VOL. XVIII. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 5, 1903. No. 49 DIRECTORY JOSEPHIXE COUNTY OFFICERS, udge J. O. Iiooth "v.,: lc.F"e :irk it. L. Hartletl eputy Clerk T. P. Judson 'herirt .....Geo. W Iwis Jeputy Sheriif Ernest Lister freasurer J. T. Taylor School Snpt Lincoln avat:e Issessor V. H. Kallin Purveyor H. C. Perkins loroner W. F. Kreiuer CITY OFFICEUS. favor J. F. Bashor tuditor and PoliceJudge J. J. Jennings 'reasurer Col. W. Johnson )ity Attorney .. C. E. Muybee larhal John lckhunli itreet 6upt John Putrii-k .'ouncilmen Geo. II. llinns Cg A. C. Hough, J .11. Williams, J. . U Calvert, J. A. lluhkoiif. Will C. bmth, Herbert b.nith, H. C. Perkins. KKATEBNAL SOCIETIES, i rants Pais Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 81. regular communication Ins: and third Saturdays. Visiting brothers cordially " invited. U. W. Hiuus W. M. A. J. Pike, Sec'y. loyal Arch- Masons--Keaines Chapter No. meets second aud fourth Wednesday Masonic halt H. C. 1!ou.ie, J. E. Pmaiuoa, Secy. 11. P. Eastern Star Josephine Chapter, No. 20 meets lirst and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Masonic ball. Mas. H, Zollkk. Mua. A'St M. Hol man, W. M. fcce'y. . O. O. F., Oolden Utile Lodge No. "8, meets every Saturday night at I. O. O. F. hall. C. 11. Marshall, T. Y. JJas, Secy. N. C 'aran hiic&inpment I. O. 0. 1 No. zueels second and fourth Thursday at I. 0. 1'. V. hall, Fheu Schmidt. T. Y. DuAW.beo'y. C. P. tebekahs Etna UeheUnh, No. 411, meets second aud fourth Monday, I. (). O. F. . hall. Mae Davis, N.U. Elsie Obikh, Secy. Jnitcd Artisans Grants Pass Assembly No. 41), meets alternate Tuesdays in A. O. U. W. nail. C K. Hoot, Fkxd Mekscu, Master Artisan. Secy. Voodmen of the World Hogue Kiver Camp No. So, meets second and fourth Fridajs at Woodman Hall. W. P. SjllARMAN, C. E. Maybee, Consul Commander. Clerk. Vomen of Woodcraft Azalea Circle, No. 1H'2, meets first ami third Mondays at Woodmen hall. I,. May Davis, U. N. W. E. Deah, Clerk. fodern Woodmen of America Grants Pass Camp No. HUU7 meets 2nd and lib W ednes day Evenings at Woodmen hall at 7nJ. Chas, II. Marshall. V. 0. N. Reynolds, Clerk. 'orestera of America Court Josephine No. 28, meeta each Wednesday except the tirst, at A. 0. U. W. hall. J. P. Hale, C. R. O. X. Bolt, F. S. , 1- osephine Lodge, No. 11-, A. (. U.'W. i meets in A. 0. U. W.hall, Dixon build ing every Monday evening. J. II. MhAi.E, M. W. B A. bTARARD, liecordcr. lawtho'iie Lodge, No. SI, U.-ol 11.. A. O. C. W. -meets every alternate Tuesday '. evening in A. O C. W. hall. Hixon buitdiiix, Mas. A. .McCarthy, Mas. Lyuia Dean, C. of It. Keeorder. .niithts of the Maccabees Grants Pa-s Tent, No. 13 meets tirst and third Thursdays at Woodmen haU, ' Wm. Alfred, 1. .Siovll, Keeord Keeper. (. jiumandcr. idles of lh Maccabees Grants Pass, Hive No 18 holds regular "Reviews" l' llrstand Hiiro Thursdays at A. ), V. ' W. hall. Visiting sislers cordially invited. Jennie Cheshire, - Mary bhnnions, Lady Commander. 1 Record Keeper. nights of Pythias Thermopylae No. SO, meeta each Tuesday night 7:) I. O. 0. F. Hall. M. T. Itley, . Ton WiLLiAm, C. C, K. of R. and S. r-aiid Army of the Republic Gen. Logan Post No. ;t!l, meets nrst 'iVedui'silav at A. O. II. W. hall. v U.S. Kvahs. ' . J. E. I'irtRsoN, Adjt. toin , Bierican Order of Meam Fiigineers, Ore gon Council No. 1, meets lir.t and third Saturdays, at A. O. I. W. hall. Wm. 11. Kk.nm:y, i Bkm. F. Myrick, Chiel Engineer Corresponding Engineer. der of Pendo While lisk Council No ltl, meets in A. O. 1. W. Hail first I and third Friday nights, C. E. .Mavhk, Secretary. J. L. Huhtiso, Couuelor.J tiled Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joinen of America I'uioii No. ills each montl ' A. o. It. W. Hall, meets second and fourth Fridays of I ' J. E. Wl Kit HAN, Pres. 1 D. A. FrrzutBti.p, Sec'y, C. HOUGH, ATTORN KY-AT-L.W, a. letters in all Stale and Federal Courts Office over First National Bank. iPasts Pass, OnSUi !. C. PERKINS, 0. 