Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 12, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL,. XVIII.
No. 50
judge J. O. Ilootli
CnmmisHlmi.r. ) Jol" Wells
, H. r. Lovelace
Clerk li. I,. Hartletl
Deputy Clerk - T. P. Juilwn
heriit Geo. W- Lewis
Deputy Bhentt Krnext Lister
lreasurer J. T. Tavlor
behool riupt. Lincoln ttavaee
assessor V. H. Kaihn
Surveyor H ('.Perkins
Doroner W. F. Kreiuer
Mayor J. F. Haslior
Auditor and Police Judi;e . J. J. Jenninc
rreasorer Col. W. I.ilinson
I'lty Attorney.. C. E. May bee
Marshal John Loi-kliardt
street bupt John Patrick
Louncllnieii tlco. H. limns
fclfA. O. Hough, J .11. Williams, J.
t I.. Calvert, J. A. Uehkooi, Will ('.
bnulb, Herbert binitli, II. C. Perkins.
Jrants l'aas Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. W.
regular coiuimimtation Inst and third
Saturdays. Visiting brothers c.mliallv
invited. , 11. W. Uieua V. M.
A J. Piki, Sec'y.
Royal arch Masons -Keames t hupter No.
M meets second and fourth Wednesday
.Masonic hull. II. C. Hobzikn,
J. E. PBtBasosi, b'eey. 11. P.
Eastern Star Josephine Chapur, No. 2U
nieets lirst and thtrd Wednesday
evenings of each month in .Masonic
hall. Mas. T. B. CoBHKLL, W. M.
Mas H. Zollkb. bec'y.
. 0. O. F., Ooldon Rule Unlue No. 78,
meets every Saturday nii:ht at 1. O. (J.
F. hall. C. 11. Marshall,
T. Y. IfcAM, Seey. N. (i.
aran Kncampnient I. . O. F. No.
meets second and fourth Thursday at
t. F. hall, Fhkd schmiht,
T.'Y. Dkab, Sec'y. C. P.
Itebekaus Etna Rehckah, No. lit, meets
second and fourth .Monday, I. (). O. F.
hall. Mak Davis, N.O.
Klsis Gbekr, Secy.
Jnited Artisans UraSits Pass Assembly
No. 41), meets alternate Tuodavs in
A. 0. LI. W. nail. C. K. Root,
Fbko Mkssch, blaster Artisan.
Woodmen of the World Koiiue ' River
Camp No. fV, meets second and fourth
Fridays at Woodman Hall.
W. P. Sharman.
0. E. Maybkx, Consul Commander.
Women of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No.
182, meets first ami third Mondays at
Woodmen bail.
L. May Davis, U. N.
W. E. Deas. Clerk.
Jodern Woodmen of America Urants Pass
Camp No. H0U7 meets lind and 4th Wednes
day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7 :').
Clias, 11. Marshall. V. C.
N. Reynolds, Clerk.
foresters of America Court Josephine
No. 28, meets each Wednesday except
the first, at A. O. U. W. hall.
J. P. Halk, C. R.
0. N. Bolt, F. S.
osephine Lodge, No. 112, A. O. I.'. W.
lueeUin A. 0. C. W.hull, Dixon build
ing every Monday evening.
L. Hiroiile, W. M.
B A. tababd, Recorder.
iawtborne Lodge, No. 21, D. of II.. A. O.
l. W. -meets every alternate Tuesday
evening in A. O 1". W. hall. Di.xon
builditiK, . Mtts. A. Mcc'aktuv,
Mas. Lvuia Dean, C. ol II.
lllif.'hts of Ihe Muccalitesiirunls Pas
Tent, No. 13 meets lirst and third
Thursdays at Woodmen hull,
Wm. Alired, 1'. Stovai.l,
Record Keeper. L-juiuiuuder.
,adies of Ihe Maccabees Crams Pass,
Hive No 18 holds regular "Reviews"
first and third Tbarsdays at A. o. U.
W. hall. i Visiting sifters cordially
invited.. ' Jennie Cheshire,
Mary Simmons, Lady Commander.
Record Keeper.
inputs of Pythias Thermopylae No. 511,
meets each Tuesduy mlit 7:1)0 1. U.
O. F. Hall. M. T. I'tlev,
Ton Williams, (.'. C,
K. of R. and S.
Irand Army-of the Republic (ren. Logan
Post No. itti, meets lirst Wedno'lav at
A.O. U. W. hall. O. ft. Lvans.
