Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 26, 1903, Image 4

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WomoLfuClub Literary Dept.
The Literary department of the.
Woman 'i Clab will moot at the home
or Mrs. Hair, Fob. 27, 103 at 8:45 p.
Roll Call Quotatioui from Bryant
or Poe.
Literary drill Led by tlio nupt.
Reviuw the Period of tlio lt ycara
of 19th oentury Zelle Hair.
Biographical akctch of Bryant Cora
Claiwi float ion of Bryaut'H Poems
Hattie Bilxby.
Reading and 15 minute study of
ThauatopHia Mrs. ClevenRer.
Biographical sketch of I'oo Mrs.
Recitation Mrs. Robio.
Literary events.
Discussion "Whii.'h was tlio great
er poet, Bryant or Poe?" led by Miss
The tendency of medical science Is
toward preventive measures. The
best thought of the world is beinit
given to the subject. It is easier and
bettor to prevent than to cure. It hue
been fully demonstrated that pneu
monia, one of the most dangerous,
diseases that medical men have to
contend with, can bo prevented by the
nso of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Pneumonia always results from a cold
or from an attack of influenza (grip),
and it has Isieu observed tiiat this
remedy counteracts any tendency of
these diseases toward pneumonia.
This has been fully proven in ninny
thousands of cases in which th if
remedy lias been used during the gn at
prevalence of colds ami grip in recent
Tears and can be relied uikhi wiiii im
illicit confidence. Pneumonia often
results from a slight cold when no
daneer is apprehended until it is sud
dimly discovered that there is fever
and dillicultv in breathing and lwiu
in the chest, then it is announced
that the lmtient has pneumonia. Hi
on the safe side and take Chuinlier-
lain's Cough remedy as soon as the
cold is contracted. It always cures.
For sale by all druggists.
Mr. W. W. Prlckett. Hnriimflelil,
III., writes, Heiit. 10, JHM : "Iliad
been suffering several yeurs with can
oer on my face, which gave mn great
auunyiince mid unbearable itching. 1
wits using Ballard's Huow Liniment
for a sore leg, and through an ne
cident I rubbed some of the liniment
on the cancer, and as It gave me at
most Instant relief, I decided to con
tinue to use tlio liniment on the can
oer. In a short time tlio cancer came
out, my face healed up and there is
not the slightest scar lett. 1 have im
plicit faith in tlio merits of this
)ireiaratiou and it cannot 1st too high
y recommended. " Sttv, fttlc, and lot).
For sale by hlover Drug Co.
"I was troubled for several years
with chronio indigent ion mid nervous
debility," writes F. J. Urccn, of
Lancasterr, N. II, "No remedy help
ed mo until I began using Electric
Bitters, which did me more good
t linn all the medicines 1 ever used,
They have also kept my wile in ex
oellent health for years. She says
E lee trio Hitters are Just splendid for
tenia lo troubles; that tliey aro a grand
tonlo aud invlgorntor for weak, run
down women. No other medicine can
take its place In our family. " Try
them. Only 5(1 cents. Satisfaction
guaranteed by W, F. Kremer.
"I can stronvly recommend llerhliie
as a medicine of remarkable cttlcicucy
for Indigestion, loss of npHttitii, sour
taste In the mouth, palpitation, head
ache, drowsiness alter meals with
distressing mental depression and
low spirits.- Ilerhine must 1st
unique preiaration for cases such as
mine, lor a lew (lows entirely re
moved my complaint. 1 wonder at
people going on sulferlng or iciidiug
ineir money on worthless thingx,
when Ilerhine is procurable, anil so
cheap. - uu cents a hot I In at Hlover
Drug Co.
Mr. II. Ilaggins ol MellKiurne, Fin.,
writes," My doctor told mu that 1 had
consumption and uothiug could Is'
done for inn. I was given up to die.
Tlie olfer of a free trial bottle of Dr.
King's New discovery for ('niisinnp
tinu, induced mo. to try it. Results
were startling. I am now on the road
to recovery and owo all to Dr. King's
New discovery. It surely saved my
life." Tills great cure is iiuiiriintccil
for all throat and lung diseases by VY.
F. Kremer. Price Mki and $1.00.
Trial bottles free.
Cl'REI) ( '( ) N S U M PTIO N.
Mrs. 11. W. Evans, Clearwater,
Kan., writes "My husband lay sick
for three month; t lit doctors 'slated
he had quick consumption. We pro
cured a Isitth. of llnllard's llorehound
n ru p rum ii curvn nun. 1 hat was
six years ago and since then we nl
ways kept a bottle in the house. We
cannot do without it. For coughs mid
colds it has no cpuil. " 2.'n, M; ami
I.IK) bottle at Slover Drug Co.
TION. I have used Chumberlniii's CimU
Remedy for a nuiiilicr of years mid
have uu hesllaney in sayiug'lhiit it is
the best remedy or coughs, colds anil
croup 1 have ever used in luv laiutlv.
I have not words to epxress mv coii
rlilenc.i in (bis remedy. Mrs." J. A
M.sire, North Slur, Mich. For sale
by all druggists.
A runaway almost ending fatally,
started a horrible ulcer on (lie leg ol
J. II. Orner, Franklin, HI. For four
years it delled all doctors aud all
remedies. Hut Biieklen's Arnica
Halve had no trouble to cure him
Equally gixsl for Hums, Bruises, Skin
J.rupii.un, mid pil,.,. ,, ,.,., , w
r. Kretner's drug store.
CAT A Kit 1 1 UK 7!k BOWELS
Causes bloating atur meals and
large quantities of g;,s Inch cannol ,
be eH.Ued, causes dinirhiv.i, iilior
uatiug with coustiiati,in. S. I!
Catarrh t'ure has a tonic and curative
-...n on me iKiw'eis anil restores them
to natural and h.alihv action and
cjuulitlon. For sale ley U ilruggists.
