. il. lVrnoll ut
Lrnlgo Point.
I)r Flanagan of Giants Pass, passed
through lure Monday on Ins way to
llliams l reck.
The people of Applegate lire busy
now putting in thou- crojis while the
in aiiicr is good.
Jim Young of Thompson click is
now carrying the mail between Apple-
gate and .-steamboat.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Hyde vvi re at
Laurel Grove 1 1 1 is week visiting
friends and relatives.
Jeff Lin.lsi y of Murphy was a visit
or of W illiains creek Minihiv and re-
tinned home the same day.
Mrs. M, Daniels of Williams made a
ple.i.-ant visit w ith the family of J
A. Lewin an 011 Appl. gat.-.
Miss Maude liroeks oi Kogue river
was at at C. ooks the past lew days
but returned homo Saturday.
We are glad to sav that our school
in district ,1 and :iil will start Mondav
1111I will continue eight mouths.
Jim Flowers of Merlin was at visit
or of Loesch's at Provolt Saturday
anil Sunday, hut has returned I10111.
S. I). Groves of Portland was in
'.his locality this week upon a visit to
Win. Peinoll and family at liiiiige
Point, App legale.
The has. ball game that was played
Sunday between the two nines was
good. The tallies stood l.i to 111 in
favor of Appl. gale.
We are glad lo say that our school
tcaclii r, wiio is to teach the .school in
district H and :)o, 1 atne Sunday am.
will b, gin Moll lay morning.
Miss Maggie Lcwiiian of Applegate
left lor Ashland Tin sday where sin
will make a two weeks'' visit with
I rieiids and w ith h, r brother, liicharil
Lew man.
Joe York and llillio Myers both of
Missouri Flat Wore in Grants Pa-s the
past we.k. H. Manstield and K.
1 brokinartin of up r Applegate wer.
at Provolt Saturday.
Nipper's lumber rafters got down
witli their raft of lumber Saturday.
Tiny had a hud time coning down
Williams Crock 011 account of drifts
ami hi ush at hung ovr the watci
and held their lumber.
Amos Cook and F.d. Ilaiintim ol
Grants Pass have been doing consid
1 lahlc work ihe pist two weeks mi
their little pocket mine situated 111
the Appl. gate district one mile I mm
Piovolt. .Mr. 1 laitn 11 111 lias a Pi inch
ie.lge that goes . I bi.l-.-J tit the ton.
lb. 11 1.11I; is sulphur, t ore and will
have to he shipped.
Oscar Knox of th Powell's creek
-aw mill was at Sams Cook's Sun
day and 1. ports that lie w ill he ready
I" start the mill running in a few
we. k.-, th. 11 Mr. Knox will start to
work a numb, r of men, s to log
ging and soni. in the mill. Sawmill-
"'g is ' of the gn an st enterprises
that Jos, phuie county has and employs
more men than any other business that
is going, although there is not as
large wag, . ;,.s tie-to is , t tj her work.
1 long, 1 ;ob- and I. - money is hi 1.
.- ,lr
1 -;, :
1 t'e r I !---oil
the ,
hr-r of
:illl,h; V
. in P.: 1
lie W I
fell! Ill, ,1 to
r a !' w im
Mi s l:
s l W 1 '
Please Settle Vp.
K A Wad-
, It a- tl
; my h
i ! 1 .1" a: t1,.
' a msN, i- 1 w ,
i-ae -- JtMM 1 s I
A W.i
lo l:a;v I.
0.1 ml :
I lit!', ! of ' I., Mute f I le.
mine op. nod in sn. h -hai, that th, iv.,11 ar !;, by 1, , ,,.,:! ,,,,. . ..;
n. liesl is.rtlons id Ihe i I aim, 1 u:,.i 1 1,. .,a, cm n ,, ,1 ut vou
' with th, in- ' j " "; : ' Y"" ' d "lilt, t r he I
-" -'"'" 'o.i,;
' Ihe I.lllll L. claim, at l'i, j i'leiil"' .,; Iv to Ihe , ,.r, (,,, .
liolllh of I h.loll cle.!. Ail .:',, eg ih, I M ' '' 1 I I la I- 1 in I he , omphi 1 ul.
ie,L ai,. rich bars and chann. :.s w.i , 1 ',""" v ' '"' :' ' r"' l"!vimj th.