J. E. I'triKsos, Adjt. Com
Lmerican Order of Steam n'ineers, Ore
goti Council No. 1, meets nr-t and
third Saturdays, at A. O. I . W. hall.
Wm. H. Kknnlv.
Bkkj. F. Myrick, Cbiei kngineer
Corresponding Engineer.
Irder of Pendo While Rock Count it No
liki, meets in A. U. I . W. llall brst
and third Friday nights,
C. K. Mamie, Seciclaty.
J. L. HuSTtKo, Counselor.;
Jnited Brotherhood of i'arjienU'rs it rid
Join en of America I'niuti No,
each month at A. U. I W. Hull.
nietiU Hououd anl futirth Fridays of
J. K. Wikuma, Viva.
D. A. FitziIERai.k, iet''y,
'ractices in all Slate and Federal Court
Ullice over First National lUuk.
iANT8 Pahs, - - OnB"iN.
iramts Pass,
ohn M. RumnieH
F. M. Rummel)
lixth and C Strert opj). Court Jloust
Ibaxts Pass, - (i:ki;on
Puom 31
N. E. aMcKEW, .
FnrtiilDra iil Piano
Tk. popular barber shop
Get your tonsorial work done al
Ou Sixth Thicc c'nairs
' Bath room in connection
Welch's Clothing Store
lias a few odd Suits and Over
coats that aro being sold at
very low Cut l'nccs. Call
in and 600 them, it will pay
you.'t you need a pair of rants? Havo a lot of odds,
soil tip' coats and vests. Now wo want to sell you the
PanU at a Discount.
I orl mo Remember w0 arc ar0 selling Shoes for you lit
LdUiUo awfully low prices.
QL ... For the Girls, Boys and Men. All kinds and
oMUuS prices.
Como amd see us. We can save you money.
Opera House Block.
Grants Pass, - Oregon.
New Music Just Arrived.
Sold at Half Price.
Call and Examine our Stock
before buying, at the
Piano House.
Ashland and Medford.
Our Pianos and Organs arc al
ways sold on easy terms
and at Lowest Prices.
We handle all kinds of
Leave orders at our
will have many new features,
and ate cheaper than ever.
You lose money if you send
away for Jiicycles or Sundries
this year. Paddock's cash
prices are the lowest. You
see the goods before buying
and don't have to wait for them.
You cannot afford to overlook
my large line of Sundries. I
can save you money.
r '
y v
Full assfirtinrnt nf Watches, Cluek, Sil
verware ami .liwelry. A (IikxI
.iwirlinent if Knuvletft anil
Heart r.aili;le,
Clemens' Drug Store.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.
Tran.a t a General Hanking l.u ineM.
Kweives d. poit sul.jei t tu chei k or on demand certificate.
8i,len;trs,;n,"plertw'u, ,re',"",!", ,"d erery -
Sa'ety twies fur rent. j. fRAUK WAT.SOX. Pre..
K. A. HOOT II, We-I'rei..
I.. L. JEWKI.I., ( a-tiir.
The First National Bank
Re- eive 'l' l'-u siil.irr t to berk or on rertilirate paval.le on lemti..
u-htura!t.,n Ne York .-an Kranci-o. and 1'i.ri an.l
leieL-r.,i. trani-feri ;,1 on all point! in the t nitel .-uu
p.ial Attention iiun to t'olnrtlon. and general l,D.jre- of o-,r cu-to u,r.
Code. lion. ma.le lliroutrt.out ,ul).eru Oregon, and on all c;i,le t-m,i.
K. A. liOOTH. I'rea.
J. C. CA.Mi'P.KI.I.. Vi.e Prei.
H I- I.ILKKV, i a-lrr.
Vj.' - P&i: to Jt--Urr On?
-: t i rijr w ii ir,!!.rn valor.
p .
O 3
'ii. C
B 2.
' E
x 3
v- 2.
o U
Musical Instruments
stores for Tuning.
Sixth anil II KtriTIH,
Grants Pass, Oregon.
n iuii;s:
Gold and Silver l.0i
Copper and Iead, each i.Oti
Tin 3.00
All IwBinpss ii trusted to me will re
ceive prompt and careful attention.
PARTIES. : : : : :
More Pun
than a box of monkeys.
Sloyer Orun Go.
Front Street.
t-jO.OOO oo.