,o uu unarm tree. AiMr
Bros., Fresno, t'al.
ess Smllli
Cue was ule and sallow and il
other and rosv. Whence th,
di'.erencu'f She who is blushing h
health Uses Dr. King'. , ,llh
to iiiaiiitaiu it. By K, utlv arousm,;
the lazy organs thev conid di
gestiou and head off roust ipan,,u, 1 y
winy at w. v. Kr
l iner s.
Countv Treasurer's Notice
There are funds in the tnasurv to
Jay all county warrants protested to
an. I... imsi. J. T.. Taylor,
County tri j'isiir, r.
Orauts I'asa, Ore., Jm,. n, Hsn.
The United States produces no (in
None has lsen priKlu.-ed since s.,e.
The mines at Riverside, California
and those at Harney Peak, south
Dakou, w,.ro ,, ,,, ,0 u. ,0,1u,..
lust within nertjnwti
is safety but she
iloea not nee u sue
L-V is lookttiK 'be wrong
Jly.; way. There ninny
fi a woman struggling
. v'i; r in en nf .li'j-ase
..zirii who is doing the
Z. Mine thing
liftf looking the
" . snatehing at
' utraws when the
life buoy, Ir.
Pierce's Favorite prescrip
tion is within her reach.
Many a woman b is trsti-
lit'd : "I know I should
not be alive to-dnv hut for Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription." Tilts famous
medicine estahlisli.-a regularity, dries
weakening drains, heals inilaniniatiou
and ulceration, and cures female weak
ness. Weak and sick women, especially those
suffering from diseases of long standing,
are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter,
free. All correstsindeni-e is held as
strictly private and sacredly confidential.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, iiuffalo, N. Y.
"I take plemiirp In wriler lo K y-si ktH'W
thr prriil Knod I ms-lvc'l Ironl yir Hiv.'.tte
I'rnk rirlioii ' nti.l your l'le.-.,!il I'.-'.lcl- sm.s
Mr,. Merit i;jel'hr. t.f ki-. Il.rt C Kv -1
t.k isrvrB or sll lstl' "' I "
tion' n.l unr of t'. rjli "f llir biM'
Ttlink 1 wisii.l li.o-r l-'n Hi mv uravr it
0( Is-rn for y.sir IUr.ll. I:e 4 It lei. Irrti
e,lir ni.mtti, in.r I Im'S lb" inc.b-lli t li
II mn l 'wti. hi.1 el iii .- ii'r, ri.xiM n..t
lrr, Hi lelit. ha. tw-rv.u Ii t.l b.i. k.n hf.
Iil.u k km- "ti in v lent-, nti.l c k lir lw uli
Ihr tnur 1 it-it Iia.1 ..1. k klncc 1
Ustk yunr mcltviiir
"Favorite prescript " makes weak
women str-KiL.'. .iek women well. Accept
no sultr.ute I ir lite nicdiciiie wliicli
Horks woli'Iern Tor weak women.
J )r. Pierre's l'icviant l'eliels cure (lit-sincM-
sud tin k lieadai-im.
We received a letter from Wayi ross,
Georgia, a few days ago, from a ladv
who has live d (here for yi ais. Sin
Writes IIS (hut she hlitl heell troubled
with female complaint for a long
tune, until she was reduced almost
to a shadow. It ell'er led her iiiiml,
hIiii couhi not remember any thing
would get so confused and so nervous
and irritable she could hardly sleep.
She described her ease as one similar
to thousands of other women, and then
ended the letter by' saying she gained
IH lbs. lust month, mid never felt
better 111 her lite, having no truce of
her former troubles, sh ot well mid
ale her meals with a relish. This
lady commenced thn use of r.
(Juiin's Blood mid Nerve Tonic just
six weeks Is'fom she wrote the h iier
from which w copy the above
This tonic is in tablet form and should
he taken right after iiiciiIn. It turns
thn food veu eat into strong rich
blond, making solid flesh and feeding
the nerves, curing disease by mailing
healthy flesh. l'ale, weak lliiu
S'ople should use this tonic. Sold
by W. F. Kleiner for i.'ie per box
or three boxes for t'J. Sent postpaid
on receipt of price. Aihlrei.s Dr. llo
sauko Co. Phila., Pa.
All dlnnntaMM nf Klilnrrtt
BlttiMar, Urlimrv Oik.-iiin.
m- KiieuiniitiHiii. uacu
Droiiuy, 1'nuialo i'roablcu.
Don't bdfouie dlflfournrmi. Thtrft In n
cure fur you. If n.-.-f..ur w 1 n-. i t nu. r
1. 1- hurt s ,.,t U lift Kin I-1 1 1 lil t Miiti
CllVh UHl)t,rH. All CtHlHtlllUf Mil 4 Fio.
hr. I't'iiiH'r' K lilnt'V uinl Ititi-U iic)tt I'lim
1 lit r,n,ntif tii V l' Uu: nil vi l.i l,ik , I
mii?Vivl nit mly nf l,nlin-v tl.-r.i-.i- r.trvt.iiH
ami n ilucctl In wi'lKhl itt' Ifr ixniiitU, 1 hkvv
wclult 1' )"inni-t.
ii, .Mi di ui.N.uilvn I iirn;ici. (."
DriiittfNtH. rut.... Ali f.-rc,H,u ii.h.w Freo.
For isle by W. F. Kremer.
VVheii Your Joints
Are Stiff
and muscles sore from cold or riic.i
iiiatKiii, when you slip aiel sprain u
joint, strain your side or bnii .c your
self, lVrry Davis' 1'aiuUlIcr will take
out the soreness and fi yon riglu in
a jilTy. Always h.ivu it with you. and
iso It freely. ISt;
ir is vi' 'in i hi-; ikii' tmi:
ladv w rote iw
from Wiiu-uest.'r,
ll.. I d
I ii under a docioi
for dysin-iisia, lb
i i .
lller under In r 1, h -boulder b'ad, .
and w as so s,- v.-i-e itl l , i ,.,i ..
ould neither eat nor su el- be bad
lost lallh in lier home d.
r. end
ol on'r
r. .
