ROGUE KIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OKKOON. Published Every Thursday. Subscription Rates: One Year, in rdrance, Hix Months, ... Tbree Months, - - Hingis Coinen, ., . - $1.10 Advertising Races Furnished on application at the office, or oj man. A. E. VOOHHIES, I'roi-r. it Mnor Entered at the pout oftiixi at Grants !', Oregon, as iecoiil-c)aa mail matter. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ill, li0H, Geo. M. Cnrtelyou waa aworn Wolnrwlar ninrniiiK at 1 1 o'clock in tlin preHence of member of tlio cabinet as mx-retiiry of the Drimrtmcnt of Commcrre, by Justire Poller. 1 A projxwal to buy an ciecutive mansion waa killed in tint legislature on Tneailay. Governor ('liainlxrlain had declared tlmt lio would uit live in tho liontut anyway, and tliia atiile munt waa oiio of tho immediate rea sons for killing tin' appropriation. IjMt Sunday wiw day"ln Grunts PaKS. ia making a vigorous effort to piiforco tint another "dry Mayor Ilitalior and determined xnlooii laws of this city and Hlmald lm fiuppnrtcd in thin poMtion by the citi.ena and thofe who voted to liuikn him mayor. The Hiiloon men liavo obeyed tho Kunday cloainx order readily enough and in all likelihood will comply with tin law without cavllins if Heiitlmeiit bucka tho mayor In tliiH move. Til tH week tho Oregon lcgislatim flu i bIk h its liihora. The finish of tin semto'iiil deadlock ia waited with much interest mid tho prophctH an silent iim tho end aiiroehea. Politi cal liciirta lire aleeled nu: iiiHt. nil shirks. In Tuesday's vote, nine Miiltiiotmili toteaand one of Fnllou'a men wont fo (Jeer, giving him li. votes as HK"iut Fulton's !i:i. Tin Fulton men lire wiiil to lie diKpoHcd l( stay with their ciiinliilalii to the end, even though hucIi a courae should ro suit in no election. Vcdncnliiy'n volo givn (Jeer 27 and Fulton IIJ. "Doc" Ames, tlio famoua booilh mayor of Mlniientiolia, liua liecu run down and caught. Ho was found at the home of his slHler-lii-lnw In New Ilaniliahire, a mere pliiionl wreck, on tlio very verge of colliipae. lio will fight Ms extradition. TheAinea system of loot was perlmpit the most sciindnl oua that over disgraced a great city in this conutry. Unmlilers, crooks and criminals of nil sorts were invited to conic to tho city to jmraau their nefar ious profeHNioua under jiolieo protec tion. A grand jury invest igiit ion com pelled Ames to flee the atato after he bad been virtually deponed by his lieu tenants. Ho la now reaping tlio har vest of bis crimes. Hcrcaftur, according to a bill punned by tho proHont legislature, the carry ing out of death sentences will l' douo at tlm atiitn imnitontiiiry. This is a good law. It sometimes appear necessary, for tho good of society, to remove a mini from bis place among tho living but it is not necessary that . the removal should 1st witnessed by any iiuiiiImt of jieoplo. Kxeeutlons should bo as private as is consistent with the inisirliiuee and gravity of the matter. There waa a time when a "liangiu" wits considered n Slavics of puhlio entertainment, but that time lias iwased as we have advanced fur ther from savagery. The bill Is prnlia bly a sourco of relief to many sheriffs in this state. This week lias witnessed the term ination of tho Venezuelan Incident nil the raising of the blockade. Agreements have been reached be tween Venezuela and the allies by whirl) Venezuela advances a inirtinn of the debts nod agrees to the setting 1I of B niutiigo of the receipts of certain ports for further imyunnts. The question of preferential claims is to lie referred to the Hague tribunal. The captured Venezuelan ships and othei property are to bo returned. euc.uclii conies out ol tlic scrape very creditably, mainly ow ing to the firm lleas of Minister llowen. 11 xitl.