AMERICA'S GREATEST NEW YEAR'S DAY. (CVah'aiir-i rata Irtl page) wont!" abe cried Id tone of con tornntlon, rialn-r to bcr feet Waa tbat twinkle of Jojr in lior eye? Elijah, ever Insincere, like all of bli claaa, waa ever auaplctoua. "Aunt," be cried, aelzlng her by the boulder, "too bare duped met" "You know I did not Elijah." "Do j-ou mean atlll to par me If I deliver those dlapatchea, then?" lie book ber rougliljr. "No. I'd ati-ongly advlne you to ride oft to Germantown now and bother your bead do more about the dla patchea. Better give tbem to me. She stood up and faced blra with arma folded. "Oil, no, auntie, dear; oh, do. Thli Dote la my only bold over you for tbat money, my good aunt Rball I part with tblsT Ob, dear, do. Shall bow It downatalra? That dependa." 8be amlled acornfully at blm. "Tear It open and read It," abo aald quietly. He tore It open and read: Tbll li to c.rtlfy that Elijah Strong, th barr, may b truatetJ. OEOKOK WASHINGTON, Ha aat down and sobbed In hla fury. He held the paper over the lamp until It caught flre and watched burn. Then, aprlnglnx up, be cried "No matter! The old contract with Knyphaueen bolda, and, by the Eter onl" Boon-;! Bong! began the bells. "And, by the Eternal, Oeortte Wardi Ington dlea today!" (homed Klljnb In ber car high above the din of bells, borns and flreuritu, and then rushed from the bouse. CHAPTER IV. It waa high noon on New Tear's day In the camp at Valley Forge, a clear, frosty day. Borne of Mclntosh'a bare foot men were llatleatdy shoveling pnthi through the anow around the furmboiiao of laaac Potts, which waa the bcndiiunrtera of General Washing' ton. Io the parlor of the furmhouae ant General Wuiiblngton himself, a tall and One looking man of grave aspect. Hla uniform of buff and blue aat on blm handsomely. His powdered cue waa tied with a black allk ribbon, and bla hat and awnrd lay on tho table bcelde him. In bla hand waa a amnll copy of the New Testa njeut. Near by on a sofa lay sleeping young oHImt,' a great favorite of Wash Ingtun. He had almost recovered from a wound In the leg received at the bat tle of tho Brandywlno. Mury I'otts, the farmer'a buxom duugbtvr, entered without ceremony and auld: "I'lease, gentlemen, father aaya that dlnncr'a ready now, airs" And out alio flounced. Tbo voice awoke the aleeplng officer, who asked: "la It so Into 7 Ah, me What New Year's day we'll have next year, my general r The young officer arose (lowly and With pain, and, leaning on the arm of the tall commander In chief, they passed out Into the bnlL At the door a hurrying soldier met them, saluted nd said: "A prisoner, general; anys he la the nephew of Kirs. I, din I Hi mill and that be baa Importaut Information which he will Impart only to yourself." A guard of three soldiers, one bare foot, approached with a tall, brawny blond young man a little tbo worse for liquor. "Are you General Washington, ilrT "I am, and I am told (but you are the nephew of an esteemed friend o( mine, Lydla lurroli. "Tbo enuio, air. Now am I freer" "Hut tbo uian free." "The way to tut me free, general, la to baud uie back my musket." The general nodded and the musket waa handed to Elijah. A wicked I learn hone In bla eyes "Oh, by the way, wat an Indian In here today from the city?" "I aaw none. Be lively. What have you for met" Stealing a look all around Elijah Strong pulled out of hla pocket the forged dlapatchea and banded them over. "Thla day In Connecticut we ahoot the wild turkey," aald the aergeant to klljuh. with sigh, while the dla patchea were being read. "But this New Year' day there's no turkey meat for us." "Ever about pairs?" asked Elllnh. "No? Well, down In thla country ws snoot pairs. Teams of two tire togeth er. It great aixirt. The aergeant and I will about agnliist ths other two." "Not my will. O Lord, but tblno lie done, cried the commander In chief hoarsely as be nutahed reading the dis patches and bunded them to the young otili-cr whom he had addrearted as James. He put hit handkerchief to bit eyoa and leaned agulnat the door post. "No reward, general, for the dispatch bcorer?" queried Elijah. "Ut ua shoot a couple of rounds at a mark, air." "Certainly," courteously replied the geueral lit a husky voire. And then. turning to bla rrlend and companion In arma, be asked: "Well, what think you Is to be done "Eur yon to flee to Franc for the army to disband, for freedom to wait on better Uaye." Crack I Whit! A bullet went pal the generari face. Out Into the open u .iruue sni:r uy ami waa about to quesuon fciijsh and the other man. standing a score of yards away with imoklng muskets, aa to why they bad put the mark to near hit door when he noticed that the mark, t shingle swung from a tree, was some distance away. At once he ua-iertvd treachery. Walking swiftly toward the uewrom er, he was ulxnit t charge hi in with the crime when down the hill behind the man an Indian came running El. Jah waa swiftly reloading his piece. The Indian ceased running when with in a aour of yards, halted, raised his musket, tired, and Elijah Htrong f,. UKiu the siimr. nut ., lp In an ,,ta,,t ,u rum,,K , , divr He dlRapiwar,,) behind a row of I.,, huts '.no yards away. "How dare you"- began the general angrily. The Indian ,,i,,i o(r ,,,, , , , and eagle fenther. Hptal,, Alexander Williams. -ron wai. In a hew giw.r. Mll ...,-,, fe low waa here to kill ,,,. Knyplmu acu ordered It done." "Ah. would that hi. had smovded" cried the lieartbrukeu leader. -It ..I . captain. A aorry New YM,'. day." I urgoyn. . prlex.nor. French .Id cob Kbtle't mill. I wish you, general. most happy new year!" iu". ,V'"",n" w" Wash birton into lMac .otu. fllrtlllloulM, nd told the good new., it wa. proclaimed a once brougb tho camp. ,nd .bout nswered thout until nlgbt fell. heu bonfire, bla ted and givl Z tbre. ration, of. brejd .nrjloo celebration uf the day und tin' ; o ..i times at baud. Ino spy ulso tolil of the attempted asfuisKiuntliin, but Washington paid little uttentlon to the story. . An hour before sunset Captain Alex ander Williams, in all his li.ilh.n habiliments save the long bnlr m.d eagle feather, rode out of rump toivuid Whltrmnrsh mid retsirnetl with ti.e New Year's :lft and with Lydla Iicr ruh and Edith Smith. He epl:li,id to General Washington that the ladli bud to have the city because Killth't father, who bud burned more than !. ought to know, had threatened to de nounce them to the British. Bitting ut supper III Ihiwic I'otts' din Ing room, General Washington prom tscd to give tbe Indies an escort to bis own home In Virginia, an escort of which Cnplalii Williams should be In com Inn lid. "Here are rou:;h plans of tbe British positions In Philadelphia unide on my return after leaving the money at the mill," said tbe spy, laying a paper on the table. But Just as be did be Jumped from bis chair anil vanished through -the door. All listened, but could bear nothing but the sounds of Jubilation rising In the camp on tin' frosty evening air. I'res"iitly ('uptnln Wllllutna returned, brnrlng In one band a musket and drugging with the other Elijah lilrong. "I saw blm outside the window. Id' was leveling lilt musket at you ui-'itln. general." "Why do you teek my life?" asked the great commander sternly, but culm ly. The wretch, standing before Wash Ington, with the baud of tbe cm plain tlH)n his shoulder, told tbo dreadful, shameful talc. The generul thought a moment nud then ordered that Elijah be driven out of camp. Lydla Darruh trembled for her neph ew, but the felt that ho bud deserved even worse. Tbe man was marched out of camp between two Hies of soldiers. "It was a glorious New Yenr's day.' mused General Washington. "We start for Virginia In the morn till. Willi your permission, general, and a year from today I hope this lighting will lie over ami Edith will lie mine." replied Captain Williams. Alas, a yenr from that time the cruel war was still raging. Lydla Hurrah bad died, and Alexander Williams bad been captured by tho British and hanged as a spy. Elijah Strong was never beard of agnln. Edith Kmlth wns a gray spinster In Philadelphia In 130 when she told this story to a circle of friends one New Year's eve. There have been times when the wild U-nsta have la-en more merciful than human lieins, anil apnreil the woman cast to them in the arena. It is astonish ing how little svmpnthy women have for women. In the home the mistress area the maid with the signs of suffering she recognizes so well, but she does not lighten the sick girl's load by a touch of bcr finger. In the store the forewoman eeea the pallor aud exhaustion which mark womanly weakness, but allows nothing for them. It is work or quit. Doctor Pirrcr's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women wrll, by curing the womanly disrasea which undermine the health anil sap the strength. "Favorite Pre scription" istablishrs regularity, driea weakening duiiiis, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. "Wtirn I flirt rmnmrnrcd llhliiir lr l'irrr'a mMlcuir," wiilr- Mir i.t-olur A Htrunu ol ('lli-f-v.Hill, K.'Mt.'j'S Co , N V N I w,i milb'i ItiU limn lenirtlr , a diMiwr.-mlili ilium tM.iiK.,uWII tiling, wruk iiml lnr.t lii-liMnli tlip lllilr 1 .I..IM, -'l SII11111.I tit Hull W:iv I'.r tw, yrait. thru 1 I eifin ihLiiik yiwit nir.ljitne. Alti-r Ukllis Itie Inst Imtilr 1 M-Kan 1,, rr teller I l,K'k iNideHiif lit I'u ur'n l-nv.,r. Il I'ln, il,.i,-,i two .if t;,,l.l, n Mnllral III.. ctivrty.' our vi.ll ill I lie- I'lt-iiMiilt rrllt-u,' o Uw,l Ullf Uilllf ul llr SiiKf i iMtwrth huw t Irrl like 11 nrw i,-imu. 1 1 1 ti t thank von sn.itiuli lor ymi Sin. I s.lvice aiul tlx noou yuur aictil, lur h.i ilonr niK." "I'avoiite Prescription1 nukes weak women sttnug. sick women well. Ac cept no substitute lor the medicine winch woiks wonders tor weak wntucn. Dr. Pierce's pleasant Pellets are tbe most desirable luxulive fur delicate women. dr. mw$ KIDNEY Backache All dlNna nr VI,tnM.. CURE Elaililsr. Urlnsry Oisstis. Al.i Rhsuiiistlsni llaea arhs.llssrtlMHsss Gravel Drepay, Fuilt Tiuulilos. TlOn't bsronia disi'ntiraffiiit Thra ! a CUre lor )TUU. If mveisarv Ulllel'l. I r I bill l ,..t a Itte I line i-urlm Inst wi canesaayours. AIK'ouiillaUi,iia free. Tliilit liuuitlK to lied, tieavv backaclev. pulii and soreness i,m khlneH, u I , rli, u. tii.ttlilll. lltlu-r rt lueitles rallMl, I ir. I fu ller K lilney n nil llje-klictie l mil cut, ,i ine oiliiplelely. II. WAI'l li.s. Ili,t. N V." Brtnteuts MV.I1. A.k forC..k ll.,k Free. ST.VITUS'OANCEr lire Cure I'lreiilar hr eulier. I'reii.iiii,t N V For nit by W. F. Kremer NOIICE KOI! I'l lll ICAllON Tiiiilwr I.siul Act, June 3, 1S7S. l olled Slates Land Olliee, lioseburi!, t lrekon, Dec. Ill, l'SIJ. Notice is berebv giv -n thai in coin- piiaiue with the pioviioua m tl,e , 1 ,,1 uuiress ol .lune 3, IS7S, entitled "An act lor the snls ol liii,l r Ian, la in II, t Sates of Cahli'ma. t'leuoii .