LJ BalJ -nh 1-rri.p. .....l Vm rJ
Christian Endeavorers Enjoy
- Interesting Meetings.
The third nniiuul Cliristi:iu Endea
vor t-ouvotit ion for tlio Southern Ore
Rtiu district was hold iu Grnnts Puss
thi week, beginning oil Friday eveu
iuR anil closing on Suuday evening.
It was a very successful eveut, inter
esting ami jirofi table iu the extreme to
all w ho at tended. About 2o dele
gates were present from the valley
towns ami the convention was given
a good nttoudaneo from the homo peo
pl.vtlin church being well filled at
each session by an interested and at
tentive congregation. Tho seritg of
uddresses given at the several evening
sessions were uniformly excellent, tho
speakers In every case presenting their
subjects en in. st ly, impressively and
forcibly. Kach evening session was
opened with a song service, a number
of familiar hymns being sung by choir
and congregation.
The majority of the delegates ar
rived on the evening train from the
south on Friday evening. Tho con
vention met at 7:15 p. m. in the
Kitliiiny Presbyterian church. After
the song service a portion of scripture
was read and prayer offered by Ruv.
Robt. Leslie of the Baptist church.
The anthem, "Praise Ye Tho Father,"
was given by tho convention chorns
and then followed the address of the
evening, delivered by Hev. Clarence
K. Kberniau, field secretary of the
I'uite.l Society of. Christian Kndenvor,
on "What Christian Endeavor Offers
to Young People." Mr. Ebennan is
a pleasant and imprcssivo Kcnkcr and
handled his subject very elfectivey.
The dominant tone of his address
was one of earnestness and fidelity to
the work of Christian Endeavor.
After tho address, tho anthem, "Thou
Wilt Keep Him iu Perfect Peace,"
was given by the chorus and the ses
sion was closed with hymn and bono
diction. On Saturday morning, tho conven
tion was opened w ith a prayer service,
after which the O. E. extension cam
paign was outlined by J. A. Iloek
wood, Oregon state president. The
business session was hold at 10 :30.
On Saturday afternoon, tho conven
tion met at 2 o'clocn. A Hible read
ingw as led by Geo. Cramer, after
which short addresses, "The ISost
Thing in Endeavor," nud "Know
ledge is power iu Religion," were
given by Kev. .1. M. Hunter of Ash
landa nd Kev. J. W. MeDougall. A
vocal trio, "Lift Thine Eyes," was
given by Mrs. Uault and Misses Edna
and Laura Parker. This was beau
tifully rendered mid was one of
the verj cnjoyablu numbers of the
convention. ri ho Junior O. E. ex
ercise was given under tho direction
of Miss Coe, and Mr. Eheriunu's talk
to the Juniors was extremely interest
ing. This session dosed with the
worker's conference, led by Mr. Kbcr
man. truest ions were asked and were
answered bv Mr. Eli. Tinan. Manv
good points were brought out and
pi Mil mI ilr idoas'prcscntcd.
On Saturday evening, the conven
tion opi'ii. d w ith a song service, after
which Rev. W. O. Council gave a
scripture n ailing and offered prayer.
Hi ant I -in, "The Lord is My
Lig-.t," was given by the chorus,
lb v. W. Shields of Medford gave
an extremely interesting talk on "Mis
sion Work in Siam," iu which field
he has had practical exjs-rience. The
autheiii, ".Search Mi', O God, " was
sung by the chorus and the second ad
dress of the evening, "America's
Call to C.niseeralerl Service," was
gi.'li by the Rev. Phil.i Fuller Phelps
of Ashland. Mr. 1 'helps gave a very
able addr. ss which the congregation
received with appreciation und dose
attention. A hymn and benediction
elost d the session.
The closing session of the conven
tion was held ..ti Sunday evening. On
Sunday morning the regular services
w re hehl in the several churches and
in lb" evening th Newman M. E.
eluiieli, the M. I;, church, south, and
tie- Rapt 1st church joined in the con
v lit inn services at tin- Presbyterian
church. 'I'h chorus very Ix n tit if n 1 It
rendered the anthem "Children of
lie- Heavenly King" and " Seek Ye
the Lord." The sermon, "A Pledged
and Consecrated Lit"," was itivcu bv
I lb v. W. t;. Council, the newly ar
riv, d i tor of I ; t li-itiy- pp-hyt"rinti
church. He li'-M his audience in rapt
atteniioii from the beginning to the end
'of Inn ilisc.'itir.-e, which was one of the
best that has been lieard from a Giant.