W l lles
isked us to scud her s.inii b
Dr. t iiinn's iuibtoM dl.ivei- I'll
had been reeonimeliili d lo I
sent her two pills. In a I.
be sent for a 1. Now -b
that llie
pain under shoulder has l. ii
lv,he i-njov s ber meals and
her -m ii
never sleeps less I ban s hou I s i-M-i
night , and this has all come alsmt
In two weeks, and cost h, r ;,o,-. i,,i
tWl) boxes of lit I is. sal s Ibe -!, lo,
barged her iuuM and thai she odd
bun he had heller lake Ibe .0 ml mid
invest it all in Dr. tiunn's liiior. .d
I'llls and buibi up bis pr.iciice.
We hav.
not recolv, d the Doelol s
oriier vet hut anv one
b.ix ing ,h -pep
sb k lu-adai In-
tin, bilious sp. s or
iail gel a Slsedv ci
bv ii
those lulls Sold bv
W. I-' Kiel
lnall on lee
for -...e r or bv
f price. Samples fr
iosinko I 'o. I 'hi In ' 1':
on feel bin,
s wroii-.
a Ill's Slie,
Ihev will
i.'iir stoma.
' and that
take a d
iliing gi
I lo
1 In.r
llsOI ite ,,-ur sto
owe l. giv.i o
h, I, mil,
llllll t
f 1 anil in ike ,
wol Id i- a good' 1
by all diugnists.
el that
lo In
ti t in-I-or
, 'Hi- S. I.lli ! e
'o- ot a liiiib
"lord ,,, uing
jnrv U do
avoid, d. !,.., ,
Ills' I 'll.lll.b, till
III ..lit s, pi ie o
a pill Uiav ca.,s,
l i v, n h w 1
in pi .
Mill, 1. b,
III. Ill 1,-1 ,
l-i .
-ale 1. 1 ,,
-I -i
I reasiirei
otu c
Hauls I
tuu-l- in l!
ury to r.
"nil s, ml
Int. n t
this dale.
Dut.-d at t
'.'-'. I'.SIe.
Col. w
I" ii a, I ei,
-l,.l to f, It,
I he. , J aiuial v
en. City tie. .surer.
fttt aiiritutun. u ,
CV ts. . f II, s ,
Laxative llrunm-Oi.iniii..
U l-WMHly lli.l rare, . ,X1 , uar
In the Circnit Conrt of The StatH of
tiregon. For Joacphiuo County.
Ellen J. Cojs and
Eliiui A. Ls Lamater,
I!ig Yank Mining and
.Milling Compuiy, a
Notice is hereby given that nuder
ami bv virtue of it writ of execution
dulv issued out of the Circuit Conrt
of the Slate of Oregon for the County
of Josephine ill the above entitled
suit, to me, the Sheriff of Josephine
Connie, Oregon, din-cted and duly at
tested by the Clerk of said Court oil the
.Mlh day. if January, lis Hi. un a judg
in. nt. b r. and older t sale duly
rendered, ino r d of ris ord. and d.s-L-eted
III the orliee of the salil Clerk of
said Court in s-.i l County on the '.'Ui
day of January, l'.'-k by which writ of
ej.-cutiou I am c. um.mid, d (u U U
the P-al i s'ate lie lit u u. .1 an, I d.
erils.l in said writ f .vutii. and
lierciii.'ilter (leM-riK'd. and eel t t'.e
pris-.s-ds of such siiie to ; '.r t;-.e
same :
First : To the c's an 1 ip r.- of
slid sale and totlicnM. and disl'orss
mints of Kiid suit, and to the pay
ment of the stitu of f-'iou attorneys f.i
S. eend : To the ivnient of th.
plamtitf-of the sum of f Ii'.iM. P 1 and
mt re-t thereon at li p-r cent 4-r an
num from aud since the tilth rlay of
-limitary, J'.sM, until Jmid. 'v-
'Ihird: 1 he halaiii-u nf such pro
reeds, if liny I here Is-, te jttiid to the
clerk of sa id Court, to lie disHised of
in such manlier us the Court may di
rect. Accordingly, I will, on Saturday
the ',Mth day " of February, l'.Si:i, nt
10 ::io o'clock a. in. of said day. at the
front door of the County Court house,
s. to the highest bidder at public
auction, for rash in hand, all the
right, title, interest, claim mid estate
of the said deli niliint, Big Yank Min
ing & Milling Company in and to the
follow ing deseiihi-il real prius-rly sit
uated in Josephine County, State of
( Iregoii, to-w it :
'I be Yank 1'lai er mine. Hit unto in
Jnsi phiuc County, Oregon: Com
mencing nl the northwest corner of
section lid, township !!l south, range 7
west, find running tin lice east to tlie
west hank of Rogue rivt r, thence
northerly along the west bank of
liogue river, following tlie ineauder
iugs thereof I Ml roils to a stake ; thence
west lil.'i rods lo ii stake; thence south
L'l) rods to a stake; thencM east 100
rods to the west bank of Rogue river,
following tlio mi iindcriugH thereof to
a Niiiit cast of the point of lieginiiing,
containing a'SI aeics ol land, the sam.
being commonly known lis Iho "Yank
I'lacer M ines, " and being the saint
land deeded to Jesse Col, by the
Koeky (iiih-h Milling Company, which
deed is ot n cord nt page 0:1 of ol. it,
of the records of mining deeds of Jose
tihinn Count v ; Also by Win. 1'. Nich
ols to Jesse t 'oi' which deed is of rec
ord at page tiil of Vol. 1, of records of
mining deeds of Josephine County
Also, hv i'nul liacoii to Jesse Coin
which deed is of record at page 2iil of
ol. I of r- cords of nulling deed ot Jos
ephjne Couniv; also hv .1. W. Edwards
to Jesse Cope, which deed is of record
at page Jin of Vol. I, of tlli-l'ecords
f mining ib-eds or Josephine ( onnty;
l Iso by Kobei t ricknell to Jesse
t'ope which deed is ot record at page
.'o. ot oi. l, ot mining records of Jo
sephine ( utility, Oregon; also by J. .