-.,. ml Waslm g ,,11 I , , 1 n,.i ." , - . t, ,, 1. edt.tallllir I'nbhe l and rir luml I Ails-ust t. H'lJ. 1 1 em I.. I , em -tun 1 ,. oilland, Coniilv nl Miiliiioiinli. Ma I t'iei,'U, has Ibis ilar li t d 111 Mo tin e bis sttotti suit-iniut Nn ill-' (,,, ibe pun hse ol the M ol ". '4, . Hon No. 1' ai.d N ',, ".I N t . . . Hun No la in lo iiMitn 4, HansH No ti V. ami sol , it, , i,,,,,,i 1,, bow thst tbs Isml siiiinbi li,,,,,. 4ble 1,1 ll limli r ,,, ,1,11,,. il,,.,, I,,, . ,. Ictllllltal piliai-rs, Slid to 1't.unliHli lna I llll, III I la,,,) Ih.;,,,,. J. 11.11,,11, Ulltl Juik'e. ai lna lOti e .1 1. I'ara, ( lieu, 111. on lini ila . 1 li.. .'nli.l... Msnb, llkl.l II,. uaoiei us on- lle.s,-n W K Whir, 11!,. id Arthur W I II'I' ' U U do. tl.a 11 .,,,1 U -It, , , d Ji It M isn ol Giautn 'a. Ilr.i,,, Anv mid a'l inin ci:oi,nw I01-1-the alaivr ales, Tilled Ian, I. are r.. i 'li all, I lu lile i in ihla oilier hi or btloie .d Nb il.n ul Mar.h ltHl.1. J. T. TKII...V.. Kerf later. ivtiNii nnnt Ail ti.t U.ii, ' avtr It,. -4. JU ti lut u M tMM ( ouch ajrutv LJ 101,1,, csta M NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land Act. June 3, 1878. United Htatea Land Ollice, Koseburg, Oregon, November M, 1902. Notice ia berebv given that in compli ance with lbs provision, ol tbe act ol Congress ol June 3, 11478, rotulrd "An act for tbe taleol I. in tier hinda in Hie Htatra ot ( a llornia, Oregon, Nevada ami Wasliingmii Territory," as extended to all I be Public Land Stale" b set ol Annual 4, MZ. Emma Winner-, ol Mornivilla, County ol Miilinomali, K'mi ol Oicuoo, I, an ibis dav filed in lbi olliie bia sworn rtateriient No 40;;4 for th piircbae ol the WJ$ ol fcE! KW N K'-jj und XE ol SW!4' ol Secrbn. No 20, lu township No. 38 K, Kne Tio. I) west, and sill i Her proof lo show that I he land sought is more valuable (or us timber or stone than for sg'iciiltursl pur poses, ami lo establish bis i-laiui to saij Islid before J I). Itoolh, County Jinlge, at his ( Mice st Grams Pa s, Oreuon, on KaMnday ths 7'b tUy ol rebiusf) l!s): Mr tisoies hs Mtine-M'S Mrs. Ida Mule, Alls-ri MeKisaen, Charles II vie all ol Moi tavilla, Oregon, and A. W. H:lsby, ol Grants Pass, Ore gon, Any and all persons daiming adversely the above desciilied land are requested to rile their claims in Ibis ollice on or lie lore said 7: b day ol February, 1B0.'J. ). T, IlKinriKS, Kogister. NOTICE Foil PUBLICATION. Timber I, hi, I Act, June .'I. 1H78. I.iiiiiiI Hisies l.ioil Ollice Hnseburg, Oreiion, November I'll. 11102. Notice i in-reti? trt ven ihst. in rouiiili 'ince wjtb the provisions ol tiis S'i ol tjoimres ol June 3, Ih78, eu'i'lrd "An set lor 'be -Hir of timber lnd in ll.e Stiite o( Ci'l'lortits. tieion. N'evsd, and Wa-himion Teintorv," es extend-il tosll the Public l.sild H'Sles bv set of August l, IM'I:', Id lltle, if Moiilnviil, Co iiiiy ol Mu'tiioiiinh, Htsle ol ln-tri in . has ibis iliy tiled in this ofl'n her sworn s ateuii-nt No. 40.tfi. lor the llrchase of the N W '4 ol No. tn ToAniliip No. 3K. Snu b, Kange No. ti tVe-t.aod will IT -r proof to show tbat the land coiigbf mote valuable l"r its liinlier er t,,. iban lor agricultural pil'poi..", und to estabtiab ,er clalrn to tid land before J. O lionb. Count, Jiidgi-, a1 bis i.llicn at li-aots I'as, Ore- noii, on Satutd.iy, the 1 1 11 day ol srv III''.'! wlm iiatties as i'tiea ; Emma Wineurl, Alls-ri MeKisaen, Charit-a llvle all ol Monlavilla, Oregon and A W. Sils'iy, ol IJriiiits Pass, Ore inti. Anv and all i.ersona eLiiiniiig adverse ly the aliove-ib-serllH'ii lands are re qtltsti'd lo lile their eianus in Una nllice on or beloiu raid 7lb dav o' Febiuary I'.MI.I. J T. IlltlliOKS, Itegisier NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. limber l.snil Act June 3, IH78. I'niied Slates I, und Ollice. Koseburg Oregon,, November al, '.K)2. Notice is berebr given thai 111 com pliance with the provisions ol the ad of Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An am lor die sale ol limber lands in the Stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extruded toall tbe Public Land States by act ol August 4, IH'.I'.', William Deveny ol Mniitavilla, County of Multnomah. State ol Oregon, has tnis day tiled In this ol I1c,m Ins sworn statement No. for the nur. liasr ol the SW',.' ol Sir. No 32, Township No- i!8 South, Range No. (1 W, and will nll'er proof to show that the laud sought if more valuable fur us tim ber or stone ilno lor a to ictill ii'al pur pose', and to establish bis claim to said land belore J. O limit h, County Judge stills ollice al tirsnls Pass, Oregon, oil Saiutdav. the (lb day ol rebruarv IIS13 she names as witnesses: Charles llvle, Albert MrKisseii, J. C. Ill,i, kl'iini, all ol Mnnlavllbi, Oreiion sod A. W. Silsby. of llr.tnts Pais. OrM s-011. Any and nil person, claiming adverse ly the sbove-desctibeil lauds are re- UfHttd lo llle 'heir claims III this nlliiv 111 or beluie Mini 7ib day ol Felnuary P.KI.I. J. T. IlllllMIKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud Act, June 3. IM78 I'liiied Males I. and tllllee, Itoseburg, O'ti.'oii, NoveniU'r 13. I'.Kl.'. Noine is beiebv g'ven thai 111 compli ance well the provisions ol the set ol Ciuiiiiei-a ill June 3, 1478, eniitled "An act Irr Ihc bale of tliulrer I tuds tn the S'a'i s ol Calltoruia, Oieuou, Ne vaiU and S a-bllinioii lerrllorv," as ettrimed lo all 1 lie- public Laud States bv ml tit August -I, IS'.IJ, James E. Illacsburll ot Moulsvilbi, I'ouuly of Mull nib. Stale of Ore- unn baa Ibis day filed in Ibis ol lice bis sworn statement No. 3Uo4, (or the purchase nl Hie N V4 olSicllt ll No '.N 1 11 Tow ic-blpo. 3S S, Utiles N't. il west, und wdi oiler prool lo show ibat ihe Isnd ainitilit la 11 ore valuable Icr lis Unili-T or siolle Ihini for acrieullilrsl pl'lnes, and lo establish hi clallii 10 aid laud In lore .1.