Pass pulpit fur uiniiy a day.
Tlltf following l! legates I To
present fioru ctln r towns of the dis
trict :
Ashland Mis. Ella I). Rice,
Maliel Gab-y, Miss Ethel Gal.y,
Holberg, Elsie Patterson,
Nellie Dick, y, Rev, and Mrs. J. M
Hunter. R.-v P. V. Phelps, Messrs.
Mi Nair, Kershaw and Holmes.
Medford Mis-, s Fannin Hasklint,
Julia Fielder, Grace jnann, Lillian
Parr, Edna Ibng. Lottie V,'i by, Su-ie
P.oyd; R. v V.'. S. Shields, I. V E. M.
Patterson, Fi.u.k Hull.
Jack -onviil. M :s I.uey Swug'Ttv.
All meetings f tl,e ciivennon w ere
held in tin- l'lesbvtori.'iu chunh
whiihwas v.ry tastefully decorat. d
in t.'i- cnlurn and w ith ev. r
gre us, plants au'l flowers.
i he following oilioor.s wvri.
to s. rv- t w o ve.-irs :
Pros ib nt I'rod Holmes
1st Vice Pr' sid. iit G
of Grants Pa-s
"Jd Vice I'roi.b nt E, f JackMiiivilb-
E Wash
:td Vie.- Pr. -id.-nt Miss Word
en. of Klalna'h Falls
So, r, ',: -.' I i-s E lna Parker, of
Gr,;.!- I -
Tr---;.r' t Mis. L !i.a ilea, of
'Ihe in vl b:-i.nirtl cM,veutii.ii will
Is bdil in A -hiand
City Council Holds Meeting on
Thurda.y Evening.
The regular semi-monthly meeting
of the city couueil was held ou Thurs
day evening with the mayor iu the
chair and tho following couuciliueu
present: Williams, Perkins, Herbert
Smith. W. O. Smith and Rebkopf.
A iH'titiou from J. S. Stewart and
others, asking for additional hydrants,
was referred to a Btiecial committee
consisting of Herbert Smith, W. f!.
Smith and Perkins.
A petition from Peter Gravliu, city
teamster, asking for an increase of
pay from fcb'i to faO per mouth was
A.'S. Hammond, eity attorney, pre
sented his resignation, which was ac
cepted by the council Some woeks
ago Mr. Hammond notified the council
that he could not serve unless lie were
allowed the maximum salary allowed
under the charter, add tho matter of
increase of pay was taken under ad
visement by tho council.
The health committee was instructed
to investigate tho matter of repairing
the main sewer near tho mouth of
Gilbert creek whero it was brokeu
away by the eavins of the river bank
during the recent high water.
Tho following bills wero allowed :
G. P. N. W. L. & P. Co., frM T.'i.
S. P. D. & L.Co., : 77.
R. Edgar. 13 80,
Hair-Riddle Hardware Co, f(l 10.
J. C. Turck, 4 70.
John Knapp. $13 (X).
Grauts Pass Grocery Co., ifl 2a.
T. B. Cornell, V! 13.
A. D. Knight, f20 00.
Adolph Geyer, 0 00
An ordinance providing for the con
struction of a granite aide walk on
tho east side of Fourth street from C
street to Evelyn avenue was intro
duced and read tho first time
City Attorney Hammond made a
report on an ordinance relating to
sewer extensions ou Fifth street. The
matter was referred to the street com
mit ton.
Reixirts for the month of February
from tho auditor and jKilieo judge and
tho street superintendent were sub
mitted and filed.
The matter was considered of the
numerous violations of ordinance No.
I'.M), relating to tho construction of
flues and stove pipes and the marshal
was instructed to investigate and noti
fy deliiniuents to comply with the or
dinance. The ordinaneo requires flues
located within 150 feet of any oilier
building to be constructed of brick
or stone, with walls at least four
inches, the bottom to bo at least six
inches thick. The flues aro to te
plastered ou the inside and, where
passing near woodwork, on the out
side also. They should extend at last
two feet below the ceiling of the room
in which the fire is to be iiiado.
Every stove pipe passing through it
ceiling or partition should be pro
tected by passing through a patent
ventilator at least one inch from any
woodwork. No stove pipo shall stand
within IS inches of any woodwork or
cloth wall unless such wall is pro
tected by tin or zinc plates. Permis
sion in writing from the fire and
water commit too must bo obtained
before erecting n pljsi to puss a win
dow, roof or side wall. The penalty
for violation of this ordinance is 20.