-til l astro gamed credit for judicious action Hi serious dilemmas. The at lltuile of America, through 1'resideul Kmwcvclt and Serretarv I lav has been digullli'tl, strong anil honorable. Will ..... l.l.. ! mi any i, turner or insistence uu our lairt, the Kurois an nations were iiiiud nil or tlin American sentiment and the strong though pcihiiw iinpiikcn in nuruce of Amerira was a gn at factor in pulling Venezuela safely throng! Iter ditllcult it s. Egood luck GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK We have had lots of good luck with our Shoes. People tell us they wear well. W'c think it is Ix-causc we strive to buy the kind that wears. We do not search for shoddy stuff when buying. MAYOR IS IN THE ARENA Mr. Ba.fh.or Tevkes Some Excep tions to Mr. Hough's Remarks. RED STAR STORE: J V. i:. Dean & Co., Iropr. Front street, oppo Depot. j THE SCRIBNER-HENDERSON Mine Sold to San Francisco Cnp It&llsls for $45,000. Thu fiimous Hcribncr-l undersoil mines of tho Wolf ( reek district were sold lust week to K. I). (Jim- stead, representing Kan Francisco irtics, for sl.,(KX, of which a cash iniyment of $.,000 has already been made. Tho prnierty embrace 1:20 acres of ground, including a porphyry dike which has been traced ami j.ros js'i'teil for a lcngh of about half a mile. This dike is .".il to Km feet in width and the greatest depth reached is .Ml feet, at which depth tle gold values still continue. A tunnel has In en run a distance of Jim feet. The dike la estimated to carry average values of iflO per ton. This mine la a wonder and a curiosity among mining men mid balllea the know ledge of nil the ex pert who have ever examined it. The porphyry itself carries very little gold, but it ia Interwoven and inter laced with a network of si aim and stringers of oxydi.ed ore anil it is in . these that the gold occurs. The mine has liccii a perfect marvel of richness since its first discovery. It was first worked by mniiing and as high as t-'lM) lo the pun has been se cured. Afterwards it waa worked by sluicing and lately by means of an ar ras! re, as a large sTcentage of the gold waa lost by the -sluicing process. All the work heretofore done has hern on the surface. Tho rock is soft and casilv worked at the sur fiu'e, though increasing in hardness with depth. It is claimed positively that there is enough ore in sight at the present time to pay for the mine many times over. RICH ORE ON 10SEPHINE Gold King Mine Is Making Wonderful Showing Washington's Birthday I'rograin The iiioihImts of tho literary society of the (iraiits l'ass high school w ill give a Washington's birthday program on the afternoon of Friday, Feb. :.'(. HEGE BROS. BAD LUCK Three Months Lnlior Away bv Hood. Swept Tho liege brothers, who have tins winter been lilting up it placer mine on the east fork of Ilolauil clock, suffered severely by the recent Hood. Iloliind creek became a raging and un- ontrollalde torrent, sweeping iiwuv their diehes, dam, Humes, equipments and all the results of three months hard work. They were nearly ready to mine but hail not yet taken out any gold. They will return later and re- tit tho mine for working ihe ground prospects well in coarse gold and the mine seems certain to lie a protitahlo one when plot rlv ciiiipid ami worked. M. Marks of Seattle, who recently bonded the Gold King mine on Jose, phine creek has returned with the report that he has discovered and opened up a wonderful lodge traceable for HW fret on the surface, the rock from which while not showing free gold, assays from 100 to IIIKM) per ton. This is the ledge discovered more than a year ago by F.d Daily and Tom Johnson and which made quite a sensation at the time. li.y some it issupjKisod that this late strike on Josephine ensrk ia but tin rediscovery of a rich ledge that was found and lost nearly ."ill years ago. The Frenchman's Lost I.eilgo Was the name of a Hud, or at b ast what was claimed to be a remarkable find on Josephine ("reck. Lewis liellils. a Frenchman, who mined and prospect ed through the pioneer diggings of Oregon during the early days and who died in Willamette Valley two years ago, made a discover? on