(1 llnolli, Cmlnly li:,l,'i. at iiiNollnonl tirauis Pass. Out 11, 1 11 sal 11 -day, the 7'h day ol I I. ma rl, l'.ltt3. , names as ultliessea- A. cv. SiUb,, F , Itrius, (i. M. Snilhitl ol liiints I'aaa, Or-'gutl and U' ;i. Ill mlfi miii, 1,1 M,,u nvu a. Ore- Itoll. Any and all persem. cla mini: a.lvi rely Ihe above desctiiied laluta aie -npiested to tile Ibeir claims in tics illi.e ,,n or belote said 7tb day ol Kebruarv, si;j. .1. T. HioiiiiKs, Kegmti-r, NOIICE FOR PUUI.ICAriOS. Tiinls-r Land Acl, June 3, l78. I' llllrd Malts I mill 1 1 tli, e, lb sebnig, Oica-on, Novcini'cr 13, lis).'. Noine is ben bv given that 111 intnpli anee Willi Ihe p'oxisions uf the art ol Congress ol , I nue 3, 178, cntil V,l " An set lor the sale ol timber Ian Is 111 ibe States ol t'aliloriiia, Orrgoti, Nevada, and Washington Temiotv," as extend ed to all the Public Land States bv act of Aukui-t 4, Iv.':', W II.I.IAM II. HENDERSON of M.-ii'avilis, County ol Multnomah. S'ute ol Ongou, lias tin. dsy tiled III this ntlice bis swum slaienieni No ;; .-. , lor tin. pun ba-c ol the S W '4 ol Section No in 1,b n-hin No. 08 Souib, tinme liisi,alid will olb r prool IhiImiiLi be land sought t more valuable tor ns t Hila r or s'.u e than for nun, ih nta I'm i'o-, -a. ait'i 1,1 caialiilMi ha i-laiui lo aid land !. I o,. .1. o. ll.iolli t . I.:,l at bis , lln e al titan's l'ia o m l! III. oil -lit I'll.l rv, 1 m 1. : II,. 1, I be 7' b ,Uv ol I'Vl'iua V. w Si'.i.t, K II It n it. -01 til al ot li'an'a l'a-, tl I-;, I 1 and .1 I.. lna, Hi rn ill aloiilHWi a, theuoll Am an, I all p -r-.n a e I anni lu a. I ver aa. -i ti e all I. a, ih, e-i lo h'e iheit , aim : ' ' 'id ,h d..- 'a ai ' I test -en or I '.UK! . lb ,,l t I. T. 1 III ' ! l.a. I; nali'l OR. JORDAN'S om.t (K'JSEUy OF AHATOUYf Mil I1IIIT KT ,Jimil.rMlL Tk I aiHI ,na . ataa aat ,, 1 r 4 1 tk tWOaal OR. JORDAN B SUS'.IOF MEN a rait t toKtv - muai uty-aai tkn H st TrMMiti,l ( a. ... it Ml r ton M wmrm . a mt) It-lfAl rnr lot rita, riaarar t-4 M JORDAN 4 00-. fttll irvM 91.. t H t ..i.l In m !. K in 1 i.'umihtf TMt-i iiif money i( It fail rv-t 9 siimlur Is on M I - 1 1 - rt u 1 ,. . 1 1 E PI 1 1 I "ri' 1 1 m t 1 j kuni ( ti ft c,l Mitr iwr TalnM aj. f b k A Ntuvi .Wa i cjt. fan '" rnu.arN) K 1 I tail t !! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Ho-ehtirif, Oreg'in, O.-t. 26, 1902 Notice It hereby givn that in com plisnce wrh 'be (irovi-ions of tbe act o tingress ol June 3, 1878, entitle, "Ai a-t lor ibe"sle ol iiuitier Isnds in tin S' es ol Calilorn a, Oregon, Nevada nd Masbmg'on IVrritory." as n- ended to all the Public Ln. Sts'es hi ol AUaiist 4, if2. Flizaiiktii li. I'oiiok. id Porllsn.', CiMiiitv of Miiltno iimIi, Miste ol O'egon, Ims this iIt llle-' o itiis ollice ber torn siattnii N". 7fli lor the I'tiicbai-e -l ti e K!4 el SKi and KE'i of NW)4' slid ' M-1 ol section No. 0 in lowin-hiu N" 41 South, Hst'se No. 4 Wet, and sr. II Ifer pnsif to show tbut tbe '"ik otigbl Is more vslmtb'e for i s flintier or stone than lor suneiiltursl purposes, ai d to estatili li brr claim to said Isnd lielorej. O. I.ooib. County .Indue, at liis ollice al Grams Pass. Oregor, nt. fiiuiHlav the 15'h dv ol January 11SI3 be ttsiues as iine-es: William E. E. Dodge and Kate Dodpe ol Portland, Oreiion, H. W. Hilsby. of (iranls Pass, Oregon and Geo. C. Culey," ol S eawboai, Oregon. Anr and a'l iersons clsirtitnir ad verely tbe above-dsscrilieit lauds ar reotiesied to file their claims in ttii- nllice on or befjre aiil I5'h day o1 .laniiary ltH3. J. T. Hkiihiks, KeKiicr. NOTICE FOR PUIil.I' )N. Timber Land Act. June 3 1S78 Un ted St .tes Land Olli -e, Kosebii-g, Oreicm, Dec. 8, W)2. Notice i berebv given licit in ci-iii- iiliatlce fill lbs iiiovwiori ol the Met. ot I 'onu-ress ol June 3, IS7S, entitled "'An set lor tbe sale rtl liinlier Isr ds in Itie Hfates of I shforiiiM, Ornf n. Nevs-ls nnd W's-biiigt"ii I'eiriiorv," us x'enii'-ii to all the I'uMie Land S ales li) ni t of August 4, I H:ii, JOHN ANNKIt ON of Mori 4vtl.i, VI 11 tnoinsb County, St:it- i.f llr.m lidri lliia il.v H il ill tlilM ..nj,-, ,is sooril stlteinin No lo:il or tbe piiii base of the ), id SW'a. "K'l ol S'4 ol Ion N'o. iJI) III Toali-bll. No. 38 Soii'Ii. Range N 1 II W.a'ol will oirer prisrf to show thsl the latirt eie'i'hl rs more valuable lie' its liinlier or -nuts than for ugriellltil'al pi.riioses iti"l to 1 eai,iblii-li bis rlaiiit to -an! land I J. O, Ibst'b, Count v J U'Ue. st Id- ollce ! at tirati'a Pass. Oirgou, on 'Thilrsilsy the I'lpliMav of Fehriiaty 19 '3. lie names 111 w itnesses : llenrv Wingert, ol M ui'sviIU, O e grill, A W Sllsliv, F. II. llrii'L'S. lieo Sin i 1 li, all oltfiantr Pa-, Ormon, Any and all per-ons rlaitiiiug advetfr Iv ihe above described lands are re oilested 10 lile their rlaitlis III till" ollice on or befoie said L'lith day ol ti blUat PJtU. T .liimxins, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud Ai t, Jiin-3. IH7S. United States Laud Ollice. Ros'-burg, Oreuoil. Dec. 8 II, I9U2. Notice is hereby niveu that in coinpli ance with the provisions ol '.be set ol coiiiriess ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale uf limber lands 111 the