8. DEPUTY M1NF.RAI. SURVEYOR lit ants Pas, III1M10N 11 r' .Till-. Cousin System of Investment Iowa Capital ' OrcRon Enterprise h, nes, Farms and TinJer Lands l t Bought and Suld. . bve Treasury Stock of the be Mining Companies in Oregon for Sale. ( "TT.xct ptjonal facilities for iu k' veslijjating properties. B. Cousin, Mgr. McKay lildg. 'Portlanpl, Ore. f 'Wnd for Jirosricttus St. Helens & lice Miaing Co. Welch's Clothing Store lias a few odd Suits and Over coats that are very low Cut in and see them, it will pay you. Don't you need a pair of Tants? Have a lot of odds, sold the coats and vests. Now we want to sell you the Pants at a Discount. I o rl iqo Remember wo are are selling Shoes for you at LuUlUO awfully low prices. Q L - For the Girls, Boys and Men. All kinds and UllUuo prices. Conic and sco us. We can save you money. WELCH'S CLOTHING STORE Opera House Block. Grants Pass, - Oregon. New Music Just Arrived. Sold at Half Price, x Call and Examine our Stock before buying, at the Coss Piano House. ! 'f ! 3 i I 3 u u u o 3 s o : U U o Ashland and o Our Pianos and Organs are al ways sold on easy terms and at Lowest Prices. We handle airkinds of Leave orders at our 1903 BICYCLES will liave nuny new features, and aie cheaper than ever. You lose money if you send away for liicycles or Sundries this year. Taddock's cash prices are the lowest. You see the goods before buying and don't have to wait for them. You cannot afford to overlook my large line of Sundries. I can save you money. W. A. PADDOCK. II. II. DAKTON, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Full wwirtnii-nt nf Wnlrhet, Cl'K-k.1, Sil. verwaro an Jewelry. A (iikm! ' ri"nnient of llracelcU ami ll;rt Halite, Clement' Drug Store. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. MI 11 CAPITAL STOCK Tranact.i a General Hanking bu-.ineM. Kcreivn l. poits .iul.je:t to cberk or on demand certilirates. Our eustiinei are a-.ire.l of courteum treatment and every consitlcratiun con sLntent Willi Bi-uiiu haukiiiK principles. bafety de.it boiea for rent. J. FK AN K WATHOX, l're. It. K. IIOOTH, Vire-I'res. I.. L. JBWKI.U ( a-l.ier. The First National Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK, . . . $50,000 00. l!iHiT dex..it miliWt to rbe. k or on rertiliraw pavaKle on ileinand. m ll lieht lrait nn New York can r raw-ix-o, and I'orl ati'l. Teleirrapbie Iran.fera j.I un all points in III t'nitnl .-Uteii. -il Attenti.n riven Ui iViMrttiona and general buine- of onr ra.tuinf.rx lylleilioni. mule thmubout suuibeni Orvtjun, and on ail aicesili.ie p.jinui. K. A. IIWiTII. Pre.. , J. :. CaMHIIKI.I.. ,re Pre,. H. L. fill.KKY, fs.-hi.-r. PARKER 5 waia BALSAM s . m f '' r il urn . .1 . i L , .i M-T.r Tml'm to B-Mcr firm? ' . ! II. ir to 1-. T-wrai Co cr. 1- " 'I " - - being Bold at 6 Prices. Call fe VI a - o - Ef '. era n ti o . cra p O J. 2. o 51 Medford. c "1 Musical Instruments stores for Tuning. L. G. HIGGINS ASSAYED Sixth and II StrertH, Grants Pass, Oregon. C'llAKOI.S: GolJ and Silver $1.00 Copper anil I.eiul, each 1.00 Tin 3.00 AW bnnines" ii trusteil to trie will re ceive prompt anil careful attention. IIAVi: YOU UI'LN "FLINCHED" THE ACME OE PAR LOR GAMES. GOOD EOR SOCIALS AND PARTIES. : : : : : More Pun than a box of monkeys. 50c at SloverCiHinGo. Front Street. Uft.OOO.OO. Pa j -i synip. T.'.- ---j. Vm M FOR INDIAN WAR CLAIMS $100,000 Appropriation Voted by Legislature. Governor Cluttuberlaiu lias filed in the ofllee of the seoretury of Htato the hill passed jnst before the adjourn ment of the ri tvnt lefiinlittnrti making au appropriation of 100,000 for the relief of vetorniu of the Indiau Wars of li&o and 1S0R. Under the provision of this law ouch non-commis.sioiied officer and private who served in the territory of Oregon iu the Indian Wars of 1855 and 1S5(1 shall bo entitled to receive for such services $3 per day for him self, and all commissioned officers shall receive such' sinus as wa paid to officers ' of the same rank of the nrmy of the United States at the same time; provided that any amount paid on account there of by the United States shall