Kecves mid M. A. Williams to Jesse
Coin., which deed is of record lit page
il.'t of ol. I, ot records of mining
lecils lor .losi-plillie I ounlv, Oregon
ilso. bv Hurry Cope mid W. T. Coio
to Jesse I opo ol dale of rsov. Kith,
ll'io, together w ith all waters, water
rights, ditches, pill- liii'-s. tools and
iiiipt'oYemeut.s, giants, tniiiiug tools
Hid machinery therelo incident, and
specially the waters of llaillie Creek
and wan r l ipids l hereon and (he ditch
mil ditch right h ailing therefrom lo
the said iie.-ciihcd liroperlv; also, the
water rild and waters of Hook (iuleh
md the iliteh ami ditch rights leading
i hen from to the said described tiroii-
rty ; also, all of the property of I he
I'ig Yank .M iniug and Milling Coiupii-
nv ileseriliril as follows: t in. otiart.
nun loealrd bv J. M. Mnttisou, Hi
'inher s, s;is, mill known as the
1 ionicstnke" claim mid conveyed to
the pig Yank Mining .V Milling Com
pany by deed recorded in Vol. It, of
the records of mining d Is of Jose
phine County, at pare -J P.I ; also, one
punt, ledge located by h. E. Matti-
i. hi, 1 ii ci-mlii r S, I Mrs, and know u as
ihe"llig Horn" claim, and conveyed
i the liig Yaitl. .Mining A. Milling
ompaiiv by deed r. corded in Vol.
:l, ot records ol said count v at page
Jli;alo, one ouan. clauii lisaied
in Ibe l.'ih day ot April, Iv.i'.i, by li
'. K i uu. y and O. Croueli, and
known as the "Wasco" claim and
oiiMScil to the Big Yank Mining
Milling Coin'taiiy by deed recorded
in ol. ;t, of milling records of said
'. tit nt v ut age V l.i ; also, one iiuirt
hum local, d by John !'. Wickhaiu
hi the I .'I h day' of April, Imi'.i, and
r.coidiil ;is the "l'etirl" claim nml
i nvi ved lo I he Big Y link Milium A.
M i I ling Company hv deed recorded in
Vol. ;i, of iniiiiug records of stinl
onnty til page -.'.'I, all ls-iug the prop
i:v nf ili- said Big Yank Mining c
Milling i oiiipniiv, together wi'hthe
e,n no tils, In n ililaiiii iils and nppur
i it. tie i theieto helongiug, or iii anv-
i-e appertaining ; tin, I also, nil the
i Male, 1 I). ht, I It ie, i III cl'r St, do w cr and
right ottlower, prop rly, isissession,
claim, and demand whatsoever of said
lltg i.iitk Mining. V Milling Coinitiny
in iiiul lo the same. Dated this V'.'lii
day of Jauntily, l'.io:i.
vii orgc l.ew is,
slier i if of J. is.-1 thi no Co. , t Megon.
Y ou linow tun Y ou Are Taking
U hen veil take (trove's 'l'iisl...-s Chill
to lee. I i-. au-i- the tor in 11 la is ptinlilt, print
d on ccl l-ollle -.howillL- llitll It I- sun
-v 1 1 mu i; u. i .Jninine in a lilstcle-s lorin
So i uu1 No. Pay.
The I'oeti v '( tlio Orange
"It a pi als to you w hell the
trim bangs ripe
the live late 111 1
111 M.ucli. I'b.ll th
old and the trees ;
and sweet on
binary or early
ie blossoms break
are yellow with
w lute w ith orange
e (hat a tlurrv ol
golden globes, and
'lowers. It may 1 has w I, it.
and Cu ll you
gl eillld lor ;l I r
ts t ; I i f -uu
II Iglanre i n:
if l!i.' moon be
-tied the mountain tops,
h:i r mi in 1 1st ie K.ek
opicl fore-t. The air
itnr, and h.uvy Willi
got comes on, and then,
shining, you may
noi.gli op, ii w ntdow s.
It llll'llllg'ut l!lTO
lie' ,g of llie Hum kill!
-Id.-d, tit ..I it 11,-1
,n le, lieus Peine. An
l-ud in the
-I - t ellu d so
. x'-crieucc
w tin. r, and
a thousand
11 l iis is s-ssiblr ail.'
it 1 Wvlth a loliltlrv of
, int.. s, while yell can have it by taking
I the S. run- Shasta llollle through I he
i pt,-tuiooiie ?'.yoii mid Shastti
l in u I .i l us, to Sou!iern I'aliforniii.
I I 'onip'.et.- infoi iiiai 1011 about the trip.
,tnd d- si i ipi i ve n..itt.r ti lling iilstut
i 'a 1 1 f o r ti i a, may be had from any
South. -I'll l'ticitir Ag'in or V. E
Cotiiin, ti.-n. I'liss'-nger agent., S. iV
Co. Vims in Oregon, IVrtlaud, Ore
I ltebe-t livsir. "Olio tried and
you will always use Chamberlain's
Stomach tin I l.lier Tablets," says
W a. A Ci.arl. l'eti,--, 't , The
tti'ilt is are lli.t most plompt.
pie - .nt an. I most reliable cathartic
in use. lor Kite by all diugglsts.
- Timber Und, Act June .1, 1STS.
kosebiirg, Oregon, Jan. 10, 1M03.