Slates' of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as cX'rttdctl lo all the Public Land S'ates by act ul August 4, 189', HENRY WINOERT of Montavilla, County, of Multnomah, St-tieot Oregon, has Ibis dav tiled 111 this olliie bis sworn statement No. 4lr9f) lor ib piircbaae of the S'B of the NW'.i N rl N W I anil SW ol N E'4 of sec No XI in Tuansliip No 38 South, Range No 0 W, ami will oirer prool lo sbtt that the land soushi is mote valuabb lor its timber or stoue than for agiicul tnral purposes sml In esisblist, bis claim 10 said laud Itclore J O lloo'li County J ildge, at bis ollice al I iranls Ps-s Oi e goti, on Thursday the -0 b day of Febr u ary, 1903. lie names as witnesses: John Anderson, ol Moiiiavtlls, Oregon, A. W, Silsby, tieorge South, F. II ltrigh.'i allolttrans Pass, Oiegon. Anv and all persons claiming adve se Iv Ibe aiHive-descrihed land- are re quested to tilts their claims in tins oflire 011 or belore said tith dav ol Ft-lnuaty I'.iO.i. J. T. I'uiiitiKs. Register. notice for Timber Land. Aci .lune 3. 1878 Kosebuig. Origoll, Oct. l!KI-'. N'oCce is. bereiiy given that in com pliance 1 h ibe iiovisioiis ol (tie a.ti nt Coi'git-s-, ol June 3, I87n, entuled "An AC' l-1 the sale ol liinlier bitlds In Ibr Siaics 1.1 CHlilorms. tiretou, Nevaoa, isnd '-Vaslilusirrii Temuiry," as ex leliiled lo nd piltillc Land SI ites tiv si t in Allans: 4, I8UH. Wll.l.l.lM E. E DniiiiK, ol I'o naiid. County ol MuIiuif tuatl, Slate ul Oregon, has tins day tiled 111 ibis mine bis ASum stateim nt No 37'.l lor tbe pur, b.ts id the si '4 ol Section No. ti, ill Tustlsblp No, 41 South, liatiiie No 4, Ucst, ad will 1 tli 1 i-icol to sLins 'lit land sought I is mote valuable lur ns flintier or stone Iban for nariiuliiirsl pup a s, and 10 e-labllstl Ills claim lo said land lietoie J.O. Ilisiib, County Judge, al l it ollice al tirauis Pass, Oregon, on , the I olli tlay ul January, 190.1. lie names as w itnesses : Fluaht-lh II. I io, las and Kaie Du.lue, ul Poriland, Oregon, and V. W. .-Miso Ol lilunts I a-s, tbrgoli and tteu. C Culey, of Sieatub'iai, Oiegoti. Aim and all ptisoita cunning ad versely the ah iv l---ctits d Umis are' rtijnestrd to tile ber claims 111 in clbce on or btl'le said l.'llll day ot ' Jauiiai), I90il. J. T. I'liiiHiKS. ' lie,;iM,ir. ' K I t i I K' VTIKN. nl, Ac June It. I--7S l ir. nl. 1 I I . L'5, 1II.IJ. LimtM r L i U iiMl.irt Nttiiin if ii rein kiW., II, al 10 ciu- pliMiw c mi li ill r ul t lliil 'l Ullf , rt lor i ho il PtU( di VVlllNM Nt: 'om ol ibe act IN. en It nd 'An I.- , 111, be- Ian ill I lie a. tl vtn, Nr-vad v Tairllort ," as t X iil Walihth tfllilftl tO H I I III I'llh if I. Hlil ,S h'PC ti) iM til A'lll"' . l4-K I'- IM.K tt I'tT' Untl, C'-'inii ol Vi ii 1 lit nun li , iHie of Uii'aiiii ii dim 1I1V h t III It IN i liiff Imt ini r. ri.i'ii.i.i .S "7j ,tr thit pnit'lint i ih. .( S'T ii'ii Nn, ; 11, in T.nM.i . ' tl ni:t., 1C itiit N I 4 fti, Hint w ill 1 fl r trnJ ni-i t.t j l hr l.ui'l ri 'ii. hi ;c iidtir" v a 1 1 1 1 'mi )r i i l nnht-r or H uf Huh l r Hit run itt ul j (ui 9 , mitl 10 . k U in i,n i 1 111 t 1 j Ml.l tM-lt.ri v li.Hh, I'liLItU IlltUf, HI tim I'ttl t At tiriul rn, , Vfrin. n lliU'Mltn ;lit 1.') li tlay ol alitiuwv IikM, Sin- i i 'm- Hiint'9ift: -i!limii K K iKMi; noil K titlM'Ui H. iKKUf, ul rortlnm. DnxMi. A. W. M.?tn , ol it mi.t P.tM, O'fifOil tllil In n t. . I'llll . of S t H i Iv-rtl, O't'uin nv mitt nit o-'i tiin rl on. iiitt Ail vr'iv ihe u)Ke Jt'fv liiinl rt Miin'U'.i lo die iiicir r litinn i.t thi t'th-e uii or Ufoif mill l.'li U i- JiUinir , l.K it. J. I' 1r . A. lr in. Ile;n Mt-nt. Wr Mr . I i;i.r lu-arlv Iitnlu-1 Hit hriiitr U'llit an-t it;n r. xu ,i.!v v fil M f u i 1 one in .-.; , i nn, M.ntiil h.iii' -jTuiiciiii' t'.l luriir II 'If Mv HpflU' t- a,-' tl, I . mi. itl lo (..uu.K in vrfi;.it nnl 'i-el hkf llf I' nl It: M .t- alVt'I Itiif i Itir lxlti- I ! tl fur tin;, tl ii I lr tl fririul nll.l Ihe nlhiT lor -f II A 1 K tint inu-n.l Ui tK with out it. rrv iru v viir-. I U. UAUUIS. v r -at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timlssr Land, Act June 3 1878. United -Ua e Lti d IHtire.1 Rosebnrg. Orrgrii. N Vetiib r i", 19l2. Not. c-:i -! nr ir v -n 'li.' ,t m 'tlaricr- i b tl L- pro l-i"llfc ,i lb- ai 'liinirs-"! J'lne3. IH7S, eini l.-l tl-l l.-r the ,le ol tlllil'er l.m I- it, SlatiS ol I 8 il'THIS. Urji'i,, N- nd Wa ll !'' '11 T-rrtlir.." a- IX t i a'l toe I' ibli Land S a t" set 'f 4 J.H'i.'. Miniie W Hei de-s 11. "I M- i l .vil a t ' iinty o' Sia'e of Orivn, hrf tbisdiv lild mi ib's ol.'ice In-r stMirn ! -tslelu-nl No 4011 'or I t pur- bssr oi; " E ) ul See1, en N". L'8 In timn-nip N". ' 38 S011II1. R 11. ie No li W, and srill ' It' r U-O'tftobow thst tbe land sontil is tnor-- vniriHh'e f-.r i:a timber or stone than for airncoliri-al pii'tKi-t-. and to establish her uaim lo sm,l lai d before J. O. Itoolh, Coilll.Iililje. lit II s ollice 4t (fisnts I'sss, Oregon, rin Sslnroav Ibe 7'h dav of February, 1903. She name as tlli(-s, K ; Alb rt D. Mi K--on, Chns. llvle, Alth A. 1:1 ai kblirn, W II. Ilendt rsoli all rrf Moiitavil!a Oreitou. Anv si. ,1.11 pers 11s el iining nlver-e-'y the 'sbrrve-iiescriis-.l lands are re. ij'ivateit to lib- their clniins in Ibi- 1 iTn-e on or le-fore said 7ih dav of Febrrirr, 1903. J T IlKtnriKi. Register. NOTICE FOR I'UIII.ICATION. Tinibr' Land. Act Jnn 3. 1H78 Uni'eil Males Land Oilier, nos'btlri.'. Il f;'iil', Nriverl'lar if I'.t'l2. Noriee i- l.erelir giVfll lbs! til coin- loll'r'e with 'be prov, -ions of the act i-t ( am're-s of J ine 3. 