bo deducted therefrom. The verified claim for services must be presented to the Adjutant General, who shall without additional cost to the state, examine and pass up on the same and may require ad ditional and corroborative evidence, in support thereof. Vouchers may be filed by the Adjutant-General in the office of the secretary of state. This act, so far as the sumo relates to the pay of volunteers, shall be so constructed as to apply to aM who have been in the service of the terri tory of Oregon during the said Indiau wars of 18."i5 and 1K51!, and shall also extend to tlto services of the Ninth regiment- of the Oregon 'militia while tlie same was in actual service during this war. Does your bicycle need cleaning and overhauling? Take it to Cramer Iiros. Uioyclo hospital. DIDN'T MIND SMALLPOX Came to Town From Evans X Creek With "Dread Disease." Bob llurkhardl, a young man who lives on Ditch creek iu tho Evans creek country, came to town last Thursday, bringing with him a well develojied stage of suialljiox, that "dread disease." Ho walked about the streets for a good portion of tho morning, to tho dismay of many ped estrains, who gave him us wide a berth us possible. When tho south bound train camo iu, he boarded it to go home, but tho passengers objected. The conductor thereupon sought the mayor, and the young man was re moved from the train and placed in charge of Wm. Knupp. Ho was not placed ill the jn-st honso but was per mitted to go homo with a warning not (o come to town with tho small pox. The "dread diseaso" is said to be prevalent iu his neighborhood, where it worries tho people iu about the same degree that an epidemic, of bad colds would do. Tho young man was badly broken out but did not scum to be ill iu the least. In fact, ho had a ','0 mile walk between himself and home. While his visit was imprudent and somewhat startling, it is not likely that he scattered ninny germs about town. It was a bright sun shiny moning, germicidal iu itself. It is very improbable that any cases of the "dread disease", will result from his visit.- HIDDEN TREASURE FOUND C. C. Taylor Finds $b00 in Dutch Johnny's Cabin, A few days ago, C. C. Taylor, ad lninistiator of lliu estate of Jens Alien, an inmate of the usyluui, dug up about $i'i)0 iu money und gold dust from In math the floor and around the lire place of Aden's cabin on Kuguc river below the mouth of Applegate, where it had evidently been hoarded by Aili-u during the many years of his occupancy. Jens Aih n, familiarly known as "Dutch Johnny" or " Johiinv-on-a- l.orsc," was a familiar figure about Grants l'ass for many years until he wis oiininitted to the asylum last sLiunii r. He was g' ni rally consider ed a simple, harmless old man, though there are not wanting tho who ileelare that he was a dangerous character. Long ago, through his ig norance and simplicity, ho censed to have a legal claim to the premises he i ontinui d to occupy but he was never aware of this. Forcible ejection was never resorted to aud popular sympa thy always faiored Johnny, who was too simple to take care of his business atTairs. His gnat aim and object in life was to prove up ou his "home stead." Thoug!: notilicd time after time by the officials of tho impossi bility of this, he patiently 'is-rsisti year ufl.-r year, trying one official after another, trying to get his claim through. Johnny killed a man once, bv shoot ing him through one of the cracks in bis cabin, but it was a ch ar case of self def. n-e, mid he was exonerated by the law. Johnny tiw d to talk freely and t-lu'i-rfully of the ay ho uliot the man, and w in n some bystander would ask. "Did you kill hiin, Johnny?" Johnny's eyes would take on a con ning lisik as he answered, "1 don't know. I). y buried nm. Icy mus' a t'ought he van dead." Johnny would add, that he prayed for his victim and that he thought he was saved, showing that there was no malice iu the act. f run, r i;n . are agents for the .