Councilman Rdikopf, Perkins and
W. C, Smith were apisiinted as a com
mittee to confer with members of the
old firo department in regard to the
disposition of some of the furniture
of the company.
Arthur T&ppel Killed tvt West
Fork Bridle Last Week
Arthur Tapple, a laborer of Count's
steel gang, engaged in laying track
near West Fork, fell from the bridge
over the creek there Monday night of
last week and was killed. Ho cuinc
to West Fork on the night passenger,
No. 11, and it was noticed he was
under the iliMin nee of liquor when he
got off at West Fork, provided with
a pass to KciiIm-iis. Ho started across
tho West Fork steel bridge anil fell
off, striking the hank li.j feet below.
He was discovered soon after the fall
and was picked up unconscious. Ib
died from his injuries within a few
Governor Chamberlain Fill
Few State Position.
Gov. Chatnls rlain has apsinled Hr.
H. L. Henderson as health ollleer of
Astoriii7.i succeed Dr. .1. A. Fulton,
and Dr. E. E. Straw as health officer
of Marshfield to sue.eed Dr. Everett
Miiigus. Dr. Straw was formerly of
Klamath Falls. The governor has
also appointed Dr. Stephen S. Wise,
H. G. Kundret, of Portland; Mrs.
Hello W. Wright, of' I'liion; Mrs.
Millie R. 'Iruuibcll, of Oregon City,
and Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, of Oswego,
as the state board of iunsctors, under
tin' new law which regulates the em
ployment of child lals,r.
Giants Puss Woodmen urn to have
,i street fair some time in June. The
Pass is a g'xsl, rustling town mid the
Woodmen thern aro wide uwake and
will no doubt make it a' success.
Medford Enin'r'-r.
C. H. I.ibl.y visit, d Grants Pass
Saturday. Mrs. Libhy, w ho has Is . n
-laying in town for a mouth i-ast,
receiving medical attention, returned
with him.
Fierce Brutes The.t Roevmed
This Section in Early Days.
In tho early days of Southern
Oregon, before tho railroad came with
its stimulus of progress and enter
prise, Grants Pass was a stage station
situated about ft milo north of the
present town Bite. This littlo valley
was a quiet one then, ranching and
stock raising boiug the principal in
dustries. Supplies wero brought iu
by freight team from Roseburg, then
the terminus of tho railroad.
In those days game was plentiful
Whenever a ranehlier wanted venison
he bad only to shoulder bis gnu and
walk a short distance into tho woods
iu any direction. There were deer in
plenty and bears, panthers and kind
red boasts wero by no menus scarce.
One of the gamest of game animals
that roved tho Southern Ongon woods
iu those days was the wild hog. The
wild bog of this section was not a
unlive; ho was simply a tamo hog run
wild, a civilized beast relapsed into
barbarism. Rut it is astonishing how
soon these liogg would lose all the
indications nud elements of domestic
ity and becomes truly wild beasts as
any of tho carnivorn whoso compan
ons they were. In obont two gener
ations of savagery, tho wild liog de
veloped into a ferocious and formidable
beast. He developed tho "raisor
hick" style, lean and bony, swift of
foot, with head and foro quarters ab
normally develoiH'd and liiudl quart
ers correspondingly shrunk away.
His form was modelled much after
the same fashinu as that of the bison
of tho plains and a flereo row of brist
les answered for a mauo and complet
ed tho effect. His overgrown muzzle
was armed with long and desperately
wicked "tushes," formidable weapons
when propelled by tho powerful nock
muscles of tho enniged beast The
wild hog was a fighter and there was
little fear iu bis composition. Ho
went his own wild way and kuew no
deviation from a courso when once his
head was set in any direction. His
upix'iiraneo proclaimed his character
and pugnucity glared from oveiy fea
ture. Sometimes the ranchers would hunt
tho wild hogs and shoot them down in
the woods liko deer. , At other times
they jvould catch tho animals, shut
them up in pens and fatten them. The
.oioratiou of capturing the ferocious
brutes was exciting, with quito a con
siderable element of danger. In those
days, onu or moro "hog dogs" wore a
necessity on every ranch. Thuso wore
sjx'cinlly trained dogs, usually, though
not always, large and jiowerful ani
mals. 1 heir work was to catch the
hogs and hold them and in this opera
tion they were wonderfully intelli
gent and proficient.