187., entitb d "Aii ael lor ibe sale ol liui'ier am's i" t tie Salea di t'a'll'Tnis. Ore-r'l-, Jf-TStlS ail' W. Iiltii."'li lerri'"r." ss ex end i II. . tb-Ptl'-'ii' Lard -its'f- b act ..I .lui'i.-t 4, H'.i2. Aiberr D li. -Kias- ti. ol Moriiimlla, t our-ty of 'ttllltto illall. S at,- of t -yo- ha - I Ilia d IV Hird ill , bi iitli, e bis s-a i-ru atai.-m. nr No. 4' OS (r 'b- i l,u-e SK'4 d NE, N r ..I E'4 at I Mi1; NWJ ot cti.,1 No -ti T ... 1 .1 j . N :;s S nth Ita'-ge J 1 (1 -V. ,.nd Mil r.ll'ir le-.-oi lo -bovt lb It III'- !,t, d u.,:n,tl ia ii'i I',, y III llll 't Its tor l-er r-r s.oiim lbi.n 'or H .'r i uiui-a' pit-,osca. an,) to et-l-hit-h ,i linn, t,, -il, I ,,,,, ,,. J I) 1',,,,,-h. Ci Iv J11 le, at b'S nllice at (iran s Pas-. Oi"i'i n. on Satctil at Ibe 7 b (lav rrbruan, 19').:. lie names as all- ne-ae ; Charles llyle, V. II. llen,ler?on. J. E llla.k Inir:, all ol Mont Vila. Oreiion and A. W. riMiy of tiianla Pis-, Ore a"oe . Ant and ul! tierwi,na elniniin n-'-ver-. Iv lb- ub-'Ve deaertli. , laud- ar reipiested 1 lile their clamn III ibis ollice -n i-r let'ore raid 7h ilav o r-ehnuirv. I'.iO.i J T Hkiihiks R- tisier NOTICE FOR PUIII.R'ATICN Ti.nii-r Land, A -i June 3 I87S. Unite I Siaiea I, ml odi -e, Rosebllrg, Oregon, vovelnber 1T, 11) - iSoitcB is lercbv uiven that 111 cini pliatiee with ihe proii'ons r, tl,,. p-t ol Coligirst ol June 3, 1878, en iUrd "An set for the sale el timlirr lumls tr ibe Slates of Calilornia, Oreirun. Nr vstln, slid 'asblnglrin Tetritory," sa , x tt lil all ths Piihlic Lsnd Si vr l,t act ol August 4. 1892, Abba A. Hl.c btiru, of Motiluvilla, Count r ol Mul'in inah, S ale ul OieK'tm, has this ilst fil8 in this t'tlics ber sworn stsn-menr No. 4010, lor lbs purchase uf ihr NE'4 ru Secllon No in lostisbio No 38 Sou'! Range No. tl W, mi I will oll'.-r p" snow nisi ilia nirii B"larti? is loo -j valualile for its linile r t:r thitn f,, 'agricultural piltpo'i". and to ran,-, i I, j Iter C'aini tn ssi I laud hrhi'-e J O. t'oililM Jililw-e, at bia ollie.. at t.r.inl l'a. Oregon, oti Katllltlay llie 7th 'la in I'roiii.iiv, 1:10,1. nam a a- W it liessehM : Minnie W. lien, Icr. on, I'hai. ,le. Albert D. M. K sa.m, .1. li. lll.icHl.uio ul ol Moulavlllrt, 'Any and ail peisona elaitni n- inlv, r-e Iv the al ove-.lrs.'i ib' d Isnda srn rt - iplesied lo lile tbelr el.tiuis ro this olli n or lie'nie ; a d 7 li ib- ' of Kehillsrr. T ltiiiniik.a, Kiaiisier. l'.IO.'l. I .NOTICE FOR 1UHLICA I ION. I Timber Laud, Ac June 3, 1.-78. United Mates Land 1 lllli", I Koseburg. tlietnu. NoM Uili.-r 1T1 19 I Notice I- heri-bv giv. 11 that "in pliance w It h tlie provl-loiis of iheai-i nl ( i.iigre-a of Jiinr ;. IS78, .-. t-1. ,1 'An act lo. 1 lit s.iia ol tiruhiT laud, m ui--Sutra ot Califoruis, tbeuon. N.-vada and Wa-binion Ternioiy" as rxo'iniinl lo all th- Public Laud Slain In net ol August 4 18U:', Cliailes Hi Is .( .VI a villa, Cotintv ot Multnomah, Mate n Oiegon baa this ilav tiled in ibis ollice Ins suorn siairment No. 40C9 for in. pnrebase of Ibe SEj nl Seen, .11 No ',i in l ow n-lnp No. I,.1 Soiiili, Range No, ti W, and mil ,iH,.r ,,!,.( 1,, f,nw ,,a, : land sought is mine valuable l..r It tiuib r or shin than for iigi-'ruiiurs' piirp -i a. nud tn ,-ial t-h bis ,-laii -aid lll.d belnre J. O. Hiiu'li, Count. J ildge at h.s ' llii al I ir mis I '.vs. I In - ' goti, on sa'urday the 7th dy of Eel ru ; ary. T.'O.I. lie toiin.'a a. w iim : Albeit 1). Mi-Kiss ill. W II. !lel:d-r.on 'J. E lllin kli'iin all ol .Vnutswila, On gun i.nd A. V. Sil.-h,-, () Ursiits Pass tlreg Any an-1 ii persons i 'a'uiinj nlvi ra. iv the above-, Irscnl.'d Iain's are re iplrsted lo ti e linn ililma in lb s 1 tli 1 on Ol be'i-re said 7lil day of Ei br-iura J. 1. En.M.i.a 1 ' " I. . ERIGHT'S DISEASE 1 he latj, 'rii'tioit. e; Ci-a.. IU' void d in 10 a ea a.-l h I Mini 1 ver u, lur a ,-. " hi; d band, in S 111 Han -- '-'''I. Ihe Iran-h-r lu ll "I, 'I .lock l lL',:,tm . I V ) ., a earn ol l-.-i,,h 1,,, 1 ' f "-i-iu.- lur ii,ki,.', i , n--i e, tin In-r 0 nicir.iol,. id 1 1,1'V -'.riill,eln-.,l i,,. s,. cation ol tin. -,.-, se mi ,1 iia -IH invi a' i-'i. iii'H) II,' enre.t I llt'V III ( I r ifAml llll I It If I I' rll't over Mirt e tU . n , nti'l n i 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 iu, 11 ul ll.eiis b -'initio "U 'be ttea-tnenl Hie I.I..1 u,il phy i , lie ut at'te e.a-ea, oh ti e fill-leant- vh i int. in . In. i, i i l riliiuiii-it ri it 1 1 '' j"-': . To t-( An per cent llhH ti-st rrtM-! Were nihi-r I lit-n Ivnii; tun tlurli't n jvr rMK o liit. iht (-iirr, m-r mi K-ti-tl Hitif 1 l ih. ifiriLiftion, I'lie p'tK 'iiiing ,f ri W'VMMMfc'AMiirf- Tt,ii,Mi:i'.',. mni n,i inn. -rtl r. j o. i M( ilu i st 1 a-,- vierr Mll.UH.I Nll.l 4 til i,h n.mll Irve oi. Hllt!u-'MI. A'hi-fri-i J.M1N J ti l roN t'oMiMNY. I'.'O Mt hitf.Mu. rv St. Shu hMn- fail. .ikes 1 AXIaE -ivud light loads. MEASE '00J lor everything runs on wheels. Sold Evarywhara. Tk "' Mad. kr Tl)KIll,CO. T'.e w,r, , tire, on at and the m M..K t h (ur otm jeatr or ti in ad- ill &SS . &&$M It Is established Ffef 1 WPt fey lf testimony of thousands of fer JM . Xla-t- women, that Dr. fZ$X& t 1 Mm3i Pierce's Favorite ci vPn Prescription MW -. ' makes Weak fiS&& t I i Women Strong beb l . and Sick Worn- t"r VfJ en Well. ' i 19 1 MlTICK. To la:u,l if A i bit rulors of S litr:ct Xns. 11 utul 4,-, f ''llOIll Jose- i 'inn' 1 1 -11 u t v , ( ji j-iiii ; i'.i ii,.. :!,,-j(v vrslcd in 111c ns t'hainn in t,f the I'oniil of Arbitrators for M-lmiil liistnr-ia :i,,i. II iiii.I 43 ,.f .Ic : 1 1 . n coiiiuv, t in .,,11, I hereby cull :t met tic- . ! th" nn 11, beta of mid hoard in tin- re-Inn. 1 Imu-- of district II. if I,"!anil, (Irepui, at tbe liner i f ;t o'cii ck a. m.. .lumiarv :l. f'-r tli.1 I'lt.V if I 11: pi-sa' id 14 1 v i il 1 liar the In; 1111 -r di.