Notice is hereby given that in com
plisnce with the provisions of the act of
C'orgress of June 3, 187-1, entitled, "An
art lor the sale of timber Ian-la in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington lerritoiy," as e-t-rnled
to ll the 1'iihlic l.sii.l Slates hv
set of Anniit 4, IWili. Cinm.Ks S
Swkkxky, ol SilverttiroCoiintv of Marion,
tjii of Oreg'in, hss tliin day filed
in ihi oflire his saorii sisieu.eni No.
4:113 lor the purchase of the E! ef
sEU and SE'4' of .NE' and Lot I ol
ol section No. 1 in lowushio No.
II South, Hsnge No. .West, ami will
iffer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable (or its timber
or none than for sgric iiltiual piirpo-".
.ml to estahli-h bis cla in tu Eai.I laud
IteloreJ. O hisith, .llltig'' at
his ettice at Crams Pss, Onic r., on ibe rliii day of April, l'.):i
lie si iluest-es:
Krsnk Sperger of Shvertnn, Oregon
ml h. Wmpi'le. II. A. Whipple and
I.W h i p'e. ot Wa'.lo. Oreo n.
Anv s-id sd prrsoim ctsimng al
tvrtsr r the attove-descriiied lauds are
v; vsted to lite their claims in thi
vn or befjte laid tith day ot
ift I l'AV.. J. T. ISkiisiis,
Timber Lund, Act June:!, 178.
Koschiitg, Oregon, Jan, 3, 111 :i.
Notice is tieretiy given Unit in com
pliance with the provisions of the art
A Congress ol June 3. 1H78. entitled ''An
set for the ?ale of limber lauds in the
Slate ol California, Oregon, Nevada,
and W'sshiinilon Territory," us ex
tended to all the Public Land States b
act of August 4, W,
li Y R J.N i. MAC' ION ,
of Grama I'asa, County ol Jon pliliie.
Stale of Oieg' ti has this day filed in ll.i
ollire his fwo.-n ptateinenf- No 4 L': ' 7 , for
the purchase of the fractional NE'.., he
lug W1.., NE'4' und lots 1 ar,d of Sn--liou
No. 21. in Township No ;J7 Soulh.
Hange No. 7 West, snd sill i ll, r prool to
show that the hind sciiiht ie looie vulu
able for its limht r or Mone than f-.r tiiiti
rultural purpoees, and lo es ahtish bis
rhiim to said land belore K. I,, l.ailtett,
Col nty Clerk, at I i rant a I't. ss, Oregon . eti
Saiur.lay, tliel-t dav of March, Ion:'..
lie mimes as witnesses: J I T. Kel
ler, ol liranls Pass, Ore. ; M. A. (''ttge',
It A Eiiidsay anil II V. liull.of Wi.dei
y 1 1 If, Ore.
Any ami hll persons claiming ad
versely tlie above-described lands tin
reouested lo file their claims in this
ollire on tir before said -1st day of
Maich, l'.lt:3. J. T liimmK-
Timber Land Act, June 3, 178
Cllilrd Mates I. ami ( Uli e,
Uoselnirg, Orejou, January 31, 1IM)3.
Notice is hereby tfiveu (hat in comnli
anee with the provisinuB of lint act of
Congress ol June 3, 1S7H, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber hinds in
the Stales of California, (begun, Ne
vada and Wa-hlnglon Territory," as
extended to all the Public Land
States hv art of August 4, 1
of Saleiu, Countv of Marion, Stale ol
Oregon bus this dttv filed mi thisotlir.. his
fcworn statement No. -13KH, for llie pur-
rhuse of llie N 'y ol SKl4, and Lois 3 an, I
4, Sec. If), and Lots 1 and ' el Section
No 14 in Township No, 41 S, Range No
II west, smltwill oiler proof to show that
the hind sought is more valuable for in
umber or stolin than for agruullur-i!
puisises, snd to estublish his claim to
-.aid laud In-line J.O. booth, Coitiitl
. finite at hisollhcat irants Puh . Oi e
nun, on Thuisiliiv, the pith da of Aptll,
itSili. He names ss witnesses'
( ieorue .Mi Laiighliii, of Arlington, Or. ;
John I'. Sharkey, ol Portland, Or'.;
Willisin I). Ileilli, of I'.in 1 ui'l , In,..,
W. 11. Whipple, of Waldo, Ore.
Any and all iersous claiming adversely
the above described lands aie 'etpicstfil
to file their claims in this olli.-.. n or
hetore said liilh day of April, liio:!.
J.I. pKllltll.s,
nml harassed by n had cough? Vsi
llnllard's Horehouiid Syrnp, it w ill
secure you sound sleep and elici t u
prompt mid radical cure, s.v, oik'
and if 1. 00 bottle ut Shiver Ding Co.
Tlie iHficHt Hum ever paid for a pre-
(I'nptinn, I'hnneil liamlti in Kin I ran
ciHt't, A Hi. oO, 1. Ht, Hit' trmiHft'r in
volvtl in i uiii uni. Htock (1 12. '()(). 0.1 him)
HtiH pii:l ty u par' v oi l:iint'M) iii-ii for
il fptriih1 tur Itritctil'rt )iHi-HHt and Itia-
iM'lt'h, 1 1 It hl'f 1 41 ilHItritllU (llHfHHCH.
Tliey coiiitiH-nrt'il t ti feriniH invt-Hti.
trillion of llitt Hpccilii- Nov. 15, 1'tiK).
Llicy liifervieweil Krttrt'H u( Uu i tirttt
riiitt tried il oitf uu itt im-nl-t Iiy puUitit:
ovit tlirre dozi'ii nine nti I hi' tr u'.iiH'iii
Hi ul u hinn llit'in. riit'v nix) () ph '
hirutiH to name cltrnnir, iiu-uraPif t -wt
mid admuuettTvd It null tlx phv'i-iiui
lor judgi-M. I p t Auu'. 7 per ucni
of t he t4nt rM'! writ- t'llhtT wi-ll 01
pri'k'rct-ihK Uvtuaolv.