-:. brat. I i.i.' vr.y I'utiij.s. The oil f lbW Tha Weekly Or. somas WOLF CREEK MINING CO. Manager Bozarth Well Pleased With Results and Outlook. M. B. Bozarth, manager of the Wolf Creek Miuiiig & Development Com pany, returuod Mouday morning from a visit to his Southern Oregon propertie with some very fine samples of gold taken from his placer and quartz claims. The recent floods did considerable damage iu that section of the county. A portion of the upper ditch on one of tho placer claims was washed out, necessitating transferring the work to another claim oue-fonrth of a milo below. Tho company is now working in an old creek bed, the gravel of which is rich in free gold. Mr. Bozarth is enthusiastic over the value of tho property, as lio well might be, judging from tho fine sam ples ho took from it. In a small quantity of black sand which he brought back with him, small parti cles of gold can plainly bo seen. With the) modern equipments for modern placer mining which the com pany now has in operation great re sults arc expected from tiro clean-up. Only a small portion of this placer property has ever been worked by modern inethods."'ho old pick and shovel were the only means employ ed, because the owners did not have sufficient means to purchase modem appliances. Mr. Bozarth also states that rich deposits wero opened recently iu the Duck Trap quarts claim. A formation of Iron, orcher and maugeneso indi cates tho rich pay shoot near by. It is an accepted fact that wherever these materials are found gold is iu tho vicinity. Active prearatioii8 aro being made to develop these pros pects iu the spring. Pacific Miner. POWELL CREEK LUMBER New Saw Mill to Be In Operation by First of April. Tho Powell Creek Milling Co. made a partial change iu ownership this week, Otto J. Kuipps becoming a iart owner, while O. 0. Presley and H. L. Trimx, formerly interested in the company, have retired. The other members of tho company aro John Hackett and O. M. Knox, both well known in this city. Powell creek is a largo tributary of Williams creek and the company own aud have options ou two large tracts of virgin timber, situated 011 this stream. They will install a mill and intend to have it in operation by the first of April. Timber is constantly becoming scarcer and innro desirable and the members of the company es teem themselves fortuuate lu securing so largo an amount (if timber at so short a distanco from town. The timber is all ou tin easy slopo aud the road to town is practically all ou a down grade, a very material aid and convenience in hauling. In addition to shipping lumber, there will lie quite a largo local demand as the country is rapidly building up and improving. SPRAYING ENCOURAGED S. P. Co. Will Allow Mixing oi Lime end Sulphur. W. E. 'oman, general passenger agent for the S. P. lines in Oregon, writes to Agent Oeo. 1. Jester, men tioning Mr. Carson's letter to fruit growers which recently appeared In tho Courier, in regard to spraying, and states that iu recognition of the necessity of spraying and the de sire to further tho efforts toward a good fruit crop in Southern Oregon, the, S. P. ollicials have decided to allow the mixing of lime and sulphur in car load lots, something they have not done hitherto. This will be found a very material convenience for the fruit growers iu obtaining spraying materials. Mr. Comau attended tin fruit growers meeting held in Med ford recently anil is convinced of the necessity and efficacy of spraying aid is desirous of helping the good work along. The officials of the H. P. Co. realize that the best mid surest way of making business for their road in to devoloji.as far as is in their power, the country through which their lines KISS. RUNAWAY BOY KILLED Chemo. wa. Indian Student Run Over bv Train. On last Friday two Indian boys named resjsictively Wm. Hayes and Joseph Lafuuijoyco, who had ran away from Chemawa aud wero on their way to California, si nt the greater rt of the day ill town watching for a chance to beat their way out on a south bound train. About dusk, as a Miuth bound freight went through, they prepared to