-ri :ct No. 11, 10 Iiirinal ii n nf dit-ti ii t -il Iv I'll' I", und f uth r Tn I- I'll- it. Nn. sue! r the tiansai'tion of iness as shall 1. v L-.r.civii s-avitatc, l uiiiity Siipt. l:iy of Dcceinbi-r, till Ibis intii NoTIt'K. N- li.-i- is ben i y Riven that the Tlis trui r.ouii.hiiy Honrd cf JiiM'iiiiie t'oiinty, will," ut their next t-ossiiui, tn be In Id in the court house in tir-mis l'.is, UrcKon, Januncy lti, l''". l"'t "Il ''ltllllls now nu til,., to t:i!.c all i f s. ciinn No. J'l, nud '.he Ninth i-t' S'-ct uui No. of Town sbi: :l."i South of K.inp' ti WiM, from scii. ml district o. 1 ;. and annex the s.-iit,.' t 1 si-iioul-iUstrict No 21, all 111 In-' i h no I'oiini y, 1 iri-Kiin. I '.i:ed this -.'-.'ud d.iv i f lVi' inbi r. r.i -. Lincoln Suvnc, und. Sec 'y of Diunl. t 1 uui v i-iiT-t. xnTit'i:. .-" is ber.'by ixiveu that the His v IViiirl of .li.s. .1-1,11... Nut :i 1. t u'tty. t'v. pon. will. t tlie'r next -I' ll, to Iv lu Id in the court house t. rants I'.i.vs, i r--ir.-ii. J.inuarT, lo. ' net tia-ti a a-titiui- now on til,- li-n-a a n, d:rr;. t f-.-ou, ;u ry 11, w ti.. ui! ,i , lii-.M.I- r li, i f Jom'i 11, 1.011 ' c- d. -crlj lion i.f 1I1 it. 1 in .1 i Iv , t ui!' a.- chiKii dls c t'l'l lltV, ' tiiMtury a ia w tl.s- 't. 'is to: ;.iv s : i'H ' a v:nt v In rc th. . '.rand, r- c-. tl, V-iV.. -,t Tc v tisldp 1 1 t :i" I. inn is r v. r in sa-tioa Tne ii. .ir th, corn, r of S.-ctio.: N lllll i f Kall-rr il West in ,!cs 'piiine (Vunty to the North 1 1. n Ti.n nbtp -II I'l.p.l , Ilu i,,-,. t i one r i f S. c- I'tltll of H.u.e,. S w s: ; tl.i uce south out lUKo: :het:ce ea cue inilc ; til, uce si ml, n..o : ill-nee .ast one mile tu lUlC the Mr., least c-rner of .-cti.m 4, Town sb.l' 41. South ot K.itiie S West: th. nee scuib to the spite liii. l, twceii ib .. ii ;.c! i':: I f. rni.i: tliei-..-.' v . t on sa- '. i;i' t.. ti.e H-s:.t where ilu- ii. ill- e. , , ,u. -,'., brul.cli of tile lil.iio.s riv.r: tueiice follow ui); Ibe nn..udeviii;a down tsaid river to ihe ' Science is the foe of sickness. It is fighting: sickness in all its forms and conquering it. Wherever there is a widely prevalent disease of special malignity science enters the field against it. It was the prevalence of womanly diseases which led Dr. Pierce to investigate the cause of ailments peculiar to women, and to seek a means of cure which might be put within the reach of every woman in the land. The result of Dr. Tierce's scien tific studies and experiments was the production of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription, a medicine with a record of cures of womanly ills which is without a parallel in the history of medical scicn;:;. The fact of these cures is attested by hundreds of thousands of women. The permanence of the cures is proven by grateful women who after a lapse of years write 'in such terms as these : "It is now several years since I used Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. I have had no return of my trouble. I am a healthy, happy woman, thanks to Dr. Pierce and his medicines." There are people who say that such cures are imaginary. The women who are cured don't think so. They know there was nothing imaginary about the backache, weakness and nervousness from which they suffered. They know that there was nothing imaginary about the scales which told con stantly of a loss of flesh, nothing imaginary about the mirror which showed the hollowed cheek and dulled eyes. Above all they know that there was nothing imaginary alxmt the bills they paid for medicines and doctors without receiving any benefit. There is also nothing imaginary to them about the result of the use of "Favorite Prescription." No more pain, no more backache or headache. No more nervousness and sleeplessness. That's not imaginary. And there's one solid fact which there is no getting away from because it is written in solid flesh anil can Ix; weighed in ounces and pounds, and that is thegain of lost flesh which so commonly follows the use of "Favorite Prescription," together with the restoration of a -.'lcar complexion and a healthy color. "I had female trouble for eifjlit years," writes Jlrs. L. J. Dennis, of 828 E ist Col lege Street, Jacksonville, Ills. "Words cannot express what I sulTercd. sought relief among Ihe medical profession and found none. Friends-wred me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When I connm-nc-il taking this medicine I weighed ninety-five pounds. Now I weigh one hundred anil fifty-six pounds more than 1 ever weighed before. I was so bad I would lie from day today and long fur death to come and relieve my suffermjj. I had internal inflammation, a disagreeable drain, hearing ilown pain, and such distress every mouth but now I never have a pain do all my own work, ami am a strong and healthy woman.'' "In the spring of 1900 I became very ill," writes Sirs. Alvicti.i Reholtz, of Lake Washington, LeSueur Co.. Minn.; "my back was very weak and ached so that I could do no work at all, so I was obliged to take to my bed. I wrote to Dr. Pierce and he sent me a very kind letter and