Josephine creek, while coming over the mount ains by pack pony from Crescent City ill April l"i.V Ho stopH'd to fake drink of water from the creek ami while so doing was attracted by the glitter of yrild from the ls d of the stream. He gathered up a quantity of fragments of float quartz that wen rich in gold, but was driven from the spot by a band of hostile Indians be fore he could make a .thorough- in spcction of his liml. In his haste he neglected to take a mental inventory ol the ground and was neve r able ti locate the spot again. In after years, and in fact up to a short time before his deatli, Lewis liellils searched from end to end of Josephine creek and completely over the hills of the Waldo county, but never again could he liud even a I rare of the treasure that he was given a glimpse of in the ral ly da vs. ESTABLISH EXHIBITS for This Purpose Is Passed by Legible. lure THE ROGUE RIVER BRIDGE temporal y Approach Finished nnd Teivms nre Ciosslnj The teniiHiniry approach on tb. south side of the liogue ru, r hi idgi ..s ...uipieoM oil .Yioini.iy alteruoon and teams Is-gan crossing lor the Mi I one since ' lioo.l. 1 he n plan OH ut of the bridge ends an eta of s. l ieu which in some i is, hardship. The propli the oile r side of ll , ell cenis II, d lo n do net a I. old, r h in "id, r to g, lliconvi in, n, amounted to w ho live on river have 1 use of a loot In nig, gain the main briil to town and haie Is-, u inroliveuieiiced in obtaining supplies. Trad rd ly mid t. m, r Is ru very i tit i at it in for tion of the structure. A two thirds of the wood (iriua l'ass comes from ti, lei V gl, at I ii air , has sutTi r l:alils lav the comple prob.,1 1 li ply o tin r id, of the river, Ihe low u I, as , itiiiioai u wihhi laimiie and prnesol furl rose w Ith ii jump The comple tiou of the bridge relieves an un comfortable condition ,,r d,,, j, ,, of both sides i t tin. river. Collar Hone ttioken Frank ISrillitu, a S.I' l,v it, fireman ami the son of J, . i.ntlitl of (iraiits 1W, broke bis collar ben, on Monday at Siskiyou bv flipping mil i inning on ine tee. lie dowu to I, rants l'ass Tin sdav ev aud on Wi-.lnes.lav evening' he to I'ortlmid to enter the hospital. il accident, while not a. nous, nuiv le, p bim from work for two mouth 01 moni. ant. mug I.dvit iMIon bv Mali Kduealioii by correspond, -nr. has reached a stage w In re own nolo late ISTson should know soinellun,- if the system. The Internal mnal Cm . School si ildi.: ,i ti roNpondeiico I'ellll , Were agojiy T. .1. Fo: agcnient of the I ' The schools a management of Tet book Co. I up capital of i Were creeled rsp dence woik at tin hundred thoiisauil dolhu the schools are teaching study. On Jan. 1. p.m; rollmeiit was .vm, .'; . So rant, i lay. :i the 1 I , lie el s en I ry I ik i ii, i How l;:i,, - e- Int. u n il - I, l,.n a paid l'uildtlli:s li.V to. COMcspoll. CO-t ,f several Hals. At pn-s, til l-'l entilses of the total ell udoiils TI,,. display in the w indow . Masonic building whi, ehatge of J. J. Iienuer Ihe of the schools. In -.t Woe tail ly good dcmon-tration Her 111 Which the Woik is K I '.ill of Portland. Slls-l nil, n.l, III ,,f the of the school f the N, w h was in lo. al ai tit icl, . was a n of the iii.iii -s Is nig done. the :i i i :.nt i I iregoii division gae a orv pi let i, il demonstration of what may b. done bi ns., of the phoiiograi h in I The legislature defeated I lie measure for the support of the Oregon liureau of Information at Portland calculated to advertise the resources of the stair, hut it has passed another mrasuir Il promises to be of lunch hrnetil lo counties that will take advantage of il, in the way of authorizing Ihe evi niliture of county funds to adver tise the resources of Hie and induce immigration and settlement. The text of the bill is as follows: "Section I. That the county court of . ... Ii of these everal counties of this state he and is hereby authorized and empowered to appropriate out of the general