steal a ride. When the train pulled out, young I-ufuin-Joyce, who had taken np a jiosttion just alsjvo the water tank, decided not to try getting ou, owing to the darkness and consequent difficulty in M-eing the rsls of the brakels-ams. lie therefore rau around to the opposite liilu to M how his friend mudo it, arriving just iu time to see hi in hum his hold in attempting Ui get on the hrake rods, the w heels passing ov r his legs and body, killing hi 111 in tautly and crushing hiin into s shape less mass. Au officer arrived from Chemawa Katurduy evening and re 'urued Sunday morning, acciuauicd by young I-afcmjovce, who cxprcuKed 4i eug' rness to return to school and be a good buy. Gold Hill News. OREGON APPLES THE BEST Thoy Command Highest Prices in London Markets. Oregon apples aro coming to the front in foreign markets and displac ing the boasted product of California iu tho favor of Londoners. The only unsatisfactory feature of the busi ness is that more Oregon apples are not shipped abroad. In a circular letter issued by W. Dennis & Sons, of London, iu January, there is found tho day'B quotatiou of apples, and California Xewton pippins fail to make even a fair showing when com pared with others Oregon's for in stance. Califoruia's--Nowtou's, four tier. 8s to 8s Cd; do, five-tier, 6s (Id to is ; Oregon Newtous, four-tier, 12s to Via d; do, five-tor. Us. Tho .trouble with the California Newton's is that they have a russet blight near tho blossom end, whilo tho Oregon Newtous aro perfoctly clean aud of a clear golden yellow. Shipments of California apples, how ever, greatly exceed thoso of Oregon, Watsonvillo alone sending out 600 cars iu tho past season, against 40 or 50 cars from Oregon. Oregon is bidding for a share in the applo trado with the Orient, with good promise of building np a large business. Small shipments have been made by each of tho China steamers sailing since fall, for tho purpose of introducing Oregon fruit into Asiatic markets. Alarm of Fire. A burning chimney at tho residence of Dr. Smilh ou "A" street Saturday caused an alarm of fire to bo turued iu and considerable excitement for a time. Tho hose cart was hitched to dray and taken lmll-mell to tho scene. No damage was dono. JOSEPH FRANK SUICIDES Resident of Evens Creek Tcltes Laudanum and Dies. Joseph Frank, a resident of the Evans creek district near Grants Pass, committed suicide last Wednesday night at his home by taking lauda num. The news of tho suicide reached hero Thursday aud the case was In vestigated by Dr. Love. Mr. Frank was about 00 years of age. He leaves two young sous with whom ho lived. His wife, from whom a separation had previously occurred, is still living. Domestic troubles are-given as the cause of his rash act, and ho is said to have been threatening suicide for several days before the catastrophe occurred. Ou Wednesday night his boys heard him raise the window and throw some thing out. Iu the morning ho was found dead and, on search ts-ing made, an ounce bottle marked laudanum was found iu a brush pile near the window, where ho is supposed to have thrown it after swallowing tho con tents. ' A PLEASANT SURPRISE Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kinney Observe Crystal Wedding. ' A number of the friends of Mr. aud Mrs. II. 0. Kinney gave them a sur prise party ou Thursday evening, the jotli anniversary of their wedding. While Mr. and Mrs. Kinuey were at prayer meeting, the friends collected aud took quiet occupancy of the house, concealing themselves iu the rooms and halls upstairs. They maintained a silence that was almost miraculous, considering the number aud liveli ness of the gathering. After tho un sui-icctiiig host uud hostess had dl vested themselves of their wraps, they wero astounded to see the stair way filled with a crowd of descending friends, lsiiiriug into the room like 1 Hood. It was a complete aud sue ct ssful surprise. A handsome, cut glass set and other gifts in keeping with the event the crystal wedding wero presented to Mr. and