The hogs ran in droves. Their
hunters, probably two or three in
number, mounted on horseback, rodo
through tho woods, each man carry
ing with him a supply of buckskin
thongs or other strong cords or
strings. When tho grunting, squeal
ing herd was sighted, usuMly in head
long flight, tho word was given to tho
eager dog, who would rush forward,
select bis animal and seize it by the
ear. If the dog was an artist, with
prido iu his profession, ho would al
most invariably select tho biggest,
strongest und fiercest hog in tho herd.
The ear was tho hog's vulnerable
point. Seized in this manner, he
would do nothing but stand braced,
his feet, w ide apart, his neck twisted
to one side, and squeal vociferously.
The nu ll would ride up, leap from
their horses, s"i.e tho hog by the
hind logs mid tie him securely, tho
dog all tin. while holding on persist
ently to the ear. The hog was then
left helpless on the ground, while the
hunters followed the herd and re
peated the os ration until they had
as many hogs secured as they wished.
After rupturing the lings, they would
ilrivo around with a wagon and pick
them 11 i.
if by any chance the dog missed his
hold on tho ear or it was brokeu bv
the hog, 'hen let dog ami men beware.
The liog struck viciously with his
"tiislns," swinging his head from
side to side. Many a bravo "hog dog"
had loot his death from only one blow
of the tusks, blooding to death iu a
f. v minutes from a dee) and wicked
out Iu tho ue.-k or breast.
The fierceness of the wild bog was
an inborn trait. Even the little pigs,
scarcely out of babyhood, would fight
fiercely when brought into sudden
captivity and would plunge with in
fantile grunts of defiance at every
living thing in sight. Their apjsar
ance was so warlike and the "bluff"
so vehonu nt, that a man would have
to bo possessed of more than ordinary
nerve if he did not take to the fence
when charged by one of these fero
cious littlo beasts.
New OrgAniz-vlion Formed a.1
Medford Business College.
The students of the Medford busi
ness coll. ge have organized a society
known us ihu Twentieth Century
Rambling Club. Guy Guunyaw is
president and Miss Carnell, secretary.
The objects of the s.s-iety aro recrea
tion and to gain knowledge of the
various j oints of interest In theicin
ity of Mclford. The first trip will
I' taken Saturday when tiio society
will visit the sawmills and gold
mines in the vicinity of Jacksonville.
Ijitor on Roxvauu and Wagner liutte
will be . liuiid and historic old Fort
Ijitn- and Table It.K-k und the big dam
at T'olo will tsj visited. Medford
Away Ahead As Usual
This season wo havo surpassed any
effort wo havo hcrotoforo over made.
Vaw PADDPTC Best Weaves i From the Best Mills
lieW UanrlllO Choicest Patterns f 35c to $2.00 Vtl
Vow PnPTfPDl-C
50c to $1.00 pair New
New WALL PAPERS bppulaprk!es
New Spring Mattresses
56-piece Tea Sets, well worth $5.00 $3. 50 set
New Toilet Sets, Decorated 3.00 set
Cups and Saucers, job lot 6 cups 6 saucers 35 set
Breakfast Plates, job lot 35 set
Wash Boilers, almost indestructible 1.10
Steel Range, 6 hole, warranted . 30 00 '
The Only Exclusive Housefurnisher in Southern Oregon
Lao CurUins
TXl. C. Z. 11. Column
The W. O. T. U. will meet the
second and fourth Fridaj iu each
month. Will moot with Mn. J. M.
Chiles, Maroli 13, at 8:80 p. ui.
Towns Seeking Settlers.
Under the beading, "Strange, Isn't
It?" the Bunta Ana Horald says:
Riversldo issues a handsome pam
phlet, through its chamber of com
merce, and as a grand olimax of at
tractions to homeseekers the argu
ment states that the place has 'No
Saloons,' and. Umadd proniiuout, very
prominent; in fact, more prominent
than any other statement in the book.
Long Beach ha) just prepared copy
for an advertisement iu a prominent
Eastern book, and the most prominent
thing is that same statement, 'Long
Beiieltlius no Saloons.' Long Boitoh
puts it iu capitals. Pasadena,
Pomona, Red hinds, and our beautiful
sister city, Orange, all do the same
thing. Iu their literature to home-
seekers they bear down heavily on tho
'no saloon' feature.- They all seem
to think it is a pretty important thing
and as they have tried it for a good
many years they ought to know.