county fund of such county i not otherw ise appropriated, such ' reasonable amount of uioiicv not ex ceeding th,. sum of $ino annually, as to such court may seem wise and ex l .in nt for the printing and distrihut init in sin h olh, r forms as may he d t. fmin. .1 upon for the purpose of ad V' f iin and making known the in. agm ultiirul. horticultural, milling manufacturing, commercial and oilier resources ol such county, and tor the of making exhibits I at oouuiv. district and stai.. fairs Inasmuch as ihere is a sity for the taking ot looking to the effective ol such resources, an r. fore is her. by de fer which reason To the F.ditnr: The gentleman from tlm First ward broke out in the Courier last week and aniiooncea that he ia hunting a "row." I have noticed that gejitle mcu of pugilistic tendencies usually get what thry are bsiKiiig aftrr. To use the classical language of Mr. (ieorgo Aide, "Those who are en titled to it usually get it, sooner or later." Now I am not hunting a "row, " iu the newsjiapers or out ot them, but 1 am disposed to reply to sonic of the charges of the gentleman in search of notoriety. Ilia first assert ion is that I w aa not "elected " mayor, hut am only acting under "color of title;" whatever J lint may lie. I am no lawyer js-rhaps Mr. Hough ia but I think the color by which I hold the oflirc of mayor is as good an that by which Mr. Hough continues to hold on to his seat. I received a certificate of election from the projs r oflicer and I was duly and projsTly elected. Whether the voters acted w isely at the last elec tion, ia not for me to say; but our thing ia certain no one voted for Mr. Hough. He may have a technical "color of title" to the place lie con tinues to ocenpy, hut; he knows, as every one knows, that he should have retired in favor of the gentleman who received olio half of the votes of his ward and in whose favor the tie vote waa decided by casting lots. Mr. (ialrrner ia justly anil fairly entitled to the scat to which Mr. Hough con tinues to cling; but this has little weight with Mr. Hough. What he seems to be looking for ia notoriety. The remarks of this gentleman about the employes of the " Kentucky Cor siratioii" are hardly worthy of reply and I will only say that his cry will, in all prohahilitT, not he heard in Kentucky. The gentlemen referred ti ran take care of themselves. Mr. Hough semis to hint ut some sort o! an alliance between the S. P. Co am socialists. Perhaps there ia such an alliance. It would certainly furnisl wi edifying sis'ctnclu; but I bad su poseil that thry would not mix any better than grace and original sin. Mr. Hough has much to sav about tax payera. I understand that he con Intuited something less than J to the lax collector last year. Query If Mr. Hough tools his horn in proportion to the taxes he pays, what would happen if he should pay J ? So far us I know there haa not !. and ia not likely to lie any "row between myself and thu city council. e have not agreed about the person nel of the iipisiintive officers, but the only js raon who has tried to get up a row" la Mr. Hough. inn law gives me mayor the power to fill certain offices. The law h mauds that the mayor shall we that the laws lire enforced. 1 intend to attend to both duties tl) the best of my ability, without fear or favor. In order that I may be able to perform the duties of my oilier, it is necessary that the other executive (.Hirers shall he under my control. I intend that they shall be. If the council anil myself cannot agree iiihui rinaneiit apiKiintments, I shall continue ti make teinNirary a.s,iutinents from time to tune. There is no danger that the ritv will get into anv . ii.. ti I, . ... i.oiion'. i snail act only within n.v rights. Mr. Hough is unduly excited. I't him attend to his bu-iiiess and I w ill ntti iid to mine. Hut let no one suppose that Mr. Hough represents anyone but himself. In advocating a measure intruded bv him to Is. antagonistic to