'"""' ' " ' !"'":. "2?;:w.2 I:,
! the property Is covered I v a m , j tor luvih, r 1 i t ,f f.-nir. I
iiitiecnt water right from 1 mien , r, . k, 1 1:" !" - ' 1 ul li-h, ,1 be i.b r !
an.' of Ihe larg.r tnhata.., s , 1 p,;. i '! V" """ '' ." !" ' 1 'y J-,. I.-.
-r.ek. This prop.!-, w,;: ;;.'-.!:.; . vi',! i;''V.. il'l,',t-v" ,'""'r 1
!., develop-d I. li , ;;ic;; I ' ! ie -e!',,.,t- 1: V,.ih I'1 ' i tutu:, . 1 1 gg. j "' ' ' 1,,,1 I ! !.-! till .: ,l,n,f
r,ck, like li.iiie. ...1, , ,., . , , j '" ' '" Air" ''' 1
smtheru Oregon. .UM ... ,p,,,,i Atw M,.y ,,'r PU.'l' j
Hi" eti.v 1
I, ft
I .!..,
A eieiluc 111 ,!. .,.,( ,. ,,
Or p. rhap.-, I may h. allow, d to sit
On the grid. II., I il. ,.r of th- I. :, ,.
I- - 1 it
!'a' 1 ' r.i.g 1. ut w ji!, I on,. , ;, .
I'li-l . nt. a- h- f ,1 . -: ,,
1 I e .-.
It's Morgan's. "
P.iw it.l Vane.. 1 4 k
A t men i ,,, ,-ireii:.,t. , m
.! Ueii , . ,.-,! . . i, f,,r . ,),.
. f Mrs. K.e f ir. ,. i j, ...r:,,.
a t. rm in the .-m. nnarv f, . ,,
A r.-nu.iitiai al... 1. h.-ing , ,.
s V-i J
A (iOt)l) MH j j u
f id
. ' :: 111
' .' ..I e
K. or.
r 1I1 Ii-
'I 1 - r.
it ,-r I v
M. !
.',1 III--I
el. ..-.!
Always keep in mind
that we employ only first-class
Plumbers and Tinij
and conscqnciilly can do work that will satisfy yon
Give us a trial and be convinced.
Grants Pass Hardware
Front Street, Opposite Depot,
Coming Events.
March 21 High school wcighitit;
social at Woodman hnil.
March IH Chicken pic supper by O.K.
S. nt M asonic t 111 Jilt-.
March i:t lienetH cnti it:. inmcnt at
Opera house.
March Ii Lecture by Dr. Olmsted for
Cnited Ar! i.- ins at Voodmim hull.
March D. ilicalioii of .M.n onic ti 111-pie.
t "OR. SALE.
pair of horses iiamiTIir'
would trcSr'i
IJ-Igian Hares forsaleorJt-'
0700 V!!r7'"v "i''.
CIU AI'liK 1. T7
s'V 1 '"",'" B'M .
- apple orchard, milt
ahiindancH; ivuter (r irjj,,,,, -s.
rings en every -iu nerco ,.
range rountry; two dvallin. i '
every thing emiipiete; t-'
IrOStS, .'.Hill 11.11, in,, '....'- V
.,.,o ,,,! ,, s i"l..rl
-. '.""- "" 1 anilely.
111, pure at tins uthee.
t. r than short
-ns ami tog w agi s.
Sis and so
I'Ak, .All .misk ,i
I moved Insothces in Mmual fin.
laiii.nng, .so. ii i.eary ftt, ,un,,r,- r
( 1 rants Pass,
Field and
Seed in Bulk.
;i.n 1' ran'.
(Shuaka's old place I ;
I10111 Slicci, i.iaius Pai.,0,'
Fim'iirk A Sciiai iwi, fri;f,,
I'iisi-cl.iss Meal'. Short onittn
3""Kies!i Uanch Kjgs nr,'d
White and Yellow Field Corn.
Sugar Corn, 1'np Corn.
Alfalfa, Timothy, Red and White
l'eas, lieuus, Onion, Carrot.
Also regular paekac;e sveds.
Cousin SysterQ
of Invests
Iowa Capital
Oregon Lnlcrpris S
Mines, Farms and TimWr lug
Bought and Solil. k j
We have Tieasiirv Stockofi:
l'or 30 days only I will sell men's
-hirts and underwear nt cost.
Also ladies a',1 wool underwear
Min in1;
in ()iv;.;on for s,ni
jarKxceiitional faciliiies t
vestiK.iting propetties.