"Now, what would onr people think
about it if Banta Ana Chamber of
Commerce, iu enumerating the nuiny
advantages offered to home-seekers
here, would say, 'And Santa Ana
Has Seven Saloons,' and pat that up
as the most prominent thing in the
article? Look kind of funny.
wouldu't it? Itather doubtful about
it making any impression on lioine-
see Iters, isn't it? There is something
queer aliout that We have never
known a city or town ou earth to ad
vertise to the world that it hail eveu
one saloon. Kven boom towns that
sometimes haven't much of anything
else will mention tho town pump and
the grocery store and the little pioneer
schoolhouso, but they don't say any
thing about tho saloon. But these
towjis that have no saloons seem to
want everybody to know it, for some
"Now this article is not intended
or a teniis.rance lecture or any ortho
dox treatise on prohibition, but if
there is a little horse sense hidden
away In it there Is no extra charge
for it."
It Takes Two to Make a Drunkard.
The saloon keeper is a prominent
target. It is easy to Are awayat liiin.
lie does not expert anything else.
He does not deserve much consider
ation. His business deserves noue at
The man of free and easy habits is
also fair game. His bluff and hearty
comradeship has helped many a young
man to rain. His misplaced gen
erosity lias has made the Judicious
grieve. His propensity to "treat,"
and bis willingness to be " treated, "
are hugely resjionsible for much of
the rain wrought by drink.
Heredity is a legitimate scapegoat,
many a young man has felt a fire in
his veins which was kindled In gener
ations past. Many a man has fought
a desperate battle against drink
slavery, because his father') father
was a willing bondsman of the bottle.
Hut none of these, nor all of them,
aro sufficient to make a man a drunk
ard. The saloon keeper cannot make
a sot unless some fine young fellow
furnishes the raw material. The hail-fellow-well-met
cannot line np his
admirers at the bar unless they are
willing to be there. Heredity is not
all ou the side of appetite. Oar gene
ologies go back one generation farther
than we commonly remember:
"Which was the sou of Seth, which
was the sou of Adam, which was the
xiir of God I"
I et 0) pity the drnukard aud de
nounce the drunkard-maker. Bat lot
latest designs
Picture Mouldings
as remember that most men become
drunkards by cousout, and that they
need not have gouo iu that way of
death. The railroads, the banks and
the great business concerns are saying,
"No driukor uood apply." It is not
sentiment but common sense, that
roles thorn. (
Why not mix a little of the same
common sense iu oar charity in deal
ing with the problem? Why not ro
member that the average driukor is
not a child, nor an imbecile? We
must hold him to personal account
ability. John Wesley did not hesitate to use
that method witli self-willed members
of his society, though he was dealing
directly with spiritual concerns. In
summing np tho general rules he'
wroto: "If there be any among as
who observes them not, who habit
aally breuks them, let it bo known
unto them w ho watch over that soul
as they who must give an acoouut.
We will admonish liln. of the error of
his ways. We will bear with him tor
a season. Bat if then ho ropout not,
he hath no more place among us. We
have delivered our own souls."
Tho drinker should fuel more of the
iu) and ponalties of his indulgence.
To Jiet him, pity him, and lavish
sympathy ou him, while we belabor
those who aro his accomplices, is
hardly consistent.
It takes two to male a drunkard
Interesting e.nd Well AttenJed
Session on Saturday.
Tho Womaiis' Club held a most in
teresting meeting Saturday, March 7,
at the Woodman's hall.
After the business meeting, Mrs.
Halo gave in a well written paper,
her experience ill Salem, showing
what women had accomplished during
the legislature, in being instrument
al In having several bills passed, aud .
tho royal reception given Oregon
Club women iu general, by tho Salem
Women's Club.
Mrs Clar)-e read an excellent paper
on the "Iiilluenco of Art iu tiio
Home," which was well received.
Miss Ithodu DenniHU and Mrs.
Anna Fiudley addressed the ladies on
the subject "Industrial Kducatiou as
Related to Public Schools, " Iu a way
that brought out the great benefit to
be derived from such education, and
was thoroughly appn-oiatcd by those
present. A discussion followed, led
by Mrs. Kendall who exhibited some
fine sx-cimuts of work dune by her
self and daughter while attending the
Industrial lu Knglund.
There were 10 ladles in attendance
and 0110 new name accepted fur mem
bership. Mrs. Itoorke, secretary pro tern.
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