the "Ken lucky CorH.r;ition" be found no one uinii the council to supisirt him, and when he insisted ukui a continuance IK rlormanee in the talking line, the illicit unanimously adopted a million that further discussion be disis-nsed w ith. 1 feel like for taking up your scr for so trival a matter. Let the incident be considered closed. ,T. F. I'.ashor, Mavor. MORE GOLD ON COYOTE New Strike at Property of Sew York & Western A rich strike has recently beru made at the Thompson group of mines on Coyote crock, on- of the proT ties of the New York York & Western Mines Co. which are being dovoloi-d under the manag.-mcnt of Foster A; Gunnell. A large body of very rich ore was uncovered in the north drift of the tunnel, at a depth of about w feet from the surface. The ore shows free gold in amazing abundance and with the large on- body in sight, the mine presents a very gratifying ap pearance to the owners. This mine is one of the biggest and most valua ble projiosit ions in Southern Oregon. The Vein is -10 feel wide walls, though it is not all quartz for the whole width, but th re is in to I'. feet in width of solid ore. The mine wi.l he thomugloy developed and d before being rqulppi d. prospect. NEW ROAD FOR GALICE Proposed Change of Route to Avoid Taylor Creek The (lalice creek road w is v. ry badly damaged during the late flood. At several points where it ran around and below rocky points next the river, it was entirely swept awav anil con siderable work will n quired to make it passable for v. liiel. s. The miners of the district have signiih-d their willingness to hi ar the greater portion of tlin expense incident to re construction and with the aid of tin- county, it is expected that the mad will he rebuilt in far Is Iter shape than li.-fore. There 's a movement to change the road from its former rout. , lo run on this side of theriv, r to a point below th'- mouth of Taylor creek and several advamag. s an claim, d for this route, Taylor creek is a large stream and iiulenlable iu high water, 'ihe new way would i limiiiiite this obst rucitoii and also the steep ii nil difficult Taylor ore k hill. There quite a large hill also ill tic projected route but it is uiiich more feasible for road construction. There are also a number if min. rs and settlers on this side i f the river Ui heiielit by such a change, while on the other side lie re is nothing be tween the old crossing and the mouth of Taylor creek. This was the route originally intend, d for tie- ro:ul a"d a part of the grading was don,- year- ago. Silver Wedding .Mr. aud Mrs. ;.... II. Parker cele brated their 2." tli wedding anniver sary, the "silver wadding," on Fri day evening. Tli.-ir home was va ry prettily and appropri itely decorated in honor of the occasion. The walls were hung with oriiain, nts and em bleuis of silv.-r in harmony with the tradition of this festival. Ili-,id.- the immediate in. mh rs of the family, there wi re present about I'. invit. '1 friends. The evening w as pl.-asant !.v si'iit in social enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Parker weie the recipients of a numberof handsome J r. --.-tits of silv r, tokens of the r, ganl of tl.eir In, n,!-. Christian Science, ine inrisiian s-cirnce Soi-i.-tv this city held the service of d' d tion iu their new r.-ading in at corner of II and '.'.l street. 'I he . r vice was the r.gular son ice of the society. Mr. I'. A. 1Mb u, ault ol Duliilh, Minn., conduct. .1 the ser vice, in,, lollowing out of town pie were present : Mr. and Mr-. Morris W. her, and (ieo. W. h. r of Uoseburg; Mr. and Mrs. M. T. ('has,. md daughter Porl, soa. Mrs. Mallory. Vj.awson and Mr. (Hll.ortson of Leland Sittings. . i .1 we colli" lotwaio With news is touch or bettor at Kinds heii-this i ar-1 night , good business, i 1,,-r board, rs i t bu ck. Lrlaml Sifting.-, although searec at ine oies,-.,. T. J- Mack.-ii has a flne.l.KlaV.s" but I writing. ,,r ,.t l.r ois-ratoi 's family l" rived. liu-iii'ss d operator. lur hotel is doing The landlady give plenty of hash. TI,.