Mrs. Kinney by their friends, l(. L '! making tho presentation sin ech. Mr. Kinney In a few brief but earnest words cxpnsHcd for him self and Mm. Kinney their appreeia tion of their friends regard. Delight ful refreshments had been prepared and Were served and the remainder of the evening was Kis-ut in social en Joymelit, The Dcnefit of Change- We are like honso plants we need a change of soil now and then, to 1st transplanted. New scenes, uew ex I rieuces, new surroundings, a change of climate, dry -sir instead of moist ure, sunshine in place of cloud. Ibis is sometimes essential to health. There are conditions near at hand that aro better than Kuros can offer. Take a month or two iu California. Plant yourself for a time where there are no irritutions, where the hotel is beyond criticism, the lainl ajK- pleasing, aud where warm sunny weather invites to walks and drives. Pure uud dry air, and tho iu creased electric influences of sushine am vastly helpful. Vou can take this trip at very little cxiietisc, and enjoy a ride over the tceiuc Binkiyou mid Khasta mountains, which, at this time of the year with their snow cover- d M-aks, are uusur ssi d for their grandeur. For complete Informal ion regarding rules, siints of interest aud delightful hotels in California, address W. K. ('ouian, General Passenger Agent, 8. P. Co., Portland, On-gcn. Oliver Chilled Plows are wold only by Cramer Uros. Away Ahead As Usual This season wefhave surpassod any I effort we have heretofore ever mado. New CARPETS Choicest FOR BABY'S OUTING New New LINOLEUMS FRESH FROM THE ORIENT - Wow DnPTTPDrC LATEST DESIGNS lieW rUftllDIUJO and CHOICEST COLORINGS 5oc to $1.00 pair New LACE CURTAINS New WALL PAPERS rgJSSS New Spring Mattresses 56-piece Tea Sets, well worth $ 5.00 $3.50 set New Toilet Sets, Decorated 3.00 set Cups aud Saucers, job lot 6 cups 6 saucers 35 set . Breakfast Plates, job lot 1 35 set Wash Boilers, almost indestructible 1.10 Steel Range, 6 hole, warranted, . . . . 30.00 THOMAS. The Only Exclusive Housefurnisher in Southern Oregon Furniture Lacs Curtains Mattresses Cot Linoleums Mattings Mirrors firm ir m r ..... t VW. VU sv. Wl. SkVlUllill J Tho W. 0. T. U. will meet the soo- ond and fourth Fridays in each month. Will meet with Mrs. J. M. Chiles March 13, at .80 p. m. The Vermont Battle. Tho prohibition battlo in Vermont is warm. Both sides are In earnest. Many meetings aro being held. Much quiet personal work is being dona The leaders of each side Insist that victory will porch npon their banners. Wo had a talk last week with Rev. Walter H. Davenport, principal of the Moutpelier Academy, and got the impression that the prohibition forces aro iu danger from over confidence. This Is a danger In every temper auoo war. It lias carried our cause to humiliating defeat more than ouoe. Wo hope the temperance voters of Vermont will not be deceived. Thoy mnst not count npon victory until victory has actually been achieved. It must te war to the knife, aud kulfe to tho hilt, until the polls are closed on election day. The enemy is crafty and xealous. Ho is backed by unlimited sums of money. The liquor men of tho whole country are watching the. struggle with deep In terest. It Is a crucial hour. If the voters of the old Oreen Mountain Statu surrender their adherence to prohibition it will dlshuartuu tern isirauce workuri throughout the nation. They must not lot tho cause bo lost through Inactivity. Lot every good cltlaen of Vermont go to the polls, and let every good citixcu see that the last possible bal lot is cast iu favor of keeplug the legalized death-trajif out of tho com monwealth. No Rum In the Army. The great railroads of the country will not allow their employes to drink liquof while ou duty. Homo of thorn prohibit the men from driuklng even while they are off duty. That i" right Many of our largo manufacturing and mercantile houses will not em ploy a man who is intemperate, and aro coming to insist more aud more ujmu total abstinence. And that is right. Put the war dopartmeuts of the United