advised me to take his ' Favorite Prescription ' and '.Golden Medical Discovery.' I took six bottles of each and uui a well woman uow I cannot say enough in favor of T)r Pierce's medicines." " I wrote to you for advice, February 4th, 1S96," w rites Mrs. Lotna Halstead, of Clare more, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. "I was racking with pain from the back of my head down to my heels. Had hemorrhages for weeks nt a time, and was unable to sit up for ten minutes at a time. You answered my letter, advised me to use your valuable medicines, viz: Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical 'Dis covery,' and ; Pleasant Pellets,' also gave advice nliout injections, bath and diet. To my surprise, in four months from the time I began your treatment I was a well woman and have not had the backache since, and now I put in sixteen hours a day at hard work." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific remedy for the cure of womanly ills. It restores regularity and dries the drains which weaken women. It heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It is invaluable as a tonic for weak, worn-out, run-down women, restoring them to perfect health and strength. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, Jree. All litters are held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Puffalo, N. Y. il p7?iE(r QFFE'.n T Any woman who w.V sand ril--- aUdtt stamSt to pay oxpenso of mailing O.-VX Y, will rocolvo a copy of Dr. Plorce's Common Sonso Medical Advisor FRE. This great and valuaUo mod' loal work contains more than 1000 largo pages and over 700 Illustrations. Send 31 ono-ccut stamps (oxpenso of mailing ONLY) for tho cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for tho hook In paper covers. Address 1 Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. til'ici- of 1 eiiii'inc. Diiled nt tliiinta Pass, tin foil, De cember ii, r. i'.'. I-incolu Savaj;'-, County Sclimil Sujit. and Si c.of l'.onid Sl'MMONS. In tbe circuit tourto! the" tircjidii, l'tu the Cimuty Jiliinc. C. V. Kiunvl. s, I'iaintiif, 1 Slnl of of Jose A. W. Fox. Dcf. iilui.i. I To A. V. Kux, ih fi-nilnut : lu llii' nuine of iim Stiito of (.re- 1 tf.ui, you arc lior.'by rciuire,1. t.i . . j -I l'ar anil answer tlte ctMii.l;iint li,. d I against you in the nbove oMit'.i i! iut, i within six (it 1 wee!: s from date of the lirt Jiublicat inn of this suiutnuiiii uj cti I you, towit : within six ill, fiom Thursday, the lstl, ,uv i.f ; l'occiuber, Utoj, and if you fail 'mi to innswerfnr want thi nof. the phtiutifr : will iiiily to tbo e'onrr fur the relief 1 rraveu for in bia r-uiiiluiiit on tile in said suit, to w it : That the i-iiuitablc , ititeiest of tbo tlefciidmit ill ami to the South half of Section tw.'iitv-iivo (-.Vi anil Houtli west tuarter of Section thirty-six, in tpwnhjn forty 140 South of lUitiKf i:i;bt 1 1 west of tin , N lllatiu'tte Meridian, in Jon'rihim fontity. Slate of Un-Ron. b" or lrr.-i' 'sultl by the (ourt iieco.-t'.ini; to tin , rractice thereof, and that the jn, -of nuch mle may he :-.i'iiod to tin costs and dc-burseim nis of .slid s:1,, the costs nud liisbursenients of this isuir, and tlm amount due the plaimi!! ; 011 bissaiil jutlmi nt, utul the overiilus ir any tin re be I, mav be mid to th, said tl- tenilint n (mil ih matiil; that t! plauiutr u. ay have jiiil-tnent titain.-t tin- dc'oinlant for !i:s costs all i dis-bnr-emetit of tins suit, nnd for s'.ri-b other, further nud 1 i iTa-r.-i ; r. ortbr ami relief in the premises as t,, ;ju. r,,i;lt may s.-ei:i jus." end eiiiiit:i!i-. This summons is i-obM.-he l' untl-r ::ml l.y viriie of :m orii-ir of tbe Kiviomb'.. .1 t. r.iMth. Ji.di:,. of tl ( 'ucttv Court I of the State of iirei:i-n. for tl.e' I "i .io.-i piiine ni.tde ami rendered ml the llhli day of l)-tt u,ber, l;i,.-. 1 rirst pllblli'.lTiotl. l.r t-s ' I'.si'.' '-'; last publication, Jnm,!irv i;). 1 Attorney for t.laiut.lT. si KE t'fRi: koh r;i.K. I'chinu I'ile-i produi-e moiftu-e und catm-a itohina!. Tin lorn,, a. Ha Kurd, Bieealmu or l'r jtnulit jr l'ii.-Mre cared bv Dr. lio-ran ku'a 1"ii. Keuirdv. Stopa ilcMns an t t-lerdirt-.. Ab'orbs tuniora. fa)c a jar at D-imi-i,, or rent b mail. Treati? irer. IVntr ne about v.-i-r - ai-a. lr B .4nk... I'luUU l'a. tor -.alt- be W. K. K. enter. Ouly reliable bnuida of 1'boto Uootb carried at A. E. Vonrliics'. .'a r V 0. JXf ll.Hf M V-T B Lai V lna bes! wi.tnroof (rnr-mrnraj Id tl. 'ri !. Ma i,- Ir .,a I..- tr .l , o- ...a ttiirmat -J vali rt.rool. il..l to mud ilu ru rfl" -l .,ra r-; : . I nn,.r l.nok liirlhoirude murk. Kronrctolltl I. -u i..,t l.aaal:,. -a, v,-,to tui I at.logtie to I. I. f Itir.fUll.lI'dtai'ir fa..l-tl . kin,. I r II. il. k.h nt A KIN. raoleUm. I I aal '.n,bpa. Mnu. Vou Know hh&l You Are T&kinrf When you take (trove's Tasteless Cli' T.uoc. becaii-e ibe furmula is pluinlv j-rin . e.l nn every bottle showing that it is sic ply Iron and (juiuine ia a tasteless fi.r:. No t are No. pay. ;av. rt.ia trv. .tare ! on evry br.i pf (he jrcnuit' Laxative l-roino'Qiiinine Tb!io iba rt ii-ihIv rurea a eol.1 lu one ctij , Mniib Da mlt ti tr I'.iniuit.- fi' -!,' Il on e Kpp'lOl- S'op.- itcliii' fe tlull. tbrve to lux aru -a t:; a , p .,. at a'l di e; 'ista. rein.-v. a a'l ilanibu ' l l I air. I rice 5 I or ri-ie. I v S orr - t ' ' M i -,l t' j J si Balsam Fait o U -atiarara r. i-t a h:r .r-a& I kKecp Out atscclilr Broad t.-toiraii Ma; Aui Tre fit, Mai tilrt Cue On IX) Ea: Pa Rc Ui ' Wi V.