- rack trains are ke rvin,. -III. IilieS loWll Mc.Nail is the iackvr. The mines are all running fu l,l;';t i- tie- -now is inciting si miner, get the lull tn wiit.r. I i,.r l.osl, , thee is doing a lug 1 ness in valentines. Son -eiv.d very comical on. surmise who s- lit lie in i;. W. Clia;.in was . -trc-ls .- ning api He has to Use a p.e a good woil; mate rcn-uu... As we ar, Laving fn-ty nights and , nice bright sunshiny except 111 lie nig li: , r so tin-, rf kthr. last hor-e elltlv. i,e SHOW j it mid. s. lie being is l'.iui Stock is doing well. fed : others in-- not. In n ailing tie- report.- of dilleri-nt members of th.- legislature - think lt.-presenti.iive Haie is -omul on the h-li .;u. -tion. Hume h is made him self rich ill tie- expense of the tax ., avers lie' fi-l. question is on IV to'lavor a few. We s.r vote down mi ippropiiatiotis. If lluiiie ivants a IlilteiMTV let llllll blliM "lie lllld '! ll'-' farmers' w ho pay the most tax. s and g.-r no ti-h. The Copper Stain is waiting b r g,,od wa ath.-r to ci mile n-e on the agon r 1 It is ruiiioi, d that the I odd Hug will join others in cou sin, .-ling the road to their mine on Ml I!- ui.. n bv un. in ing the tis- edit at tac base of lie- east side of the mountain. A g 1 wagon road can In built on an . a.-y glad- lo the top ot In- mouninin. In in Leland down le or. ok ,s a g. .--I r. ad b.jl, . ..inpes- d of biolo n b. droek and oile r nat.-i ial thai makes gord read, 'i lie re. i.t i i.d.l P.uit r. ad is init'a.-s;bie. Always keep in mind that we employ only first class . t Plumbers and Tinnzn and consequently can do work that will satisfy 'otI Give us a trial and be convinced. - f Grants Pass Hardware Qompany Front Street, Opposite Depot, A. E. CARLSON. Propr. GRANTS PASS jt,m it rf nirr'Y .,T9n for Coffet FEBRUARY.. i in' iiigrtiin w whusi p, ii.. d at tb.ld Hug. All work i S,,!i ol o,I- p. o le ale CS 1'lellClllg trouble iu going to ilitlVp id points as th- -ar. run so iir. gularly thiswin i, r. In this di-trici it ha- he. u a ni mihl w int. r. I'arirug the -new .'.inn. We haven't I. ad anv illd but win n we r ad of the big w iial storms in "tl" r pai ts we ar- g lad that w. live in soul I,, 111 t 'leg. i. V e ale a happy, tented people We b,-ii, la in industry and i eonomy. 'I lull is why in- pr"-p, iiiU-. We have a marriage oeca-lona 1 1 , and would have more if our young i Hows would tnalo- up their minds inor- iuie!. We see t lie mayor and city council are at war in (limits l'a-s. 'j hat is hail. Our city da, is pull ti getlur; all work in harmony ; we have no trouble, tier marshal som.-i ini.-s gets after some of the ., ople that goes to t ho )i w drop too oft. n. No sickle s. to report. Wide Awake. Up 111, more lluin month (ieoi'ero Wash- inni m tin' man woril w;is to 1k' relied . o i .. use Hour so u ior urn rket CLASSIFIED At WANTED. w ill tlio bunion i v other II--n r. thoroughly reluihle, ene,ak, -i V w ho can devote t, vliulr ,'. hsrtnne to bu-in..... oJnk some business exp,.rie,K.e prei4'. dress "11," Courier Uilice j A ranner for l,.Pr nST.'' v iiiessi'upitalul jl.xiij ,(.), I'or particulars nee .loseph y"; Kslate agent, Oraals I'asj, iire,, , ood farm Iiiiud. .hibiTlFr' near Wildi'rville. Oregon. '' F A i No VI 'ill' taki'ii Letter to IlilVI than Feliruarv month in th-o 4 n cnrrgnii. inanncer 'Uv ot. opened in tin. ,-iiv forlWl, luring concern. sulrv One Hm... lars per month extra iuiiinii,,iM,' i pensrs. nve Hundred Hullana,, Iiliotoirraiill-' uy rcpnri-d lle.l of rifennm i, 1 Manager, I'. O. I!u sn . to 11 , Ti" C. I- ClcvenjsVr, I'hotogniphcr, (Iran Is I'nsi-'. EO'ARD AND LCDC1V 1)oatd and Lodging. In,rtiirr ii ' Mallory. cor -'! uiul 11 sirrtt FOR. SALE. y Caw, fresh, a Harkness rk, .1" H Merlin Itcmsr. rringtoii visited (.rant Monday. I'rof. Saturday Ib.b-rt .i. k hut i K-V Ii .li t 'ouia 11 returned .veiling from (.rants leirrickurin has h,i,-n iin roving. .lit. I.e. lie of (iraiits l'a-s homo plite l'ass wa. in our city Sunday and pn ached in the M. K. church Sunday cv, niiig. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Jordan's in! ant .laughter is quite si. h and was taken to Or ants Has. Moluliv l,.r lie dual aid. M ssie i,l, the 1, ai l.el-'s it l .rants I'a.s last w the paper that she up. .ifl grade c.-rtiti.-ate eighr new in. i: iin is r.' the Hiq list Hunch Sini m -Mr. and .Mr-. Milt H. n'l- y, Mr-. Havi- -s Ida lb ynoid-, Lena Carter. Aii-tan, .a Tvl, r. 11 ar,- invited to ntt'-nd the out. I' ll by tie- si In ..1 l-'cb. '.I, all to come pr.-p ii.-d i,, t iii the g 1 work tor Mi - M iry evaminat ion i :lli leceiv, , pin d f. r-a 'l ie le W el' . . II. '1 ill to by hi,,! CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS OPP. OPERA HOUSE Seven Kijlit.i Jptm ni 0 .1. Kni, 1 JeU'inn Hare- for ale or truin try. liiitirf of IIowaih Mr UkTnVl whole root iipple twTj - Kurt-ka Nursery, Wife J. II. KohinmjN. i i I.I, the st:inianl variety of - ut the Kun ka nursery nt i iviMe. Ore., Sattmtion in pr, ! quality KUurantftj'l. J il, Koi:ic t:iIK ranch, EwxTfrl VM' iiplt oi.hanl, MiiaL Htiuiulaine; wuter tor irjipitiutL prinKi ' every lo ai res; cemerrfi rMiiie country ; two itrteliitij: ti hum, every ihin riiiiiplete; tu-. . from trots, ;;oo(l iinnuin nurktw luilf mile nor i li ot Tunnel U, print lniiiire ut this oilue. ass, 1 i u g 1 1 . 1 g i jfi((uiafdi FOR SALE BY drants 1 ,,' . All are iiivitcl to attend tl nt. -r- tf''ih ' a, line nt gi, n t.v tie- si In ..1 1-eh. -.1, Jl - 1'.'' We a-k all to ,-nni.- pr,-pi,e, , S i.,te and : t in th,- g 1 work tor t ,1 " ''" s' l'ool- As I re slat.d, all will - ; i be adllllit, ,1 to the ell!. 1 t a I II Ine lit f'l,e , ' - . "I ' h.rg -. I'y a unaliilnoi.- v..'e of ' t lie school, I i,o I II!, rtailllllellt W ill b, jt , , ' ' ?n ii at 1 rot. .MeCon,,, U s I, .,11. a. , -M. rlin Night ll.iwk. j t ', Olendnle Items. ' . Mr. .aw sou and Mr. (lilhertsou ,,f ...... ' .'.'." "'"!:'!" M-- K. C S'-.nnanfur- t, r vi.',t' v f "i '' m"!'"t-,"l"r- , msh.-d the inu-.c. ' r' 1",'"""n"' li: .1. I, ' 1 , w, y of H,i. ,,:.., . ,. Fit IVrkins. jat l.agl.-t 'nv, Ala-I.a, .-ug-ig. d iu . . n n l'r. -id. in V, l.-.,r. I.I.. I '. of I 'nion ' 'r', "u'.. '' ' '' ''' m Il V .'Olh go, f, oeetolv, N . V., ill i 1 1 s : I ' W , .. -i- .gi -i i" ii am that our ,i i : :- i"k .i an, r l.'l I ikin- j, c i i r t t w ' "I"'1"' :'' ' f'"' '"!!' K'- Alumni! was tak, n '.ud,len'.'v"',li" .'n'h, '':,k I Ph""C "' 1 """ r i'l M. lm.-i.ieo-. wo had the ! ''tval at his ,,:, ; ,.,",. m i ,r,d I 'mnioiisi for the third tin,,- b-fore i ' "' ' " !" r' ''' '"! -'ti call, d i,', "iii-col!. e.. M- i.,,-!.:,,. is , i i ""' M"k '"': "! '"-'' 'U:ht-r. . , ,', nu.-t p'.itlorm ,m,Tis f , J W- V 1'-a. -on ha. 1 :,..!.. Advertised Letter, w ,- in ,, ,!,.,,,,, :, . n,'. -. J, , , ' vL".,,'. v',' ' i, ' ' ' "" ' '" P" l-ll-mg,s,e lis, f letters,,.- ,s; ,,, ,,, :, ' a'-'I a- V V ii uncalled tor in ,l,e lir,.,s ilnuk.r 1;- ,!,.,,,,- ,. ,,;,. Mi. f l.r .-.'. I . ; ,,, a-', ;, 1 " l'ass post olllccSiturdav. l-'.b. M.;ti:i- ,...,.,. , " ! 'I.- .u- t..-v .it s:.,..v,:, ,,- Vfai - ' '.un .inn con- i . ,v . i'iks. I,,,-, e,,;i. -,. .,.., ,'';;! .r;.s..,;',,.,V.r ""'"" ..Mm trunk Johnson. Mrs N.,i-v Paih-v I ir.-n , . 1 ', ., M,- 1', il ,. ,1 . , 1- 1 r v ... ..t t. 'J- Hark. M. .'. r , " . - ' ' '' r. John frees.. II v 1 i:.i ... t" ' . I '"" ' I in r l.l. .s I pic-nig iieo.siiy lor the taking ot i- i.- .,, ' ,. ' ,." '" . "- . -- ! . " '''".', r. I', .looes. ' j ... , in. one -i. s looking to the ctlcctive j -lidy II. .letlli.s, ,los, , , I loll, ,r f "l. .- ' i IKI i Ill.l;S. 1 'nor. g,.ri i . .ia- , , , : ,. , . W. H. Moriiiuer, Kiank Morion' ' ' .V'vj Atl" "''c - :v , u w,:;l 111. vol IJ,,.. I.- o. "' . I .?." ';!,.! lee- .1.1 .... . '. I i.ocM-t, fr winch r,,,o ii.uKv"Vh.VsV.,: . .... v.,; :,: a.-t ..hall take ,tl.,t and Is. in f,,rc ' Kruuk I luhbaid i .' .. "' . -i . . 