There Ih'Ih Imu thirtt t-n per t ent tt
iHilurcn, llie purtu'H were ulir(it't aiit
rloHt'd the tniiiH.H-tiou. The plot t'l! nii
of the inviliiHtlii eouiinitu! and the
i 1 1 1 1 1 .a I ri'poriH ol tlie trul cn-ff wtrt
piihliflid and ii I lie mailt 1 li.-e on
applu'aiion. Addie John J. hi 1 ton
(.Ml' nv, -IJO Montgomery M. S.iti l ran-
it DR. JUHDAN'S ohcat
nrjSEU?ri or
1111 IlllKTIT ,liWMIflH,Cit.
Tk I tti A MtsMinl MuirsM H id
Jit pttlly sarfsl y it, nij,,t
ki'tiiiM iMt ikt C M4 bit j yt
trait i tkmswvkiF Jtti
bW tk.tti th ut (Half.
lttd tu htrt !
Ml mm Im .'. t t J
I Ii ! ra ril. t
ri1. rta U IhhU I pt.l ktui
CcwMlitttn Iim ntlevftHtt TttJhiHl mt-
tHWHl r kl lMt ftrt. (.r I . can
M.UK.Itta Wnlthtls4 fNII lourio af
IHMlifll, HAILltl rutl. I A t.utlt ksa
W Ot JORDAN ft 00- 1011 It . f P.
1 1 1-h i 1 1 I'l't'ti iTtidm-e inoiitture antt
ii.i. O.-liitii. Tin j l.irm ua I u
Wind, Weed 1 lit.' or !'rttrnd'iik; Piled Are
uire.t i-v Ir. Ho-.n ko h rn (iemettv
Mitw llt-IUniJ Allil I
tnuMMf". ,V).- a yr at I ui,nit, tu ecu t
hv mail. TrvaiiKe fret'. Wntf inc
ndioui voi:r i'H Pr l ank , l'tnl idti.
t'a. Ki r i.;!e bv W, F, R em. r.
Price Now One lollar
rhero has n -wr Itt-n a n iurti
lh:it ;iilial!y ,"n-J p!l" nut:!
tli! one w;is(l;',ivi'h'.l hy Pr.
IN rriu. rh'i i not a p'r-cii w ho
nlT.-f' fi-otn th; di-t nvi'.nj; d
i'Ix' win in tint u liin t p i
1 k tit hse the i:iiiM tein.'ve.i
pe rmanently . 111 mediate tv
.md mi talxe it, thalx all
Th old rsltsblc Tti, Wwkljr Orvfonuti.
C.t rr1 Vi v'i f-ll
Timh-r Land. Art June 8. IH"'S
krnu.l.nrv. On-irnn. Jan. Ill, l'"if
Not e i herehy given that iu com
tihsnce with the piovi?ins of 'lie '' "'
Congre-s, of June:!, enluled An
lor the sale of liinoer Unds in i
Stales of Cslnornm. Dreg-ui, rv.elf.
and 'Vashtiitl. n ierri'or.i. s . ,
tended to all i.uitdr l.nnd State, w !
of Aiti'itl 4. IN. l-H'NK r''fc" 'K''
f Se.erion, Cinniy ol .vis'i.ui, '
,,f Orcgen, has mis m) '" "
in (hi- olliie his '""' s't.tei.ien. .....
en-. I.., .....,. of lite W '.. tf the I
se", and SK', "f y-'i :iM-'i .ol
vi :. .,( - No 111. in Tusnship .
41 ,-outli. U u,ge No. 'Ae-t. and will ,
,.ir..r rr,f lo show Ihti' the idtnl foiliihtj
ra'.ihie ,.' its titnV-r or stone'
than f,,r s ot. Il'l ir ll lill l' Ff-I. ,IJ
.iuh!,.h hi.ilM.i, M M.d h.n l l.itirel
i 1 1 it i, f ,.i n'v linl-'e. at l.i- oil;.
.i'it,.,it. I... tircr-n. on Moinliv.j
the lilll dtiv of April, VM. H"
names t.s wi 1 te s j-e'rt :
C s. Sneei.ev, of Stlvrrh'll, rek"llj
an.) . ii Wlii,.p'e II. A. W hippie sud j
I. lei ..1... , i i.:. !n. then! r.
luv ,.e.l A. LIT. ilil CIUti - U'l'l
ve.K.-lv the ah ivr-iii KTlht d hinds S"
i.ipiisieil to file their claims in 'h"
cilice on or mui ten i "
April, I'.'t).!. J. T. Hi'.mtiKS,
It lister.
MiriCK lull I'L'lil.K'ATIoN.
Timhel Laud Ac', .lime :!, lTH.
I'ltii. il .-tali a I .slid t'll'e-e,
. si-hutg. Dteg'.n. Jm nan I'.i 111
Nonce is I'tri'hv given rim' in cii pli
li'rc well llie nrovislon6 of th" iic. o
I'ol L'ress of liute I!, is;, e'i'il e.i"Al
set lor the -lie of ttllioer inn Is 111 the I
Sta'ea n California, tireg'iii,' N. vtela
..nil Washing'' m '! rrirorv," a exiemlt
edloall l!i" 1'ilMtr Land Stints hy ii.
d August 4. iv.r.',
i ; i-:t n ; K m. i.a it ; ! : I.i n
of Arhng on, C'.ui.iy oi liihia'n,
Stale of III. unu, has t,i- :, V il;C. II
this ollire hi- st.orn !.iri ni"til N t -l.i:
for llie put.-h.l-e ol the I1'.1 . "I Si')'., nml
-U V, of .-I.1, and SK i. NI-:'4 "I .-eti. n
No. "l III 'l"Wllsllll No. -ill S'llllll, r fl r I e
.So ;i W, and 'dler .nui I., sh iw I
ihe land souu'ld is more v.ilu.ih'e lor i's
liliitier t r h'tirte ihttn l"r I'ti e nil ural
liur lioo s. and to ctah.i-li his eiatlll to
said l-ilel li. iore .1. I), lioolh. Ci.ll'tlv
llldge. Ill he ollire at 1'lr.ttts l'd-H Ihe
gnu, on I im' sil iv, t he lii' h oi April,
I'.tll:;. lie nill.e s 4S -V r T f.,--i-
John i' ill kv, "f I'.irCiind, lire.;
Wilhsiu h II. miIi, oi I .irliand, Or ;
Wilson M. N.irv. of Salem, lire.; W.