Daniel Frederick
The Fair Store
;A. B. Cousin, NljJ
McKay llldg.
Portland, Ore.
Send for rrosiKClusSt.Hc.1-
(iraills Pass, Ore. O aliee MinitiR Co.
s) rm;
; ar 111c
Lulnnd Sitlint'.s
lh v. V., 11. nuhl of (11, mlale, va:
'own a ! v days last week.
a ii- has in;: h
V' ha- the
in.: - viii,..
'1 he - oj ;.. :,i,t
iiik .i-iiii am! t'i, 1,
h.r a hie 1 n,,.
All tie- nnii. - ar,
I le iv il
f ''Oll.
!.'! l-lii-h-d
' - 1 1
1 -mtvWi kV-Av
Virtn- ah
of tie- '. a.
i .-. k I" ha.
ill t'.-r ih
h--l, ,1 It I
1 t f, I
lie II i I-
1 o,:.
are rill- j; full bla-t. '
1 my ..f Mat, r to lat I
' ill tie' s I ,, i
'li" '''--I "lo ill I.elaml
"I- i--on ami Ii,,.,
win. w 11! I..- ihe ili-iv, r ;
" l!'il' I-' e.n.l IS CO- I
il lie m -ii- fllll.r.-. I
' "'- Wife has he, ,,,.'
I S ! W .I lls hut n j. '
lol'iii.' .!.....-. iocs. j,
v i""l il !ih. d by his
1 lo- k ;n fin.- shape.
'" ' ' 1 v iit.Tj.risiii -r .
s"in.' of !':,,, n hunt
;,l"l ti.ip ami n.ost ,,
'nl. Ii i- a v, rv
th, ir ,i:..,;!
1 '. . ' . -
G. P. Pharmacy and
Made etisier win n yon
pons and ink, with other ft"'
match. Anil wo can snpi'lT -wants
in that line with Ik''1
lowest prices. Our stuck u!kh
coniplcto ami carel'ully k'"'
pi-. nt variety of mi ilii'P l0!11 , '
l'i no linen note, full line of
blank book 11ml olhcc speciiilti
National Drug
.y t . ,.
O i o
' ' tr;l' lb-'ii of ii.
1-n a !, ,;,,s ;V.,. 1,
1 :i 1' -ll.tlfll! Htt!e Va'l.eV,
.'' "M' II f!-m the Vi.-W of th,
' " ' y:Uuj l;, th,
" "1 M,-i.:,l 1,. M1,-,ns, d at
"' fv. alel ,-v rvh. .
- " w. ri, ..' indn-tri..,;.
V,w I.m-' lor a l
m. h, ,, r tl, 01 in
1. !
Uldc U
- Il
A. U. BanmarcTs
o I KJ n .
...Clearing Sale.
1 liavr iH-.u-ht iiml will soon rccoivi- the ;
1'H'i'st Mock of (.'arpoLs ever sliown in ll rants
1'iiss. ninl win; t in i loso out some in stock, and
n il! m.iko stiociiil iniliii-emcnts to close buyers.
As 1 Ibivo fnp tl,,. jiastyi ar been selling.' Carjiots
;it j.i iivs now iiihcrtiseil by others as extreme
'"; 1'i'iiv, ou will see the mlvantagc of .'iv'm?
tins your immciliatc attention.
A lid of Wall l'iipor in small lots at your
own (in,.,,, loo-raiiis half prieo.
A b t (,f iiniMTSiil t.teel Pianoes ami Cook
M".i'-w;il be soM rcsiiirdless of cost to close
tlien. nut. They are extra quality.
l-.verytlii.ij; at bottom prices.
Furniture and House Furnishing'
NorthSide. . Grant, Pass. Oregj
I' ' I 1 ': i'l I'ATP . j
11. ! ,r. :, :', it
v .'ii. a th ,t b
I '- lib d
7 ," ' "; '""'"' 1 ".of ,i
.' '"- ''"' ''"l'i ti..' s.,,,1!
' '" '""'' t.r. K. I.. :.irt. I
' ' "" I I ,1.11,,!,, I
1 "r. -,!,. ,, April I-,
II I I. .No ,,,
I I lll.ll .)' . - j
N ',
m: .
w n-h.
1 I I
M-.i. h
n Two W
1 o Cure i Cold in One Day
VAlXm RrAm. .
-Tl!!!;:;" This aJe, & ZfArzn