'if i ! , . , . ,, ,., . ',.; , ,' "'-' '' 'r '' ' I aiidalter it- approval bv the gover-' t'.K.lIari i.l'.M ,'' ' . i ' ,''" ',:rv- rry nor." " " '' I " ' i ""' '"-"' ni...,..j To the Public. - ;l"''-r - ' "-M 'I4...X. ! Hook IWiMlon -Soc-iftl i .... . ,, , , , ii.tA, 1 j , t y .!, ., k i ,r u 1 !d ing 1, , I Ihe Altar Nh-i.-iv of m. I.uke'n , '' building and are sit u., d .o a. ,, 'V.V f ''' :"' ' 1'., ti , l.i, k iU I'old a book donation "' the v. ry low.-.t pics,.,, !,'';'', T ' V i ! m fi:n;.!i , gj. tr ;,.,, ! -s ial al th,- ictorv on l-'cb. .1, at . 'i , ,'"''"' ,,f '''-'"" "fs'ii- '-.''' ' K i-. t ii.g ' ' ,, , i , ' '"' installments-old in-in- , S - , . . s inlii I "t ll l'r"l 1 1:i'e for the in. uts taken in exchange. A full ,n, ' s- A' ' 1,: " ' -v "'' ' ' Tavlo, j s"l i, , , I wi;l admit anv, .ne V 1 ,,r . .. , iuu un. - -, ' v.. at S .i ... , iAna,!:;,:r,,"m" " """""" ,u,a 77 iru 1 V l v 1 ! T. . ' . ' Ma'.n. Manager ' " v--. f ; T r.v l'lc'.ori ll . . - I, 1 ... 1 A, J li '-'.hi s Mipc, ' FOR GENTLEMEN ! 'r r. i - r. X: : : ,-,VK' cvv ... i'. :.-. r. . ,.::.g, )-,-, v., ' 1 ' PRICE. ON EVERY PAID V'- I'-NirOUM. 4 I ' -1 . . I . . I ' - '!.... .11,:-: ,. , 1 - - ,., ""'' L ' la'-:-'!.., ;, ,.r ' j '' - - v. ! . n " " -': -- .:.:'. f .:,.,;.,. ,.,:,v l ' " '-, i s- a. , ! '': - w k, ., w , i : s ."" '- -.- ! V,, 'd-'o. : , i iV 'ni ii H 'i , ' ''-t j ' ' ' ' .' ' 1 ' ;:' r n--'..t. f.r I Citv .r'.' V' " , , .-'ii ",e .. rt . , '.I..-. -- n- .. v ri! .,. , ,f i, , ' Ann ,v t .tore are W ek :,.- ., '' ' 1 ni,' 1..; 1 . "rv t. red., i- :'. M: ',-....;,.. ad f j .si I ;', '' ' '" '"" - I rot, .( W.O ,1 -v ,. ; . ,, , ' ,' Mllle " i -'ol. W. Johnson Oregon NEW TODAV. 1 KAIOVAI, OK (il r'I' K-nr.1: KAN. spi-eiuh-t ler di-eftsf-j . , 1-:VK. KAIi, Nii.sK and IHUDil v"- moved his ollices to .Miiuuii inri. IHiilding, No. II (ivary M. cpratrSi isan 1- ruuvisco. l-'iiniilniii l'i n-WiiterBian'i i : ,'..i0 to 0( at Cramer Bioi 0 LOOK A F ILK IHE LITTLE OS Aliuoff iiiinei'is.-aiy sdrn mothers: but this hint won't It harm. Our portim iu lonkit;. 3. fl the wee folk is in snpplTinf qj drugs and nieiliciues fur all tl" inents whetlier on tin' doctor',: an or your own choice for simp!' ? ftD dioH. We exercise i veu niorf l're:arinj; medieines for iliililM for grown-ups Pharmacy and National Drug Store. I Bet. Hawthorne Ave md M IN THE H. C. ALBEE CO. 1 UGHIlEh DEALERS m m-m ENGINES, ' BOILERS, PUMPS, SAW MILLS, etc. - IS (Jraiul Avenue. (Last Side) Portland, . . Orego' Grants Pass Opera House n "ififiARA" "JS0aai) "isPlDl" kuhiih iiiunii" i'y-'- NAME winnlcrof the art world C. A. do Leslie Hoi vi.oi l'i;...;,,.. D:... ...i ...!,. for the . ' " lUllllL'U tiiut te-.m Lxtu.siii ... a :.i..n 'i...i;,, Vmle. l jlTtsi lU.ltlon 1)1' Vi.--.o-.e-, l.ll. ll, -,rl,!s iTeatcSt 1 Ins W on.lerfV.l I'aintiiiir nortravs the enacting ol Ir.i ' at ' Unite renrcsents s'-te In,!, an Maiden going over the Falls., '.it.' C.ri-at piljt (.,,,, . vptv intert. ibition and talk In,ii, I (h,'o,1s and" Custom' I .''.' K'.vcn ihtriiijj t'ie Exhiliition ot the Painting. DUt'.'.eht will conclude with a rlioice selects . i;s ui "Vc O'.don Tin,.. " T. llHs., 1 11 III! lit I 11' NEW YORK ROOF GARD" UO I is Augusta 1 a$in AND Km.- ainnieiit t'omini-ucs an 8:110 P. M. The Cross ett Shoe's EXTREME SH1E AT POPULAR PRICES IN DSLSSINO the: feet cne should look rcn fit, durability AND STYLE. YOU FIND ALL THESE IN THE. ' CROSS 5H0 ONE NIGHT FRIDAY, FEB. 20 ;.'MISSox E.NTIUE UOCSB a.T CF.NIS- Treasure. ' r.ui:, sl)(. , Notice reirnii. .T ... , ii.n.i. m . E. C. DIXON. lltr ..ll . 1 ' '"' outstimi ' '" l ehru iuu war irv I. i.ii.i will,. :,f;,r I ESTR.VY. ! Taken np at niv place. n'r y ' il,.. ,i..r r i",..,rv iiKiienr"'. li"ise eolt" alK.ut It years oli. ! siiii iu fin.,., uo visible braini er can have mm., 1T 1V1US ' J a dvcrtisvinetit and keejuiic- - 1 I i'. ti. ro'TO fet" r"., J.tiiuary treasurer. Voorhlw about Kodak. mJ