K. Whipple, el W .lido, Cr".
Anv und al! i"'rsoos ci o'niii' advers"
iv I he ithtve-.i.--ri thi-d in ii. Is are rep. sl
ed lo h e theii r tiitii- in tht". i 1 1 1 t en or
htfore said I'ith la. of April, lti) 1.
.1. T. I'.itiiti.i.s.
Ie tslcr.
Tllnher l.nntl Ai l, .1 line il. 1K7S.
Colled S tiles hand Ollire.
Uosrhur,', llrt gr'ii . January ill, I'.iOiJ.
Notice is heir,.' tiv-li that ill
compliance ititii the pi c i-ions nl
tile arl of ('ijitrn-.H nf June i!, 1-.7S.
enlilled "An .ii" for lie -ale ol
tiltlher lllllil" ill llw S'tlh-i i.i Ctlhfi.rtii t.
Ur.von, Nevada ii-nl W e :nni.t'''n I'.-rri
Inly," HH I Xle'Mle.i t.i :it ill . I'llti.le
hand S'-il-" hv not ol Vneust 4, I Mi.',
Wild. I WI D. UK 1 II
of l'..rlhnitl, I et ii'v oi M iltn uii ,h,
state of IliPin, h.tsthts .lav filed in
this ollire hls.V'.iri s' ,,'i tll'-td No 4'!".
for Ihe . inch i-e ol lli" iS 1 , ol Nl'.'4
and SKI.,' ol MV, ami l.n' J and ii .,.
Seriian No 1 in Townsiiip No II Smi h,
Kanite No. f W. i-nd villell'er pioot n.
how thai the laiel muic'IiI is neee vain
..hie lur its liiiiher oi htone than tor Hiiti
rllltlirul pin p.i-.-s. nlt l to csl ihitt h hi
i ami lo said hind I. .fine ,1 (I. I'moth,
County JmL'e, nl his ollire at i.rtinls
I'ass, 1 1 ret;, .ti, oil ill tr. stii the III h .1 .11
ill prd, i.t-II. lie Halites as i i ' 1 1 -c-;
Wi'son D. .McViry, ..' F deiu, tire .
lohn I' Miarkev, of P. inland, dr. . ;
1 ieore Mchniirhilil. "1 I llt'irloo. I he. ;
W. II. U Im p.,., ol Wi,!,!.,. I ire
Aitv aiel it 1 person-1 c ai tu'ii: adver-e
V th" ti't.ive il -ri Hie I i III. Is aie li .
'pic-ted lo hie ili. ir c.t'ti- tn ihi- ' ili.e
ill or he! ue s'. Ili li dnv el put, Cm;;
j. r. r Miiof ,
JL J'Xn.l light
ood li.r cvervtliitiL' rims on wheels.
Sold Everywhere. l.y S I
0. B,. & N.
Mi -
11 I - V, it
Shortest, Quickest.
AM, Mi '- I'
C01 11 ft rt;il k-
K.'t.h Ie ..II 1
Ml Tlir-'iJ,
re s.M via :
11 1 -: 1 1 - t
11- ... Celt:. I
1" ert It.i. :
Xlllt I.ilKo I),-.
Low Rate.
T.. k 1-....
1 nli. ...
11 s "itl . in r.i. ;
A. I. t'KA!,,.
'Il'l. r.lvs.-.!..r -'ltI,
I'-tti.l, ,1. (1,,.,' DauilriitT r.niiail..
tops i r ., ..; 1. 1 . ,. .j.j.t,,..,
1 ton, three t.l s x ..;.' v . 1 ' i l.i: ,re.
''"' ''! '' p ' tlti I IV,,. :.e,
" 1 .'".- !. r . . ,., ! v v,.,
!ru.. '.'..
Cccp Out
tho Wnt
'Vi.v: u
XkSi tl.l.,Br4
T.hT ktV,.''!'''?7"'.f,,Y'""" " -
"rrr".''!'.;'.r,r ViV';?."'''
ii r,"a '"' "" ."',r ""'' '!
1 1 S ie 1 .' . ". ' '" '
I Nil. H. .IS I I II . '...
I ."-.'I I,.. M .
Th,. VY,. v ,i. ... ....
Co' MU tsilh l .t ine ,,,, ,, J , ,,.
T A A r-ii A
; kes short toaiis. I
,1 i
I Ik
a ! !! hii i L. v. ;,i mi w m xnixv kJr'sr .
! I I 'I: : M m KrS.. . vol
6 m upr i r I, irt iiiMii U ill' ,ysi;;V . X WVWWt
ii J JirlULiJ i- - yy.
IM lilll - ,
g Mil - m
tr, t y ,y i s yy I - .
i nr? a t.
B (jULin:,
U . o - f , I Ml: i it
J nnnANnnmnn ' '. t Saturday
a v 0 iJ 1 k V , ; Wrf t.
AJ'vvIJul iuu ,i v. is
Mil i ;s:r
15 Faran hnca
-i.iVtf ,VV. - ' ;:'' . ir-h
-3tSi .' -I. ,
,-TST r
'isihlc Writing. Simple Mcchanistn, Spce'1. lvxccll-ttt M init. edinc; .
lVnnaiKiit Tnu A'.ieniiunl tupl Dirahiliiy ;lt a Fair l'.icij.