Htates makes no such demand of the boys who enlist in Its service. If practical temperance is good for a railroad employ or a mercantile clerk, why is it not good for a United Htates soldier f Or, If tho practice of torn Iterate habits works to the advantage of a railroad corporation or a business house, why would it not work to the advantage of tho American army? Tho claims by ofllcers of tho war do Irtmeiit that our soldiers must have grog, is a disgrace to themselves, to the army, and to the nation which supports It If the present army cannot get along without rum drinking, and all sorts of revelry and debauchery, turn the drunkards out, and Oil op tho ranks with clean yoang fellows who aro musters of themselves, aud not the slaves of a vicious and disgusting habit. A Judge's Indictment. If any class of citizens has oppor tunity to measure the havoc which the rum traffic brings to a community, that class is comjiosed of our judges and lawyers. From the bench have come some burning ludictiueuts of the liquor oligarchy. The one we herewith quote la from Judge U. W. Herdiuan of Joracyville, lib Ilu says: "Daring 19 years on the bench, I observed that one-half of the crime committed, aud one-half the causes for divorce, were traceable to tlm drinking if Intoxicating liquors. The driuklng of intoxicating liquors has increased all nuuiner of TVst Weaves 1 From the Boat Mills Patterns j 35c to $2.00 yd GO-CARTS To save backaches No scrubbing. 05c to S5c JI6W MATTINGS Picture Mouldings tlranitewars Tinware Glassware Lamps Cutlery . Woudenware crlmo It begets crime. It ha In creased divorce litigation it begets divorces. It has Increased the num ber of Inmates In our almshouses it begets paupers. It has crowded the state asylum for feeble-minded children and Idiots it begets idiots aud feeble-minded children. It hat overcrowded our asylums for the iu- suno it begota insanity. It is in creasing the burdens of government, federal, stato, county, aud municipal, at a fearful rato, 'and demands the most heroic treatment to rid ns of its baleful presence aud baneful efTocts." True, Judge Hordman, every word truo. Is it not about time that the American people wero waking op to the nuspeakublo peril of tho situa tion? WHAT OUR MINES PRODUCE Oregon's Cold Production far Exceeds Mint Report. The estimate of tho gold output of Oregon by the director of tho United States Mint for 11)09 Is 11,804,406. This is so much below the actual oat put of the state that it will be noces sary to outer into detail to show what the state's output has brobably been. Tho following figures on production gathered In Houthern Oregon are very nearly correct, and In this section alono the gold output was almost eqnal to the amount which tho Mint Director credits the entiro state with. Tho district, embraces but two counties Josephine aud Jackson : Althnuso mining district I SO, 120 Waldo mining district 100,1100 Williams mining district. . . . 100,070 Calico mining district 1 'JO, 100 llriggs-Noldicr Creek district 1M,(XK) Grants Pass district 50,000 Mount Houbeu-Northoru Josephine districts 200,000 Urave Crock district. 400,000 Lower Hoguu and Curry districts (10,000 Cow Crook UO.000 Hold Hill district 200,000 Western Ja'jksnn districts . fto.000 Other Jackson districts 25,000 Total 11,680, iVO Iu eastern Oregon there are G7 quarts mills with 7u8 stamps iu oper ation, and there are a number of placer mines operating iu the summer months. A careful and conservative estimate of the total gold production of Oregon (or l'.W'J as follows : ' Sou t hern Oregon f 1 , 8.7), 290 Kastern Oregon 4,000,000 Central Oregon 600,000 Stuitiam, Hluu itiver, Trout Creek aud other sources.. 150,000 Total H,230,2'J0 Klamath Falls had destructive firo on Bunday evening, with a loss of (13,000 to f JO, 000. Tho Sunset Tele phone Co's oentral olllce, the post office aud several business houses were burned. Fountain Pens Waterman's Ideal 12.60 to fl 00 at Cramer Tiros. THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE k in