A Strictiy W'h-Cla.s.s Machine Sold for $7n.0()
( i ?rrvi oit.Towi :n c .
E. F. Burnous, Wlanager, - - i.cs AnKeies. California
'JI'l Wilson 1'ilork ,
Phiin.- Ore. East d.)
liHbdy-hAriU blMblilHbu
-MS Grand Avenue. (Mast Side)
t.2:tland - - Oregon
Are You Going East?
H 9
m u 1
er'.iaps I can be of
I can ticket you over
tnutlS out of Pnrtlnn.l.
urns out of ron'.ami:
h I. . . .
"v"7' wmro ld. t:''1''
c.iui our ilestmution
be seen on the w.iv.
v-ali or write I 'H t
inK our mions.
KVtKVWlil Kl-: bcveti.1.
i i f..'. ...... K
e.r-. - .. -.T fe- I I Ill
'' ' ''AI'IM.'K, ,'Kl.
1 am it -1 .'r.,1 ,, tiinii...
; " - " 1 y '. cua:;;te.
'riim i.( ,.; ...
'hl.t ' lilt !".:, v. .;r ..,,,.., ;,. .1
I'an fiirnisi, ., ,
Mai' V.
tl.i" in
' ' " :r
0.1 s.,a ,
" "' tir"' n r.a,,.,,p
I '.tilt i'
.'.i.r,. r
"ir 1 r r il
j j,,, i(
i '' at the l i'urier of.
DP - ' ,;
T pen riltr
Guaranteed to ttjiml atiy
S ID.) IlliK'llil!':.
The Chirajo Typewriter Co.
51.514 t si-
San iM.UK'it-Co
.1 :i ' ! Fir-' S 11
Bet. lldth..nie Ave anil .Murjiion St
service to vn
any railroa.l ninninc
...'I . .
tell vn !,. ...
- v"
cars; xvhcnvouwiU
and what there is to
alic pUasuie in answer-
C"Y. St Utuis-anii
A. C. Shelpox. General Accnt
T1'"'' anJ Stark Sts.. Porii.lf.a. Ore.
- "ll.M,,",.rv .rk i,,.
'he SI,.,,;, ,ui..
et n.anttpr
tlrrtu,tP 1,1. .
or .
uierican n,,,,,,.,
' '.v !n.l rf
J- ! I1 VDDdriC
It. I'ilr
"e a ri,i , . ,.
T.,i.s 1
I ron,,, o.,,:,, Tj ,
A.I ttru.
W ure. K. Win ' ""'""v u il lait.
each t " "r-naiurc 1. on
WN , 'JJ11X
Deputy Clerk
" Sherirt
Deputy bhen
Bchool Supt.
United Artl
X!.. Jl
A.O. l).
Fkzd M
JVoodtnen 1
t;atnp N
t naaj a
' l i 1 ti l&al l1n'n '
: 7tMV..r'if'
W. E. t
''I M j"jVgl'
osephine I.
-DVl'.ll TIIK- B A'H
Dcnvor'&, RioGrandeHai1'. wiL.l?
htlv Irititi.tiiliuni'til lins
hts of
I'l.-.-tu,; ilir.-clly tliroi'.gli 'tent.
., Tlmrsilt
- - . . . . Kecoru
iilies of
Hive is
Tlir.'H sp'eiuli llv ipio'i.eil Itiif Becurd
TO Al l, I'DIN l'j KAl'.
Through Slcppiin! iel meets
sn.l Krcu It, cimini! Clia'r Cr O. K. II
Ti n most innittefiieiit HW ToM "
Aiiihi ica by tltn IlL'iil. -
S op overs iil:o'.v...l on all tWnl Am
, , , l ilst t.
l"'1"'18' , , A.O. I
For (lienpest rntcs aim aw-.. J. E. p
illcralllrc, uthlress
V l (i. n.ral If
., aierican I
lL'l h I ill St.. I'l'r'l.ilalJIW fhirJ t
gon C.
TO AND I KOM ALL- der of ,,,
Points EastffiK
J. L. 11
. icticcl
Short Line ot
ST. PAUL. DUT UTH. MI'JNEArijin'r. )
I c.
Thrnujch I'nlocc nil T.inrlst
cr, lllnlt.K anil Hull. t""0', fj
l.i t 111 1 ) Cure.
Attn I
For Hales, KoMrrs nml fiill
ri'Ltinlill Tickets, Knllles, ."' c" ,'.s t
: " j. w. riiAU'.
11. I'K'KM'N f-'J.OI
12S Tl.ll.1 Slicct. I'.-riU" WU
A. It. C. l'KNMST'.N. 'i.''PJ
4 j OIL' Kir-t A vi
. ... . .-. --l,irli.
v lanuiiur name lor mr v ne.
wfciikse .t St . l'mil Railv.
lis" - '
llie (iret B4 '
' rt,m,!,t' li,"""" !'
I'll ill twr l.iiuitw
"r ' e"" !
fvery .lay m! nmUt tl't";"
an.l t'litcmci. iul tLiali "J
' Tlit, only peri.i't trains in th
I'tnIcrstiHiJ : t'onnwtions
ilh All T1a1iHcontinent.1l l-in''llE
in to passcnifi rs the best ''rv'c,k Vl
l.uxurioui coacliee, electric lin""'
lieat, nf a verily ccjuallot ' ' r
line. . .- t
... t.. ...i. via
1 - ct- iiiai your iicuci
' Mi,1rkee" wlu n going D
thel'niu.1 !lat. orlana.U- ''
et aieiit9 ,. iJuMi,,
tor rales, pamphlei "T ot"" ' en.i
'nation, i,lrs, ..
J ".tASt'V, t. - 1
Trav. I'asa. int. Uenvrat
. '.l.aiiub-.i-t -IriTMilfsHsM 0. K. B
' i.;'.i'V? , Joinan
tiATTt., Wash.